i9500 wifi and bluetooth problem - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hello i have a problem with wifi and bluetooth they stuck on i think my efs is corrupted.
my sim card work perfectly this is a log from my phone
D/WifiService( 3281): setWifiEnabled: true pid=3515, uid=10060
D/STATUSBAR-QSTileView( 3515): onStateChanged: Wi-Fi
I/WifiHW ( 2464): wifi_change_fw_path(): fwpath = /system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_sta.bin
E/WifiHW ( 2464): Cannot open "/data/.cid.info": No such file or directory
I/WifiHW ( 2464): wifi_change_nvram_path() = /system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt
E/WifiHW ( 2464): TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY complete
D/SoftapController( 2464): Softap fwReload - Ok
W/CommandListener( 2464): Failed to retrieve HW addr for wlan0 (No such device)
D/CommandListener( 2464): Setting iface cfg
D/STATUSBAR-QSTileView( 3515): dynamicallyReduceTextSize: 204
D/STATUSBAR-QSTileView( 3515): dynamicallyReduceTextSize: 0
E/WifiStateMachine( 3281): Unable to change interface settings: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '69 interface setcfg wlan0 0 down' failed with '400 69 Failed to set address (No such device)'
E/WifiHW ( 3281): supplicant_name : p2p_supplicant
D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 3515): onLayout left:8 top:0 record.row:0
D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 3515): onLayout left:223 top:0 record.row:0
D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 3515): onLayout left:438 top:0 record.row:0
D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 3515): onLayout left:653 top:0 record.row:0
D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 3515): onLayout left:868 top:0 record.row:0
D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 3515): onLayout left:1083 top:0 record.row:0
D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 3515): onLayout left:1298 top:0 record.row:0
D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 3515): onLayout left:1513 top:0 record.row:0
D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 3515): onLayout left:1728 top:0 record.row:0
D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 3515): onLayout left:1943 top:0 record.row:0
I/wpa_supplicant(23484): [wpa_supplicant_init]: use SECRIL
I/wpa_supplicant(23484): Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
I/wpa_supplicant(23484): >>>>> Not GET KEY, IV <<<<<
I/wpa_supplicant(23484): >>>>> Not GET KEY, IV <<<<<
I/wpa_supplicant(23484): >>>>> Not GET KEY, IV <<<<<
I/wpa_supplicant(23484): [set_default_callid]: set_default_callid simnumber = 0,default_callid = 0
I/wpa_supplicant(23484): Blacklist: Clear (all)
I/wpa_supplicant(23484): [set_default_callid]: set_default_callid simnumber = 0,default_callid = 0
I/wpa_supplicant(23484): [set_default_callid]: set_default_callid simnumber = 0,default_callid = 0
I/wpa_supplicant(23484): [set_default_callid]: set_default_callid simnumber = 0,default_callid = 0
I/wpa_supplicant(23484): rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
E/wpa_supplicant(23484): Could not read interface wlan0 flags: No such device
E/wpa_supplicant(23484): Could not read interface wlan0 flags: No such device
E/wpa_supplicant(23484): wlan0: Failed to initialize driver interface
I/wpa_supplicant(23484): Blacklist: Clear (all)
I/art ( 3582): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 16245(652KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 11MB/19MB, paused 363us total 17.453ms
E/WifiStateMachine( 3281): Failed to start supplicant!
E/WifiStateMachine( 3281): sendErrorBroadcast code:10
D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 3515): refreshViews connected={ data } level=4 combinedSignalIconId=0x7f0204f7/com.android.systemui:drawable/stat_sys_signal_4_auto_rotate mobileLabel=TUNTEL wifiLabel= emergencyOnly=false combinedLabel=TUNTEL mAirplaneMode=false mDataActivity=2 mPhoneSignalIconId=0x7f0204f7/com.android.systemui:drawable/stat_sys_signal_4_auto_rotate mQSPhoneSignalIconId=0x7f020135/com.android.systemui:drawable/ic_qs_signal_4 mDataDirectionIconId=0x7f020378/com.android.systemui:drawable/stat_sys_data_fully_connected_h mDataSignalIconId=0x7f0204f7/com.android.systemui:drawable/stat_sys_signal_4_auto_rotate mDataTypeIconId=0x7f02035d/com.android.systemui:drawable/stat_sys_data_connected_h mQSDataTypeIconId=0x7f02013f/com.android.systemui:drawable/ic_qs_signal_h mNoSimIconId=0x0/(null) mWifiIconId=0x0/(null) mQSWifiIconId=0x0/(null) mWifiActivityIconId=0x0/(null) mBluetoothTetherIconId=0x7f02053d/com.android.systemui:drawable/stat_sys_tether_bluetooth
D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 3515): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=false enabledDesc:null
D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 3515): refreshNwBoosterIndicator - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)
D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 3515): refreshNwBoosterIndicator - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)
D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 3515): refreshNwBoosterIndicator - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)
D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 3515): refreshNwBoosterIndicator - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)
D/SmartBondingService( 3281): SmartBondingReceiver: onReceive action=android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
D/SmartBondingService( 3281): getNetworkEnabled : wifi : false mobile : true
D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 3515): onReceive : android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 3515): Wifi onReceive(4)
I/Hs20UtilService( 5337): Action: android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
I/LoadedApk( 5337): getClassLoader :dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/system/priv-app/Hs20Settings/Hs20Settings.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]]]
D/STATUSBAR-QSTileView( 3515): onStateChanged: Wi-Fi
E/WifiController( 3281): Wi-Fi driver is unstable. Received CMD_STATEMACHINE_RESET
Click to expand...
Click to collapse

Listen mate. Problem is connectivity chip in inside. Not software its hardware. There are videos on youtube how could its fixed. You can stuck piece of paper chip between phone it could maybe work.
Sorry for bad english.


wifi on magic in donut

Hi i have compiled my own build of donut. Unfortunatelly i can't compile kernel, so i unpacked kernel from cyans 32A boot.img, but mi wifi is not working. When i click on activate wifi, everything seems ok, but scanning doesn't start and in Logcat i have this messages:
E/wpa_supplicant( 519): Set_key: Wrong Key
E/wpa_supplicant( 519): Set_key: Wrong Key
E/wpa_supplicant( 519): Set_key: Wrong Key
E/wpa_supplicant( 519): Set_key: Wrong Key
D/WifiService( 77): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED pluggedType: 2
I/wpa_supplicant( 519): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=2
W/wpa_supplicant( 519): Failed to initiate AP scan.
