just found my galaxy - Galaxy S I9000 General

I just found my galaxy in my old drawer. I can't believe I bought this phone 6 1/2 years ago. How the **** did time fly so fast?? **** is crazy. I used to love this little guy. So many good memories with this phone. Kill me now fam

same here hehehe...now want to play a bit with it...want to update it to the latest i can find


Let’s count Bravo users on XDA.

I’ll be first
Look's like there is only few people who own this phone, but some threads have 1000+ views, so I wanna know how many off us is waiting for update (or Roms, or sbf to unbrick theirs phones )
Check the other threads, several so far, trying to keep from bricking this one because as soon as my daughter gets to upgrade her phone for free I am giving her this Bravo and I will get something better to play with.
The Bravo platform is a nice phone for your kid, maybe you wife, unless she too is adventurous, but certainly it's not for those who want to mod.
I'm not able to upgrade for a few months but love the bravo. its my first android so prefect but I am not new to modding. really big into jailbreaking and modding iphone and recently my ps3a well but would love to mod the bravo and try new roms. got it rooted debloated and over clocked but it is never enough, right. lol going to keep holding out for an update and for people smarter than me to deliver the tools that will enable us to do so.
I don't have one but my Son does. And I am the guy that roots and enables the goodies on the phones, so I think I count.
I just bought a Bravo and I'm excited to start modifications.
This is my first Android, I've spent a lot of time with WinMo.
I am waiting for 2.2 indeed.
For the madness to begin!
Had mine for a month and love it. Only downside it the camera, but that's why I have a canon. Just saw on the Motorola support forum that they are getting voluteers to test 2.2 before they roll it out.
I AM WAITING FOR 2.2. It's so annoying not being able to do anything with this phone.
I use a Bravo. I want 2.2. Mostly just for flash.
I bought a Bravo, and i stayed exciting when i saw that it has similiar hardware that the Defy.
I hope that came one Good ROM for Bravo like i am seeing ROM's for Defy
I had an iphone 3g for a while, modded the bajesus out of it...fell out of the car one night when my girlfriend wanted to make a late night walmart run...then used my cingular 8125 till I finally broke down and got my bravo in an at&t store....i like it so far...just want to upgrade!!
Sent from my MB520 using XDA App
Impatiently waiting for 2.2 because I like open doors...
Sent from my MB520 using XDA App
Bravo User
I love the Bravo; it's an overlooked awesome phone. Here is some inside info Motorola and AT&T had to drop the Bravo from marketing because of conflicts with other phones with lesser power and features and the iPhone 4 had just dropped. The Bravo is no iPhone 4 but it is better than a 3GS and all around it was a better deal, I got mine for free. There are a couple of hardware guys at work that have modified the back of the phone to hold 4 32 GB MicroSD (128 GB) cards crazy! They keep tons of music and movies on the phones. It's a pretty cool setup and should be out soon for the Bravo and the Atrix and other phones. Even a micro SSD 300GB backing for the 4 core Nvidia Phone.
The Future is Bright for the Bravo and Motorola.
Okay, so 2.2.1 just got pushed to Bravo. I know Bandroidx is throwing one down. Pretty stoked on this development. Can't wait to see what ya' got Bando!!!
Have one. It's a great little phone!
I've got one, my first smart phone, finally brokedown and replaced my Plam TX
i own a bravo too.
its compact, nice little phone. not too big, not too small. just about right. one major thing i hate about bravo is the atypical shape. :?
I've had my bravo since january. Couldn't stand using my old iPhone 3G anymore. Finally got my phone rooted, overclocked, and rommed two weeks ago. Loving the phone even though I've been having a fair bit of lag if I don't restart my phone once/twice daily, which didn't start at all until after the 2.2 update.
roadkizzle said:
I've had my bravo since january. Couldn't stand using my old iPhone 3G anymore. Finally got my phone rooted, overclocked, and rommed two weeks ago. Loving the phone even though I've been having a fair bit of lag if I don't restart my phone once/twice daily, which didn't start at all until after the 2.2 update.
