Questions regarding the bounty threads - LG V20 Questions & Answers

I currently have the LG v20 (the h910 variant running off of the latest update 10m) which apparently is not root able at this current time because of the latest security patch. Mainly my question is how do we go about about setting up a bounty thread for this particular device (within the allowed rules here) and would be greatly appreciative if someone could lend me a hand with this. Maybe two of us can maintain it or however bounty threads are handled.

H910 is rootable on 10m.
Search for the patched LG UP thread and I posted the full procedure, but the general gist is:
* Use patched LG UP to backup your current phone
* Flash H915 v10e KDZ (you will have no modem right now -- no worries)
* Root with DirtySanta
* Install TWRP
* Flash the modem that you backed up in step 1
You can now proceed to flash any rom for the H910 -- I recommend NATF, but WETA is good as well.
My H910 is with LG being repaired at the moment. I bricked it, but coming up with this procedure had nothing to do with it -- unrelated.
When I get it back, I will be posting 2 zips. One that will take you back to stock if you need to, and the other will flash the remaining partitions so that you are back to 10m (minus the eng aboot that is needed for root ).
-- Brian

According to everything I have read the h910 variant running on 10m, anything after December's security patch cannot be rooted without resulting in a brick. I'm getting highly confused on what is what at this point as I've heard many different things from different people and I also cannot find this patched LG up thread you have mentioned above? Is it not in the LG v20 thread here?

Link to patched LG UP thread: here
Dirtycow was patched after the December security patch, and that is why you have to flash H915 v10e which has the Dec security patch, and is still vulnerable to dirtycow. H910 is obviously not an H915, so that is why you have to fix your modem after you have rooted it.
AT&T is still on ARB 0 even with 10m. I am guessing it is because there are no KDZ firmware files available for the H910, so AT&T probably figures there is no reason to increment it. So for now (until AT&T gets wise of this and increments ARB), we can flash old firmware.
Do NOT flash just any variants firmware. For example, flashing an H918 KDZ will brick your phone. I am fairly certain that the PBL is the same on the 990, 990DS, 910, and whatever the Verizon and Sprint models are -- that is why they can all use the same engineering aboot. The US996 and H918 I believe have the same PBL. All of that is purely speculation though. The only cross variant testing that I have done and proven works / doesn't work, is the H915 and H918.
H915 on H910 - works, broke modem, fixable
H918 on H910 - Brick. Must go back to LG
-- Brian

So this method is not currently tested? I might be able to help if it hasn't been tested yet to attempt doing this on mine. I just have to gather everything I need to attempt this and make sure I got the steps down right behind I do

Oh yea, it has been tested. This is the second time I bricked my H910. The first time, when I got it back from LG, they kindly loaded v10m (yes, that is sarcasm). The first thing I did was check the ARB version, and when I saw that it was still 0 I started looking for ways to flash the H915 firmware. I knew it was safe to flash H915 on H910 from past experiments.
I was having little luck since LG UP *really* doesn't like to flash cross variant firmware, but then I came across that thread on patching LG UP -- viola -- problem solved.
Since H915 firmware is safe to flash on H910 phones, and v10e was still Dec 2016 sec. patch, I flashed, and rooted.
After that you only need to flash the H910 modem, and you have a fully working, rooted, H910 that had the April 2017 sec. patch.
Good luck. If you need any help, or get stuck (it really is straight forward), shoot me a PM (or give me a mention in a thread) since I don't subscribe to thread

Now when we see talking about the dirty Santa exploit method are we talking about this thread here?
I also found another thread similar to this one for the h990 I think it was
I think i have found the correct thread for the dirty santa method now which i will list below for reference
Is this correct?


Sprint USA LG LS997 Root help!

I have the Sprint LG V20 LS997 software version LS997ZV9 on android 7.0 with 109/01/2017 security patch.
All I want to do is to install the high impedence quad dac hac.
Does anyone know of a root process that does work with simple clean instructions please?
This doesn't belong in this sub-forum. With that said, you can't. ZV9 is ARB1 or ARB2 (doesn't matter), so you can't roll back to a firmware version that is rootable.
A new exploit similar to dirtycow will have to be found, or the reverse engineering of the LAF protocol will have to be finished.
-- Brian
i need the qcn file for the lg v20 ls997 mines corrupted anyone can help?
MODS: Can we get this moved to a different section, please?

