Lock screen, any way to take off the battery bar? - Xiaomi Mi A1 Questions & Answers

So i got this phone last week and i am lovin it, but there are 2 "issues", OK 1 is real which is the proximity sensor doesn't work properly as the screen keeps turning on while i talk. I am familiar with this issue as it seems it's a Xiaomi issue. I've had the same issue on my Redmi Note 3 and later on my Redmi Note 4, both of my kids have it on their Redmi Note 4 as well. There's a "fix" but it doesn't seem to work for me, if anyone knows of any fixes i'd be glad to hear.
But the second one isn't really an issue it's just a preference, on the Ambient display there's is bar and under it the % of the battery shows. Anyway to get rid of it? I looked everywhere but can't find it, any help would be appreciated guys.


1.i dont know how to fix that but you can just send a feedback to xiaomi and hope they fix it in the next update
2.i dont think you can,ambient display only show for couple seconds anyway so maybe you can just ignore it

goorek said:
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Love the answer! Straight and to the point, lol.

Augussst said:
1.i dont know how to fix that but you can just send a feedback to xiaomi and hope they fix it in the next update
2.i dont think you can,ambient display only show for couple seconds anyway so maybe you can just ignore it
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I most definitely can, i am just being picky is all Like i said i love the phone otherwise.


Faulty compass

Does anyone else get the following:
1. GMaps not recognising the compass and not turning its compass as you turn round;
2. Compass app goes mental when you test by spinning round (mine spins the wrong way then back randomly)
Looks like my Note3 is proper fkd. At the moment it's just peeing me off.
fergusstrachan said:
Does anyone else get the following:
1. GMaps not recognising the compass and not turning its compass as you turn round;
2. Compass app goes mental when you test by spinning round (mine spins the wrong way then back randomly)
Looks like my Note3 is proper fkd. At the moment it's just peeing me off.
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Sounds like the Note 3 is suffering from the same compass issue as the S4. The compass just needs to be calibrated. Download GPS Status & Toolbox (excellent app!) from Google Play Store and go to Tools/Compass calibration. That should fix it. Calibrate the compass outdoors away from metal structures for best accuracy. Factory reset resets also the compass calibration data, but luckily the calibration takes only about 10 seconds or so. Hope this helps!
PeteFinn said:
Sounds like the Note 3 is suffering from the same compass issue as the S4. The compass just needs to be calibrated. Download GPS Status & Toolbox (excellent app!) from Google Play Store and go to Tools/Compass calibration. That should fix it. Calibrate the compass outdoors away from metal structures for best accuracy. Factory reset resets also the compass calibration data, but luckily the calibration takes only about 10 seconds or so. Hope this helps!
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Cheers Pete.
I did try that but it's still flying all over the place.
Sending it back as faulty. There's too much I dislike about this phone to make it worth £620.
I tried with mine and a few demo units from the stores.
After a thorough test, they all essentially have this problem. My one, when you go to *#0*# it would just either not spin or spin sporadically, same with the demo units.
I guess it's a software problem, 4.3 problem essentially, my AOSP'd Note 2 also has this problem
nicholaschum said:
I tried with mine and a few demo units from the stores.
After a thorough test, they all essentially have this problem. My one, when you go to *#0*# it would just either not spin or spin sporadically, same with the demo units.
I guess it's a software problem, 4.3 problem essentially, my AOSP'd Note 2 also has this problem
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Wow, so perhaps all of them come with a feature that just doesn't work? Weird.
fergusstrachan said:
Wow, so perhaps all of them come with a feature that just doesn't work? Weird.
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Well, probably just the batch that first came out. Do you have this problem?
nicholaschum said:
Well, probably just the batch that first came out. Do you have this problem?
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I did, but sent it back.
fergusstrachan said:
I did, but sent it back.
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Does your replacement have the same issue?
nicholaschum said:
Does your replacement have the same issue?
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Ah, I see what you're getting at.
No, I didn't get a replacement. Sammy's seem to be all about the gimmick now, and I'm waiting for the N5 or a 32GB G2 to hit these shores.
Besides, £620 for a phone that does the pen-hover thing that my 2003 Windows tablet PC did? Nah.
fergusstrachan said:
Ah, I see what you're getting at.
No, I didn't get a replacement. Sammy's seem to be all about the gimmick now, and I'm waiting for the N5 or a 32GB G2 to hit these shores.
Besides, £620 for a phone that does the pen-hover thing that my 2003 Windows tablet PC did? Nah.
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Oh right okay, so you yourself had the same problem, but probably some external reason not mainly because of this, you sent it back and issued a refund?
I have a feeling that when I leave my house, there is a lot of magnetic interference because my compass always works in my house :/
nicholaschum said:
Oh right okay, so you yourself had the same problem, but probably some external reason not mainly because of this, you sent it back and issued a refund?
I have a feeling that when I leave my house, there is a lot of magnetic interference because my compass always works in my house :/
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I had the problem, per my original post, so I sent it back as faulty. There are other reasons I was happy to send it back though, as I wrote above.
fergusstrachan said:
I had the problem, per my original post, so I sent it back as faulty. There are other reasons I was happy to send it back though, as I wrote above.
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Yeah, I noticed I was speaking to the OP like a min ago, I thought the OP got a replacement and never responded back, but alright! I hope a software update could fix this :/
nicholaschum said:
Yeah, I noticed I was speaking to the OP like a min ago, I thought the OP got a replacement and never responded back, but alright! I hope a software update could fix this :/
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Heh. I hope they sort it out for you.
I'll be sending this device back and getting a replacement, since Rogers has a 15 days return policy if under 30 mins talk time, I'm gonna exchange for a brand new one and see whether that helps
Sent from my fingers to your face using my Samsung Galaxy Note 3!
Got a brand new one! If it still doesn't work, well then screw it, I guess a software update would fix it.
nicholaschum said:
Got a brand new one! If it still doesn't work, well then screw it, I guess a software update would fix it.
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so you have found a solution for your compass problem?
Following up...
Anyone have any luck getting the compass fixed? Just got my Note 3 (T Mobile US) and I am having the same problem. Makes orienteering and geocaching all but impossible...
sophocles65 said:
Anyone have any luck getting the compass fixed? Just got my Note 3 (T Mobile US) and I am having the same problem. Makes orienteering and geocaching all but impossible...
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My new device still has this bug, but calibrates faster than my first one. It's a widely known bug, maybe Samsung needs to fix it.
FWIW mine has the same problem. I did manage to get it work work correctly for a little while by using a "metal detector" app which vibrated when it detected something. It suddenly started behaving correctly for a short while.
Calibrating it with the GPS Tools app also fixes it for a little while.
Having the same issue with my Note 3 as well.The GPS Status app using the compass calibration fixes the problem but once you restart the phone the compass no longer works again and you need to calibrate once more.
It seems like a software bug issue rather than a faulty compass.It's annoying but at least there is a solution.

