S pen sounds too low how do I Increase - Samsung Galaxy Note FE Questions & Answers

My S-Pen sound effects are too low, can bearly hear them! Is there a way to increase the default sound settings? All of them are too low; the pen removal sound, the insertion sound, the writing sound, the eraser sound, all of them can almost not hear them. Do I have to root, and if so, fgen how do I increase the default volumes?

jorgito1959 said:
My S-Pen sound effects are too low, can bearly hear them! Is there a way to increase the default sound settings? All of them are too low; the pen removal sound, the insertion sound, the writing sound, the eraser sound, all of them can almost not hear them. Do I have to root, and if so, fgen how do I increase the default volumes?
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Try this,Note Buddy (Pro):
You can customize the S-Pen removal & insertion sounds (I use Zedge,some of the sounds are louder than what's on stock).
As for the other S-Pen sounds,it doesn't look like there's any setting to customize 'em.
There's more to the app than this,definitely worth a look.........

I have a problem with the screen response using Spen. Sensitivity is very small, I have to press quite hard. I've already changed the tip of the stylus, unfortunately nothing has changed. Is it possible to raise the sensitivity as in earlier versions of Note?
Wysłane z mojego SM-N910F przy użyciu Tapatalka

Thank you very much for your suggestions; I will give it a try! Was hoping though that with root there would be a way to get into system settings and up the volumes.


(25 November 2008) Haptic Feedback 0.3.1 - LG KS20 support (hopefully)!

There are probably similar apps around, but I got bored and made my own!
Currently, there are no options. It's on, or it's off!
Download the cab from here, install it, and then run "Haptic Feedback" from the programs menu.
By default, it installs a shortcut to launch at startup, but if you don't like that, delete "\Windows\Startup\HapticFeedback.Startup.lnk".
If Haptic Feedback is already running, starting the link again will cause it to exit.
No external frameworks are required - pure C++
Supports MoDaCo AppToDate
Coming whenever I have enough time to implement it:
Settings - lots!
A settings application
Some features I haven't yet thought about... Suggestions anyone?
Support for keyboard response
I can't be held responsible for any damage or loss caused directly or indirectly via use of this program, etc etc...
Change Log:
0.3.1 LG KS20 Support!
The "CustomLED" option allows for different LEDs to be set as the vibrate (default is 1. KS20 users should set it to 3)
0.3 Sound playback!
VibrateEnabled - enable vibration (1 is yes, 0 is no)
SoundEnabled - enable sound (1 is yes, 0 is no)
Sound - the full path to the sound file (only used if SoundEnabled = 1)
0.2 Settings! Stored under HKCU\Software\l3v5y\Haptic Feedback
HoldVibrate - keep vibration on until the screen is no longer down
HighTime - the time (in milliseconds) the vibration should be sustained
LowTime - the time (in milliseconds) the vibration should be held low
PollingInterval - the time (in milliseconds) between polls of the mouse state
0.1 Initial release
No point in a screenshot, as there is no form!
Feature Request
I know Heptic feedback is primarily designed to be vibrate response function but my suggestion is, Allow user setting to select both when Heptic feedback or audible feedback on or off for example only if SIP keyboard is enabled or in a specific program.
I really don't like the screen tap sound when used in general for all screen taps under winmo general settings but I would like the ability to have screen taps sound or vibrate feedback or both when I use my keyboard. So the ability to assign sounds or vibration independently of each other would be nice.
Curious G
lol i love this. it's pointless and battery consuming. but i love it
nir36 said:
lol i love this. it's pointless and battery consuming. but i love it
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Why do you think I made it?
It only consumes as much power as getting called constantly, and it's great for annoying people trying to use my phone...
thanks for sharing its cool.
curious george said:
I know Heptic feedback is primarily designed to be vibrate response function but my suggestion is, Allow user setting to select both when Heptic feedback or audible feedback on or off for example only if SIP keyboard is enabled or in a specific program.
I really don't like the screen tap sound when used in general for all screen taps under winmo general settings but I would like the ability to have screen taps sound or vibrate feedback or both when I use my keyboard. So the ability to assign sounds or vibration independently of each other would be nice.
Curious G
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I'll see if I can work out how to do that! It seems a nice idea.
l3v5y said:
Why do you think I made it?
It only consumes as much power as getting called constantly, and it's great for annoying people trying to use my phone...
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dude. i suggest you stop giving your phone to people/losing it.
nir36 said:
dude. i suggest you stop giving your phone to people/losing it.
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I wrote it mainly because I find it useful, and partly to test if I can get input from the device - I'm planning on creating a keyboard hook to launch my Dialer when the "call" button is pressed.
ooo! you should also share this with supbro for his iDialer..
that would be magnificant!
i'm off to sleep, 2000 hours of studying tomorrow.
nir36 said:
ooo! you should also share this with supbro for his iDialer..
that would be magnificant!
i'm off to sleep, 2000 hours of studying tomorrow.
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If I can get it to work, I will send it to supbro.
any way to lower the intesity of the vibration? its hurting my hand
This app works with ftouchsl, which other apps ive tried dont.
Mike1002 said:
any way to lower the intesity of the vibration? its hurting my hand
This app works with ftouchsl, which other apps ive tried dont.
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As of yet, no. Currently, the vibration motor is being controlled in the same way as LEDs, so it's either on or off... I'll look into an alternate method though.
It won't work on my LG-KS20 too. Just like the other pgm - Vibration Feedback.
this is nice little app
thanks for sharing
if u can find some way to make this just work when the on screen keyboard is up that would be awesome
lbhocky19 said:
if u can find some way to make this just work when the on screen keyboard is up that would be awesome
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it doesnt work with the onscreen keyboard.... dam.. that whose the whole reason i wanted this application ...
what device u running
i have a htc touch pro
works with PCM Keyboard
but i just wish it was a less of a vibration. too loud for me.
imagine in class just hearing loud ass vibrations while im texting?
that teaches you to stop texting while you're in class
l3v5y said:
As of yet, no. Currently, the vibration motor is being controlled in the same way as LEDs, so it's either on or off... I'll look into an alternate method though.
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I think there is a way. Vibrations in Tweeter are very light, compared to the ones when there is a call or an alarm.
Excellent App, i will watch this development closely as its something id love. For the moment it feels like my Polaris is going to explode when i scroll Sometimes it also misses its "que"
But great work, very impressed.

