Ok Google no longer popping up a display prompt/notification - Samsung Galaxy S8 Questions and Answers

I'm on BQK5 (Latest) for sprint and when I say ok google I no longer get any type of display notification that it is listening. This is fine if i have my car input set to the phone bluetooth as I'll hear the beep but when I don't I have no idea it is listening. Does anyone else have this happening? Not even a flashing screen.
Seems if I turned off google assistant and back on it fixed it. Anyone else ever have this occur?


[Q] Voice input fails after a while

I love the voice input of my Focus but after a while it fails and doesn't accept any sound input. Anyone else having this problem? My solution so far is to restart the phone.
mesonto said:
I love the voice input of my Focus but after a while it fails and doesn't accept any sound input. Anyone else having this problem? My solution so far is to restart the phone.
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That's a new one for me and sounds pretty odd. Are you trying to call contacts? Mine just misinterprets most of my attempts to dial contacts. MS Voice Command on WM 6.5 was FAR more accurate for me.
mesonto said:
I love the voice input of my Focus but after a while it fails and doesn't accept any sound input. Anyone else having this problem? My solution so far is to restart the phone.
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Same happens to me! Only restart solves the problem.
mesonto said:
I love the voice input of my Focus but after a while it fails and doesn't accept any sound input. Anyone else having this problem? My solution so far is to restart the phone.
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Same happened to me and even restarts didn't help. Just tried it after a day of not and it is working again. Weird.
I had the same thing on my phone. I like to think the phone gets tired of listening to me all day, so I turn it off when I go to sleep. Before that, restart fixed it.
reboot doesn't work for me either. I have tried uchecking then rechecking the voice input option under settings. I'm at a loss. I had downloaded the app driving safe.ly and I think that somehow f'ed it up, as you had to purchase the app to use the voice response part of the app. I have since uninstalled it and rebooted, but still no voice input on the android keyboard for sms or voice search.
Anyone know if this problem is device specific? I really want this issue solved. I will write to MS or Samsung to get it resolved I just need to know whoese fault it is.
Still having this problem. Anyone else? Anyone know how to reboot the voice input?
I'm pretty sure this is a known bug. The voice input will stop working after plugging in headphones and you must reset to fix.
If you use headphones and remove them the voice search stops working, calls still work.
This is a Samsung problem and they know about it. You should email them too, cause this has gone on for two months with no fix.
It's not just the voice input application. Shazam fails also. Soft reset solves it for me also.
It's terrible. Shazam, the camera, and voice search all suffer from this.

Google Now Mic issue

I flashed CLoudy 1.4 on my VZ980 a few days ago, and only today did I go the use Google Now and noticed the "Ok Google" hot word doesn't work. No problem, I tapped on the mic and get the familiar sound like the microphone starts to listen, but then it stops after 2-3 seconds and doesn't hear me at all.
SO I tried installing Open Mic+ to see if that works...and the hotword works flawlessly. With the screen off, I can say "Ok Google" and it turns on and changes to the google now interface and the mic button turns red as if listening and then turns off again.
There must be a check box or download I'm missing, but what? I've went thru the settings in google now and the hotword detection is on, setting all look correct.
I'm thinking it has to be a phone issue more than a ROM issue that is why I am asking here.
Xsoldier2000 said:
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Wow, no one has this issue?
try the openmike+ threads
send from the jungle
I had this happen too on the stock rom, but determined it was g2 xposed causing the issue. Once I disabled long press to launch voice search, this stupid bug stopped. Really annoying, I feel your pain.
-VZW LG G2 VS980

Launch App with button bluetooth headset (G2 d802)

With samsung (s3, s4, s5) when I press the bluetooth headset button, it starts S-voice and voice commands work.
On g2, I press the button and nothing happens, why?
What can I do?
I tried to install several apps, without success!
Help me
thx in advance
ilrisolutore said:
With samsung (s3, s4, s5) when I press the bluetooth headset button, it starts S-voice and voice commands work.
On g2, I press the button and nothing happens, why?
What can I do?
I tried to install several apps, without success!
Help me
thx in advance
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With mine it starts google search.
Did you configure the voice commands?
No! What should I do?
The problem is that when I press the headset button, nothing happens! You only hear a beep
But You work? Ex. With bluetooth launch?
I activated google and now the "bluetooth headsets" but will not start anything!
seems inconsistent to me.
with the screen on, I get the voice dialer thing (not google voice search, the old school voice dialer)
with screen off, i get nothing. I tried bluetooth launch from the play store and didn't get it working there either.
I also tried this on my Nexus 5 with very similar results....although, I was able to launch google voice search for the first couple times, then it just stopped working.
FWIW, using an LG Tone+ headset and searching for ideas as well.
would love voice search to pop up with the screen off.
I have a similar problem with my car bluetooth "talk to dial" button.
When I pair my G2, this button is disabled; when pairing other phones (Nexus 4, Galaxy Nexus) the button is active and starts google now.
I think this is related with the HFP protocol. Any ideas on how to fix this?
turdbogls said:
seems inconsistent to me.
with the screen on, I get the voice dialer thing (not google voice search, the old school voice dialer)
with screen off, i get nothing. I tried bluetooth launch from the play store and didn't get it working there either.
I also tried this on my Nexus 5 with very similar results....although, I was able to launch google voice search for the first couple times, then it just stopped working.
FWIW, using an LG Tone+ headset and searching for ideas as well.
would love voice search to pop up with the screen off.
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Works on display on? What ROM do you have?
I turned on screen does not work, nothing happens!
ilrisolutore said:
Works on display on? What ROM do you have?
I turned on screen does not work, nothing happens!
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with display off, It triggers voice dialer.
with screen on, it triggers google voice search.
I'm trying to work with tasker to get this thing working...but I'm not a tasker power user by any means, so I dont have high hopes

