Pixel Launcher - OnePlus 5 Questions & Answers

Hello all
the OnePlus 5 will be my first "not google" smartphone - since now I had always Nexus phones with google stock launcher or the incredible pixel launcher. I saw several screenshots and videos from unofficial pixel launchers here in this forum but none of them were like the original pixel launcher (with the searchbar and latest news when you swipe left).
I would just like to know whether it is possible to have a pixel looking design with my new OnePlus. I can download the original pixel launcher via playstore but can I access it with a OnePlus too?
Sorry if this sounds stupid but as I said it's this is my first change of manufacturer with android devices.
Thank you very much

Anubarak16 said:
Hello all
the OnePlus 5 will be my first "not google" smartphone - since now I had always Nexus phones with google stock launcher or the incredible pixel launcher. I saw several screenshots and videos from unofficial pixel launchers here in this forum but none of them were like the original pixel launcher (with the searchbar and latest news when you swipe left).
I would just like to know whether it is possible to have a pixel looking design with my new OnePlus. I can download the original pixel launcher via playstore but can I access it with a OnePlus too?
Sorry if this sounds stupid but as I said it's this is my first change of manufacturer with android devices.
Thank you very much
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To use the Pixel Launcher from the playstore you need at least android Nougat which OP5 does come with so yes. OxygenOS is very similar to stock android anyway.

Thx for your fast reply. I know the launcher was pixel exclusive for a few months and I was not so sure if it is still the case.
Have a nice day

To have it running properly (with all Pixel features) it needs to be installed as a system app, needing root.

I'm think I'll just go for the good old Nova Launcher I mean.... who can live without Icon packs ?

maddoguk said:
To have it running properly (with all Pixel features) it needs to be installed as a system app, needing root.
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I`ve never done this before (installing an app as system app) do I just need to install the pixel launcher normally and follow these steps http://www.droidviews.com/install-third-party-apps-system-apps-android/ or are there zip files I can flash directly in TWRP to make it work.

Anubarak16 said:
I`ve never done this before (installing an app as system app) do I just need to install the pixel launcher normally and follow these steps http://www.droidviews.com/install-third-party-apps-system-apps-android/ or are there zip files I can flash directly in TWRP to make it work.
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I always have root and then install Titanium Backup. Once you install the app Titanium can covert it to a system app.
Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk

_Dusty_ said:
I'm think I'll just go for the good old Nova Launcher I mean.... who can live without Icon packs ?
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Nova has the swipe to Google now as well. So yeah same here. I'm back on good old nova

maddoguk said:
To have it running properly (with all Pixel features) it needs to be installed as a system app, needing root.
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Nope, you can get Pixel Round Icons and swipe for Google Now with this Pixel Launcher mod: https://github.com/amirzaidi/Launcher3/releases/download/Pixel-v1.5/Launcher3-aosp-debug.apk

ZeevoX said:
Nope, you can get Pixel Round Icons and swipe for Google Now with this Pixel Launcher mod: https://github.com/amirzaidi/Launcher3/releases/download/Pixel-v1.5/Launcher3-aosp-debug.apk
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You can use a mod, I prefer the apk. Means it can be updated without waiting for the dev. Not seen the mod, may be possible with that as well.
Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk

_Dusty_ said:
I'm think I'll just go for the good old Nova Launcher I mean.... who can live without Icon packs ?
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I could have sworn I saw in one of the YouTube OP5 reviews that the Oxygen stock OS has an icon pack changing feature in the settings. This article is for the OP3/3T but I doubt that feature has been removed "How to Change Icon Packs on the OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T".

Kahun said:
To use the Pixel Launcher from the playstore you need at least android Nougat which OP5 does come with so yes. OxygenOS is very similar to stock android anyway.
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Seems not possible to install it normally.... do you guys know a reliable download link for the apk?

Anubarak16 said:
Seems not possible to install it normally.... do you guys know a reliable download link for the apk?
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Give this one a go.