screen tap sound (loudness)

hi all is their any way to lower the screen keyboard tap sound without lowering system volume, its alot easier to type with it on but its very loud when my ppc is at 80% volume and i really need it at this lol
It is a bit on the loud side!
Try the attached cab - It should overwrite the 'tick.wav' in the windows directory with a quieter copy
thanks will try, has it been tested by anyone else
keyboard sound still very loud doesn't make a difference~

Adjusting Volume of Keyboard Sound on Keypress

I feel that the sound on keypress is pretty beneficial especially for me, who has a keen hearing. I don't think it affects my typing negatively, because the sound seems to be a very small process to make the phone less responsive.
I'm just having problems with the volume. It seems to be too loud sometimes. There are times when the volume is just right. I don't know if it's just me or the noise around me, but it seems to adjust without me knowing it. Either way, I want to know how to adjust the volume.
Any idea?
Adjust the media volume in settings.
Huey85 said:
Adjust the media volume in settings.
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Cool. Thanks.
Is there any tool that would adjust the keypress sound volume exclusively? It's nice to put it on a consistent volume so it doesn't change whenever I want my media's volume to be adjusted
i also suggest downloading the widget "audiomanager widget" from the market... it saves all the time of navigating to the settings.
zachthemaster said:
i also suggest downloading the widget "audiomanager widget" from the market... it saves all the time of navigating to the settings.
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to add to that, or volumer+.

