Unlock galaxy note 4 - Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello everyone
My father had galaxy note 4 but 3 weeks ago he died.
And it's important to me to unlock his phone and acces to his files or etc to find some information.
I called to the samsung mobiles but they told me that if they unlock the phone they will erase everything and i don't want it.
Please is there any solution to my problem? it's very important to me.
Best regards.

Well, technically speaking, we at XDA cannot instruct you on how to tamper with someone elses property. We dont know that they are dead, and that you just arent trying to sneak peeks at your girlfriends device. Im not saying you are, Im saying how this sort of request might look to some people.
Verify what version N4 it is (T/F/G/etc) and use Odin to flash TWRP for that version. Do not factory reset or flash anything. If you suspect that the device's storage is encrypted, if i recall correctly, dont install TWRP. You can ask in your devices TWRP thread if encryption being enabled messes it up. Make a backup of the ROM, put that backup somewhere. Get familiar with working with Android modding if you arent already. Eventually, the solution to this will come to light on its own through practice. Im sorry for your father's death, but unfortunately, legally speaking (in my country) it's a crime to specifically instruct you regarding this. However, its perfectly legal for me to instruct you on making a backup. Hope you figure this out.


Pretty sure I can't unbrick my phone without a custom kernel

I have been searching the internet far and wide for some type of solution to the boot loop I am getting. I'm in way over my head here. Before anyone considers trying to root their new Note 3... I should warn you that it is extremely risky. It's much riskier than rooting my original Note was. It seems like Samsung has gotten savvier to people modifying the phones.
My knox "warranty void" is now maked as 0x1... which from my understanding means that I can no longer load a stock kernel on my phone... The problem is I can't find any non-stock kernels or roms for the N900W8. Hopefully this is just a matter of time, and I can try to make due without a phone for a while. (the thought of that being more than a few days is gutwrenching. I use my phone at work constantly.)
I made the mistake of trying to restore a backup through TWRP after SuperSU was crashing constantly. Little did I know that restoring a backup would throw me into a boot loop. And now upon reading the "rooting" instructions, I see in huge bold capital letters "DO NOT RESTORE A NANDROID OR YOU WILL HARD BOOTLOOP." The problem is I had never even heard of "Nandroid" before tonight. I rooted my original Note a long time ago and never thought about it again. After looking up what a "Nandroid" is, I've become aware that it's backup software for rooted users. Well.. how could I possibly have a Nandroid if I wasn't able to root yet. Are all backups, even those made in TWRP referred to as Nandroids? If that disclaimer had said "DO NOT RESTORE A BACKUP", then perhaps I would have known... but ultimately I should have been 10x more careful in this. The idea that the act of restoring a backup will ruin your phone is like a horror story. There is no way I would ever attempt to root this phone if I knew that you could not restore a backup.
Anyways... let this serve as a warning to those who don't know everything about these devices. If there is a single term in anything you are reading that you don't understand, even if it doesn't seem to apply to you, DO NOT PROCEED UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT IT MEANS.
P.S. if someone could help me unbrick my phone, I would be forever grateful.

Successful Restores ... or not?

