Display problem - Nexus 6P Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello there.
I'm proud new user of Nexus 6p but I already have a problem. I updated it to 7.1.1 and rooted the device. Now chrome constantly crashes (Aw snap problem) and also facebook sometimes show strange image.
Screenshots attached.
Anybody else have this problem?

i love my 6p and am also a proud owner of this beast.
but i also have troubles with my display, it is abit similar to yours, i have occasional graphical glitches and it always freaks the hell outta me.
i hate those glitches , i had a split screen bug on my Moto Nexus 6 as well and using a specific custom kernel called Lean kernel always solved that problem for me.
but currently nothing fixes this on my nexus 6p , except the 6p of mine thankfully does not have that split screen bug but instead it has some other occasional hiccups with graphic glitches.
and i think it is because of the cold temperatures, but i am not so sure.

Cold temperatures can't be a problem with mine couse i work inside so there is no cold
I tried with elementalX kernel and the problem is still here.

chrome gives me the most graphical glitches , but it does not happen often.
it can still get annoying , and i also have a keyboard issue with chrome (been months now) the keyboard issue is, i cant delete characters i have enetered in the search fields of whatever website i am at.
like when i press backspace to wanting to delete words it just wont do it, annoying bug with chrome i am sure of it, as i have tried other browsers and they dont do that with the keyboard backspace not deleting characters.
maybe we should both switch browsers, but the thing is i always go back to chrome :l
hope your issue gets solved too, maybe try a custom based nougat rom and you wont see that issue with chrome anymore (as for the fb app, it is a battery killer i would advice to just use the chrome app to open up your fb account).

Tried with firefox but the problem is still there.
Will try and get myself different rom for weekend and test it.
So you say that facebook is battery killer. Thanks for the info.

Installed Pure nexus rom - problem still there
Installed CM 14.1 - problem still there
I have no idea what is cousing this problem. Is it possible that the problem is hardware related and not software?

_CaCkO_ said:
Installed Pure nexus rom - problem still there
Installed CM 14.1 - problem still there
I have no idea what is cousing this problem. Is it possible that the problem is hardware related and not software?
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Navigate to Settings/Developer Options/Webview Implementation then switch to "Chrome." See if you still notice these issues.
Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

_CaCkO_ said:
Installed Pure nexus rom - problem still there
Installed CM 14.1 - problem still there
I have no idea what is cousing this problem. Is it possible that the problem is hardware related and not software?
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Nope I think your display driver is glitching

I'm taking it back to the store today and they will replace it with the new one they said. Hope i'll have more luck this time


[Q] Camera problems.

I have been having some problems with the main camera on the A500. It has different tints to it. Sometimes the picture seems to be divided in 4 and all 4 squares have a different hue to them. Restoring to factory settings seem to take care of it for a while. Initially I thought it was "skype" that messed it up, but it is not.
I just restarted the tablet and the camera is giving me a yellow tint, with a clear horizontal stripe about 3/4 inch wide through the middle.
The tab has stock 3.2 on it.
I was wondering if anyone has experienced similar problems and if there was a solution to the problem.
Thank you
Well, I would think the problem seems to be some app/apps you have installed. Based on when you do a factory reset, it goes away.
I would just do another factory reset. Then verify it went away. Run it for a couple of days WITHOUT installing any apps. This will probably rule out a hardware issue.
Then install apps, 1 at a time. Use the camera, and look for issues.
Thanx. I will give that a try.
I traced it back to Swift Key X keyboard for tablets. How is that even possible?
Also yahoo messenger is another one that ruins the camera. As soon as I install any of those apps and reboot, the camera is back to normal.
Does anyone out there use either of those apps?
mobilebone said:
I traced it back to Swift Key X keyboard for tablets. How is that even possible?
Also yahoo messenger is another one that ruins the camera. As soon as I install any of those apps and reboot, the camera is back to normal.
Does anyone out there use either of those apps?
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So, everything is ok?
Rule #1,
Stay away from apps meant for phones.
Yes, they "may" have tested it it on "1" tablet, then gave it a clean bill of health. Maybe.
Moscow Desire said:
So, everything is ok?
Rule #1,
Stay away from apps meant for phones.
Yes, they "may" have tested it it on "1" tablet, then gave it a clean bill of health. Maybe.
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I thought it would be ok. But after restarting a few times, the camera colors are off. I'm going to root and install a custom 3.2 to make sure it is not the hardware.
Spasiba for all your help )
any news about this problems.
it seems that my iconia has the same problem- i never noticed it because i dont use the rear camera.
i sold it it today and the guy who bought has described something like what you folks are talking about
the strange thing is that i had done a clean boot before i sold it, and the buyer hasnt installed anything on it yet.
im waiting to hear back from him after he tries another clean boot.
anyone else have any ideas ?
I'm having the same problem. I don't use it much, but the camera was ok before. When I tried using it this weekend, it showed colored translucent squares on the sides. It is not a config problem, as there are no effects turned on. The front camera works 100%. I will post a sample when I get home.
If I change the "whites" config to Incandescent, it kind of solves the problem. Sometimes, the squares appear, but not for most the time.
I believe this is not a harware issue, unless that whites configuration is made with hardware (highly doubt it). I don't have Swift key, or Yahoo messenger, or any other apps that use the camera (other than Skype, but it was already installed when the camera worked).
Did anybody find a fix to this? It seems it is only a problem on stock 3.2.
Edit: not an exclusive 3.2 stock issue, it appears that custom roms have this problem as well.
I have the same issue after ICS ota upgrade...
Any ideas?
I haven't had the issue since the ICS upgrade. Only tested once or twice, but it is working properly.
What I did to partially fix it was changing the White Balance to "Incandescent".

