[XPOSED] [NOUGAT] [WORK] Xposed SDK25 for all arch [UNOFFICIAL] - Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 Guides, News, & Discussion

I have tested this only on AOSP Extended(mido)
Everyone try and test on other roms and tell if its working.

AOSP ROM v4.3 mido
only got a black screen.
phone is working its just the screen is black cannot see anything except when I hold the power button it shows poweroff,restart,etc... menu
is there any requirements / process before flashing xposed?

langamer101 said:
AOSP ROM v4.3 mido
only got a black screen.
phone is working its just the screen is black cannot see anything except when I hold the power button it shows poweroff,restart,etc... menu
is there any requirements / process before flashing xposed?
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try it on freshly flashed rom...
i tried it on aex 4.2 and it worked

Which xposed modules you tried are working??? @bad_request

ayush.gl said:
Which xposed modules you tried are working??? @bad_request
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As far as I know, flat styled indicators (kinda) working

I kno the power of xposed but still is it required coz rom provude a lot of customisation already and app are also available to do its job

ayush.gl said:
Which xposed modules you tried are working??? @bad_request
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I have tried minmingaurd xposed module and it's working properly.

prathu30 said:
I kno the power of xposed but still is it required coz rom provude a lot of customisation already and app are also available to do its job
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if you have known the power of xposed you shouldn't have said that....

Will it work on rr latest build??

ayush.gl said:
Will it work on rr latest build??
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gonna test it on rr rom today...

ayush.gl said:
Will it work on rr latest build??
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I tried it on rr rom, rom boot and xposed framework installed, minmingaurd worked and also tried lucky patcher Xposed module... that didn't work out.

Youtube adway and networkmode enabler works?? Please try

bad_request said:
if you have known the power of xposed you shouldn't have said that....
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Most features of Gravity box bootmanager privacy manager are inbuilt in most rom for ads thers adaway
And not to forget magisk module

Unable to flash framework on miui Android 7

prathu30 said:
Most features of Gravity box bootmanager privacy manager are inbuilt in most rom for ads thers adaway
And not to forget magisk module
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I know that bro that we get most of the features inbuilt in roms and other can be added using apps and magisk....
but not all roms provides most of the features and also neither apps nor magisk can fulfill the needs of Xposed framework etc.
There are lots of Xposed modules whose alternative still not found...
For example adaway don't blocks all ads system wide as it only modifies the hostfile so thier still space left for ads even if it is blocked by the hostfile...
MinMinGuard removes the ad space which are left by Adaway.
There are lots of example but I can't explain them all to you.

Rnayar18 said:
Unable to flash framework on miui Android 7
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bro MIUI rom for RN4 is 7.0(sdk24 )
xposed framework for nougat is only for 7.1.x(sdk25) for now

I'm facing so many force closes, it's not that stable i think.

langamer101 said:
AOSP ROM v4.3 mido
only got a black screen.
phone is working its just the screen is black cannot see anything except when I hold the power button it shows poweroff,restart,etc... menu
is there any requirements / process before flashing xposed?
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It's a substratum theme problem. Im almost 100% sure.

Several apps keeps force closed when xposed is on.
(YouTube, Nova Launcher, Greenify, etc)
Turned off xposed by Xposed Installer option then everything alright. I think i'll wait for the stable official one.
Current rom : latest RR

