Should I upgrade to Nougat? - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

I've been using rooted official Rom
1-I find it pleasing enough but I want to upgrade ... should I do it? what new features am I going to get besides the looks
2-the only reason I rooted my device is to be able to use multi windows on all apps... does nougat have that feature or will I have to re root my device? it's has been really hard for me to get this this before.
also I've been crazy with my previous phones ( Note 3 and Note 1 and Nokia N8) with Roms... but i didn't try them on S7 because I want the security of the samsung online features and the ability to find my phone and if it's wiped everything is wiped
thank you



Samsung Galaxy Note upgrade 4.0 Raiders

As one of the flagship of Samsung last year, a lot of friends have the Galaxy Note. The system should be 2.3.5, now, Samsung has finally released the applicable Note Android 4.0 upgrade package.
The machine of our hands, we can upgrade to the latest system.
There are two way to upgrade .
First, using the Samsung firmware upgrade push. In the settings, check for software updates, the system will prompt the new ROM download. Will automatically download the package and perform the upgrade steps. Another must pay attention to the phone is fully charged.
Another way is to manually upgrade, this way we first obtain the upgrade package , then put the file into a Note in the internal memory (do not exist on the TF card), and upgrade under the CWM Recovery mode.
Your cell phone upgrade? Try the new system now! The last word of warning, the upgrade risks, no experience of a friend recommended to seek professional guidance or ask the Samsung customer service for help.
JacobGreen said:
As one of the flagship of Samsung last year, a lot of friends have the Galaxy Note. The system should be 2.3.5, now, Samsung has finally released the applicable Note Android 4.0 upgrade package.
The machine of our hands, we can upgrade to the latest system.
There are two way to upgrade .
First, using the Samsung firmware upgrade push. In the settings, check for software updates, the system will prompt the new ROM download. Will automatically download the package and perform the upgrade steps. Another must pay attention to the phone is fully charged.
Another way is to manually upgrade, this way we first obtain the upgrade package , then put the file into a Note in the internal memory (do not exist on the TF card), and upgrade under the CWM Recovery mode.
Your cell phone upgrade? Try the new system now! The last word of warning, the upgrade risks, no experience of a friend recommended to seek professional guidance or ask the Samsung customer service for help.
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New upgrade package will not only upgrade the system kernel from 2.3.6 to 4.04, also brought a series of new functions.including
S Pen painting and set functions
Lines matching function
Matching rule formula
Face Unlock function
Dynamic picture screen capture
JacobGreen said:
As one of the flagship of Samsung last year, a lot of friends have the Galaxy Note. The system should be 2.3.5, now, Samsung has finally released the applicable Note Android 4.0 upgrade package.
The machine of our hands, we can upgrade to the latest system.
There are two way to upgrade .
First, using the Samsung firmware upgrade push. In the settings, check for software updates, the system will prompt the new ROM download. Will automatically download the package and perform the upgrade steps. Another must pay attention to the phone is fully charged.
Another way is to manually upgrade, this way we first obtain the upgrade package , then put the file into a Note in the internal memory (do not exist on the TF card), and upgrade under the CWM Recovery mode.
Your cell phone upgrade? Try the new system now! The last word of warning, the upgrade risks, no experience of a friend recommended to seek professional guidance or ask the Samsung customer service for help.
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This upgrade process is more complex, and error-prone, not recommended for novice to use.
---------- Post added at 10:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 AM ----------
i bought Samsung Galaxy Note i9220
Overall, it is a very good mobile phone, full plastic material but still can feel the Samsung's excellent level of manufacturing process. Relatively thin body affects the sound quality, camera pixel 8M back, 2M front, but the main screen resolution raised to the level of 1280 * 800.
The operating systenm is android 2.3. is it can be upgrated?
i think Galaxy Note i9220 very good
tread cautiously before upgrading. Use only the right process. There are a looot of threads explaining the upgrade process in detail.
OTA is the most easiest if you on stock GB towards ICS .. if not use the Mobile Odin process
Huh? What is this supposed to be? An upgrade guide to ICS?
There are a lot of better ones around here already. Also you don't explain how you got CWM onto your phone in the first place...
WTH is this thread ?
From the Moderator
Sorry........ Clarity is lacking in the dialogue ........
There are other threads that explain how to upgrade to 4.04 previously posted.......
Therefore......... THIS IS CLOSED

