Generic chinese head unit; touch screen sometimes unresponsive! - Android Head-Units

I would greatly appreciate your help. I have this generic Chinese made car Head unit (running android jellybean 4.2.2). I've had it for about a year and a half or so. A couple of months ago, the screen began to be unresponsive - after boot up. It is quite frustrating, as the unit itself is actually working.. but the screen just does not respond. This happens randomly! Sometimes you have to restart it several times before it works normally. And it does work normally sometimes, though there is no way to know for sure when it will work or not. So it just seems to happen randomly. Sometimes it will not work at all after several reboots. Sometimes it will just work the first time it's turned on!
. It seems to just be quite random. I tried using one of the screen calibration apps from the appstore. It seemed to make a very minor difference (or perhaps not!). The problem is still very much there.
Sometimes, while it's unresponsive, if you touch an app icon and leave the unit alone, after some time the app would eventually open - though the time it takes to do that greatly varies. At this point, the screen may then work - sometimes normally, but in many cases, abnormally or unpredictably. In some cases it will not work at all.
Please does anyone know what is responsible for this and if/how it can possibly be fixed?
One more thing I should add is that I suspect this started to happen as a result of an unsuccessful attempt to root the device. Could that be the reason... and/or is there any hope... i.e. can it possibly be fixed?
I have also done a factory restore.. but it still does this! Please help

Did you ever get any answer to this?

Best thing I would recommend would be to disassemble the unit remove the ribbon cables carefully be very careful removing the latches the plastic latches on the Zero Force connections and then make sure they're clean reinstall when it boots plays Five Fingers flat on the screen for about 10 seconds and it'll give you the touch calibration screen with four dots touch the dots from one then two then three then four then it'll give you the option automatically to save it and then let you calibrate the touchscreen hit configure start and then do each button one at a time touch the screen and then the left side touch buttons starting with power and then ending with volume down and that


XDA 2 Freezes and WONT HARD RESET!

Last month I got a new XDA 2 and since then I have installed a few games and utilities and regularly sync with the main pc.
However over the past few days, the whole device freezes very randomly at regular intervals. Sometimes nothing is running at all, other times its just as its about to ring with an incoming call. Today it is even worse, it freezes every 5 minutes, and it takes several soft resets before I can get past the password screen without another freeze. None of the buttons respond during a freeze, and the backlight goes out as normal after 30 seconds (but will not go back on). Even though the device has frozen, both the indicator lights will continue to flash green and blue.
I decided to do a hard reset as advised in the instruction manual. However now its even worse. The phone loads up with the O2 logo and the rom versions in the bottom right corner, then the screen flashes and the O2 logo appears on its own. Nothing happens at all after this and again, tapping the screen or pressing the buttons dont work.
Please could someone advise me whats wrong with this phone? Ive had it for less than a month and I dont consider my use of it to be outside what anyone else would use it for. As far as im concerned, it seems very unreliable to fail so badly after such little use.
Any help would be welcome before I seek a refund.
Edit: If I hard reset several times, one in 5 succeeds. However after 2-3 minutes it freezes again while auto installing applications.
I would not be wanting to keep that phone.
It's common knowledge that there are some flaws in the Microsoft Windows Mobile OS that have been there since the early days, but were never deemed serious enough to tackle back then. (Remember the DOS 640kb barrier?). However, some tweaking and tuning can be done to make the XDA II a perfectly workable machine .... indeed very pleasant to work with.
What you're experiencing, however, to me sounds like a defective unit, and if I were you, I'd go back to my supplier to get a new one, period.
My first XDA-2 Did the same, and seemed to get worse, the more i tried to fix it and removes software and keep reseting etc etc.
In the end i i went back to the shop (this was over 28 days) showed them, i did not have any problem exchanging it for a new one.

