Modify/Edit/Repack TW Custom Roms - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Can anyone guide me how to modify/repack touchwiz custom roms, published on XDA?

There are two files to read, read and read again until you have practically all answers about the structure of a custom rom :
1- updater-script
2- aroma-config
Both located in "/META-INF/com/google/android" in the rom's zip.
This will be a good start.

Make no sense!
There are tools which take care of META-INF files, why bother?

Information here on developing .>> XDA-University
---------- Post added at 08:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:09 AM ----------
You can open a rom zip in win rar and modify add or delete then close .
Do not extract .

you are wright, use these tools.

I use 7zip (FOSS) and did same only to get error during flash. Obviously because meta files are not edited. Can those error be ignored?


Lg g2 stock widgets

please if someone can upload for me the flowing stock widget : lg music widget and lg clock widget From his lg g2.
because i'm accidentally removed and the lg quick cover not function properly
i search in web but not found any thing:crying:
Just download one of the ROMs and extract the files from it said:
Just download one of the ROMs and extract the files from it
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thank you for your reply . please can you explain how extract apk file from rom because i do this by the tools named windows lg firmware extractor but his product a number of bin file and i cannot extract the bin file
canavaro-200 said:
thank you for your reply . please can you explain how extract apk file from rom because i do this by the tools named windows lg firmware extractor but his product a number of bin file and i cannot extract the bin file
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you need to get the system packaged up into and iso and then use an app like ext2read for windows to extract the ext4 format iso to be able to see the stuff inside system, if you give me some time to upload the files
---------- Post added at 06:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 PM ----------
here you go have fun
XxZombiePikachu said:
you need to get the system packaged up into and iso and then use an app like ext2read for windows to extract the ext4 format iso to be able to see the stuff inside system, if you give me some time to upload the files
---------- Post added at 06:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 PM ----------
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thank you very very much for your help you are solved a very big problem for me :good::good::good:
XxZombiePikachu said:
you need to get the system packaged up into and iso and then use an app like ext2read for windows to extract the ext4 format iso to be able to see the stuff inside system, if you give me some time to upload the files
---------- Post added at 06:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 PM ----------
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i have a problem 2 widget can't installed its say app not installed
and what the role of the 2 file odex for that you upload
canavaro-200 said:
i have a problem 2 widget can't installed its say app not installed
and what the role of the 2 file odex for that you upload
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Those are the files for the widget and they are not installed as normal apk you need a root browser to place them in the system/priv-app and add the permissions rw-r--r--(0644), how did you get your stock widget uninstalled in first place
Sent from my Potato powered G2 D800
XxZombiePikachu said:
you need to get the system packaged up into and iso and then use an app like ext2read for windows to extract the ext4 format iso to be able to see the stuff inside system, if you give me some time to upload the files
---------- Post added at 06:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 PM ----------
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]thank for your reply ; can you help me for fix this problem 2 widgets can't install its say -app not installed