[Q] Is this just me or is my Note 3 screen defect?

Hi lovely guys of the Note 3 forum!!
I've had my Note 3 for some time now and I was wondering if my screen is defect since it does act a little weird. I hope you can clarify this for me
Whenever I put my screen on low brightness, the screen tend to leave a trail of purple color behind whenever I scroll/move something. It'd be very nice if anyone with a Note 3 could test this for me, if u are having the same problem or if it's just me
A good way to test this, is to set brightness to 0% and then pull the notificationcenter down and try to swipe the notifications away slowly and look closely, if u can find some purple trail leaving behind the swiping object. To see this clearly, you can download the app Lux and set the brightness to sub-zero. Try -50% and it should be very easy to see. Would mean a ton to me if you could report back. I need to return my device asap if it's defect.
Thank you very much!! <3
EDIT: Here is a video of the problem!
Rallerbabz said:
Hi lovely guys of the Note 3 forum!!
I've had my Note 3 for some time now and I was wondering if my screen is defect since it does act a little weird. I hope you can clarify this for me
Whenever I put my screen on low brightness, the screen tend to leave a trail of purple color behind whenever I scroll/move something. It'd be very nice if anyone with a Note 3 could test this for me, if u are having the same problem or if it's just me
A good way to test this, is to set brightness to 0% and then pull the notificationcenter down and try to swipe the notifications away slowly and look closely, if u can find some purple trail leaving behind the swiping object. To see this clearly, you can download the app Lux and set the brightness to sub-zero. Try -50% and it should be very easy to see. Would mean a ton to me if you could report back. I need to return my device asap if it's defect.
Thank you very much!! <3
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Nope just tested mine is fine no purple at all
Just turn off or switch off "development setting" and try again, if not, return the device.
jaythenut said:
Nope just tested mine is fine no purple at all
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Thank you so much for testing this! I wasnt quite sure if I was too critical or if there actually is something wrong. This might goes hand in hand with the battery drain that I am having when I am using the phone(idling is superb tho)
psylog said:
Just turn off or switch off "development setting" and try again, if not, return the device.
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Hey, thanks for your reply!
I'm unable to find development settings in touchwiz's new settings-layout. Could you help me out here?
You dont have the problem that I am describing as well?
Rallerbabz said:
Thank you so much for testing this! I wasnt quite sure if I was too critical or if there actually is something wrong. This might goes hand in hand with the battery drain that I am having when I am using the phone(idling is superb tho)
Hey, thanks for your reply!
I'm unable to find development settings in touchwiz's new settings-layout. Could you help me out here?
You dont have the problem that I am describing as well?
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Settings, about, build number hit it 5 times
jaythenut said:
Settings, about, build number hit it 5 times
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Okay thanks..
I just turned it..on it said. Nothing changes really, didnt expect it to do either, but how do I turn it back off?
Rallerbabz said:
Okay thanks..
I just turned it..on it said. Nothing changes really, didnt expect it to do either, but how do I turn it back off?
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Don't think you can don't worry about it
Hey guys!
Just to confirm we're talking about the same thing, here is a video I took of the problem
EDIT: Seems like I've discovered a general issue with S4/Note3; Ghosting/smearing. God damnit, this is annoying. The shop will probably not even take it back now. ****..
cannot duplicate
I can't see this at zero brightness. I even installed lux and set it to subzero, and I still can't see it. I'm using an SM-900T.
I think I know what you are talking about. I also believe my smartphone has same problem. As an example if you download BBC News application,then scroll down to end of page and pull further you will see this tail of light appear. It also does this in the settings page when you scrol up or down but you have to get to bottom or top of page and pull further
desiregeek said:
I think I know what you are talking about. I also believe my smartphone has same problem. As an example if you download BBC News application,then scroll down to end of page and pull further you will see this tail of light appear. It also does this in the settings page when you scrol up or down but you have to get to bottom or top of page and pull further
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Not sure if that was sarcasm... BEcause I hope it was.
That's the replacement for the 'bounce at end of page' that Apple successfully sued Samsung over. It now glows.
exactly the same problem with mine. fast moving UI elements leave a purple trail behind them.
could it be that some batches of screen are affected and some are not? it doesn't bother me too much though.
---------- Post added at 01:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:32 AM ----------
here is a way to check if it is affecting you:
With tiny fonts in a really really dark room with really really low brightness I notice this. Lets bring on some more make believe "issues"... HAHA

Very annoying camera issue, please help!

Okay so my camera does this in lowlight and yes when I take a photo the lines will stay... what is wrong?
Bump. It is sad that this is the 4th time I post in this section and get 0 replies.
Anyways I discovered that when I go lower the megapixels to 12MP or anything else NON WIDE the lines disappears, but whenever I choose a wide mode MP the lines appear.
Edit: 5 days ago I didn't have this kind of problem at all. Please help.
Kazzko said:
Bump. It is sad that this is the 4th time I post in this section and get 0 replies.
Anyways I discovered that when I go lower the megapixels to 12MP or anything else NON WIDE the lines disappears, but whenever I choose a wide mode MP the lines appear.
Edit: 5 days ago I didn't have this kind of problem at all. Please help.
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are you using 910F? i had a 910f and it had this problem.....just got rid of my 7th note 4 (its gps was very weak lol)
I have SM-N910CQ and I have this problem too :/
dork997 said:
are you using 910F? i had a 910f and it had this problem.....just got rid of my 7th note 4 (its gps was very weak lol)
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I have a N910C.
Well did you ever know what was the problem? That is the part that is bugging me, it just happened suddenly and I have no idea why did this happen... and did you fix it by any chance?
Kazzko said:
I have a N910C.
Well did you ever know what was the problem? That is the part that is bugging me, it just happened suddenly and I have no idea why did this happen... and did you fix it by any chance?
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no sir its one of the problems with this phone, some other folks have reported the exact same issue i believe its a hardware issue with note 4's camera sensor. Look here http://forum.xda-developers.com/note-4/help/camera-shooting-lowlight-t3244104
i am afraid there is no way around it it was bothering me so i got rid of it (the next one was restarting randomly...and the next one had a broken gps....lol) samsung does not believe in quality i doubt if they even have a quality control department.
I'm having the same problem as yours
I went to samsung and they tried replacing the camera module but the problem remained, they said that I'm having a custom rom and it corrupted the "IC" of the camera, so it's a software problem as they say.
Is your phone rooted or running any no official rom?
See if you can update your camera firmware by going into the dialer and type *#34971539#
This is mine.
Edit:Update?? How?