H910 (ATT V20) oreo update manually, help needed

Can you please guide me how to manually update my AT&T v20 to be stock not rooted oreo, my h910 is stock never touched, not rooted of version h91010m which can't get updates as it is unlocked and am not in US.
All i want is just to update it manually to the stock oreo software.
Thanks a lot
Use this to root.
Instead of flashing the 10v att image like the last step suggests, use the 20g Oreo image instead
H910 Oreo 20g:
Thank @clsA for the Oreo link
Thank you
Thanks a lot for the clarification...
i have read more, i believe this rom will let me stock oreo so am worried i can't update the phone again in case of future updates.
is there a way to update in future? Also is there a way to change the software from h910 to h915 so that i can recieve ota updates normally in future?and is it safe as am afraid to loose signal or brick phone etc...
Thanks a lot in advance.
seikobasha said:
Thanks a lot for the clarification...
i have read more, i believe this rom will let me stock oreo so am worried i can't update the phone again in case of future updates.
is there a way to update in future? Also is there a way to change the software from h910 to h915 so that i can recieve ota updates normally in future?and is it safe as am afraid to loose signal or brick phone etc...
Thanks a lot in advance.
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After you flashed the 20g Oreo image, it will be stock as if you took the ota update itself. You'll be able to accept ota updates after words. Follow the root thread, amd you'll be fine
hawkeye29 said:
After you flashed the 20g Oreo image, it will be stock as if you took the ota update itself. You'll be able to accept ota updates after words. Follow the root thread, amd you'll be fine
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The problem is i can't recieve ota updates even i am stock, it is AT&T restriction because my phone is unlocked am using other network (am not in us)
ota updates need to have a working AT&T SIM inserted in phone. It is very stupid policy for AT&T.
So my question now is, is there a way to convert h910 to h915 safely? Because Canadian operators allow ota to unlocked phones...
Or is there a way to manually upgrade in future after i upgrade to stock oreo?
seikobasha said:
The problem is i can't recieve ota updates even i am stock, it is AT&T restriction because my phone is unlocked am using other network (am not in us)
ota updates need to have a working AT&T SIM inserted in phone. It is very stupid policy for AT&T.
So my question now is, is there a way to convert h910 to h915 safely? Because Canadian operators allow ota to unlocked phones...
Or is there a way to manually upgrade in future after i upgrade to stock oreo?
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why are you worried about updates when you can't take them now ?
Yes you can convert your phone to 915 it's the first step in the rooting process
if you want to stay 915 use the H915 Oreo KDZ >
If you want a H910 on Oreo use my zip. If another update comes along their will always be another zip (provided we get root and TWRP for Oreo)
In case i will just flash the h915 oreo kdz, should i flash all partitions? Including modem, bootloader, etc...
Is it safe? Because in the guide it say i will loose the signal after flashing h915...
Also Should i still root first or can just flash directly?
Also is it safe to get future ota updates when software is for h915 and treat my phone as if it is h915 from the beginning?
Many thanks in advance.
seikobasha said:
In case i will just flash the h915 oreo kdz, should i flash all partitions? Including modem, bootloader, etc...
Is it safe? Because in the guide it say i will loose the signal after flashing h915...
Also Should i still root first or can just flash directly?
Also is it safe to get future ota updates when software is for h915 and treat my phone as if it is h915 from the beginning?
Many thanks in advance.
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You flash all partitions for non rooted stock which should work like normal with everything working.
My guide is for those trying to keep root intact so to preserve the dirtysanta eng aboot so there are problems with data at the moment.
hawkeye29 said:
Use this to root.
Instead of flashing the 10v att image like the last step suggests, use the 20g Oreo image instead
H910 Oreo 20g:
Thank @clsA for the Oreo link
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I'm in the same situation as the creator of this thread, I can not update my phone from OTA
Assuming I do this to update. Would Android Oreo be rooted? Could I enter TWRP ?.
