Incoming call screen changes - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have the Verizon G2 and just wondering if anyone else notices the incoming call screen changes. Sometimes I have the screen where the answer/decline buttons are circles and require a slide but other times I have an answer screen with big squares for answer/decline and require a press.
I can not figure out the reasoning why this screen changes formats. I just had 2 calls from the same person and each call was different.
When I'm in a call and get a 2nd call, it normally the big squares. What sucks is that when talking and the phone is on my cheek, the 2nd call comes in, turns on the display and with the huge buttons, I've answered and declined a few calls with my cheek.
I also notice with the latest update that the screen is turning on more often and my face starts hitting buttons. Mostly the clock from the statusbar notification shade, go into time settings and messes up my time. Usually I find my clock in 24hr mode. Today it was 2hours off.
I'm not sure if notifications coming in while on a call is turning the screen on or if the sensor is getting whacky. Its getting to the point where it is becoming annoying so I'm posting about it.
Anyone else notice the dual answer screen formats and having issues with being on calls and the screen turning on? I've been having to hit the power button to force the screen from coming on and launching stuff or toggling my notification stuff.

player911 said:
I have the Verizon G2 and just wondering if anyone else notices the incoming call screen changes. Sometimes I have the screen where the answer/decline buttons are circles and require a slide but other times I have an answer screen with big squares for answer/decline and require a press.
I can not figure out the reasoning why this screen changes formats. I just had 2 calls from the same person and each call was different.
When I'm in a call and get a 2nd call, it normally the big squares. What sucks is that when talking and the phone is on my cheek, the 2nd call comes in, turns on the display and with the huge buttons, I've answered and declined a few calls with my cheek.
I also notice with the latest update that the screen is turning on more often and my face starts hitting buttons. Mostly the clock from the statusbar notification shade, go into time settings and messes up my time. Usually I find my clock in 24hr mode. Today it was 2hours off.
I'm not sure if notifications coming in while on a call is turning the screen on or if the sensor is getting whacky. Its getting to the point where it is becoming annoying so I'm posting about it.
Anyone else notice the dual answer screen formats and having issues with being on calls and the screen turning on? I've been having to hit the power button to force the screen from coming on and launching stuff or toggling my notification stuff.
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I have the exact same problem. I actually factory reset the phone to no avail. It's weird absolutely. But I've learned to live with it by not pressing the whole phone on my cheek, instead it's held at a slight angle, just the top speaker on my ear and the rest away from my face. The phone gets less dirty and there's no chance I'll press some things with my face.

I've found that if you manually turn the phone off via power button, it'll stay off. The problem is then ending the call since pulling it away won't turn on the screen.
However I am still curious about the Incoming Call screen theme. Sometimes it uses the small Circles that you click and drag while other calls use the big square button theme. It flip flops randomly.
I can't remember if the Incoming call screen would flip flop before but the screen on/off bug was introduced in 4.4.2


Screen switch off during call

during call the screen switch off very quickly, is there a way to fix that ? merci
This irritates me too, especially when you telephone one of those places that give you a number option to press. If you press the central silver "enter" key the screen re-appears though.
I don't think it's irritating that it switches off, because otherwise my ear starts whatever program by touching the screen.
What really irritates me is that it seems to work randomly. Sometimes the screen turns black and sometimes it don't. Is this behavior to configure somehow?

Light off during a call?

Hi there,
I am a little ticked off with the way the phone switches the light off and you HAVE to press a button to get it back up when in the middle of a call.
Is there any way to keep the phone awake while on a call? Ofcourse, I HAVE tried out "Shake Awake", but thats a little buggy too.
And also, the buttons for Hold, Mute, Speaker mode and all those options come up only when you press the menu button. Is there any alternate dialler available or something which can get all these options on the screen while on the call like the iPhone as its easier to use it than press the button to get the options?
just install keepscreen.
edit: this will keep the screen alive. about the alternative dialer i don't know. but be aware that the phone has no proximity sensor, so you are prone to accidentally press random buttons.
Cool. Will check it out man. Thanks.
I have a different problem - since, sadly, Hero has not got a proximity sensor, I constantly drop my calls by accidently touching the end call button with my cheek. I believe that's a reason the screen backlight goes off so quickly during a call - when the screen is off, it does not react to touch too, so that accident call drops would be less likely.
There are still some serious problems though. First of all, screen timeout during a call is not short nough - while you can know that you must wait a few seconds before you can actually touch the phone with the face, others can't, so call drops are, sadly, unavoidable in such cases. The fact that hold, mute and other buttons are hidden under the menu button is a good thing not only because it keeps Android phillosophy straight, but reduces chances of unwanted misc. actions. The solution of this problem could be an option to disable the end call button, since there are dedicated hardware keys for that.
I have also noticed that if you minimize the dialer during a call with home button, the screen timeout will not be quick, so before continuing a call it's a good idea to bring the dialer back by tapping the hardware call button so the screen timeout becomes quiick again.
Very true. I thought about all these before I posted, but on the other end, I just said 'f it' to myself and asked it here.. hehe.
I wonder if iPhone users have such issues.
As someone in this forum mentioned, it is best to have the screen switched OFF during a call, unless you have something to do. This way, it prevents you from fiddling with the controls.
Not just the hero, earlier models too have this feature. It quite odd in the beginning, but you will love it later.
subhramani said:
Hi there,
And also, the buttons for Hold, Mute, Speaker mode and all those options come up only when you press the menu button.
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Not necessary!
During a call
- Press "Call" to hold (will also mute)
- Press and hold "Call" to activate speaker mode.