(APP)Tab4 TouchWizLauncher work on Tab3

Hi guys.
TWLauncher without the google search widget at the bottom side of the homescreen. I've tried this on my Tab3 P5200 4.4.2 and its working.Working on 4.4.2 and rooted tablet with custom recovery.
Links download:
Zip from here
Tab4 Stock Launcher(installed on Gnabo rom): https://mega.co.nz/#!6pRkVJCI!uFuql2...mB3-9oYkSYzQk8
Tab4Launcher ver.1 without search widget: https://mega.co.nz/#!2thnTSrb!AhIaBN...DmHkkZQoKxVqS4
Tab4Launcher ver.2 without search widget: https://mega.co.nz/#!2kIgSKxB!GbWgWR...qOfZ-R3tTosMTY
Tab4Launcher ver.3 without search widget: (link attached below )(Screenshot added look at no.4 picture). 7x5 appdrawer and wallpaper scrolling on homescreen.
TabLauncher ver.3a without search widget: Fix for the overlapping of page indicators and app icons in appdrawer at the middle bottom when in portrait mode.
P.S. Version 2 uploaded.Made it much snappier(much faster switching between pages or windows) and made appdrawer much narrower between apps(See the difference screenshot 2(wider) and screenshot 3 (narrower).
Version 3 changes: 7x5 appdrawer and wallpaper scrolling on homescreen.
Version 3a changes: Fix for the overlapping of page indicators and app icons in appdrawer at the middle bottom when in portrait mode.
Version 3a with fixed wallpaper here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...9&postcount=36
credits to Mikyno,filchi756 and Samsung for the orig Launcher included in his Gnabo Rom(Highly recommended rom) ended rom)
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Status 255 installation aborted???
KingUsman said:
Status 255 installation aborted???
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Try install it manually with root file explorer
PS: Use Version 3a
Try to use v3 but it doesn't work
We have already ported this launcher to our tab in CAGrom ........ Go and check
Sent from my GT-S6802 using XDA Free mobile app
Can i use it on tab3 7.0 t211 ?
nguyenthaihuyqng said:
Can i use it on tab3 7.0 t211 ?
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Working on Kitkat 4.4.2 only. Try it and remember to backup old laucher
Its not working, fc. haizzzzzz.
nguyenthaihuyqng said:
Its not working, fc. haizzzzzz.
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In tab 3.8.0 don't work....
Works fine by installing it manually
I can't get it to install on my T210
Simon_89 said:
I can't get it to install on my T210
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right! diffrent dpi even the tab 4 launcher from the 7 inch model wich i tried to port doesn't fit the screen. the tab 4's are using a completely diffrent dpi!
Ahh okay then, can't have everything
binh24 said:
Version 3a with fixed wallpaper here:[/B] http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...9&postcount=36
credits to Mikyno,filchi756 and Samsung
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I hope nobody will fill offended but I modified it to 8x5 apps grid. Like in the pictures below.
All credits and thanks please give them to the persons mentioned before. I only modified a few .xmls.
Have a great day.
I forgot to mention that I tested it only on my Galaxy Tab 3 10.1. It should work on other devices too.
This app not working on my rom ver: T311DXUAMG1.
Can we get a version that we can just install as a normal app? Thanjs.
---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 PM ----------
LoopingCreeper said:
Can we get a version that we can just install as a normal app? Thanjs.
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LoopingCreeper said:
Can we get a version that we can just install as a normal app?
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Try signing the apk using ZipSigner from Market. Then it might be installed as normal apk.
Does anybody have backup of stock t315 launcher ? I forget to backup, and now launcher just force close and won't work.
edit. Or does somebody know another way to get back to stock launcher ?
Hey, guys, following this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/gal...-enable-hidden-apps-seclauncher4-nf4-t2809039 I managed to enable in this launcher the option to hide apps.
Now it's a perfect launcher.
LaShto34 said:
Try signing the apk using ZipSigner from Market. Then it might be installed as normal apk.
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I have not tried that, but I might. But I do not want to override my current Touchwiz launcher with this one.

