ZTE Blade V7 [P653A10] - Blade General

I can't seem to find any posts relating to the V7. Is this the correct forum for all versions of the Blade or is this for the original Blade only? I'm looking for compatible ROMs.

there is no custom roms for our phone unfortunately, it's also not the easiest to work with and most attempts at any modification on the device will result in the device being bricked, if I figure out anything I shall let you know

ZTE_BLADE_V7_V1.0.0B01 rooted today !
im going to backup now the project an maybe someone can help me to build an working custom firmware i hope we will done it fast

ckrypt0r said:
im going to backup now the project an maybe someone can help me to build an working custom firmware i hope we will done it fast
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could you possibly do a complete backup using, spflashtool and upload it, i'd like to take a look at it, i bricked my phone and might be able to fix the problems with those files

kaylin.martin said:
could you possibly do a complete backup using, spflashtool and upload it, i'd like to take a look at it, i bricked my phone and might be able to fix the problems with those files
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yes for sure but it will take alot of time the complete upload but no problem

May i ask if there is any progress on this?
I've got a Blade V7 and really would like to gain the possibility to remove the Facebook apps that are pre-installed as bloatware on my phone.


ZTE Blade V7 [P653A10] Stock ROM
ckrypt0r said:
yes for sure but it will take alot of time the complete upload but no problem
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Hi would you be so kind to provide with a Stock or Recovery for this phone. I've lost my backup files and my phone is now sitting with no OS. Thank you

Here's a LineageOS 14.1 build for the ZTE Blade V7: https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/rom-lineageos-14-1-zte-blade-v7-t3785514

I have a couple of custom ROMs for ZTE Blade V7, based on Nougat 7.1.2
But I cant post links


