Failed installing Lineage 14.1, wiped system, now restoring stock won't boot - LeEco Le Pro3 Questions & Answers

Attempt 1 to install Lineage
Tried installing the Lineage 14.1, it kept doing a blank-but-illuminated screen, then turned off and back on, resulting in a boot loop.
We tried a couple of things - first the more conservative wiping of just data, dalvik and cache.
This did the boot loop described above. I then restored the stock backup and all was well.
Attempt 2 to install Lineage
The second time we wiped the system partition in addition to the above. Same bootloop.
Went to restore the backup of stock again, but now it's getting stuck at "I'm not a phone I'm a comprehensive yada yada" screen. It never progresses past this.
Attempts to get Stock Restore working
We've tried restoring just the system, data and dalvik
We've also tried System Image in addition to these.
No joy.
We don't have a laptop or other device to hand for a few days so we have just what's on the phone - the Lineage 14.1 zip, the stock backup and TWRP.
Any ideas how we can get back to a working phone with either OS?

What type of LePro3 do you have?

It's the X722

kenbw2 said:
It's the X722
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The X722 model is not supported by Lineage.
I think that you have a problem. Hope anyone can help you to go back to stock successfully.

When doing the stock restore, we didn't restore the boot image.
Is that something worth trying?

kenbw2 said:
When doing the stock restore, we didn't restore the boot image.
Is that something worth trying?
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Yes, you could try it. Please, write, was it useful or not)

Restored System,. System Image, Cache, Data and Boot partitions and all is now back to normal.

kenbw2 said:
Restored System,. System Image, Cache, Data and Boot partitions and all is now back to normal.
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That is great. So, is bluetooth works fine after that?


restore from backup fails

Ok, so I have NEVER been able to successfully restore from a backup made using TWRP when the backup was of a Cyanogen based ROM.
I've tried selecting every box/option for the backup thus creating a big arse file and even those don't successfully install during a restore attempt.
The only backup I have the will successfully install is the one I made immediately after installing TWRP of the stock rom.
When I attempt to restore my CM13 rom it usually gets to around 10 to 14 percent complete and then suddenly just reboots and seems to be stuck on the boot loading image forever until my patience runs out and I flash back to stock.
Any ideas guys? I would LOVE to be able to restore one of my CM13 backups.
I'm on Nexus 6p using newest TWRP and had backed up a couple CM13 nightlies.
Currently running CM13 snapshot.
theinvid said:
Ok, so I have NEVER been able to successfully restore from a backup made using TWRP when the backup was of a Cyanogen based ROM.
I've tried selecting every box/option for the backup thus creating a big arse file and even those don't successfully install during a restore attempt.
The only backup I have the will successfully install is the one I made immediately after installing TWRP of the stock rom.
When I attempt to restore my CM13 rom it usually gets to around 10 to 14 percent complete and then suddenly just reboots and seems to be stuck on the boot loading image forever until my patience runs out and I flash back to stock.
Any ideas guys? I would LOVE to be able to restore one of my CM13 backups.
I'm on Nexus 6p using newest TWRP and had backed up a couple CM13 nightlies.
Currently running CM13 snapshot.
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Have you read my guide?
You definitely shouldn't be selecting all options in the backup menu. You only need to select system, data, boot, and vendor. And obviously only restore those.
Heisenberg said:
Have you read my guide?
You definitely shouldn't be selecting all options in the backup menu. You only need to select system, data, boot, and vendor. And obviously only restore those.
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Thanks for the information. Ok I made a backup of only the 4 things listed...before I made the backup I made sure that I had NO security of any kind.
This time the backup got to 100% and then asked me to reboot the system. I was excited...thinking this had actually worked this time...only to find that it stays stuck io the GOOGLE plash never makes it to the boot animation.
The original stock backup still works...and in looking at that backup it only had 3 things backed up (no vendor).
At this point a backup has failed once again and I'll have to spend hours getting it back the way I had it.
theinvid said:
Thanks for the information. Ok I made a backup of only the 4 things listed...before I made the backup I made sure that I had NO security of any kind.
This time the backup got to 100% and then asked me to reboot the system. I was excited...thinking this had actually worked this time...only to find that it stays stuck io the GOOGLE plash never makes it to the boot animation.
The original stock backup still works...and in looking at that backup it only had 3 things backed up (no vendor).
At this point a backup has failed once again and I'll have to spend hours getting it back the way I had it.
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You could try restoring the backup without the vendor, but then you'll need to flash the appropriate vendor image to suit the ROM that you're restoring.
Heisenberg said:
You could try restoring the backup without the vendor, but then you'll need to flash the appropriate vendor image to suit the ROM that you're restoring.
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tried that. it also failed.
Now things seem to be worse. I restore the original stock backup and then from there begin the process again of installing Cyanogenmod 13...only no matter what I do to install gets stuck on the Google unlock screen.
I've tried.
Factory Reset - Install Just CM13 snapshot = fail
Factory Reset - Install CM13 snapshot and Gapps = fail
Factory Reset - Install CM13 snapshot and Gapps and Xposed and Vendor file fix thingy = Fail
a few other combinations all failing the same way.
A phone is worthless to me if I can't run CM13 I "NEED" to customize!!
Please help.
theinvid said:
tried that. it also failed.
Now things seem to be worse. I restore the original stock backup and then from there begin the process again of installing Cyanogenmod 13...only no matter what I do to install gets stuck on the Google unlock screen.
I've tried.
Factory Reset - Install Just CM13 snapshot = fail
Factory Reset - Install CM13 snapshot and Gapps = fail
Factory Reset - Install CM13 snapshot and Gapps and Xposed and Vendor file fix thingy = Fail
a few other combinations all failing the same way.
A phone is worthless to me if I can't run CM13 I "NEED" to customize!!
Please help.
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Are you flashing the appropriate vendor image for the ROM after you've flashed the ROM? When you say factory reset are you just choosing the factory reset option in TWRP? If so, you should instead go into the advanced wipe section and wipe system, data, cache, and dalvik cache. CM isn't the only ROM out there with customisation, there are other ROMs that have the same or more level of customisation available.
theinvid said:
tried that. it also failed.
Now things seem to be worse. I restore the original stock backup and then from there begin the process again of installing Cyanogenmod 13...only no matter what I do to install gets stuck on the Google unlock screen.
I've tried.
Factory Reset - Install Just CM13 snapshot = fail
Factory Reset - Install CM13 snapshot and Gapps = fail
Factory Reset - Install CM13 snapshot and Gapps and Xposed and Vendor file fix thingy = Fail
a few other combinations all failing the same way.
A phone is worthless to me if I can't run CM13 I "NEED" to customize!!
Please help.
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also simply tried a Factory Reset followed by reboot and that failed in the same way.
currently it would seem that Screw'd ROM is successfully installing. hmm
what's up with my CM13??
I hope I like this ROM
theinvid said:
currently it would seem that Screw'd ROM is successfully installing. hmm
what's up with my CM13??
I hope I like this ROM
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I really don't know, there's no reason it shouldn't install. You must be missing something, or perhaps the zip is corrupt, did you check the MD5?

