Miui 9 for Le Pro 3 - LeEco Le Pro3 Questions & Answers

Is it possible to install miui 9 to Le Pro 3? I'm searching but I can't find on forum or internet.

hkemalius said:
Is it possible to install miui 9 to Le Pro 3? I'm searching but I can't find on forum or internet.
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I have tried to port MIUI9 from Xiaomi 5s based on JUI. The ported rom can boot on my device, Coolpad s1, which has the same hardware as pro3 but the camera, mobile data and all sensors don‘t work. And I don't know how to fix these bugs. I referred to the guide, [Updated] How to port MIUI 8 & MIUI 9 ROMs to Qualcomm powered Smartphones (Sorry to have no permission to post links, you can search the guide with google if interested.)

Need to wait Miui9 just released so it's still early. Should be here in 1-2 months time

I think this is more important than Oreo projetcs. It is more stable than our roms. I hope someone starts to this project.

please port MIUI9 for LeEco le pro 3

hkemalius said:
I think this is more important than Oreo projetcs. It is more stable than our roms. I hope someone starts to this project.
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Sorry but lmao. No, its not more important than oreo projects. For you maybe, but not for majority.

I don't understand. Why nobody start this project? Is it really hard to port for our device? My girlfriend has mi 6. I looked new update miui 9. It is really amazing.

hkemalius said:
I don't understand. Why nobody start this project? Is it really hard to port for our device? My girlfriend has mi 6. I looked new update miui 9. It is really amazing.
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Of course its hard. If you dont think its hard why dont you port it yourself? Its probaby not even possible at this moment.

MIui 9 will come I think but people seem to want it the first day it came out. Better just buy some Xiaomi phones like I do, so just download Miui 9 and flash it...there you go experience it instantly.

I'm very happy with Le Pro 3. It's about rom not phone. Okey it's very new. I will wait. Thanks.

hkemalius said:
Is it possible to install miui 9 to Le Pro 3? I'm searching but I can't find on forum or internet.
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hkemalius said:
I don't understand. Why nobody start this project? Is it really hard to port for our device? My girlfriend has mi 6. I looked new update miui 9. It is really amazing.
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now this project already start. It's made by a chinese. I am not good at English.ignore my grammar error.

thanks works great

krol.76 said:
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There are several versions of miui that are already posted on XDA with working Miui I have used 2 or 3 different versions.
Including :
Turbo. Miui Destroyer V20 ( don't bother with this one.)
In my Experience the best versions for the Leeco Pro 3 are: Miui9V7-Pro3.zip, and Miui9V12-Pro3.zip,.
The download links are not on the Original Post page.
The actual links are within several posts all through the forums : If you search and you will find. them.
None are perfect: You will have to make a lot of build prop edits.
You will need to
Flash your firmware and modem, The rom, and Magisk,
Will not boot if you flash Gapps.
Create and sign into a Miui account,
Remove Dolby, Xposed,Supersu, Magisk, and reinstall your preferred updated each one,
Remove some bloatware and install Google : Google-Installer-MIUI+9+Technobuzz.net.zip


