anyone going to develop a way to have animated gifs? - Android Software Development

I love animated gifs. I get them in MMS, I go to 4chan and look at ppl do silly things, I watch radar in my browser sometimes. I miss being able to do these things. I could do them flawlessly on my touchpro 1 and touchpro 2, but on my moto droid NOPE!! so any developers out there that have some insight into this topic please help me, and everyone else who really wants this BASIC FUNCTIONALITY put into android.
thanks for listening to my rant.
If you could also please explain why the android platform does not have this feature I would appreciate it greatly.

Because the gif format is archaic, and Android is a forward-thinking platform .

well, if getting MMS attachments on your phone is archaic call me old fashioned then? I really hope this is supported. i don't see the point in leaving it out completely.

sorry for the double post. I found the bug page at google related to animated gif files. If you all could be so kind as to star this issue to get it bumped up higher I would appreciate it very much.

animated gifs are used for the hero builds' bootanimation, so android does support it, just not in its framework


Need A Developer!!!!

Ok, What I want to do.
I would like to develop a today screen that will go over the the original today screen.
A Media player (i know some are in development but i want one that looks like the picture at the bottom.)
SMS to add multiple contacts (looks like pocketcm but nicer and cleaner look to it).
these are just some of my ideas i would like to do and if i can talk to anyone that can help me develop these programs so i can go more in detail.
here are some pics that i pulled from the meizu m8 but i dont want it to look like that exactly just to give you a picture on what i want to do.
please i would really want to develop this and i am not any good in programing so if someone can please help me.
Thank you
some more pics
Some More Pics
Hey aih1977,
I cant speak for the others, but Melody .NET actually uses the meizu m8's media player bar. You can get it here:
The native C++ version is also being developed, and you can follow it here:
Hope this helps .
ok forget about the media player and i just post a reply on the forum right now. lol
when you say need, you mean want.. not a dveloper myself, but before, when people actually need a prog they say theyll pay, id guess yours is more want then...
and tbh who doesnt want an iphone media player...
if you use the netcf version of melody which thundershadow developed, im like the troubleshooter, and id be glad to help you out with it..

Animated pics and/or icons

I'm just learning about all this...could someone please tell me how to be able to see animations? I've downloaded flash player from adobe but evidentally don't know how to use it. I've had my ppc for over a year but just been interested in learning other things although now it's starting to be aggravating...HELP!!

Corporate-Jargon Generator for Flash Lite 2.1

Hi all!
About a year ago I'd created this Flash application at the request of a few colleagues around the office. Couple weeks back I stumbled across the source files on my home PC and thought it'd be a funny idea to tweak it into a Pocket PC friendly app that anyone could use on-the-go to create some funny office-speak.
The current version supports two "modes". One to create random or custom-crafted phrases, the other to randomly generate full sentences of corporate jargon with a rolling history that you can peruse. The phrase mode allows you to randomly swap out verbs, adjectives and nouns independently.. or to specify a custom noun of your choice.
The app uses an XML file as a word database, so you can easily add or change the pre-supplied words and phrases!
I do plan to add a few more features to it in the near future, as well as make the interface slightly more finger-friendly. It works pretty well now but the performance could use some tweaking (animations get a little choppy at times).
So, hopefully some of you can have some fun with this. Its been a riot around my office so far and a few of the guys have put it on their phones to fool around with in meetings
Install is easy, open the zip file, copy folder to device, run SWF file. Flash Lite 2.1 is the only requirement. It should support all standard resolution configurations (elements should reposition themselves based on screen size/orientation) as well as both touch and non-touch screen devices.
If anyone has any issues running it, please let me know and I will try to fix it
Oh yeah, you can run this in a regular Flash player on your desktop as well in case anyone wants to fire it up there instead.
This, sir, is going straight to my device. thanks for the great app.
I love it! Great work
Thanks guys Much appreciated!
Haha... this is cool. Downloading now....
My friend, I just tried this and it rocks! I can't wait for the next staff meeting! I'll be getting a nice raise very soon...Thanks!
I think I've heard some of these in recent weeks
I think Im going to have to envisioneer impactful schemas during a meeting tomorrow!!
I'll be updating the xml file in a few days myself, anyone want to share unique terms?
My friend, I just tried this and it rocks! I can't wait for the next staff meeting! I'll be getting a nice raise very soon...Thanks!
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Fantastic, be sure to let me know how that goes LOL
mattarse said:
I think I've heard some of these in recent weeks
I think Im going to have to envisioneer impactful schemas during a meeting tomorrow!!
I'll be updating the xml file in a few days myself, anyone want to share unique terms?
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Please do share! I will update the included default file with whatever else you guys come up with. I have a few slated for addition now based on some conversations I had at work recently
"living document" is definitely going in ASAP LOL

