Sprint Messages - Essential Phone Questions & Answers

Hey guys, I know this probably isn't related to Essential specifically, but when I receive messages over 150 characters it comes in all broken up and out of order. Is there an app or something I need to do to fix this? Are people receiving my messages like this too?

JoRocker said:
Hey guys, I know this probably isn't related to Essential specifically, but when I receive messages over 150 characters it comes in all broken up and out of order. Is there an app or something I need to do to fix this? Are people receiving my messages like this too?
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Tell them to not send messages of more than 140 characters?Text messages are limited in length.
If you violate the limit the app has no way of delivering the message without breaking it up.
In principal, it should not be out of order when you receive it.

tech_head said:
Tell them to not send messages of more than 140 characters?Text messages are limited in length.
If you violate the limit the app has no way of delivering the message without breaking it up.
In principal, it should not be out of order when you receive it.
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Thanks for the unhelpful and sarcastic reply. You should have just said nothing at all... My iPhone sure didn't have this issue, and I have a hard time believing that this is an unsolvable Android issue.

JoRocker said:
Thanks for the unhelpful and sarcastic reply. You should have just said nothing at all... My iPhone sure didn't have this issue, and I have a hard time believing that this is an unsolvable Android issue.
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Actually you read the first sentence and didn't read further:
"If you violate the limit the app has no way of delivering the message without breaking it up.
In principal, it should not be out of order when you receive it."
You also never said anything about iPhone functionality.
iPhone/Apple's messaging app uses iMessage as a form of delivery/reception.
This means that MMS is always the way a message is sent. When sending to other iPhone users MMS s the default method.
Android phones use the standard SMS built into the cell network that has a 160 character limit.
Unless the sender specifically can configure their app to convert messages longer than 160 charters to MMS, then the message will be broken because there is a protocol limitation.

Depending on your messaging app, and possibly who is sending it determines this as well. SMS over the character length can be sent as MMS and not be broken up. I've seen it in some app settings before as a choice between the two methods as well. Not familiar at the moment. Doesn't bother me so it's not something I look for but it could be a starting point for you to look as well.
Edit - should have read the previous post all the way though. Just reiterated. Sorry.


