Hi guys, I tried to install Supersu with 2 way. The first with install supersu and the second with sideload. Both of them sucess but my phone haven't been rooted yet. Please, someone have an idea to fix this problem.
Please, tell us more details. Model? Firmware? Bootloader status?
Hello, a friend just got the Moto G4 Plus.
He wanted to root the device but wants to receive OTA updates as well.
Is that a possible thing?
Maybe with with systemless root?
The simple answer is YES and No {Yes} if you unroot+ uninstall xposed+ and flash stock recovery than you can update your phone. {NO} if you can't do it above mentioned step ) P.S. Flashfire doesn't work.
Hello, I have a ze601kl Z011D zenfone with android 6.0.1 and I can not unlock the bootloader of the phone in any way, neither using the asus apk to unlock the bootloader nor using the modaco superboot, my cell phone is rooted
If someone could help me I would be eternally grateful, and sorry for the bad english
ACFH said:
Why do you need to unlock bootloader? I can install TWRP and root my ZE601KL without unlock bootloader so I'm curious about what are you trying to do?
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Im total noob here.... help me out please.....
Can i... downgarding to lolipop without unlocking bootloader? Im using mm 1998 rite now.... not rooted yet... stock recovery.
If it can... please explain to me.... im trying to roll back to lolipop 1524... ... inside the stock official fw... i cant find any recovery.img.... theres only boot.img....
Are they the same thing? Boot.img and recovery.img??
Can i just flashing boot.img of fw 1524 then flash 1524 fw via sdcard.
Matheus I said:
Hello, I have a ze601kl Z011D zenfone with android 6.0.1 and I can not unlock the bootloader of the phone in any way, neither using the asus apk to unlock the bootloader nor using the modaco superboot, my cell phone is rooted
If someone could help me I would be eternally grateful, and sorry for the bad english
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I have a ZE601KL Z011D zenfone as well, but I am stuck with build number LRX22G.CN_user_1.13.40.661_20151103
Android version: 5.0.2, and there is no Update button in the Settings page of my phone. Is there a way I could upgrade my phone manually?
Thank you,
Gagui07 said:
I have a ZE601KL Z011D zenfone as well, but I am stuck with build number LRX22G.CN_user_1.13.40.661_20151103
Android version: 5.0.2, and there is no Update button in the Settings page of my phone. Is there a way I could upgrade my phone manually?
Thank you,
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Why not kingo root to gain root access and unlock bootloader flash twrp with flashify then just use a custom rom that's what I did mine was stuck on 5.0.2 so these are the steps I took
Also just found this in google playstore give it a look before you try to root suppose to help you upgrade Asus firmware
HI All,
Current i'm on stock rom(NPN-*-15) with unlocked bootloader and twrp flashed and super su installed
Now i recieved an OTA fpr NPN-*-67. But i cant install it as it will brick my phone bcz i have twrp.
Please give me link for stock indian rom (any version is fine)
and also steps to install stock rom
You posted in the wrong Section.
Please look around or search before randomly posting in a random location
vinay7 said:
HI All,
Current i'm on stock rom(NPN-*-15) with unlocked bootloader and twrp flashed and super su installed
Now i recieved an OTA fpr NPN-*-67. But i cant install it as it will brick my phone bcz i have twrp.
Please give me link for stock indian rom (any version is fine)
and also steps to install stock rom
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Well we can all see you're new but doing this to much can get you into trouble. Be careful man.
Hi guys, I'm wondering if its possible to root if I'm on the latest stock firmware?
Unlocking the bootloader is already giving me headaches with Huawei not giving codes out anymore.
My phone is unlocked, so i flash TWRP, but it is for CN Rom. So now my phone lost sound and vibrate. Could someone share the latest OTA link, so i can take boot.img to back my phone live again? So much thanks
Hi, could you explain how to unlock bootloader for BlackShark2? Thanks