LG G6 wide angle camera with Facebook Live - LG G6 Questions and Answers

Does anyone know a way to broadcast on Facebook Live with the wide angle camera? All I can find as options are the regular camera and front facing camera.

Nope. 3rd party applications are probably not going to understand that the device has a second camera.
You'd probably need a custom made application that taps into it.

SolarisSixth said:
Nope. 3rd party applications are probably not going to understand that the device has a second camera.
You'd probably need a custom made application that taps into it.
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That's not true in every case. Whatsapp can use all three cameras, so Facebook could implement it as well if they wanted to. It's probably not even a big deal, but very few (none?) phones have an extra camera with a different lens.

I'd love to be able to do that too !
It's feasible on the Youtube Live App... Hopefully Facebook will update their app in order to allow us to switch the camera....
If anyone has a tip, i'm really interested !


Camera with zoom

Hi All,
Are there any cameras around that will allow you to zoom. It does not look like the stock one has that ability. Same thing for video.
Also, anyone have a good way to clean this damn screen? Its a real fingerprint magnet! LOL
mobi said:
Hi All,
Are there any cameras around that will allow you to zoom. It does not look like the stock one has that ability. Same thing for video.
Also, anyone have a good way to clean this damn screen? Its a real fingerprint magnet! LOL
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Hey mobi, I think it's something that just has to be switched on, because on my stock ROM I have zoom on both the camera and the video camera. It's not great, but it's there, it appears when you hit the little slider icon right under the shutter button.
It's possible that I have it available (where you don't) because I've activated all the "extra" camera and video modes with BsB Tweaks, and I guess the zoom is apparently one of them. I thought it was there all along, but if you don't see it on your stock ROM, then that's probably how you can turn it on
Thanks for the info. I do have it I guess I just needed to look harder. Seems like there are a lot of hidden things on here.
I was looking through the manual on the HTC site the other day and even some of the settings that they were talking about were not on there.
An example would be the conference call feature, the landscape mode (which I've somewhat fixed with the landscape cab except even in landscape I have to flick up and down and not left to right on images, etc) and a few others.
Oh well, it’s a learning experience. Just wish they'd enable everything and let us decide what to leave on or turn off.
mobi said:
Oh well, it’s a learning experience. Just wish they'd enable everything and let us decide what to leave on or turn off.
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I think there's a lot of people here who would agree with that sentiment
However, there's probably exactly the same number of people here who would say, "Just wish they would disable everything and let us decide what to turn on or leave off" LOL
Answered by Sirphunkee again

[Q] Front Facing Camera Question

I'm tying to figure out how to use the front camera for taking pictures. I can do the video stuff no problem, just not take pictures. Seems silly the native camera app would not offer this.
From what I read, there should be an option in qik to do this, but from the one I downloaded from the market, I'm not seeing this option. I'm running Frankenstein and have checked through all the various mod paqs and there is no qik app in there that may have this feature enabled. What am I missing?
magoo5289 said:
I'm tying to figure out how to use the front camera for taking pictures. I can do the video stuff no problem, just not take pictures. Seems silly the native camera app would not offer this.
From what I read, there should be an option in qik to do this, but from the one I downloaded from the market, I'm not seeing this option. I'm running Frankenstein and have checked through all the various mod paqs and there is no qik app in there that may have this feature enabled. What am I missing?
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Inside the camera app... Click the Top left icon on the screen and select Self-Shot.
Is that what you are looking for?
Perfect thanks so much! Guess the internet docs on this not working through the camera app are wrong.

Camera Quality -WP7

Hi guys
I know it is mention that when you take pictures with the flash on, it has a green tint.
But even the normal camera (Without flash) has lots of exposure, is there some camera software or something, to try and enhance the camera quality?
I must say, on WM 6.5, the pictures was outstanding, but there has to be something one can do to try and get the complete camera functionality back?
yes, try this one:
malsehn said:
yes, try this one:
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This does not get rid of the tint. Unless there ia some new update to it. I never understood the purpose of this app.
Use foto enhancer
lhernana2j said:
This does not get rid of the tint. Unless there ia some new update to it. I never understood the purpose of this app.
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I have the same problem and the only fix that I use is "Foto Enhancer"
is a free aplication and you can downloar from market place. When open the foto tap in the three dots and open "extras" then "photo enhancer" will show up and use it to change the appeareance of your photos.
Yeah, I gotta agree. The camera & this second app take the same pictures with the same green tint?! So the app is useless for me. This is the only "real" problem I have running WP7 on my HD2. Other than that it's pretty flawless, for me.
The tint is driver related.
The Second camera app fixes the issue of auto focus, and it saves your previous settings, so their is plenty of points to use it instead.
I second that...I´m deeply impressed by the usability of WP7 (didn´t think that it will be that smooth ). The one and only thing I´m really disappointed with is the camera. At this moment I can´t say that I´m missing something from Android except for Vignette, which was a very useful camera app that makes me made outstanding photos!
I really hope that there will be an opportunity for devs to get a better driver from somewhere... (but where should this somewhere be? )
brooon said:
I second that...I´m deeply impressed by the usability of WP7 (didn´t think that it will be that smooth ). The one and only thing I´m really disappointed with is the camera. At this moment I can´t say that I´m missing something from Android except for Vignette, which was a very useful camera app that makes me made outstanding photos!
I really hope that there will be an opportunity for devs to get a better driver from somewhere... (but where should this somewhere be? )
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I am with you on that one, i was sceptical upgrading to WP7, but i must say, it rocks. I love the automation of the software, contacts integration into Facebook....
Fantastic, the camera tho, is not good at all.
Hope some of the Devs, get a fix for the driver, as the Camera was untouchable on WM 6.5....
Where to get the build?
^^rac said:
I am with you on that one, i was sceptical upgrading to WP7, but i must say, it rocks. I love the automation of the software, contacts integration into Facebook....
Fantastic, the camera tho, is not good at all.
Hope some of the Devs, get a fix for the driver, as the Camera was untouchable on WM 6.5....
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I wanted to know where to get the best working WP7 build for HD2?
The camera is the only reason I had to go back to WP 6.5 and or Android. My wife always has me taking pics when we go out and uploading to FB lol. The green tint is unacceptable. Can't wait for a fix so i can reinstall 7.
santananito55 said:
I have the same problem and the only fix that I use is "Foto Enhancer"
is a free aplication and you can downloar from market place. When open the foto tap in the three dots and open "extras" then "photo enhancer" will show up and use it to change the appeareance of your photos.
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So howd you download that? I tried using WP7 desktop market place and cant find it, i also cant find it on the market on my phone (wouldnt be able to download it from there anyways)
pdmj said:
I wanted to know where to get the best working WP7 build for HD2?
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This one is the best:
I was also scared of flashing, but went with it, and i am enjoying it!
santananito55 said:
I have the same problem and the only fix that I use is "Foto Enhancer"
is a free aplication and you can downloar from market place. When open the foto tap in the three dots and open "extras" then "photo enhancer" will show up and use it to change the appeareance of your photos.
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I must say, foto enhancer works quite nicely.
It does not help for the green tint on the flash, but for the rest of the photos, it works wonders.....
All my fotos has over exposure........... that fixes it with the auto enhancer.