Greenify, adaway and background playback is not working


Lenevo Z2 Pro Lollipop Xposed

Since we now have unlockable bootloader for Z2 Pro, anyone tried using xposed?
Any good working modules ?
varun.gid said:
Any good working modules ?
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I am using Xposed and definitely recommend GravityBox if you are running on Google UI. Also App Settings to change DPI of some apps so everything doesn't look that big. Fix Lollipop Memory Leak really helped me maintaining more free RAM after long periods without reboot.
Electry said:
I am using Xposed and definitely recommend GravityBox if you are running on Google UI. Also App Settings to change DPI of some apps so everything doesn't look that big. Fix Lollipop Memory Leak really helped me maintaining more free RAM after long periods without reboot.
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need some help with xposed on k920 base on lollipop version s246
please attach me xposed file that work for you...
i just try and got some problem..
1. reboot to long
2. sometime when reboot it wont be reboot...it stuck at lenovo logo...
ghaf85 said:
need some help with xposed on k920 base on lollipop version s246
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Here is the official thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=3034811
Firstly install XposedInstaller_3.0_alpha4.apk and then flash the zip archive in your recovery (xposed-v67-sdk21-arm.zip).
In the Xposed Installer app - "Framework" section you should see your installed version of XposedBridge.jar.
I am currently running a little older version (v64) but i think that doesn't really matter.
Electry said:
I am using Xposed and definitely recommend GravityBox if you are running on Google UI. Also App Settings to change DPI of some apps so everything doesn't look that big. Fix Lollipop Memory Leak really helped me maintaining more free RAM after long periods without reboot.
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Does exposed run on google ui only, not on lenovo default ui?
vince_junior said:
Does exposed run on google ui only, not on lenovo default ui?
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vince_junior said:
Does exposed run on google ui only, not on lenovo default ui?
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clone.x said:
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I don't think that's true...
The difference between Google and Lenovo UI is just that few apps from AOSP were replaced by themed ones from Lenovo. That's all.
I've had xposed on Lenovo UI on kitkat 4.4.2 without any problems.
I mean, xposed alone should work regardless of your UI. The problem might be with some xposed modules written specifically for AOSP roms (eg. GravityBox).
Electry said:
I don't think that's true...
The difference between Google and Lenovo UI is just that few apps from AOSP were replaced by themed ones from Lenovo. That's all.
I've had xposed on Lenovo UI on kitkat 4.4.2 without any problems.
I mean, xposed alone should work regardless of your UI. The problem might be with some xposed modules written specifically for AOSP roms (eg. GravityBox).
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Maybe, but do you think that it is so easily? Why we don't have already updated to Android Lollipop 5.1.1 ?
What I know is that Xposed without GravityBox is like holiday without sun...
Can you try GravityBox on your curent setup and write result here, please?
GravityBox official:
- this module is designed to run on vanilla or close-to-vanilla Android 5 (AOSP)
- supports "Google devices" like Nexus, HTC One Google play edition, and others running vanilla Android 5
- supports Motorola Moto G Dual SIM running stock Lollipop
- Samsung Touchwiz, HTC Sense, MIUI, LeWa, Xperia, Lenovo, etc. are NOT supported. It is not guaranteed this module will work on these at all so try at your own risk. This module is simply too complex to support all kind of ROM brands that were vastly modified by vendors.
im trying on kitkat 4.4.2 (switch to Google style UI)
install xposed
install gravitybox
but gravitybox wont running correctly...
im try switch to lenovo ui back...
install xposed..
install gravity..
gravitybox work well..
how to make gravitybox work on 4.4.2 google ui style???
any help please...
on kitkat ROW i use successfully gravity box and xblast tools.... NO PROBLEM.
[I bought a ROW version with Kitkat.
Updated it for Stock Lollipop.
Rooted it with 0_install_root_K920Pro.bat.
Unlocked bootloader with VibeZ2Pro_ROW_UnLock_BootLoader_L using Qfil
Run (did not flash) TWRP 0_run_twrp_recovery_K920Pro.bat
Backed up my working stock ROM
Flashed DragonVibe8 with TWRP run
Installed XposedInstaller_3.0_alpha4.apk
Flashed xposed-v71-sdk21-arm.zip using TWRP run
Installed GravityBox_Lollipop_5.1.4.apk
Everything on Gravity Box works perfectly on Vibe UI.
Installed Titanium backup, froze unwanted apps.
After I was sure, removed all bloatware which were frozen using Titanium backup.
Installed Device control. Modified CPU and GPU settings.
My K920 is now amazing on performance, power backup, functionalities and features in addition to its lovely Hardware (screen, camera and looks).
Thank you
where to find DragonVibe8 ROM ?
czar22 said:
where to find DragonVibe8 ROM ?
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It is one of the threads under this Forum and the link is
and what xposed vers. you flashed
i get bootloop
can you provide de .zip
You need "xposed-v80-sdk21-arm.zip" version because of Android Lollipop 5.0.2 ( Lenovo Stock ROM).

what is your daily driver rom? (g4 play)