V/WifiMonitor( 77): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=2]
V/WifiStateTracker( 77): Connection to supplicant established, state=SCANNING
I/wpa_supplicant( 519): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=1
V/WifiMonitor( 77): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=1]
E/wpa_supplicant( 519): prepare_filter_struct: type=0
V/WifiStateTracker( 77): Changing supplicant state: SCANNING ==> SCANNING
V/WifiStateTracker( 77): Changing supplicant state: SCANNING ==> INACTIVE
D/dalvikvm( 275): GC freed 1605 objects / 88360 bytes in 86ms
I/wpa_supplicant( 519): CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING - signal 15 received
I/wpa_supplicant( 519): CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING - signal 0 received
V/WifiMonitor( 77): Event [CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING - signal 15 received]
V/WifiStateTracker( 77): Connection to supplicant lost
I/wpa_supplicant( 519): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=0
in wpa_supplicant.conf i have:
so please help, thanks

Screen Freezes on Standby

Hi I am using Super Ram android edition and I tried couple of other too
It was working fine for a long time and suddenly this started happen, phone started to freeze on standby and the buttons will only turn on the backlight and after few tries the buttons also stop working so the phone seems like its been turned off. I tried to call my phone when the phone is in this mode, and it and i can hear the ringing tone at the other end but nothing on HD2 below is the logcat
D/WifiService( 165): ACTION_SCREEN_OFF
D/WifiService( 165): setting ACTION_DEVICE_IDLE timer for 900000ms
D/SurfaceFlinger( 165): About to give-up screen, flinger = 0x9f8d8
D/StatusBar( 165): DISABLE_EXPAND: yes
D/GoogleLoginService( 688): onBind: Intent { act=android.accounts.AccountAuthen
ticator cmp=com.google.android.gsf/.loginservice.GoogleLoginService }
D/AK8973 ( 137): Compass CLOSE
D/KeyguardViewMediator( 165): wakeWhenReadyLocked(5)
D/KeyguardViewMediator( 165): handleWakeWhenReady(5)
D/KeyguardViewMediator( 165): pokeWakelock(5000)
I/power ( 165): *** set_screen_state 1
D/SurfaceFlinger( 165): Screen about to return, flinger = 0x9f8d8
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=6
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=13
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=20
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=27
D/WifiService( 165): ACTION_SCREEN_ON
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=34
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=40
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=47
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=54
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=61
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=68
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=74
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=81
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=88
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=95
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=102
D/WindowManager( 165): I'm tired mEndcallBehavior=0x2
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=95
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=88
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=81
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=74
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=67
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=61
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=54
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=47
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=40
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=33
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=27
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=20
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=13
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=6
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=0
I/power ( 165): *** set_screen_state 0
D/AK8973 ( 137): Compass Start
D/SurfaceFlinger( 165): About to give-up screen, flinger = 0x9f8d8
D/WifiService( 165): ACTION_SCREEN_OFF
D/WifiService( 165): setting ACTION_DEVICE_IDLE timer for 900000ms
D/AK8973 ( 137): Compass CLOSE
D/KeyguardViewMediator( 165): wakeWhenReadyLocked(5)
D/KeyguardViewMediator( 165): handleWakeWhenReady(5)
D/KeyguardViewMediator( 165): pokeWakelock(5000)
I/power ( 165): *** set_screen_state 1
D/SurfaceFlinger( 165): Screen about to return, flinger = 0x9f8d8
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=6
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=13
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=20
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=27
D/WifiService( 165): ACTION_SCREEN_ON
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=34
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=40
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=47
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=54
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=61
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=68
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=74
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=81
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=88
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=95
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=102
D/WindowManager( 165): I'm tired mEndcallBehavior=0x2
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=95
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=88
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=81
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=74
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=67
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=61
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=54
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=47
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=40
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=33
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=27
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=20
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=13
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=6
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=0
I/power ( 165): *** set_screen_state 0
D/AK8973 ( 137): Compass Start
D/WifiService( 165): ACTION_SCREEN_OFF
D/WifiService( 165): setting ACTION_DEVICE_IDLE timer for 900000ms
D/SurfaceFlinger( 165): About to give-up screen, flinger = 0x9f8d8
D/AK8973 ( 137): Compass CLOSE
I/ActivityManager( 165): Start proc com.mufumbo.craigslist.notification.android
for broadcast com.mufumbo.craigslist.notification.android/.service.UpdateAlarmR
eceiver: pid=1807 uid=10105 gids={3003, 1015}
I/craigslist-notification( 1807): Started update service...
I/craigslist-notification( 1807): Updating[4] regions [losangeles/sfv]
W/webcore ( 1807): hasMessages() is not supported in this case.
W/webcore ( 1807): hasMessages() is not supported in this case.
D/dalvikvm( 1807): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 2498 objects / 170712 bytes in 38ms
D/dalvikvm( 1807): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 9590 objects / 401192 bytes in 82ms
I/craigslist-notification( 1807): Scheduled 4 updates
D/craigslist-notification( 1807): Different entry: 1292987222000 lastRssModified
Time('1292992160000') lastUserUpdate(''): http://losangeles.craigslist.org/searc
D/dalvikvm( 1807): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 11243 objects / 551344 bytes in 41ms
D/craigslist-notification( 1807): crawled with 1 elements
D/craigslist-notification( 1807): Feed not updated timeToSync('1718') http://los
D/craigslist-notification( 1807): Updating lastmodified to 1292992160000 from 12
D/craigslist-notification( 1807): Different entry: 1292987225000 lastRssModified
Time('1292992161000') lastUserUpdate(''): http://losangeles.craigslist.org/searc
D/dalvikvm( 1807): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 8929 objects / 436896 bytes in 42ms
D/craigslist-notification( 1807): crawled with 1 elements
D/craigslist-notification( 1807): Feed not updated timeToSync('684') http://losa
D/craigslist-notification( 1807): Updating lastmodified to 1292992161000 from 12
D/dalvikvm( 1807): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 10643 objects / 557176 bytes in 42ms
D/craigslist-notification( 1807): Different entry: 1292987227000 lastRssModified
Time('1292992162000') lastUserUpdate(''): http://losangeles.craigslist.org/searc
D/dalvikvm( 1807): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 5787 objects / 369248 bytes in 47ms
D/dalvikvm( 1807): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 707 objects / 116720 bytes in 30ms
I/dalvikvm-heap( 1807): Grow heap (frag case) to 2.969MB for 30314-byte allocati
D/dalvikvm( 1807): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 85 objects / 3872 bytes in 43ms
D/dalvikvm( 1807): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 49 objects / 80840 bytes in 46ms
D/craigslist-notification( 1807): crawled with 1 elements
D/dalvikvm( 1807): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 8443 objects / 401936 bytes in 52ms
D/craigslist-notification( 1807): Feed not updated timeToSync('1182') http://los
D/craigslist-notification( 1807): Updating lastmodified to 1292992162000 from 12
D/dalvikvm( 407): GC_EXPLICIT freed 8986 objects / 686520 bytes in 91ms
D/craigslist-notification( 1807): Different entry: 1292987230000 lastRssModified
Time('1292992163000') lastUserUpdate(''): http://losangeles.craigslist.org/searc
D/dalvikvm( 1807): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 10968 objects / 637744 bytes in 50ms
D/craigslist-notification( 1807): crawled with 1 elements
D/dalvikvm( 1807): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 8828 objects / 488576 bytes in 41ms
D/craigslist-notification( 1807): Feed not updated timeToSync('977') http://losa
D/craigslist-notification( 1807): Updating lastmodified to 1292992163000 from 12
D/craigslist-notification( 1807): Closing database
I/craigslist-notification( 1807): Update ended
D/mufumbo ( 1807): releasing lock after 6044
D/KeyguardViewMediator( 165): wakeWhenReadyLocked(5)
D/KeyguardViewMediator( 165): handleWakeWhenReady(5)
D/KeyguardViewMediator( 165): pokeWakelock(5000)
I/power ( 165): *** set_screen_state 1
D/SurfaceFlinger( 165): Screen about to return, flinger = 0x9f8d8
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=6
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=13
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=20
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=27
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=34
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=40
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=47
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=54
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=61
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=68
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=74
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=81
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=88
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=95
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=102
D/WifiService( 165): ACTION_SCREEN_ON
D/MobileDataStateTracker( 165): default Received state= DISCONNECTED, old= DISC
ONNECTED, reason= (unspecified), apnTypeList= default
D/NetworkLocationProvider( 165): onDataConnectionStateChanged 1
D/WindowManager( 165): I'm tired mEndcallBehavior=0x2
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=95
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=88
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=81
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=74
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=67
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=61
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=54
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=47
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=40
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=33
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=27
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=20
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=13
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=6
D/lights ( 165): set_light_backlight
D/lights ( 165): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=0
I/power ( 165): *** set_screen_state 0
D/AK8973 ( 137): Compass Start
D/WifiService( 165): ACTION_SCREEN_OFF
D/WifiService( 165): setting ACTION_DEVICE_IDLE timer for 900000ms
D/SurfaceFlinger( 165): About to give-up screen, flinger = 0x9f8d8
D/AK8973 ( 137): Compass CLOSE
D/dalvikvm( 688): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2645 objects / 137712 bytes in 85ms
D/dalvikvm( 470): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2122 objects / 105224 bytes in 80ms
D/KeyguardViewMediator( 165): wakeWhenReadyLocked(5)
D/KeyguardViewMediator( 165): handleWakeWhenReady(5)
D/KeyguardViewMediator( 165): pokeWakelock(5000)
I/power ( 165): *** set_screen_state 1
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Similar Issue
I am getting a similar if not exact same issue with mine. I push the Power/End Call button to go to standby and if I try pushing the same button the system freezes. What I noticed on mine is that if I go to standby either by pushing the button or just letting it go and push any other button besides the Power/End Call button it works. A work around but sometimes annoying if I forget.
I am using a 8GB Class 4, Kingsington Micro SD w/ MCCM GB V1.7.1 SD (Gingerbread 2.3.2).
A funny thing is when I use the same build on a 2GB Class 2, Samsung Micro SD no issue. It works perfect, but now I have no storage space after Android is running (or very little anyways).
I have reformatted the SD card multiple multiple times. Full Formats and Quick Formats. No matter what I do same issue.
Let me know if you find a solution

Wifi not working on CM 7

I know many people have this problem. But after I installed Swiftdroid 2.0 I was thinking of how smooth this works compared to stock 1.6
Then I ran into a wall. The wifi just refuses to connect. Its just a loop that goes:
(i think it does connect but then)
Scanning.. and start all over.