Guide to debloat MIUI

I've searched but couldn't find anything useful about how to best debloat a Chinese MIUI ROM for the non-Chinese market? I'm awaiting a Xiaomi Mi 5S in the coming days which doesn't have an internatinoal ROM yet albeit any other AOSP cloaser ROM. So it will be coming with a Chinese ROM. I would surely like to debloat it properly and make Google apps available on it by default so it would be more like a normal Android phone. I've heard that MIUI is a ice ROM (only been using Nexus devices so far, but never tried anything else apart from original AOSP or some custom AOSP ROM (becase device wasn't officially supported any more by Google). So. Debloat a MIUI 8 then...
Flash xiaomi.eu ROM
Gesendet von meinem ONEPLUS A3003 mit Tapatalk
This should help: http://xiaomitips.com/download/google-installer-app/
I haven't tested it myself, as I'm also waiting for the phone delivery.
This is just for the whole google stuff, you might want to first uninstall all apps in the normal app uninstall menu.
Flash xiaomi.eu ROM as @Klanac89 said and then I use App Quarantine to freeze remaining bloatware. Works a dream.
How to disable "security" app without issues? When I try delete apk with root I have a lot of FC and other issues.
Is there any way possible to instal a stock-like ROM on the Xiaomi Mi5S? Cyanogenmod for example, rooting, TWRP recovery all that stuff.
Thanks in advance
Kikkert said:
Is there any way possible to instal a stock-like ROM on the Xiaomi Mi5S? Cyanogenmod for example, rooting, TWRP recovery all that stuff.
Thanks in advance
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No, not until we get kernel sources and someone builds the roms
ermacwins said:
No, not until we get kernel sources and someone builds the roms
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Can root / instal twrp + xiaomi.eu rom and customize it as u want with xposed.
Probably not as good as CM, but is a good start.
Klanac89 said:
Flash xiaomi.eu ROM
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Care to provide a link to it?
literadesign said:
Care to provide a link to it?
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Use the guide from xiaomi.eu, (unfortunatelly i can not post link on this forum yet), the post is called "All-in-one Guide Compilation On How To Flash Xiaomi.eu Roms On Your Mi5s"
I used the guide above to succesfully flash xiaomi eu rom on my mi5s. All the necessary links to tools and roms are available in the guide.
Friborg said:
Use the guide from xiaomi.eu, (unfortunatelly i can not post link on this forum yet), the post is called "All-in-one Guide Compilation On How To Flash Xiaomi.eu Roms On Your Mi5s"
I used the guide above to succesfully flash xiaomi eu rom on my mi5s. All the necessary links to tools and roms are available in the guide.
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But is xiaomi.eu ROM official or is it just some other ROM that's faking officiality?
xiaomi.eu ROM is a custom rom, like CM. It just looks more or less the same and I think it's even part the same developers as the official ROM, but that's just a guess.
patoberli said:
xiaomi.eu ROM is a custom rom, like CM. It just looks more or less the same and I think it's even part the same developers as the official ROM, but that's just a guess.
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If they're not official devs, then I don't know how are they able to create custom ROM as Xiaomi hasn't officially released kernel sources? XDA developers can't do zilch about custom ROMS but they can. That would make them either creme de la creme of Android/Linux devs or they just have access to more Xiaomi original sources than the rest of the world does... Is there a third option?
literadesign said:
Is there a third option?
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Could the changes be in the APKs and not the kernel?
CL0SeY said:
Could the changes be in the APKs and not the kernel?
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I suppose they could be yes, but one would need either source code of all those APKs or at least a working reverse engineered source. Which gets us basically back to square one. There's a lot more APK sources than there is of the kernel. I would guess so. Which simply means much more work.
Honestly I'm not sure. I don't have an account at xiaomi.eu (yet), but maybe you want to ask your question there?
---------- Post added at 14:10 ---------- Previous post was at 14:05 ----------
The only information I found: https://xiaomi.eu/community/threads/how-is-this-different-than-miui-com.18629/
Sadly they don't write about SafetyNet there.
flash the mi 5s poland version rom which is official
I haven't flashed it yet. However, from my past experience, the Polak rom comes rooted and debloated.
Hmm if that is the same as the official beta ROM, then this version doesn't yet include support for the MI 5s. That was probably completely added this week, in the new version 6.11.24 (source: http://en.miui.com/thread-417573-1-1.html). Release notes with the list of supported devices will be out tomorrow. Last weeks version included the 5s for the first time, but it was "on hold - because of new drivers", which means no download links.
patoberli said:
Hmm if that is the same as the official beta ROM, then this version doesn't yet include support for the MI 5s. That was probably completely added this week, in the new version 6.11.24 (source: http://en.miui.com/thread-417573-1-1.html). Release notes with the list of supported devices will be out tomorrow. Last weeks version included the 5s for the first time, but it was "on hold - because of new drivers", which means no download links.
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No download links in 6.11.24 either. And I suspect that device listing has a typo as instead of stating Mi 5s it should likely state Mi 5s Plus which does have global ROM support. I sincerely hope there will be a global ROM for Mi 5s as well in the near future, but that may never happen. I hope my request to unlock doesn't get rejected though, so I have hopes of flashing the EU version... BTW: 6.11.24 still has Mi 5, Mi 5s (plus), Mi Mix on hold because of Qualcomm.
im8a said:
flash the mi 5s poland version rom which is official
I haven't flashed it yet. However, from my past experience, the Polak rom comes rooted and debloated.
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If this is official ROM then you should be able to flash it without unlocking your device. If an unlock is required, then I'm afraid this is not official as I'm pretty sure there is no special Polish version of the ROM. It's either Chinese or Global... Everything else is unofficial and requires bootloader unlock.

