[HELP] i9505 No Service - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I have this S4 9505. Long story short - Shows NO Service. Tried 2 different stock ROMs directly from sammobile and it still stays the same.
Simcard OK
Don't know what else to do. Tried factory ROM's, reboots, reflashing. At first I thought it could be defective sim reader so I replaced it but issue is still there. I also tried 3 different simcards too. All simcards are recognised so fault is not there.
Service mode says IMEI CERTI: NA
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Maybe your phone is blacklisted. It worked before? Also tap *#0011# and see if imei status is OK or NG

AntonPres said:
Maybe your phone is blacklisted. It worked before? Also tap *#0011# and see if imei status is OK or NG
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Nah, checked on imeipro site and it's clean.
Also in service mode:
No Service

imei from software is same with the one from the back? this phone might have been bad unlocked and after a reset or flash got to this stage. you might need to write qcn file or even repair efs

AntonPres said:
imei from software is same with the one from the back? this phone might have been bad unlocked and after a reset or flash got to this stage. you might need to write qcn file or even repair efs
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Thaat was first I've checked and it's the same.

The IMEI Certi "thing" is a red herring. The problem here is hardware, in that you have a bad SIM card tray. Replace it to fix.

Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
The IMEI Certi "thing" is a red herring. The problem here is hardware, in that you have a bad SIM card tray. Replace it to fix.
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Hi. I did already replaced the original one as it was not reading memory cards but I did ordered 2 of them and from different sources to I will try to swap them around when I'm back home from work tonight. Thanks for suggestion.

When you replaced the tray, did you pull off the tiny foam pad on the original that sits on top of the connector and place it on the new tray? If you didn't, the connector likely popped loose, causing your issue. Replacing the SIM tray is easy, and I had to do it a month after I received my S4. The thing nobody seems to mention is that foam pad. You have to use it on the new tray, or eventually the tray connector will loosen and disconnect.

Turned out it was a badly connected signal/antenna cable that goes between charger port pcb and mainboard. Reconnected it and everything works like it should even with simcard reader dedicated to T-Mob version of S4.
Thanks to everyone who posted and tried to help.

what is your 3G provider
daniel81uk said:
So I have this S4 9505. Long story short - Shows NO Service. Tried 2 different stock ROMs directly from sammobile and it still stays the same.
Simcard OK
Don't know what else to do. Tried factory ROM's, reboots, reflashing. At first I thought it could be defective sim reader so I replaced it but issue is still there. I also tried 3 different simcards too. All simcards are recognised so fault is not there.
Service mode says IMEI CERTI: NA
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UPDATE: Also Restart your phone
Dude, What is your carrier, then search in google: 3G settings for (3G provider name) for android.
Please hit the like button if helped :fingers-crossed:
Example: 3G settings for verizon for android

Hi. Please read my last post, it was badly connected anteena cable that goes between charger port board and mainboard. After reconnecting all worked fantastic. Also - Reboot? After trying 2 different (3 including original one) simcard readers I think it had enough reboots already And it worked just fine with simreader dedicated for US T-Mobile and that S4 was a Euro 9505 model.

Just to chime in, my replacement SIM tray was for an I9500 and worked fine, though being in the US LTE did not work due to not having bands 2, 4, and 17.