Since If I do this procedure and update my phone to Oreo and I don't have root or chance to get into TWRP . I would be stuck until there is some way to root the phone (if it comes into existence)
PS: I bought an AT&T sim card from eBay, but I couldn't activate it. Do you guys have any idea if the sim being activated I could update my phone despite not being in an AT&T network?
alan2323 said:
I'm in the same situation as the creator of this thread, I can not update my phone from OTA
Assuming I do this to update. Would Android Oreo be rooted? Could I enter TWRP ?.
Since If I do this procedure and update my phone to Oreo and I don't have root or chance to get into TWRP . I would be stuck until there is some way to root the phone (if it comes into existence)
PS: I bought an AT&T sim card from eBay, but I couldn't activate it. Do you guys have any idea if the sim being activated I could update my phone despite not being in an AT&T network?
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You will loose root and be back to stock bootloader so no twrp. It's stock oreo with no way of rooting it for now.
CaseyS said:
You will loose root and be back to stock bootloader so no twrp. It's stock oreo with no way of rooting it for now.
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Just to clarify this statement a little. If you want to run Oreo now, you can't have root. However, you CAN downgrade back to Nougat and root when we finally have the Oreo + engineering bootloader issues worked out.
The US996 will be getting Oreo eventually, and that firmware is what is going to allow us to have rooted Oreo on models that use the engineering bootloader.
If the US996 wasn't getting Oreo, then I would waste the time trying to get things sorted out -- but that is just a waste of time.
We have waited for Oreo this long, waiting another couple of weeks isn't going to hurt.
As a final statement, I have had a chance to play with Oreo on my H910, and I am NOT impressed. What a ****poor, crap job that LG has done. It may get better with future updates, but I wouldn't bank on it.
-- Brian
runningnak3d said:
Just to clarify this statement a little. If you want to run Oreo now, you can't have root. However, you CAN downgrade back to Nougat and root when we finally have the Oreo + engineering bootloader issues worked out.
The US996 will be getting Oreo eventually, and that firmware is what is going to allow us to have rooted Oreo on models that use the engineering bootloader.
If the US996 wasn't getting Oreo, then I would waste the time trying to get things sorted out -- but that is just a waste of time.
We have waited for Oreo this long, waiting another couple of weeks isn't going to hurt.
As a final statement, I have had a chance to play with Oreo on my H910, and I am NOT impressed. What a ****poor, crap job that LG has done. It may get better with future updates, but I wouldn't bank on it.
-- Brian
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Just as I suspected, no oreo orgasm lol ?
Sent from my LG-H910 using XDA Labs
runningnak3d said:
Just to clarify this statement a little. If you want to run Oreo now, you can't have root. However, you CAN downgrade back to Nougat and root when we finally have the Oreo + engineering bootloader issues worked out.
The US996 will be getting Oreo eventually, and that firmware is what is going to allow us to have rooted Oreo on models that use the engineering bootloader.
If the US996 wasn't getting Oreo, then I would waste the time trying to get things sorted out -- but that is just a waste of time.
We have waited for Oreo this long, waiting another couple of weeks isn't going to hurt.
As a final statement, I have had a chance to play with Oreo on my H910, and I am NOT impressed. What a ****poor, crap job that LG has done. It may get better with future updates, but I wouldn't bank on it.
-- Brian
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got alot more weeks to wait for us996.
It could come in mid october.
runningnak3d said:
As a final statement, I have had a chance to play with Oreo on my H910, and I am NOT impressed. What a ****poor, crap job that LG has done. It may get better with future updates, but I wouldn't bank on it.
-- Brian
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I remember reading earlier this year about how LG was going to reform their mobile division, getting better at software updates and halting/slowing down the typical release schedule of phones.
Seems none of that has happened as far as I can tell, especially the software part. What a farce.
finally i updated my H910