Now, as I was gathering some information I ran into an app named "wifi fixer" which i didnt have much hope in the app in fixing my problem. But this did help. Im sure now its an Authenticating error (yay for me probably sucking at spelling that)
After the app attempts to fix it just notifies me with "Authenticating error" and tries to fix the wifi by turning it on and off.
Does any one have ANY suggestions i could try? I did google this and go pretty much everywhere. I really would be sad if i would have to give up 2.3.7 because its so damn good. I haven't actually tried to do anything which leads to another problem. BEFORE I flashed CM 7 i did a few tests. One of them was Neocore (app found in market) by Qualcomm (LG has a qualcomm processor)
BUT as i opened the .apk and installed it when i tried to run it:
"Your device does not support qualcomm acelerated graphics" or something quite simillar to that. Before it worked fine. Suggestions? Is this a problem with the app compaitibilty with this krenel or something or is it an actual problem which will cause more trouble with other apps?
ty if you will attempt to help me
did you try it with airplane mode on/off? sometimes that helps
Yep. But no results
I also tried other google cures such as renaming wpa_supplicant.conf to .old
mihaiul said:
Yep. But no results
I also tried other google cures such as renaming wpa_supplicant.conf to .old
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Maybe changing permission of the 'wpa_supplicant.conf' file?
Type in Terminal Emulator (Can be found in the App Drawer):
Then press enter. There will be a Superuser request, press 'Allow'.
Then type in:
chmod 777 /data/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
Restart your phone and try again.
jhonnyx1000 said:
Maybe changing permission of the 'wpa_supplicant.conf' file?
Type in Terminal Emulator (Can be found in the App Drawer):
Then press enter. There will be a Superuser request, press 'Allow'.
Then type in:
chmod 777 /data/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
Restart your phone and try again.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
just pointing out that for me (or at least on my version of cm 7)its /system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
anyway that did not work
Still disconnected after authenticating
what is Logcat telling you? It should be like this:
19:43:20.285 Debug com.evernote.provider.x 27466 wait over canceled=false #############
19:43:20.286 Debug com.evernote.provider.x 27466 run() end
19:43:20.775 Debug dalvikvm 27807 GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 237K, 47% free 3138K/5895K, external 496K/514K, paused 125ms
19:43:20.936 Info TelephonyRegistry 1391 notifyServiceState: 0 home Vodafone.de Vodafone 26202 UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false
19:43:20.988 Info TelephonyRegistry 1391 notifyDataConnection: state=2 isDataConnectivityPossible=true reason=null interfaceName=rmnet0 networkType=3
19:43:21.035 Debug dalvikvm 1391 GC_CONCURRENT freed 1750K, 43% free 6375K/11015K, external 2251K/2808K, paused 6ms+24ms
19:43:21.165 Info ActivityManager 1391 Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.wifi.WifiSettings } from pid 27807
19:43:21.625 Info ActivityManager 1391 Displayed com.android.settings/.wifi.WifiSettings: +426ms
19:43:31.070 Debug Tethering 1391 wlan0 is not a tetherable iface, ignoring
19:43:33.262 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=2
19:43:33.274 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=2]
19:43:33.274 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS Ready
19:43:33.382 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:33.445 Verbose WifiStateTracker 1391 Connection to supplicant established, state=SCANNING
19:43:33.446 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:33.448 Verbose WifiStateTracker 1391 Changing supplicant state: SCANNING ==> SCANNING
19:43:33.560 Info System.out 1512 [INFO:214279787]: LogSource: Running flush
19:43:33.560 Info System.out 1512 [INFO:214279795]: LogSource: Sending payload [bytes=901]
19:43:33.650 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:33.731 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:33.866 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS Ready
19:43:33.867 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 Trying to associate with xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (SSID='<SSID>' freq=2442 MHz)
19:43:33.867 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=3
19:43:33.917 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [Trying to associate with xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (SSID='<SSID>' freq=2442 MHz)]
19:43:33.918 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=3]
19:43:33.918 Verbose WifiStateTracker 1391 Changing supplicant state: SCANNING ==> ASSOCIATING
19:43:33.919 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:34.000 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:34.162 Debug dalvikvm 27807 GC_CONCURRENT freed 335K, 48% free 3133K/5959K, external 565K/923K, paused 5ms+16ms
19:43:34.434 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=4
19:43:34.435 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=4]
19:43:34.435 Verbose WifiStateTracker 1391 Changing supplicant state: ASSOCIATING ==> ASSOCIATED
19:43:34.449 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 Associated with xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
19:43:34.501 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [Associated with xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx]
19:43:34.502 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=5
19:43:34.502 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=5]
19:43:34.503 Verbose WifiStateTracker 1391 Changing supplicant state: ASSOCIATED ==> FOUR_WAY_HANDSHAKE
19:43:34.503 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=5
19:43:34.504 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=5]
19:43:34.504 Verbose WifiStateTracker 1391 Changing supplicant state: FOUR_WAY_HANDSHAKE ==> FOUR_WAY_HANDSHAKE
19:43:34.505 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=6
19:43:34.505 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=6]
19:43:34.506 Verbose WifiStateTracker 1391 Changing supplicant state: FOUR_WAY_HANDSHAKE ==> GROUP_HANDSHAKE
19:43:34.506 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 WPA: Key negotiation completed withxx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx [PTK=CCMP GTK=TKIP]
19:43:34.507 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [WPA: Key negotiation completed with xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx [PTK=CCMP GTK=TKIP]]
19:43:34.507 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=7
19:43:34.507 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=7]
19:43:34.507 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx completed (auth) [id=0 id_str=]
19:43:34.508 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx completed (auth) [id=0 id_str=]]
19:43:34.508 Verbose WifiStateTracker 1391 Changing supplicant state: GROUP_HANDSHAKE ==> COMPLETED
19:43:34.508 Verbose WifiStateTracker 1391 New network state is CONNECTED
19:43:34.553 Debug WifiStateTracker 1391 DHCP request started
19:43:35.253 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS Ready
19:43:35.268 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:35.385 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:35.643 Info TelephonyRegistry 1391 notifyServiceState: 0 home Vodafone.de Vodafone 26202 HSDPA CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false
19:43:35.699 Warning NetworkStateTracker 1391 net.tcp.buffersize.hsdpa not found in system properties. Using defaults
19:43:35.700 Info TelephonyRegistry 1391 notifyDataConnection: state=2 isDataConnectivityPossible=true reason=null interfaceName=rmnet0 networkType=8
19:43:36.583 Debug dalvikvm 1512 GC_CONCURRENT freed 489K, 44% free 4191K/7431K, external 0K/512K, paused 16ms+8ms
19:43:37.093 Info System.out 1512 [INFO:214283385]: LogSource: Response [http=200,length=126]
19:43:37.104 Info System.out 1512 [INFO:214283387]: LogSource: Read id 688, status code 200
19:43:37.148 Info System.out 1512 [INFO:214283429]: LogSource: Read id 687, status code 200
19:43:37.149 Warning LocationMasfClient 1512 uploadCollectionReport(): no ReplyElement
19:43:37.149 Debug libloc 1391 Inject coarse position Lat=49.20, Lon=8.14, Acc=2561.00
19:43:37.200 Debug libloc 1391 loc_eng_ioctl called: client = 0, ioctl_type = RPC_LOC_IOCTL_INJECT_POSITION
19:43:37.200 Debug libloc 1391 loc_eng_ioctl result: client = 0, ioctl_type = RPC_LOC_IOCTL_INJECT_POSITION, RPC_LOC_API_SUCCESS
19:43:37.201 Debug libloc 1391 loc_event_cb, client = 0, loc_event = 0x80 (IoReport)
19:43:37.201 Debug libloc 1391
19:43:37.202 Debug libloc 1391 Event RPC_LOC_EVENT_IOCTL_REPORT (client 0)
19:43:40.505 Debug WifiStateTracker 1391 DHCP succeeded with lease: 864000
19:43:40.565 Verbose WifiStateTracker 1391 IP configuration: ipaddr aaa.bbb.ccc.dd gateway aaa.bbb.ccc.d netmask dns aaa.bbb.ccc.d dns2 DHCP server aaa.bbb.ccc.d lease 864000 seconds
19:43:40.565 Debug GTalkService 1512 ##### Network broadcast (connected=true) type=WIFI, state=CONNECTED
19:43:40.612 Debug GTalkService 1512 [GTalkConnection.1] connectionClosed: connId=2142733, error=NO ERROR
19:43:40.613 Debug WifiWatchdogService 1391 (android.server.ServerThread) <SSID> (xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) does not require the watchdog
19:43:40.613 Debug Tethering 1391 MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
19:43:40.614 Info MediaUploader 27325 No need to wake up
19:43:40.664 Debug GTalkService 1512 [GTalkConnection.1] setInternalNetworkState: type=1, state=CONNECTED
19:43:40.665 Debug Smack 1512 [XMPPConn] close connection, notifyClosed=false
19:43:40.798 Debug CMStats 27335 CONNECTIVITY_ACTION: noConnectivity = false
19:43:40.972 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 NetworkReceiver: onConnectivityAction() connected
19:43:40.972 Warning Smack/Packet 1512 notify conn break (IOEx), close connection
19:43:40.973 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 AwakeIntentService: MetaService acquired wake lock
19:43:40.973 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 AwakeIntentService: MetaService acquired wifi lock
19:43:41.033 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 AwakeIntentService: MetaService released wifi lock
19:43:41.033 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 AwakeIntentService: MetaService released wake lock
19:43:41.106 Debug dalvikvm 27807 GC_CONCURRENT freed 436K, 49% free 3158K/6087K, external 518K/923K, paused 14ms+8ms
19:43:41.175 Info TelephonyRegistry 1391 notifyServiceState: 0 home Vodafone.de Vodafone 26202 UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false
19:43:41.227 Info TelephonyRegistry 1391 notifyDataConnection: state=2 isDataConnectivityPossible=true reason=null interfaceName=rmnet0 networkType=3
19:43:41.316 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS Ready
19:43:41.407 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:42.476 Info TelephonyRegistry 1391 notifyDataConnection: state=0 isDataConnectivityPossible=true reason=dataDisabled interfaceName=null networkType=3
