Call duration icon on screen? - LG V20 Questions & Answers

As the tittle say, the other day I restarted my phone and for some reason the call duration was showing on the screen display instead of the second screen as a small icon that could be dragged around the main screen.
Is that an option? I restarted the phone and the feature is gone. Thanks in advance.


Pop Balloon Removal

Hello all,
I have searched for the answer to remove several pop balloons without any luck. I hope you can help me with this.
While talking on my HTC TOUCH it seems I am touching icons with my ear setting off different pop ups.
The one I am having the most problems with is the connectivity pop up at the top of the screen. This pop seems to activate when the Ev icon is pressed.
Also the phone pop ( which seems to activate when pressing the signal icon) pops up from time to time as well.
Is there a way to disable these icons?
im not aware of any way to get ride of those, but i have set my phone to automatically turn off the screen when the call is connected and turn it back on as soon as the call is finished.
u can do it with S2U2, setting on the ´blank screen on talk´ option.

[Q] Unlocking To Contacts Glitch/Scrambled Screen For 2 Seconds?

Hi guys i seem to have a problem which i cant figure out where its coming from. This is my second device that does this, basically sometimes after i unlock the screen i get a glitch or scramble on bottom half of the screen for about 1-2 seconds, mostly when it unlocks to the contacts or call log tab.
At first i thought its because i had disabled the transition animations and window animation scale in developer mode but it did it after i set them back to default as well.
After i thought its from the light animation on the lockscreen and i disabled that as well but same issue persists.
It only happens 3-4 times per day.
I exchanged my first device because of this and now second one is doing the same. I will try and post a picture later. So is anyone else experiencing this or do i switch again?

Incoming call screen changes

I have the Verizon G2 and just wondering if anyone else notices the incoming call screen changes. Sometimes I have the screen where the answer/decline buttons are circles and require a slide but other times I have an answer screen with big squares for answer/decline and require a press.
I can not figure out the reasoning why this screen changes formats. I just had 2 calls from the same person and each call was different.
When I'm in a call and get a 2nd call, it normally the big squares. What sucks is that when talking and the phone is on my cheek, the 2nd call comes in, turns on the display and with the huge buttons, I've answered and declined a few calls with my cheek.
I also notice with the latest update that the screen is turning on more often and my face starts hitting buttons. Mostly the clock from the statusbar notification shade, go into time settings and messes up my time. Usually I find my clock in 24hr mode. Today it was 2hours off.
I'm not sure if notifications coming in while on a call is turning the screen on or if the sensor is getting whacky. Its getting to the point where it is becoming annoying so I'm posting about it.
Anyone else notice the dual answer screen formats and having issues with being on calls and the screen turning on? I've been having to hit the power button to force the screen from coming on and launching stuff or toggling my notification stuff.
player911 said:
I have the Verizon G2 and just wondering if anyone else notices the incoming call screen changes. Sometimes I have the screen where the answer/decline buttons are circles and require a slide but other times I have an answer screen with big squares for answer/decline and require a press.
I can not figure out the reasoning why this screen changes formats. I just had 2 calls from the same person and each call was different.
When I'm in a call and get a 2nd call, it normally the big squares. What sucks is that when talking and the phone is on my cheek, the 2nd call comes in, turns on the display and with the huge buttons, I've answered and declined a few calls with my cheek.
I also notice with the latest update that the screen is turning on more often and my face starts hitting buttons. Mostly the clock from the statusbar notification shade, go into time settings and messes up my time. Usually I find my clock in 24hr mode. Today it was 2hours off.
I'm not sure if notifications coming in while on a call is turning the screen on or if the sensor is getting whacky. Its getting to the point where it is becoming annoying so I'm posting about it.
Anyone else notice the dual answer screen formats and having issues with being on calls and the screen turning on? I've been having to hit the power button to force the screen from coming on and launching stuff or toggling my notification stuff.
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I have the exact same problem. I actually factory reset the phone to no avail. It's weird absolutely. But I've learned to live with it by not pressing the whole phone on my cheek, instead it's held at a slight angle, just the top speaker on my ear and the rest away from my face. The phone gets less dirty and there's no chance I'll press some things with my face.
I've found that if you manually turn the phone off via power button, it'll stay off. The problem is then ending the call since pulling it away won't turn on the screen.
However I am still curious about the Incoming Call screen theme. Sometimes it uses the small Circles that you click and drag while other calls use the big square button theme. It flip flops randomly.
I can't remember if the Incoming call screen would flip flop before but the screen on/off bug was introduced in 4.4.2

am i missing something

ok i took the update to 8,0 yesterday, after the update at the very top of my screen to the left of wi fi and battery things i see a emergency alert icon, so i pull down and it says severe threat warning this area . then stops . so i tap on it and it usually shows me what the alert is about. not now though i get this page. if emergency alerts are issued,those alerts will appear on this screen. its got a settings tab where i can turn alerts on and off but i cant get that damn little icon to go away from top of screen nor delete that half message that takes me to the blue screen with message about said alert being on that screen , which it is not on that screen,
cain308 said:
ok i took the update to 8,0 yesterday, after the update at the very top of my screen to the left of wi fi and battery things i see a emergency alert icon, so i pull down and it says severe threat warning this area . then stops . so i tap on it and it usually shows me what the alert is about. not now though i get this page. if emergency alerts are issued,those alerts will appear on this screen. its got a settings tab where i can turn alerts on and off but i cant get that damn little icon to go away from top of screen nor delete that half message that takes me to the blue screen with message about said alert being on that screen , which it is not on that screen,
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I updated and don't see that. Sounds odd, but have you tried restarting your phone? Sometimes, things get stuck and a restart releases them.

Weird caller display error....

Recently I've noticed that when I get a call on my phone, it only shows as a phone icon in the notification bar, where as it used to show the call on the screen.
For example, phone locked and AOD on. Phone rings and it used to light up showing me the caller. Now it only shows a phone icon in the AOD notification on the screen.
Anyone had this or know what I've changed?
Not on my phone....Exonys version