i managed to updated my H910 by simply flashing the oreo H915 KDZ file with patched LGUP and it seems very good... signal is ok no errors so far except one after rebooting phone
ARB is still zero.
thanks a lot for all of you
runningnak3d said:
Just to clarify this statement a little. If you want to run Oreo now, you can't have root. However, you CAN downgrade back to Nougat and root when we finally have the Oreo + engineering bootloader issues worked out.
The US996 will be getting Oreo eventually, and that firmware is what is going to allow us to have rooted Oreo on models that use the engineering bootloader.
If the US996 wasn't getting Oreo, then I would waste the time trying to get things sorted out -- but that is just a waste of time.
We have waited for Oreo this long, waiting another couple of weeks isn't going to hurt.
As a final statement, I have had a chance to play with Oreo on my H910, and I am NOT impressed. What a ****poor, crap job that LG has done. It may get better with future updates, but I wouldn't bank on it.
-- Brian
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Why do you think US996 getting Oreo helps? What if the eng aboot can't initialize the oreo modem properly (maybe intentional change)? I have a thought, maybe we can try if the stock nougat aboot, say H910, can boot the Oreo with data? We could flash everything Oreo stock and just leave the aboot nougat. Since signatures are still LG, it should boot up? And if it still can't have data, maybe eng aboot can never initialize properly, I don't know.
Questions about the H910 --> H915 Conversion
I have read several different postings on how to change the H910 to H915
I read the posting by runningnak3d and I am bit confused.
Sorry for the noob questions
1) If I flash H910 to the H915 v10e kdz, do I have to continue the steps to flash to oreo or can the phone be updated from OTA?
I really don't want the AT&T logos on my phone and I don't need my phone to be rooted or need dirtysanta.
2) Would flashing it with LG UP be enough to get Oreo?
3) I'm confused with the steps after downloading terminal emulator? - Do I need to do these steps if I want to keep the H915 Rom?
Sorry if my questions are dumb.
Thank you in advance.
Much appreciated
rmc604 said:
I have read several different postings on how to change the H910 to H915
I read the posting by runningnak3d and I am bit confused.
Sorry for the noob questions
1) If I flash H910 to the H915 v10e kdz, do I have to continue the steps to flash to oreo or can the phone be updated from OTA?
I really don't want the AT&T logos on my phone and I don't need my phone to be rooted or need dirtysanta.
2) Would flashing it with LG UP be enough to get Oreo?
3) I'm confused with the steps after downloading terminal emulator? - Do I need to do these steps if I want to keep the H915 Rom?
Sorry if my questions are dumb.
Thank you in advance.
Much appreciated
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you can do as i did, just flash H915 KDZ Oreo file directly using patched LGUP and select to Partition DL all partitions.
you will have stock oreo H915 fully functional phone, there is only 1 error message that will appear every reboot of phone but will not make any harm.
there is no any issues or problems i have noticed so far, also the software seems more stock than AT&T version.
rmc604 said:
I have read several different postings on how to change the H910 to H915
I read the posting by runningnak3d and I am bit confused.
Sorry for the noob questions
1) If I flash H910 to the H915 v10e kdz, do I have to continue the steps to flash to oreo or can the phone be updated from OTA?
I really don't want the AT&T logos on my phone and I don't need my phone to be rooted or need dirtysanta.
2) Would flashing it with LG UP be enough to get Oreo?
3) I'm confused with the steps after downloading terminal emulator? - Do I need to do these steps if I want to keep the H915 Rom?
Sorry if my questions are dumb.
Thank you in advance.
Much appreciated
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you can simply use lgup to backup your current setup (not userdata)
and use lgup to flash the 915 Oreo kdz
Note: someone said that converting to 915 caused google now to stop working but everything else was ok
if you want to return to 910 stock you'll have to do the root procedure and flash h910 10q or 20g back to stock rom from TWRP
clsA said:
Note: someone said that converting to 915 caused google now to stop working but everything else was ok
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it is working fine with me am H910 converted to H915 by flashing via LGUP.