[TUTORIAL][OB3][7.1.1] Enable System-Wide Round Icon Support on OnePlus 3/3T

This guide will help you activate "Round Icons" on your android device. Take note that round icon isn't provided by launcher but the app itself. Every app that supports round icon will provide two type of icons (normal and rounded), so what will we do is enabling it using the round icons provided by different OEMs by changing the framework-res.apk in our devices.
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- OxygenOS Open Beta 3 based on Android Nougat 7.1.1
- Custom ROM based on Android Nougat 7.1.1
- Must be rooted!
- Root Explorer
Navigate to this location: \root\system\framework\
Replace the current framework-res.apk file to the modified framework-res.apk which can be downloaded here.
Note: It is recommended to copy it from recovery, but you can also copy it directy via root explorer but your device will restart instantly
Last is clear the pixel launcher data
App Info -> Storage -> Clear Data
What I only did is I edited the \framework-res\res\values\bools.xml and change the value from
<bool name="config_useRoundIcon">false</bool>
<bool name="config_useRoundIcon">true</bool>
This will trigger the launcher to use the round icon of any apps that are supported.
DOWNLOAD: framework-res.apk
Schrotty41 said:
Working on latest Beta 3 too?
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It's literally the first requirement in the OP and it's also in the title.
I'll tell you an easier way..
Get Nova launcher..
Get pixel icon pack.. Both free..
Set the icon pack in look and feel.. Activate the drag up from setting in the launcher..
NO root needed..
NO custom rom needed..
Noob free method..
Thanks me later..
Circle icons like these are SO ugly. Who on earth would want these? So lazy.
Locklear308 said:
Circle icons like these are SO ugly. Who on earth would want these? So lazy.
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One word. Preference.
Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
arjunarora said:
I'll tell you an easier way..
Get Nova launcher..
Get pixel icon pack.. Both free..
Set the icon pack in look and feel.. Activate the drag up from setting in the launcher..
NO root needed..
NO custom rom needed..
Noob free method..
Thanks me later..
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No. I don't know if this icons apply only in the launcher or apply in everything, for example in recents apps.
To op: does it applies in recent apps too?
Migdilu said:
No. I don't know if this icons apply only in the launcher or apply in everything, for example in recents apps.
To op: does it applies in recent apps too?
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Using nova launcher and choosing a circular icon pack turns all icons circular, not just what is in your dock.
Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
Migdilu said:
No. I don't know if this icons apply only in the launcher or apply in everything, for example in recents apps.
To op: does it applies in recent apps too?
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I did this mod some days ago on LineageOS. It applies everywhere except inside the Play Store.
For example, you will see the regular square like icon of Gmail on the app's page, but the circular icon will be displayed everywhere else once it's installed. Recents and all.
After do it.. some app can't open, such as facebook, messeger, telegram,...
Schrotty41 said:
Working on latest Beta 3 too?
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Migdilu said:
No. I don't know if this icons apply only in the launcher or apply in everything, for example in recents apps.
To op: does it applies in recent apps too?
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Yup, it's system-wide.
Good luck on that! Installing a third-party launcher and app when you can easily enable it in a snap. Provided that you are rooted, of course!
arjunarora said:
I'll tell you an easier way..
Get Nova launcher..
Get pixel icon pack.. Both free..
Set the icon pack in look and feel.. Activate the drag up from setting in the launcher..
NO root needed..
NO custom rom needed..
Noob free method..
Thanks me later..
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What if we prefer stock/pixel launcher and don't use Nova?!
Locklear308 said:
Circle icons like these are SO ugly. Who on earth would want these? So lazy.
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does it work on other devices running 7.1.1 rom?
arjunarora said:
I'll tell you an easier way..
Get Nova launcher..
Get pixel icon pack.. Both free..
Set the icon pack in look and feel.. Activate the drag up from setting in the launcher..
NO root needed..
NO custom rom needed..
Noob free method..
Thanks me later..
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What if you don't like the inconsistency and tackiness of Nova Launcher and want it system-wide on a nicer launcher?
And just to be clear. This isn't going to work on 7.0 ROMs right?
Lê Hữu Huy said:
After do it.. some app can't open, such as facebook, messeger, telegram,...
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I'm facing the same problem -_- waiting a solution
Edit: I wiped cache and now everything is OK
Midomad said:
What if we prefer stock/pixel launcher and don't use Nova?!
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humzaahmed155 said:
What if you don't like the inconsistency and tackiness of Nova Launcher and want it system-wide on a nicer launcher?
And just to be clear. This isn't going to work on 7.0 ROMs right?
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Then sir.. I don't care.. system wide circular icons look crap imo..
Anyways its a free world you are happy to try..
Muhammad Habashi said:
I'm facing the same problem -_- waiting a solution
Edit: I wiped cache and now everything is OK
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Thank you so much... this problem was solve
Every time I do this my phone goes into a bootloop? Any ideas?
Shivver said:
does it work on other devices running 7.1.1 rom?
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If you do it manually, yes. Using the APK from OP on a ROM other than OB3 will bootloop.
Jackosroberts said:
Every time I do this my phone goes into a bootloop? Any ideas?
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Here's an idea: give us more detail. No one can figure out what you have unless you EXPLAIN.