Help with TWRP Restore !

I just got a s5. And I got it succesfully rooted and also got TWRP working on it.
All the data from my previous phone was transfered to the s5.
Now I made some backups with TWRP with the default settings: Partitions boot, system and data.
With the backups in mind I was thinking I could easily restore it to a previous state.
Thinking I backed up all the data and wanted to make it fresh again, I wanted to restore it.
In the menu I chose the restore option with the same settings as the backup: Partitions boot, system and data.
And it gives a message restoring system succesfull.
But when rebooting, it keeps hanging and at the moment of loading the android system every bit of the system keeps 'hanging'
It keeps saying
'Unfortunately touchwiz startup unsuccesfully'
'Unfortunately youtube startup unsuccesfully'
'Unfortunately greenify startup unsuccesfully'
'Unfortunately app whatever startup unsuccesfully'
And so on and so on
Eventually it starts with a black screen with nothing loaded. Complete blackout.
So this backup doesn't work. And I try my second backup.
Unfortunately also the second backup gave these errors.
And also the third backup!
So the backup files seem the right size, it's some gigabytes, and it alway's keeps saying backup/restore succesfully.
But now it fails to restore and boot the backup
The things I tried.
-Trying three different backups
-Wiping cleaning data/dalvik/cache etc etc
-Restoring a part of the backup. First system, then data, then boot, no succes.
So i'm totally lost! Does somebody know how to fix this? Or have some tips to try??
You can't restore system and boot from a different model phone
That would be like trying to flash a ROM for one model phone to another without porting it
If it was an S5 you backed up, was it the exact same model (ie: G900F etc?)
Flash back to stock, then try restoring only DATA
Or use TiBu to restore your apps from the TWRP backup
*Detection* said:
You can't restore system and boot from a different model phone
That would be like trying to flash a ROM for one model phone to another without porting it
If it was an S5 you backed up, was it the exact same model (ie: G900F etc?)
Flash back to stock, then try restoring only DATA
Or use TiBu to restore your apps from the TWRP backup
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Thanks for the reply! It was a backup and restore on the same phone. So that is why I thought it was supposed to be a easy restore.
But I found the solution hidden somewhere in one message on XDA:
"Originally Posted by Dr. Fed
Would you happen to know why, when restoring a TW 4.4.2 nandroid using TWRP 2.8.1 or 2.8.4, after running an AOSP lollipop ROM like CM12, the TW ROM boots but then the whole system force-closes? Before restoring the nandroid, I advance wipe system, data, cache, and dalvik. Then I restore the nandroid. It boots, but then some daemon crashes. Then all processes and apps. The screen goes black after a few crashes.
So, what I do is pull out the battery, boot into recovery, advance wipe system, data, cache, dalvik, flash a CM11 ROM, reboot. I let CM11 start up, skip the set-up, then I boot back to TWRP (2.8.1 and now 2.8.4), advanced wipe, restore TW nandroid, and now it works just fine.
It seems like TWRP doesn't fully wipe."
Here the steps for if other people will run into the same problem:
Problem: Android 5 is running, with twrp 2.7 performed a back up = Restoring the backup is difficult because it problably doesn't do a clean wipe somehow.
1. I downloaded a cyanogen 11 rom, a Android 4 version.
2. Installed it with TWRP. Somehow it 'wipes' it more efficiently.
3. From cyanogen 11 back to booting TWRP.
4. In TWRP trying the Android 5 restore.
And Amazingly this worked!! = Celebrate!!
chokolademan said:
Thanks for the reply! It was a backup and restore on the same phone.
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Confused me with this line
chokolademan said:
All the data from my previous phone was transfered to the s5.
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Good to see you solved it