[Q] Help! how to remove aroma installer from a rom

Hey guys
Can some1 create a tutorial on how to remove aroma installer from a rom please?
current safe trap does not support aroma launcher and im trying to instal Xnote rom.
thank you in advance.
Ayman.y88 said:
Hey guys
Can some1 create a tutorial on how to remove aroma installer from a rom please?
current safe trap does not support aroma launcher and im trying to instal Xnote rom.
thank you in advance.
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Better PM the Xote dev for an automated non-aroma rom, if he has the time and is willing to.
Ayman.y88 said:
Hey guys
Can some1 create a tutorial on how to remove aroma installer from a rom please?
current safe trap does not support aroma launcher and im trying to instal Xnote rom.
thank you in advance.
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There are some tutorials in the AT&T thread. Basically, you move the apps you want from the Aroma locations into the system/app folder and replace the META-INF folder with one from a non-aroma ROM. As long as you don't share it out, I don't think anyone will have a problem with it...If you're not comfortable doing that, it might be better to ask as stated above me.
The easiest way is to basically remove the meta-inf folder and replace it with a stock one without aroma. Then open up updater-script and make sure everything is in the correct places that is listed in the script. Usually, make sure you move the kernel you where the script file says (it's usually the root of the zip). You can then remove whatever folder the Rom dev used for aroma, sometimes it's extras, apps, etc. Then rezip and try flashing it.
---------- Post added at 04:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:52 PM ----------
Oh and make sure you move everything from the last step back into its appropriate place in the system folder before you remove that folder. For example, if the dialer is on that other folder, make sure to move it back to system/priv-app or the dialer will not be installed and you will have a bunch of issues on boot.
tp2215 said:
The easiest way is to basically remove the meta-inf folder and replace it with a stock one without aroma. Then open up updater-script and make sure everything is in the correct places that is listed in the script. Usually, make sure you move the kernel you where the script file says (it's usually the root of the zip). You can then remove whatever folder the Rom dev used for aroma, sometimes it's extras, apps, etc. Then rezip and try flashing it.
---------- Post added at 04:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:52 PM ----------
Oh and make sure you move everything from the last step back into its appropriate place in the system folder before you remove that folder. For example, if the dialer is on that other folder, make sure to move it back to system/priv-app or the dialer will not be installed and you will have a bunch of issues on boot.
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Thank you a lot for the tutorial.
Do you happen to have a stock Meta-INF ? if not can you link me to a rom with it so that i can download it ?
Thank you again
Ayman.y88 said:
Thank you a lot for the tutorial.
Do you happen to have a stock Meta-INF ? if not can you link me to a rom with it so that i can download it ?
Thank you again
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Just take one out of any Rom for your device that doesn't have aroma. Just make sure it's from your device to make sure the wipe paths and kernel paths are correct.
Just the info that I was looking for thanks

Need help with apktool

Maybe someone can help me here.
Hello I am trying to work on a mod for rom I am working on. But the warnings I am getting happen even with untouched files. I took secsettings.apk and decompiled it no warning or errors and then recompiled it and got those warnings. Didn't change anything.
I am editing the Secsettings.apk.
I am able to decompile it just fine with apktool 2.0.0 but compiling is another story. I install framework-res.apk and even installed twframework-res.apk. but this is what I get with unedited secsettings. I get same results when I do my edits.
I am doing
apktool b SecSettings
It is putting files in the build file
Is this ok?
What warnings or errors are you getting?
---------- Post added at 06:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 AM ----------
Please post a screenshot or copy of the errors you are seeing
metalfan78 said:
What warnings or errors are you getting?
---------- Post added at 06:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 AM ----------
Please post a screenshot or copy of the errors you are seeing
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Crap sorry get the ss didn't get attached sorry.
Those warnings are normal, as long as it builds, which it did, you'll have a new apk in the dist folder.
---------- Post added at 10:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 AM ----------
You know the next step right?
metalfan78 said:
Those warnings are normal, as long as it builds, which it did, you'll have a new apk in the dist folder.
---------- Post added at 10:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 AM ----------
You know the next step right?
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After I recompile I need to sign it correct the adb push it back to where I came? I don't need to push both frameworks back right or do i?
Edit. Also what a good signing program/script that works. I have one but not sure if it is up to date or now. Back to work so won't respond for 6 hrs....gotta love 10 hr work days...
No, don't sign it. Right click on the new and original apks, use 7zip to open each archive, drag android manifest and meta-inf from original to new apk, and then you can put it in your phone and fix permissions
metalfan78 said:
No, don't sign it. Right click on the new and original apks, use 7zip to open each archive, drag android manifest and resources from original to new apk, and then you can put it in your phone and fix permissions
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Do I adb push it there or can I just copy it there and fix permissions?
I'm wrong, not resources! Drag meta-inf over. The resources has all the changes.
---------- Post added at 11:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 AM ----------
So drag manifest and meta-inf. I always copy the apk over, but you can use adb too.
metalfan78 said:
I'm wrong, not resources! Drag meta-inf over. The resources has all the changes.
---------- Post added at 11:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 AM ----------
So drag manifest and meta-inf. I always copy the apk over, but you can use adb too.
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Don't know if u know the answer to this but I am using this as a base for my rom. I am on the s5 att active g870a.
when I go into the zip it is boot.img ,recovery.img and bunch of other files in which I'm not use to working with those for the rom. How do I go about making the stock files for the basecond of my rom which would be the system file and all that. I read somewhere that I use adb command to copy my system file to like my SD card and then move to my pc. But the other files like meta-inf and all that I guess I will have to make myself?