OMNIA 7 WP 7.10.8860.142 update

Hi all,
I would like to know if I could update my omnia 7 from official firmware that is on phone screen, without losing any unlocked stuff I have? If not how can I update it to version 7.10.8860.142??
When I turn my OMNIA on its says that there is a new update (7.10.8860.142), but I have installed the Vanilla version on it 7.10.8858, Im afraid to lose root access or lose nokia stuff, etc..
So the question is, How can I upgrade to 7.10.8860.142 version (from 7.10.8858), within Vanila rom or any other custom rom??
thanks for help
You WON'T lose any unlock / rooting of your phone.
I'm using dynamic 2.0 from some person and successfully updated to 7.10.8860.142 without losing anything

HTCIR gone Android 6.0

Working quite for sometimes on an APP ( not published for the moment ) to make your own remote control.
I started it first with Samsung GS4 and purchased last year the ONE M8 for its TRUE IR leaning capability ( love truly the device )
Now since the update to Android 6.0 ( I use T-MOBILE NL ) HTCIR blasting/learning is gone, the standard Android IR CONSUMER still working.
It's a pity and I have sent a message toHTC but doubt this will go anywhere.
I believe the problem is not the SDK (HTCIR.JAR) but the ROM / KERNEL somehow removed that feature.
My question being, is anyone aware of that issue. Not sure if there is any solution? anyone an idea? (rooting changing ROM etc..but what's the point) or the reason from HTC why this got removed ( voluntary or not )
I guess I will purchase a second hand HTC ONE M7 as I believe it will never receive Android 6 update and from what I believe it has learning capability like the M8 right ?
If you are curious about the APP you can see this thread
It is no longer upated but lot happened since in the APP and I really wanted to post the APP for HTC one user.
Here video on last version including learning capability when it worked fine/
I can confirm IR Recording is not working on MM. Tried several apps without success.
cant you just downgrade to lollipop ? or is that just a dumb idea.
Thanks for the answer and sorry for late reply.
About downgrading, yes this is what I will do, truly that learning capability was great and just don't understand why they removed ( if intentional ) this say I know IR start to go away even blaster IE Samsung EDGE 7. So only half surprised but when you compare the usefulness of a very un-precise HR monitor VS IR blaster/leaning IMO it does no make sense...
Now my HTC ONE M8 is from T-MOBILE NL and is not s-off.... So RUU is not possible AFAIK. So will have to ROOT it, this is no issue ( I did once) but not sure if I can flash IE (ORIGINAL from HTC) via TWRP without issues...I say this because when I got the HTC one M8 not knowing much about it I broke WIFI ( no longer switched on ) and T-MOBILE wad nice enough to replace the phone. So if anyone can confirm I can do this of course at my own risk...
questionmark said:
Thanks for the answer and sorry for late reply.
About downgrading, yes this is what I will do, truly that learning capability was great and just don't understand why they removed ( if intentional ) this say I know IR start to go away even blaster IE Samsung EDGE 7. So only half surprised but when you compare the usefulness of a very un-precise HR monitor VS IR blaster/leaning IMO it does no make sense...
Now my HTC ONE M8 is from T-MOBILE NL and is not s-off.... So RUU is not possible AFAIK. So will have to ROOT it, this is no issue ( I did once) but not sure if I can flash IE (ORIGINAL from HTC) via TWRP without issues...I say this because when I got the HTC one M8 not knowing much about it I broke WIFI ( no longer switched on ) and T-MOBILE wad nice enough to replace the phone. So if anyone can confirm I can do this of course at my own risk...
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You don't need s-off to flash roms, only for ruu's
If you restore the nandroid from this thread you should be fine
questionmark said:
but not sure if I can flash IE (ORIGINAL from HTC) via TWRP without issues...I say this because when I got the HTC one M8 not knowing much about it I broke WIFI ( no longer switched on ) and T-MOBILE wad nice enough to replace the phone. So if anyone can confirm I can do this of course at my own risk...
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You mean WiFi didn't work after you flashed a custom ROM? If so, this is usually due to firmware (hboot, radio, etc.) being too old, such as KK firmware, and you flashed a LP ROM.