Keyboard typing lag

Is anyone else experiencing a lag when typing? I text a lot and it usually occurs whenever I start typing then the lag goes away. I've tried so many things, different keyboards, disabling spell check, remove vibrate, removing background apps, I just can't get this to go away. If I continue typing through the lag, it does eventually catch up and display all the letters I punched in but its damn annoying especially for such a beast of a phone.
I'm open to any ideas, thanks.
I am running CM10.1 nightlies but I have experienced this problem since I got the phone.
For me on PA everything is fine. Tbh I barely ever type normally any more because I just find the gesture typing system much faster and more efficient.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Same thing used to happen to me on swiftkey, then when Stock keyboard got flow i went back to it, started getting lag on it also. Now im running Liquid Smooth ROM on mako with its stock kernel and it hasn't happend once. Maybe give it a try, i have found that battery life is quite good also, around 4hrs screen on time for me .
Any other ideas? Still running the latest CM nightly and I flashed franco kernel, still experiencing the odd keyboard typing lag. If no one else is experiencing this I guess maybe its just a problem with my phone.
Altimas said:
Any other ideas? Still running the latest CM nightly and I flashed franco kernel, still experiencing the odd keyboard typing lag. If no one else is experiencing this I guess maybe its just a problem with my phone.
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Try to use the performance governor an let the CPU scale all the way up to 1.5 GHz.
Check if the lag is gone
I'm running stock and I still get lag!