Extending length of SMS on Touch

Hi everyone,
On my Razr I could extend the number of characters allowed for an SMS message from 140 to something like 300 using a firmware hack. Apparently if it is too long Bell’s network splits it up into two messages. Anyway, I would imagine doing something like this on a WM device should be easier? Or not?
Is there a registry setting we can use to give us a little more space when typing out SMS’s?
I can almost swear I found this in the registry back when I had a Wizard but I can't remember where. Damn those hundreds of registry entries...
If I find the same entry on my Sprint Touch I'll let you know.
thefish123 said:
On my Razr I could extend the number of characters allowed for an SMS message from 140 to something like 300 using a firmware hack. Apparently if it is too long Bell’s network splits it up into two messages. ...
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I'd be surprised if this worked generically, though it might work for a few circumstances. SMSs are fixed at 160 by convention and it would require cooperation of *every* relay in the chain to get an increase, not just at the sender's client end. I know that from my testing, Sprint pretty much obeys the 160 char rule and doesn't seem to pass anything beyond 160. Perhaps Bell does, but you'd also need the cooperation of the other carrier, any 3rd party services in between (most inter-carrier SMS relays are handled by a 3rd party), and also the recipient's device.
sprint told me sms were supposed to be 500 characters when i signed up, yea i believed them, haha
On most other Bell phones I think the limit is 160 (on the Touch it's 140). Perhaps that is because the Touch lets you enter a “subject” line? At any rate is it possible to extend it and then I can experiment with how long a message I can send.
So you just want it to allow you to type a message more then 160 characters? For instance if you go over that it will allow you to continue to type but when you send it then it will break it up into however many messages that it needs too? Or are you trying to send a message in on txt that is longer then 160?
Rudegar said:
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Thats all fine and good but that doesn't answer the question. Sorry if that comes off a little rude(not intended offensively). That merely explains the concept of SMS and how it can be 70-160 characters depending on bits. It is also for the GSM service whereas we have CDMA devices.
Thanks for trying though.
dharvey4651 said:
Thats all fine and good but that doesn't answer the question. Sorry if that comes off a little rude(not intended offensively). That merely explains the concept of SMS and how it can be 70-160 characters depending on bits. It is also for the GSM service whereas we have CDMA devices.
Thanks for trying though.
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Well, like it or not, that material is extremely relevant, because the priorities are interoperability and economy of transmission. Sprint originally *tried* to go on its own with its Shortmail service, which allowed 1000 chars, but it fell down on precisely those two issues: the long messages would only work within the Shortmail system and obviously could not work across other carriers, and its implementation was not "lightweight", but relied on the Internet and dedicated website -- not economical at all. Obviously in the end, Sprint folded up and joined the rest of the world in supporting standard SMS specs. The great part about SMS is that it uses so little resources and therefore can co-exist with voice channels and doesn't require a "heavyweight" data channel (of course that means transporting SMSs cost carriers next to nothing to provide and yet carriers can charge $$$ for SMS)...
Previously on any GSM phone I've had, txt msgs were 160 characters (if longer it would span to multiple messages). Now that I've moved to Bell (CDMA), the Touch only allows 140 before spanning. If you type an accented character by mistake (such as with the accented a character always popping up), it doesn't tell you, but the message gets clipped down to 70 characters (and spanned across multiple). I suspect these missing 20 characters are related to some sort of character-set identification, specifying the bit-count of the characters you're using. When you use an accented character, you get 16-bit characters, resulting in even less.
Long story short, there should be some way to get 160 character messages, as that's the "standard" for most providers. Whether its possible on our phones is another question. Also, has anyone else noticed that our phone won't join multi-sms messages back into a single message? If someone sends me a message of 200 characters, I literally get 2 seperate messages, whereas on my previous GSM Atom, it went and joined it back into one...
Goodge said:
Also, has anyone else noticed that our phone won't join multi-sms messages back into a single message? If someone sends me a message of 200 characters, I literally get 2 seperate messages, whereas on my previous GSM Atom, it went and joined it back into one...
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I have noticed that I am now getting multiple messages from the same person and they obviously look like one long message broken up. I don’t know if my Razr (my previous phone) used to reassemble them or if I just never received such long text messages before but in any case I have only noticed it since getting the Touch.
If the network automatically splits up long text messages and most phones reassemble the message back into one then what would be the problem with allowing the Touch/Vogue, or any phone for that matter, to send messages of 160, 200, 300 whatever length? Especially if this is as light on network resources as they?
Can anyone confirm the 140 vs. 160 character limit due to the subject line present in the Touch? It might seem like a small difference but that extra 20 characters can really come in handy!! Percentage wise it’s a pretty big difference.