[APP] Pandemonium VGA - Themeable Sound Board

Hi, Well I have finally got round to finishing enough of this application to give you a version. Unfortunately all the features I wanted to release are not there but its close enough. Future versions will incorporate these.
This application is basically a sound board with the ability to add user created content.
As before, requires .Net 3.5 CF.
The sample sound themes included in the application are a little weak and could do with some extra ones being created. Post your creations in the thread please
There are two types of themes available, a button theme and an image theme.
The button theme uses positionable windows image buttons to play the sounds.
The image theme uses an image to play the sounds. So for example you would have 2 images one for the background on the application for the user to see and one for the application to use. The overlay image will contain a single block of colour where you want to place a button, this colour is then indexed in the themes XML file. So when you press down on the background the colours are matched and the matching sound played.
The best way to get to grips with the themes is to look at two of the themes I have provided. The XML files are fully commented and quite simple to understand.
Example of ButtonTheme, \content\Roy Walker\RoyWalker.xml
Example of Imagetheme, \content\Mr T\MRT.xml
I am sure there will be bugs, but I wanted to get a release out as soon as possible to get some user created content. Please post any creations on this thread and I will include them in the .cab file with the next version.
Any feedback or suggestions please post on this thread also.
Future features:
Volume Control
More audio support, e.g. mp3 etc
Options to save last theme and other stuff
visual feedback on an Imagetheme button press, perhaps a greying of an area (Simple but havent had the time)
Any way have fun!!
Attached are a few screenshots of my bad attempts at themes.
The "wrong" button sound effect is not from catchphrase, but from Family Fortunes. As far as I remember, they didn't have a sound for that. Roy Walker simply said "It's a good guess but it's not right", which for me beeged the question, how is it a good guess then? Anyway, I'm not fussy. It's a great, useless, fun little program. We need more of these!!
Yeah you are right, I was just being lazy! But ah well, hopefully myself or someone else will create a family fortunes theme for it.
I also need to get some more Roy Walker sounds added in, a few people on the forum have given me links though.
Work seems to steal all of my time these days. Stupid work!
Cant wait to try it. Thanks for your hard work.
I can't play any sound when I'm on the phone. Neither I, or the one I'm on the phone with can hear anything.. What am I doing wrongd?
To be honest I never even thought about someone trying to use it during a phone call!
Interesting idea though...
I am slowing working on a few more themes, when I get time during work of course. Unfortunately my artistic skills are a little weak.
But I have created piano theme also, much like the one for the IPhone. Need to create some others also.
I was kinda hoping other people would create some content. It is easy enough
i am up for this....let me know how i can make some themes!
i have made a new theme! (well based on the mr t one supplied)
i would like to know if someone can tell the screen size the program displays as it is not 480*800 as in the specs (it looses some from header and footer)
if anyone would like the theme i have made please Private message me i will mail it to you (as i do not know how to link)
i am currently working on another FAR TSUPERIOR theme just need the right images and screen size before i mail it out.
about time i found an app that i can have fun with! (like those iphone apps!)
cheers original poster for this!
I there, a have been searching for a while for an application that a could use to make something like the iphone idrummer (because of the daft punk kits) since i dont know how to make one, just modify them.
So here are my versions of Daft Punk "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" and "Aerodynamic". Just ad the files to the content file of the application and select them on the application and you are ready to go.
The thing is, they were made for QVGA version (240x320), so for other screen dimensions just modify the size of the background images and buttons, and coordinates also.
Hope you enjoy them (sorry for my possible bad english)
Anyway thanks to the creator of the application, and if anyone could make a new application more suited for a possible version of idrummer for those that dont have a iphone its always welcome
Haha i was just about to come here and ask if someone could port this across from the andrioid but since this sound board is very similar then maybe it could be intergrated into this!!
Is it possible to make it so that someone on the phone can hear the sounds?
This would be then great for prank calls. It would then also be useful to let you set your voicemail message as an mp3 - just dial your vm, choose record greeting and hit the soundboard button...
is there any way u can make a soundboard for family feud?