Possible Improvements to Evo via Software

I'd like this thread to be a repository for ideas on software improvements to our Evos. Let's try to keep it specific, on topic, and limited to things that are possible with software changes via kernels, ROMS, or model specific apps. Please don't suggest vague things like "Make XXX better". I will update this post as necessary as items are added or crossed off either due to them being fulfilled or deemed impossible.
-Make activation area for four bottom soft keys smaller to lessen accidental touches
-Screen wakeup with volume button in addition to power button
-Add reboot to power button options
=> Another option has been discovered http://androidforums.com/tips-trick...e-way-reboot-evo-using-hard-buttons-only.html
-Add power off to long press on power button if screen is awake
-Option to enable 270/360 degree rotation of UI via accelerometer
=> 270 is supposedly in the works for CM6
-Output entire interface via HDMI
=> Bounty thread, no work yet http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=721376
-Soft directional keyboard, configurable, always on top for use in Flash games and other applications
=> Discussion http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=7178242
-Enable higher bitrate for recording via voice recorder and video recorder
-Enable other (better) codecs for recording via voice recorder and video recorder
-Disable/Optional AGC (automatic gain control) on microphone input
-Improve Bluetooth audio stack for "higher quality" => Needs more details
-Add FLAC codec support
-Add ALAC codec support
-Add equalizer
-Enable higher bitrate for video recording
=> WIP http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=711808
-Enable higher/constant frame rates for video recording
=> WIP http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=711808
-Enable other (better) codecs for video recording
=> WIP http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=711808
-Add macro mode to lower the minimum focus distance
-Add button to camera app main screen to switch between still/video
=> Supposedly in the works for CM6
-Add button to camera app main screen to switch between front/rear cameras
=> Supposedly in the works for CM6
-Image stabilization by cropping and ignoring outer changing pixels
-Allow volume button to act as shutter button
-Remove or allow adjustable FPS cap
=> WIP Novatec http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=711964
=> Epson http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=719763
-Settings to adjust color profile across entire system
-Lower minimum brightness
-Adjustable auto brightness algorithm
-Setting to turn HDMI port and associated processes on and off
-Better control of charging and Wimax LEDs for notifications via blink rate, "breathing", or color mix
=> WIP http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=697430 => http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=746732
-Brightness control of bottom soft key backlight to reduce light bleed issues
-Enable FM transmitter
=> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=693253
-Add user changeable action to long press of menu and back buttons while in home screen
-Modify Bluetooth stack to allow game controllers like Wii to connect
=> Bounty thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=701554 Supposedly in the works for CM6
-Modify Bluetooth stack to allow wireless keyboards
=> Bounty thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=701554 Supposedly in the works for CM6
I think that's a decent start. Hopefully we get some interest here and generate enough ideas to keep the devs (and maybe even HTC) busy.
Minjin said:
-Screen wakeup with volume button in addition to power button
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you can already do that with the "no lock" widget. the only trouble is it disables the lock screen. that's not much of a problem for me though. and you can reaenable it with a nice toggle widget on the screen for times you want the screen to lock. (when in a pocket)
avalst said:
you can already do that with the "no lock" widget. the only trouble is it disables the lock screen. that's not much of a problem for me though. and you can reaenable it with a nice toggle widget on the screen for times you want the screen to lock. (when in a pocket)
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Then that isn't exactly a "fix".
Just an FYI. I found a great app for rooted phones that provides shortcuts to allow you to reboot your phone into:
1) Standard Boot
2) Recovery
3) Bootloader.
I just leave it far out of the way so that I don't hit it accidentally.
It's called "Quick Boot" and available in the Market.
Glad to have this all in 1 place.
Make sure to add links to the works in progress.
We should add a fix for camera grain & general quality.
For the first time in the history of this forum I'm gonna recommended that this be put in dev.
Swyped from my Evo 4G
Hey, OP, Edit this in under the Audio section....this is by far my biggest disappointment with this unity, as my Samsung Moment took care of this beautifully...
Disable/Optional AGC (automatic gain control) on microphone input.
My Moment had an option to disable it for recording. I had recorded my band's (extremely loud) practices with my Moment and the recordings were absolutely fantastic for a single piezo mic in an imperfect room under extreme SPL torture. I've been recording for nearly 17 years now, with real equipment...but it's so handy to have a rather capable CD quality recorder in your pocket.
download "hertz", or another audio recorder. We can do CD quality (44.1khz 16-bit mono) as it is... but with the AGC on it pumps and breaths and sounds completely terrible...even for voice recordings.
Wow, great list! Video and audio recording quality at the top of the list for me. FM Transmitter huh? Didn't even know it had one!
I'd like to see built-in settings for the camera that are easily accessible. Preset configurations for brightness, white balance, iso, etc for certain shots. (ie. outdoor, night, people) Even if we couldn't get preset settings, a way to save settings and easily load them would be nice.
I like the idea of making the volume button the shutter. Would it be possible to make the power button function as the shutter when in camera/camcorder mode, and have the volume rocker zoom in/out?
well it'd defiantly be nice for any of these issues to be addressed. Thanks for putting up a wish list OP, helps keep everything organized.