Google Pixel Theme?

Has anybody found and good pixel themes? I am using a theme called Material Design 7.1 but it's not 100% what I'm looking for.
RileyIssKing said:
Has anybody found and good pixel themes? I am using a theme called Material Design 7.1 but it's not 100% what I'm looking for.
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I use the Pixel mod in the T-Mobile and verizon themes and mods section. Works awesome, has the Google feed on the furthest page to the left and everything! Just follow the steps in the threads and you'll have yourself a edge Pixel lol
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Sent from my S7 Edge Pixel XL!
Quickvic30 said:
I use the Pixel mod in the T-Mobile and verizon themes and mods section. Works awesome, has the Google feed on the furthest page to the left and everything! Just follow the steps in the threads and you'll have yourself a edge Pixel lol
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I didn't understand the thread too well. Do I need root? And Do I need to use a computer?
RileyIssKing said:
I didn't understand the thread too well. Do I need root? And Do I need to use a computer?
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No you don't need root and you don't need a computer either. You need the file and package disabler of some sort.
Download playstore file
Extract file
Open package disabler hit settings upper right hand corner
In settings import playstore XML file
Then start installing The APK s manually. I didn't install all the extra ones, just the Google apps.
Go into settings on the phone and set Android Phone, Pixel launcher and android messanger as default apps.
Reboot to recovery wipe cache and enjoy!
Sent from my S7 Edge Pixel XL!
Quickvic30 said:
No you don't need root and you don't need a computer either. You need the file and package disabler of some sort.
Download playstore file
Extract file
Open package disabler hit settings upper right hand corner
In settings import playstore XML file
Then start installing The APK s manually. I didn't install all the extra ones, just the Google apps.
Go into settings on the phone and set Android Phone, Pixel launcher and android messanger as default apps.
Reboot to recovery wipe cache and enjoy!
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How did you get the swipe right Google now on the pixel launcher?
RileyIssKing said:
How did you get the swipe right Google now on the pixel launcher?
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I updated the launcher to the latest one, that can be found on APK.mirror.com. Also the playstore and Google app updated after that and I'm pretty sure that's what made it work.
Sent from my S7 Edge Pixel XL!
Quickvic30 said:
I updated the launcher to the latest one, that can be found on APK.mirror.com. Also the playstore and Google app updated after that and I'm pretty sure that's what made it work.
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I am using the "O" version but the Google now still doesn't work I heard the only way to get it is to have it as a system app but you can't do that without root I don't think...
RileyIssKing said:
I am using the "O" version but the Google now still doesn't work I heard the only way to get it is to have it as a system app but you can't do that without root I don't think...
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That could be true, I did move it to system apps and set permissions to rw-r-r. Or edit build prop to Pixel XL but that takes root also. Does yours have the weather on the home page or just the date? When you hold down home button does your Google Assistant pop up?
I'm using this version nexuslauncher_7.1.1-3368800-103_minAPI21 but pretty sure you still need root to get the feed working.
Sent from my S7 Edge Pixel XL!
Actual link to the mod on the t-mobile site:
EDIT: Not sure if I want to risk running this script. Some users posted that their phone got very laggy, had to reformat, or had trouble disabling apps via XML. The script itself just installs 33 apps, but unfortunately it isn't easy to tell which is which. I'd certainly like to give the Pixel dialer a shot, but the apk is just a number.
Maybe if I get some time I'll list them one by one.
EDIT: **** it, using APK-Info to check some of these out. If you download the zip from Mega, when you extract you'll see files 1-33.apk. Not sure how many of these are on the Play store or APK mirror, or if the signatures match and will update automatically.
1: All in one gestures, not sure if this is a pirated version since I used the one from the Play store
2: Battery Bar +
3: Galaxy Button Lights 2
4: Snap Swipe Drawer
5: Recent Bar com.klma.recentbar
6: SamMobile Device Info
7: Rom Control, I think this is the OG dev's app to control multiple things
8: Fingerprint Gestures, com.superthomaslab.fingerprintgestures
9: Internet Speed Meter, com.glitter.internetmeter
10: Light Flow Legacy, weird
11: VolumeControl, com.greatbytes.soundhud
12: Outer Space Wallpaper, com.pppoe.spacewallpaper
13: Awesome Icons, com.momocode.shortcuts
14: Torchie, in.blogspot.anselmbros.torchie
15: Pocket Skip Track, com.silentlexx.volbtntrackctrl
16: RGB Color Wallpaper, com.tecdrop.rgbwallpaper
17: Pixel Launcher, version 7.1.1-3368800, com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher, gonna try this one
18: Phone, version 8.0.147081443, com.google.android.dialer, this is the exact same version as the patched one that's been circulated
19: Camera, version, com.google.android.GoogleCamera
20: Calendar, version 5.7.8-147353317-release, com.google.android.calendar
22: Clock, version 5.0.1 (3745617), com.google.android.deskclock
24: Wallpapers, version 1.0.139964517, com.google.android.apps.wallpaper
UPDATE: Replaced all Samsung apps with Google ones (including dialer, contacts ect...) and installed a new Cameron Bunch them "Pixelize". Those of unfamiliar with him he is one of the best Sammy themers around and he is most known for his material design themes. Verrry good work. I am also rocking Nova prime with a pixel setup and the only thing missing is good lock!!!