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1-2 times a day? Damn. I usually don't have to reboot unless I do something that requires it, but I usually reboot every few days just to keep the phone running fast and smooth.
GeNiO426 said:
1-2 times a day? Damn. I usually don't have to reboot unless I do something that requires it, but I usually reboot every few days just to keep the phone running fast and smooth.
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Same here, I used to reboot nightly, but now I'm doing it every three nights or so. I also don't really notice much difference between pre-reboot and post-reboot.

Atrix Owners! Introduce yourself :D

Hi Everyone!!!
I'm not sure if this kind of thread is well received here in XDA, but I enjoy them in some of the other Android forums I'm a member of (to those who recognize my name ). Hopefully it's well received, lol Else I'd feel really lonely in here
Introduce yourself; say as much or as little as you want. Just some basic stuff you should cover like when you discovered Android and your phone history. Also, when you got the Atrix and what model you have (AT&T or Bell). If you've got the Bell version, what carrier you're on. If you live overseas and got the AT&T Atrix shipped to you, state that too! If you're a member in any other Android forums, then tell us which ones they are! I've made a poll for thos that don't want to post in my thread (please do) and I included 'Europe Atrix' (don't know if it's to a specific carrier) so those that buy it can also vote when it's release (gotta have all of my base cover ) If you got any of the docks, please state which one.
I'll start off first!
The name is Roze...but someone took it...so it's -Roze- here I joined XDA last year, but I've been mostly a lurker. I only come here for technical support that I couldn't get in the Android Forums or they direct me to a thread here XD
I got into Android end of 2009 and got my first Android phone in March 2010 I wanted my first Android experience to be the best experience ever, so I got the AT&T Nexus One! Love that little fellow until I lost it in December 2010. I've been waiting for an AT&T Nexus S but when Moto announced the Atrix at the MWC, I knew this was the phone for me. I felt the Atrix is what the Nexus S should have been. I just got the Bell's Atrix a couple of days it was released (last week). I have it unlocked and rocking it on Rogers (ewww). One thing the Atrix doesn't give me is vanilla Android out of the box, so I will be rooting my dear Artie. Yes...my Atrix has a name Since I'm going to root, I have become a bit more active here. I’ve joined an array of Android forums but the two that I frequent are Android Forums and this one. I only got the Atrix sans docks since I have no need/use for them. And by my posting style, you can guess if I’m an XX or an XY
Don't mind me if I ask a lot of silly questions. I usually do a lot of research before I post but I have a memory of a gold fish, so it sucks. lol. Just direct me to the threads if it's already been answered
Phone history:
Lg Vu (8 months-Lost)
Sony Erricson something (4 months - temp)
Nexus One (8 months - Lost)
Black Berry something (4 months - temp)
Atrix (now - hopefully I won't lose it...)
^--Notice my little trend in phones
*thinks* I think that's all I have to say
Can't wait to hear everyone's introductions!
YO what's up, i like the idea of creating this thread, sorta brings some type of fun to the forum(not saying that their's not any already), well everybody calls me "Giz" short for Giizmo(yea i spell it with 2 I's lol), but i've bee with android since the G1 first came out, before that i had the Rokr(i loved that phone), blackberry pearl, blackjack, sidekick id, sidekick 3, sidekick LX(yea i was a sidekick fan), the W550i Walkman(that phone was sick!), the Touch Pro 2(great device, horrible software), the HTC Aria(still have it, great stable device), and now THE ATRIX(love it!), i had a few other devices just don't remember the exact names of them.
