Built-in Apps APK's please! - LeEco Le Pro3 Questions & Answers

One of my friends bought the phone and it looks like a very nice device. I also like the built-in apps it came with such as: browser, compass, (video) player, remote control. I wonder if someone can upload the apks here? My friend is not a tech savy so I couldnt get him do it and thought there should be some friends here can help me!!
Thank you!


Need A Developer!!!!

Ok, What I want to do.
I would like to develop a today screen that will go over the the original today screen.
A Media player (i know some are in development but i want one that looks like the picture at the bottom.)
SMS to add multiple contacts (looks like pocketcm but nicer and cleaner look to it).
these are just some of my ideas i would like to do and if i can talk to anyone that can help me develop these programs so i can go more in detail.
here are some pics that i pulled from the meizu m8 but i dont want it to look like that exactly just to give you a picture on what i want to do.
please i would really want to develop this and i am not any good in programing so if someone can please help me.
Thank you
some more pics
Some More Pics
Hey aih1977,
I cant speak for the others, but Melody .NET actually uses the meizu m8's media player bar. You can get it here:
The native C++ version is also being developed, and you can follow it here:
Hope this helps .
ok forget about the media player and i just post a reply on the forum right now. lol
when you say need, you mean want.. not a dveloper myself, but before, when people actually need a prog they say theyll pay, id guess yours is more want then...
and tbh who doesnt want an iphone media player...
if you use the netcf version of melody which thundershadow developed, im like the troubleshooter, and id be glad to help you out with it..

ATT Video [email protected] MMS Settings

Hey all, im pretty sure im not the only one to have seen those att fuze commercials lately where they guy is going about his job and using his att fuze to email , mms, and video share. what id like to know is if anyone know how to and what the settings are so our SEX1s can do the same. I feel like a kid seeing a kid with a similar toy but envyous that mine doesnt do what theirs does, especially since our device cost way more.((( i want to video share and mms just like the guy on tv mommy.)). Can someone please help with a how to or cab file. I've search around but cant seem to get any straight answers from anyone .
thanks in advance
Well, our device has native SMS, just New->MMS in the Messaging.
As for video share, it's probably a network provided feature.
In what way exactly and where to do you want to "share videos"?
Please forgive me if i have misunderstood the question.

[HELP NEEDED] Cool User Interface

Hi all,
I'd like to write some apps for mobile but I don't know how to have a "cool" (you know what i mean, iPhone like) interface instead of the flat one offered by .NETCF controls.
Please, help me or give me suggestions about where to find nice controls such as buttons (like the one used in phone dialers etc), scrollers, and so on.
so are you asking for help with graphics and layouts? send me a pm. id love to work on some UI stuff.
heres several to choose from.
Manila Interface SDK:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=566188
Silvermoon: http://silvermoon.codeplex.com/
Fluid: http://fluid.codeplex.com/
RescoeMobileforms toolkit: http://www.resco.net/developer/mobileformstoolkit/overview.aspx
Mirabyte Touchcontrols: http://www.mirabyte.com/en/products/windows-mobile/touch-controls-suite-for-netcf/information.html
Hi all and thanks a lot.
@Ren13B : I have just downloaded fluid, but i have serious problem on creating controls at runtime (no designer or my mistake) so if you have experience i'd like to see some rough/basic example code for vb.net
@S.V.I : I'm at office, when I return home I'll send you a P.M., thanks and see you soon!
I could help you with some graphics as well .
If you want, PM me.
I took a peak at the fluid demo application but never really tried using the controls in any of my projects. I think the developer has stopped working on it and is concentrating on silvermoon now. There's a forum section there so you may want to add a post there to see if anyone can help you.
Im waiting and hoping one of these days Microsoft will bless us with some finger friendly mobile controls. Perhaps the next .net compact framework will provide this but they arent releasing any information about it so who knows what it will provide.
netking80 said:
Hi all and thanks a lot.
@Ren13B : I have just downloaded fluid, but i have serious problem on creating controls at runtime (no designer or my mistake) so if you have experience i'd like to see some rough/basic example code for vb.net
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Here are a few I came across : http://www.1800pocketpc.com/2009/07/07/how-to-make-professional-looking-user-interface-for-your-next-windows-mobile-app-with-ease.html
@ netking80 : what app are u developing ?

anyone going to develop a way to have animated gifs?

I love animated gifs. I get them in MMS, I go to 4chan and look at ppl do silly things, I watch radar in my browser sometimes. I miss being able to do these things. I could do them flawlessly on my touchpro 1 and touchpro 2, but on my moto droid NOPE!! so any developers out there that have some insight into this topic please help me, and everyone else who really wants this BASIC FUNCTIONALITY put into android.
thanks for listening to my rant.
If you could also please explain why the android platform does not have this feature I would appreciate it greatly.
Because the gif format is archaic, and Android is a forward-thinking platform .
well, if getting MMS attachments on your phone is archaic call me old fashioned then? I really hope this is supported. i don't see the point in leaving it out completely.
sorry for the double post. I found the bug page at google related to animated gif files. If you all could be so kind as to star this issue to get it bumped up higher I would appreciate it very much.
animated gifs are used for the hero builds' bootanimation, so android does support it, just not in its framework

[Q] Samsung studio issue help please

Hi everyone I wanted to post on to this forum because I'm having an issue with my S5 and I wanted to see if anyone else has had it or maybe has an answer for it I've watched a lot of videos on the Samsung Studio photo editing feature on the phone and where to find it and how to use it but on my phone I cant find the studio feature anywhere so I'm confused was the feature just left off of sprint phones or is my phone missing it all together cause it wasn't installed it should be in the gallery options but its not please help I'm totally confused, thank you.
Just some details I should add I have an S5 im in the US and it runs on sprints network dont know if any of that will help.