19:43:42.538 Debug NetUtils 1391 failed to remove default route for rmnet0: No such process
19:43:42.538 Debug GTalkService 1512 ##### Network broadcast (connected=true) type=mobile, state=DISCONNECTED
19:43:42.538 Debug GTalkService 1512 [GTalkConnection.1] ### networkStateChanged: active and curr network type/state are the same(1/CONNECTED), ignore
19:43:42.546 Debug Tethering 1391 MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
19:43:42.598 Info MediaUploader 27325 No need to wake up
19:43:42.599 Debug Tethering 1391 MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
19:43:42.696 Debug GTalkService 1512 ##### Network broadcast (connected=true) type=WIFI, state=CONNECTED
19:43:42.696 Debug GTalkService 1512 [GTalkConnection.1] ### networkStateChanged: active and curr network type/state are the same(1/CONNECTED), ignore
19:43:42.697 Debug CMStats 27335 CONNECTIVITY_ACTION: noConnectivity = false
19:43:42.697 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 NetworkReceiver: onConnectivityAction() disconnecting/disconnected
19:43:42.698 Info MediaUploader 27325 No need to wake up
19:43:42.757 Debug dalvikvm 1482 GC_CONCURRENT freed 390K, 49% free 3207K/6279K, external 0K/0K, paused 5ms+12ms
19:43:42.758 Debug CMStats 27335 CONNECTIVITY_ACTION: noConnectivity = false
19:43:42.812 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 NetworkReceiver: onConnectivityAction() connected
19:43:42.813 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 AwakeIntentService: MetaService acquired wake lock
19:43:42.813 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 AwakeIntentService: MetaService acquired wifi lock
19:43:42.873 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 AwakeIntentService: MetaService released wifi lock
19:43:42.873 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 AwakeIntentService: MetaService released wake lock
19:43:43.127 Info TelephonyRegistry 1391 notifyServiceState: 0 home Vodafone.de Vodafone 26202 HSDPA CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false
19:43:43.192 Info TelephonyRegistry 1391 notifyDataConnection: state=0 isDataConnectivityPossible=true reason=null interfaceName=null networkType=8
19:43:44.529 Debug dalvikvm 1512 GC_CONCURRENT freed 434K, 44% free 4178K/7431K, external 0K/512K, paused 6ms+7ms
19:43:47.355 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS Ready
19:43:47.355 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:47.451 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:53.342 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS Ready
19:43:53.359 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
For showing Logcat I use QtADB.
just reflash it all over again.
yeah something like that.
cant be bothered. in the end i might if nothing cures it

[Q] Unable to turn on wifi I9500

My wifi keeps turning on, but it never activates, everything else works fine (bluetooth, IMEI,etc) the problem is with the wifi, and it gives a corrupt MAC Address is 20:00:00:00:00:00
Here is my logcat (tried to only copy what i think is the relevant part)
08-05 05:44:51.873 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:51.974 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:52.075 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:52.175 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:52.276 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:52.376 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:52.477 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:52.577 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:52.678 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:52.779 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:52.880 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:52.981 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:53.081 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:53.182 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:53.282 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:53.383 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:53.484 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:53.584 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:53.685 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:53.785 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:53.885 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:53.986 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:54.087 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:54.187 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:54.288 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:54.388 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:54.489 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:54.589 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:54.690 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:54.790 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:54.891 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:54.992 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:55.092 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:55.193 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:55.293 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:55.394 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:55.494 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:55.595 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:55.695 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:55.796 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:55.896 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:55.997 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:56.097 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:56.198 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:56.299 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:56.399 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:56.500 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:56.600 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:56.673 W/InputMethodManagerService(3209): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: [email protected] attribute=null, token = [email protected]
08-05 05:44:56.693 D/PhoneStatusBar(3431): disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
08-05 05:44:56.701 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:56.801 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:44:56.801 E/WifiMonitor(3209): startMonitoring(wlan0) failed!
08-05 05:44:56.802 E/WifiStateMachine(3209): Failed to setup control channel, restart supplicant
08-05 05:44:56.802 E/WifiMonitor(3209): killSupplicant p2ptrue init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown init.svc.p2p_supplicant=unknown
08-05 05:45:01.807 E/WifiMonitor(3209): killSupplicant p2ptrue init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown init.svc.p2p_supplicant=unknown
08-05 05:45:01.811 D/SoftapController(2654): Softap fwReload - Ok
08-05 05:45:01.817 W/CommandListener(2654): Failed to retrieve HW addr for wlan0 (No such device)
08-05 05:45:01.820 D/CommandListener(2654): Setting iface cfg
08-05 05:45:01.822 E/WifiStateMachine(3209): Unable to change interface settings: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '159 interface setcfg wlan0 0 down' failed with '400 159 Failed to set address (No such device)'
08-05 05:45:01.824 E/wifi (3209): Could not read interface wlan0 flags: 19
08-05 05:45:01.824 E/WifiNative-HAL(3209): Could not start hal
08-05 05:45:01.824 E/WifiStateMachine(3209): Failed to start HAL
08-05 05:45:01.831 D/WifiMonitor(3209): startMonitoring(wlan0) with mConnected = false
08-05 05:45:01.834 E/WifiHW (3209): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "@android:wpa_wlan0": No such file or directory
08-05 05:45:01.901 I/wpa_supplicant(11934): Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
08-05 05:45:01.903 E/wpa_supplicant(11934): Could not read interface wlan0 flags: No such device
08-05 05:45:01.903 I/wpa_supplicant(11934): nl80211: deinit ifname=wlan0 disabled_11b_rates=0
08-05 05:45:01.904 E/wpa_supplicant(11934): Could not read interface wlan0 flags: No such device
08-05 05:45:01.904 E/wpa_supplicant(11934): wlan0: Failed to initialize driver interface
08-05 05:45:01.935 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:02.035 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:02.137 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:02.237 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:02.338 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:02.439 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:02.540 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:02.641 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:02.742 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:02.842 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:02.943 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:03.044 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:03.145 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:03.246 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:03.346 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:03.447 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:03.549 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:03.649 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:03.750 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:03.851 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:03.952 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:04.053 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:04.154 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:04.254 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:04.355 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:04.455 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:04.556 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:04.657 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:04.758 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:04.859 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:04.960 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:05.061 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:05.161 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:05.263 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:05.363 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:05.464 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:05.565 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:05.666 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:05.768 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:05.869 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:05.969 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:06.070 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:06.171 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:06.272 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:06.372 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:06.473 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:06.574 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:06.675 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:06.776 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:06.877 E/WifiHW (3209): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
08-05 05:45:06.877 E/WifiMonitor(3209): startMonitoring(wlan0) failed!