Possible port of coolpad coolplay 6 ROM

Since both are based on same specs with the exception of 6GB RAM and snapdragon 653, i see a very good change of the coolplay 6 ROM being ported to cool1 . Devs, any chance of doing that?
Do you have a Stock ROM for Coolpad COol Play 6 ? Please send the link...
goldengates said:
Do you have a Stock ROM for Coolpad COol Play 6 ? Please send the link...
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I have stock rom, for COOL PLAY 6 but it's chinese ROM, only in english and chinese language.
I got this rom on coolpad forum, but this has been deleted. Supposedly is a rom provide by aliexpress seller.
As information this rom is better than original rom multilanguage, it's optimized and have antutu 89.000, it's more actual versión.
This rom have to flash with YGDP tool and need bootloader unloked.
Also this rom can be root with cool 1 dual method,
All information is according to coolpad forum. But post have been deleted.
do u root cool play 6? if yes could u send proof
I'm sorry but no, I don't try
I'm waiting that multilanguge rom Will Be updated...the multilanguge rom have to optimezed As china rom had optimezed.
joandelgadodome said:
I'm sorry but no, I don't try
I'm waiting that multilanguge rom Will Be updated...the multilanguge rom have to optimezed As china rom had optimezed.
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Hola, ¿estás en htc? Estoy dudando entre el play 6 y el cool 1.
Why Play 6 can't be rooted ?
blueasteroid said:
Hola, ¿estás en htc? Estoy dudando entre el play 6 y el cool 1.
Why Play 6 can't be rooted ?
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Yes, you can search COOLPLAY 6 information on HTC forum. You souldn't to have doubts, COOL 1 = processor 252, PLAY6 = processor253, play6 is improved about cool1
Play 6 can't be rooted because anything developer haven' t developed tools yet. And coolpad don't released codesource.
But some people have been rooted with cool1 method.
How information, the stock rom have been realesed by coolpad china.
It's better than multilanguage ROM..
Anyone here has coolpad play cool 6 with oreo rom installed? Can you please do system dump by
adb pull /system
command and share.
Where can I get the optimized Chinese rom? All the links here are broken.... Please help... My ccp6 only gets 56k antutu, and sad sad geekbench test.
If still interested, such port is already done (android 7, jui) :
Stock rom firmware backup
Good day, can you full out for me a stock rom firmware for coolpad cool play 6.
---------- Post added at 12:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 PM ----------
Bro can you pull out a stock rom firmware of coolpad cool play 6 that can be flash with QFIL, any available version?
phone need unbrick, no fastboot. led only on charging

[Official] MIUI9 Global Stable v9.2.4.0 *Download Link*

Kenzo Updates:
MIUI9 Global Stable (Nightly) V9.2.4.0
No,thanks,no need...
I think nobody here want´s it. Because it is based oin OLD Android 6 and every guy here (inkluded me) want´s to have a Android 7.1.2 but better Android 8.1.
Xiaomi is making a nice Rom but this late Android.... näääääää stay by 8.1 and enjoy this.
What still Android marsmallow please MIUI lot's boooooooooooo to you seriously what the hell? Not even 7.0
xiaomi not given any update on Redmi Note 3. They focus only upcoming model. that is real face on cheap company & good company. The same configure mobile give Android 8.1 and LTE_CA future other good brand company . xiaomi still beta on android 6.1
mathan7 said:
xiaomi not given any update on Redmi Note 3. They focus only upcoming model. that is real face on cheap company & good company. The same configure mobile give Android 8.1 and LTE_CA future other good brand company . xiaomi still beta on android 6.1
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Who cares we have snapdragon 650 and android oreo 8.1 with Jan 2018 patch which is more than enough to throw Miui in the garbage bin...
Androbots said:
Who cares we have snapdragon 650 and android oreo 8.1 with Jan 2018 patch which is more than enough to throw Miui in the garbage bin...
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custom rom goodix frp work ?
thanks, bro. that 's what i need, perfect rom.
---------- Post added at 04:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 AM ----------
hope you update continue, sorry about my einglish, bro :3
mathan7 said:
custom rom goodix frp work ?
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I has been since November 2017
Thanks, I went back to official after try so many custom. ? Miui 9 really fast.
What about KATE guys?
MIUI Global link: http://bigota.d.miui.com/V9.2.4.0.MHOMIEK/miui_HMNote3ProGlobal_V9.2.4.0.MHOMIEK_ff6e34fdb1_6.0.zip
RoboR1 said:
Thanks, I went back to official after try so many custom. Miui 9 really fast.
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this's exactly what i want to say, bro . hehe
Any idea of where to download MIUI9 for kate?
---------- Post added at 12:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 PM ----------
Where can I download MIUI9 for kate guys?
Bootloader locked?
After flashing the zip thru ZCX recovery, phone booted without problems. but system shows bootloader is locked (in locked status).anyone facing same problem?
Can we use this trough updater app?
And to answer it, yes we can. Is it wanted...no Xiaomi fcked this phone bad
marrok said:
Can we use this trough updater app?
And to answer it, yes we can. Is it wanted...no Xiaomi fcked this phone bad
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Fastboot version please somebody give me tje link for it...
Worst battery backup... Local backupups not working...useless waiting... Wasted time... Back to custom roms
I have updated my Redmi Note 3 to MIUI 9.2.4. I managed to install SuperSU (SR3-SuperSU-v2.82-SR3-20170813133244) but I am unable to find correct Xposed framework. I tried Xposed-v87-sdk23-arm64-MIUI-edition-by-SolarWarez-20161126, but it causes bootloops.
Please help!