Install CyanogemMod 7 in your Milestone 2

Old Thread:
Hi guys,
With this new kernel and a lot of new ideas, isnt better if we try a new port of cyanogen with no motoblur?? Particulary, i prefer that ROM...
I didnt know how to do, but i can test...
There are so many roms for droid 2, like fission, that i want to use in my milestone 2, but see that mike and others try to port but doesnt work. But now, we have new roms and new oportunites...
Is that port possible now (with leaked CHINA rom)?
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Rom UPDATED!! (02/09): Check on DEV Section using the link below
New Rom Release (28/08):
Hi Guys,
A new CM7 Rom was just released in DEV forum by Endless7 (thanks!)... If anyone (like me!) dont be able to post in DEV forums and need suport for this ROM... PLZ!! USE THIS TREAD....
I´m working now, but I will try this ROM at Night, finger crossed! THIS IS THE WAY
jorgebaruchi said:
Hi guys,
With this new kernel and a lot of new ideas, isnt better if we try a new port of cyanogen with no motoblur?? Particulary, i prefer that ROM...
I didnt know how to do, but i can test...
There are so many roms for droid 2, like fission, that i want to use in my milestone 2, but see that mike and others try to port but doesnt work. But now, we have new roms and new oportunites...
Is that port possible now (with leaked CHINA rom)?
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Well, I'm still learning the basics of android building. As soon as I get my custom hijack for 2nd init working I will try to port CM to the Milestone2. Note that I'm not promising any dates. My free time is very short and I'll do my best, but I don't want to get under pressure because of this
I think a leaked unlocked bootloader would do the trick
Just jocking. As I see it, nothing has changed regarding custom roms, as the bootloaded stays the same.
But I am quite confident, that r2beta0 will have progress on 2nd-init soon.
cypressious said:
I think a leaked unlocked bootloader would do the trick
Just jocking. As I see it, nothing has changed regarding custom roms, as the bootloaded stays the same.
But I am quite confident, that r2beta0 will have progress on 2nd-init soon.
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filgers crossed!! but i remender that there are some blocks on system booting with froyo rom... then, i thinked that new rom could change this issue... =/
well, thks everybody!
r2beta0 said:
Well, I'm still learning the basics of android building. As soon as I get my custom hijack for 2nd init working I will try to port CM to the Milestone2. Note that I'm not promising any dates. My free time is very short and I'll do my best, but I don't want to get under pressure because of this
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I think we don't need the 2nd-init built specially for GB rom, since Defy's CM7 (and Droid 2/X's) still have the base SBF on froyo. Maybe if we exchange the boot.img and devtree.img from GB leak to the ones inside Defy's CM7 update.zip (don't forget to delete /system/etc/motorola/bp_nvm_default/pds_init too, or you'll get all that GSM problems again)?
Edit: Won't Apex 2.0 RC2 work on GB Mile2?
@Milestone 2 (Finnaly on Gingerbread!)
dangpzanco said:
I think we don't need the 2nd-init built specially for GB rom, since Defy's CM7 (and Droid 2/X's) still have the base SBF on froyo. Maybe if we exchange the boot.img and devtree.img from GB leak to the ones inside Defy's CM7 update.zip (don't forget to delete /system/etc/motorola/bp_nvm_default/pds_init too, or you'll get all that GSM problems again)?
Edit: Won't Apex 2.0 RC2 work on GB Mile2?
@Milestone 2 (Finnaly on Gingerbread!)
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We need 2nd-init in order to change the boot sequence required by CM7. DroidX already have a customized 2nd-init for CM7, but I don't want to use it yet as it uses bootscripts inside a /system/etc/shadow-boot.zip. I prefer to have my files ready to edit and not inside a zip file. Also, trying to make my own hijack is giving me knowledge I will need when trying to port CM to M2.
r2beta0 said:
We need 2nd-init in order to change the boot sequence required by CM7. DroidX already have a customized 2nd-init for CM7, but I don't want to use it yet as it uses bootscripts inside a /system/etc/shadow-boot.zip. I prefer to have my files ready to edit and not inside a zip file. Also, trying to make my own hijack is giving me knowledge I will need when trying to port CM to M2.