Voice interactor

Does anybody else got voice interactor notification when using camera app, calling, or anything else that requires mic access? Its a google search widget who couses this annoying notification box, where basicaly im not able to use any app that requires mic access apart google assistant/google app... I can disable OK google detection and thats pretty much fixes the problem, but thats really annoying.. Any suggestions ?
I have the same issue on LON-L29C636. First I found someone that just cleared the cache of whatever app it was popping up in and it would temporarily fix it. After a few hours it comes back. The I was told to try turning off Google's Voice detection that will detect "ok google" at anytime even if the screen is off. I tried that once and it worked great. But somehow the setting keeps turning back on even after trying to turn it off. the Google app literally doesn't allow you to turn off the feature for some reason.
It's getting really annoying...

Incoming Calls / Black Screen ?

Not sure why but after the last system update the phone will only come out of black screen sleep mode if I use the fingerprint sensor when theres an incoming call.
Any Ideas ?
This happened to me today too.
Hello, me too! Oreo Beta 2
Anyone ?
going_home said:
Anyone ?
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Not me, I've never experienced this issue since I got the phone from N then updated to OB2, and now OB3.
Sounds like the proximity sensor may have an issue.
Do you have a screen protector or case?
I don't have that issue with a screen protector and Tudia case and B3.
It's a bug in the latest Google Dialer app. I fixed it be deinstalling the new version/updates then clearing cache and data in the dialer app. It's affecting the Pixel2 XL running 8.1 also. Fixed my issue and I won't let it install the newer dialer version from the play store
In Beta 3, I haven't experienced that problem. I did heavily on 7.1.1
Just got another update and still having black screen on incoming calls....
I'm about ready to ditch this phone and get a Pixel 2 XL.
I read where Essential is skipping the 8.0 update because of instability and going straight to 8.1.
going_home said:
Just got another update and still having black screen on incoming calls....
I'm about ready to ditch this phone and get a Pixel 2 XL.
I read where Essential is skipping the 8.0 update because of instability and going straight to 8.1.
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happened to me last week too.. it only happened after I locked the phone, 5-10 minutes later incoming call or when unlocking the phone the phone shows back screen only for a few seconds then it went back to normal.
the problem went away after I turned off the bluetooth radio.
I've been having this issue for a while now and just today I figured out the cause. At least the cause of my specific issue. I came here to see if anyone else is having similar issues so I'll explain exactly where I'm at.
If a Bluetooth headset is connected to my phone, when a call comes in the screen stays black and I can't see who's calling. If I turn off, or disconnect the BT device, when a call comes in the screen lights up with caller ID like normal. This also affects the missed call notification that happens after a missed call. With a BT device connected, the missed call notification will not show until I wake the phone with the power button, though the notification LED will light.
I'm on stock 7.1.1 and I verified that this is also an identical issue with two other phones which were not on a stock ROM, though I can't remember what they were running. This started happening to me before the NMK24B update. I remember because I was hoping that the update would fix it. I believe it started with NMJ88C because I got my phone on NMJ32F, it updated to NMJ51B shortly after and it was fine in the beginning months.
DrvLikHell said:
I've been having this issue for a while now and just today I figured out the cause. At least the cause of my specific issue. I came here to see if anyone else is having similar issues so I'll explain exactly where I'm at.
If a Bluetooth headset is connected to my phone, when a call comes in the screen stays black and I can't see who's calling. If I turn off, or disconnect the BT device, when a call comes in the screen lights up with caller ID like normal. This also affects the missed call notification that happens after a missed call. With a BT device connected, the missed call notification will not show until I wake the phone with the power button, though the notification LED will light.
I'm on stock 7.1.1 and I verified that this is also an identical issue with two other phones which were not on a stock ROM, though I can't remember what they were running. This started happening to me before the NMK24B update. I remember because I was hoping that the update would fix it. I believe it started with NMJ88C because I got my phone on NMJ32F, it updated to NMJ51B shortly after and it was fine in the beginning months.
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I had the black screen issue as well for incoming calls. I just switched to Drupe Dialer from the Play Store and set that as my default dialer. Now my screen lights up with the incoming caller ID and works as it should. By the way, hate to sound like an add, but Drupe Dialer is just awesome and has a ton of functionality, give it a shot. I know that's not the perfect answer as we would expect the native Android dialer to work out of the box with our OS, but it is what it is.
Jank4AU said:
