Wifi not working on CM 7 - GT540 Optimus General

I know many people have this problem. But after I installed Swiftdroid 2.0 I was thinking of how smooth this works compared to stock 1.6
Then I ran into a wall. The wifi just refuses to connect. Its just a loop that goes:
(i think it does connect but then)
Scanning.. and start all over.
Now, as I was gathering some information I ran into an app named "wifi fixer" which i didnt have much hope in the app in fixing my problem. But this did help. Im sure now its an Authenticating error (yay for me probably sucking at spelling that)
After the app attempts to fix it just notifies me with "Authenticating error" and tries to fix the wifi by turning it on and off.
Does any one have ANY suggestions i could try? I did google this and go pretty much everywhere. I really would be sad if i would have to give up 2.3.7 because its so damn good. I haven't actually tried to do anything which leads to another problem. BEFORE I flashed CM 7 i did a few tests. One of them was Neocore (app found in market) by Qualcomm (LG has a qualcomm processor)
BUT as i opened the .apk and installed it when i tried to run it:
"Your device does not support qualcomm acelerated graphics" or something quite simillar to that. Before it worked fine. Suggestions? Is this a problem with the app compaitibilty with this krenel or something or is it an actual problem which will cause more trouble with other apps?
ty if you will attempt to help me

did you try it with airplane mode on/off? sometimes that helps

Yep. But no results
I also tried other google cures such as renaming wpa_supplicant.conf to .old

mihaiul said:
Yep. But no results
I also tried other google cures such as renaming wpa_supplicant.conf to .old
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Maybe changing permission of the 'wpa_supplicant.conf' file?
Type in Terminal Emulator (Can be found in the App Drawer):
Then press enter. There will be a Superuser request, press 'Allow'.
Then type in:
chmod 777 /data/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
Restart your phone and try again.

jhonnyx1000 said:
Maybe changing permission of the 'wpa_supplicant.conf' file?
Type in Terminal Emulator (Can be found in the App Drawer):
Then press enter. There will be a Superuser request, press 'Allow'.
Then type in:
chmod 777 /data/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
Restart your phone and try again.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
just pointing out that for me (or at least on my version of cm 7)its /system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
anyway that did not work
Still disconnected after authenticating