GRX TouchWiz Mod (For Non-Rooted Phone)

Hello Guys,
Most of them Wanted GRX TouchWiz Mode for Non-Rooted Phones So i have Modded the GRX to work on Galaxy Note-9 SM-N960F and SM-N960U Only (oreo 8.1) (No Root Required)
Installation Guide,
1) Install the TouchWiz.apk and GRXTouchWiz.apk as Normal Installation you do
2) If you have the SABS or Package disabler pro you disable the Samsung Touchwiz.apk (or you if dont have app to disable no issue, just go to settings and make touchwiz home in installed apps section as default Launcher)
3) Then go to settings and give permissions for the TouchWizHome.apk for Phone and storage and go to Advance options and then turn ON apps that can appear on top, and apps that can change system settings.
Thats it, all done
In case If the Installation fails then go to settings/Apps/(press on 3 dot option)/Show system app/Samsung Experience Launcher/(press on 3 dot option)/Uninstall Update/ Then Re-Follow the Installation Guide from 1st
Bugs in GRX TouchWiz mod
In landscape mode the apps text wont come and the widgets wont resize properly
Downloads Apps (attached below)
TouchWiz Home V8
GRX Modding V8
TouchWiz Home For Snapdragon SM-N960U
Special Note For SM-N960U Models
you need to download TouchWiz Snapdragon SM-N960U.apk (Dont download Touchwiz Home.apk as its for Exynos Version Only)
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Credits to @josete_1976 for creating this apk for rooted devices
and to @RogueList for converting it to Snapdragon Note 9
Thank you bro. ?
Most appreciated my brother.
Does anyone have this working yet?
I get a message when opening (going home, I should say):
Clones are device-locked
This helps to prevent abuse and redistribution of cloned apps
Please use App Cloner to recreate the clone on this target device.....
And more following including my device id and such.
I have actually never seen this message before, But I have also never really messed around with touchwiz before.
Any advice?
You are the man my friend. Many thanks for this exciting mod!
Gesendet von meinem SM-N960F mit Tapatalk
finsmaniac02 said:
Does anyone have this working yet?
I get a message when opening (going home, I should say):
Clones are device-locked
This helps to prevent abuse and redistribution of cloned apps
Please use App Cloner to recreate the clone on this target device.....
And more following including my device id and such.
I have actually never seen this message before, But I have also never really messed around with touchwiz before.
Any advice?
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I got this very same message. Would love to know what the solution is. Thanks for the mod.
I keep getting the ':Clones are device locked' message. I am using a N960U. Is this an Exynos specific port?
Thank you!
Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk
Dreadsta5889 said:
I keep getting the ':Clones are device locked' message. I am using a N960U. Is this an Exynos specific port?
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The alert the icons does not erase
andygolf said:
The alert the icons does not erase
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What is the error you are getting I am unable to understand
View attachment 4606071
I mean the warning bubbles in the icons.
Do not delete the alert
andygolf said:
View attachment 4606071
I mean the warning bubbles in the icons.
Do not delete the alert
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its a bug in v8 officially but you press on the app and press the hide badge option (3d touch option of app)
Amit.A said:
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Serious? This is Exynos only? - what is different about touchwiz between the 2? I would seriously consider going back to touchwiz with this.
Whenever I see my wife using her stock S8, I honestly am somewhat jealous of how fluid it looks....
Thank you! Perfect!
Is there any possibility of a Snapdragon port?
Dreadsta5889 said:
Is there any possibility of a Snapdragon port?
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Sorry! i dont have Snapdragon device to test, Cant help.
Thanks for this. One thing I like is that it would allow increasing grid size, but curious if there are other features? Also, to revert back to Samsung Experience if needed, do we just choose it as default Home again, and uninstall?
sherpa25 said:
Thanks for this. One thing I like is that it would allow increasing grid size, but curious if there are other features? Also, to revert back to Samsung Experience if needed, do we just choose it as default Home again, and uninstall?
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you can uninstall this if you dont want, (there are more features like the icons go edge below the navigation bar much more explore in the GRX mode settings apk for more customisation
Amit.A said:
you can uninstall this if you dont want, (there are more features like the icons go edge below the navigation bar much more explore in the GRX mode settings apk for more customisation
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Thanks. Trying it now.
Is there a way to eliminate that 'zero page' from opening, what is it? Keeps opening as the settings crashes every now and then.
Also, is there a way to remove Dock Icon texts?