Annoying Turn off data pop up

So after the july update, everything seems to be cleaner on my phone. But i just noticed 1 thing that annoys me for the past few hours.
When u turn on ur mobile data it goes juz like normal but when u wanna turn it off, there's a annoying pop up message that wants confirmation from you.
Anyone knows how can i turn that off?
AlvinKyo said:
So after the july update, everything seems to be cleaner on my phone. But i just noticed 1 thing that annoys me for the past few hours.
When u turn on ur mobile data it goes juz like normal but when u wanna turn it off, there's a annoying pop up message that wants confirmation from you.
Anyone knows how can i turn that off?
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I think nothing Can be done...
It annoys me as well
I googled it myself and did not found any possible solution.
Jowandeka said:
I googled it myself and did not found any possible solution.
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Same irritation here
And the scroll lag is still here + the effin proximity sensor issue. This is a joke and now I'm almost certain those 2 are hardware issues.
celeronix said:
And the scroll lag is still here + the effin proximity sensor issue. This is a joke and now I'm almost certain those 2 are hardware issues.
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i havent met those issues yet. Or maybe its just yours?
AlvinKyo said:
i havent met those issues yet. Or maybe its just yours?
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There are plenty of complaints regarding those 2 issues. I am happy that you don't have them.
celeronix said:
There are plenty of complaints regarding those 2 issues. I am happy that you don't have them.
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nah, maybe im the lucky guy this time
If you use Xposed (Warning - This breaks Safetynet, even systemless Xposed does) then you can use the module named I Said OFF! to turn off this annoying pop up.
Custom ROMs don't have this annoying pop up if you are willing to ditch stock.
Sent from my epic G900F (CM11, [emoji173]️ Holo Dark) Gadget of Mass Destruction using Tapatalk.
Popup now removed with Pie update.