what is Logcat telling you? It should be like this:
19:43:20.285 Debug com.evernote.provider.x 27466 wait over canceled=false #############
19:43:20.286 Debug com.evernote.provider.x 27466 run() end
19:43:20.775 Debug dalvikvm 27807 GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 237K, 47% free 3138K/5895K, external 496K/514K, paused 125ms
19:43:20.936 Info TelephonyRegistry 1391 notifyServiceState: 0 home Vodafone.de Vodafone 26202 UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false
19:43:20.988 Info TelephonyRegistry 1391 notifyDataConnection: state=2 isDataConnectivityPossible=true reason=null interfaceName=rmnet0 networkType=3
19:43:21.035 Debug dalvikvm 1391 GC_CONCURRENT freed 1750K, 43% free 6375K/11015K, external 2251K/2808K, paused 6ms+24ms
19:43:21.165 Info ActivityManager 1391 Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.wifi.WifiSettings } from pid 27807
19:43:21.625 Info ActivityManager 1391 Displayed com.android.settings/.wifi.WifiSettings: +426ms
19:43:31.070 Debug Tethering 1391 wlan0 is not a tetherable iface, ignoring
19:43:33.262 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=2
19:43:33.274 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=2]
19:43:33.274 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS Ready
19:43:33.382 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:33.445 Verbose WifiStateTracker 1391 Connection to supplicant established, state=SCANNING
19:43:33.446 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:33.448 Verbose WifiStateTracker 1391 Changing supplicant state: SCANNING ==> SCANNING
19:43:33.560 Info System.out 1512 [INFO:214279787]: LogSource: Running flush
19:43:33.560 Info System.out 1512 [INFO:214279795]: LogSource: Sending payload [bytes=901]
19:43:33.650 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:33.731 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:33.866 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS Ready
19:43:33.867 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 Trying to associate with xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (SSID='<SSID>' freq=2442 MHz)
19:43:33.867 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=3
19:43:33.917 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [Trying to associate with xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (SSID='<SSID>' freq=2442 MHz)]
19:43:33.918 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=3]
19:43:33.918 Verbose WifiStateTracker 1391 Changing supplicant state: SCANNING ==> ASSOCIATING
19:43:33.919 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:34.000 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:34.162 Debug dalvikvm 27807 GC_CONCURRENT freed 335K, 48% free 3133K/5959K, external 565K/923K, paused 5ms+16ms
19:43:34.434 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=4
19:43:34.435 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=4]
19:43:34.435 Verbose WifiStateTracker 1391 Changing supplicant state: ASSOCIATING ==> ASSOCIATED
19:43:34.449 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 Associated with xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
19:43:34.501 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [Associated with xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx]
19:43:34.502 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=5
19:43:34.502 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=5]
19:43:34.503 Verbose WifiStateTracker 1391 Changing supplicant state: ASSOCIATED ==> FOUR_WAY_HANDSHAKE
19:43:34.503 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=5
19:43:34.504 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=5]
19:43:34.504 Verbose WifiStateTracker 1391 Changing supplicant state: FOUR_WAY_HANDSHAKE ==> FOUR_WAY_HANDSHAKE
19:43:34.505 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=6
19:43:34.505 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=6]
19:43:34.506 Verbose WifiStateTracker 1391 Changing supplicant state: FOUR_WAY_HANDSHAKE ==> GROUP_HANDSHAKE
19:43:34.506 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 WPA: Key negotiation completed withxx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx [PTK=CCMP GTK=TKIP]
19:43:34.507 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [WPA: Key negotiation completed with xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx [PTK=CCMP GTK=TKIP]]
19:43:34.507 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=7
19:43:34.507 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=7]
19:43:34.507 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx completed (auth) [id=0 id_str=]
19:43:34.508 Verbose WifiMonitor 1391 Event [CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx completed (auth) [id=0 id_str=]]
19:43:34.508 Verbose WifiStateTracker 1391 Changing supplicant state: GROUP_HANDSHAKE ==> COMPLETED
19:43:34.508 Verbose WifiStateTracker 1391 New network state is CONNECTED
19:43:34.553 Debug WifiStateTracker 1391 DHCP request started
19:43:35.253 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS Ready
19:43:35.268 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:35.385 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:35.643 Info TelephonyRegistry 1391 notifyServiceState: 0 home Vodafone.de Vodafone 26202 HSDPA CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false
19:43:35.699 Warning NetworkStateTracker 1391 net.tcp.buffersize.hsdpa not found in system properties. Using defaults
19:43:35.700 Info TelephonyRegistry 1391 notifyDataConnection: state=2 isDataConnectivityPossible=true reason=null interfaceName=rmnet0 networkType=8
19:43:36.583 Debug dalvikvm 1512 GC_CONCURRENT freed 489K, 44% free 4191K/7431K, external 0K/512K, paused 16ms+8ms
19:43:37.093 Info System.out 1512 [INFO:214283385]: LogSource: Response [http=200,length=126]