Can't find tethered SMS program

A friend of mine installed the program but doesn't remember where he found it and I've looked through the Hermes forum as well.
Please, anybody....I need tethered messaging. It makes conversations so much easier. If a link can be left and any instructions for installation (if needed) it would be very appreciated.
Try searching for "threaded SMS".
Are you thinking something like Jeyo Mobile Extender for Outlook? Or did you mean threaded SMS?
It's tethered SMS. It's set up like an instant message conversation seperated by the contact you're having a conversation with showing both party's text messages.
As I said above, it is called "Threaded SMS". If you insist on calling it "Tethered SMS", you will never find it.
check out this link, it is called Palm SMS Threader.
if you're sitting at a computer, why not just fire up an IRC client and talk that way? much cheaper (if you actually pay for text msg's..i dont) and more straightforward..
i just cant see a conversation through sms, especially since there is a character limit on a message. any real convo going on would be interrupted by you having to open the next sms every 160 characters heh..
try codys sms from wmexperts.XXX
watson540 said:
if you're sitting at a computer, why not just fire up an IRC client and talk that way? much cheaper (if you actually pay for text msg's..i dont) and more straightforward..
i just cant see a conversation through sms, especially since there is a character limit on a message. any real convo going on would be interrupted by you having to open the next sms every 160 characters heh..
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you can irc on your ppc too.
watson540 said:
i just cant see a conversation through sms, especially since there is a character limit on a message. any real convo going on would be interrupted by you having to open the next sms every 160 characters heh..
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Threaded SMS doesn't quite work that way, instead of just a character count you get "0 characters 1 message" along the bottom. I've never gone over 320 characters but I assume its possible. the program breaks the message apart into multiple messages. Probably a pain in the ass on the receiving side, but haven't had any complaints, it is rather rare that I compose a text message of said length... for that there's always email.
theFear13ss said:
Probably a pain in the ass on the receiving side
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Sorry, this part of your post made me giggle like an adolescent
Check it Out
Are you talking about the one that functions like the one in the IPHONE.
If so I got your fix here. Hope it is the one you where looking for.
cintiajeremiah said:
check out this link, it is called Palm SMS Threader.
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i just tried that, didn't like it, and now i can't remove it... i uninstalled it but it is still there, and now it fails to install a second time so i can try to uninstall a 2nd time. not to mention that after install i found it erased all my messages... so yeah i guess it is time for second hard reset in 3 days.
Try Cody's Threaded SMS
I like it. Works just like the instant messaging program on Palms

Blocking SMS and CallBlocking.