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Hm... Okay, nice! So we have a better coded 2nd-init.
PS: If you need to unpack a boot.img to get the scripts/zImage, I got it with dsixda's Kitchen
@Milestone 2 (Finnaly on Gingerbread!)
dangpzanco said:
Hm... Okay, nice! So we have a better coded 2nd-init.
PS: If you need to unpack a boot.img to get the scripts/zImage, I got it with dsixda's Kitchen
@Milestone 2 (Finnaly on Gingerbread!)
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Yeps, I'm using that one too.
Hi guys,
Searching the web, i found a oficial port of MIUI for droid 2, than i think: "Can we port this version with the ch kernel and change the baseband?"
If its possible, i think that this way is more simple, however port a defy rom and fix the incompatible bugs...
jorgebaruchi said:
Hi guys,
Searching the web, i found a oficial port of MIUI for droid 2, than i think: "Can we port this version with the ch kernel and change the baseband?"
If its possible, i think that this way is more simple, however port a defy rom and fix the incompatible bugs...
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We should check first if this ROM is compatible with the kernels we have available. If so, we can try to port from that. Some ppl into Development forum are already trying to do that.
r2beta0 said:
We should check first if this ROM is compatible with the kernels we have available. If so, we can try to port from that. Some ppl into Development forum are already trying to do that.
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It is more difficult to port from a CDMA device. If you achieve Apex Rom to work with GSM network, then you can think about porting it.
@Milestone 2 (Finnaly on Gingerbread!)
Hey guys, a new ROM has just released on Dev Forum, click here and see by your self!!!!
One maybe stupid question:
Can I install this rom on froyo or should I first upgrade my MM2 to GB?
There´s what u have to do (didn´t test yeat, I will try at night. But u can always downgrade with a stock SBF):
** Make u sure of your phone is rooted before everything !! **
1. Download all-in-one.zip and put into /sdcard/
2. Download and Install Droid2bootstrapper (old CWM) from the internet/market
3. Update to Ported Defy CWM (there´s a thread in general forum explain how to install that)
4. Boot into CWM and apply the all-in-one.zip and after (without reboot) make a full-wipe (make u sure that u have maked a backup of everything before)
5. At this moment, reboot your phone and use the keys combination for enter in bootloader mode
6. Download the fixed_sbf from the original thread in DEV forum and apply with RSD lite.
7. Your phone will reboot and after some minutes, U Can Enjoy the new ROM!!!
I think I made ​​a big mistake!
I touch everything and I'm going to Defy baseband! I change the parameter.
Since the network can not be found.
Any idea?
i will take a look at this
ping0o said:
I think I made ​​a big mistake!
I touch everything and I'm going to Defy baseband! I change the parameter.
Since the network can not be found.
Any idea?
i will take a look at this
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Try that tread and if dont work, reapply the rom...
Good mod!
But does anybody know how can I get back low battery beep and camera sounds? I find them rather useful.
I got struck in "google" logo and the phone dont boot
how can i do factory reset in bootmenu from the CM7 ? i dont find this option there...
or even re-install all the stuff...
EDIT: i can't open CWM 4.0 from the BootMenu 1.0.2 , i try latest recovery or stable recovery but it says "error in /system/bootmenu/script/recovery.sh (result: no such file or directory)
Please help ! T__T
I can't post in thread on development's subforum, so I ask my question here:
where can I find a tool and howto to make my own custom *.zip file to use with CWM? I have found a tool called Android Kitchen, but readme inside archive says, that it is mainly created for HTC devices. Am I following a correct path , or I should search some other tools?
I have successfully flashed my custom *.zip file based on information taken from www[dot]londatiga[dot]net/it/how-to-create-android-update-zip-package/
coming from miui, how should i update?