19:43:37.104 Info System.out 1512 [INFO:214283387]: LogSource: Read id 688, status code 200
19:43:37.148 Info System.out 1512 [INFO:214283429]: LogSource: Read id 687, status code 200
19:43:37.149 Warning LocationMasfClient 1512 uploadCollectionReport(): no ReplyElement
19:43:37.149 Debug libloc 1391 Inject coarse position Lat=49.20, Lon=8.14, Acc=2561.00
19:43:37.200 Debug libloc 1391 loc_eng_ioctl called: client = 0, ioctl_type = RPC_LOC_IOCTL_INJECT_POSITION
19:43:37.200 Debug libloc 1391 loc_eng_ioctl result: client = 0, ioctl_type = RPC_LOC_IOCTL_INJECT_POSITION, RPC_LOC_API_SUCCESS
19:43:37.201 Debug libloc 1391 loc_event_cb, client = 0, loc_event = 0x80 (IoReport)
19:43:37.201 Debug libloc 1391
19:43:37.202 Debug libloc 1391 Event RPC_LOC_EVENT_IOCTL_REPORT (client 0)
19:43:40.505 Debug WifiStateTracker 1391 DHCP succeeded with lease: 864000
19:43:40.565 Verbose WifiStateTracker 1391 IP configuration: ipaddr aaa.bbb.ccc.dd gateway aaa.bbb.ccc.d netmask dns aaa.bbb.ccc.d dns2 DHCP server aaa.bbb.ccc.d lease 864000 seconds
19:43:40.565 Debug GTalkService 1512 ##### Network broadcast (connected=true) type=WIFI, state=CONNECTED
19:43:40.612 Debug GTalkService 1512 [GTalkConnection.1] connectionClosed: connId=2142733, error=NO ERROR
19:43:40.613 Debug WifiWatchdogService 1391 (android.server.ServerThread) <SSID> (xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) does not require the watchdog
19:43:40.613 Debug Tethering 1391 MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
19:43:40.614 Info MediaUploader 27325 No need to wake up
19:43:40.664 Debug GTalkService 1512 [GTalkConnection.1] setInternalNetworkState: type=1, state=CONNECTED
19:43:40.665 Debug Smack 1512 [XMPPConn] close connection, notifyClosed=false
19:43:40.798 Debug CMStats 27335 CONNECTIVITY_ACTION: noConnectivity = false
19:43:40.972 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 NetworkReceiver: onConnectivityAction() connected
19:43:40.972 Warning Smack/Packet 1512 notify conn break (IOEx), close connection
19:43:40.973 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 AwakeIntentService: MetaService acquired wake lock
19:43:40.973 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 AwakeIntentService: MetaService acquired wifi lock
19:43:41.033 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 AwakeIntentService: MetaService released wifi lock
19:43:41.033 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 AwakeIntentService: MetaService released wake lock
19:43:41.106 Debug dalvikvm 27807 GC_CONCURRENT freed 436K, 49% free 3158K/6087K, external 518K/923K, paused 14ms+8ms
19:43:41.175 Info TelephonyRegistry 1391 notifyServiceState: 0 home Vodafone.de Vodafone 26202 UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false
19:43:41.227 Info TelephonyRegistry 1391 notifyDataConnection: state=2 isDataConnectivityPossible=true reason=null interfaceName=rmnet0 networkType=3
19:43:41.316 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS Ready
19:43:41.407 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:42.476 Info TelephonyRegistry 1391 notifyDataConnection: state=0 isDataConnectivityPossible=true reason=dataDisabled interfaceName=null networkType=3
19:43:42.538 Debug NetUtils 1391 failed to remove default route for rmnet0: No such process
19:43:42.538 Debug GTalkService 1512 ##### Network broadcast (connected=true) type=mobile, state=DISCONNECTED
19:43:42.538 Debug GTalkService 1512 [GTalkConnection.1] ### networkStateChanged: active and curr network type/state are the same(1/CONNECTED), ignore
19:43:42.546 Debug Tethering 1391 MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
19:43:42.598 Info MediaUploader 27325 No need to wake up
19:43:42.599 Debug Tethering 1391 MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
19:43:42.696 Debug GTalkService 1512 ##### Network broadcast (connected=true) type=WIFI, state=CONNECTED
19:43:42.696 Debug GTalkService 1512 [GTalkConnection.1] ### networkStateChanged: active and curr network type/state are the same(1/CONNECTED), ignore
19:43:42.697 Debug CMStats 27335 CONNECTIVITY_ACTION: noConnectivity = false
19:43:42.697 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 NetworkReceiver: onConnectivityAction() disconnecting/disconnected
19:43:42.698 Info MediaUploader 27325 No need to wake up
19:43:42.757 Debug dalvikvm 1482 GC_CONCURRENT freed 390K, 49% free 3207K/6279K, external 0K/0K, paused 5ms+12ms
19:43:42.758 Debug CMStats 27335 CONNECTIVITY_ACTION: noConnectivity = false
19:43:42.812 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 NetworkReceiver: onConnectivityAction() connected
19:43:42.813 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 AwakeIntentService: MetaService acquired wake lock
19:43:42.813 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 AwakeIntentService: MetaService acquired wifi lock
19:43:42.873 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 AwakeIntentService: MetaService released wifi lock
19:43:42.873 Info com.ubuntuone.u1f 27343 AwakeIntentService: MetaService released wake lock
19:43:43.127 Info TelephonyRegistry 1391 notifyServiceState: 0 home Vodafone.de Vodafone 26202 HSDPA CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false
19:43:43.192 Info TelephonyRegistry 1391 notifyDataConnection: state=0 isDataConnectivityPossible=true reason=null interfaceName=null networkType=8
19:43:44.529 Debug dalvikvm 1512 GC_CONCURRENT freed 434K, 44% free 4178K/7431K, external 0K/512K, paused 6ms+7ms
19:43:47.355 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS Ready
19:43:47.355 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:47.451 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
19:43:53.342 Info wpa_supplicant 28026 CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS Ready
19:43:53.359 Debug wifi 1391 wifi doCommand: ret=-1
For showing Logcat I use QtADB.