Cannot wipe with TWRP

I have G935F, installed TWRP and rooted, WITHOUT wiping. System boots correctly, but I cannot do factory reset or wipe with TWRP, because I got some messages like "Cannot mount Data" and "Failed crypto loader". I understand that it has to do with encryption. Can someone please enlight me, and give me tips about the issue?
Thank you
Polemos82 said:
I have G935F, installed TWRP and rooted, WITHOUT wiping. System boots correctly, but I cannot do factory reset or wipe with TWRP, because I got some messages like "Cannot mount Data" and "Failed crypto loader". I understand that it has to do with encryption. Can someone please enlight me, and give me tips about the issue?
Thank you
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You have to download dm-verity and force encryption disabler from here , put it to SD card, reboot into TWRP, FORMAT DATA (not wipe) and flash that file (dm-verity and force encryption disabler). All your data will be erased.
No way to unencrypt without loosing you data for the moment(
"All your data will be erased" means that after boot I'll find a clean system installation (as factory reset)?
I hope not to be posing stupid questions, I'm completely new to this world
Thank you very much
Yes just as a factory reset
Sent from my SM-G935W8 using Tapatalk
Ok, thank you all!!! ???
s it very important to wipe data?
Can I first flash the twrp ,second back up the rom by TWRP recovery
and then after factory reset ,I restore thw rom by twrp??
IS IT possible?
AGU PENG said:
Can I first flash the twrp ,second back up the rom by TWRP recovery
and then after factory reset ,I restore thw rom by twrp??
IS IT possible?
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No, you cannot perform a backup, because your data is encrypted by default and the only way to disable it is to format your data.
I have a unique problem. I have a HTC Desire 612 from Verizon and I decided to revive it to playe PoGo. But it was stuck in a boot loop and I couldn't get any custom ROM.
Finally a gentle soul here gave me the stock rom and I flashed it vide TWRP and played PoGo for weeks. Then yesterday the phone bro led and when it came up it was stuck in a boot loop.
So I decided to flash the stock ROM again. But before that I tried to factory reset. I could go to TWRP, select wipe data, enter yes and the wiping was successful, then clear dalvic and cache and system beforehand finally I flashed the stock ROM.
Surprise surprise is NOTHING happens. The phone boots without the apps telling me they are installing. Then I get back the exact same data in my phone including my selected wallpaper and apps. Before I can do anything the phone restarts.
Point is wiping and restoring the stock ROM does NOTHING to the phone yet the processes are successful. Can somebody help?
vooks said:
I have a unique problem. I have a HTC Desire 612 from Verizon and I decided to revive it to playe PoGo. But it was stuck in a boot loop and I couldn't get any custom ROM.
Finally a gentle soul here gave me the stock rom and I flashed it vide TWRP and played PoGo for weeks. Then yesterday the phone bro led and when it came up it was stuck in a boot loop.
So I decided to flash the stock ROM again. But before that I tried to factory reset. I could go to TWRP, select wipe data, enter yes and the wiping was successful, then clear dalvic and cache and system beforehand finally I flashed the stock ROM.
Surprise surprise is NOTHING happens. The phone boots without the apps telling me they are installing. Then I get back the exact same data in my phone including my selected wallpaper and apps. Before I can do anything the phone restarts.
Point is wiping and restoring the stock ROM does NOTHING to the phone yet the processes are successful. Can somebody help?
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HTC?? Wrong thread.
B3311 said:
HTC?? Wrong thread.
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It really is about TWRP failing to wipe

