Camera Quality -WP7 - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

Hi guys
I know it is mention that when you take pictures with the flash on, it has a green tint.
But even the normal camera (Without flash) has lots of exposure, is there some camera software or something, to try and enhance the camera quality?
I must say, on WM 6.5, the pictures was outstanding, but there has to be something one can do to try and get the complete camera functionality back?

yes, try this one:

malsehn said:
yes, try this one:
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This does not get rid of the tint. Unless there ia some new update to it. I never understood the purpose of this app.

Use foto enhancer
lhernana2j said:
This does not get rid of the tint. Unless there ia some new update to it. I never understood the purpose of this app.
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I have the same problem and the only fix that I use is "Foto Enhancer"
is a free aplication and you can downloar from market place. When open the foto tap in the three dots and open "extras" then "photo enhancer" will show up and use it to change the appeareance of your photos.

Yeah, I gotta agree. The camera & this second app take the same pictures with the same green tint?! So the app is useless for me. This is the only "real" problem I have running WP7 on my HD2. Other than that it's pretty flawless, for me.

The tint is driver related.
The Second camera app fixes the issue of auto focus, and it saves your previous settings, so their is plenty of points to use it instead.

I second that...I´m deeply impressed by the usability of WP7 (didn´t think that it will be that smooth ). The one and only thing I´m really disappointed with is the camera. At this moment I can´t say that I´m missing something from Android except for Vignette, which was a very useful camera app that makes me made outstanding photos!
I really hope that there will be an opportunity for devs to get a better driver from somewhere... (but where should this somewhere be? )

brooon said:
I second that...I´m deeply impressed by the usability of WP7 (didn´t think that it will be that smooth ). The one and only thing I´m really disappointed with is the camera. At this moment I can´t say that I´m missing something from Android except for Vignette, which was a very useful camera app that makes me made outstanding photos!
I really hope that there will be an opportunity for devs to get a better driver from somewhere... (but where should this somewhere be? )
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I am with you on that one, i was sceptical upgrading to WP7, but i must say, it rocks. I love the automation of the software, contacts integration into Facebook....
Fantastic, the camera tho, is not good at all.
Hope some of the Devs, get a fix for the driver, as the Camera was untouchable on WM 6.5....

Where to get the build?
^^rac said:
I am with you on that one, i was sceptical upgrading to WP7, but i must say, it rocks. I love the automation of the software, contacts integration into Facebook....
Fantastic, the camera tho, is not good at all.
Hope some of the Devs, get a fix for the driver, as the Camera was untouchable on WM 6.5....
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I wanted to know where to get the best working WP7 build for HD2?

The camera is the only reason I had to go back to WP 6.5 and or Android. My wife always has me taking pics when we go out and uploading to FB lol. The green tint is unacceptable. Can't wait for a fix so i can reinstall 7.

santananito55 said:
I have the same problem and the only fix that I use is "Foto Enhancer"
is a free aplication and you can downloar from market place. When open the foto tap in the three dots and open "extras" then "photo enhancer" will show up and use it to change the appeareance of your photos.
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So howd you download that? I tried using WP7 desktop market place and cant find it, i also cant find it on the market on my phone (wouldnt be able to download it from there anyways)

pdmj said:
I wanted to know where to get the best working WP7 build for HD2?
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This one is the best:
I was also scared of flashing, but went with it, and i am enjoying it!

santananito55 said:
I have the same problem and the only fix that I use is "Foto Enhancer"
is a free aplication and you can downloar from market place. When open the foto tap in the three dots and open "extras" then "photo enhancer" will show up and use it to change the appeareance of your photos.
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I must say, foto enhancer works quite nicely.
It does not help for the green tint on the flash, but for the rest of the photos, it works wonders.....
All my fotos has over exposure........... that fixes it with the auto enhancer.


