Is my Redmi 3s really LTE compatible? Only get H+ - Xiaomi Redmi 3s Questions & Answers

For as long as got this phone I have only gotten H+ service dispite my services supporting LTE. I remember the specs saying that this supports LTE.
Sent from my Redmi 3S using Tapatalk

Not only your phone, but your SIM card should also be 4g compatible. The phone has LTE. And you should subscribe for 4g services.
If everything is present, try changing settings.

arceuss said:
Not only your phone, but your SIM card should also be 4g compatible. The phone has LTE. And you should subscribe for 4g services.
If everything is present, try changing settings.
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Both my sims are 4g LTE as well as my plans
Sent from my Redmi 3S using Tapatalk

Try checking your settings> SIM settings.. see if it is LTE..

redmi 3s does not Support LTE band 20. in my country band 20 is used only in citys, so i won't get LTE on the country side.
maybe it's the same for you?

The 'Global' Version of the phone does support Band 20. You might have the one without it...
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Well this app says I don't have LTE?
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Where did you buy from? Either it says LTE 1/3/7 or LTE 1/3/7/20. First one i s without Band 20.
Gesendet von meinem Redmi 3S mit Tapatalk

The term LTE refers to a whole spectrum of frequencies or bands. You may want to look at this Wikipedia chart: It's impractical for your phone to support every LTE band, just like it's impractical for your network provider to support every LTE band.
What this boils down to is this: whenever you buy anything, it is your responsibility to ensure it suits the purpose for which it is intended. In this case, when you buy a phone, it is your responsibility to ensure it supports the bands your network provider is using.
FYI, a thread already exists about which bands the Redmi 3S supports:

xdarkmario said:
For as long as got this phone I have only gotten H+ service dispite my services supporting LTE. I remember the specs saying that this supports LTE.
Sent from my Redmi 3S using Tapatalk
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Maybe your area is uncovered by LTE?
Little trick for ALWAYS LTE >> *#*#4636#*#*

Ryoukawa said:
Maybe your area is uncovered by LTE?
Little trick for ALWAYS LTE >> *#*#4636#*#*
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I tried enabling LTE only on one of my sims and when I do it says no service.
I will update my other sims plan next week and try with the other sim
Sent from my Redmi 3S using Tapatalk

xdarkmario said:
I tried enabling LTE only on one of my sims and when I do it says no service.
I will update my other sims plan next week and try with the other sim
Sent from my Redmi 3S using Tapatalk
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Same problem here with international version. Wanted to test LTE with a prepaid sim to decide if it is worth to change my data plan.
No LTE connection at all. Possibly yet another bug
Edit: It is working now :victory:
Used the sim card in another LTE phone to see if it is related to the sim itself. Worked there without problem. After reinsterting the sim in my phone, it was working there also. Maybe it also has something to do with restarting the phone, but I had tried that before.


[Q] Nexus 4 w/ verizon

Can I use my Nexus 4 on Verizon's LTE?
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subwoofer12 said:
Can I use my Nexus 4 on Verizon's LTE?
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No. If you bothered to google this question, you would have found about eleventy bazillion links to this question, and they all say no, you can't. Even if Verizon allowed unlocked devices (which they don't), the Nexus 4 is GSM only, and Verizon uses CDMA for calls. No calls, no 3G data, no 4G data, no LTE. Not a sausage. Well, 911, but that's a given.
Planterz said:
No. If you bothered to google this question, you would have found about eleventy bazillion links to this question, and they all say no, you can't. Even if Verizon allowed unlocked devices (which they don't), the Nexus 4 is GSM only, and Verizon uses CDMA for calls. No calls, no 3G data, no 4G data, no LTE. Not a sausage. Well, 911, but that's a given.
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True Verizon uses CDMA for it's 3G network but the Nexus 4 does have LTE, and Verizon uses Band 4 according to this list, shouldn't this work?
subwoofer12 said:
True Verizon uses CDMA for it's 3G network but the Nexus 4 does have LTE, and Verizon uses Band 4 according to this list, shouldn't this work?
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But this would be possible if Verizon allowed unlocked devices, correct? Because both can support 1700 mhz
I know this is regarding the Nexus 5 but I'm assuming it's the same reason:
Verizon is intentionally blocking the Nexus 5 from their network since the Nexus 5 has all the ability to run on Verizon with no issues. The Nexus 5 radio supports all of Verizon's frequency bands. Verizon doesn't like universal service network phones that are new unlocked cell phones they can't lock into that old 2 year services contract scheme that has made them rich
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subwoofer12 said:
But this would be possible if Verizon allowed unlocked devices, correct? Because both can support 1700 mhz
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And if a frog had wings it wouldn't bump his ass when he hopped.
But yeah, if Verizon ever allowed unlocked phones, theoretically it might be possible to get LTE working on it. But the Nexus 4 doesn't have CDMA, which Verizon uses for telephony, so you wouldn't be able actually use it as a phone.
subwoofer12 said:
Can I use my Nexus 4 on Verizon's LTE?
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No................ uses CDMA for it's 3G network but the Nexus 4 does have LTE, and Verizon uses Band 4 according to this list,