But going "back" such as the case of what you want to do (running a LP ROM with MM firmware) is usually not an issue. Meaning, the firmware is usually backwards compatible. And in fact, there doesn't seem to be much difference between LP and MM firmware; no reports of broken WiFi that I've seen, even going forwards.
In any case, do a TWRP backup of your current setup (as you always should before flashing a ROM), and you can easily revert if you flash a ROM and run into issues.
Many thanks for the reply.
Since I have ONE M8 T-MOBILE NL it is hard if not impossible to find the RUU and anyway no s-off.
So I will go with that nandroid backup busy right now with it.
The WIFI issue I had was back one year ago or so when I unlocked the boot, installed TWRP, routed the phone and installed a marshmallow ROM and kaboom... could not get wifi back so went to T-MOBILE NL and they changed the phone no question asked this was after only couple days I got it. Thsi chilled me to play with HTC and custom ROM ( I'm more familiar with Samsung )
The fact that HTC removed learning capability somehow demotivated me on my project though I have a server for my APP that uses USB-UIRT if I need learning capability. But for sure HTC ONE M8 for me at the time was the best and the difference with the other.
So I will revert / try that ROM so to have truly universal remote control and be again motivated
Again many thanks for your reply that gives me extra confidence in proceeding AGAIN I KNOW AT MY OWN RISK, but I have nothing to loose I have another phone and intend to use now the HTC ONE M8 as a glorified remote control.
redpoint73 said:
You mean WiFi didn't work after you flashed a custom ROM? If so, this is usually due to firmware (hboot, radio, etc.) being too old, such as KK firmware, and you flashed a LP ROM.
But going "back" such as the case of what you want to do (running a LP ROM with MM firmware) is usually not an issue. Meaning, the firmware is usually backwards compatible. And in fact, there doesn't seem to be much difference between LP and MM firmware; no reports of broken WiFi that I've seen, even going forwards.
In any case, do a TWRP backup of your current setup (as you always should before flashing a ROM), and you can easily revert if you flash a ROM and run into issues.
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I managed to flash HTC_One_M8_Lollipop_5.1_LMY47O.H9 and no wifi issue so that is good but it seems that the GPE ROM only has the blasting capability from the standard google class ConsumerIrManager and does not support ConsumerIrManagerHtc hence no learning ...
If anyone could provide me a link of a stock nandroid HTC ROM Lollipop 5.1 (not GPE) I'be be very grateful... Even if I loose phone.
Of course better would be CID T-MOB003 but I did not find...
questionmark said:
If anyone could provide me a link of a stock nandroid HTC ROM Lollipop 5.1 (not GPE) I'be be very grateful... Even if I loose phone.
Of course better would be CID T-MOB003 but I did not find...
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Stock TWRP nandroid backup (Sense LP for your CID) is posted here:
Note that this is not a flashable ROM zip, but rather a TWRP backup. So you'll need to unzip the folder contents, transfer to proper location on the phone, and RESTORE in TWRP (not INSTALL). See tutorial steps 4 through 9 (then reboot). You shouldn't need to do the remaining steps.
redpoint73 said:
Stock TWRP nandroid backup (Sense LP for your CID) is posted here:
Many many thanks for that. Was busy last 2 weeks but got it to work first finding a KitKat rom (before your post) working fine with HTCIR blast/learning and then installed fine the above all working fine as it used to be before the Marshmallow update that IMO regressed in this sense in HTC sense removing IR learning (I bought the device exactly for that unique capability). The good things is now since I did backup of both ROM I can test my APP on both and think about people using M7 that might want to keep this older device to actually have a powerful universal remote control with IR PRONTO hex learning capability. Still very busy with that APP and I hope to post / update it soon here for the M7/M8 users still on HTC sense ROM with IR learning capability.
Again many thanks for pointing me at the right link, I searched searched but missed it somehow.
PS: M10 still kept the IR blasting for what I know, not sure about learning? anyone knows?
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Hi Chaps,
Ive just noticed this post, is this definitley official then, no IR in Marshmallow??, i hope they sort it in the future then, ill be dropping back down to LP myself for now.