I been on this forum for a long time, i've tried a few others with different devices but this one seem to have the largest functioning community, i love xda they've helped me when i first started learning about android and continue to this day. I've learned so much to where i've helped out so many friends with their devices, and we've had so many great times on this site, a lot of hilarious moments and i'm sure more are to come. but i'm proud to be a long time member of xda, and once i learn to make themes i'll definitly start contributing to the site, then i'll start learning how to make roms(which may take some time, but it'll be worth it)
ummmmm idk what else to say lol, if there's something i missed let me kno haha........have a great day!
Jsut wanted to take the time to say hi. I've been using android since the g1.
There was a time where I had jumped ship to the iphone. I ditched my iphone 4 the atrix. Its unbelievable how much android has changed. I love the phone and I can't wait to get invoked worth the community again!
MDK666 aka MurderDeathKill
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Hey Hey!
I want to say hey and hope this community continues to get stronger! I jumped from the iPhone 4 to the Atrix. The Atrix is my first Android phone. I'm loving the immense amount of customization I can do on it. I just wish AT&T would open up non-market sources (I know they're planning to allow Amazon Appstore, but I want to install APKs via email, etc).
I look forward to more in-depth forum activity for the Atrix and wish to thank all the developers making things easy for us (rooting, ROMs, etc).
Well guess since I voted I should say Hi as well.
I have been on XDA for almost 5 years now. History of phones is as follows: Treo 700wx, HTC Touch, HTC Legend, Blackberry Tourch, and now my Atrix.
The last 3 I had all at once for a week. Really liked my Legend, hated the Torch and now loving my Atrix.
Hello, name is Shawn but friends call me stumpy(lost a foot to a train when I was a kid) I just joined xda today and I bought my bell Atrix a few days ago to replace the IPhone 3GS that I was beginning to loathe . Looking forward to going through here and finding some fun stuff to do with my Atrix.
Last few phones were Blackberry pearl, Samsung Instinct, iPhone 3GS, ATRIX!
Sweet! People responded!
G1-8701 said:
i've bee with android since the G1 first came out, before that i had the Rokr(i loved that phone), blackberry pearl, blackjack, sidekick id, sidekick 3, sidekick LX(yea i was a sidekick fan), the W550i Walkman(that phone was sick!), the Touch Pro 2(great device, horrible software), the HTC Aria(still have it, great stable device), and now THE ATRIX(love it!), i had a few other devices just don't remember the exact names of them.
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looks like you've been through a couple of Android phones
G1-8701 said:
I been on this forum for a long time, i've tried a few others with different devices but this one seem to have the largest functioning community, i love xda they've helped me when i first started learning about android and continue to this day. I've learned so much to where i've helped out so many friends with their devices, and we've had so many great times on this site, a lot of hilarious moments and i'm sure more are to come. but i'm proud to be a long time member of xda, and once i learn to make themes i'll definitly start contributing to the site, then i'll start learning how to make roms(which may take some time, but it'll be worth it)
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Seems like XDA also has its 'playful' side, something that I haven't seen a lot of, lol. That's good I was fearing that this thread is too out there for most people and noone would respond to it.
Good luck with creating themes! If you make 'em good, you'll see me sporting 'em on my Atrix
MDK666 said:
Jsut wanted to take the time to say hi. I've been using android since the g1.
There was a time where I had jumped ship to the iphone. I ditched my iphone 4 the atrix. Its unbelievable how much android has changed. I love the phone and I can't wait to get invoked worth the community again!
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Welcome back to team Android! Android sure has come a long way from the G1!
ulkesh said:
I want to say hey and hope this community continues to get stronger! I jumped from the iPhone 4 to the Atrix. The Atrix is my first Android phone. I'm loving the immense amount of customization I can do on it. I just wish AT&T would open up non-market sources (I know they're planning to allow Amazon Appstore, but I want to install APKs via email, etc).
I look forward to more in-depth forum activity for the Atrix and wish to thank all the developers making things easy for us (rooting, ROMs, etc).