[KERNEL][I8200N] Baroni-Kernel Alpha

I can give ABSOLUTLEY no gurantee!! All you do with your phone will be on your own. I'm not responsible if your phone will brick or whatever...
Attation! This kernel is for the I8200 variant ONLY... the I8190 is absolutley not compatible !!!
Kernel should be work also for I8200/I8200Q/I8200L-Variants, but can not be gurateed as the basis was I8200! If it works then a notice will be fine!
If you are not sure about the process, the data are important on your phone or you need it as a daily phone, then LET IT BEE, and wait for the messages that it is safe to use. Its important at the beginning that users with knowledge tried it at first !
12.02.2016: Long time ago, but now after a lot of investigating some new things comes up. Check what was done
05.01.2014: I try to work on the kernel over x-mas in my free time, but I must say that the source of samsung which was provided on opensource.samsung.com is not really funny stuff... there are so many coding errors, which was. not able for me to solve directly. So now I started to examine other kernel sources, and will try to port a more main.tained source to the i8200. From My point of view this will be the only way to produce an more accurate kernel for our device, and get the possibility to include also selinux what is needed for a kitkat-rom. Nevertheless, it is not easy to work on that stuff, because I'm not an expert on kernel work (but I learn every day more , so if you know someone with more kernel experiences, it would be very helpful to get a contact...
Baroni-V0.1 contains:
Basis of opensource from Samsung with some bugfixing
fixed recovery-boot-loop with a config-setting which must be used special in the Recovery zImage
Loglevel pushed down to minimum
Uber-Toolchain 4.9
set onDemand-Governor to standart. just to check how that works
start implementing SmartAssV2-Gonernor, but leave it inactive, due to some compile-errors.
bringing SELinux to work for future kernel releases if needed for > 4.4
new govenors at the moment not established (will come later)
more other stuff (depending on learning-curve
Install a recovery for safetyreasons (I prefer TWRP https://www.dropbox.com/s/d3rnfp3vabz9ee8/twrp_i8200_corrected.7z?dl=0
Read carefully the hints of the usage in the following firts post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s3-mini/general/s-iii-mini-ve-i8200-n-t2826565 (There also the needed Odin (3.09) can be get)
Make backups of the complete phone, and be sure that you know what you do!
Download the right Firmware for your phone from http://www.sammobile.com/firmwares/ (just to have a other safety fallback in your hand!)
Download the file, start odin as usual (all kies-tasks closed!)
extract the file, and put it to AP
put the phone in Downloadmode (Vol-down,Home-key and powerbutton), and connect the phone with PC
flash the kernel, and let the phone reboot
If things go wrong, please give everytime the following information's:
what you did before
what exactly happened (its not easy to help if you say: it did not work )
which rom in which version, which recovery and which version of my Kernel you use
try to get a /proc/last_kmsg (if a unknowen reboot appears) and/or Logcat, Build prop, CPU info, Sysctl, Kmsg, Dmesg and send it to me (or as a attachment to the post) for further analyse (you can use that tool for it: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bassel.andylog )
Attention: First checks seem to be that I8200 (without N or L or Q) did not work atm.
kernel_i8200n-Stock.7z (to getting back to stock kernel via Odin):
Recoverys (with fixed recovery boot loop):
There was a mistake in the initramfs. was corrected now. If you download the V0.7 yesterday, please dont use it... Try V0.8.
One question.
SolarPlexus said:
There was a mistake in the initramfs. was corrected now. If you download the V0.7 yesterday, please dont use it... Try V0.8.
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My Friend.
Yesterday I tried to install its kernel but my phone did not start properly.
I wanted to do a restore from a backup that had done, but the recovery (TRWP) did not restore the data partition.
Is there any chance that I happen again the same with this version?
Danh23 said:
My Friend.
Yesterday I tried to install its kernel but my phone did not start properly.
I wanted to do a restore from a backup that had done, but the recovery (TRWP) did not restore the data partition.
Is there any chance that I happen again the same with this version?