Touch Response Problem

I have a Sprint Touch [Vogue]. It has served me very well up until recently.
One day, I was using my phone normally when the battery died. No big deal right?
Well, I charge my phone and reboot it. For some reason, Windows is EXTREMELY slow and unresponsive. I figure that something vital had been corrupted by the battery's death, and that it was nothing that a hard reset couldn't fix.
I performed a hard reset.
I let the utilities for the first boot run to customize the phone. Everything seemed pretty much normal. I configured my settings, re-added my contacts, etc. Then I turned the screen off [with the power button].
I turn it back on later to do something. I touch the screen. It immediately and accurately detects the touch's location, but it continues detecting a touch. For 20-30 seconds, after the input has stopped.
It was strange, so I soft reset the device. It booted, with the same problem. So I performed another hard reset. I did some configuration [the response acting normal at this point], and then turned the screen off. Turning it back on brought the same problem back.
This problem still exists on my phone, even after numerous hard resets and even ROM flashes.
A better description of the problem: When the device is first turned back on [meaning brought out of standby], its touch response is messed up. It will immediately and accurately detect any touch input, but it will continue to detect the input for up to 30 seconds AFTER it has been released, as if you were holding it the whole time.
WHY is this???? My phone is almost unusable because of this!!!! I can still place/ receive calls, using the navigation buttons and the red and green buttons. But the touch response is screwed!
Can someone please shed some light on this problem I'm having?
Phone specs: Windows Mobile 6.1, HTC / Sprint customized. Minimal third party software is currently installed.
[I've already determined that third party software is not the problem, because i haven't installed any!]
Possible solution
today I experienced something similar to your description - no touch response when I tried to pickup a call. The strange thing is that last night everything was working and no settings were modified nor programs were added/removed. The screen suddenly 'died'. At the moment I am using it through a program MyMobiler which brings the mobile display to the PC and I can use the mouse to control the phone (it is like VNC for the phone screen, the phone is connected with ActiveSync).
This is temporary solution untill I finish my backups of files, programs, settings. I didnot performed hard reset yet, hope this will solve my problem
In the following link there is a 'magical' solution - to remove the screen protector:
P.S. I had removed the screen protector and voilá - the screen is now touch responsive. The root cause of the problem obviously is the dust between the screen and the protector which results in constant screen pressing - and as a result no accepting my finger presses.
I hope this will work for you and others with similar problem.
I had a similar experience with an old Vogue.....In my case, there was no battery death precursor, but it just started acting up. Not too long thereafter, I noticed the screen/digitizer was forming what looked like an air bubble between the digitizer and the LCD on one place of the screen. The screen was becoming defective. I eventually had to buy another Vogue from a friend who didn't have a clue of the 6900's potential, and didn't want his anymore, so I got it cheap.
Sounds like your screen/digitizer may be on it's last leg.

Screen Touch Response Issue

Hey, I'm new to the forum here, and would like your feedback on this aria issue I'm having. Here it is: when my aria is plugged into the wall to charge, the touch response of the phone is drastically changed. If I tap my finger on the screen, or any of the four buttons, it double clicks - in other words I can't do a long click (click and hold) nor can I operate the phone very easily, it also won't really follow my finger if I drag it across the screen. My phone isn't rooted, rommed, or anything, just plain stock. I haven't dropped it, scratched it, I honestly don't know what I could have done to trigger this.
I've attempted the following to fix it (obviously each yielded an unsuccesful result):
1. Restarting (both plugged in and unplugged)
2. Shutting down, removing the battery and sim, and starting up
Does anyone else have this issue? Anyone have any remedies for me? Thanks for your help.
I've only had mine for about 3 hours, but I haven't noticed any issues with the screen when the phone is plugged in (and it was plugged in the whole time).
Maybe you got a lemon?
You may want to take it back for an exchange if that keeps up. Mine has been flawless since I got it on launch day.
Might just have to. I tried doing a factory reset - that didn't work either.
It sounds to me like some sort of grounding issue that is screwing with the capacitive touch screen.
Good call tshooter. I tried a different plug and voila, no issue. The charger is only 2 pronged (no ground) so I don't know why this would have been an issue, but I'm no electrical engineer.
I'm happy as long as it keeps working.