08-05 05:45:06.877 E/WifiStateMachine(3209): Failed to setup control channel, restart supplicant
08-05 05:45:06.877 E/WifiMonitor(3209): killSupplicant p2ptrue init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown init.svc.p2p_supplicant=unknown
08-05 05:45:11.882 E/WifiMonitor(3209): killSupplicant p2ptrue init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown init.svc.p2p_supplicant=unknown
08-05 05:45:11.887 D/SoftapController(2654): Softap fwReload - Ok
08-05 05:45:11.892 W/CommandListener(2654): Failed to retrieve HW addr for wlan0 (No such device)
08-05 05:45:11.896 D/CommandListener(2654): Setting iface cfg
08-05 05:45:11.899 E/WifiStateMachine(3209): Unable to change interface settings: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '162 interface setcfg wlan0 0 down' failed with '400 162 Failed to set address (No such device)'
08-05 05:45:11.901 E/wifi (3209): Could not read interface wlan0 flags: 19
08-05 05:45:11.901 E/WifiNative-HAL(3209): Could not start hal
08-05 05:45:11.902 E/WifiStateMachine(3209): Failed to start HAL
08-05 05:45:11.986 I/wpa_supplicant(11943): Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
08-05 05:45:11.989 E/wpa_supplicant(11943): Could not read interface wlan0 flags: No such device
08-05 05:45:11.989 I/wpa_supplicant(11943): nl80211: deinit ifname=wlan0 disabled_11b_rates=0
08-05 05:45:11.989 E/wpa_supplicant(11943): Could not read interface wlan0 flags: No such device
08-05 05:45:11.989 E/wpa_supplicant(11943): wlan0: Failed to initialize driver interface
08-05 05:45:12.006 E/WifiStateMachine(3209): Failed to start supplicant!
08-05 05:45:12.008 E/WifiService(3209): Wi-Fi state is failed
08-05 05:45:12.008 D/WifiService(3209): setWifiEnabled: false pid=3209, uid=1000
08-05 05:45:12.008 E/WifiService(3209): Invoking mWifiStateMachine.setWifiEnabled
08-05 05:45:12.011 E/WifiMonitor(3209): killSupplicant p2ptrue init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown init.svc.p2p_supplicant=unknown
08-05 05:45:12.013 D/SoftapController(2654): Softap fwReload - Ok
08-05 05:45:12.014 W/CommandListener(2654): Failed to retrieve HW addr for wlan0 (No such device)
08-05 05:45:12.015 D/CommandListener(2654): Setting iface cfg
08-05 05:45:12.016 E/WifiStateMachine(3209): Unable to change interface settings: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '165 interface setcfg wlan0 0 down' failed with '400 165 Failed to set address (No such device)'
08-05 05:45:12.016 E/wifi (3209): Could not read interface wlan0 flags: 19
08-05 05:45:12.016 E/WifiNative-HAL(3209): Could not start hal
08-05 05:45:12.016 E/WifiStateMachine(3209): Failed to start HAL
08-05 05:45:12.078 I/wpa_supplicant(11945): Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
08-05 05:45:12.080 E/wpa_supplicant(11945): Could not read interface wlan0 flags: No such device
08-05 05:45:12.080 I/wpa_supplicant(11945): nl80211: deinit ifname=wlan0 disabled_11b_rates=0
08-05 05:45:12.080 E/wpa_supplicant(11945): Could not read interface wlan0 flags: No such device
08-05 05:45:12.081 E/wpa_supplicant(11945): wlan0: Failed to initialize driver interface
08-05 05:45:12.118 E/WifiStateMachine(3209): Failed to start supplicant!
08-05 05:45:12.119 E/WifiService(3209): Wi-Fi state is failed
08-05 05:45:12.119 D/WifiService(3209): setWifiEnabled: false pid=3209, uid=1000
08-05 05:45:12.119 E/WifiService(3209): Invoking mWifiStateMachine.setWifiEnabled
08-05 05:45:23.023 E/NetlinkEvent(2654): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found
08-05 05:45:23.023 E/NetlinkEvent(2654): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found
08-05 05:45:23.024 E/NetlinkEvent(2654): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found
08-05 05:45:23.027 E/NetdConnector(3209): Error handling '613 IfaceClass active (null)': java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid int: "(null)"
08-05 05:45:39.175 E/NetlinkEvent(2654): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found
08-05 05:45:39.175 E/NetlinkEvent(2654): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found
08-05 05:45:39.175 E/NetlinkEvent(2654): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found
08-05 05:45:39.176 E/NetdConnector(3209): Error handling '613 IfaceClass idle (null)': java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid int: "(null)"
It's almost the same that happened to this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-6/help/wifi-mac-address-200000000000-t3257465 with the difference that he had a nexus 6 and solved it correcting the permissions of /persist partition and I dont have that partition.
Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks.
You need to provide more info if you want help.
For one, a device model would be good.
For the other, the ROM you were running at the time of the incident. Also, any modifications that have been done to with or any unusual happening prior to the problem.
GDReaper said:
You need to provide more info if you want help.
For one, a device model would be good.
For the other, the ROM you were running at the time of the incident. Also, any modifications that have been done to with or any unusual happening prior to the problem.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry, the device model was on the title, but my bad for not giving more details.
Device: S4 I9500
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It started to happen I think that on gearcm lollipop version, I flashed through ODIN stock, tried other ROMs, other kernels, everything is the same, the weird thing is that I read that the module failing is a common thing on my phone, but when it fails bluetooth does not work as they are in the same module, and in my case bluetooth is not working
So, I've tried "svc wifi disable" and "svc wifi enable" with no change in behavior. Taking a deeper peek, I ran "dumpsys wifi" right after attempting to toggle wifi on, and this is what it returns:
:/ # dumpsys wifi
Wi-Fi is [invalid state]
Stay-awake conditions: 0
mMulticastEnabled 0
mMulticastDisabled 0
mInIdleMode false
mScanPending false
total records=18
rec[0]: time=08-05 12:05:13.663 processed=StaDisabledWithScanState org=StaDisabledWithScanState dest=<null> what=155656(0x26008)
rec[1]: time=08-05 12:05:14.168 processed=StaDisabledWithScanState org=StaDisabledWithScanState dest=<null> what=155659(0x2600b)
rec[2]: time=08-05 12:05:14.168 processed=StaDisabledWithScanState org=StaDisabledWithScanState dest=DeviceActiveState what=155656(0x26008)
rec[3]: time=08-05 12:05:16.766 processed=StaEnabledState org=DeviceActiveState dest=StaDisabledWithScanState what=155656(0x26008)
rec[4]: time=08-05 12:05:17.215 processed=StaDisabledWithScanState org=StaDisabledWithScanState dest=<null> what=155656(0x26008)
rec[5]: time=08-05 12:05:17.797 processed=DefaultState org=StaDisabledWithScanState dest=<null> what=155652(0x26004)
rec[6]: time=08-05 12:05:17.906 processed=DefaultState org=StaDisabledWithScanState dest=<null> what=155652(0x26004)
rec[7]: time=08-05 12:05:22.727 processed=DefaultState org=StaDisabledWithScanState dest=<null> what=155652(0x26004)
rec[8]: time=08-05 12:05:30.449 processed=DefaultState org=StaDisabledWithScanState dest=<null> what=155654(0x26006)
rec[9]: time=08-05 12:05:33.107 processed=DefaultState org=StaDisabledWithScanState dest=<null> what=155650(0x26002)
rec[10]: time=08-05 12:05:33.195 processed=DefaultState org=StaDisabledWithScanState dest=<null> what=155651(0x26003)
rec[11]: time=08-05 12:05:34.926 processed=StaDisabledWithScanState org=StaDisabledWithScanState dest=<null> what=155656(0x26008)
rec[12]: time=08-05 12:05:42.914 processed=DefaultState org=StaDisabledWithScanState dest=<null> what=155650(0x26002)
rec[13]: time=08-05 12:05:44.404 processed=DefaultState org=StaDisabledWithScanState dest=<null> what=155660(0x2600c)
rec[14]: time=08-05 12:05:47.703 processed=DefaultState org=StaDisabledWithScanState dest=<null> what=155654(0x26006)
rec[15]: time=08-05 12:05:57.821 processed=StaDisabledWithScanState org=StaDisabledWithScanState dest=DeviceActiveState what=155656(0x26008)
rec[16]: time=08-05 12:05:57.933 processed=StaEnabledState org=DeviceActiveState dest=StaDisabledWithScanState what=155656(0x26008)
rec[17]: time=08-05 12:05:58.042 processed=StaDisabledWithScanState org=StaDisabledWithScanState dest=<null> what=155656(0x26008)
mScreenOff false
mDeviceIdle false
mPluggedType 0
mIdleMillis 900000
mSleepPolicy 2
mPersistWifiState 0
mAirplaneModeOn false
mNotificationEnabled true