Developer Edition and T-Mobile and LTE

Hi, I live in southern California. I was looking at purchasing a developer edition m8 on ebay. I needed to switch from verizon to t-mobile. I tried to find info on wether or not the developer edition would get lte on t-mobile's network. I could not find any info on it. I had an m7 for verizon that when I put a t-mobile sim in it would only connect to the edge network. So I found a deal for a developer edition m8....
I decided to buy it and the answer is yes, the developer edition m8 on t-mobile's network does connect to lte. Here are some screenshots of exactly what the lte connection I am getting is...
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I am currently running Leedroid 7.3 and firmware 4.20.531.4. I get lte all over riverside county and la county with this configuration. I was worried that with a non "t-mobile" m8 that I would have issues.
Again the developer edition definately does get lte connectivity on t-mobile. In southern California anyway.....
T-Mobile uses Bands 2, 4, and 12 for LTE. The DE supports Bands 2 and 4, but not 12. So while LTE might work in a many locations, you won't have LTE if areas where they are using Band 12 for LTE.
Additionally, the DE does not support Band 4 (AWS) for 3G; which is the band most commonly used by T-Mob for 3G. So if you need to fall back to 3G (no LTE), you will probably not get it and drop down to EDGE.
If you like, you can s-off the phone by sunshine ($25) and then be able to (after changing CID & MID) flash the T-Mob radio to enable the T-Mob bands. Or even "fully convert" the phone to stock T-Mob software.
Flashing a T-Mobile radio won't enable AWS. A radio flash is just tweaks to how the phone handles different signals. Actual Bands are lower level settings that aren't touched by firmware.
Tachi91 said:
Flashing a T-Mobile radio won't enable AWS. A radio flash is just tweaks to how the phone handles different signals. Actual Bands are lower level settings that aren't touched by firmware.
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All GSM M8's (that is all but Verizon and Sprint) are identical in hardware. If the band support was not incorporated in firmware, how else would it be?
Pretty sure folks have been changing the band support by flashing different radios. If you know otherwise, please cite your source. I'll do the same and try to find a thread(s) where folks have successfully changed the band support.
redpoint73 said:
All GSM M8's (that is all but Verizon and Sprint) are identical in hardware. If the band support was not incorporated in firmware, how else would it be?
Pretty sure folks have been changing the band support by flashing different radios. If you know otherwise, please cite your source. I'll do the same and try to find a thread(s) where folks have successfully changed the band support.
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Currently can't get you a source, but once I'm off of work I will do so.
An example is a current thread that's going around with changing bands on Qualcomm devices. The last time I went through it. Only Verizon's m8 had the specific app that would enable it to write any changes via QPST.
All gsm M8s are identical in nature, but carriers change the actual bands. Radio files are just the actual adjustments to overall RF Rx/Tx. If the band isn't enabled that part of the firmware is just ignored.

Xiaomi don't have all US bands why?