Snapchat front facing camera zoom issues

Has anyone noticed how the front facing camera on snapchat is zoomed in?
Same on Beta
huggosz said:
Has anyone noticed how the front facing camera on snapchat is zoomed in?
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This is happening on the Beta as well (v I also noticed that the send button is mostly covered when choosing more than one person.
wrileys said:
This is happening on the Beta as well (v I also noticed that the send button is mostly covered when choosing more than one person.
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Ya I noticed that too. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Hopefully they'll fix that soon.
A fix
I have the same issue.
huggosz said:
Has anyone noticed how the front facing camera on snapchat is zoomed in?
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I'm having the same issues here but I was feeling the same way when I use the default camera. Seems like the angle is wider on my S7 than on my S8
I don't think its technically "zoomed" in. If you compare what you see in Snapchat to default camera, you will notice that you still see the same amount of vertical image. But because of the 18.5:9 screen ratio and the way Snapchat works, it crops off a lot of the side image. Same goes for the back camera. And yes, S7 and S6 have much wider front facing camera, it was probably reduced to fit in the focusing mechanisms.
I've noticed if you view Snaps with a 16:9, the top and bottom will be letter boxed. Where as my friends who have also an S8, will fill the full screen.
Hopefully Snapchat will include a way for you to pick a screen ratio, but i doubt it.
Infiniteey said:
I don't think its technically "zoomed" in. If you compare what you see in Snapchat to default camera, you will notice that you still see the same amount of vertical image. But because of the 18.5:9 screen ratio and the way Snapchat works, it crops off a lot of the side image. Same goes for the back camera. And yes, S7 and S6 have much wider front facing camera, it was probably reduced to fit in the focusing mechanisms.
I've noticed if you view Snaps with a 16:9, the top and bottom will be letter boxed. Where as my friends who have also an S8, will fill the full screen.
Hopefully Snapchat will include a way for you to pick a screen ratio, but i doubt it.
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Damn, I would take the wider aperture over the auto focus any day.
I'm glad i'm not the only one having issues putting doggo filters on selfies
How Is the Snapchat Camera quality ? Is it still same old not so good on android ?
jordy787 said:
How Is the Snapchat Camera quality ? Is it still same old not so good on android ?
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yea you can definitely tell the difference. i usually just take a normal photo and then use snapchat and select from gallery
I've also noticed this. I hope they fix it. It really annoys me?
Yeah the option to opt out of full screen crop mode is greyed out! I hate the S8 cropping out my pictures and other peoples pictures
I'm having this same problem and it's driving me NUTS. It makes me not want to use snapchat anymore. Grrrrrr.
Horrible hope they fix this!! I don't need close ups of every pore showing up on my face in Snapchat.
Its also pretty annoying where sometimes you can't swipe out of a story (swipe up to get the soft keys to show and then back) as swipe up from the bottom is also "chat" within Snapchat.
My instagram does this too!!! So frustrating. I have to use my normal camera on my s8 and then use the gallery option to edit it on Instagram . I hope it gets sorted!
This is awful, I've had the phone a few weeks and as soon as I used snapchat I noticed how close it seemed to my face, every single pore! What the hell is that about!
Its November now and you guys noticed it earlier in the year.. I'm guessing there is no fix

Front cam always in wide angle mode

Hi all.
Am sure everyone would be facing the issue that whenever you use the front camera for video chatting on any app say like whatsapp, skype and others, then the front cam is always in wide angle mode and makes us look tiny.
Is there any workaround to get it back to the normal usual angle?
Please help, i am having lot of uneasiness because of this.
Best regards,
I believe it is due to the software. When you take it out of wide mode in the LG Camera app, it just crops it.
bobafx said:
I believe it is due to the software. When you take it out of wide mode in the LG Camera app, it just crops it.
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So we have no option to fix it ? We will have to continue to use it on other apps in wide angle mode only cause that is so by default? Damn LG.
I actualized this post because I have this problem. I have the wide angle in video call and this is in a very bad quality.
Do you know if there are a fix for this ?