mNotificationRepeatTime 0
mNotificationShown false
mNumScansSinceNetworkStateChange 0
mEnableTrafficStatsPoll false
mTrafficStatsPollToken 0
mTxPkts 0
mRxPkts 0
mDataActivity 0
Latest scan results:
Locks acquired: 0 full, 0 full high perf, 1 scan
Locks released: 0 full, 0 full high perf, 1 scan
Locks held:
Multicast Locks held:
total records=0
mWifiInfo: [null]
mLinkProperties: [null]
mCurrentSignalLevel: [0]
mPoorNetworkDetectionEnabled: [false]
total records=43
rec[0]: time=08-05 12:05:13.440 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131154(0x20052) CMD_ENABLE_RSSI_POLL rt=53135/53135 1 0
rec[1]: time=08-05 12:05:13.440 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=69632(0x11000) AsyncChannel.CMD_CHANNEL_HALF_CONNECTED rt=53136/53136 0 0
rec[2]: time=08-05 12:05:13.770 processed=InitialState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131083(0x2000b) CMD_START_SUPPLICANT rt=53465/53465 0 0
rec[3]: time=08-05 12:05:13.770 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131144(0x20048) (-5)CMD_SET_OPERATIONAL_MODE rt=53465/53465 3 0
rec[4]: time=08-05 12:05:13.770 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131085(0x2000d) (-5)CMD_START_DRIVER rt=53465/53465 0 0
rec[5]: time=08-05 12:05:15.598 processed=InitialState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131083(0x2000b) CMD_START_SUPPLICANT rt=55294/55294 0 0
rec[6]: time=08-05 12:05:15.599 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131144(0x20048) (-5)CMD_SET_OPERATIONAL_MODE rt=55294/55294 1 0
rec[7]: time=08-05 12:05:15.599 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131085(0x2000d) (-5)CMD_START_DRIVER rt=55294/55294 0 0
rec[8]: time=08-05 12:05:15.599 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131149(0x2004d) CMD_SET_HIGH_PERF_MODE rt=55294/55294 0 0
rec[9]: time=08-05 12:05:29.816 processed=InitialState org=InitialState dest=SupplicantStartingState what=131083(0x2000b) CMD_START_SUPPLICANT rt=71624/71624 0 0
rec[10]: time=08-05 12:05:29.816 processed=SupplicantStartingState org=SupplicantStartingState dest=<null> what=131144(0x20048) (-4)CMD_SET_OPERATIONAL_MODE rt=71624/71624 3 0
rec[11]: time=08-05 12:05:29.816 processed=SupplicantStartingState org=SupplicantStartingState dest=<null> what=131085(0x2000d) (-4)CMD_START_DRIVER rt=71624/71624 0 0
rec[12]: time=08-05 12:05:29.816 processed=SupplicantStartingState org=SupplicantStartingState dest=<null> what=131152(0x20050) (-4)CMD_SET_COUNTRY_CODE rt=71624/71624 1 1 ar
rec[13]: time=08-05 12:05:29.817 processed=DefaultState org=SupplicantStartingState dest=<null> what=131133(0x2003d) CMD_GET_SUPPORTED_FEATURES uid=10012 rt=71624/71624 0 0
rec[14]: time=08-05 12:05:29.817 processed=DefaultState org=SupplicantStartingState dest=<null> what=131206(0x20086) CMD_BOOT_COMPLETED rt=71625/71625 0 0
rec[15]: time=08-05 12:05:29.818 processed=SupplicantStartingState org=SupplicantStartingState dest=InitialState what=147458(0x24002) SUP_DISCONNECTION_EVENT rt=71625/71625 0 0
rec[16]: time=08-05 12:05:30.018 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131144(0x20048) (-5)CMD_SET_OPERATIONAL_MODE rt=71826/71826 3 0
rec[17]: time=08-05 12:05:30.019 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131085(0x2000d) (-5)CMD_START_DRIVER rt=71826/71826 0 0
rec[18]: time=08-05 12:05:30.019 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131152(0x20050) CMD_SET_COUNTRY_CODE rt=71826/71826 1 1 ar
rec[19]: time=08-05 12:05:30.383 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131133(0x2003d) CMD_GET_SUPPORTED_FEATURES uid=10012 rt=72191/72191 0 0
rec[20]: time=08-05 12:05:30.457 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131143(0x20047) (-5)CMD_START_SCAN rt=72264/72264 10012 0 ic=0 proc(ms):0 cnt=0 rssi=-127 f=-1 sc=0 link=-1 tx=0.0, 0.0, 0.0 rx=0.0 fiv=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:1530715225] from screen [on:0 period:1530715225]
rec[21]: time=08-05 12:05:33.104 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131167(0x2005f) !CMD_SCREEN_STATE_CHANGED rt=74912/74912 1 0
rec[22]: time=08-05 12:05:33.105 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131154(0x20052) !CMD_ENABLE_RSSI_POLL rt=74912/74912 1 0
rec[23]: time=08-05 12:05:33.105 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131127(0x20037) !(-5)CMD_ENABLE_ALL_NETWORKS rt=74912/74912 0 0
rec[24]: time=08-05 12:05:33.105 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131158(0x20056) !CMD_SET_SUSPEND_OPT_ENABLED rt=74912/74912 0 0
rec[25]: time=08-05 12:05:33.105 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131129(0x20039) !(-5)CMD_CLEAR_BLACKLIST rt=74912/74912 0 0
rec[26]: time=08-05 12:05:33.193 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131167(0x2005f) CMD_SCREEN_STATE_CHANGED rt=75000/75000 0 0
rec[27]: time=08-05 12:05:33.193 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131154(0x20052) CMD_ENABLE_RSSI_POLL rt=75000/75000 0 0
rec[28]: time=08-05 12:05:33.193 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131158(0x20056) CMD_SET_SUSPEND_OPT_ENABLED rt=75001/75001 1 0
rec[29]: time=08-05 12:05:34.926 processed=InitialState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131083(0x2000b) CMD_START_SUPPLICANT rt=76734/76734 0 0
rec[30]: time=08-05 12:05:42.908 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131167(0x2005f) !CMD_SCREEN_STATE_CHANGED rt=84716/84716 1 0
rec[31]: time=08-05 12:05:42.908 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131154(0x20052) !CMD_ENABLE_RSSI_POLL rt=84716/84716 1 0
rec[32]: time=08-05 12:05:42.909 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131127(0x20037) !(-5)CMD_ENABLE_ALL_NETWORKS rt=84716/84716 0 0
rec[33]: time=08-05 12:05:42.909 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131158(0x20056) !CMD_SET_SUSPEND_OPT_ENABLED rt=84716/84716 0 0
rec[34]: time=08-05 12:05:42.909 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131129(0x20039) !(-5)CMD_CLEAR_BLACKLIST rt=84716/84716 0 0
rec[35]: time=08-05 12:05:53.307 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131143(0x20047) !(-5)CMD_START_SCAN rt=95114/95114 10012 1 ic=0 proc(ms):1 cnt=3 rssi=-127 f=-1 sc=0 link=-1 tx=0.0, 0.0, 0.0 rx=0.0 fiv=20000 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:22850] from screen [on:0 period:1530738075]
rec[36]: time=08-05 12:05:57.928 processed=InitialState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131083(0x2000b) !CMD_START_SUPPLICANT rt=99736/99736 0 0
rec[37]: time=08-05 12:05:57.928 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131144(0x20048) !(-5)CMD_SET_OPERATIONAL_MODE rt=99736/99736 1 0
rec[38]: time=08-05 12:05:57.928 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131085(0x2000d) !(-5)CMD_START_DRIVER rt=99736/99736 0 0
rec[39]: time=08-05 12:05:57.928 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131149(0x2004d) !CMD_SET_HIGH_PERF_MODE rt=99736/99736 0 0
rec[40]: time=08-05 12:05:58.041 processed=InitialState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131083(0x2000b) !CMD_START_SUPPLICANT rt=99849/99849 0 0
rec[41]: time=08-05 12:05:58.041 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131144(0x20048) !(-5)CMD_SET_OPERATIONAL_MODE rt=99849/99849 3 0
rec[42]: time=08-05 12:05:58.041 processed=DefaultState org=InitialState dest=<null> what=131085(0x2000d) !(-5)CMD_START_DRIVER rt=99849/99849 0 0
total records=0
mAuthenticationFailuresCount 0
mAuthFailureInSupplicantBroadcast false
mNetworksDisabledDuringConnect false
mLinkProperties {LinkAddresses: [] Routes: [] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0}
mWifiInfo SSID: <unknown ssid>, BSSID: <none>, MAC: 02:00:00:00:00:00, Supplicant state: UNINITIALIZED, RSSI: -127, Link speed: -1Mbps, Frequency: -1MHz, Net ID: -1, Metered hint: false, score: 0
mDhcpResults null
mNetworkInfo [type: WIFI[], state: UNKNOWN/IDLE, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: false]
mLastSignalLevel -1
mLastBssid null
mLastNetworkId -1
mOperationalMode 1
mUserWantsSuspendOpt true
mSuspendOptNeedsDisabled 4
Supplicant status null
mLegacyPnoEnabled false
mDriverSetCountryCode null
mConnectedModeGScanOffloadStarted false
mGScanPeriodMilli 0
mConnectionRequests 1
mUntrustedReqCount 0
Dump of WifiConfigStore
mLastPriority -1
Configured networks
WifiConfigStore - Log Begin ----
08-05 12:05:13.668 - startHal stack: - startHal - processMessage - processMsg - handleMessage - dispatchMessage - loop
08-05 12:05:15.497 - startHal stack: - startHal - processMessage - processMsg - handleMessage - dispatchMessage - loop
