Lenovo K8Note vs Xiaomi Redmi Note4 - Lenovo K8 Note Guides, News, & Discussion

Which is the most preferable device In these two to purchase as a geek who loves to mod?

Heartless143 said:
Which is the most preferable device In these two to purchase as a geek who loves to mod?
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There are already 5 threads about same topic.
What's your next smartphone / What should I buy by poseidon5213
**DEVICE SUGGESTION THREAD** -- Not sure what device to buy? Ask here! by KidCarter93

Heartless143 said:
Which is the most preferable device In these two to purchase as a geek who loves to mod?
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Obviously Redmi note 4. It has the best UI experience and best cost. One of the best phone with lagfree experience.

sachin n said:
There are already 5 threads about same topic.
What's your next smartphone / What should I buy by poseidon5213
**DEVICE SUGGESTION THREAD** -- Not sure what device to buy? Ask here! by KidCarter93
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Lenovo k8 note... ik am using ot..far bettyer than redmi note 4. previously i had red mi kote 4
---------- Post added at 05:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:25 PM ----------
sachin n said:
There are already 5 threads about same topic.
What's your next smartphone / What should I buy by poseidon5213
**DEVICE SUGGESTION THREAD** -- Not sure what device to buy? Ask here! by KidCarter93
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hi sachin bhai van u suggest page for custom rom for lenovo k8 note..j tried to search..but yet not created i think

pranav351985 said:
Lenovo k8 note... ik am using ot..far bettyer than redmi note 4. previously i had red mi kote 4
hi sachin bhai van u suggest page for custom rom for lenovo k8 note..j tried to search..but yet not created i think
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You're right. I did a quick search and there's no Roms for your device at the moment.

someone please start lenovo k8 note thread to share kernals, rom etc.

I have purchased my Lenovo.... The KillerNote

Update after 15 days use: Processor is piece of ****... Even deca and blah blah...all my games frame freezes and heats.....not for heavy gamers... For normal usage, it really kills rn 4

Lenovo K8 Note v/s Redmi Note 4
The Lenovo K8 Note is the most suitable phone to buy in today's time. It is a better buy as compared to the Redmi Note 4. The Lenovo K8 Note has some amazing features and a robust configuration which suit all the requirements.


[POLL/Q] How many Devs will move to the Note II?

Hey Folks!
Knowing that there actually is the "one and only - everything belongs here - Master - Uber - Thread" for Note II stuff, I woke up this morning suddendly being such a shamless guy who thinks, that this topic deserves an own thread!
As it became very important for my purchasing habit to know if there will be a developing community (and I think that I´m not alone with this strange thoughts), I would like to ask the devs, cooks, themers etc. if they see any (great) future for the Note II and if they are planning to switch or at least to "touch" the Note II in near future.
If this poll should become reliable, I would like to ask everyone who is NOT working on ROMs or Apps to NOT touch the poll :highfive:
Hehe, okay this is very encouraging :cyclops:
gonna report the thread as its well known that theres one already to post everything about note 2... why wouldnt they develop for note 2? most devs does have and support several devices at once
and therese already a note 2 dedicated forum
Tapatalking on my N7000
msedek said:
gonna report the thread as its well known that theres one already to post everything about note 2... why wouldnt they develop for note 2? most devs does have and support several devices at once
and therese already a note 2 dedicated forum
Tapatalking on my N7000
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I don´t know if you have read the content of this thread, but I´m pretty sure that hardly any dev will look into the general thread...and furthermore: it is not possible to start a poll when I´m not the OP of a thread. And it would become hard to get an insight about the number of devs interested in the Note II when this question is asked in a all-you-can-think-of-thread.
I have seen a couple threads closed because note2 general thread that I did not agree with. Putting them in a general thread gets them burried and then no one sees them. Rubber stamping note2 threads is not a good solution. Unfortunately I think this thread is well suited for the Note2 General thread.
@msedek, You sir are a miserable git.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
lol @ msedek ....im telling over you lol
i think its a valid post everthing cannot go in one post surley
Nianfur said:
@msedek, You sir are a miserable git.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
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+1 , spot on nianfur
Would be nice to know, which devs will be continuing support, perhaps they could simply tell us in their rom, thread , but then again look how old the s2 is and the dev is still full on. That's what's so great about xda, even the old hd2, HTC diamond and desire hd have lots of development, often lots of the new updates in the later models can be ported across, ie we have some s3 elements likewise the same will happen with the note 2.
Note I ...
rahimi_mnr said:
Note I ...
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Thanks for bumping a one year old thread...
LordManhattan said:
Thanks for bumping a one year old thread...
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He's trying to muster more than 10 posts, so he can ask for ETAs and futures™ in the Dev forum. :fingers-crossed:

HALCYON > GENERAL Zenphones and Android Super group

Howdy guys and fellas?
Recently I've joined the zenfone Development
I was a Samsung user who got bored with sammy and now im with asus officially i worked for them locally.
Anyway my history in XDA and the Web is quite clear.
Im Hamed Ameli Aka @Halcyon in XDA. I will bring Halcyon projects to Asus Zenfone series in my Free time including HalcyonOS and so on.
I would love as many as you guys join in my Super group where many of Proffesional guys already there about 90 peoples are active.
We discuss about IT and Android stuffs over there and everyone is free to share their stuffs and opinions.
Here you can find the join links:
Join Halcyon Super Group
Join Halcyon Channel
Will see you there friends.
Goodluck to you sir Halcyon. Gonna love to see halcyonOS. Reserved )
Glad to see u (again) in a different forum ?
Sent from my ASUS_Z00AD using Tapatalk
cilixan said:
Glad to see u (again) in a different forum
Sent from my ASUS_Z00AD using Tapatalk
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Thanks buddy hope i see you more too.
Guys there will be no os for asus zenfone 2........for sure......its just for telegram....just for publicity.......total fake.....
rex_perfect said:
Guys there will be no os for asus zenfone 2........for sure......its just for telegram....just for publicity.......total fake.....
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Never judge everything by it's cover...
HalcyonOS is an upcoming project where is in BIG WIP. If you want to know more, just join the Telegram supergroup/channel. That's it.
Btw @Halcyon,
Glad to see that you're joining ZenFone 2 forums! Nice to see you on other device's forum...
Sent from my ASUS_Z00A using XDA Labs
looking forward to seeing some nice stuff...will this be modded stock or be based on CM?
krasCGQ said:
Never judge everything by it's cover...
HalcyonOS is an upcoming project where is in BIG WIP. If you want to know more, just join the Telegram supergroup/channel. That's it.
Btw @Halcyon,
Glad to see that you're joining ZenFone 2 forums! Nice to see you on other device's forum...
Sent from my ASUS_Z00A using XDA Labs
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Lets see......if developer will release any Halcyon os or not..........
Mr hamed said based on stock os.
rex_perfect said:
Guys there will be no os for asus zenfone 2........for sure......its just for telegram....just for publicity.......total fake.....
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I recently changed to asus by their promo phone to me
I really working on it in my limited time, and it's not only me we are a team.
I am not that much active in xda but for sure HalcyonOS and Halcyon MOD Will truely come.
Mr. Al_iraqi is one of my old friends from Samsung halcyon days he recommended me this device.
Ok soon enough i will penetrate the development board of both asus and Samsung just give me some room and time to develop my own website and setup myself on this newly come to my hand device and get used to zenui.
Anyway sofar even for now i have done much than it's ever done in zenfone i believe but im in search of incredible too if asus not release android 6 soon enough for us i will send my lollipop ? mods right ahead.
krasCGQ said:
Never judge everything by it's cover...
HalcyonOS is an upcoming project where is in BIG WIP. If you want to know more, just join the Telegram supergroup/channel. That's it.
Btw @Halcyon,
Glad to see that you're joining ZenFone 2 forums! Nice to see you on other device's forum...
Sent from my ASUS_Z00A using XDA Labs
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Thanks alot dear brother, having such fans like you in xda is my only cheer here :good: :fingers-crossed:
Halcyon said:
I recently changed to asus by their promo phone to me
I really working on it in my limited time, and it's not only me we are a team.
I am not that much active in xda but for sure HalcyonOS and Halcyon MOD Will truely come.
Mr. Al_iraqi is one of my old friends from Samsung halcyon days he recommended me this device.
Ok soon enough i will penetrate the development board of both asus and Samsung just give me some room and time to develop my own website and setup myself on this newly come to my hand device and get used to zenui.
Anyway sofar even for now i have done much than it's ever done in zenfone i believe but im in search of incredible too if asus not release android 6 soon enough for us i will send my lollipop mods right ahead.
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Release the mods soon bro.......eagerly waiting....ur work is always awesome..........sorry for the previous comment ......
rex_perfect said:
Release the mods soon bro.......eagerly waiting....ur work is always awesome..........sorry for the previous comment ......
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Oh bad my device ran into a touch problem ? i will do it soon untill asus launch the MM first i need to deal with this shi** touch situation

Burning Samsung Note 3 and Broken it down even became shreds using a hammer :D

hi guys
i decided to burn my samsung galaxy note 3 and i did it in this video :laugh::laugh:
https://youtu.be/cQU6Q53AKMw :good:
it's a wonderful feeling :laugh::laugh:
lovely heart said:
hi guys
i decided to burn my samsung galaxy note 3 and i did it in this video :laugh::laugh:
https://youtu.be/cQU6Q53AKMw :good:
it's a wonderful feeling :laugh::laugh:
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uhh, are you 10 or something. With that out of the way, I would have thoroughly enjoyed it if it was the note 5.
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Want a cleaner and more organized separated section for Z2 Plus (standard)?