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Great to hear that you're loving both Android and the Atrix. I've notice that a few iPhone users find it quite hard to transition to Android and eventually return to their beloved iPhones. The developers here are AWSOME!!! Best place to find the best developers!! And it looks like you're planning to root?
fearthefox said:
Well guess since I voted I should say Hi as well.
I have been on XDA for almost 5 years now. History of phones is as follows: Treo 700wx, HTC Touch, HTC Legend, Blackberry Tourch, and now my Atrix.
The last 3 I had all at once for a week. Really liked my Legend, hated the Torch and now loving my Atrix.
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Wow! You've been a member here for a really long time!!! I thought the Torch was an improvement over the Bold/Curve! lol
stumpy_002 said:
Hello, name is Shawn but friends call me stumpy(lost a foot to a train when I was a kid) I just joined xda today and I bought my bell Atrix a few days ago to replace the IPhone 3GS that I was beginning to loathe . Looking forward to going through here and finding some fun stuff to do with my Atrix.
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Welcome to XDA!!! I hope you love your Atrix as I love mine! There's a lot that you can do with it that you can't with an iPhone!
>_< @ the train comment :< Sorry to hear about the foot.
What the heck, I'll bite. They call me dOc, I'm from Philadelphia and have been on xda I guess 2 years or so. I came here for the ROMs and mods for my AT&T Fuze (HTC Touch Pro) which was a great device that I just grew out of. (Now it kinda makes for a decent wireless touchpad/keyboard for the webtop, for the time being)
This is my first proper Android phone, having used XDAndroid on my Fuze and two pandigital e-readers that I put full android packages onto to get my feet wet. I must say that I am very glad I made the move but that it was only because of Windoze Phone 7 being so locked down that I went with the OS at all.
Loving the Atrix and I will be around for the duration. I am also interested in learning some Android development so I'll be learning that on the side and hopefully able to contribute at some point.
I usually don't post that often (I'm an avid searcher) but will when I really have something to offer or a serious question.
I am also on Androidforums, Atrixforums and Motorola owners forums and have seen you around Roze.
Hey Roze! Congrats on finally getting your Atrix!
I'm Marc, I have been a faithful Android user since the Original Droid came out, however i took a week long break with the Iphone when i started working for AT&T. Lucky for me the Aria came out with in the week so I returned the Iphone for it, then sold that, got the captivate, went to wp7 for a while, and then gave the dell streak a chance....tried the inspire, and here I am with the Atrix.
I'm looking forward for gingerblur RC1 !!!
oh and i work for AT&T, and yes, HSUPA is disabled although some of my superiors will beg to differ
-Roze- said:
Great to hear that you're loving both Android and the Atrix. I've notice that a few iPhone users find it quite hard to transition to Android and eventually return to their beloved iPhones. The developers here are AWSOME!!! Best place to find the best developers!! And it looks like you're planning to root?
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Already rooted Probably going to unroot (and possibly factory reset) for the coming update as I expect having it rooted could cause problems when updating. I'm an Adobe Flex developer and love that I can program for this device with very little effort. I make no promises not to return to the iPhone, but Apple has to come out with a phenomenal update with the iPhone 5 for me to want to switch back anytime soon.
I've only been using Android about a year now. Before I was a longtime WM user ( Early 2008- Late 2010). I'm normally not in these "serious" parts of the forum, I prefer off-topic and all its random, silly, nonsense but i'm taking a short leave of absence from it and my Team Llama empire. Click the pic in my sig to join (although we've been dead since I temporarily left in Jan.)
My device history
]• LG Incite (1 year used, still own)
• HTC Fuze (3 weeks used, sold)
• HTC Tilt 2 (1 month used, sold)
• HTC HD2 (2 weeks used, returned)
• Nexus One (6 months used, sold)
• Nexus S (1 month used, returned)
• Palm Pixi Plus (1 week used, still own)
• HTC Aria (1 month used, still own)
• Motorola Atrix 4G (currently using as main phone)
• HTC Surround (2 weeks used, broke, sold)
• Samsung Captivate (Got today)
What's going on everyone. I've been with xda since 2007 (well that's at least when i decided to join) because of the windows mobile devices I had and wanted to tinker with.