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Attention with TWRP-Recovery. Data-Partition restore seems to be not right. At the moment please did not use it, because it can delete your data-partition. We have to investigate it further! Other partitions seems to be ok, but its a good Idea if you copy your important data also manually to a other storage (like PC) while you trying things of this thread.
i install the kernel ans stuck into samsung logo.if i flash the stock kernel i will fix it?
stock kernel?can you upload it?
KwstPap said:
i install the kernel ans stuck into samsung logo.if i flash the stock kernel i will fix it?
stock kernel?can you upload it?
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Did you made a backup with twrp (as described)? If yes, then make a restore only with boot marked in the list.
Otherwise, which version did you have? Plain n/l/q? Than I can make a package for Odin...
send with my Oneplus One (bacon) SlimKat Tapatalk
About the data recovery, use aroma FM to restore. Out worked for me
hahhhahaha i forgot it to take a backup hahaha .i reflashing the stock firmware... i Have i8200N
but why the kernel doesnt work on me?
KwstPap said:
hahhhahaha i forgot it to take a backup hahaha .i reflashing the stock firmware... i Have i8200N
but why the kernel doesnt work on me?
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You are a funny guy... Flasching things without reading the guide is something like a other guy I know from kentucky fried movie (Danger-seeker)
Nevertheless, I added in first thread the stock kernel for i8200n to flash with odin.
SolarPlexus said:
You are a funny guy... Flasching things without reading the guide is something like a other guy I know from kentucky fried movie (Danger-seeker)
Nevertheless, I added in first thread the stock kernel for i8200n to flash with odin.
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hahahahaha always forget to take a backup .but i am very stypid .i had a backup on my pc.hahah in one weak i have reflashing the stock formware 5 times and the root recovery and other staff again hahaha
thanks for the stok kernel
SolarPlexus said:
You are a funny guy... Flasching things without reading the guide is something like a other guy I know from kentucky fried movie (Danger-seeker)
Nevertheless, I added in first thread the stock kernel for i8200n to flash with odin.
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¿which brings benefits to install this kernel?
RodsonBorja said:
¿which brings benefits to install this kernel?
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Atm nothing... Its alpha and not working. Unfortunately I'm a little bit blocked by illness and x-mas and was not able to work on it... Maybe next week...
send with my Oneplus One (bacon) SlimKat Tapatalk
Hi to all followers of this thread.
Just to give an update: I try to work on the kernel over x-mas in my free time, but I must say that the source of samsung which was provided on opensource.samsung.com is not really funny stuff... there are so many coding errors, which was not able for me to solve directly. So now I started to examine other kernel sources, and will try to port a more maintained source to the i8200. From My point of view this will be the only way to produce an more accurate kernel for our device, and get the possebility to include also selinux what is needed for a kitkat-rom...
Nevertheless, it is not easy to work on that stuff, because I'm not an expert on kernel work (but I learn every day more , so if you know someone with more kernel experiences, it would be very helpful to invite him/her. To ask in forums (also in xda) is something what I do, but unfortunately the responding are not every time safe...
So I wish you all a happy new year, and lets work together to bring our device a little bit forward
Ask @dtrail1 he know how the kernel thing work.
Maybe he'll support you
VallNAr said:
Ask @dtrail1 he know how the kernel thing work.
Maybe he'll support you
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Ask MARDON he made the kernel for Galaxy Ace - maybe he support Your work.
Any progress on the kernel? Is it on github?
Why does this not suport usb flash drives or can the function be ported
I think it must be activated on both sides. Kernel and ROM...
send with my Oneplus One (bacon) SlimKat Tapatalk
SolarPlexus said:
I think it must be activated on both sides. Kernel and ROM...
send with my Oneplus One (bacon) SlimKat Tapatalk
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How is this done i have the sandisk dual flash drive but its useless on my device
Ah, you mean otg support, not sdcard seen as USB instead of mtp?
send with my Oneplus One (bacon) SlimKat Tapatalk