08-05 12:05:16.780 - startHal stack: - startHal - processMessage - processMsg - handleMessage - dispatchMessage - loop
08-05 12:05:16.893 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:24.888 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:24.988 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:25.089 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:25.189 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:25.290 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:25.390 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:25.491 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:25.591 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:25.692 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:25.793 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:25.893 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:25.994 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:26.094 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:26.195 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:26.295 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:26.396 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:26.496 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:26.596 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:26.697 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:26.797 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:26.898 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:26.998 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:27.099 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:27.199 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:27.300 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:27.400 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:27.501 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:27.601 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:27.702 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:27.802 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:27.903 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:28.003 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:28.104 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:28.204 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:28.305 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:28.406 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:28.506 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:28.606 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:28.707 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:28.809 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:28.909 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:29.010 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:29.110 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:29.212 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:29.314 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:29.414 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:29.514 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:29.615 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:29.715 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:29.816 - p2p0: connectToSupplicant
08-05 12:05:33.104 - wlan0: 0:IFNAME=wlan0 SET pno 0 -> false
08-05 12:05:33.192 - wlan0: 1:IFNAME=wlan0 SET pno 0 -> false
08-05 12:05:34.824 - startHal stack: - startHal - processMessage - processMsg - handleMessage - dispatchMessage - loop
08-05 12:05:42.908 - wlan0: 2:IFNAME=wlan0 SET pno 0 -> false
08-05 12:05:57.826 - startHal stack: - startHal - processMessage - processMsg - handleMessage - dispatchMessage - loop
08-05 12:05:57.939 - startHal stack: - startHal - processMessage - processMsg - handleMessage - dispatchMessage - loop
WifiConfigStore - Log End ----
*** firmware logging disabled, no debug data ****
set config_wifi_enable_wifi_firmware_debugging to enable
[email protected]:/ #
In there, I see repeated attempts that the wifi service makes to start the supplicant and the driver. These are followed right away with disconnection events from the supplicant - that is to say - the supplicant never starts. And I can't be sure about the driver either. This seems to be confirmed by this line near the end, where we can see the false null mac that the service reports to the system, and the Supplicant state of "UNINITIALIZED".
mWifiInfo SSID: <unknown ssid>, BSSID: <none>, MAC: 02:00:00:00:00:00, Supplicant state: UNINITIALIZED, RSSI: -127, Link speed: -1Mbps, Frequency: -1MHz, Net ID: -1, Metered hint: false, score: 0
Enviado desde mi GT-I9500 mediante Tapatalk
So nobody can help?
fedex-bermu said:
So nobody can help?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Probably it's a corrupted EFS partition, so won't make difference flashing tons of roms and kernels.

Lineage OS killed WiFi, reverting to stock did not fix it

Hello, I hope you can help me as I am pretty desperate right now.
I recently upgraded from Cyanogenmod 13 (snapshot) to Lineage OS (nightly) with factory reset, almost everything seemed to work (except that the wifi didn't want to connect to one of my home WiFi APs (it connected, then after about 30s disconnected again), the other APs worked fine).
I used it for a week or two, then all of a sudden, I couldn't connect to the other APs and the day later I couldn't even turn on WiFi anymore.
Simply, I thought and restored the CM13 backup through TWRP (again, with factory reset in between), but to no avail, WiFi still didn't want to turn on. Weird.
So I restored a backup I had of the modem, boot and recovery portions in TWRP. Great, now it won't boot or go into recovery anymore (stuck at first LG Logo).
Okay then, I'll revert back to stock lollipop with the LG FlashTool (I used the same .kdz file I used before for unbricking, "D80230d_00.kdz")
(Also I forgot to backup the internal storage when I had the time... Major d'oh, everything gone :c )
But, even in stock Lollipop, the WiFi still doesn't want to turn on... Slowly I'm suspecting a hardware fault. :/
Currently I'm trying to recover the data I accidentally wiped, but in the meantime it would be really great if someone can push me into the right direction as why the WiFi doesn't seem to work on any OS whatsoever
I would be really happy for every small tip.
PS: If it's any help, Bluetooth does seem to work on the stock firmware
If you need any more information, let me know.
Here is the logcat whilst trying to turn on WiFi in stock lollipop:
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiMonitor( 957): startMonitoring(wlan0) failed! dont remove iface name
E/WifiStateMachine( 957): Failed to setup control channel, restart supplicant
V/sensors_hal_Accel( 957): processReportInd: X: 0.034088 Y: -0.021072 Z: 9.879715
D/sensors_hal_Ctx( 957): pollolldata:1, sensor:0, type:1, x:0.034088 y:-0.021072 z:9.879715
V/sensors_hal_Accel( 957): processReportInd: X: 0.029999 Y: -0.007675 Z: 9.890015
D/sensors_hal_Ctx( 957): pollolldata:1, sensor:0, type:1, x:0.029999 y:-0.007675 z:9.890015
I/LGFTMITEM( 957): [GET_FTM][id=6], offset=12288
E/WifiHW ( 957): Wifi MAC Address = f8:a9:d0:1c:99:75
E/WifiHW ( 957): wifi_check_config compare "cur_etheraddr=f8:a9:d0:1c:99:75
E/WifiHW ( 957): ": cur_etheraddr=f8:a9:d0:1c:99:75
D/SoftapController( 332): Softap fwReload - Ok
D/libc-netbsd( 957): [getaddrinfo]: hostname=xxxxx; servname=(null); cache_mode=(null), netid=0; mark=0
D/libc-netbsd( 957): [getaddrinfo]: ai_addrlen=0; ai_canonname=xxxxx; ai_flags=4; ai_family=0
D/CommandListener( 332): Setting iface cfg
D/CommandListener( 332): Trying to bring down wlan0
D/CommandListener( 332): Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
E/WifiHW ( 957): Cannot open "/system/etc/wifi/autojoinconfig.txt": No such file or directory
D/WifiMonitor( 957): startMonitoring(wlan0) with mConnected = false
E/WifiHW ( 957): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "@android:wpa_wlan0": No such file or directory
I/wpa_supplicant( 7897): Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
I/wpa_supplicant( 7897): rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
I/wpa_supplicant( 7897): [LGE_PATCH] unset P2P_CAPABLE to ifname wlan0
E/wpa_supplicant( 7897): Could not set interface wlan0 flags (UP): Operation not permitted
E/wpa_supplicant( 7897): nl80211: Could not set interface 'wlan0' UP
E/wpa_supplicant( 7897): wlan0: Failed to initialize driver interface
V/sensors_hal_Accel( 957): processReportInd: X: 0.037750 Y: -0.019363 Z: 9.885452