I'm curious as to whether anyone has successfully restored one of the recently posted backups to the point where you can take a OTA update. For that matter, has anyone successfully restored to the point where you can boot into the system and use it. We have various people who fear that they've bricked.
Has anyone who can't get their phone working returned it? And if so, has Alcatel accepted it and given you your money? It may be too soon to know on this, I realize.
I don't need to change anything at the moment, but I have some trepidation about doing a restore out of fear that I'll brick my phone or something close to it. I don't want to be on 5.02 for as long as I have the phone.
It would be nice if Alcatel would release system images. I'm not holding my breath, though. Has anyone contacted them to make that request? Any response from them about this?
My purpose here is to get, for all of us, a sense of what works and what doesn't, whether or not people should feel confident about rooting their phone, etc.
As it was mentioned, their support is lacking any usefull info on any question (my experience writing to them from different email accs) or they aren't willing to share.. Too bad I would say..
source code will be given, but i think after next big update. Releasing source code of lauch firmware does not make any sense.
I have spoken with Alcatel support here in Czech republic and they said, they will sure release the source code and that the updates will come every 4-6 weeks.
And for the restore thing. You can always root your device, make backup, and when update is online, just backup your apps (titanium backup), restore the system., unroot, update. Then root, and restore your apps using titanium backup. Sounds complicated, but its matter of one hour maximum.
DallasCZ said:
source code will be given, but i think after next big update. Releasing source code of lauch firmware does not make any sense.
I have spoken with Alcatel support here in Czech republic and they said, they will sure release the source code and that the updates will come every 4-6 weeks.
And for the restore thing. You can always root your device, make backup, and when update is online, just backup your apps (titanium backup), restore the system., unroot, update. Then root, and restore your apps using titanium backup. Sounds complicated, but its matter of one hour maximum.
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I had a disaster of sorts yesterday that ended up answering a lot of the questions I had in the OP. I had some concerns, based on experiences a few had posted here, that restoring the backups posted in another topic weren't a sure thing. I got into a situation where I had to start over again from scratch. I wiped my data from TWRP, then restored the UER0 backup. It appeared that I was back to factory status. TWRP even prompted me about whether or not I wanted to maintain a state where I'd be able to take an OTA or compromise it to root. And the updater on the phone worked, too, though I was running the latest and there was no need for it to download anything. But it gave all the right messages. So getting into a state to receive an OTA or return the device seems very doable.
Foolishly, I hadn't done a nandroid or Titanium backup, yet, so I had to do a lot of this the hard way, other than that I copied the contents of my sdcards to my computer. But, yes, now I've done a nandroid and a Titanium backup of the reconfiguration and am well positioned to make a quick recovery should I have to do this again or when the next OTA arrives. I agree that once set up right with backups, that the whole process is less daunting than it would seem on the surface.
i don't get the point.. you just want to say, that you have mafe a restore of a system successfully? great.
DallasCZ said:
i don't get the point.. you just want to say, that you have mafe a restore of a system successfully? great.
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I started this topic to get feedback from people on whether they'd successfully restored the system with the backups that have been provided here on the forum. Some had expressed that their attempts had failed and they feared that they were bricked. If there are problems inherent in these devices for whatever reason with respect to this, users here should know about them and we should be able to find out whether or not those problems can be remedied by one protocol or another. I was concerned that people with rooted phones, myself included, were potentially facing problems that would prevent us from getting OTA updates, among other things. Nobody came forward here to respond to my questions. That's OK. No one is obligated. But the topic has had 344 views, so some people must be curious. So I wanted to let people know that the UER0 backup does work, at least for me.
Others have had trouble, possibly even when trying to restore from TWRP in what they think are appropriate ways. I'm not clear exactly why, but it would be great to be able to help them, if possible. Nobody wants their new phone to be bricked. Everyone wants to know what works and what doesn't when they're faced with starting over again or getting set to take an OTA. These are new, low priced phones. There are no system images available from the manufacturer. People have generously done all they could here to work around that. We don't have the resources available to us that a Nexus phone does, or some of the others that have larger sales and communities here. Without data to show whether the efforts on XDA are succeeding or not, it's harder to act with confidence. So I'm providing some.
That's the point.
i think if you flash the corresponding system image there should be no problem. Twrp backup is device specific since it allows to backup also persiat partitions with device specific imei. I just unrooted the phone and the chceck for updates worked as it should.

Please, I need prog_emmc_firehose_8996.mbn (.elf) for QFIL [I offer donation]