I am a mod at CrackBerry.com and have been a mod for Android Central around the time the Nexus One came out for AT&T. I started having lots of multi-touch issues with the Nexus One, so my Android activity went down.
I'm a phone whore and just like having new gadgets all the time. My current phones are:
Atrix 4G, iPhone 4, BlackBerry 9700 (should be getting my Torch back shortly), Samsung Focus and a Palm Pre. I just sold my Nexus One about 2-3 weeks ago and felt I needed a new Android device and the Atrix was the perfect device to do it.
I would name my previous smartphones, but the only ones I probably haven't had were Verizon ones (aside from the Storm 1).
Since I was on AT&T, there weren't many (actually no) android options in the beginning and when I heard about the "Google" phone, I waited and sure enough, the Nexus One was announced. The Atrix is only my second Android device as I've never been interested in many of the Android options from AT&T aside from the Nexus One and now the Atrix.
I do love the Atrix and have since made it my daily driver. Very unexpected and I'm loving it. I ordered an extra battery and media dock and should be here tomorrow (technically, later today... ha). I really don't need the battery as I'm getting 15 hours of usage and my battery is usually around 30%. I have not done any battery saving tricks (lowering the brightness, task managers, etc...) and this is very important to me as I like to use my device as is (the way I fell in love with it) and not having to adjust to less.
I have a son that will be 5 years old in June and realized I was addicted when at 3, he asked me why I had so many phones. Haha.
That's all for now. I'll probably use Tapatalk to post more.
hi, I bought one...and receive it today ...now I need unlock code xD
from portugal
From Sweden as you can figure out by looking a bit to the left. 28 years of age and currently studying logistics. I've been working for some years now at a job that payed very well but got me traveling around 100 days a year. I'm now aiming at settling down and all that crap.
Bought my Atrix two weeks ago and loving it. Owned a Magic, Acer Liquid and a X8 before this one. This kicks all their asses simultaneously!
I've got the AT&T model purchased through Amazon and Bonderlinx.
EclipseX said:
hi, I bought one...and receive it today ...now I need unlock code xD
from portugal
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Lol, nvm.....
S1MPD1DDY. For those of you who don't know, my name is a play on P-Diddy (who is now just Diddy, or.. whatever he is now). First time android user. I joined XDA when I got the Atrix last month. Great phone.
Device history:
iPhone 3G (2 of them, 2 years)
iPhone 3GS (1, 1 year)
Atrix (now, one month)
I kind of want to pick up another android phone now... maybe if I can find a cheap old ATT nexus one somewhere. I reaaallllyyy liked that phone. All my buddies had one, and the form factor on it was/is slick.
s1mpd1ddy said:
S1MPD1DDY. For those of you who don't know, my name is a play on P-Diddy (who is now just Diddy, or.. whatever he is now). First time android user. I joined XDA when I got the Atrix last month. Great phone.
Device history:
iPhone 3G (2 of them, 2 years)
iPhone 3GS (1, 1 year)
Atrix (now, one month)
I kind of want to pick up another android phone now... maybe if I can find a cheap old ATT nexus one somewhere. I reaaallllyyy liked that phone. All my buddies had one, and the form factor on it was/is slick.
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i just sold n1 for for pretty cheap... $250, but added $20 as it was out of country. i actually got a brand new replacement through HTC and the user got a fresh phone. looking at what people are still selling them for, i know i could have gotten a lot more. a couple of developers had emailed me after the sale and were willing to pay more.
Jayden0606 said:
i just sold n1 for for pretty cheap... $250, but added $20 as it was out of country. i actually got a brand new replacement through HTC and the user got a fresh phone. looking at what people are still selling them for, i know i could have gotten a lot more. a couple of developers had emailed me after the sale and were willing to pay more.