Black lines on display when screen freezes

Since a few weeks, at an increasing rate, my screen tends to freeze completely. This usually happens while entering a program, or after a few seconds when I'm playing music in the Windows Mediaplayer. It also happens when my Wizards wakes up when I receive an incoming call.
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Some remarks:
- no overclocking installed
- sometimes the things displayed start 'shaking' a little before it shows the barcode
- music continues to play, and thus the wizard itself doesn't freeze
- when I push the 'on/off' button to make the wizard go standby the black lines dissapear slowly
- when I push the 'on/off' button again the lines have vanished and the wizard works just fine... but usually it freezes up again after a very brief moment
I've re-installed the ROM, even different ROM's. Nothing seems to work.
Who knows what this problem might be?
If you've done a hard reset and it doesn't make any difference, then I'd say it's a hardware problem and you need a new phone.
markgamber said:
If you've done a hard reset and it doesn't make any difference, then I'd say it's a hardware problem and you need a new phone.
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I've even changed the ROM several times, hence done a hard reset.
same problem as above!!
most probs a bad batch..and we got it from t-mobile
SBouri said:
same problem as above!!
most probs a bad batch..and we got it from t-mobile
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Mine is also from T-Mobile (so it actually is an MDA Vario). Mmm, sucks. Hopefully I can turn it in for a free repair.
I've just got the same problem on my T-Mobile MDA Vario.
I'm in the UK and tried to contact UK T-Mobile but I've received no further response after telling them that I bought my phone from Ebay and I was not their account holder.
Can anyone have an advice? Thanks!
My MDA Vario has also started doing the same. Can somebody please help??? :'(
As far as i know it is a faulty connector tape between main unit and screen. should be easy to repair in any service point. i have the same problem as i mentioned here:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=321078
banannq said:
As far as i know it is a faulty connector tape between main unit and screen. should be easy to repair in any service point. i have the same problem as i mentioned here:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=321078
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How did you figure out it is the connector tape?
Because thing like this occurs ONLY and INDEED ONLY as a result of damaged connector tape.
I haven't read about a single device with this symptom that had this problem caused by something else tham connector tape.
Thanx. Will have to look for a place where they would repair/replace the connector. Funny thing is, only MDA Varios seem to be exhibiting this problem.
Nope, I've got an xda mini s (o2) and the same problem. Mines only goes fuzzy when the keyboard is not open, but it is very annoying.
Btw.. as for the faulty connector tape between the main unit and screen, is there anywhere this can be bought?
I have the same problem and have diagnosed it as the connector tape too. So far I have not seen them available anywhere. I did ring up PocketPC Tech in the US and they said I would need to replace the screen (presumably because the screen is sold with a connector tape assembly too?)..
I find I can solve the issues by turning the device off and holding the LHS of the housing down on the LCD slightly. Then I can turn it back on and it's ok. I also tend to find the problem occurs more frequently when the device is cold (poorer connection I assume).
Mine Fades to White
Hello everyone.
My HTC Started doing the same (Fading to white on wake).
I never had this problem before. It happened when i updated the ROM; from the original WM5.1 to 6.1.
As i'm not the technician here; you shouldn't take my opinion as granted.
It can also be the screen "tape"; since my HTC TYTN has a minor scratch on the Screen Tape.
To solve this problem i do 2 things:
1- If it didnt stuck; press the power button to put the device in standby; and then press it again to wake up.
2- If the device went stuck; remove the battery at least for 3 sec. and boot it to the bootloader. (also figured that when it doesnt boot with the boot loader or else; it can be "revived" with the usb cable plugged in; and doing the bootloader step).

Bricked Galaxy S3 Experience [Now its working perfectly]