Ability to use a BT keyboard with Android Terminal or general text entry.
How about a fixed/updated/replaced BT Audio stack for higher quality?
Forced FLAC/ALAC support (Yes, this is supposed to be coming in Gingerbread, but having it now in Eclair/Froyo would be good!)
I like all the others but I disagree with the 360 rotation, I stopped using fresh because the 270 rotation.
mrono said:
I like all the others but I disagree with the 360 rotation, I stopped using fresh because the 270 rotation.
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Yep, keep that the way it is! Or optional, because 270 already sucks 360 is even worse.
How are we supposed to tap away on our screens while lying sideways in bed?
This could be added.
Also this could be altered.
Better control of charging (and other) LEDs for notifications via blink rate, "breathing", or both at same time
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To include color change but more importantly dimming and brightening of the leds, specifically to help with light bleed issues.
If my bottom keys were just a tad less bright i wouldn't want to replace the phone so badly.
So far looks great!
If all these were resolved I would love my Evo so much more.
drmacinyasha said:
How about a fixed/updated/replaced BT Audio stack for higher quality?
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This is a little vague. Do you have or know specifics? Improve bitrate? Improve response time? Lower noise floor? I'll leave it the way it is for now but lets try to firm it up a bit.
Updates have been made.
Cut & Paste
I'd like a reliable consistent method to cut & paste selected text.
I've found the the "long tap" method of bringing up a cut or paste tool does not work in all cases. I want to be able to cut text from emails, web sites, etc - no matter which app I use to view this text. Similarly, I want to be able to paste text into emails, the URL window in the browser, misc text fields, etc. The "long tap" method works only in some cases.
I want to cut selected text / words - not entire paragraphs. Sometimes I get a tool that helps do this (Sense?), other times not.
Also, this may sound stupid but holding down one of the soft keyboard's arrow keys should keep moving the cursor.
Shouldn't need to click 100 times to get from one side of a sentence to another LOL.
This should've been included already..
After holding for a second or so it starts going automatically until you release.
So what things do we need to update now that 2.2 is here and we've had a chance to play with it for a while?
What should we cross off and what should we add?
I would love to see an EQ for the sense music player.
I am completely stock on the .6 update. So far, I noticed that:
1) In the camera app> switching to front facing camera> undoing mirror mode...
It works great in landscape mode, but turn it vertical and it shows you upside down!
2) Regarding music, I only use Pandora so far. The experience was good on 2.1 and now sucks on the .3 and .6 updates:
2a) Even in high quality mode and plugged right into my car's aux input, the sound is pretty bad. The highs are too high, and the low frequencies are muffled and distorted sounding - this is without even taking the sound system to the limit. I am not just talking about fine tuning this sound - it has a long way to go. This sound is way off even for "normal people" listening. Also, yes it should have an EQ, or at least a bunch of preset EQ's for different music styles.
2b) Pandora used to just pause during a phone car or while using nav. Then, it would resume. Since the .3 update, and now even on the .6 update, it pauses Pandora and then I have to go back to Pandora and click play again.
3) Also regarding navigation, It is a pain in the ass that you have to hit the "GPS" switch widget and then open nav. Also, if you turn off the "GPS" switch widget but leave nav on, nav won't shut itself off. Then, you go back to nav to shut if off.. it makes you turn on GPS again, and then go back to nav to officially say "exit navigation". Then, you STILL have to go back to the GPS widget and turn it off!
4) Text messages are very useful for acquiring an address or email address. When getting one through text, I can not copy the info to move to nav or email. I have to go to forward, then copy (and I cant even copy just what I want - I have to copy all, including "FWD:") Then I have to cancel the forward, and then paste it where I need it. We should be able to copy whatever we want, including in texts.
1. stop compressing mms pics so much
2. Where the hell is iTunes streaming?? I thought google was going to release it with froyo.. as well as a music, video and online market. I'm not seeing more than a demo market that shows some top apps
3. Add a native eq... at least give some presets, though a graphic eq would be awesome
4. stop being so lazy htc and work on these things.

Changing Default Keypress Sound ?

Would anyone please be able to tell me if it is possible to change the default keypress sound on a Moto X Pure without rooting the phone? I prefer a more "clicky" type of sound that the default keypress "tappy" type of sound but cannot find an option in the menus to change it. I am using the stock google keyboard app that comes with the phone and am running marshmallow as OS.
Dushy Squirt said:
Would anyone please be able to tell me if it is possible to change the default keypress sound on a Moto X Pure without rooting the phone? I prefer a more "clicky" type of sound that the default keypress "tappy" type of sound but cannot find an option in the menus to change it. I am using the stock google keyboard app that comes with the phone and am running marshmallow as OS.
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Those sounds are dependant on whichever keyboard app you are using so as far as Google keyboard goes, no you can't change it. But I highly recommend trying fleksy keyboard especially if you don't use swipe typing. Fleksy has that clicky sound that you're looking for and the sounds also don't lag like they do in Google keyboard. If you do use swipe typing(like I do), I dont really know what to tell you. I have tried most of the better keyboards but always go back to Google. I love fleksy but I need swipe typing. I use my vibration as a keypress sound. You can adjust the vibration length and at a certain point it will start to sound like a "click". It isn't very loud but I like it. Seems natural. It also doesn't lag
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