Screen turns off/on in call?

I got a question. When you're talking on the phone, does your screen goes off in 10 seconds, then 2 seconds later, the screen turns back on, then turns off in 10 seconds, and keeps going..
Cuz while I was talking on the phone using bluetooth, I just happen to noticed this and even using my finger to hide the proximity sensor, it does the same thing.
[EDIT] When I'm on a call and then hit the home button to get to the main screen (still on call), then it turns off like normal and it won't turn itself on. But for some reason, in the "Call Window" it just repeatedly goes off and on.. Hmmm
Problem 2: When I'm on a call, and have my phone in my pocket, when someone phones me, my leg would help me 'accept' the call. I did a test. When I'm on a call and block the proximity sensor, the screen locks up (which is fine) but when someone phones in (call waiting), the screen is accessible again even though the proximity server is still covered. This makes it so that it would still accidently accept the call when someone phones in while still in pocket.
Can anyone try it and see if it does it on your phone?
Yes mine does that. It sucks because frequently, I will hit the hang up button with my cheek. Annoying.
I hope they fix this asap...
its very annoying, mine does the same thing

Pattern Lock When On Calls

Hi guys
Had a search and nobody else seems to be having this problem, but seems so basic that I'm sure I must be missing something obvious!
When I'm in a call (either incoming or outgoing) I can't get the screen to turn on properly in order to hang up or use other programs (check calendar etc). This is particularly annoying on outgoing calls as it makes hanging up very difficult!
To be more detailed, a single tap on the power button has no effect on the screen - it stays off. If I repeatedly click the power button, sometimes the screen will flash on for a miniscule moment - this is my hang up method at the moment, repeatedly press the power button and tap the screen near where the hang up icon will be, and eventually I'll catch it while the screen's on. Once I'm off a call, things act as normal.
I have Pattern Lock set up, and am prompted to unlock the phone once I'm off a call, this is what I'd expect from previous Android phones but might be causing problems here?
I found this previous thread where people have had very similar symptoms because their screen protector is over the proximity sensor, but I don't have a screen protector. Might I have a dodgy proximity sensor? Is there any way of testing it?
Cheers for the help!
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DJGibbon said:
Hi guys
Had a search and nobody else seems to be having this problem, but seems so basic that I'm sure I must be missing something obvious!
When I'm in a call (either incoming or outgoing) I can't get the screen to turn on properly in order to hang up or use other programs (check calendar etc). This is particularly annoying on outgoing calls as it makes hanging up very difficult!
To be more detailed, a single tap on the power button has no effect on the screen - it stays off. If I repeatedly click the power button, sometimes the screen will flash on for a miniscule moment - this is my hang up method at the moment, repeatedly press the power button and tap the screen near where the hang up icon will be, and eventually I'll catch it while the screen's on. Once I'm off a call, things act as normal.
I have Pattern Lock set up, and am prompted to unlock the phone once I'm off a call, this is what I'd expect from previous Android phones but might be causing problems here?
I found this previous thread where people have had very similar symptoms because their screen protector is over the proximity sensor, but I don't have a screen protector. Might I have a dodgy proximity sensor? Is there any way of testing it?
Cheers for the help!
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I have the same problem. It doesn't happen all the time, naturally, but it's been frequent enough to be irritating. If anyone figures this out, I'd love to hear a solution.
Frustratingly this does seem to happen to me every time - although it might only be once the timeout has activated the pattern lock. Or I could be barking up the wrong tree entirely!
Think I might have to do some testing tonight . . .
After some fiddling it does seem that it's a problem with the proximity sensor - Elixir 2's settings show the proximity sensor always showing "near"
If someone could run Elixir 2 on their N4 and confirm that they do get changing settings, it would be a great help!

AT&T S4 lollipop - phone dialer app issues

Since getting the lollipop update, I have noticed that the screen turns on when while I am holding it to my face during a call. It seems to be more sensitive, turns on too easily. Also related I think, is that because the display turns on, my fingers seem to hit the 'hang up' button now unintentionally. So I am talking, screen turns on, finger on side of case maybe barely touches screen... call hangs up.
Anyone else seeing this, any way to adjust this so it stays off until I remove it completely away from my face?