Should I buy k20 or 9t?

I'm asking it because on AliExpress the k20 has chinese rom originally, and the global rom is flashed after unlocked bootloader.
Te 9t has global rom officially.
Which is the better option? If I buy the k20, can I make it a full fledge 9t with working gpay, etc?
I'm asking it because there is a significant price difference between them.
Yes You Can After Unlocking BL ... You Just Have To Flash Fastboot Global ROM and you good to go
---------- Post added at 11:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:25 PM ----------
See There Are 3 Versions Of The Same Devices
1. Chinese one
2. Indian one
3. Global one
( code names are also little bit different )
You can flash any ROM meant for any version to the device you buy .
FYI Giving Some Example Of SomeOne Who Faced Problem Regarding This.
[[[[[Ok guys I figured it out.Redmi K20 firmware starts with "Davincini" and 9T firmware starts with "Davinici" . So I have opened each of the "flash_all,flash_all_except_storage,flash_all_lock " with note pad plus and edited the words Davincini in the k20 fastboot rom to Davinci (9T) in the 8th and 9th row and flashed it with mi flash .It flashed perfectly . But forgotten to choose flash_all. So it relocked the bootloader.Now the front camera was not working.
There was a August update waiting . Updated now all is fine .Case closed.
Now again have to wait for 30 days to unlock the bootloader . Anyways back to miui 10 . So thanks . May be helpful to somebody...
K20 firmware starts with Davincini
9T frimware starts with Davinci...
Thanks Guys.............]]]]]
GedeonTaylor said:
I'm asking it because on AliExpress the k20 has chinese rom originally, and the global rom is flashed after unlocked bootloader.
Te 9t has global rom officially.
Which is the better option? If I buy the k20, can I make it a full fledge 9t with working gpay, etc?
I'm asking it because there is a significant price difference between them.
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As you know this is the same phone basically and I would not say that the price is that much different yes it is cheaper a bit but is up to you if you want to play with ROM installation or get a ready to go Global version of Mi9t.
Mi9t has NFC with more LTE bands
hwandroid said:
As you know this is the same phone basically and I would not say that the price is that much different yes it is cheaper a bit but is up to you if you want to play with ROM installation or get a ready to go Global version of Mi9t.
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Basically? YES
But EURO B20 and B28 LTE bands are not present on K20 china, I guess.
And not sure the phones version are not region locked in case you relock bootloader like MI8 is.
It is a must have for MI9T global ea rom.
And please can somebody link me a comvert tutorial, or write it down, how to do it? (I think I will go with the k20) I don't want to mess up the phone.
Thank you
GedeonTaylor said:
And please can somebody link me a comvert tutorial, or write it down, how to do it? (I think I will go with the k20) I don't want to mess up the phone.
Thank you
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If you don't want to mess it up and need a tutorial, it kind of mean that you should go with the mi9t
After all, it was clear to what to do as people post here. But if you still feel unsure on how to do it, it's better to don't.
Pupet_Master said:
If you don't want to mess it up and need a tutorial, it kind of mean that you should go with the mi9t
After all, it was clear to what to do as people post here. But if you still feel unsure on how to do it, it's better to don't.
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I'm only asking because I want to be sure not to mess up. Before I had a a/b partition phone, so it's a bit different, that's why I'm a bit afraid but I like modding and custom roms (like I said currently using mi a2) so I will report here what phone was my choice.
I ordered the mi 9t, maybe not the best choice... But we will see. I think I will put custom roms on it after stable 10 roms are out.
GedeonTaylor said:
I ordered the mi 9t, maybe not the best choice... But we will see. I think I will put custom roms on it after stable 10 roms are out.
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Stable 10 ROMS .... You Are Talking About 6 Months Of Future .... Still You Can Try Paranoid Quartz Alpha ... It Is 70% Stable
Dev_Kahl said:
Stable 10 ROMS .... You Are Talking About 6 Months Of Future .... Still You Can Try Paranoid Quartz Alpha ... It Is 70% Stable
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70% stable?
Are you kidding?
Custom roms are never 100% working, some are at 99%...But 70% what that?
Dev_Kahl said:
Stable 10 ROMS .... You Are Talking About 6 Months Of Future .... Still You Can Try Paranoid Quartz Alpha ... It Is 70% Stable
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I'm using 10 rom too currently on my mi a2 while waiting for the 9t. The reason I chose the 9t is that I doesn't need to flash roms right away when it arrives just to use gpay. I think miui 11 will be good, I would use it for 1-2 months when releases, and then custom roms later..
Thank you for your answer, sorry for my messy english
GedeonTaylor said:
I'm only asking because I want to be sure not to mess up. Before I had a a/b partition phone, so it's a bit different, that's why I'm a bit afraid but I like modding and custom roms (like I said currently using mi a2) so I will report here what phone was my choice.
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I understand, but it's better to not mess since order a phone from Ali Express means you wont have any support if things go wrong.
---------- Post added at 13:53 ---------- Previous post was at 13:50 ----------
GedeonTaylor said:
I'm using 10 rom too currently on my mi a2 while waiting for the 9t. The reason I chose the 9t is that I doesn't need to flash roms right away when it arrives just to use gpay. I think miui 11 will be good, I would use it for 1-2 months when releases, and then custom roms later..
Thank you for your answer, sorry for my messy english
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Miui 11 says the rumors will be released on the 28th of this month so you are in luck
GedeonTaylor said:
I'm asking it because on AliExpress the k20 has chinese rom originally, and the global rom is flashed after unlocked bootloader.
Te 9t has global rom officially.
Which is the better option? If I buy the k20, can I make it a full fledge 9t with working gpay, etc?
I'm asking it because there is a significant price difference between them.
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If Price Same then Mi 9T