Which OS is best to use for Rooting G930V Galaxy S7?

I am getting Galaxy S7.
So it will be totally new phone. This means that I intend to factory reset and no worries about data loss, new phone. This should make the question easier to answer.
I considered:
Keeping Marshmallow
Updating to Nougat
Updating to new Oreo which is just released to S7
Maximum compatibility with permanent root with no issues
Maximum compatibility with xposed
Maximum compatibility with various xposed modules
Ability to have BLACK everything I want absolutely no white menus anywhere.
I am coming from Kitkat. If I had my way I would keep KitKat, unfortunately KitKat 4.4.2 is not available for S7.
One only real benefit I see besides super slowing down my device on the new versions, is that Nougat and up I believe has a blue light filter integrated? It would be super cool because this is an important feature. Currently I use Twilight blue light overlay, but if I could have a native filter (like f.lux for PC) it would hugely improve my user experience.
Maybe I will like newer features, but maybe not. I usually DISABLE tons of stuff including:
Disable fingerprint
Disable updates
Disable face recognize
etc, I don't want any of that invasive junk.
I also don't use Samsung Pay or any other junk.
I like maximum control over my device and I hate white and have to have all menus black. I did learn some newer versions of android OS actually have theming engines included where I can turn everything black, that will be very great for me. White menus physically hurt my eyes especially at night. It's painful to me and causes red eyes. So I must have all black menus.
I don't want any problems especially not audio or gps etc problems and I never want to enable fine location.
So I wondered if you know which is the best OS to use to meet my requirements with best root and xposed compatibility and no problems. Marshmallow, Nougat, or Oreo and what version?
Additionally, I am also open to any recommended custom ROM, if you have any suggestion.
In further reading of threads I am getting worried. About to cancel my order and get refunded and give up on getting an S7 and just keeping my S5.
The reason I'm getting worried is because I am reading that US versions with Snapdragon processor G930V has a locked bootloader. I am unclear if I can root or not.
Advice would be helpful as I only just ordered and I am about to click cancel order.
zxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzx said:
In further reading of threads I am getting worried. About to cancel my order and get refunded and give up on getting an S7 and just keeping my S5.
The reason I'm getting worried is because I am reading that US versions with Snapdragon processor G930V has a locked bootloader. I am unclear if I can root or not.
Advice would be helpful as I only just ordered and I am about to click cancel order.
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From what I have read, you can root a G930V on Marshmallow and Nougat but not on the new Oreo build.
This guide is for Marshmallow:
And I believe this one is for Nougat:
But no TWRP or typical custom recoveries. Only flashfire and modified stock ROMs. I think I read that Xposed worked on Marshmallow but not Nougat. Not certain on that though.
landshark68 said:
From what I have read, you can root a G930V on Marshmallow and Nougat but not on the new Oreo build.
This guide is for Marshmallow:
And I believe this one is for Nougat:
But no TWRP or typical custom recoveries. Only flashfire and modified stock ROMs. I think I read that Xposed worked on Marshmallow but not Nougat. Not certain on that though.
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Well my S5 does have a custom recovery but is on stock rom, got full root when I downgraded to KitKat.
Thanks for letting me know it will probably be the same procedure. I did order it now. Going to try it. Hopefully, it works with full root,
Which OS+root is better, rooted Nougat or rooted Marshmallow (considering potential bugs)?
I think Nougat has a blue light filter built-in, is that right?
It may be a matter of opinion but I am open to hearing your opinions.
I received the phone today. It has this OS version G930VVRS4BRA1 which is 7.0 android I received the phone today. It has this OS version G930VVRS4BRA1
I don't know if I should change the OS or update OS or what or do for sure to be rooted

newbie question

Hi there, first post on the site, so "Hi"
I have a Samsung Tab S2 (SM-T710) this is running Lillopod 5.0.2
Is it possible to upgrade this into Oreo? if so, is it a case of root it, then odin flash it? Are there any helpful guides / tips?
danc_73 said:
Hi there, first post on the site, so "Hi"
I have a Samsung Tab S2 (SM-T710) this is running Lillopod 5.0.2
Is it possible to upgrade this into Oreo? if so, is it a case of root it, then odin flash it? Are there any helpful guides / tips?
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Suggest you use Odin to flash stock Nougat first and give that a go. It's pretty good and I've felt no reason to root just to get Oreo.
Masteryates said:
Suggest you use Odin to flash stock Nougat first and give that a go. It's pretty good and I've felt no reason to root just to get Oreo.
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Thanks for the reply.
Is that the Samsung wrapped Nougat or the raw version..... I am hoping to get away from some of the Samsung bloat..
In your current Lollipop, the mixture of Samsung Bloat and a bad version of Android, (5.0.2 was a car crash.) makes it an awful experience.
In Android 6 & 7, Samsung have really reduced the bloat and the underlying OS, is significantly better. If you install stock and spend half an hour cleaning the bloat, its a really consistent experience on the S2 and I've not experienced any slowdown. :victory:
When thinking about root and Oreo, just remember this hardware is getting old now and wasn't exactly fast 3 years ago. Battery life on the 8" version isn't great due to its small size. As Samsung have been good at providing security updates, I really can't see enough gains in the whole rooting experience. :angel:
Many thanks for your help........ I will take the simple route via odin. I will see how I get along