Strange Touchscreen NAND Issues

ok, I have a strange issue that I can not seem to find the answer to. Whenever my phone locks after not being used etc. When I wake it up, the touchscreen will not let me unlock. It takes me close to 50 attempts to do so. However once I actually am successful in getting it unlocked. The touchscreen works flawlessly. I have tried several different builds, all of them I have the same issue. I have done Task29 and started fresh on that front each time. I tried a couple different radios. Any suggestions?
**** man i got the same problem! i tried hard reset, rom updates, other buils but it wont go away!
plz someone help us!
Hi,I'm using BOYPPC-SHIFTPDA GINGER 2.3.3 RAM_V5 works great so far the best that I tried.After u flash android it's recommended to wait few mins until it loads everything then do a shut down - not a restart.then again u wait few mins and u do a second shut down. after that the os should work fine ,at least for me works great. if that doesn't help ,try to reinstall everything from the start..hspl radio etc.
You could just turn off the lockscreen? Get 'NoLock' from the market. That should do the business if you want.
I've got the same problem since 5 days, It started when I started using WIFI and turning off my 3G ..
you have the same problem my hd2 is a hardware issue. the screen becomes unresponsive. if you still have warranty send it in for a repair. if not... repair it yourself. it's not that hard. the screen wire is probably just loose.
follow this video to take apart your hd2.
Sounds like a similar problem that I'm experiencing. If I wake the lockscreen with the send key instead, it works. When I boot I get exactly one shot with the end key then it locks up again. I'm able to use it with the send key, but concerned it might get worse. If anyone finds the solution please post.
I actually for the first time had this, and I know this is going to get flamed but its not the Screen thats the problem. And I think (BIG IF) that the dreaded unresponsive screen issue that we keep reading about Majority of them I think is not the screen.
I have 2 HD2s and both have worked flawlessly without any problems, but today I was playing with my test phone that doesnt get used that much and I noticed after installing a new rom that my screen after I played with it for a bit went black (sleep) and when I woke it up it wouldnt respond, first thing that crossed my mind is I just lost my digitizier, and started wondering okay why, I went as far to re-flash WinMo stock HD2 rom, same issue, so I decided its time to find out exactly whats causing this, and I found it. I wasnt going to make a post again cause I figured people would be "Not another thread about this" but I know whats causing the screen issue, at least this is my suspicision and I have temporarily fixed mine.
The problem is HARDWARE, The Culprit: THE END KEY (Red Button)! The Answer to "How or Why": The "End" key is used to turn the phone on and off or to put it in sleep mode, it is the most used key out of all 5 keys, it is used probably 7x more then all the rest, Its used for just about everything, now how does this cause the unresponsive screen? Easy, the phone lock or sleep is associated with this key, Its the only way to make the screen go off other then waiting for the time out period. Because by habit we mostly hit the end key to turn the screen off the phone automatically associates this with locking the phone, once that happens the screen becomes unresponsive because of several reasons: 1) The contact under the actual key has dirt which causes the button to stick in the down position, 2) the contact is bent which the "end" key is pressing down on the contact which is making contact with the board and causing it to be unresponsive, 3) The contact is worn. This is the reason why if you press the end key a few times (anywhere between 2-10) and then try the screen responds, this is cause your "unsticking" the key which then lets the screen respond.
Most of us when we hit the end key press to the far right to avoid hitting the back key (The button with the left arrow) which causes the end button to lean toward the right. But you can wake the phone up with the other 4 keys to the lock screen which will allow you to unlock the phone. As a temporary fix for myself, on my test phone I now make sure to press on the left side of the key to prevent this from happening, since its a test phone I'm not worried, but the real solution is to take the phone apart and clean the underside of the end button, and the actual contact with alcohol to remove the build up of dirt and whatever else. And also if the contact frame is bent to GENTLY bend the right side back up alittle to stop it from happening, or sending it to htc and letting them fix it.
We have to RE-TRAIN ourselves to start using the other keys to wake the phone up and not rely on the end key so much.
Hope this helps anyone finally why we have this problem. And if it works for you then hit the Thanks button

[Q] LE E900 Unbranded AT&T USA touchscreen NOT responding! PLEASE HELP!!