Oreo Root?

Hey there devs and V20 users alike.
As if there wasn't already hesitation enough to root this headache of a phone, and just when I was about ready to take the dive, I received the Oreo OTA update about three weeks ago.
Since updating, I've been enjoying the phone thoroughly.
If I'm going to be honest, this is the first phone I've owned (out of MANY since the Galaxy Captivate S days) that I have been satisfied using without root. It's an absolute multimedia powerhouse. However, little things like the inability to utilize ad blockers, tweak kernels, access root storage, etc. Does bother me now and then, although infrequently.
I'm looking through the forum here, and I'm beginning to think that due to LG's unbelievably long release of oereo, and the difficulty of root, devs have long left this device in the dust.
Unless I'm missing something, is there any rooted Oreo ROM available ATM? I absolutely will not revert to 7.1 again.
Thanks in advance!
murph187 said:
Hey there devs and V20 users alike.
As if there wasn't already hesitation enough to root this headache of a phone, and just when I was about ready to take the dive, I received the Oreo OTA update about three weeks ago.
Since updating, I've been enjoying the phone thoroughly. If I'm going to be honest, this is the first phone I've owned (out of MANY since the Galaxy Captivate S days, that I have been satisfied using without root. It's an absolute multimedia powerhouse. However, little things like the inability to utilize ad blockers, tweak kernels, access root storage, etc. Does bother me now and then, although infrequently.
I'm looking through the forum here, and I'm beginning to think that due to LG's unbelievably long release of oereo, and the difficulty of root, devs have long left this device in the dust.
Unless I'm missing something, is there any rooted Oreo ROM available ATM? I absolutely will not revert to 7.1 again.
Thanks in advance!
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No root yet. we still have a handful of devs around although it is slowly becoming more of a ghost town as far as Dev work.
Oreo hasn't even been released for most variants yet. Just chill out and wait.
Phoenix591 said:
Oreo hasn't even been released for most variants yet. Just chill out and wait.
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Relax slim, it's just a question.
Phoenix591 said:
Oreo hasn't even been released for most variants yet. Just chill out and wait.
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I can confirm the ls997 has oreo. and i've seen a few other people talking about their oreo updates here on XDA on different models.. Idk how many models there are of the v20 though..... Still waiting for ls997 root I'd love to OC this phone for even better performance Or at least manage its cpu to avoid overheating 24/7
texas7412 said:
I can confirm the ls997 has oreo. and i've seen a few other people talking about their oreo updates here on XDA on different models.. Idk how many models there are of the v20 though..... Still waiting for ls997 root I'd love to OC this phone for even better performance Or at least manage its cpu to avoid overheating 24/7
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Have Oreo: F800 LS997 H915 H910
Not yet: H910PR H918 H990{N,DS several regions getting otas at different times within those variants} US996(BPT USC USA) VS995
Phoenix591 said:
Have Oreo: F800 LS997 H915 H910
Not yet: H910PR H918 H990{N,DS several regions getting otas at different times within those variants} US996(BPT USC USA) VS995
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VS995 already got the update 1 or 2 days ago, still it is too late already
root please
please dev, find a way to root my LG V20 F800S Korean version, Oreo. :crying:
In order to get root with Oreo on any model besides the H918, a custom kernel will be needed -- and I don't mean just compiling up the sources from LG.
I am going to try and migrate from my H910 over to one of my H918s .. but that is going to take a bit. Then I will have a phone that can use the eng. bootloader, and can actually start to work on it.
-- Brian
runningnak3d said:
In order to get root with Oreo on any model besides the H918, a custom kernel will be needed -- and I don't mean just compiling up the sources from LG.
I am going to try and migrate from my H910 over to one of my H918s .. but that is going to take a bit. Then I will have a phone that can use the eng. bootloader, and can actually start to work on it.
-- Brian
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Hey Brian, glad to see you still around these parts lol
I thought the key to root on oreo with eng bootloader was the 996 oreo release or has that changed?
Sent from my LG-H910 using XDA Labs
Yea, I am definitely still around -- just nothing I can do right now.
I am pretty sure I can get it working with a modified kernel, but I need to be able to see logs -- so that means I need my H910
-- Brian
runningnak3d said:
Yea, I am definitely still around -- just nothing I can do right now.
I am pretty sure I can get it working with a modified kernel, but I need to be able to see logs -- so that means I need my H910
-- Brian
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hi brian,
if there's something i can help you or if you need something to do with rooting lg v20 oreo, just let me know. i really want to root my F800S
Dirtysanta eng aboot works on oreo now
runningnak3d said:
In order to get root with Oreo on any model besides the H918, a custom kernel will be needed -- and I don't mean just compiling up the sources from LG.
I am going to try and migrate from my H910 over to one of my H918s .. but that is going to take a bit. Then I will have a phone that can use the eng. bootloader, and can actually start to work on it.
-- Brian
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Recently they have found out that to get eng aboot to work with oreo firmware, it was just a simple zip making modifying 2 files.
1. stock aboot changed to common dirtysanta eng aboot
2. stock v20 variant oreo boot changed to magisk patched stock oreo v20 variant boot
We have to keep the recovery as stock recovery so letting the previous twrp get flashed over.
The key is letting the oreo firmware boot up first time with stock recovery and then data will work like normal
Then we boot it up first time and it will get to system and then do quick setup and then go into fastboot (thanks to the eng aboot intact) to push the twrp recovery back to working order again.
So it was just simply doing that instead of using patchd lg up to partition dl to ignore the 3 things : aboot, boot, recovery.
That means eng aboot is still good to be able to use on oreo for all dirtysanta v20s .
I am personally running h910 oreo root with very early build of mk2000 beta 2 oreo kernel. My phone gets full lte data like normal. The battery drain is much improved from nougat while still having the same kind of performance I was used to on rooted nougat.
Asked this on other threads but no answers yet, let me see if I get my answers here
I have a f800l lg v20 not Rooted
Android 7.0
Updated security patch 1st september 2016
Kernel 3.18.31
Build no Nrd90m
Software version F800L 10g
My question is that can I update my Android to Oreo 8.0 which is available via Software update and then gain root access? If no, what is the last update limit for me to not lose rooting possibility. Or is it possible to downgrade to a previous update state after updating it to either Oreo 8.0 or other updated security patch levels? What would you suggest? I've heard Oreo is good with little battery drainage percentage as compared to Nougat which is my primary interest. I don't want to make a move to lose my rooting ability. Are there any other means available to upgrade to oreo without using lg software update in order to achieve both Oreo and root? And if it is not possible to achieve both Oreo and root are there any custom roms or kernels available with good battery drainage percentage? What would suit me the best. Sorry in advance for asking so many questions and not knowing if these questions have already been discussed and answered.
Thank you
Your phone is still ARB 0, so you can do whatever you want.
As for rooting Oreo, now that I know that it expects stock recovery on first boot, I will be posting zips for every model that has a KDZ.
You will need to root your phone first. Since you are on September 2016 patch, use DirtySanta.
-- Brian
runningnak3d said:
Your phone is still ARB 0, so you can do whatever you want.
As for rooting Oreo, now that I know that it expects stock recovery on first boot, I will be posting zips for every model that has a KDZ.
You will need to root your phone first. Since you are on September 2016 patch, use DirtySanta.
-- Brian
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by the way, no point in making the zip for h915 oreo.
I have tried with the same new method zip that was made with the 2 modified files + stock recovery.
The h915 modem just doesn't want to work with eng aboot whatsoever just like how it was on h915 nougat rooted.
please post oreo zip file for F800L, i can't wait to have oreo rooted on my F800L
darkknight200 said:
by the way, no point in making the zip for h915 oreo.
I have tried with the same new method zip that was made with the 2 modified files + stock recovery.
The h915 modem just doesn't want to work with eng aboot whatsoever just like how it was on h915 nougat rooted.
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Perhaps this is something that can be circumvented in the kernel, like runningnak3d was talking about earlier, and like emdroidle did for H990.
I don't know how it works, but I could try enabling the same fix that's used for h990, for h915 oreo.
thank you runningnak3d
Ok I'll llet you know once I root my F800 L
Update: I managed to flash twrp via DirtySanta method. I can get into recovery twrp and use it but i haven't flashed SuperSu yet. I can't get comfort view working and the battery is draining relatively fast, So by flashing super su will I get Comfort view and old battery drainage rate back or do I have to do something else? Shall I flash supersu? I get a red triangle mark every time I restart my phone which takes longer than it used to in order to boot, which means I have Bootloader unlocked, can unlocking bootloader ignite problems like long booting duration, inability to use comfort view and fast battery drainage? What do you suggest I do? flash supersu? or relock the boot loader without getting Supersu? Will doing so even fix these problems becasue I planned on rooting to get better battery drainage percentage, instead I get more battery drainage, please help @[runningnak3d]
I have a rooted LG V20 H990DS running nougat. Can I upgrade to Oreo without loosing root?
If yes, could you please tell me what is the best way to do so?
Phone: LG V20 H990DS
kernel: 3.18.90-DOTS_H990_kernel-leicxan_jahlex-v1.4
ROM: stock
Build Number: NRD90M
OS Version: Nougat (7.0)