Ok before i used a program like SPB Phone Suite to block phonecalls my question is, Can we block SMS texts from single users ? i would like to be able to block texts and phonecalls from certain people. Is there a way i can add a filter like the filters you find for file types? last resort is getting another huge program like and of the SPB software.
I'm also interested in a feature like this. Quite a few annoying ex-girlfriends that like to text me randomly for no apparent reason.
rasp said:
I'm also interested in a feature like this. Quite a few annoying ex-girlfriends that like to text me randomly for no apparent reason.
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exactly my point i have the same problem or friends who dont get the hint.
T-Mobile says no
According to T-mobile, there is no way to selectively block SMS messages. This is especially troublesome, given that advertisers (and others I don't care for) are starting to send messages to T-Mo phones using SMS (they know they can't be blocked) and I have to pay for them!
Check out the link in my signature for sms and call filter.
psyop1 said:
According to T-mobile, there is no way to selectively block SMS messages. This is especially troublesome, given that advertisers (and others I don't care for) are starting to send messages to T-Mo phones using SMS (they know they can't be blocked) and I have to pay for them!
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All you have to do (to stop advertising) is reply with: Stop
If you are in the USA:
By law, advertisers have to cease and desist all communications when you tell them to stop. If they don't, its considered harassment and you can file a complaint with the FTC or even sue the company for harassment.
I know this because I was being harassed by an advertiser and I had to file a complaint.
shaileshashar said:
Check out the link in my signature for sms and call filter.
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all it took me to was a make money page sure theres talk of sms blockers etc but the link is a get paid online no download newhere
Reply with STOP didnt seem working to me, those advertising still do come.... and that is costing me $$. And the bad thing is - you don't even know who are they, the caller is show 3700 3701 3702 etc ....
mailme said:
Reply with STOP didnt seem working to me, those advertising still do come.... and that is costing me $$. And the bad thing is - you don't even know who are they, the caller is show 3700 3701 3702 etc ....
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mail me you can ask tmobile to block certain numbers. But i am looking for a phone based application to block sms and calls or hide them and reply with a sms like blocked... that you can selectivly block or unblock. So the sms's will still come just not show. i have unlimited texts so its not a matter of getting the texts i just dont want to be annoyed or called by these people.
lol well if somebody with any knowledge on how to surpress phone calls and or sms/mms's know how to do this maybe they can make a freeware app.... spb phone suite was ok but it is large and alot of the time causes phones to go into a boot loop if you dont remove your memory card.
rasp said:
I'm also interested in a feature like this. Quite a few annoying ex-girlfriends that like to text me randomly for no apparent reason.
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I found this program it allows to blacklist SMS messages i have not tried put it to use by actually knowing if it works but there is a blacklist feature in it. By category, individual contact, and phone number. For those who are trying to stop getting texts from certain numbers ie 4-5 digit spammers you can infact call tmobile and have a number blocked. i have a family plan and my brother kept texting without a text plan i asked if you can block texts all together and CS said no they can halt from single numbers.
Also once again thanks to all the senior members for all of their help *sarcastic laugh*
Also this allows for exporting and many other features if you view the website of the maker it has SS's
diabolical28 said:
all it took me to was a make money page sure theres talk of sms blockers etc but the link is a get paid online no download newhere
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scroll to the end of the page and download for free.
thank you. ill give it a try when i get home
you guys are so popular with all ur ex crazies after you...
I may not be as popular as you, but whenever this has occured to me, i've just not responded and eventually they would get bored and stop bothering me.
shaileshashar said:
scroll to the end of the page and download for free.
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i was going to suggest this. love the app! i just wish it was able to do it without being loaded..but it works so thats what matters!
Call firewall is ok, but I like magicall myself. You can black specific phone numbers/SMS. Also you can have the program auto respond via sms and you can set it up to ignore/hang up/pick up and hang up on certain numbers. Overall GREAT program.
this should help a bit
diabolical28 said:
Ok before i used a program like SPB Phone Suite to block phonecalls my question is, Can we block SMS texts from single users ? i would like to be able to block texts and phonecalls from certain people. Is there a way i can add a filter like the filters you find for file types? last resort is getting another huge program like and of the SPB software.
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was going to post the link, but i see now that i was beaten to it
psyop1 said:
According to T-mobile, there is no way to selectively block SMS messages. This is especially troublesome, given that advertisers (and others I don't care for) are starting to send messages to T-Mo phones using SMS (they know they can't be blocked) and I have to pay for them!
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do you remeber the days when text messaging was free? my nokia brick was my texting machine back in those days lol, and then it was incoming texts free and you only get charged per outgoing, now tmo and everyone else just charges u for whatever packet goes in and out of your phone these days. since pocket pc's and smartphones are running windows mobile it can intercept calls before it gets to the dialer and intercept texts before it gets into the box, all it does it save you the annoyance of "seeing" the calls come in and will hit ignore for you same with text, but i think you still get charged per incoming text even if sms filter stops it on the phone.
diabolical28 said:
I found this program it allows to blacklist SMS messages i have not tried put it to use by actually knowing if it works but there is a blacklist feature in it. By category, individual contact, and phone number. For those who are trying to stop getting texts from certain numbers ie 4-5 digit spammers you can infact call tmobile and have a number blocked. i have a family plan and my brother kept texting without a text plan i asked if you can block texts all together and CS said no they can halt from single numbers.
Also once again thanks to all the senior members for all of their help *sarcastic laugh*
Also this allows for exporting and many other features if you view the website of the maker it has SS's
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that not working with 6.1 :-(
duprade said:
you guys are so popular with all ur ex crazies after you...
I may not be as popular as you, but whenever this has occured to me, i've just not responded and eventually they would get bored and stop bothering me.
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hahah maybe there's diff reason ! for me I dont want number 1 through whatever to text me or call while I'm with number whatever . so gotto keep game on downlow.. chicks like tree if you dont put stick into it in the begining . it'll be all over ! so why not.. this seems to be american game right?

Change MMS Limit?