My Indian Friend gave me this phone No power,
It has response on Power supply when i trigger the Power Switch button, so i thought
there is something wrong with the boot or program.
My Jtag tools (medusa, riff, ort, etc) are no use since when i search the net and read about S3 jtag, i read this thing is not
open on s3 and all my tools doesnt support this phone yet. So i decided to do the Sdcard tricks on reviving Dead phones.
I always have Failed to copy error. I read E.V.A'S contribution post related to S3. He gave me a lot of information about this phone.
After 2 days of software trouble shooting i Decided to check the phones mobo and check every part of it.
when i look in the microscope i found out that I'm not the first to repair this phone.
I decided to change the IC (the tampered one). The IC with the red mark.
But it doesnt help.
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I dont know what this location jumper means
but out of curiousity I just try to remove it.
This phone has a bypass on EU location. I leave the 3 Location open.
When i inserted the battery
I know those location are not related with the power )
Its just happen or its my lucky day
I just want to tell a story about my experience on Bricked SIII
This is not a first time I recieved Dead S3
But most of them were not related to Software Issue so it can be easily fix.
What is the purpose of that 3 location jumper?
I did try to install different location, different language it doesnt affect the phones functionality.
I know samsung wont put it on the board without purpose but what is the purpose of that thing?
eyestrain said:
My Indian Friend gave me this phone No power,
It has response on Power supply when i trigger the Power Switch button, so i thought
there is something wrong with the boot or program.
My Jtag tools (medusa, riff, ort, etc) are no use since when i search the net and read about S3 jtag, i read this thing is not
open on s3 and all my tools doesnt support this phone yet. So i decided to do the Sdcard tricks on reviving Dead phones.
I always have Failed to copy error. I read E.V.A'S contribution post related to S3. He gave me a lot of information about this phone.
After 2 days of software trouble shooting i Decided to check the phones mobo and check every part of it.
when i look in the microscope i found out that I'm not the first to repair this phone.
I decided to change the IC (the tampered one). The IC with the red mark.
But it doesnt help.
I dont know what this location jumper means
but out of curiousity I just try to remove it.
This phone has a bypass on EU location. I leave the 3 Location open.
When i inserted the battery
I know those location are not related with the power )
Its just happen or its my lucky day
I just want to tell a story about my experience on Bricked SIII
This is not a first time I recieved Dead S3
But all most of them are not related to Software Issue so it can be easily fix.
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I wonder what happens if you didn't replaced the IC and you just take the jumper off? Would it still be fixed?
Anyways this is Great Find! Might be helpful to ones experiencing SDS?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
if the SDS issue was a simple fix like this then it would be a miracle for those with "bricked" S3s.
thegh0sts said:
if the SDS issue was a simple fix like this then it would be a miracle for those with "bricked" S3s.
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Yeah, but i know its not related,
Just like I said on our local gsmforum i am being lucky
It will not fix any bricked s3 for sure.
I just want to share one of my experience on this kind of phone
Im sure its the IC which I replace.
By the way I want to know what is that location on board means?
I didnt put back the original by pass on EU
eyestrain said:
Yeah, but i know its not related,
Just like I said on our local gsmforum i am being lucky
It will not fix any bricked s3 for sure.
I just want to share one of my experience on this kind of phone
Im sure its the IC which I replace.
By the way I want to know what is that location on board means?
I didnt put back the original by pass on EU
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That IC is a power management IC by Maxell ?? correct me if I am wrong.

[Q] Fix for 'borked' R1 Port?

So I did a stupid thing and recently stuck a paperclip in the R1 port that is located under the back cover to the right of the SIM card. Well, while my reception was in fact BETTER than it was without the paperclip jammed into the slot, now i receive literally 0 signal when the paperclip is taken out. The only time I can get signal is if I put any metallic object into that port. Has anyone else experienced this and found a fix? I assume I messed up the internal connection between the radio and the motherboard. Would soldering the connection back together solve this? I'm really in need of some advice as Samsung wants $160 to replace my phone and Sprint probably can't fix it at their shop. I'm stuck with this phone for another 7 months. Also, another problem I've been having lately which is even more annoying is now my phone will no longer place calls if I am connected to LTE. Normally the phone will shut off data when you goto make a call, but now it will no longer do so and the call will fail with "OUT OF SERVICE AREA". Also, I can receive texts, but when I try to reply to texts, it also fails unless I get on Wifi or I bump my phone down to 2g/3g (which also sucks). Please help This is literally the best I can explain my issues. I've tried different ROMs and I've even tried re-flashing stock back onto the phone and literally nothing works. I'm currently using the Google Play Edition Port and I've had better results with this than stock thus far, but if anyone has any ideas, please share them with me. Thanks!
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The little buddy giving my phone signal...
Is it possible I just shorted out the Wifi/GSM Flex cable?? Should I try to buy the part and see if that fixes my problems?
silentdeath631 said:
Is it possible I just shorted out the Wifi/GSM Flex cable?? Should I try to buy the part and see if that fixes my problems?
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Seems to be common among Samsung phones.
You most likely broke the port so it always thinks it is using the external antennas. If you do a few Google searches you will discover it has happened to a few people on different Samsung model phones.
From what I understand, you will need to either always have the paper clip in the phone to use it or ship it off to a repair center and have them replace the r1 port with a new one.
There doesn't seem to be a easy fix unfortunately...
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
beezie42 said:
Seems to be common among Samsung phones.
You most likely broke the port so it always thinks it is using the external antennas. If you do a few Google searches you will discover it has happened to a few people on different Samsung model phones.
From what I understand, you will need to either always have the paper clip in the phone to use it or ship it off to a repair center and have them replace the r1 port with a new one.
There doesn't seem to be a easy fix unfortunately...
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
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well it seems the R1 port has actually fallen off...... this could be a good thing considering i may just be able to use some copper solder now.