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what website did you use to sell it? Ebay?
First ATRIX in Portugal !?!
Probably. But first of all a big "Hello" to all of you in the xdadevelopers forum. Already before I bought my ATRIX last Friday in FT-Lauderdale, I followed the Android related threads during the last months here in the forum. Very interesting and informative.
When Android came on the stage, I was sure to buy one. I hate everything running Windoz, I like the look & feel of Apple but not the restrictions (iTunes etc.) and I love everything running Linux. Last Christmas I nearly bought a HTC, but when I heard about the Motorola ATRIX I was sure this will be the device which will replace my 8 year old Samsung (still working fine).
The last two months I was in US / Caribbean (for working ;-) so I thought to buy one in Florida. This was really difficult. Only end of February the first ones were available ... ... with a two years contract. The one without plan, you could not get because there was (is) a huge demand for this smartphone and only very few phones in stock. At least last Friday I could get one at Radio Shack in FT-Lauderdale. 599,- USD and of course blocked for AT&T. I took the risk, bought it and ordered the unblock code at CellUnlock.net.
Yesterday I got the code, swapped the Sim card to my Optimus one, rebooted the phone, entered the Unlock code and ...
... everything working perfect !!!
Hi, my name is irus and I am a dualcoreaholic

Hi from a noob!!!!

Just thought i'd say hi, i'm an Android virgin just swapping from an Iphone that bored me......ordered my Note on saturday so expecting in 3 to 5 days according to Phones4u!!!
Really like the site already so much information, hoping that the Note can live up to my expectations and reading some of the comments on here it will!!
Goodbye boredom
An excellent reason to switch.
Why hang with turkeys when you can fly with eagles.
Hopefully you won't become a flash junkie and spend every night dowloading and installing new and better roms.
(like I did)
becoz size is matter ! lol
Just got the note delivered 2-3 hours ago. My first Android phone, was using SE P990 and Xperia X1 the last 3-4 years.
I fill completely lost havent even played with android before.
I will be asking noob questions in this thread
Mate you lucky you got yours, i have now been told by phones4u that orange won't honour the upgrade package they offered me so i am back to square one trying to get my note!!!
Good news, Orange are allowing the upgrade so i get my Note tomorrow, can't wait to have a look and explore the beast........
Welcome my brother.
i was like you too once i had every iphones/ ipads model. my first android device was the galaxy tab 7'' and after that i never look back at another iphone again, i don't think i will ever again. i still have 3 ipads that my kids play with, can't wait to get the note.
You won't be disappointed. Had my note just over a week and it keeps getting better. Just be warned once your eyes adjust to the big screen. Every other phone looks really small lol
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
There's much more you can do with bigger screen. Even if you crank the hardware to 3GHz quad core and 32GB of RAM, there's so much you can do on small screen. It's like installing a V6 sports engine on a city car and expect it to be able to run stable at 200 mph
Recieved my note today and i have to say I LOVE IT!!!
The screen is great and its not to big to hold no way not even in calls, i have experienced zero lag and the battery is great!
i can't put it down and don't get me started on android, i love it really do so if your thinking about getting it don't just get it...........FANTASTIC PHABLET!!!
stedj said:
Recieved my note today and i have to say I LOVE IT!!!
The screen is great and its not to big to hold no way not even in calls, i have experienced zero lag and the battery is great!
i can't put it down and don't get me started on android, i love it really do so if your thinking about getting it don't just get it...........FANTASTIC PHABLET!!!
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Great Name!!!! "PHABLET" You should trade mark it.
Samsung Galaxy Note user from Malaysia
Hi there too, I'm also new in using Samsung product. Been using iPhone 4 for the pass year then a month ago using the Samsung Galaxy S2 traded it with iPhone 4. But it didn't last longer cause now I'm letting go of my Samsung Galaxy S2 and got myself the brand new Samsung Galaxy Note!