Starting a new rom help.

OK have a couple questions to make sure I understand the processes in making my new rom.
1)when I decompile apks like secsettings do I need to pull framework-res.apk or twframework-res.apk and install it before decompiling and recompiling?
2)after I make any of my changes and make the new rom zip I need to sign it correct?
3)below is pics of what I am working with and what I want to work with so to speak. My rom base I got permission to use is from here:
The file structure in the zip is pic 1. But I am use to working with the pic 2 file structure of system and meta-inf. How do I go about making the first go into the 2nd pic. I read something somewhere about using adb command to copy my phone system folder to my SD card and then moving it to my pc. But then how do I got about getting the meta-inf folder. Do I need to make my update-script or is the a generic one I can use?
For making a new rom you must root device end with RootExplorer copy the system in ur external sd end after copy system in ur pc you have to install java end sdk all files end set the java path end after you download the joeldroid deodexer for deodex framework, app.,end private app end after you have to download apktool 2.0 end creeate bach tool for decompile..recompile file first install framework in apktool end den decompile apps
Petreion said:
For making a new rom you must root device end with RootExplorer copy the system in ur external sd end after copy system in ur pc you have to install java end sdk all files end set the java path end after you download the joeldroid deodexer for deodex framework, app.,end private app end after you have to download apktool 2.0 end creeate bach tool for decompile..recompile file first install framework in apktool end den decompile apps
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Sounds good I already have all the Java and sdk stuff install and been decompiling so of the secsettings. The base I am using is deodexed but will still need to use that app for future mods to add so ty.
Do I need to sign the zip after I make the rom or no?
also how do I get the meta-inf folder with the updater-script? Do I need to make one my self?
In TWRP recovery is a option to flash zip without signature if you want you can sign the zip
---------- Post added at 03:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:22 PM ----------
Inside the meta inf floder is updater script end update binary you must edit updater script which note++ for you own needs you find in xda meta inf floder
---------- Post added at 03:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:28 PM ----------
If you don't now to edit updater script you can ask to xGMERZ to generate on with the kitchen in linux
Petreion said:
In TWRP recovery is a option to flash zip without signature if you want you can sign the zip
---------- Post added at 03:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:22 PM ----------
Inside the meta inf floder is updater script end update binary you must edit updater script which note++ for you own needs you find in xda meta inf floder
---------- Post added at 03:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:28 PM ----------
If you don't now to edit updater script you can ask to xGMERZ to generate on with the kitchen in linux
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Yea I can't use twrp wish I could . G870a s5 active bootloader is locked and only options I have is fireflash and then safestrap which requires a few things to use. I'll talking to the rom dev I use about it ty for the info again.
If you rom is TW you cant use this meta-inf floder but you must edit updater script which note++!CU4WmCpL!voLicqQA0jVvBzn9xlUVLvXpjMxnVjnxPGJG4ulUXu0
---------- Post added at 06:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:01 PM ----------
If i was useful please use the tanks button if i not sorry
Petreion said:
If you rom is TW you cant use this meta-inf floder but you must edit updater script which note++!CU4WmCpL!voLicqQA0jVvBzn9xlUVLvXpjMxnVjnxPGJG4ulUXu0
---------- Post added at 06:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:01 PM ----------
If i was useful please use the tanks button if i not sorry
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Yea mines a rw rom wish I could try others but can't on the active. Ty for try though