Stop Sign after new sim card

hi i activated my sim card after losing my other one and now i get this weird stop sign hopefully u guys know how to fix it does not recognize the sim card aswell
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i rooted my phone but it is now back to factory settings and stock rom
guitarpunkmasta said:
hi i activated my sim card after losing my other one and now i get this weird stop sign hopefully u guys know how to fix it does not recognize the sim card aswell
i rooted my phone but it is now back to factory settings and stock rom
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is it the same carrier as before
just because you rooted does not make your device sim unlocked for any carrier
TheMadScientist said:
is it the same carrier as before
just because you rooted does not make your device sim unlocked for any carrier
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yes its the same carrier i just went to the shop and activated it then went home and put it in i even tried my old S7 and it worked on there the only thing i can think of is that the card slot is damages as i thought the sim card that i lost might have been stuck inside the phone but im pretty sure i didnt damage it
if i cant fix this ill go back to my provider tommorow
guitarpunkmasta said:
yes its the same carrier i just went to the shop and activated it then went home and put it in i even tried my old S7 and it worked on there the only thing i can think of is that the card slot is damages as i thought the sim card that i lost might have been stuck inside the phone but im pretty sure i didnt damage it
if i cant fix this ill go back to my provider tommorow
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I have had now several issues with broken sim trays and sims getting stuck in mine was your tray damaged at all?
the icon you are seeing. Is a no service icon so you know:good:
I have seen people with issues and sim trays and slots that could be a issue
guitarpunkmasta said:
yes its the same carrier i just went to the shop and activated it then went home and put it in i even tried my old S7 and it worked on there the only thing i can think of is that the card slot is damages as i thought the sim card that i lost might have been stuck inside the phone but im pretty sure i didnt damage it
if i cant fix this ill go back to my provider tommorow
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Take a nice bright flashlight and shine down the port and see if it's in there. In was able to see mine
TheMadScientist said:
Take a nice bright flashlight and shine down the port and see if it's in there. In was able to see mine
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alright thank you i will try that
right i downloaded sam mobiles one and it is activated now thanks
guitarpunkmasta said:
right i downloaded sam mobiles one and it is activated now thanks
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nice good job and find:good::good::good:

LG G6 issues after wipe/reset

My LG phone is doing weird after i did a factory reset 2 days ago. The battery empty's like a waterfall and the phone is continiuously hot.
I tried to do another factory reset/wipe but i got the same issue again. Even with the battery saver turned on, the phone stays alive for only 3 hours with 12 minutes screen on time.
Screenshot battery usage:
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What can i do to fix this?
So i did a reset again, installed all my apps, logged in to them, the only thing that i did not do was place the sim card. And it works perfectly! But the moment i pit the sim in it, the battery drains like crazy again due to 'Android System' using all the resources continiously. What the hell is going on? ??
Did you try to do a factory reset using the power button and the Volume down button. Is it going to make a difference maybe. I usually do a factory reset, once with settings so I can wipe the sd card then I use the power button option, so yes twice. works for me.
Yes that is what i did, after that the issue started. The weird thing is, i used another phone (samsung galaxy s3) and the same thing happened there! I just received a new simcard to see if that was the cause of the problem. I hope this issue is over now, i will message here if it is resolved or not.
Edit: sadly it does not! Android os does still use all of the battery, so the sim swap dis not work. Can this be something related to my google account and the settings that come with it? How can i find out why android os is using so much battery?
Tried another system wipe, checked the APN settings since it only drains while sim is in the phone, but that didnt help either
Are you testing any beta app? Try to exit any beta program and restart your phone... for me works.
gerardolan64 said:
Are you testing any beta app? Try to exit any beta program and restart your phone... for me works.
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No i am not, only using regular apps like whatsapp, facebook and such things. No beta's of any kind. The problem also happened rivht after factory reset. Only placed sim and logged in with my google account and it happened already. If i dont place sim the problem is gone.
I think i found the problem, it seems the LG G6 is not reading the sim correctly sometimes. That would explain the phone eating trough the battery, restarting into safe mode at night, and sometikes giving the error that it cant find all wifi networks due to simcard. I'm afraid its hardware related since a factory reset did nor help.
It could be that your little sim tray holder is deformed, and no longer able to properly align the sim card.
I replaced my sim tray holder after it broke, and things works great. I think they are down to less than $5 on ebay now. I bought two trays just in case the tray breaks again.