Hello, thank you very much for reading, I hope you can help me. I need one or more files to be able to recover my phone: Samsung Galaxy S7 Active.
These are the files that I need:
prog_emmc_firehose_8996.mbn (.elf)
I do not know if I would also need these:
I think these files are the same as prog_emmc_firehose_8996.mbn (.elf):
How did I make a brick my phone? Installing the first official version:
Previously I used this version without any problem:
I wish someone could help me, I have read more than 50 pages, but I have not been able to solve the problem.
Can anybody help me?
hey.... i'm on the same situation..
i need zuk Z2 pro/ prog_ufs_firehose_8996_ddr_zuk.mbn but i only have elf....
it's to remove this stupid frp lock from someone who forgot his first mail... :/
keep going we are going to find out the solution
yakine13 said:
hey.... i'm on the same situation..
i need zuk Z2 pro/ prog_ufs_firehose_8996_ddr_zuk.mbn but i only have elf....
it's to remove this stupid frp lock from someone who forgot his first mail... :/
keep going we are going to find out the solution
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I hope someone helps us.
I found a way!!!
...for me:/
why you want this emmc_firehose_8996.mbn?
actually, i think that you don't need that file especially, it doesn't exist from where i've searched.
if it's to flash your phone all you need is odin and a flashable file of your phone firmware
i had a zuk z2 pro and was locked with frp when i wanted to setup custom rom AOSP 9.0.0 for example.
but i managed to unlock it by flashing a custom rom without gapps in the first place to no get locked out.
tell me how your phone is reacting, what do you have access to, and your initial step before brick
yakine13 said:
hey.... i'm on the same situation..
i need zuk Z2 pro/ prog_ufs_firehose_8996_ddr_zuk.mbn but i only have elf....
it's to remove this stupid frp lock from someone who forgot his first mail... :/
keep going we are going to find out the solution
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yakine13 said:
I found a way!!!
...for me:/
why you want this emmc_firehose_8996.mbn?
actually, i think that you don't need that file especially, it doesn't exist from where i've searched.
if it's to flash your phone all you need is odin and a flashable file of your phone firmware
i had a zuk z2 pro and was locked with frp when i wanted to setup custom rom AOSP 9.0.0 for example.
but i managed to unlock it by flashing a custom rom without gapps in the first place to no get locked out.
tell me how your phone is reacting, what do you have access to, and your initial step before brick
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Hello, sorry for my bad English. My phone is a Samsung Galaxy S7 Active (SM-G891A). I will try to explain what happened.
I had this version of Android 6 installed (via Odin) on the phone:
With that version my phone was fine, but then I tried to install the first version of Android 6 (official) via Odin:
When the installation was completed (Odin said the installation was successful), the phone never restarted. There is no way to turn it on with any combination of buttons, nor with a microSD with a debrick.img. A USB JIG has not worked for me either.
Windows detects my phone in Qualcomm 9008 mode. Odin does not detect it.
did you find a solution?
actually it look like to be a hard brick but as it's snapdragon 820 you can recover from it
I'm waiting for the day when noobs and half-noobs (no offense, all of us have been there) will start reading before writing and stop assuming that their 1st aid kit will revive a kitten ran over by a train.
It's okay not to know, but before writing a spam reply, just consider for a second that the user already tried your solution and is already a step ahead.
Listen guy, go to Halab Tech. They have certain firmwares for what you need, but they ask money.
Those type of firmwares have a prefix "DEBUG_EMERGENCY_DOWNLOAD_FA....'
In my case it's "DEBUG_EMERGENCY_DOWNLOAD_FA70_G955U1SQU6ASG1_CL12542406_QB24669289_REV00_user_mid_noship_MULTI_CERT.tgz"
As I consider that a bastard move (since they are selling Samsung's intellectual property as their own, stuff that should be public in the first place), I encourage you to share the files if you buy them, so that we can all use them and screw over these monopoly playing-intellectual property stealing bastards.
I'm now working on a recovery of my G955U1 (S8+ Qualcomm USA). I paid $25 for a god damn firmware and I'm gonna post it in next couple of days.
I'm personally having trouble of flashing the firmware (because not many flash tools support flashing .elf flash loaders), but I used one FRP tool (Octoplus FRP tool) to check the loader and it managed to send it, receive the "hello" packet, read partitions and erase the FRP partition (I assume it worked by the log), but I don't have a way to flash other partitions yet.
You people should have in mind one thing: even though certain devices have the same chipset, doesn't mean that you can use the same firehose flash loader, since manufacturers create different loaders for them and write their digital signatures into the chip (don't know is it hardwired or flashed), meaning that you cannot use Xiaomi's prog_ufs_firehose_8998_ddr.elf (just an example) to flash a Samsung device with MSM8992 chipset.
In fact, I think that each phone model and possibly even it's different firmware revisions have unique loaders, since I didn't manage to get a successful response from my G955U1 by sending G955U2 loader, and the loader which I managed to send is actually stated to be for G955U1U6 (U6 is the bootloader revision number, while U1 is the part of the model number).
Best of luck, contact me if you need help.