[Q] VS995 Bootloader Unlock Question

Hello, I apologize for the noobish question in advance.
I don't have an LG V20 myself, my friend has one and wants to unlock the bootloader. Normally Verizon devices are NOT bootloader unlockable but when I looked on this site (could be fake but who knows till they ask) it appears the Verizon variant of the LG V20 is in fact unlockable. As someone who is unfortunately very familiar with Verizon variants of phones, this is unusual news to me. Usually Verizon locks their stuff down with no hope of unlocking.
Anyway, just wanted to ask if that site's guide was correct for how to unlock the bootloader on the LG VS995 variant from Verizon. His Android version is 8.0.0, build number OPR1.170623.032. Software version VS99520c. Security patch October 1st, 2018. Security software version MDF v2.0 Release 4. Do I need to downgrade the firmware at all or can I just do it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. He wants LineageOS on that thing (to get the latest security patches) and I don't blame him.
It's not that easy unfortunately.
The first thing that would need to be done is to revert the phone back to Nougat 12a or 13a. I have not done this part (both my VS995 were on some version of Nogat, I reverted the version to 12a by flashing the kdz), but guides are available to revert to Nogat from Oreo on XDA in the
Then what is on that site would most likely work. I would suggest using this guide instead as I have rooted two VS995 with it. It is less confusing that the Dirty Santa or Dirty Elf guides IMHO, but it is later and builds on those guides.
Good luck, although if you plan to use the phone on Verizon, it's only a matter of time before a stock ROM with VoLTE is a requirement for using the phone. I guess he can switch back at that point (or go to one of the GSM providers).
Dread1111 said:
The first thing that would need to be done is to revert the phone back to Nougat 12a or 13a. I have not done this part (both my VS995 were on some version of Nogat, I reverted the version to 12a by flashing the kdz), but guides are available to revert to Nogat from Oreo on XDA in the
Then what is on that site would most likely work. I would suggest using this guide instead as I have rooted two VS995 with it. It is less confusing that the Dirty Santa or Dirty Elf guides IMHO, but it is later and builds on those guides.
Good luck, although if you plan to use the phone on Verizon, it's only a matter of time before a stock ROM with VoLTE is a requirement for using the phone. I guess he can switch back at that point (or go to one of the GSM providers).
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Just to clarify this isn't just a root this is a full on bootloader unlock right? I assume it is because TWRP gets flashed, but then again there were custom recoveries in the past that were just Safestrap and weren't full on recoveries (still locked BLs). Because the end goal here is to install Lineage or something like that to the phone. I'm not interested in just rooting stock.
Also, wasn't aware about the stock ROM requirement thing for Verizon, I thought it was only VoLTE they were implementing. That's a bummer. Thanks for the heads up

LG G5 rooting development thread for locked bootloader phones

alright y'all, idk who's still kicking around but there seems to be a ton of **** all over regarding development non-rooted G5's and searching around for it all is a pain.
i'd like to put all that **** in one place so anyone coming along has all the cards and knows what's been tried and where to start.
what's the current status of all the non-rooted phones so far? let's compile everything together here and help get everyone with this excellent phone custom firmware!
currently i have a H820 running oreo i can dink around with. anyone else is free to join in.
LS992 with ZVF firmware on Nougat. Still no luck.
H830 stuck on 20A / 30C unable to root
I have an H830, anti-rollback level 1, can only flash either 20A or 30C KDZ image on, not possible to flash lower than 20A. Bootloader is unlocked but not possible to flash recovery via fastboot. recowvery method will no longer work with 20A apparently due to an LG patch.
My understanding is that recowvery requires 10j or lower but it's not possible to downgrade. ergoithz/ github page describes how bootloader on some models can be fully unlocked via official LG method to enable flashing recovery. Only G5 model that's listed is RS988.
Perhaps someone can modify the LG unlock.bin file to support other devices?