[Q] Strange glitch in Play Store when updating apps

Hi all,
I have a problem with the Play Store on my Nexus 7 what is bugging me since I got the device and that I never experienced on any other Android device I own(ed). This problem has been present from the beginning with any version of Android (got the Nexus 7 with 4.2.1 and got the 4.2.2. update quickly) and Play Store. Even the brand new 4.0 version that has been rolled out just yesterday (the bright one with the new tile design) showns this error.
The problem is this: in 3 of 4 cases when I hold my device in portrait mode and start play store and update an app, the screen constantly "flashes" every second while downloading, it´s that graphical "zoom in" effect that you get when you open an app. The problem is that I can´t leave this screen with the "back" button, it simply doesn´t work and the page keeps on flickering and showing that strange effect. Only the "home" button helps. After downlaoding and installing the update, everything woks fine.
What I already tried to get rid of the problem (none of them did help, though..):
- deleted cache and data from paly store, uninstalled update of play store, so Android reinstalled updates
- tried new version 4.0 of play store
- deleted, rebooted and reinstalled gmail account on Nexus 7
Anyone experienced this glitch? Any hints on how to solve this?
Thanks a lot,
Try stopping Downloads and Download Manager in Apps > All and clearing cache and data for them. Then reboot and try Play again.
My nexus been doing the same thing since new but in landscape mode only, annoying, but never bothered me too much. I just try to remember to keep portrait mode while updating.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Exact same issue here's. No idea what's causing it
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app
samo samo
Kusie said:
Hi all,
I have a problem with the Play Store on my Nexus 7 what is bugging me since I got the device and that I never experienced on any other Android device I own(ed). This problem has been present from the beginning with any version of Android (got the Nexus 7 with 4.2.1 and got the 4.2.2. update quickly) and Play Store. Even the brand new 4.0 version that has been rolled out just yesterday (the bright one with the new tile design) showns this error.
The problem is this: in 3 of 4 cases when I hold my device in portrait mode and start play store and update an app, the screen constantly "flashes" every second while downloading, it´s that graphical "zoom in" effect that you get when you open an app. The problem is that I can´t leave this screen with the "back" button, it simply doesn´t work and the page keeps on flickering and showing that strange effect. Only the "home" button helps. After downlaoding and installing the update, everything woks fine.
What I already tried to get rid of the problem (none of them did help, though..):
- deleted cache and data from paly store, uninstalled update of play store, so Android reinstalled updates
- tried new version 4.0 of play store
- deleted, rebooted and reinstalled gmail account on Nexus 7
Anyone experienced this glitch? Any hints on how to solve this?
Thanks a lot,
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mine does same thing, portrait or landscape. every time the download pct increases, causes flash on right-side text. also did in v.3 of store.
PIA! Tried clearing cache and data, no change.
dond624 said:
mine does same thing, portrait or landscape. every time the download pct increases, causes flash on right-side text. also did in v.3 of store.
PIA! Tried clearing cache and data, no change.
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This still happening for you all? Mine is pretty bad on my new nexus 7. Never noticed it before.
belogical said:
This still happening for you all? Mine is pretty bad on my new nexus 7. Never noticed it before.
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I've been playing with roms and kernels lately, settling on Buttered Grouper 4.2.2 with Franco kernel r65. Just noticed the other day that Play Store flickering is gone. Coincidence?
This has been happening since I got the Nexus on release day. Thought it was normal behavior LOL. Completely stock -> Stock 4.3 ROM rooted/M-Kernel a61.
belogical said:
This still happening for you all? Mine is pretty bad on my new nexus 7. Never noticed it before.
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Wow, it´s still present on the NEW Nexus 7 ? Unbelievable, maybe time to jump off the Nexus bandwagon ... most people think it´s a huge advantage to have a nexus and always the newest android version, but to me it´s more and more a disadvantage. When 4.3 came out half of my apps stopped working, and i had to wait several days and even weeks (heck, some are STILL not compatible with 4.3) to use them again...

Google Maps working slowly

Hi all,
Anyone noticed Google Maps app working slowly (laggy) with Note 4? I tried stock rom or custom rom/kernel, but I don't understand the reason.
It's not a big trouble because navigation works fine, but it's a little bit annoying. Does anyone found a solution?
dellabest said:
Hi all,
Anyone noticed Google Maps app working slowly (laggy) with Note 4? I tried stock rom or custom rom/kernel, but I don't understand the reason.
It's not a big trouble because navigation works fine, but it's a little bit annoying. Does anyone found a solution?
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Just checked and it works normally for me, no slow down at all.
dellabest said:
Hi all,
Anyone noticed Google Maps app working slowly (laggy) with Note 4? I tried stock rom or custom rom/kernel, but I don't understand the reason.
It's not a big trouble because navigation works fine, but it's a little bit annoying. Does anyone found a solution?
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same issue no solution
Yathani said:
same issue no solution
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Strange, what Rom and processor type do you have? I'm Snapdragon with POF2 stock. I just don't have any lag with it at all. It's totally smooth.
Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
Batfink33 said:
Strange, what Rom and processor type do you have? I'm Snapdragon with POF2 stock. I just don't have any lag with it at all. It's totally smooth.
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SimplRom v4F - N910F
Just only one time had NO issue, it was the first time I flashed SimplRom v3.2F and obviously I don't know why! but after some apps installation (in particular missing bloatware on the ROM) gmaps lags came back.
UPDATE: I've just take back my device after some hours charging with no connection and voila lags on gmaps disappeared! For verification I rebooted phone and lag re-appeared! totally NOSENSE.
dellabest said:
SimplRom v4F - N910F
Just only one time had NO issue, it was the first time I flashed SimplRom v3.2F and obviously I don't know why! but after some apps installation (in particular missing bloatware on the ROM) gmaps lags came back.
UPDATE: I've just take back my device after some hours charging with no connection and voila lags on gmaps disappeared! For verification I rebooted phone and lag re-appeared! totally NOSENSE.
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I'd think that there's something removed in the ROM that maps needs or Is trying to use. As I said, on stock it's fine for me so that suggests there's something missing in the SimpleRom.
Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
Unfortunately I already wrote also with stock and unrooted ROM gmaps ran slowly, but ok not a very big issue. Maybe one day I'll find the reason and a solution
I am using N910U exynos ver. and i observed that the google maps app laggy is causing by Note 4's 2k resolution, it seems be the GPU not powerful enough.
If you need smooth experience in google maps, you may try to enable the "Multi window" function, open 2 apps by up and down side in the screen (1. Google maps; 2. Chrome...etc.), then you can feel google maps run smoother than you run it by full screen.

