googlequicksearchbox and google services frameworks wakelocks - Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all,
I've been having terrible battery drain problems on my S5 and it's been getting really hot.
I've finally been able to use the Windows wakelock detector to find the culprit and it is the googlequicksearchbox.
Does anyone have any idea how I can get it to behave? (Not rooted, so root only solutions won't work for me )
Thanks in advance!

So as a test I took the quick search box off my home screen and now it's wakelocks have gone down but have not gone away.
Any ideas?


[Q] NLPWakeLock issue...

In the past few days out of nowhere I've noticed a massive amount of battery life attributed to Google Services. I checked on better battery stats and the wakelocks are coming from process: NLPWakeLock.
I've searched on the net and several forums, and I'm getting very mixed info. The majority of the info points to Google Now as being the culprit, and that it's somehow related to 4.3. I actually really like Google Now and would hate to disable it. It's odd because I've had the phone a few weeks and Google Now was always enabled, but only now these wakelocks are starting to show up.
Does anyone have any further info on this? Could it be something else? I've already frozen so many things in TiBu I'm losing track!
I'd like to just confirm in case anyone else was having this issue - it was in fact Google now.
siciliano777 said:
I'd like to just confirm in case anyone else was having this issue - it was in fact Google now.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
So did you just freeze Now? I'm having the exact same issue -- was working fine until just recently (I think 3 days or so ago) when I started getting many wakelocks from NLPCollectorWakeLock and NLPWakeLock. I also like using Now and don't want to disable it if I can avoid it. I did find a thread in the G2 forums with a possible solution:
Basically, he deleted GooglePlayServices using Titanium, then reinstalled directly from the market and found that fixed his issue. So I just deleted it (phone auto rebooted after doing so), then got a notification saying Maps request an update of Play Services which I got from the market. Rebooting now, will keep an eye on the wakelocks and let you know how it goes.
I didn't freeze it, I just turned it off within Google now settings. I'd like to keep it on too, but it def helped battery life.
Let me know if that method you used works.


Hello everybody, I'm, as many others, afftected to the infamous nlpcollectorewakelock, that I'm deseprately tryng to fix. I was kind of successful for while on PAC rom using the built in wakelock killer functionality. Recentely though I switched so slimkat, and I really loke the rom but it's missing the builtin wakelock killer. So I tried other solutions.
I disabled location reporting and history from location settings, I disabled in Apps Ops X, the permission to wakelock and location to google play services and google framework. and doing this I had no luck, the infamous wakelock is still there killing my battery. I also tried installing Disable services app from playstore and disabled
NpllocationService and Location reporting service, even this doesn't seem to work perfectly. I have less battery drain but I still see the wakelock as the 1st source of battery drain in betterbatterystats and wakelock detector and also it broke completely googlemaps not able to use GPS. (I was naturally expecting the network location not work, but now not even gps works in google maps). I can successfully get a lock in GpsStats and waze but not in google maps. I think I'm really doing something wrong and I would really like to solve this....any advice? Thank you

Wakelock triggers

Hey guys,
As the title suggests - I'm enquiring about wakelock triggers (reported by WLD (Wakelock detector.))
As you can see, Facebook messenger has triggered my phone awake nearly 400 times in the space of my work day! I know Facebook and its messenger app has its reputation for being a battery hog, but there's no 'actual' wakelock in use!
Anyone know what's going on here? Anyone able to shed insight and or compare with their device?
With the second screenshot, you can see the difference between awake and screen on. I use aeroplane mode when I work, due to not having any signal at all - I just use WiFi.
Thanks in advance guys.
I'd look into something like naptime, power nap, greenify, so that you can basically shut it off when not in use, cause your system is definitely not sleeping.
Someone said there was a 'lite' facebook messenger app on xda, but I don't use it, so I don't know the name off the top of my head.

Mysterious "OfflineAuto..." wakelock in Google Maps

Hi guys,
I am using my S7 Edge and it's just awesome!
However, I am having a rather minor battery drain issue, so when I checked the same with WLD Lite, it shows a mysterious
" *job*/ ." wakelock.
Does anyone have an idea what this mysterious thing is (I don't know how to show the full name) and how to fix this wakelock?
Thanks in advance!

Google Services drain my battery

Hi everyone,
When i view the battery usage, i see that Google services isbthe first process drain my battery. Do you have idea why ? And how to fix it.
I have N910C with stock rom.
I have the exact same problem.
This might be a bad update from google .
I installed naptime and wait to see if it gets better .
I didn't make a change in the phone, but it's a strange.
Why don't you block it and do not allow it to work in the background anymore? In this way, you can control when and how much Services will work.
Hi, thanks for your answer.
How can i block them ? With greenify, it is already.
I tried them all: greenify, amplify power nap, force doze etc .
For me the best battery life I get is when I just let my phone do what it wants.
It does show a big number of wake locks but they don't appear to impact battery life as much as you would think .
If you really want to get rid of most battery drain in standby you can just disable WiFi and mobile data but I wouldn't do this as you won't get any more messages from what's up or Facebook .
Otherwise just leave it alone . Android knows what it's doing .
Is there any life w/o google?
Yes. it is.
I have rooted my 910C, installed Nemesis Refined (gorgeous ROM with a lot of wonderful elements, including a great battery saver kernel - SpaceLemon), then I ditched every google service and if need I login from browser and that's it.
And so there is F-Droid, Aptoide, APKPure, and others.
Never ever had any security problem, my apps run smooth w/o hiccups, and my phone has a new, reborn, life!
Of course, there is Xposed with Greenify, Amplify, and others alike.
Guys, try it, you don't know what you loose if you keep your phone steered by google.
Good luck!
If you need more info, here I am.
Have a nice week-end all!
The problem is gone when disabling 4G and using Wifi with 2G only.