Porting CyanogenMod to Desire 820s MT6752

I came across CM12.1 rom for Lenovo K3 Note on needrom. Considering that K3 have the same chipset as ours, I've been thinking that it can be ported to our device.
I've tried to port it past few days but failed. Any developer would come up and try to port it?
What have you done? Device tree something else?
Nope. Just changing libs here and there, according to this guide. I'm still noob in porting roms so I can't do much.
amirarsyad97 said:
I came across CM12.1 rom for Lenovo K3 Note on needrom. Considering that K3 have the same chipset as ours, I've been thinking that it can be ported to our device.
I've tried to port it past few days but failed. Any developer would come up and try to port it?
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Did you edit the updater script?
Gibz97 said:
Did you edit the updater script?
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Yes. I'm actually having problem in repacking system.new.dat files. The same as the guy face here. Finding the solution require me to learn Linux. I'm still new at Linux, so I need some time to learn.
Other than that is okay (perhaps). I followed some other guides like http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/guide-how-to-port-lollipop-based-roms-t3223938 and http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2707438.
Oh and one more thing, the rom is ported by @Cheshkin. I've tried to seek his permission to port the rom through pm, but still no answer. So I cannot post the rom here (if I done porting it) without his permission.
amirarsyad97 said:
Yes. I'm actually having problem in repacking system.new.dat files. The same as the guy face here. Finding the solution require me to learn Linux. I'm still new at Linux, so I need some time to learn.
Other than that is okay (perhaps). I followed some other guides like http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/guide-how-to-port-lollipop-based-roms-t3223938 and http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2707438.
Oh and one more thing, the rom is ported by @Cheshkin. I've tried to seek his permission to port the rom through pm, but still no answer. So I cannot post the rom here (if I done porting it) without his permission.
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If you have an idea for kernel, I'll help you
amirarsyad97 said:
Yes. I'm actually having problem in repacking system.new.dat files. The same as the guy face here. Finding the solution require me to learn Linux. I'm still new at Linux, so I need some time to learn.
Other than that is okay (perhaps). I followed some other guides like http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/guide-how-to-port-lollipop-based-roms-t3223938 and http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2707438.
Oh and one more thing, the rom is ported by @Cheshkin. I've tried to seek his permission to port the rom through pm, but still no answer. So I cannot post the rom here (if I done porting it) without his permission.
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Let's wait for the response then
Would be graet to see CM to release this device's potential. Especially since HTC is taking it's sweet time with 6.0 update and 5.1 was officially skipped.
Anyway if you would need some testers I would gladly help.
Good news! The permission has been granted. I will try my best to port this rom.
And what with 820n?
Sent from my HTC Desire 820 using XDA Free mobile app
Dragonfail said:
And what with 820n?
Sent from my HTC Desire 820 using XDA Free mobile app
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We don't have 64-bit kernel sources for 820n MSM chipset
Hi @amirarsyad97, so did you manage to extract system files?
Gibz97 said:
Hi @amirarsyad97, so did you manage to extract system files?
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I already did, but I can't repack it. So instead I tried looking for other roms while staying away from dat files - cm12.1 ulefone be touch 2 and blisspop k3 note.
Now I'm having problems with the kernel. The rom won't boot at all, the worse I can't get the dmesg.
I don't have much free time to explore kernels in detail. If anybody can help me with porting the kernel, it would be a pleasure.
amirarsyad97 said:
I already did, but I can't repack it. So instead I tried looking for other roms while staying away from dat files - cm12.1 ulefone be touch 2 and blisspop k3 note.
Now I'm having problems with the kernel. The rom won't boot at all, the worse I can't get the dmesg.
I don't have much free time to explore kernels in detail. If anybody can help me with porting the kernel, it would be a pleasure.
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I will try porting the kernel using the kitkat kernel as base when I find time
Unfortunately, I did not succeed, I could not even get into the bootanimation. Hope someone can help us.
I am now trying to squeeze the Lollipop system partition so that we can liberate some more free space for the internal storage, hope it works
That would be the coolest thing???
Hello guys hope you have been doing great, Was too busy with school, exams and stuff.
Good news!! I have finally managed to boot into CM 12.1 after I successfully ported it today.
It's lightning fast but has some bugs: USB, bluetooth and Sim don't work currently and it needs some resizing of the framework images.
I will try to work on it until Sunday and hopefully someone else can take over with modifying it
Gibz97 said:
Hello guys hope you have been doing great, Was too busy with school, exams and stuff.
Good news!! I have finally managed to boot into CM 12.1 after I successfully ported it today.
It's lightning fast but has some bugs: USB, bluetooth and Sim don't work currently and it needs some resizing of the framework images.
I will try to work on it until Sunday and hopefully someone else can take over with modifying it
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I was wondering how you can make the kernel work. Anyway good work!
amirarsyad97 said:
I was wondering how you can make the kernel work. Anyway good work!
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Use this kernel and build.prop and use the original system (don't replace with stock files) https://mega.nz/#!c4USzSTL!rXmsjMYaxR9ECwNeiMjissLPuFRLBWBUSLIuwiBFwQk
Almost everything works right now except Bluetooth, camera and Sim
Great work keep it up
Sent from my HTC Desire 820 dual sim using XDA-Developers mobile app