Camera with zoom

Hi All,
Are there any cameras around that will allow you to zoom. It does not look like the stock one has that ability. Same thing for video.
Also, anyone have a good way to clean this damn screen? Its a real fingerprint magnet! LOL
mobi said:
Hi All,
Are there any cameras around that will allow you to zoom. It does not look like the stock one has that ability. Same thing for video.
Also, anyone have a good way to clean this damn screen? Its a real fingerprint magnet! LOL
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Hey mobi, I think it's something that just has to be switched on, because on my stock ROM I have zoom on both the camera and the video camera. It's not great, but it's there, it appears when you hit the little slider icon right under the shutter button.
It's possible that I have it available (where you don't) because I've activated all the "extra" camera and video modes with BsB Tweaks, and I guess the zoom is apparently one of them. I thought it was there all along, but if you don't see it on your stock ROM, then that's probably how you can turn it on
Thanks for the info. I do have it I guess I just needed to look harder. Seems like there are a lot of hidden things on here.
I was looking through the manual on the HTC site the other day and even some of the settings that they were talking about were not on there.
An example would be the conference call feature, the landscape mode (which I've somewhat fixed with the landscape cab except even in landscape I have to flick up and down and not left to right on images, etc) and a few others.
Oh well, it’s a learning experience. Just wish they'd enable everything and let us decide what to leave on or turn off.
mobi said:
Oh well, it’s a learning experience. Just wish they'd enable everything and let us decide what to leave on or turn off.
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I think there's a lot of people here who would agree with that sentiment
However, there's probably exactly the same number of people here who would say, "Just wish they would disable everything and let us decide what to turn on or leave off" LOL
Answered by Sirphunkee again

[Q] Front Facing Camera Question

I'm tying to figure out how to use the front camera for taking pictures. I can do the video stuff no problem, just not take pictures. Seems silly the native camera app would not offer this.
From what I read, there should be an option in qik to do this, but from the one I downloaded from the market, I'm not seeing this option. I'm running Frankenstein and have checked through all the various mod paqs and there is no qik app in there that may have this feature enabled. What am I missing?
magoo5289 said:
I'm tying to figure out how to use the front camera for taking pictures. I can do the video stuff no problem, just not take pictures. Seems silly the native camera app would not offer this.
From what I read, there should be an option in qik to do this, but from the one I downloaded from the market, I'm not seeing this option. I'm running Frankenstein and have checked through all the various mod paqs and there is no qik app in there that may have this feature enabled. What am I missing?
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Inside the camera app... Click the Top left icon on the screen and select Self-Shot.
Is that what you are looking for?
Perfect thanks so much! Guess the internet docs on this not working through the camera app are wrong.

[Q] What are the features working in Yuki's Back to the future rom

I have searched a lot but unable to get a perfect answer. Does anyone knows about this? If you dont know that is working or atleast know about what is not working that would be of great help.
Thanks in advance...
I have been using it daily for about 3 weeks now, and I honestly cant find anything that isnt working besides the camera and multitouch (which doesnt work on any ROM).
Maybe someone else can chime in here, but bottom line the rom is awesome!!
installing .XAP's on 7720
I am unable to deploy any .xap's on 7720 Mango ROM. Am I missing sumthing ...can anyone please help ?
OGmackPLRcool said:
I have been using it daily for about 3 weeks now, and I honestly cant find anything that isnt working besides the camera and multitouch (which doesnt work on any ROM).
Maybe someone else can chime in here, but bottom line the rom is awesome!!
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You said that camera and multitouch not working. Is is that camera is not working at all? Please clarify. As far as multitouch I am aware of it.
Everything is working for me and to be honest I am enjoying it more tan I ever thought I would. Not sure what are the problems experienced with camera, mine is working fine. Pictures are not as good as the one taken through Android that I have running off SD, but videos sure are great.
Having problems with XAP... anything because installer doesn't work for me. Both versions supposed to do the same job, in fact. Both claim the phone is either not connected or is locked.
Multitouch works fine for me - pictures are zoomed by pinching etc.
The Camera Issue was common on the HD7 that flash caused a green hue to pictures taken... As for MultiTouch its hit or miss.
For XAP problems in Mango (7720) you need to dev_unlock it using one of the files in Yuki-XBOXMOD CAB Directory that has a long list of cabs for Mango..
Tachi91 said:
The Camera Issue was common on the HD7 that flash caused a green hue to pictures taken... As for MultiTouch its hit or miss.
For XAP problems in Mango (7720) you need to dev_unlock it using one of the files in Yuki-XBOXMOD CAB Directory that has a long list of cabs for Mango..
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Used all the necessary cabs, tools etc - still no go
The camera does have a green hue - tried it last night at the party. Everyone looked like zombies that were dead for some time, haha. Will switch to Android on SD for photos.
- Camera takes greenish shots when using Flash.
- Using the camera button (call button), the camera doesn't focus and just takes the snap leading to blurry snaps. I dunno if this is a WP7 issue or not.
- Video Camera seems to have Continous Focus so in dark scenes it focuses and unfocuses every 10 seconds. Disabling auto focuses removes auto focus completely so thats not an option either.
This is for what I've seen. Its still 99% functional despite all this.