If yes, please add in the TAGS of your thread: lenovo-zuk-z2
This will count as a Z2 E.T. thread so when we will have enough pages of threads on Z2 Plus modders will let us have our section. Because i see many threads of z2 don't have the tag so they are uncounted.
magari, sarebbe fantastico.
Very good new section for zuk z2 (standard)
1+ because also the Zuk2 Pro section gets spammed by ZUK2 and ZUK2PLUS thats complete nonsense . every device needs its own section. thumbs up fpr that. i suggested some weeks ago that for ZUK2Pro aswell
and please make an offical flyme 6.0 for zuk z2
This is a must and don't understand why the z2 has not its own section. I thinks there is more owners of the z2 standard than the pro version
Great idea.
Yes please
Characteress said:
Yes please
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Enviado do meu Z2 Plus através de Tapatalk

Forum here is unfortunately almoust dead

Is it because of missing sources for development, that all roms have probs in complete support? This was my first and of cause my last xiaomi device. There are other facilities with more open development support. Phone is still great, but policie of xiaomi is not. This is an embarressment and very annoying for us users, who gave their money to those f....ck....g facilities. I am sad. Greets. Ray
RayfG said:
Is it because of missing sources for development, that all roms have probs in complete support? This was my first and of cause my last xiaomi device. There are other facilities with more open development support. Phone is still great, but policie of xiaomi is not. This is an embarressment and very annoying for us users, who gave their money to those f....ck....g facilities. I am sad. Greets. Ray
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Yep, this device was pretty much dead on arrival when it comes to development but it had a few great devs that brought it up to Android 9, something that xiaomi did not want to happen as they ended the Max series.
That being said... even though this device is completely dead and stuck on last year's software, I have a really hard time finding an upgrade to it with android 10 from the factory.
If I want stereo speakers, a giant screen and a giant battery with Android 10 out of the box I need to pay around 1000$ nowadays.
I have my eyes on the redmi note 9 that is rumored to have a Max version along side the normal one and the Pro one and that means giant screen and battery with Android 10 around 300$ to 350$.
Happened from oreo times when all first devs moved to other devices and abandoned max 2 oreo had issues but pie was terrible with alot of bugs until now it is what it is max 2 was unlucky for custom roms so most of us are stuck with nougat miui for bugless experience
m1n15s said:
Happened from oreo times when all first devs moved to other devices and abandoned max 2 oreo had issues but pie was terrible with alot of bugs until now it is what it is max 2 was unlucky for custom roms so most of us are stuck with nougat miui for bugless experience
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Though why doesn't give xiaomi the sources for it's device? I think this would be the right step foreward. With me, they lost a customer for ever. That is what it is. The devs here did a great job.
It is not completely dead.
There are some devs like scissordragonboy who released some ROMs for our device at February. Snekk etc..
Me personally I have not tested them all but in due time
目前我正在使用别人移植的MI6 MAX3等版本,现在已经应用于max2 并且取得了不错的效果。至少在中国国内应用还不错,也能安装谷歌但是不能使用gapps 否则容易出现错误。
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I'm currently using someone else's transplanted version of MI6 MAX3, which is now available for max2 and has had good results. At least in China the application is good, can also install Google but can not use gapps otherwise prone to errors.
zhanghaitao said:
目前我正在使用别人移植的MI6 MAX3等版本,现在已经应用于max2 并且取得了不错的效果。至少在中国国内应用还不错,也能安装谷歌但是不能使用gapps 否则容易出现错误。
MOD EDIT: Please post only in English according to the FORUM RULES,translation added below:
I'm currently using someone else's transplanted version of MI6 MAX3, which is now available for max2 and has had good results. At least in China the application is good, can also install Google but can not use gapps otherwise prone to errors.
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MOD EDIT: Please post only in English according to the FORUM RULES,translation added below:
Can you provide a link?
reversegear said:
MOD EDIT: Please post only in English according to the FORUM RULES,translation added below:
Can you provide a link?
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Brush in with OrangeFoxRecovery
zhanghaitao said:
Brush in with OrangeFoxRecovery
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Brush in with OrangeFoxRecovery
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What rom is that skymi? Whats not working
m1n15s said:
What rom is that skymi? Whats not working
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skymi is rom,It's all right with me
thankyou very much
m1n15s said:
What rom is that skymi? Whats not working
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rom informations? android version? bugs?
bouuman said:
rom informations? android version? bugs?
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I flashed it for a while i think is a port from mi 6 or something like that android 9 china rom i kept it for 15 minutes
zhanghaitao said:
Brush in with OrangeFoxRecovery
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Brush in with OrangeFoxRecovery
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can't land the mi account
andylin1981 said:
can't land the mi account
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I use it normally,Looking forward to improvement
RayfG said:
Is it because of missing sources for development, that all roms have probs in complete support? This was my first and of cause my last xiaomi device. There are other facilities with more open development support. Phone is still great, but policie of xiaomi is not. This is an embarressment and very annoying for us users, who gave their money to those f....ck....g facilities. I am sad. Greets. Ray
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Why dont you join Sanek's telegram group which constantly keep his Pie rom always updated with a huge success that almost totally bugs free and incredibly stable to use as daily driver device.
Sanek's Telegram group:
MOD EDIT: Telegram link removed, please read the STICKY!
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Thank you all for your understanding :good:
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