Mi A2 Issues need to be fixed

The MI A2 is actually a great device with a great performance But !!! also a lot of problems without fixing makes the device a little poor :
Issue Number 1. Proximity sensor
Not working very well and take a long time to get the screen black after answers the calls and whatsapp voice massages
Issue Number 2. Unstable writing and reading speed (emmc) cause a lot of lags and freezing and we don't even know if it's a software problem!!!
Issue Number 3. Wifi disconnected
it's clear to say that the mi a2 have a poor wifi adapter because sometimes its randomly disconnect the wifi , and never find the signal until i go to near the router to catch the signal again
and we don't know either if its a software problem or a hardware
and there's a lot of small ones like
camera2api , smart Lock freezing , .......
I am not asking Xiaomi to be perfect , but we need a clarification about the problems
We receive 2-3 updates in a month and no one care about any of the problems
Who agrees!!!????
Wi fi needs a device restart after some hours of use for working properly. About emmc etc I didn't notice something.
I have no issues with WiFi and I'm all day on wifi doing heavy usage.
About storage I have noticed sometimes the phone's slowdown.
I have the 64/4/fpc version.
Sent from my Xiaomi Mi A2 using XDA Labs
I Just have the First issue, never had lags/freezing, or problems with wi-fi. 6/128 version.
AcostaJA said:
I have no issues with WiFi and I'm all day on wifi doing heavy usage.
About storage I have noticed sometimes the phone's slowdown.
I have the 64/4/fpc version.
Sent from my Xiaomi Mi A2 using XDA Labs
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When i get a little far from router the signal drop suddenly and when wifi name shows again its never connect until i go near router again
i had a honor 7x, Nexus 6 , Xperia Z , before the mi a2 never had this problem
natanfranghieru said:
I Just have the First issue, never had lags/freezing, or problems with wi-fi. 6/128 version.
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yes for some reason the 6/128 version don't have a
rom issues , and wifi just try using wifi a little far for a little you will notice the issue
Gues I'm lucky since I haven't had any of those software/hardware issues. I've been extremely happy with my MI A2. Even my friends turn green with envy whit their expensive flagship models.
My A2 is Global 64/4 variant.
Maybe if I'm stretching a bit the audio output via headphones could be louder and ldac-codec would be nice to have since theres no 3,5mm port.
This part is bit offtopic and there's nothing Xiaomi can do to fix it. I've been spoiled with great xda-communities since the beginning of my android days back in 2010. And I have to say that forum is starting to remind me a bit of those awful miui-forums with thousands of "please fix dear bro fix fix"-messages, stupid clickbait topics and questions wich are already answered in the OP or in previous post. I know I'm not much of a help either and the best guy to whine about that, but it's very frustrating when all the useful stuff gets buried under that ****. I'm still grateful for what we have and big respect to everyone who are willing to help and spent their time for the good of our device and community.
I have got a problem yesterday. The blink light of notification doesn't work on Messenger and some others OTT apps ! I didn't change my setting !
verttl said:
Gues I'm lucky since I haven't had any of those software/hardware issues. I've been extremely happy with my MI A2. Even my friends turn green with envy whit their expensive flagship models.
My A2 is Global 64/4 variant.
Maybe if I'm stretching a bit the audio output via headphones could be louder and ldac-codec would be nice to have since theres no 3,5mm port.
This part is bit offtopic and there's nothing Xiaomi can do to fix it. I've been spoiled with great xda-communities since the beginning of my android days back in 2010. And I have to say that forum is starting to remind me a bit of those awful miui-forums with thousands of "please fix dear bro fix fix"-messages, stupid clickbait topics and questions wich are already answered in the OP or in previous post. I know I'm not much of a help either and the best guy to whine about that, but it's very frustrating when all the useful stuff gets buried under that ****. I'm still grateful for what we have and big respect to everyone who are willing to help and spent their time for the good of our device and community.