Nougat roms

I was used aosp extended but hotspot not working so i switching to aicp and is awesome rom but i face lost root again and again. Tried flash custom rom based on stock rom and reflash twrp and hybrid bootstock and reflash aicp but still face root lost.. So which rom now good?? Without any problem like hotspot or root?
Btw i can't flash stuck rom by lg flash tool or lg up
Thanks in advance
dodora3d said:
I was used aosp extended but hotspot not working so i switching to aicp and is awesome rom but i face lost root again and again. Tried flash custom rom based on stock rom and reflash twrp and hybrid bootstock and reflash aicp but still face root lost.. So which rom now good?? Without any problem like hotspot or root?
Btw i can't flash stuck rom by lg flash tool or lg up
Thanks in advance
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I'm assuming your mobile is a LG G2 D802
You should be able to go back to stock, I'm on a LG D802 you will find links to everything you need to do it here. Lollipop KDZ is preferred then you won't need a bootstack.
Lineage OS works for me, root is installed as a separate zip from the download page.
Don't take OTA updates from lineage OS until the OTA bug is fixed, do manual downloads until then
LineageOS is what I am using, it is working really well for me on D802. I didn't root it cause I have no need for it right now.
coolhandfluke said:
I'm assuming your mobile is a LG G2 D802
You should be able to go back to stock, I'm on a LG D802 you will find links to everything you need to do it here. Lollipop KDZ is preferred then you won't need a bootstack.
Lineage OS works for me, root is installed as a separate zip from the download page.
Don't take OTA updates from lineage OS until the OTA bug is fixed, do manual downloads until then
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i have already KDZ file ...but i still can't flash idk lg tool stuck on 2 % and lg up wrote unknown model
so what about lineage OS ..performance ?lag ? sound ? and you face any issue ? i don't care about camera anyway i know it's not good in any custom rom
pilicar said:
LineageOS is what I am using, it is working really well for me on D802. I didn't root it cause I have no need for it right now.
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are you try any N rom ?(if yes which one better and why )
are you recommended it to me (lineage OS ) ?
dodora3d said:
i have already KDZ file ...but i still can't flash idk lg tool stuck on 2 % and lg up wrote unknown model
so what about lineage OS ..performance ?lag ? sound ? and you face any issue ? i don't care about camera anyway i know it's not good in any custom rom
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You sure its a d802? After repair its been known for people to be sent other models, try this to find what the correct kdz is
coolhandfluke said:
You sure its a d802? After repair its been known for people to be sent other models, try this to find what the correct kdz is
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yes i'm sure it's 802 and i already flash it before but more than 1 year ago so i know it's correct one
dodora3d said:
i have already KDZ file ...but i still can't flash idk lg tool stuck on 2 % and lg up wrote unknown model
so what about lineage OS ..performance ?lag ? sound ? and you face any issue ? i don't care about camera anyway i know it's not good in any custom rom
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I came across this for the 2% issue
coolhandfluke said:
I came across this for the 2% issue
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i saw that before but not working for me
dodora3d said:
i saw that before but not working for me
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Have a read through the posts, alternative fixes are also in there
coolhandfluke said:
Have a read through the posts, alternative fixes are also in there
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if you know how can i fix it tell me
dodora3d said:
if you know how can i fix it tell me
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Sorry, apart fro the different methods in the link I can't help.
coolhandfluke said:
Sorry, apart fro the different methods in the link I can't help.
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thanks a lot bro
what about lineage OS ..performance ?lag ? sound ? and you face any issue ? i don't care about camera anyway i know it's not good in any custom rom
dodora3d said:
thanks a lot bro
what about lineage OS ..performance ?lag ? sound ? and you face any issue ? i don't care about camera anyway i know it's not good in any custom rom
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I'm not havining any issues other than battery drain when a webpage is using a lot of java script, so I now use opera to browse. I've also set most apps in privacy guard to either always ask for location or to disabled, I disable individually so if a system app really really has to have location and causes problems with the phone I know which one to enable. Battery is set to efficiency, .I've been on XDA for the last 15 mins, look at the attachment the battery life is really good, mind you I installed a new battery just before Xmas. WiFi is stable, LTE and h+ switch without problems. FM works with spiritf. You could always try open camera if snap doesn't cut it. I don't notice any major lag even on the efficiency setting.. Sound is the same as cm13 not as loud as we'd like. All in all no major problems. Until you do something I'm not of course lol
coolhandfluke said:
I'm not havining any issues other than battery drain when a webpage is using a lot of java script, so I now use opera to browse. I've also set most apps in privacy guard to either always ask for location or to disabled, I disable individually so if a system app really really has to have location and causes problems with the phone I know which one to enable. Battery is set to efficiency, .I've been on XDA for the last 15 mins, look at the attachment the battery life is really good, mind you I installed a new battery just before Xmas. WiFi is stable, LTE and h+ switch without problems. FM works with spiritf. You could always try open camera if snap doesn't cut it. I don't notice any major lag even on the efficiency setting.. Sound is the same as cm13 not as loud as we'd like. All in all no major problems. Until you do something I'm not of course lol
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thanks a lot i will flash it
do you flash official one or unofficial ? coz i found two roms ?
dodora3d said:
thanks a lot i will flash it
do you flash official one or unofficial ? coz i found two roms ?
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What are you on at the moment?
coolhandfluke said:
What are you on at the moment?
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i'm on AICP not Lineage OS
dodora3d said:
i'm on AICP not Lineage OS
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Create a backup so you can restore aicp
Update to TWRP 3.1.0-0
Clean flash latest official and gapps
Lineage doesn't have root out of the box if you want it go to the download page.at the bottom of the list of phones is 'extras' choose the arm zips one to install root one to remove it. Don't use super su.
Don't take OTA updates, the fix is still under test and not merged yet
coolhandfluke said:
Create a backup so you can restore aicp
Update to TWRP 3.1.0-0
Clean flash latest official and gapps
Lineage doesn't have root out of the box if you want it go to the download page.at the bottom of the list of phones is 'extras' choose the arm zips one to install root one to remove it. Don't use super su.
Don't take OTA updates, the fix is still under test and not merged yet
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oky i will
latest version lineage-14.1-20170306-nightly-d802-signed.zip ?
dodora3d said:
oky i will
latest version lineage-14.1-20170306-nightly-d802-signed.zip ?
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Yep, we were meant to have a new build today but there's a problem with Jenkins and the builds have stopped.
I don't know what your original stock firmware was, if it was jellybean then expect problems kit kat should be OK lollipop advised as I said earlier
If you really need a lollipop bootstack then look at the cm13 thread, I used to use Daniel Stuarts bootstack on cm13