Very curious to see the community response . also list kernel , mods, etc if you will! Thank yall
Stock rom with xposed is best . Enough said .
Used to use Zephyr, now I tend to find myself on Lineage or AICP, and kernel depends on what I feel like flashing AICP is what I mainly end up using nowadays
-RDR- said:
Stock rom with xposed is best.
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-RDR- said:
Stock rom with xposed is best . Enough said .
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How do you install closed on stock?
Resurrection Remix. I would be using xposed if there was for Nougat
Stock debloated by myself magisk And OGyoutube stock recovery waiting for nougat
Luis Ibarra said:
How do you install closed on stock?
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Xposed is not available for Nougat . On Marshmallow u just have to root your phone , flash the xposed framework and install the xposed apk and then download modules from the download section
-RDR- said:
Xposed is not available for Nougat . On Marshmallow u just have to root your phone , flash the xposed framework and install the xposed apk and then download modules from the download section
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When I flash the zip file and try to restart TWRP freezes and sits there. My phone has MM.
Luis Ibarra said:
When I flash the zip file and try to restart TWRP freezes and sits there. My phone has MM.
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Well I haven't rooted this phone yet.i was talking about my previous phones where I was always on stock with xposed
theoctavist said:
Very curious to see the community response . also list kernel , mods, etc if you will! Thank yall
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I am currently using Pure Nexus as my daily driver. Not too many mods over stock except for Pixel features that I prefer. Only thing I miss from Stock ROM is Moto Active Display. Ambient display is not even close. Oh yeah, no custom kernel or root. I'm getting like 6hrs screen on time with this ROM. On Stock ROM I only got 4.5 to 5 hrs.
Installed RR and AospEX today . both have problem in audio recording on video
The only ROM that I've used that has a lockscreen even close to Moto's Stock ROM is crDroid V3.4
ViperOS, it's a very stable and nice ROM!
proudlytm said:
ViperOS, it's a very stable and nice ROM!
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I haven't tried that one yet.
I've switched over to the PureNexus ROM, one of the smoothest I have ever used for our device. Had to get a few third party apps in order for it to fully work, but after that I haven't had any problems at all with it. No root currently either, I had problems in the past with Safetynet even with the setting to hide root.
fireball0093 said:
I've switched over to the PureNexus ROM, one of the smoothest I have ever used for our device. Had to get a few third party apps in order for it to fully work, but after that I haven't had any problems at all with it. No root currently either, I had problems in the past with Safetynet even with the setting to hide root.
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I was using that rom but I had FC with every Google app, don't know if was a problem of gapps package . Which gapps are you using?
Ctafolla2 said:
I was using that rom but I had FC with every Google app, don't know if was a problem of gapps package . Which gapps are you using?
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I use Gapps 7.1.x Stock edition. I read another post where recommended BeanApps for the Pure Nexus ROM but I haven't had any issues.
Ctafolla2 said:
I was using that rom but I had FC with every Google app, don't know if was a problem of gapps package . Which gapps are you using?
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I use OpenGapps Pico
Ctafolla2 said:
I was using that rom but I had FC with every Google app, don't know if was a problem of gapps package . Which gapps are you using?
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Open GAaps Nano.

[GUIDE] Install Xposed framework on nougat.