just reflash it all over again.

yeah something like that.
cant be bothered. in the end i might if nothing cures it


wifi on magic in donut

Hi i have compiled my own build of donut. Unfortunatelly i can't compile kernel, so i unpacked kernel from cyans 32A boot.img, but mi wifi is not working. When i click on activate wifi, everything seems ok, but scanning doesn't start and in Logcat i have this messages:
E/wpa_supplicant( 519): Set_key: Wrong Key
E/wpa_supplicant( 519): Set_key: Wrong Key
E/wpa_supplicant( 519): Set_key: Wrong Key
E/wpa_supplicant( 519): Set_key: Wrong Key
D/WifiService( 77): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED pluggedType: 2
I/wpa_supplicant( 519): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=2
W/wpa_supplicant( 519): Failed to initiate AP scan.
V/WifiMonitor( 77): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=2]
V/WifiStateTracker( 77): Connection to supplicant established, state=SCANNING
I/wpa_supplicant( 519): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=1
V/WifiMonitor( 77): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=1]
E/wpa_supplicant( 519): prepare_filter_struct: type=0
V/WifiStateTracker( 77): Changing supplicant state: SCANNING ==> SCANNING
V/WifiStateTracker( 77): Changing supplicant state: SCANNING ==> INACTIVE
D/dalvikvm( 275): GC freed 1605 objects / 88360 bytes in 86ms
I/wpa_supplicant( 519): CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING - signal 15 received
I/wpa_supplicant( 519): CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING - signal 0 received
V/WifiMonitor( 77): Event [CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING - signal 15 received]
V/WifiStateTracker( 77): Connection to supplicant lost
I/wpa_supplicant( 519): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=0
in wpa_supplicant.conf i have:
so please help, thanks