I'm interested to trying out Xiaomi , but seem like they don't have T-Mobile band 12 why? Huawei, ZTE, even the new company LeEco have band 12 and Xiaomi doesn't?
The Mi Note 2 Global Edition does have Band 12.
There are a total of three variants: 4GB RAM, 6GB RAM and another 6GB RAM variant which is specifically labelled as the Global 4G+ variant. This particular variant has the following bands:
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So in theory this could work on Verizon as well? Now THAT would get my motor running.
any idea from where one can buy global edition phone?
answering my own question
geekbuying is selling global edition for 634 usd.
ibuygou is selling for 625 usd is selling for 600usd
let us kno when you see the mi MIX global up for presale eh?
killerskincanoe said:
let us kno when you see the mi MIX global up for presale eh?
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mi mix is available for pre order 637 usd @ geekbuying and 625usd @ibuygou. however they are not global edition not sure if xiaomi has any plan to release global edition of mi mix. current phone edition will not work properly on US LTE network it will only work on slower data network (2g/3g)
XIAOMI Mix would be quite a experimental phone, IMO, better sit and watch how it works first.
Only Mi Note 2 have bands that might work in the US...Mi Mix don't have it....luckily i not from/living in US and i can use the MI Mix without having to worries about bands
Does anybody know what bands supports usual version (not global)? Does it support LTE band 3 for example?)
Piteryo said:
Does anybody know what bands supports usual version (not global)? Does it support LTE band 3 for example?)
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According to IBuyGou:
Also a small note on the Global edition of the Mi Note 2: While it does support Band 12 for T-Mobile, you might not get VoLTE support on that network. Possibly something that one brave buyer may have to experiment and find out.
iPusak Gaoq™ said:
Only Mi Note 2 have bands that might work in the US...Mi Mix don't have it....luckily i not from/living in US and i can use the MI Mix without having to worries about bands
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Mi Mix should work pretty well on T-Mobile LTE USA as it supports LTE bands 2 and 4.
a.cid said:
Also a small note on the Global edition of the Mi Note 2: While it does support Band 12 for T-Mobile, you might not get VoLTE support on that network. Possibly something that one brave buyer may have to experiment and find out.
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I'm definitely gonna get it so I'll be that buyer lol
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i Swore I read somewhere they were also releasing a global version of Mi MIX let me see if I can find it ....
who knows i'm probably wrong
Hoping this is the first step in the direction of releasing US based devices. I like the price point and specs.
Both the Xiaomi Mi Note 2 and the MIX use a Qualcomm Snapdragon chip though, no? Unless I'm mistaken, the frequencies are locked out only on a software level, not a hardware level - I'm sure I've seen a few threads where people have manually added additional frequency bands to their devices to work in different regions of the world (at the risk of bricking their phone, but that's standard disclaimer stuff).
Wouldn't it be possible to purchase a Xiaomi Note 2 or MIX, and then just 'unlock' the bands that they say are not supported?
I'm in for one as soon as available, not happy after giving up Note 7...that was most awesome device. This looks a lot like Note I'll bite for 600ish
artenry said:
Wouldn't it be possible to purchase a Xiaomi Note 2 or MIX, and then just 'unlock' the bands that they say are not supported?
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Just choose global version which supports all bands
For those who are wondering about this phone in the US. I have this phone (Global Edition) and have had it for about three months now. I used it on AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon it worked no problem! I had AT&T originally, and it worked fine and even got band 30 in some areas. In my area AT&T speeds were horrible, so I switched to T-Mobile very briefly they had terrible coverage in my area. So I switched to Verizon. I use this phone all the time and get excellent speeds with it. I hope that helps.

LG V20 H990DS on AT&T

I'm trying to confirm if and how well this unlocked model of the LG V20 will work on AT&T. I'm based in Austin TX. Some websites like frequency check say it's missing band 17, which is a problem for AT&T, but the Taiwan LG official listing shows it as having it and I've seen a couple of comments in forums of people saying it does and they use it on AT&T. There's also people saying not to get it for AT&T, so it's kind of confusing. Does anyone out there use this model on AT&T and can confirm that it will be issue free?
Wow, this forum kind of bites...
I have the. 990ds on att and I get lte. It will show up as 4g and how will show up as h or 3g.
Sent from my LG-H990 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
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Sent from my LG-H990 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
I'm using att via cricket wireless.
Sent from my LG-H990 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
That's good to know. Thanks for the reply. Any downsides? Does it suck to miss out on any of the stuff like voice over LTE?
I guess Cricket probably doesn't have that anyways. I'm just worried because I know it's missing like band 30 and maybe 17 that AT&T sometimes uses. I wonder if it could vary depending on area what bands are being used... What area are you in?
supersteve114 said:
That's good to know. Thanks for the reply. Any downsides? Does it suck to miss out on any of the stuff like voice over LTE?
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Cricket is going to be doing volte later this year. I do have a volte icon in my drop down menu too. When you power up thr phone from an off state, it takes a while like 15 seconds to get a data signal. Small issue, but it's the only one I've noticed.
Sent from my LG-H990 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
---------- Post added at 11:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:25 AM ----------
supersteve114 said:
I guess Cricket probably doesn't have that anyways. I'm just worried because I know it's missing like band 30 and maybe 17 that AT&T sometimes uses. I wonder if it could vary depending on area what bands are being used... What area are you in?
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It does have band 17, frequency check has incorrect information about lte bands. I have used an app to check what band was being used by the v20 and band 17 showed up.
Sent from my LG-H990 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
dee32181 said:
Cricket is going to be doing volte later this year. I do have a volte icon in my drop down menu too. When you power up thr phone from an off state, it takes a while like 15 seconds to get a data signal. Small issue, but it's the only one I've noticed.
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What firmware do you use? I have an H990ds on T-Mobile US and want VoLTE. I have heard that some firmwares do have it on this phone.
dee32181 said:
Cricket is going to be doing volte later this year. I do have a volte icon in my drop down menu too. When you power up thr phone from an off state, it takes a while like 15 seconds to get a data signal. Small issue, but it's the only one I've noticed.
Sent from my LG-H990 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
---------- Post added at 11:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:25 AM ----------
It does have band 17, frequency check has incorrect information about lte bands. I have used an app to check what band was being used by the v20 and band 17 showed up.
Sent from my LG-H990 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
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Any update if the 990ds does Cricket WiFi calling? If so, any particulars on how it would work when used internationally, i.e. SIM 1 or 2 etc
p7810456 said:
What firmware do you use? I have an H990ds on T-Mobile US and want VoLTE. I have heard that some firmwares do have it on this phone.
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Hi guys, I am sorry for reviving the old thread.
I too owned H990DS Sea version on latest nougat. It has volte option but just couldn't switch on without proper carrier configuration file.
Please take a look at this thread on LG G8
I tried on my H990DS using the above thread's method and it didn't work. I was informed that the mbn files are for LG G8. We need mbn files that are specific for LG V20. I have searched up and down and I couldn't find any.
So I hope that I have provided some insights and I hope any member/master/guru out there can help where to find the mbn file (collection of all international carriers mbn) and make volte works for H990DS.