Lineage stuck on boot loop on startup

I have LineageOS 14.1 installed on my Moto G4 Plus. All of a sudden it rebooted and was stuck on the booting screen. I can get to TWRP. Things I tried that didn't help
wait 30 minutes
plug in phone to charger
clear cache
fully power off then on
If it comes down to it, I could flash a new ROM, but would like to save/backup the text messages/whatsapp messages.
Anything you installed/flashed before rebooting ?
try to dirty flash ROM and check if it boots or not.
____Mdd said:
Anything you installed/flashed before rebooting ?
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try to dirty flash ROM and check if it boots or not.
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will that loose the text messages etc?
lightningglasses said:
will that loose the text messages etc?
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wiping "Data" deletes everything, dirty flashing does not not.
Just wipe delvik-Art and cache (*not data*), Then install ROM (plus gapps and root if you need), reboot, it will take around 10 minutes to re-generate delvik data, then it should boot..
____Mdd said:
wiping "Data" deletes everything, dirty flashing does not not.
Just wipe delvik-Art and cache (*not data*), Then install ROM (plus gapps and root if you need), reboot, it will take around 10 minutes to re-generate delvik data, then it should boot..
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hmm didn't work, any other ideas?
lightningglasses said:
hmm didn't work, any other ideas?
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I forgot to mention in previous post, did you wipe system? Try with that and install rom.
Reinstalling ROM heals damage made to /system partition and to boot, but not to /data.
so if still doesn't boot, that means damage happened to /data and you need to clean it, result in lost of data of apps (whatsapp and message you mentioned in your post.)
Still if you know what apps you installed last, delete it from /data/app/xyz-app (boot TWRP > advance > file manager)
____Mdd said:
I forgot to mention in previous post, did you wipe system? Try with that and install rom.
Reinstalling ROM heals damage made to /system partition and to boot, but not to /data.
so if still doesn't boot, that means damage happened to /data and you need to clean it, result in lost of data of apps (whatsapp and message you mentioned in your post.)
Still if you know what apps you installed last, delete it from /data/app/xyz-app (boot TWRP > advance > file manager)
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It is still stuck in a boot loop after I
cleared cache, dalvic/art and system
used twrp's file manager to delete all recently installed apps from /data/app
flashed newest lineageos rom
clear davilink again
waited 15 minutes with phone plugged in
When should I wipe cache/dalvik/system? Before or after flashing rom?
lightningglasses said:
It is still stuck in a boot loop after I
cleared cache, dalvic/art and system
used twrp's file manager to delete all recently installed apps from /data/app
flashed newest lineageos rom
clear davilink again
waited 15 minutes with phone plugged in
When should I wipe cache/dalvik/system? Before or after flashing rom?
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There is no other way to get your device back without losing data.
I have never used Titanium backup app but i know there is feature to restore data from TWRP backup, you can take backup of /data and restore backup of whatsapp.
I am still not sure about that feature, if you have time then i can test that feature, otherwise there is no way to keep data.
Edit: whatsapp makes chat backup every night at 2AM, if you haven't had any important chats after that, you can go for wipe.
If you can pay for titanium backup there might just be a way. I am not 100% sure but take a backup of the "data" partition(you can backup everything but data is most important) in twrp in internal storage only. Then clean flash everything. Then install titanium backup and buy the pro key. Then restore from twrp. If you find an option to restore only data then that's a better option. Downloading the app and restoring the data is better than restoring app and data. I'm not sure if it will work. But if nothing is working and your data is 100% vital you may wanna try this.
Another tip, don't restore blindly everything cuz bootloop may occur again

Galaxy Tab A 8 (SM-T350) stuck on boot loop after trying to recover stock firmware