G1 Wifi problems

Hi every1 here, my G1's wifi seemed doesn't work properly
Here's the details:
At first, i've got a lot of Force close error, so i reboot my device and found that it stuck at the first splash screen. So i wiped ext3 and reflashed the same rom, but the problem persists.
Then i download the AOSP rom and flashed and successed. but the WiFi notified me "Couldn't enable wifi" while i'm trying to enable it.
I though it maybe the permission problem of wpa_applicant.conf, and i managed to fix that, but no go.
I then tried to flash the "signed-dream_devphone_userdebug-ota-14721", and then the ROM. At this time, the WiFi could be enabled, but after it running for a while, it stuck right there(the icon showed that you're connected, but the fact is not), so i tried to disable the WiFi, and met this "Couldn't disable WiFi".
That's so weird.
And i also found that if i unplugged my TF card, this problem is gone.
But if i replugged in my TF card, no matter repartitioned or wiped, the problem shows again.
And if the TF card is FAT32 partition only, there won't be this problem...
Thank u for reading this.
And, is there any1 could help me ?
THanx in advance!
g1 wifi not working....
I HAVE kind of a similar problem
i have a TP-LINK wireless router and ive tried connecting to it through my device.
it connects perfectly and it worked once i dont know how after trying for like a million times but once i disconnected it didnt after that
i read somewhere for link sys that by changing the wep key to wpa tpik or something like that
it still doesnt work
im hopeless, every gadget of mine works with the same TP link router
my psp worked my iphone does even my notebook
just that my G1 isnt working at all
it even gets an ip and an excellent signal strenght but the internet doesnt seem to work
Can anyone please HELP..........
Try different channels.
located in G1's Wireless Option, then press menu, advanced.
U should change the channels of your Router at the same time.
omzi said:
I HAVE kind of a similar problem
i have a TP-LINK wireless router and ive tried connecting to it through my device.
it connects perfectly and it worked once i dont know how after trying for like a million times but once i disconnected it didnt after that
i read somewhere for link sys that by changing the wep key to wpa tpik or something like that
it still doesnt work
im hopeless, every gadget of mine works with the same TP link router
my psp worked my iphone does even my notebook
just that my G1 isnt working at all
it even gets an ip and an excellent signal strenght but the internet doesnt seem to work
Can anyone please HELP..........
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
My problem is something different .. because I can turn on / off the wifi, scan for networks, but I can not connect to none, my g1 this root, and has CM6 A2.2, however the wifi never could connect with no ROM version I installed, whether official or not, attached logcat output, which shows only the loop in which the connection is:
D / NetworkStateTracker (112): setDetailed state, new and old = state = DISCONNECTED DISCONNECTED
V / WifiMonitor (112): Event [Authentication with 00:16:46:48:19:80 timed out.]
V / WifiMonitor (112): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id = 2 state = 0]
V / WifiStateTracker (112): supplicant Changing state: ASSOCIATING ==> DISCONNECTED
V / WifiMonitor (112): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id =- 1 state = 2]
V / WifiStateTracker (112): supplicant Changing state: DISCONNECTED ==> SCANNING
V / WifiMonitor (112): Event [Trying to associate with 00:16:46:48:19:80 (SSID = 'SABRE' freq = 2447 MHz)]
V / WifiMonitor (112): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id =- 1 state = 3]
V / WifiStateTracker (112): supplicant Changing state: SCANNING ==> ASSOCIATING
D / WifiStateTracker (112): Reset DHCP connections and stopping
D / dalvikvm (1024): GC_EXPLICIT freed 251 objects / 13056 bytes in 112ms
D / WifiStateTracker (112): Disabling interface
D / NetworkStateTracker (112): setDetailed state, new and old = state = DISCONNECTED DISCONNECTED
D / dalvikvm (1024): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1317 objects / 71376 bytes in 73ms
V / WifiMonitor (112): Event [Authentication with 00:16:46:48:19:80 timed out.]
V / WifiMonitor (112): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id = 2 state = 0]
V / WifiStateTracker (112): supplicant Changing state: ASSOCIATING ==> DISCONNECTED
V / WifiMonitor (112): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id =- 1 state = 2]
V / WifiStateTracker (112): supplicant Changing state: DISCONNECTED ==> SCANNING
V / WifiMonitor (112): Event [Trying to associate with 00:16:46:48:19:80 (SSID = 'SABRE' freq = 2447 MHz)]
V / WifiMonitor (112): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id =- 1 state = 3]
V / WifiStateTracker (112): supplicant Changing state: SCANNING ==> ASSOCIATING
D / WifiStateTracker (112): Reset DHCP connections and stopping
D / WifiStateTracker (112): Disabling interface
D / NetworkStateTracker (112): setDetailed state, new and old = state = DISCONNECTED DISCONNECTED
<6> [1236.843536] TIWL: Driver loading
<4> [1236.844055] wifi_probe
<4> [1236.844482] trout_wifi_power: 1
<4> [1237.007781] trout_wifi_reset: 0
<4> [1237.049926] trout_wifi_set_carddetect: 1
<7> [1237.050384] mmc0: card_present 1
<6> [1237.050598] mmc0: Slot detected status change (0 -> 1)
<3> [1238.868743] audpp: DMA missed obj = 20
<6> [1239.218292] audio_disable ()
<6> [1239.218811] audio_dsp_event: CFG_MSG DISABLE
<6> [1239.219268] audpp: disable
<6> [1239.219726] msm_adsp_disable () 'AUDPPTASK'
<6> [1239.220581] audpp: DISABLE
<6> [1239.222137] ADSP: closing module AUDPPTASK
<6> [1239.222656] ADSP: disable interrupt
<6> [1239.224487] audmgr: rpc_reply status 0
<3> [1239.254974] audmgr: DISABLED
<6> [1239.255584] ------------------------------
<4> [1239.621002] mmc0: card CLAIMS to support voltages below-the defined range. These will be ignored.
<6> [1239.624725] mmc0: new SDIO card at address 0001
<6> [1239.630584] TIWL: Found SDIO controller (vendor 0x104c, device 0x9066)
<6> [1239.644622] TIWL: Driver initialized (rc 0)
<4> [1239.645355] TIWL: 1251 PG 1.2
<6> [1239.645599] TIWL: Driver loaded
<4> [1240.176574] select 1467 (d.process.media), adj 9, size 4151, to kill
<4> [1240.177032] send SIGKILL to 1467 (d.process.media), adj 9, 4151 size
<4> [1241.034210] select 1475 (d.apps.uploader), adj 8, size 4012, to kill
<4> [1241.034637] send SIGKILL to 1475 (d.apps.uploader), adj 8, 4012 size
<6> [1242.700683] audio_enable ()
<6> [1242.700927]
<6> [1242.708435] audmgr: rpc_reply status 0
<6> [1242.722320] audmgr: READY rpc handle = 0x00000000
<6> [1242.786254] audmgr: rpc CODEC_CONFIG volume = 0x00002000
<6> [1242.786560] audpp: enable
<6> [1242.786956] ADSP: opening module AUDPPTASK
<6> [1242.788299] ADSP: module AUDPPTASK Has Been Registered
<6> [1242.788604] msm_adsp_enable () 'AUDPPTASK'state [0] id [4]
<6> [1242.790008] ADSP: rpc event = 0, proc_id = 2 module = 4, image = 0
<6> [1242.790496] ADSP: module AUDPPTASK: READY
<6> [1242.791259] audpp: ENABLE
<6> [1242.791503] audio_dsp_event: CFG_MSG ENABLE
<4> [1242.791748] ADSP: waiting for DSP ready write
<6> [1242.793243] audpp: unhandled msg id ffff
<3> [1244.354705] audpp: DMA missed obj = 20
<3> [1244.410705] audpp: DMA missed obj = 20
<3> [1244.522705] audpp: DMA missed obj = 20
<3> [1244.826751] audpp: DMA missed obj = 20
<3> [1245.074768] audpp: DMA missed obj = 20
<3> [1245.514770] audpp: DMA missed obj = 20
<3> [1245.818756] audpp: DMA missed obj = 20
<6> [1245.838928] audio_disable ()
<6> [1245.839416] audio_dsp_event: CFG_MSG DISABLE
<6> [1245.840270] audpp: disable
<6> [1245.840881] msm_adsp_disable () 'AUDPPTASK'
<6> [1245.841369] audpp: DISABLE
<6> [1245.843536] ADSP: closing module AUDPPTASK
<6> [1245.844085] ADSP: disable interrupt
<6> [1245.845794] audmgr: rpc_reply status 0
<3> [1245.876342] audmgr: DISABLED
<6> [1245.876922] ------------------------------
Dear all,
is this the section of posting wifi problems,... because first there's nothing problems when i connected the wifi, then suddenly at the next hour when i tried to connect the wifi (my phone is G1 with latest room rooted) it auto disable after 7 seconds. when I change the setting for autodisable was never there's nothing change and it can't scan for a networks at all,...
Everything was fine,... tethering, bluetooth, etc... only the wifi can't connect to anywhere....
Latest things i do was installed the google maps
thanks for your help
Wifi Problem on G1
I dont know what went wrong with my phone as i brought a used G1 and it was working fine. I dont know whether its rooted or not but every thing was working fine but today.
I hard reseted my phone due to slow working. and i did install all the application which i was running before. My wifi was working fine as well ( I am using D-Link router ). I turn it off and after an hour or two i turn back it on. first it shows that turning on then it shows unable to start wifi.
I did reset my phone again but the same problem. after restarting phone first time it do take few minutes like its searching for signals but then it shows unable to start wifi.
I was also using wifi analyzer from android market.
Given below is detail to my G1.
If any one have any solution do email me i be really very great full.
Model number : T-Mobile G1
Firmware Version : 1.6
Baseband Version : 62.50SC.20.17H_2.22.23.02
Kernel Version : 2.6.29-00479-g3c7df37 [email protected]#19
Build number : DMD64
my email id is [email protected]
please do help as i dont know what is the problem.
you should use biffmod 2.0.1, it will solve your problem most probably
WiFI Problems
Hi Friends.
1) You can try with an OEM battery pack. (worked for me on one)
2) You can try with a different daugther board. (worked for me on anotherone)
Please let me know about your experience.

