Mysterious "OfflineAuto..." wakelock in Google Maps - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

Hi guys,
I am using my S7 Edge and it's just awesome!
However, I am having a rather minor battery drain issue, so when I checked the same with WLD Lite, it shows a mysterious
" *job*/ ." wakelock.
Does anyone have an idea what this mysterious thing is (I don't know how to show the full name) and how to fix this wakelock?
Thanks in advance!


[Q] Best way to identify a battery hog

Every now and then over the years I have experienced a sudden problem with battery drain. In the past I have used either Android's built in "battery use" program or the app "spare parts" to try to find the problem. Neither program, for me, hasn't ever really helped me find the issue. Usually reflashing or flashing a new Rom fixes the battery drain. So does anyone have any further advice and/or app suggestion that could help me in the future? Thanks for any help.
you can run OS monitor and find it that way or run aLOGcat and see whats in red.
Hey thanks. Will try os monitor right now.
polo79 said:
Every now and then over the years I have experienced a sudden problem with battery drain. In the past I have used either Android's built in "battery use" program or the app "spare parts" to try to find the problem. Neither program, for me, hasn't ever really helped me find the issue. Usually reflashing or flashing a new Rom fixes the battery drain. So does anyone have any further advice and/or app suggestion that could help me in the future? Thanks for any help.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have used OS monitor in the past with good luck in locating what was draining the battery. I currently use ALOGCAT and like it also as I can quickly identify those things, if any, in the red that are causing me battery drain issues. Good luck identifying your battery drain as I know that is extremely annoying.

[Q] Clock showing high wakelock

hey guys, just got my new S4, loving it thus far coming from an S2. TouchWiz sucks, can't wait to get an ASOP ROM on here. But anyway, I'm trying to figure out why the clock service is posting such high wake locks, and if anyone has been able to do anything about it.
Using the app 'WakeLock Detector' i noticed my is posting high wakelock times. My phone has been up for 1h 12m, and it's showing 1m4s wakelock time for the clock. The next closest app is yahooMail at 9s. Any help, or anyone else having this issue?
I have a Sprint S4 and mine shows the same thing. Wakelock Detector shows Clock ( shows the largest amount (time and number) of wakelocks, followed by Maps.
Sorry, no idea of a solution.

googlequicksearchbox and google services frameworks wakelocks

Hi all,
I've been having terrible battery drain problems on my S5 and it's been getting really hot.
I've finally been able to use the Windows wakelock detector to find the culprit and it is the googlequicksearchbox.
Does anyone have any idea how I can get it to behave? (Not rooted, so root only solutions won't work for me )
Thanks in advance!
So as a test I took the quick search box off my home screen and now it's wakelocks have gone down but have not gone away.
Any ideas?

Wakelock triggers

Hey guys,
As the title suggests - I'm enquiring about wakelock triggers (reported by WLD (Wakelock detector.))
As you can see, Facebook messenger has triggered my phone awake nearly 400 times in the space of my work day! I know Facebook and its messenger app has its reputation for being a battery hog, but there's no 'actual' wakelock in use!
Anyone know what's going on here? Anyone able to shed insight and or compare with their device?
With the second screenshot, you can see the difference between awake and screen on. I use aeroplane mode when I work, due to not having any signal at all - I just use WiFi.
Thanks in advance guys.
I'd look into something like naptime, power nap, greenify, so that you can basically shut it off when not in use, cause your system is definitely not sleeping.
Someone said there was a 'lite' facebook messenger app on xda, but I don't use it, so I don't know the name off the top of my head.

Google play-services battery drain

Got my s7 edge 4 days ago and ever since i got this nasty google play-services bug. It seems to wake up the phone, a lot.
Attached screenshot is taken just 2 hours off the charger. The amount of wakeups for the play-services is already at almost a thousand. Running completely stock with the latest apg4 build .
Tried disabling location services to no avail. Got the phone hooked up to my moto 360 and nothing else really.
Anyone knows a possible fix for this problem?
Also, the android system and android OS is quite high up in my battery overview, almost at the same level as the display.
Shameless self-bump, no one knows a solution for this problem? Tried the usual wipe play services cache already but it didnt do the trick.
Try disabling location history. Is battery life an issue? If not, I wouldn't worry too much.