D/sensors_hal_Ctx( 957): pollolldata:1, sensor:0, type:1, x:0.037750 y:-0.019363 z:9.885452
V/sensors_hal_Accel( 957): processReportInd: X: 0.035797 Y: -0.020569 Z: 9.887833
D/sensors_hal_Ctx( 957): pollolldata:1, sensor:0, type:1, x:0.035797 y:-0.020569 z:9.887833
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiMonitor( 957): startMonitoring(wlan0) failed! dont remove iface name
E/WifiStateMachine( 957): Failed to setup control channel, restart supplicant
I/LGFTMITEM( 957): [GET_FTM][id=6], offset=12288
E/WifiHW ( 957): Wifi MAC Address = f8:a9:d0:1c:99:75
E/WifiHW ( 957): wifi_check_config compare "cur_etheraddr=f8:a9:d0:1c:99:75
E/WifiHW ( 957): ": cur_etheraddr=f8:a9:d0:1c:99:75
D/SoftapController( 332): Softap fwReload - Ok
D/libc-netbsd( 957): [getaddrinfo]: hostname=xxxxx; servname=(null); cache_mode=(null), netid=0; mark=0
D/libc-netbsd( 957): [getaddrinfo]: ai_addrlen=0; ai_canonname=xxxxx; ai_flags=4; ai_family=0
D/CommandListener( 332): Setting iface cfg
D/CommandListener( 332): Trying to bring down wlan0
D/CommandListener( 332): Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
E/WifiHW ( 957): Cannot open "/system/etc/wifi/autojoinconfig.txt": No such file or directory
D/WifiMonitor( 957): startMonitoring(wlan0) with mConnected = false
E/WifiHW ( 957): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "@android:wpa_wlan0": No such file or directory
I/wpa_supplicant( 7900): Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
I/wpa_supplicant( 7900): rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
I/wpa_supplicant( 7900): [LGE_PATCH] unset P2P_CAPABLE to ifname wlan0
E/wpa_supplicant( 7900): Could not set interface wlan0 flags (UP): Operation not permitted
E/wpa_supplicant( 7900): nl80211: Could not set interface 'wlan0' UP
E/wpa_supplicant( 7900): wlan0: Failed to initialize driver interface
V/sensors_hal_Accel( 957): processReportInd: X: 0.029358 Y: -0.006927 Z: 9.896606
D/sensors_hal_Ctx( 957): pollolldata:1, sensor:0, type:1, x:0.029358 y:-0.006927 z:9.896606
V/sensors_hal_Accel( 957): processReportInd: X: 0.036652 Y: -0.019485 Z: 9.890305
D/sensors_hal_Ctx( 957): pollolldata:1, sensor:0, type:1, x:0.036652 y:-0.019485 z:9.890305
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
I/[SystemUI]LGPowerUI( 1491): onReceive = com.lge.android.intent.action.BATTERYEX
I/[SystemUI]LGPowerUI( 1491): levelEx = 42, plugTypeEx = 2, WirelessAlignment = 0, chargingCurrent = 0, orientation = PORTRAIT
I/[SystemUI]LGPowerUI( 1491): On Skip Timer : true
D/PowerService( 1843): isFastChargerType: false, isCharging: true, isFastChargerConnected: false
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
D/WifiController( 957): battery changed pluggedType: 2
D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1491): Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED status : 2 ,plugged : 2 ,level : 42 ,temperature : 321
I/[SystemUI]LGPowerUI( 1491): onReceive = android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
I/[SystemUI]LGPowerUI( 1491): level = 42, plugType = 2, plugged = true, mCharging = true, temperature = 371
D/LEDHandler( 1843): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : plugged type=2
D/LEDHandler( 1843): Battery Level Remaining: 42%
D/LEDHandler( 1843): Battery Temp: 321, mChargingStatus=2, mChargingStop=false
I/[SystemUI]BatterySaverHandler( 1491): onReceive = android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 957): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
You can try to flash modems separately. Here's a list:
Now something really strange happened...
After I let the phone completely turned off over night and started it again this evening, WiFi seemed to be working just fine in stock (didn't try to connect, but I could turn it off and on and also see the list of APs.)
Then I quickly flashed CM13 including KK Baseband, CAF Bootstack and Gapps, then in the Setup of CM13 the WiFi wasn't working all of a sudden :/
After a reboot, WiFi Networks were found, but if I tried to connect to one, it just said "save" and nothing else happened.
Here is the logcat:
12-31 13:01:34.865 809 1096 D WifiStateMachine: CONNECT_NETWORK updating existing config with id=0 configKey="sNet"-WPA_PSK
12-31 13:01:34.895 809 1096 D WifiStateMachine: CONNECT_NETWORK id=0 config="sNet" cnid=0 supstate=DisconnectedState my state DisconnectedState uid = 1000
12-31 13:01:34.895 809 1096 E WifiConfigStore: saveWifiConfigBSSID Setting BSSID for "sNet"-WPA_PSK to any
12-31 13:01:34.900 809 1096 E WifiConfigStore: saveWifiConfigBSSID Setting BSSID for "sNet"-WPA_PSK to any
12-31 13:01:34.904 809 1096 D WifiAutoJoinController : updateConfigurationHistory found 0 networks
12-31 13:01:34.904 809 1096 D WifiAutoJoinController : updateConfigurationHistory try to connect to an old network!! : "sNet"-WPA_PSK
12-31 13:01:34.904 809 1096 E WifiConfigStore: rewrite network history for "sNet"-WPA_PSK
12-31 13:01:34.906 809 1096 E WifiConfigStore: buildPnoList sortedWifiConfigurations size 1
12-31 13:01:34.906 809 1096 E WifiConfigStore: found sortedWifiConfigurations : "sNet"-WPA_PSK
12-31 13:01:34.911 1688 1688 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-FAILED ret=-5 retry=1
12-31 13:01:34.912 809 1096 D WifiConfigStore: Retrieve network priorities after PNO.
12-31 13:01:35.914 1688 1688 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-FAILED ret=-5 retry=1
12-31 13:01:36.916 1688 1688 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-FAILED ret=-5 retry=1
12-31 13:01:37.918 1688 1688 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-FAILED ret=-5 retry=1
12-31 13:01:38.001 256 996 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: enter: stream (0xb5ff6fc0) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
12-31 13:01:38.042 256 996 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
12-31 13:01:38.601 809 1646 I ActivityManager: Killing 1650:com.android.printspooler/u0a66 (adj 15): empty #17
12-31 13:01:38.620 809 1639 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 1650
12-31 13:01:38.921 1688 1688 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-FAILED ret=-5 retry=1
12-31 13:01:39.925 1688 1688 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-FAILED ret=-5 retry=1
12-31 13:01:40.928 1688 1688 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-FAILED ret=-5 retry=1
12-31 13:01:41.447 809 1029 V sensors_hal_Accel: processReportInd: X: 0.070801 Y: 0.008530 Z: 9.871460
12-31 13:01:41.447 809 1068 D sensors_hal_Ctx: pollolldata:1, sensor:0, type:1, x:0.070801 y:0.008530 z:9.871460
12-31 13:01:41.521 809 1029 V sensors_hal_Accel: processReportInd: X: 0.078583 Y: -0.003265 Z: 9.866501
12-31 13:01:41.521 809 1068 D sensors_hal_Ctx: pollolldata:1, sensor:0, type:1, x:0.078583 y:-0.003265 z:9.866501
12-31 13:01:41.931 1688 1688 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-FAILED ret=-5 retry=1
12-31 13:01:42.934 1688 1688 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-FAILED ret=-5 retry=1
12-31 13:01:43.937 1688 1688 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-FAILED ret=-5 retry=1
12-31 13:01:44.941 1688 1688 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-FAILED ret=-5 retry=1
12-31 13:01:45.807 250 250 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_connect_cb: clnt_h=0x6 conn_h=0xb6c8a030
12-31 13:01:45.807 250 250 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_rw_iovec_cb: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1: req_h=0xa msg_id=3: R/W request received
12-31 13:01:45.807 250 250 I rmt_storage: wakelock acquired: 1, error no: 42
12-31 13:01:45.807 250 475 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1 Unblock worker thread (th_id: -1228670672)
12-31 13:01:45.913 809 1096 D WifiConfigStore: Retrieve network priorities after PNO.
12-31 13:01:45.917 1688 1688 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-FAILED ret=-5
12-31 13:01:45.921 809 1096 D WifiConfigStore: Retrieve network priorities after PNO.
12-31 13:01:45.923 1688 1688 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-FAILED ret=-5
Jan Philipp said:
You can try to flash modems separately. Here's a list:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, I could do that (in fact, i tried it), but as far as i know, the kdz flashing method should install the stock modem file and thus be the best method of installing it in my opinion.
Here i am in your same condition... sorry for necroposting tho, any advice?
Same here...