WiFi suddenly always searching, no ssids, nothing found

I intensively searched for my problem, but found always other non-related stuff.
Recently (last 1, 2 days) my WiFi didn't connect to any APs any more. I was using CN nightlies and franco kernel, so today I did update CN without franco. Afterwards I downgraded CN and did a radio update and now I tried the stock 4.2.2 image with the flash-all script, which also seemed to reflash my radio.
The default wifi dialog always displayed the saved wifis only. And after installing stock, the initial wifi dialog displayed "searching" only for a very long time. Sometimes I see some networks and I even managed to connect to mine, but it dropped immediately.
I know, this is very undetailed, but do you have any recommendations / logs to look out / smth which could point me in the right direction? Or is my hardware just broken?
logcat outputs this when turning wi-fi on (on stock 4.2.2, unrooted):
D/WifiService( 499): setWifiEnabled: true pid=1942, uid=1000
D/BluetoothAdapter( 1942): 1110956336: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
W/Netd ( 156): No subsystem found in netlink event
D/NetlinkEvent( 156): Unexpected netlink message. type=0x11
W/Netd ( 156): No subsystem found in netlink event
D/NetlinkEvent( 156): Unexpected netlink message. type=0x11
D/Tethering( 499): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 1, 0, 0
D/Tethering( 499): InitialState.processMessage what=4
D/Tethering( 499): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 0, 0, 0
D/SoftapController( 156): Softap fwReload - Ok
D/CommandListener( 156): Setting iface cfg
D/CommandListener( 156): Trying to bring down wlan0
E/NetdConnector( 499): NDC Command {219 softap fwreload wlan0 STA} took too long (739ms)
I/wpa_supplicant( 9715): Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
I/wpa_supplicant( 9715): rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
I/wpa_supplicant( 9715): rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
D/CommandListener( 156): Setting iface cfg
D/CommandListener( 156): Trying to bring up p2p0
D/BluetoothAdapter( 1942): 1110956336: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
when flashing stock (via the official google flash scripts), stock firmware files (qualcom, ..) are also flashed, right? or could I do something useful with the official google binaries?
Stupid post.... Ignore