I had the black screen issue as well for incoming calls. I just switched to Drupe Dialer from the Play Store and set that as my default dialer. Now my screen lights up with the incoming caller ID and works as it should. By the way, hate to sound like an add, but Drupe Dialer is just awesome and has a ton of functionality, give it a shot. I know that's not the perfect answer as we would expect the native Android dialer to work out of the box with our OS, but it is what it is.
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I tried two other dialers and it didn't make a difference on my phone. Drupe did work to make the screen show who's calling again, but wow, Drupe has too much.... just, everything. All I want in a dialer is basic functions in a standard format. Drupe is like a carnival of a dialer. I'll keep trying dialers though, since that one did work, maybe another one will too. Thanks for the suggestion.
Yeah, if you just take the Drupe dialer phone icon and put that on your home screen, whenever you select it you'll go right to the normal looking dialer. :good:You may want to try ExDialer. That used to be one I'd use a lot.
Jank4AU said:
I had the black screen issue as well for incoming calls. I just switched to Drupe Dialer from the Play Store and set that as my default dialer. Now my screen lights up with the incoming caller ID and works as it should. By the way, hate to sound like an add, but Drupe Dialer is just awesome and has a ton of functionality, give it a shot. I know that's not the perfect answer as we would expect the native Android dialer to work out of the box with our OS, but it is what it is.
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Before using Drupe...
There should be a warning that goes out to all your contacts saying "I'm about to completely betray you and share EVERYTHING about you online with a company I know nothing about... Please enjoy these spam calls on me"
Sent from my PH-1 using Tapatalk
rignfool said:
Before using Drupe...
There should be a warning that goes out to all your contacts saying "I'm about to completely betray you and share EVERYTHING about you online with a company I know nothing about... Please enjoy these spam calls on me"
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10 million downloads...good enough for me. I've used it for a long time and it's been better for me than the stock dialer. Just my opinion, no one has to use it but it sure beats a black screen when the phone rings.
I have the same problem on the pixel 2 xl. And so do lots of others. I uninstalled the phone update from the play store, and turned off auto update. So far so good. And I am on 8.1 But we will see. And it only happens when I'm on Bluetooth. Unfortunately I use it all the time for work
Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
I read about some people being able to fix it by uninstalling dialer updates. Unfortunately, the Essential doesn't have any to uninstall. I'm working around it by using Drupe as my default dialer, but setting the stock dialer as the default app for dialing, if that makes any sense (When an event pops up that requires the dialer, it asks which dialer to use, I selected the stock dialer and told it always use that.) This way incoming calls trigger Drupe, which acts the way it's supposed to on Bluetooth, but I can still use the stock app for making calls and missed calls and such.
bricky23 said:
I have the same problem on the pixel 2 xl. And so do lots of others. I uninstalled the phone update from the play store, and turned off auto update. So far so good. And I am on 8.1 But we will see. And it only happens when I'm on Bluetooth. Unfortunately I use it all the time for work
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Yeah, I'm thinking there's a Bluetooth issue (yeah,I know, news flash). But it's been widely reported that some folks are having trouble connecting to their cars Bluetooth. I use a Bluetooth adapter in my car and wireless headphones in the office. No real big issues connecting, but it can be finicky. However, once an event triggers Bluetooth, like streaming a song with Google Play to the adapter, my phones volume buttons become unresponsive. I can only change volume by going into the settings menu or from the Bluetooth device. Sucks. Waiting for the 8.1 beta to do a total clean install. Just bought the device used from Swappa and it came with beta 3 installed, not 100% sure the steps it took getting here. I guess what I'm asking is, does anyone else experience issues with their volume buttons not working occasionally?
Jank4AU said:
Yeah, I'm thinking there's a Bluetooth issue (yeah,I know, news flash). But it's been widely reported that some folks are having trouble connecting to their cars Bluetooth. I use a Bluetooth adapter in my car and wireless headphones in the office. No real big issues connecting, but it can be finicky. However, once an event triggers Bluetooth, like streaming a song with Google Play to the adapter, my phones volume buttons become unresponsive. I can only change volume by going into the settings menu or from the Bluetooth device. Sucks. Waiting for the 8.1 beta to do a total clean install. Just bought the device used from Swappa and it came with beta 3 installed, not 100% sure the steps it took getting here. I guess what I'm asking is, does anyone else experience issues with their volume buttons not working occasionally?
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My volume buttons always work fine, BT or otherwise. Stock 7.1.1. Your issue could very well be related to OB3. I had a little bit of an issue connecting/reconnecting to some BT devices at first, but not lately, so it must have been fixed in the last few patches.