How to install official stock firmare via TWRP for J510?

I want to install official firmware via TWRP. Can someone port it to .img or something?
There is a error when I try to install via download mode and Odin ("fused").
My phone is J510MN, but J510FN is good too.
Hello again! Sorry but I need to up this topic one first time.
Thats error is common when we try to update via Odin an original stock firmware, unsuscessfully. But I'm not downgrading! I just need to be on 100% stock again.
A solution that I think: its possible to create a zip or img file for update via TWRP?
Im on the last TWRP Aroma launched on J5 2016 dev area.
Thanks "code crew"!
EDIT: The pic of the error described is attached below and... Sorry for my bad bad English!
i have you covered. right here https://mega.nz/#!IdEV1R6T!cwIy6vulfEbhHLvZ0V1oxSMSPLT03TBPFb_0hpt_yOQ
Debloated stock rom.
you can also flash light stock rom bt Genetic Enginer, it has also few extra features.
Wizardlysense said:
i have you covered. right here https://mega.nz/#!IdEV1R6T!cwIy6vulfEbhHLvZ0V1oxSMSPLT03TBPFb_0hpt_yOQ
Debloated stock rom.
you can also flash light stock rom bt Genetic Enginer, it has also few extra features.
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Thanks master Wizard! Is there any bugs or something, related to pieces of software missing, because its an debloated rom modified?
But... Not that your work, guys, is not good. Au contraire!
Im questioning just because I have found a couple of not so annoying bugs on Light Stock ROM. But i dont reported because there little bugs that may be unrelevant to the almost everyone and relevant just for me, i guess.
Thanks again for the patient and expertise of our team of masters and misters!
Anyway Im downloading your mod rom now!
rodrigo82 said:
Thanks master Wizard! Is there any bugs or something, related to pieces of software missing, because its an debloated rom modified?
But... Not that your work, guys, is not good. Au contraire!
Im questioning just because I have found a couple of not so annoying bugs on Light Stock ROM. But i dont reported because there little bugs that may be unrelevant to the almost everyone and relevant just for me, i guess.
Thanks again for the patient and expertise of our team of masters and misters!
Anyway Im downloading your mod rom now!
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No bugs at all
Wizardlysense said:
No bugs at all
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Verified and approved!
No bugs at all (2)!
rodrigo82 said:
Verified and approved!
No bugs at all (2)!
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I'm.planning to make another one from the latest firmware, Volte included :laugh:
Broken Link
rodrigo82 said:
Thanks master Wizard! Is there any bugs or something, related to pieces of software missing, because its an debloated rom modified?
But... Not that your work, guys, is not good. Au contraire!
Im questioning just because I have found a couple of not so annoying bugs on Light Stock ROM. But i dont reported because there little bugs that may be unrelevant to the almost everyone and relevant just for me, i guess.
Thanks again for the patient and expertise of our team of masters and misters!
Anyway Im downloading your mod rom now!
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The Link to Mega... doesnt work anymore (
Link Please