What Magisk modules is everyone using?

Now that a lot of folks are getting their unlock codes, what Magisk modules are you guys using? It's been quite a while since I've had a rooted phone. So I'm not sure what the latest and greatest modules are.
Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
My magisk modules
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I'm running Vanced and the Goog framework (so I could download the dialer off the market) and waiting for the more interesting stuff until TWRP hits. Too much trouble backing up and restoring right now.
krabman said:
I'm running Vanced and the Goog framework (so I could download the dialer off the market) and waiting for the more interesting stuff until TWRP hits. Too much trouble backing up and restoring right now.
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Which dialer did you install?
Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
ledvedder said:
Which dialer did you install?
Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
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Google dialer ofcourse That's why You need google framework/ google dialer framework installed via magisk
Vallhalen said:
Google dialer ofcourse That's why You need google framework/ google dialer framework installed via magisk
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Is it in the play store?
Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
ledvedder said:
Is it in the play store?
Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
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In magisk under downloads look for Google dialer framework. If you click on the module it should give you instructions on how to install.
Yep, the Goog dialer. You don't need to install the entire framework, as mentioned above there is an up to date framework for just the dialer. Search framework in Magisk, you'll see it. Sometimes after installing the framework I can see the dialer in the play store, other times I have to go get the APK and install that way. I don't know why it doesn't show at times but once you've installed it in either fashion automatic updates from the play store should work; mine does. I'm in the beta because it has the dark mode now.
krabman said:
Yep, the Goog dialer. You don't need to install the entire framework, as mentioned above there is an up to date framework for just the dialer. Search framework in Magisk, you'll see it. Sometimes after installing the framework I can see the dialer in the play store, other times I have to go get the APK and install that way. I don't know why it doesn't show at times but once you've installed it in either fashion automatic updates from the play store should work; mine does. I'm in the beta because it has the dark mode now.
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Yep, I downloaded the beta for the dark theme. But my question is, what's better in the Google dialer than the stock dialer?
Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
Much better spam blocking, caller ID, and the local search can often be the fastest way to find a phone number for something nearby. For example you wanna call for a pizza from a local place you know, start typing the name and it will usually pop up immediately (assuming a decent connection) and you can dial away. In some respects the stock dialer is actually better but it cant overcome those things in my case. I use the local search for numbers of places nearby fairly often, less spam is better, caller ID never hurts.
Is there a module for unthrottled data tether on Verizon?
efbill said:
My magisk modules
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I there any difference between the magisk module for YouTube vanced and the nonroot APK?
Chilled26 said:
I there any difference between the magisk module for YouTube vanced and the nonroot APK?
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Sorry but I have not tried the non root apk
efbill said:
My magisk modules
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cant seem to find the OOS 6t stereo speaker mod
colima95 said:
cant seem to find the OOS 6t stereo speaker mod
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Vallhalen said:
Google dialer ofcourse That's why You need google framework/ google dialer framework installed via magisk
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Which version are you using the op5/op5t or the other version BE framework?
Speaking about magisk has anyone found how to uninstall it in case of a boot loop it has happened twice to me and i had to wipe my whole phone since the magisk uninstaller seems not to work?
Here is what I'm using so far.
Funkameleon5 said:
Here is what I'm using so far.
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No conflicts between viper and stereo mod? Reading the thread I was seeing some people having bootloop issues.
lostunsunghero said:
No conflicts between viper and stereo mod? Reading the thread I was seeing some people having bootloop issues.
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Haven't had any so far.