Hello xda,
Since xposed framework is released unofficially for nougat, many users got force closes on random apps on PurifyOS' version.
Here is how to install it without FC:
Install xposed installer apk from this thread (only download apk and install it, don't open it): https://forum.xda-developers.com/xposed/xposed-android-nougat-sdk-25-arm64-t3639221
Download xposed for SDK 25 by BlackSoulxxx here:
Select Arm64 version and download.
Magisk version not working.
1: Reboot to recovery.
2: Wipe cache, davlik cache.
3: Flash xposed zip from BlackSoulxxx.
4: Reboot, enjoy.
Tested by me in ABC ROM on kenzo.
Tested any modules that are working? We need a list of modules that are compatible or working with it.
You using magisk or supersu?
naturist said:
Tested any modules that are working? We need a list of modules that are compatible or working with Nougat.
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Not tested more,
Only tested apps2vr, working perfectly.
And since its new it will require time to test modules.
I am using latest magisk.
there is shown xposed is not campatible with our device
pumpkins12 said:
there is shown xposed is not campatible with our device
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Just ignore it, it is because the app connects to official server and there is no official xposed for nougat yet.
Anyway unofficial xposed which we installed is functional and is shown active in the app.
Stable ? ;p
bartez1596 said:
Stable ? ;p
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It is early unofficial version.
It is stable, but cannot say about modules compatibility.
sarveshrulz said:
Update, magisk version: https://doc-08-3g-docs.googleuserco...828/*/0B5ePoKNP9UFtVGZHa3lDaDlEbDg?e=download
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Guide installing magisk version getting updated process ended with error 1
[email protected] said:
Guide installing magisk version getting updated process ended with error 1
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It is not working currently, removing it as it is only for arm and our devices are arm64
can't download xposed zip, no access. please share other link.
sarveshrulz said:
Hello xda,
Since xposed framework is released unofficially for nougat, many users got force closes on random apps on PurifyOS' version.
Here is how to install it without FC:
Install xposed installer apk from this thread (only download apk and install it, don't open it): https://forum.xda-developers.com/xposed/xposed-android-nougat-sdk-25-arm64-t3639221
Download xposed for SDK 25 by BlackSoulxxx here: https://doc-00-3g-docs.googleuserco...828/*/0B5ePoKNP9UFtaDdmYk1na1l6TEE?e=download
1: Reboot to recovery.
2: Wipe cache, davlik cache.
3: Flash xposed zip from BlackSoulxxx.
4: Reboot, enjoy.
Tested by me in ABC ROM on kenzo.
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Link not work bro....
Iyiren said:
can't download xposed zip, no access. please share other link.
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Links updated.
Steven Lie said:
Link not work bro....
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And don't quote entire op its against the rules of XDA
Will it pass safetynet
Didn't work on nitrogen OS. All apps fc.
Just disabled in Installer app, Rebooted and back to normal. Worth a go nothing lost
sakshamgupta2427 said:
Will it pass safetynet
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no it will not
colemanuk said:
Didn't work on nitrogen OS. All apps fc.
Just disabled in Installer app, Rebooted and back to normal. Worth a go nothing lost
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okay thanks for the info, maybe nitrogrn os rom doesn't supports mods correctly, all others are working
is this working on resurrection remix rom?
GrungeFactor said:
is this working on resurrection remix rom?
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Try it, it will work afaik it doesn't works in nitrogen os

[MAGISK][DISC.]What Magisk modules are you using and why.