Nice to meet you guys here and hope to learn few things while I'm here.

Goodbye XDA, and thanks!

Well folks, my upgrade is due, and I'll be saying a sad farewell to my X10i.
I just want to take this opportunity to say a massive THANK YOU to all the folks in the X10 forum. Without the XDA site, and all your hard work, I would have been tired of my X10 a long, long time ago. As it is, there has always been something new and different to try out on it, and it has become proably the best-loved and most-used phone I've ever owned.
Huge respect to all the devs.
I'm getting an iPhone 4S tomorrow, so it's unlikely I'll be using XDA for at least another two years.
All the best,
Seems many of us are leaving.
Enjoy your iPhone4S you are making quite a change there.
POLO_i780 said:
Seems many of us are leaving.
Enjoy your iPhone4S you are making quite a change there.
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well some leave and some join,
I have a galaxy tab 10.1 for 2 months now, rooted but thats it
and now i have the xperia pro since yesterday, i still try to figure out wich sony forum is best for my phone since no xperia pro forum exist.
am trying to find the best rom for this phone, well i never installed a custom rom, only rooted my tab and still havent root my phone, i find it pretty complicate compare to my samsung tab but maybe ill root it and install a custom rom if i see that its really worth it
no way of changing the lockscreen picture, i had to dl file manager to reach my files transfered from the pc.
I've had my 4S for a few days now. I never realised how similar MIUI is to iPhone until now.
It imported my Google contacts without a hitch, and let me have my gmail account as my primary email address with no problems.
I'm missing the X10 Facebook integration a little; it takes a few seconds longer to upload pics and stuff to FB as I have to go through the app to do it or send by email.
The best thing about it IMO is the games. Stuff that chugged horribly on my X10 (like Dungeon Defenders for example, or some of the levels on Star Legends) runs nice and smooth now, giving me 60fps in most places with the occasional drop to 30fps, so if you're into games, then this is a really good phone.
The battery seems pretty similar to my X10 right now; if I play Pocket Legends for an hour, it drops by about 20%.
Overall, it's similar to Android, but different. Whilst it does some nice stuff my X10 couldn't do, it also cannot do some nice stuff my X10 could do. Not without paying money anyway :/

I feel the need to say goodbye

Well, might not seem very legit, to post here about that matter, but after like 3 years with my Hero, and since second one part of this community, i feel the need to say goodbye to all loyal Hero owners.The reason i say goodbye, is because i upgraded to Galaxy SII , but i will keep my hero as exhibit in my room!
Cheers guys!
So long friend, I had my hero tucked away, have since used an iphone, galaxy s2 as well, I only left my galaxy s2 last week for the nexus, so lost ability, to move around with my 25gig plus music collection, as sadly the nexus only has 16gig, so hv had to come back to my hero, and it still breathes.
Thanks and Hello
I have had my Hero since the week it was launched in the NL great phone was looking to replace it but can not find anything as small, neat and well built.
Was running a MoDaCo ROM for almost 2 years just updated to EleLinux 7.2 thanks guys it is like have a whole new phone.
So sorted for another couple of years.
I am still hanging on with my hero.
I will also say goodbye to my Hero
I am thinking of "upgrading" my Hero for a Samsung Galaxy S II, as well.
I am tired of missing calls event with stock ROMs. Besides, I need for CPU power than the Hero has to offer.
This doesn't mean I am disappointed with my Hero. It's a great phone, but it already past its time...
Here in Australia a retailer is offering the Galaxy S2 for under $400 and I must admit, I've been interested.
I just installed the Hero ICS 4.0.3 ROM today and I'm pleasantly surprised with what the phone is still capable of, despite it being terribly 'old hat' now.
Does the Galaxy S2 have any shortcomings? Still very much considering it for the money.