I searched at work and I just searched again when I got home and I can't find anything. The registry edit a few people posted doesn't seem to help me. Unless i'm doing something wrong. You know how you can only type 160 characters in a text message? I want to increase that. I know it's possible and i'm almost positive I seen it before somewhere.
Any help is appreciated.
itslinx said:
I searched at work and I just searched again when I got home and I can't find anything. The registry edit a few people posted doesn't seem to help me. Unless i'm doing something wrong. You know how you can only type 160 characters in a text message? I want to increase that. I know it's possible and i'm almost positive I seen it before somewhere.
Any help is appreciated.
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Are you talkin about SMS or MMS?
You can increase the limit of a sms.... But the recipient will receive 2 messages... And you'll pay for both, not only one.....
MMS limit is set about to 1000 characters....
I meant SMS, my bad. Just regular txt messages. So even if I change it on my end to be able to type more, the person receiving it will get 2 messages anyway?
itslinx said:
if I change it on my end to be able to type more, the person receiving it will get 2 messages anyway?
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If you write an sms up to 160 character, it will be splitted in 2 messages or more....
Erm. I'm confused now. So there's really no way to make a longer text message then? Anything below 160 will be 1 message and anything over that will be another message? I guess the person receiving the text can only receive so much any way.
there is no way to change the limit on the sms messages... it will get split due to carrier restrictions.. ( Short Messenger Service = short quick messages thats what its intended for )
itslinx said:
Erm. I'm confused now. So there's really no way to make a longer text message then? Anything below 160 will be 1 message and anything over that will be another message? I guess the person receiving the text can only receive so much any way.
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Right....they will receive two texts but the second one will pick up right where the last one left off.
well i receive really long text messages from my girlfriend and another friend. one had a sidekick lx the other one a pearl. so is it just tmobile to tmobile you can send long messages and the the person gets as a long message. also how come mms downloading uses gprs instead of edge speed i probably wouldnt know the difference but just curious.
well i receive really long text messages from my girlfriend and another friend. one had a sidekick lx the other one a pearl. so is it just tmobile to tmobile you can send long messages and the the person gets as a long message. also how come mms downloading uses gprs instead of edge speed i probably wouldnt know the difference but just curious.
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why not put the sms threader on you phone, and when you recieve long text msgs they will show as one long message on your phone!!!!!
i already get long text messages without it but when i send a long one only my girlfriends sidekick lx can get a real long message everyone else it breaks it down.
i already get long text messages without it but when i send a long one only my girlfriends sidekick lx can get a real long message everyone else it breaks it down.
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thats part of the sidekick software, but it still counts as a seperate message on her service, it just reads that way...
tell your friends to upgrade their phones if you want it to show in long messages on their part....
and if you friends wont change, change the friends around you !!!

[Q] Group message sent but individual responses returned?

Every time I send a group message that includes one of my friends, his messages always get sent back to me individually rather than as part of the group thread like all the others. Does anyone know why this may be? I'm fairly certain he's the only one that I have this problem with, though everyone else I've group messaged in recent memory was using an iPhone (though I'm pretty sure I had no problems with other androids in the past). He's also using a S4, but on Verizon. His messages still are listed as a MMS on my end (it's the only thing that tells me that he responded to the group rather than just me), and I believe the iPhone user in the threat is receiving his messages as a group just fine, but I'm still getting this issue. Additionally, I do not have this problem when my brother is in a group thread and he is using a S4 on Sprint. Is there some setting I can change to correct this, or is the problem on his end? If it is him, do you have any suggestions for what he may be able to change? We're both using the stock messaging app. It's really annoying because it often causes me to accidentally reply to just him rather than the whole group.
are you sure he isn't selecting to do a individual reply?
jmarrale said:
are you sure he isn't selecting to do a individual reply?
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Just updated the post, sorry for not being specific earlier. I'm pretty sure because it comes in as a MMS and I think the guy in the chat with an iPhone receives them as a group just fine. Turns out my friend with an S3 also responds individually and not as an MMS, so I guess it's dependent on the sender, but since I know this guy has an S4 and I know that his phone supports this feature (because I know the S3 does not), I don't understand why this is happening.