S8+ SM-955f signal icon question

Alright i got a simple but probbaly silly question that i am sure someome has the anwser to. I bought a unlocked S8+ SM-G955F and currently using it on Cricket Wireless . My question is though after putting in the correct APN informatiom for Cricket i notice that on my status bar top right were is shows the single and data connection. Instead of it showing 4G LTE like on my old S7 Active it only shows LTE and if i get a bad signal spot it will show H+. So did they remove thr 4G LTE icon and just replaced it with a simple LTE or is my phone configured worng ? Thanks
Well those icons and in fact the entire firmware are heavily carrier dependent in the US. You'll see various 4G LTE icons when you get a carrier branded phone that is part of each carrier's marketing scheme and not the Samsung or generic Android icons you would for an unlocked or any unbranded international device. Check the photos for a comparison before/after I flashed the unbranded firmware onto my ATT S8.
The important point is to check whether you do have actual LTE connection, for example by going into the menu when you dial *#*#4636#*#*. You're most likely fine and have nothing to worry about.
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Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
I did that *#*#4636#*#* nothing happend
jchl97 said:
Well those icons and in fact the entire firmware are heavily carrier dependent in the US. You'll see various 4G LTE icons when you get a carrier branded phone that is part of each carrier's marketing scheme and not the Samsung or generic Android icons you would for an unlocked or any unbranded international device. Check the photos for a comparison before/after I flashed the unbranded firmware onto my ATT S8.
The important point is to check whether you do have actual LTE connection, for example by going into the menu when you dial *#*#4636#*#*. You're most likely fine and have nothing to worry about. View attachment 4189666
Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
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Thanks now i understand so sense my phone is directly from samsung and not branded from a carrier it will be stuck to defualt symbols which pretty much LTE= 4G LTE and H+=3G
pfcland said:
Thanks now i understand so sense my phone is directly from samsung and not branded from a carrier it will be stuck to defualt symbols which pretty much LTE= 4G LTE and H+=3G
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No problem, but won't you see that as a good thing?
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pfcland said:
Thanks now i understand so sense my phone is directly from samsung and not branded from a carrier it will be stuck to defualt symbols which pretty much LTE= 4G LTE and H+=3G
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Not quite. LTE is LTE. 4G is something different in the specification.
H+ is HSDPA, 3G ist one Level below that.
So, the full row would be
E - 2G - 3G - H - H+ - LTE
domsch1988 said:
Not quite. LTE is LTE. 4G is something different in the specification.
H+ is HSDPA, 3G ist one Level below that.
So, the full row would be
E - 2G - 3G - H - H+ - LTE
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So is LTE Better then 4G ?
pfcland said:
So is LTE Better then 4G ?
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No, LTE refers to the Band. 4G to the modem. They are two different parts of the same tech. Like 1gig Ethernet and cat6 one is a protocol, the other a medium...
So, another question to tag along with this one, very similar...I have a G955FD running on ATT in the us. Like OP states, the status bar shows "4G" and nothing regarding LTE. I have confirmed via LTE discovery that it is indeed connected.
Is there a root or other method to modify or customize that icon to match ATT or another carriers specific 4G LTE logos?