HD-505 smart-tv wifi problem

i just got my smart-tv android stick
it's from arena scientific model named HD-505
it's RK3066-cortex-A9 and has SDK-ENG_4.1_HD505_20000101 and Kernel 3.0.8+
i'm not able to enable wifi, and tried allot of applications and the same problem
i also downloaded terminal emulator and tried
svc wifi enable
but i got killed and not working
tried to disable and then enable but not working
I need to know if any have a solution
and also if i can upgrade/reimage it and from where to go the firmware and how to do it
thx for you help
here is the output of logcat
I/Xposed ( 7263): -----------------
I/Xposed ( 7263): Added Xposed (/data/data/de.robv.android.xposed.installer/bin/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH.
D/AndroidRuntime( 7263):
D/AndroidRuntime( 7263): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START de.robv.android.xposed.XposedBridge <<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 7263): CheckJNI is ON
I/AndroidRuntime( 7263): JNI options: '-Xjniopts:warnonly'
D/dalvikvm( 7263): Unable to stat classpath element '/system/framework/filterfw.jar'
D/dalvikvm( 7263): Trying to load lib libjavacore.so 0x0
D/dalvikvm( 7263): Added shared lib libjavacore.so 0x0
D/dalvikvm( 7263): Trying to load lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
D/dalvikvm( 7263): Added shared lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
D/Xposed ( 7263): Using structure member offsets for mode WITH_JIT
I/Xposed ( 7263): Found Xposed class 'de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge', now initializing
I/Xposed ( 7263): -----------------
I/Xposed ( 7263): Oct 19, 2013 6:28:12 PM UTC
I/Xposed ( 7263): Loading Xposed (for com.android.commands.svc.Svc)...
I/Xposed ( 7263): Loading modules from /data/app/org.tracetool.hackconnectivityservice-1.apk
I/Xposed ( 7263): Loading class org.tracetool.hackconnectivityservice.Mod
D/AndroidRuntime( 7263): Calling main entry com.android.commands.svc.Svc
D/AndroidRuntime( 7263): Shutting down VM
D/WifiService( 265): setWifiEnabled: true pid=7263, uid=0
D/dalvikvm( 7263): GC_CONCURRENT freed 610K, 77% free 978K/4096K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 13ms
D/WifiHW ( 265): Read wifi chip type OK ! wifi_chip_type = RTL8188EU
D/WifiHW ( 265): wifi_load_driver: DRIVER_MODULE_PATH = /system/lib/modules/8188eu.ko, DRIVER_MODULE_ARG =
I/WidgetPrefs( 3393): Loaded widget prefs for 4
W/CommandListener( 80): Failed to retrieve HW addr for wlan0 (No such device)
D/CommandListener( 80): Setting iface cfg
E/WifiStateMachine( 265): Unable to change interface settings: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '133 interface
setcfg wlan0 0 down' failed with '400 133 Failed to set address (No such device)'
E/WifiHW ( 265): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "wlan0": No such file or directory
I/wpa_supplicant( 7295): rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
E/wpa_supplicant( 7295): nl80211: Could not configure driver to use managed mode
E/wpa_supplicant( 7295): Could not read interface wlan0 flags: No such device
E/wpa_supplicant( 7295): wlan0: Failed to initialize driver interface
E/WifiHW ( 265): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 265): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 265): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 265): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 265): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiStateMachine( 265): Failed to setup control channel, restart supplicant
W/CommandListener( 80): Failed to retrieve HW addr for wlan0 (No such device)
D/CommandListener( 80): Setting iface cfg
E/WifiStateMachine( 265): Unable to change interface settings: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '135 interface
setcfg wlan0 0 down' failed with '400 135 Failed to set address (No such device)'
I/wpa_supplicant( 7325): rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
E/wpa_supplicant( 7325): nl80211: Could not configure driver to use managed mode
E/wpa_supplicant( 7325): Could not read interface wlan0 flags: No such device
E/wpa_supplicant( 7325): wlan0: Failed to initialize driver interface
E/WifiHW ( 265): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 265): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 265): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 265): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW ( 265): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiStateMachine( 265): Failed to setup control channel, restart supplicant
W/CommandListener( 80): Failed to retrieve HW addr for wlan0 (No such device)
D/CommandListener( 80): Setting iface cfg
E/WifiStateMachine( 265): Unable to change interface settings: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '137 interface
setcfg wlan0 0 down' failed with '400 137 Failed to set address (No such device)'
I/wpa_supplicant( 7355): rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
E/wpa_supplicant( 7355): nl80211: Could not configure driver to use managed mode
E/wpa_supplicant( 7355): Could not read interface wlan0 flags: No such device
E/wpa_supplicant( 7355): wlan0: Failed to initialize driver interface
E/WifiStateMachine( 265): Failed to start supplicant!
I/WidgetPrefs( 3393): Loaded widget prefs for 4
and the output of dmesg
<4>[ 3659.320483] Realtek 8188EU USB WiFi driver (Powered by Rockchip,Ver 1.10) init.
<6>[ 3659.327835] usbcore: deregistering interface driver rtl8188eu
<6>[ 3970.236599] EXT4-fs (mtdblock8): re-mounted. Opts: (null)
<3>[ 3995.978894] init: untracked pid 6914 exited
<4>[ 4103.728041] Current WiFi chip is RTL8188EU.
<4>[ 4103.773033] =======================================================
<4>[ 4103.779414] ==== Launching Wi-Fi driver! (Powered by Rockchip) ====
<4>[ 4103.790871] =======================================================
<4>[ 4103.797142] Realtek 8188EU USB WiFi driver (Powered by Rockchip,Ver 1.10) init.
<6>[ 4103.806603] usbcore: registered new interface driver rtl8188eu
<3>[ 4242.564293] init: untracked pid 7103 exited
<4>[ 4244.402560] =======================================================
<4>[ 4244.408850] ==== Dislaunching Wi-Fi driver! (Powered by Rockchip) ====
<4>[ 4244.415446] =======================================================
<4>[ 4244.422095] Realtek 8188EU USB WiFi driver (Powered by Rockchip,Ver 1.10) init.
<6>[ 4244.429710] usbcore: deregistering interface driver rtl8188eu
<4>[ 4277.579884] Current WiFi chip is RTL8188EU.
<4>[ 4277.617428] =======================================================
<4>[ 4277.624450] ==== Launching Wi-Fi driver! (Powered by Rockchip) ====
<4>[ 4277.631286] =======================================================
<4>[ 4277.638904] Realtek 8188EU USB WiFi driver (Powered by Rockchip,Ver 1.10) init.
<6>[ 4277.647255] usbcore: registered new interface driver rtl8188eu
<4>[ 4308.063197] =======================================================
<4>[ 4308.069571] ==== Dislaunching Wi-Fi driver! (Powered by Rockchip) ====
<4>[ 4308.076144] =======================================================
<4>[ 4308.082492] Realtek 8188EU USB WiFi driver (Powered by Rockchip,Ver 1.10) init.
<6>[ 4308.089923] usbcore: deregistering interface driver rtl8188eu
<3>[ 4372.112169] init: untracked pid 7303 exited
<6>[ 4377.603039] EXT4-fs (mtdblock8): re-mounted. Opts: (null)
<3>[ 4562.414517] init: untracked pid 7385 exited