Samsung S10+ One UI has lots of bugs

Anyone experiencing this?
The bugs that I faced so far:
- waze not responding after switching between apps. Once not responding, I have to close waze completely then open it again but I might need to wait few mins before it would start correctly
- just today the camera suddenly not responding. I have tried to close the apps but it would still shows blank screen. Then I restart the device then it was back to normal
- game rise of civilization would gave blank white screen from time to time after switching apps
- system UI not responding
I was coming from iOS, then change to vivo v9 before I use Samsung.
While the screen and design is a beauty, but even vivo had no bugs like Samsung.
Anyone face similar issues? Anyone know how to overcome this?
Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk
Never noticed such bugs on my device. Don't know about the game though because I didn't try it. Are you rooted ? or using some theming apps like Substratum ? You should try booting your phone in safe mode first to see if some app is causing problems. Last time when my Samsung phone's UI stopped working, the culprit was wrong theme applied from Substratum. So, check it first in safe mode, and if it still occurs in safe mode, do a factory reset or flash stock firmware using odin.
I have had none of those bugs.
Never experienced any of those "bugs" either.
Also, No bugs here...
Never had a bug here
No such bugs.
Sent from my SM-G975W using XDA Labs
This thread is as buggy as a Rain Forest ?
obaybdg said:
Anyone experiencing this?
The bugs that I faced so far:
- waze not responding after switching between apps. Once not responding, I have to close waze completely then open it again but I might need to wait few mins before it would start correctly
- just today the camera suddenly not responding. I have tried to close the apps but it would still shows blank screen. Then I restart the device then it was back to normal
- game rise of civilization would gave blank white screen from time to time after switching apps
- system UI not responding
I was coming from iOS, then change to vivo v9 before I use Samsung.
While the screen and design is a beauty, but even vivo had no bugs like Samsung.
Anyone face similar issues? Anyone know how to overcome this?
Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk
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No bugs here. Not even in beta versions using s8 ans s9. I suggest factory reset. Maybe download the latest odin firmware for your carrier and install that. This is the first thread i've seen with people having multiple concerns with One UI bugs.
The only bug I am getting is with the Spotify app. Ever since installing Galaxy Wearables and using Galaxy ear buds the Spotify app is really flakey. It hangs a lot of the time and I have to restart the device to get it to work. Has anyone else had this happen on their S10 plus?
Did not face any of those bugs at all
And did not try this game
No bugs here
I have a lot of apps on my phone, some since honeycomb and no problems either.
My 975U1 has been rock solid from day 1.
No bugs on my phone. But there are plenty roaches in my workplace
No bugs here.
No bugs. This is the least buggy phone I have ever had. No complaints. Coming from pixels and 6t
Not rooted... I will try the safe mode suggestion though...
Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk
obaybdg said:
Anyone experiencing this?
The bugs that I faced so far:
- waze not responding after switching between apps. Once not responding, I have to close waze completely then open it again but I might need to wait few mins before it would start correctly
- just today the camera suddenly not responding. I have tried to close the apps but it would still shows blank screen. Then I restart the device then it was back to normal
- game rise of civilization would gave blank white screen from time to time after switching apps
- system UI not responding
I was coming from iOS, then change to vivo v9 before I use Samsung.
While the screen and design is a beauty, but even vivo had no bugs like Samsung.
Anyone face similar issues? Anyone know how to overcome this?
Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk
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tait2b13 said:
The only bug I am getting is with the Spotify app. Ever since installing Galaxy Wearables and using Galaxy ear buds the Spotify app is really flakey. It hangs a lot of the time and I have to restart the device to get it to work. Has anyone else had this happen on their S10 plus?
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Spotify works fine for me. On the phone and on Android Auto. Either uninstall and reinstall or go to apps settings and clear cache and data. Settings/Apps/Spotify/storage/ Clear cache then clear data buttons. Restart and try it out again.