Hey folks. I'm hitting a brick wall trying to figure out this issue and I'm hoping someone will know how to fix this.
I have a Galaxy Tab A 8 (SM-T350) that I rooted and successfully flashed with first crDroid, then Lineage (both Android 9.0) using TWRP. I had made a backup before attempting this just in case I wanted to revert to stock.
Well, that didn't go as smoothly as I was hoping. Ever since trying to restore my backup, I've been stuck on a continuous boot loop that I can't seem to fix.
I keep getting "E:failed to mount /efs (Invalid argument)" and "dm-verity verification failed. . ." no matter what I try. I've googled the error and tried every solution suggested but I still can't get it to boot.
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
skorpien said:
Hey folks. I'm hitting a brick wall trying to figure out this issue and I'm hoping someone will know how to fix this.
I have a Galaxy Tab A 8 (SM-T350) that I rooted and successfully flashed with first crDroid, then Lineage (both Android 9.0) using TWRP. I had made a backup before attempting this just in case I wanted to revert to stock.
Well, that didn't go as smoothly as I was hoping. Ever since trying to restore my backup, I've been stuck on a continuous boot loop that I can't seem to fix.
I keep getting "E:failed to mount /efs (Invalid argument)" and "dm-verity verification failed. . ." no matter what I try. I've googled the error and tried every solution suggested but I still can't get it to boot.
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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Ignore the EFS error its probably a red herring. Your issue is dm-verity.
3 ways around it. Return to complete stock, including wiping the data partition or flash root (magisk suggested) or disable dmverity using one of the zips out there.
ashyx said:
Ignore the EFS error its probably a red herring. Your issue is dm-verity.
3 ways around it. Return to complete stock, including wiping the data partition or flash root (magisk suggested) or disable dmverity using one of the zips out there.
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Thanks for the reply ashyx.
I've done two of the three things you suggested. I've tried returning it to stock using an image matching my exact model, and I've tried disabling dmverity. I've also tried rooting it but using a method other than magisk.
The flash seems to go well enough, but then I get stuck at the Samsung logo whenever I try rebooting into the system.
I've tried waiting, thinking I'm just being impatient, but it doesn't ever seem to get past the logo. I've tried googling ways to fix it being stuck on the logo but nothing I do seems to work. Is there any other way around it?
Side note: I've been able to flash Lineage OS again and might just have to stick with that if I can't flash it back to stock. Do you know any resources for replacing the default apps? I've tried GApps but I was wondering if there's a similar Samsung installer?
skorpien said:
Thanks for the reply ashyx.
I've done two of the three things you suggested. I've tried returning it to stock using an image matching my exact model, and I've tried disabling dmverity. I've also tried rooting it but using a method other than magisk.
The flash seems to go well enough, but then I get stuck at the Samsung logo whenever I try rebooting into the system.
I've tried waiting, thinking I'm just being impatient, but it doesn't ever seem to get past the logo. I've tried googling ways to fix it being stuck on the logo but nothing I do seems to work. Is there any other way around it?
Side note: I've been able to flash Lineage OS again and might just have to stick with that if I can't flash it back to stock. Do you know any resources for replacing the default apps? I've tried GApps but I was wondering if there's a similar Samsung installer?
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You need to wipe the data partition, aka factory reset before or after installing the stock firmware then it will take anything up to 15 mins to boot.
ashyx said:
You need to wipe the data partition, aka factory reset before or after installing the stock firmware then it will take anything up to 15 mins to boot.
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I've tried leaving it for a few hours in hopes that it would boot, but unfortunately it stays stuck on the logo.
Is there a way to check where or why it's getting hung up?
skorpien said:
I've tried leaving it for a few hours in hopes that it would boot, but unfortunately it stays stuck on the logo.
Is there a way to check where or why it's getting hung up?
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Did you back up the efs partition with twrp?
If so try restoring it.
ashyx said:
Did you back up the efs partition with twrp?
If so try restoring it.
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I did and I have been restoring it.
So far, this is what I've attempted:
Flash TWRP (twrp_3.1.0-1_sm-t350_18317.tar using Odin3 v3.10)
Reboot into recovery
Wipe everything from tablet
Format tablet
Reboot into download mode
Flash stock image with Odin
Reboot into recovery
Wipe dalvik cache
Restore backup (including efs partition)
Wipe dalvik cache (again)
Get stuck on Samsung logo (left it for hours with no change)
skorpien said:
I did and I have been restoring it.
So far, this is what I've attempted:
Flash TWRP (twrp_3.1.0-1_sm-t350_18317.tar using Odin3 v3.10)
Reboot into recovery
Wipe everything from tablet
Format tablet
Reboot into download mode
Flash stock image with Odin
Reboot into recovery
Wipe dalvik cache
Restore backup (including efs partition)
Wipe dalvik cache (again)
Get stuck on Samsung logo (left it for hours with no change)
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Don't restore everything just EFS No need to keep wiping dalvik it serves no purpose when formatting or wiping the data partition.
Also FORMAT not wipe the data partition (note this wipes internal storage)
If it still doesn't boot install the combo firmware. Let it boot, factory reset from settings then reboot to download mode and install the stock firmware again.