Theme Overlay Mods

Any settings made in the value files found within framework-res.apk can be overlaid with new values if an archive called framework-res is placed in /system/media/theme/default.
The framework-res archive is just a zip file without the .zip extention and must contain a file called theme_values.xml
The format of the contents of theme_values.xml is critical and all value entries placed in the <MIUI_Theme_Values> section:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
inset lines here
inset lines here
inset lines here
If you already have a framework-res file in /system/media/theme/default, this means you already have some overlaid settings. Just merge your wanted settings into the same file being careful not to contradict existing lines.
I have attached the decompiled value files that contain the majority of what you may wish to play with. Copy and paste lines from these files into theme_values.xml with your edited values.
The value files come from 6.12.29 but are almost universal across all MIUI8 ROMs.
I have also included a file called framework_tweaks.xml which is my quick reference for useful tweaks - it is by no means exhaustive. Remove my comments from lines if you copy directly from this file.
The big advantage in modding this way is that it is very easy to re-edit the mod and easily reversed by simply deleting the file. This is much easier than decompiling and recompiling the parent file every time you want to change something. Furthermore, some files simply will not recompile successfully.
Other overlay files that can be created and placed in /system/media/theme/default
values from MiuiHome.apk
Commonly used to change grid size for launcher
values from MiuiSystemUI.apk
Commonly used to change Status bar and toggles grid
values from framework-ext-res.apk
Commonly used to set toggles grid columns
Mods that are pure overlays will be attached here.
A comprehensive MIUI Home Launcher grid mod will be added next time I run a ROM with stock launcher
Contributions to the mods welcome
This is amazing!!!
After trying so hard to decompile/recompile/package/sign etc the framework-res.apk just to change two values in dimens.xml AND FAILLING
This is SOOOO much easier!
@ugene1980 Download TickleMyAndroid from its XDA Thread for decompile/recompile apks - it will do everything you need. Don't re-sign framework files or system apps.
Note that the full complement of framework files consist of the following:
miui.apk - rename this to miui-res.apk to be recognized as a framework file
miuisystem.apk - rename this to miusystem-res.apk to be recognized as a framework file
jajk said:
@ugene1980 Download TickleMyAndroid from its XDA Thread for decompile/recompile apks - it will do everything you need. Don't re-sign framework files or system apps.
Note that the full complement of framework files consist of the following:
miui.apk - rename this to miui-res.apk to be recognized as a framework file
miuisystem.apk - rename this to miusystem-res.apk to be recognized as a framework file
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Nice, i'll give it a try, hope it works for miui 9.
I'm assuming mediatek-res.apk won't be needed if the device uses a SD835 instead of a mediatek processor?
@ugene1980 It works on MIUI9. You assume correctly
Can I use this mod to create AMOLED theme? And which app will be themed?
Coz MIUI theme manager failed to theme other than icon and wallpaper on MIUI 9 (Marshmallow).
Hi, thanks so much for your hints.
I've created two mods for MIUI9 on MiMix2 8.1.26 Beta rom, com.miui.home and framework-miui-res.
The mods flaulessly work, but only if the phone is rooted.
- Firstly rooting was needed because I had to put the files on /system and change permissions... but once checked I created a flashable zip that makes the work from TWRP.
- Once created the flashable .zip... rooting is not needed to modify system partition... but it doesn't work without root.
- Looking at same files but inside /data/system/theme (files created by themes app) I discovered some things to try:
-- Put 0755 permission with 9801 owner and group
-- Make framework-miui-res with the same structure... with filters.xml and framework-miui folder
- No way... I cannot make it work without root... and all the attempts worked very well if the phone is rooted.
Do you know how to make it work withour rooting?
Best regards.
---------- Post added at 04:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:04 PM ----------
jajk said:
@ugene1980 Download TickleMyAndroid from its XDA Thread for decompile/recompile apks - it will do everything you need. Don't re-sign framework files or system apps.
Note that the full complement of framework files consist of the following:
miui.apk - rename this to miui-res.apk to be recognized as a framework file
miuisystem.apk - rename this to miusystem-res.apk to be recognized as a framework file
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Only to get your attention
@Huexxx It could be an sepolicy issue. What version Android and what version security update will determine how hard it is to get something foreign in System to execute.
jajk said:
@Huexxx It could be an sepolicy issue. What version Android and what version security update will determine how hard it is to get something foreign in System to execute.
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Alright, I'll look deeper inside the logs.
Thanks for the point.
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