This threat will be for useful magisk modules for our great sagit. More helpful will be modules not present in magisk repo
I'm starting first:
1.Debloater v13.4 - Debloating MIUI Apps
2.Google Sans MOD Font v1 - Different Font
3.Mi 6 ALL in One Mod by Danilo v1.5 (dan3840) - Couple of mods specially for Mi6 (round corners, 1080p,120fps etc.)
4.YouTube Vanced black themed v13.18.54 - Best YouTube black (noAd) mod
1.Xposed systemless by rovo89 for Xposed framework
2.Enable camera2api by zanglang for enabling the GCam support
3.Icebox plugin for speedup the Ice box's freezing and defrosting
1. Enable camera2api (for google camera hdr+)
2.Dolby Atmos Classic (Better and louder sound)
pCloudsp said:
1.Xposed systemless by rovo89 for Xposed framework
2.Enable camera2api by zanglang for enabling the GCam support
3.Icebox plugin for speedup the Ice box's freezing and defrosting
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Which sdk using are you for mi 6?
(When I Try install xposed, my mi 6 stuck bootloop)
Destiny97 said:
1. Enable camera2api
2.Dolby Atmos Classic
Which sdk using are you for mi 6?
(When I Try install xposed, my mi 6 stuck bootloop)
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sdk25 xposed 89.2 systemless
disable resource hook first
pCloudsp said:
sdk25 xposed 89.2 systemless
disable resource hook first
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How can I do that?
I found in xposed settings! Thank You!
Are you guys using Xposed on Oreo? If yes, what sdk version and settings? I get stuck on bootloop even when I disable resource hooks.
Sent from my MI 6 using Tapatalk
brwolfgang01 said:
Are you guys using Xposed on Oreo? If yes, what sdk version and settings? I get stuck on bootloop even when I disable resource hooks.
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I use the sdk 27 90.0-beta1 i suppose beta 3 will work too but idk why i haven't updated it ?
You should disable resource hook before flashing the zip and use the compatible apk it was called xposed magisk apk easy to find
ArinAbdul said:
I use the sdk 27 90.0-beta1 i suppose beta 3 will work too but idk why i haven't updated it [emoji28]
You should disable resource hook before flashing the zip and use the compatible apk it was called xposed magisk apk easy to find
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Oh you mean I need to flash Xposed via this app instead of Magisk?
Sent from my MI 6 using Tapatalk
brwolfgang01 said:
Oh you mean I need to flash Xposed via this app instead of Magisk?
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No you need to install the apk then flash thr zip I flashed it in twrp do the same as mine worked fine also before booting i wiped dalvik cache
pCloudsp said:
sdk25 xposed 89.2 systemless
disable resource hook first
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What Dobly module version are you using?
zeCosta said:
What Dobly module version are you using?
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Is there even a difference apart from interface?
pi4a7a said:
Is there even a difference apart from interface?
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I dont know. Im looking for a version that works on mi 6. I tryed couple ones and it didint work.
zeCosta said:
I dont know. Im looking for a version that works on mi 6. I tryed couple ones and it didint work.
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try the classic one
zeCosta said:
What Dobly module version are you using?
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Actually both le pro 3 and le max 2 are working. But if you want to install viper and dolby together, you will need to install old version of VIPER.
pCloudsp said:
Actually both le pro 3 and le max 2 are working. But if you want to install viper and dolby together, you will need to install old version of VIPER.
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You can use arise so you can both have dolby and viper (yes the latest one) plus the magisk compatibility module with the mod. Just configure install options in arise_customize.prop file then flash the zip. And you can try, add/delete other mods (included in arise) by creating other arise_customize.prop files and reflash the same zip to do it too.
I use FRONTCAM_PORTRAIT_FIX. It has officially turned my phone into a Pixel.
mahdif62 said:
I use FRONTCAM_PORTRAIT_FIX. It has officially turned my phone into a Pixel.
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That a magisk module? Hand it over.
pi4a7a said:
That a magisk module? Hand it over.
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Here you go: https://forum.xda-developers.com/mi-6/themes/support-gcam-hdr-mi6-t3758876/post75777225#post75777225
Anyone can tell me how can Google DNS module help us?
pi4a7a said:
Anyone can tell me how can Google DNS module help us?
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i flashed this module today. its working ( at least for me ) but ping time become so bad about 400ms. my ping time with my internet provider is about 25ms.

Xposed for pie works on Android Q!

EdXposed installer installed like a normal zip on magisk on android q beta. Gravity box for pie works as well though some features work and some features do not. Screenshots are given .
Ziauddin_Sameer said:
EdXposed installer installed like a normal zip on magisk on android q beta. Gravity box for pie works as well though some features works and some features do not. Screenshots are given .
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Which magsik zip did u flash
kiran8631 said:
Which magsik zip did u flash
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magisk 18.2 canary build.
Refereeing the screenshot attached in the OP: Isn't API 28 for Android Pie? How can it be for Android Q?
nextheart said:
Refereeing the screenshot attached in the OP: Isn't API 28 for Android Pie? How can it be for Android Q?
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SDK/API level does not increase until Q beta 4.
Everything installs completely fine, but I haven't been able to get any modules to work properly. No features in Gravitybox for P work, nor do any other modules. Am I missing something?
iamnotexisting said:
Everything installs completely fine, but I haven't been able to get any modules to work properly. No features in Gravitybox for P work, nor do any other modules. Am I missing something?
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Make sure edxposed see gravity box as a module .Some features work like statusbar , battery , music control with volume keys customization etc. Some features like navbar customization , DT2S etc do not work..
which xposed did you install? Mine fails and says incorrect version
Ziauddin_Sameer said:
Make sure edxposed see gravity box as a module .Some features work like statusbar , battery , music control with volume keys customization etc. Some features like navbar customization , DT2S etc do not work..
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crixley said:
which xposed did you install? Mine fails and says incorrect version
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Latest release
Ziauddin_Sameer said:
Latest release
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Worked perfectly, thank you!