How are root exploits found/discovered through "Hackers"

Hello! So this may be a long post, but I don't give a heck. Also, when I say hackers, I mean In a good way, like white hats. So, here is my first inquiry. How do people even find these exploits to put in the root binary? I've read articals about people intentionally crashing devices, which then puts it in a state vulnerable enough to bruteforce the binary in (At least that's what I thought...) I know that android is also based off of java, (Once again, an assumption) and I wonder where and how people get these ideas.
My second question is, As I haven't been able to find anything of this, aren't apps installed into portions of a phone where the normal user isnt able to touch on phones without root? Again, a newbie assumption.
So anyways, I am pretty interested in android development and rooting/custom code/bootloaders, and I'm not to keen on the subject.
I am also pretty bad at understand android right now, sooo, you can laugh at me if you want :silly:
Also I don't know if this is in the right thread
Alright, so I'm not sure about this, but I was thinking about what happened yesterday, and I thought about when I accidentally flashed the wrong CP file in Odin, and then when I tried to boot it, it gave me the "An error has occurred whilst the phone was updating. Please launch the Verizon Software Assistant". I also realized very quickly, that this is just the download screen without the extra information in the top right, and also realized that the download bar shows up also when you use Odin.
To give you my real question, I want to know if the Software Assistant uses any other method that isn't using Odin, and that if that is so, If you could maybe modify where it gets the flashing files to flash files onto the phone, without the phone realizing that they aren't official files?
To also be honest, I'm not an exploit finder, and maybe other people have thought of this, but eh, why not try and ask people about it? :good:
also I don't know if the phone itself will check those files....
also here is the zip with the Software Assistant.
Click here for the Assistant.

Samsung Note 3 rooted, but is it safe to use in 2020?

Hi. I am not an experienced rooter, but I managed tp root my Samsung Note3 a few years ago using Odin and some files I found here on the XDA site. I haven't used it for a couple of years.
I now need a second phone purely for work and wonder if the phone is safe enough to use today. I keep hearing things about newer phones and security updates, and am fearful of using the phone in case it is unsafe in some way.
Also, I have deleted some programs the playing with it, and don't know if I have messed it up.
Can I flash the phone again, and will a new file reinstall the whole operating system?
I don't mind buying a new phone if I have to, but love the idea of making the phone do what I want it to do rather than being told how it can be used by the manufacturer. The trouble is, I'm not an expert, and am unsure what I am doing. I love the Note3 and would love to feel safe enough to use it with an email account without the fear of my data being stolen by hackers.
Any thoughts would be gratefully received, thanks.
) Can I flash the phone again, and will a new file reinstall the whole operating system? )
Yes flash latest stock rom via Odin .
RootedNote3 said:
Hi. I am not an experienced rooter, but I managed tp root my Samsung Note3 a few years ago using Odin and some files I found here on the XDA site. I haven't used it for a couple of years.
I now need a second phone purely for work and wonder if the phone is safe enough to use today. I keep hearing things about newer phones and security updates, and am fearful of using the phone in case it is unsafe in some way.
Also, I have deleted some programs the playing with it, and don't know if I have messed it up.
Can I flash the phone again, and will a new file reinstall the whole operating system?
I don't mind buying a new phone if I have to, but love the idea of making the phone do what I want it to do rather than being told how it can be used by the manufacturer. The trouble is, I'm not an expert, and am unsure what I am doing. I love the Note3 and would love to feel safe enough to use it with an email account without the fear of my data being stolen by hackers.
Any thoughts would be gratefully received, thanks.
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You're in luck.
The Galaxy Note 3 is fully supported on LineageOS. So, back up all your stuff, then use Heimdall or Odin to get TWRP (called the "recovery") installed on the machine. Then, download a copy of LineageOS as a ZIP file onto a little SD card and pop the card into the machine. Then, boot to TWRP and tell TWRP to install the nice new LineageOS. You can also install something called GApps which is all that Google infrastructure ****e too if you want. You'll find your phone up-to-date, secure and faster.
Hi archimime. I have managed to put two separate versions of lineageos onto an sd card and boot to the images. Both were one image at a time. On both occasions, I received a message saying:
E:failed to verify whole-file signature
E:signature verification failed
I have no idea what to do next. Any ideas would be appreciated.
I feel that I am so close to getting it to work again, but don't really know what I am doing here.