Ethernet support in Cyanogenmod 10.2.1?

I recently re-acquired a usb-to-lan adapter, since my previous one broke after few months of usage.
The new one shows a red light when it's connected to the router via LAN and the tablet via USB. Furthermore dmesg shows me the USB OTG device is successful recognized. So the adapter is OK, but the internet connection is not started.
I noticed that I have no ethernet options in my Settings. I don't remember where they was located, but I remember that there was some settings about LAN and I was able to see LAN usage data separately from wifi usage.
From the day my first usb-to-lan adapter died and now, I upgraded 10.2 to 11 and returned back to 10.2, since I had some problems with startup delay and GPS icon. But if I remember well I used Cyanogenmod 10.2 with the first usb-to-lan adapter, and not CM 11. I have gapps installed.
i know CarbonRom supports Ethernet android 4.4.4
but i dont know about CM
try this out https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=xda.usbhost.test&hl=en
It doesn't work. Logcat gives me this error:
D/CommandListener( 153): Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
D/ConnectivityService( 490): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
D/ConnectivityService( 490): tryFailover: set mActiveDefaultNetwork=-1, prevNetType=1
D/ConnectivityService( 490): Attempting to switch to mobile
D/ConnectivityService( 490): Attempting to switch to BLUETOOTH_TETHER
D/ConnectivityService( 490): Attempting to switch to ETHERNET
D/NetUtils( 490): android_net_utils_resetConnections in env=*** clazz=*** iface=wlan0 mask=0x3
D/BluetoothAdapter( 2249): 1101298232: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/ConnectivityService( 490): resetConnections(wlan0, 3)
W/Smack/Packet( 897): notify conn break (IOEx), close connection
D/Nat464Xlat( 490): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=false
I/qtaguid ( 897): Failed write_ctrl(u 66) res=-1 errno=22
I/qtaguid ( 897): Untagging socket 66 failed errno=-22
W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 897): untagSocket(66) failed with errno -22
D/ConnectivityService( 490): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
I/wpa_supplicant( 5105): p2p0: CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING
I/wpa_supplicant( 5105): CTRL_IFACE monitor[0]: 2 - No such file or directory
I/wpa_supplicant( 5105): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=*** reason=3 locally_generated=1
Lucas Malor said:
It doesn't work. Logcat gives me this error:
D/CommandListener( 153): Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
D/ConnectivityService( 490): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
D/ConnectivityService( 490): tryFailover: set mActiveDefaultNetwork=-1, prevNetType=1
D/ConnectivityService( 490): Attempting to switch to mobile
D/ConnectivityService( 490): Attempting to switch to BLUETOOTH_TETHER
D/ConnectivityService( 490): Attempting to switch to ETHERNET
D/NetUtils( 490): android_net_utils_resetConnections in env=*** clazz=*** iface=wlan0 mask=0x3
D/BluetoothAdapter( 2249): 1101298232: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/ConnectivityService( 490): resetConnections(wlan0, 3)
W/Smack/Packet( 897): notify conn break (IOEx), close connection
D/Nat464Xlat( 490): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=false
I/qtaguid ( 897): Failed write_ctrl(u 66) res=-1 errno=22
I/qtaguid ( 897): Untagging socket 66 failed errno=-22
W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 897): untagSocket(66) failed with errno -22
D/ConnectivityService( 490): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
I/wpa_supplicant( 5105): p2p0: CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING
I/wpa_supplicant( 5105): CTRL_IFACE monitor[0]: 2 - No such file or directory
I/wpa_supplicant( 5105): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=*** reason=3 locally_generated=1
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Click to collapse
then the adapted you have is not supported
The previous adapter worked and it was apparently identical. Is there a way to do some deeper debug, to understand the exact problem?