miui 12

Hello everyone. Found an extremely stable firmware miui 12 on our phone, but it's Chinese. Are there those who could Russify it.
please share your impressions
Happy_trip said:
Hello everyone. Found an extremely stable firmware miui 12 on our phone, but it's Chinese. Are there those who could Russify it.
I can't post the link here because I haven't typed another 10 posts. I can send it in private messages, and then you will post it here.
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give me link
Miui 12
jahidinbedod said:
give me link
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sent the link
Happy_trip said:
Hello everyone. Found an extremely stable firmware miui 12 on our phone, but it's Chinese. Are there those who could Russify it.
I can't post the link here because I haven't typed another 10 posts. I can send it in private messages, and then you will post it here.
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Can you please send me too?
Me too... ?
me too pls ^_^
sent to everyone
Thanks, but the file named miui12 for note3... It’s for oneplus 5 too?
Garfanki said:
Thanks, but the file named miui12 for note3... It’s for oneplus 5 too?
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firmware removed from note 3 and ported to OnePlus 5
Ah ok
Happy_trip said:
Hello everyone. Found an extremely stable firmware miui 12 on our phone, but it's Chinese. Are there those who could Russify it.
I can't post the link here because I haven't typed another 10 posts. I can send it in private messages, and then you will post it here.
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Bro where can I find updates to this rom?
Ill happily take link, DM me.
r0fless said:
Ill happily take link, DM me.
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I tried this rom for a little while.
-It's based on Android 9
-Overall performance is not bad but you still feel lagging every once in a while (i didn't try any games or demanding apps)
-Based on chinese version so expect more bloatware than what's usual for miui eu roms
-I couldn't get google apps to work but that's probably me
conquistadore.11 said:
I tried this rom for a little while.
-It's based on Android 9
-Overall performance is not bad but you still feel lagging every once in a while (i didn't try any games or demanding apps)
-Based on chinese version so expect more bloatware than what's usual for miui eu roms
-I couldn't get google apps to work but that's probably me
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I used Google installer and there were no problems
Happy_trip said:
Hello everyone. Found an extremely stable firmware miui 12 on our phone, but it's Chinese. Are there those who could Russify it.
please share your impressions
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5/5T MIUI12 12.0.1 Android 9
MIUI12 OnePlus 5 Android 10
I can't find a valid link to download miui 12 android 10 for my Oneplus 5...
China English [ROM]
OnePlus 5 - MIUI12 12.0.1 Android 9 original post https://www.oneplusbbs.com/thread-5614366-1.html
OnePlus 5 - MIUI12 12.0.1 Android 10 original post https://www.oneplusbbs.com/thread-5611433-1.html
Thank you very much!
link77kz said:
China English [ROM]
OnePlus 5 - MIUI12 12.0.1 Android 9 original post https://www.oneplusbbs.com/thread-5614366-1.html
OnePlus 5 - MIUI12 12.0.1 Android 10 original post https://www.oneplusbbs.com/thread-5611433-1.html
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