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If we don't know that the mi a2 is a fabulous phone we wouldn't bought it in the first place , it's an amazing phone with a lot of features , everyone open the xda forum to look for roms , solutions , news , root , twrp .
im convinced 100% with the mi a2 , but i don't want my phone to drop wifi Suddenly in the middle of my work , don't want a half of year until my phone clear cache of Google chrome , and don't want to wait a 3-5 seconds
until the proximity sensor works after answering!!!! I just want to make sure that developers knows the problems , and maybe it will be the perfect device!!!
Hassan.ajs said:
When i get a little far from router the signal drop suddenly and when wifi name shows again its never connect until i go near router again
i had a honor 7x, Nexus 6 , Xperia Z , before the mi a2 never had this problem
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Seems your problem is not your phone, likely you live in a área crowded by WiFi routers fighting fit a free channel, same as you described happened to me with an Samsung note 2, S4, etc at an corner in my home, the only solution was to manually setup a fixed channel where at this corner my router faced fewer competition for bandwidth.
Try different phones likely you'll see the same behavior (my A2 has even better WiFi performance at this corner in my home.)
Sent from my Xiaomi Mi A2 using XDA Labs
Hassan.ajs said:
If we don't know that the mi a2 is a fabulous phone we wouldn't bought it in the first place , it's an amazing phone with a lot of features , everyone open the xda forum to look for roms , solutions , news , root , twrp .
im convinced 100% with the mi a2 , but i don't want my phone to drop wifi Suddenly in the middle of my work , don't want a half of year until my phone clear cache of Google chrome , and don't want to wait a 3-5 seconds
until the proximity sensor works after answering!!!! I just want to make sure that developers knows the problems , and maybe it will be the perfect device!!!
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Did you try to calibrate the proximity sensor?
Type *#*#64663#*#* in dialer
13.Proximity sensor
verttl said:
Gues I'm lucky since I haven't had any of those software/hardware issues. I've been extremely happy with my MI A2. Even my friends turn green with envy whit their expensive flagship models.
My A2 is Global 64/4 variant.
Maybe if I'm stretching a bit the audio output via headphones could be louder and ldac-codec would be nice to have since theres no 3,5mm port.
This part is bit offtopic and there's nothing Xiaomi can do to fix it. I've been spoiled with great xda-communities since the beginning of my android days back in 2010. And I have to say that forum is starting to remind me a bit of those awful miui-forums with thousands of "please fix dear bro fix fix"-messages, stupid clickbait topics and questions wich are already answered in the OP or in previous post. I know I'm not much of a help either and the best guy to whine about that, but it's very frustrating when all the useful stuff gets buried under that ****. I'm still grateful for what we have and big respect to everyone who are willing to help and spent their time for the good of our device and community.
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nemesis53 said:
Did you try to calibrate the proximity sensor?
Type *#*#64663#*#* in dialer
13.Proximity sensor
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i tried to calibrate
proximity sensor works , but sometimes take a little time to respond ,for example it took a 2 seconds the screen to get black while answering calls
Hassan.ajs said:
i tried to calibrate
proximity sensor works , but sometimes take a little time to respond ,for example it took a 2 seconds the screen to get black while answering calls
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Dou you use any screen protector which covers the sensor?
Some screen protectors affetcs the sensor.
i have the same problem with the wifi
Add speaker distortion while receiving a call to the issues list, this cropped up after Pie update.
Proximity sensor has been fixed after pie.
Proximity sensor has been fixed in Pie
I have updated my phone and from then there is no sound for notications and calls.I do not no how to fix.