Nexus 4 Autofocus Problem

Hi guys,
I am hacing a problem with the autofocus on the default camera app on the nexus 4.
Before when I clicked a picture at the last moment it would make sure the camera is in focus before snapping a picture.
But now it just focus hunts with the focus shifting back and forth and the final result is unacceptable.
I want it to go back to the way it was before.
If I use another camera app like say the ever note camera it works perfectly fine. I'm only having a problem with the default camera.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks a lot guys
Its the way it is.
w1ndhawk said:
Hi guys,
I am hacing a problem with the autofocus on the default camera app on the nexus 4.
Before when I clicked a picture at the last moment it would make sure the camera is in focus before snapping a picture.
But now it just focus hunts with the focus shifting back and forth and the final result is unacceptable.
I want it to go back to the way it was before.
If I use another camera app like say the ever note camera it works perfectly fine. I'm only having a problem with the default camera.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks a lot guys
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I understand your problem, but IMO it is not really a problem. Just tap on the object you want to focus and then tap on the circle to take the picture.
Just tapping on the Circle sometimes keeps the focus and sometimes not. its better if you tap and hold for a while before you release your finger.
em.faris said:
I understand your problem, but IMO it is not really a problem. Just tap on the object you want to focus and then tap on the circle to take the picture.
Just tapping on the Circle sometimes keeps the focus and sometimes not. its better if you tap and hold for a while before you release your finger.
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Hey, thanks for the reply.
I just installed a custom camera app instead and its working like a charm. Its called QuickSnap.
The funny thing is that the default camera used to work perfectly fine before the 4.2 update.
w1ndhawk said:
Hey, thanks for the reply.
I just installed a custom camera app instead and its working like a charm. Its called QuickSnap.
The funny thing is that the default camera used to work perfectly fine before the 4.2 update.
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Thats good, I myself noticed this thing on the stock camera app. but then again just few more taps fixed this but yes I tried Snap Camera
there no such issues with that, even on Instagram camera.
But I don't know why i feel that stock camera app is the best.
I'm having this big problem too.
Any of you guys notice that sometimes when using the flash it'll show the picture as overly bright right after you take it? but once you view it in the gallery it looks normal
biscuitownz said:
Any of you guys notice that sometimes when using the flash it'll show the picture as overly bright right after you take it? but once you view it in the gallery it looks normal
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davibs said:
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Damn. Any idea why it does this?
biscuitownz said:
Damn. Any idea why it does this?
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Nope, i've searched everywhere but nothing.

Google Camera problems.

Hi everyone,
I hope this is the right section for this kind of questions.
Anyway, I'd like to know if someone can help me.
I'm absolutely not able of getting Google Camera to work.
I tried different version, I think the problem is caused by the fact that our phone has a SD801...
But I have no idea how to solve it.
Camera just crash as soon as I open it.
Thanks to everyone!
Lorenzo Benevento.
Not just coz soc is sd801
It is arm based
Google camera is nowadays built for arm64 architecture
And which version would work?
If there is one obviously!
Lorenzo Benevento said:
And which version would work?
If there is one obviously!
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The versions which came with nexus 6 would work
That will be around v3
I tried but I can't downgrade. How come? It shows "corrupted package".
i use Google camera 2.7 in my zuk z1
I downgraded to 2.7.010, It works and connect to camera but I'm unable of taking videos!
It start recording but when I tap on the stop icon it freezes and the only thing that I can do is to reboot the phone. Or close the app (but camera would be busy, so no tourch for example or no other photos until the next reboot).
magnet1215 are you able to take videos?
Lorenzo Benevento said:
I downgraded to 2.7.010, It works and connect to camera but I'm unable of taking videos!
It start recording but when I tap on the stop icon it freezes and the only thing that I can do is to reboot the phone. Or close the app (but camera would be busy, so no tourch for example or no other photos until the next reboot).
magnet1215 are you able to take videos?
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Yes. Everything works fine except the resolution of lens blur is low.
magnet1215 said:
Yes. Everything works fine except the resolution of lens blur is low.
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Which version are you using exactly?
Try this snapdragon camera. It will crash on first pic taken, first video taken, first slow or fast motion video. But honestly I tried lot of camera apps and this is best one of all.
Lorenzo Benevento said:
Which version are you using exactly?
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Here you are. I extracted from /data/app.