I really like my LG E900 phone. I bought it for AT&T in the USA unlocked on Amazon. Installed Mango recently with all the firmware upodates and until today been having a lot of fun with my phone!
All of a sudden today, the touch screen seems un-responsive. The touch screen works intermitently. It starts to work then stops again. I have tried resetting the phone (have to pull battery). I wasn't doing anything when I this happended. I recently installed Tango and Livestrong mobile app, otherwise phone was flawless.
1. Is my touch screen broken?
2. Does anyone have a clue. I thought maybe the phone is running apps in backround but I can't seem to find the problem. The battery seems to drain also.
3. The phone does become operation for minutes at a time but then goes bad.
I wanted to add that the screen is also very slow at first then starts to respond normally. Almost seems to something happening in the backround. As of now, the screen is still not responding. If I continue to play with the screen, sometimes the screen starts to respond, but slowly.
thanks for help!!
In your position, I would try to:
1. Use the guaranty (if it's still active) and take it to a local service
2. Flash a different rom/firmware with all the latest updates inside and see what happens.
3. Buy a new e900...they cost less than ever nowadays...(almost 180€-190€ without a contract...)
You have got to be kidding me, the exact same thing is happening to me, and for 2 days now. I'm unbranded (I believe) on Vodafone Spain. The entire phone has become unresponsive. Drops nearly every call, has rebooted about 50 times in the last 24h.
fUnny thing is, it doesn't ever reboot when I'm actively using it, just during lock screen.
cOuld you further develop your symptoms just in case we have the same issue? Thnx
Sent from my LG-E900 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
More Detail about the LG E900 WP7 Lock Screen issue
OK. SO here are the symptoms-
- Whenever I enter the lock screen, the touch is screen does not respond. TO be clear the touch screen senses I am touching the screen but the lock screen doesn't move when swipe.
Ater some research you can find the SAME EXACT error on HTC Surrround Samsung Focus. here's the youtube video. exactly as it appears except time to unlock takes about 2:30 (2 minutes 30 seconds) on my LG
So here is what happens and what I do
1. Again entering the lock screen, and attempting to unlock the touch doesn't reposnd to any swipes.
2. You continue to swipe and occasionaly hit the physical buttons. This keeps the lock screen on. You have to keep swiping for about 2:30. After 2:30, the touch screen just seems to respond.
3. After the touch screen responds. Nothing out of the ordinary. When I tried using IE, it seemed that IE didn't work as well. Pinch to zoom, swipes not as good. Also portions of the screen are not as responsive.
So maybe start looking for a replacement.
I've tried
- restoring previous OS and files. No change.
- Hard and factory reset. No change.
- changing the brightness setting (AUTO, low) no change
The only thing that I haven't done is upgrade/downgrade the firmware. I think that may help but not clear on what to do.
Are you using the correct charger?
I have an HP Touchpad that has a high output microUSB charger for rapid charging of the Touchpad's battery. Although it hasn't (yet?) given my e900h any troubles, I did read at least one report of a guy's Samsung phone reacting poorly with symptoms similar to yours after using the Touchpad's higher output charger.
I am using a third party USB charger. Not a high power one, but an inexpensive one from monoprice. Ok, I will try.
Sent from my LG-E900 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Some people have reported errors and crazy system behavior when using third party chargers...
Still no luck. Using stock charger now. Will wait to see if any improvements. Thanks everyone.
Sent from my LG-E900 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Muvolt said:
Some people have reported errors and crazy system behavior when using third party chargers...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I was one of them. This behaviour would occur with the charger connected.
I get the feeling the problem the OP and I are facing is also related to chargers, but no longer when they are connected. Charging makes no difference for me, the phone is still reacting very strange.
More Info on failiong touch screen
Here are more precise deets
- Whenever the backlight is turned off, the touch screen becomes non-responsive
- The touch screen notices touch but not swiping.
- in order to get the touch screen to respond you must continue touch the screen for 00:02:30 (2 minutes, 3 sec).
- the touch screen will usuallly start to respond to swipes but only a single axis (e.g. vertical or horizontal)
- after 2:30 the touch screen responds like everything is ok.
- the goal is to make sure the screen backlight stays on until the for 2:30. In some lock screen cases, you can issue a voice command, camera etc which effectly keeps the phone one (i.e backlight on) for longer without having to continuously touch.
- issues came after tangoi install and livestrong install.
- wonder if tango did something to lock screen
- also tried changing lock screen wallpaper - no changes
- when installing microsoft insider app, I tried using the wallpapers, but the apps crashes. Changing wall paper using default app works
- using default charger no changes
- received the latest update (fixed voicemail and outlook issues) - no change
I haven't been able to retore/flash NODO. That is probably what I need to do.
same problem here, new phone, original recharger and touchscreen of my optimus goes sometimes frenzy...the frequency of strange behavior raises when I fully recharge battery
i found a video on youtube, but yet i cannot send urls, because i'm new user here, u can find it if u search "problema telefono"
any1 have some solution, pls? or did u try to send the phone back to LG service?