Designer desperately seeking developer to create TF3D RSS Reeder

As a frequent RSS user I still didn't find an RSS Reader which uses the snappy interface and touch friendly buttons of TF3D. So I created some screens hoping an enthusiastic developer feels challenged to create an ultimate RSS reader for TF3D.
Some requirements should be:
Import feeds from OPML file and/or sync with Google Reader
Update All, Update Channel or update Feed seperately (conveniant when using roaming abroad)
Auto update (every .. minutes/hours/days) and notify when new items arrive
... And more
A great wish would be to add the program in the tab structure in TouchFlo.
So the big question is: Which developer feels the urge to create this baby????
If someone feels this urge, I will make more screens, but I first want to know if there's somebody out there who wants to help me...
Hmm that's a good idea, especially love the "sync with google reader" part, browsing google reader on opera mobile is just plain madness.!
Love to see this becoming a real program! Hope someone will help you out nielsepiels!
yeah ! good idea !
I'm waiting for it....
BYE, Bobo
hopefully it will become true..i know people in this forum are genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really good idea!!!
Bobo Xni said:
I'm waiting for it....
BYE, Bobo
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I also!!!
If this will make it into development, I will defenately donate!
SSC said:
If this will make it into development, I will defenately donate!
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Got my vote too - I could offer my services beta testing on my AT&T Fuze - I would definitely donate for this - Heck, I'll give someone a few bucks as soon as i see a beta!
same.. i would def donate some money for this, was thinking of something like this the other night.
anythings better than RSS Hub - buggy as hell with its constant freezes
maybe this is the right place to post it.......i would love to develop such an application (and other tf3d plugins) but i didnt find any documentation on tf3d development so far......the only thread where someone asked for a documentation is only available in google-cache with no answer posted....
maybe you guys or someone who reads this thread do know where to find tf3d-dev-docs...
ZeroOverride said:
maybe this is the right place to post it.......i would love to develop such an application (and other tf3d plugins) but i didnt find any documentation on tf3d development so far......the only thread where someone asked for a documentation is only available in google-cache with no answer posted....
maybe you guys or someone who reads this thread do know where to find tf3d-dev-docs...
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Maybe this guy can help you out.
ZeroOverride said:
maybe you guys or someone who reads this thread do know where to find tf3d-dev-docs...thx!
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TF3D is developed in Lua. D-MAN666 is one of the few guys who knows how to edit TF3D and develop TF3D applications, like his calendar application.
@ Nielsepiels & Mandragore: THX!!
wow, this looks cool. would be awesome if you could code this app. and props to the thread starter, nice screens!
I think we need more threads like this. that way we get more finger friendly and nice looking apps!
Hi guys , i'm sure it's a very useful idea.
I'm thinking about coding this (i'am learning on mobile coding) , waiting for any suggestion , so let's go for making this cool stuff.
ps: sorry for my bad english ;-)
Came across this thread and thought it was worth reviving
There was a thread about this a long long time ago, but I think people just forgot about it. Its such a good idea - and yet HTC havent even mentioned any RSS enhancements for the new version of TF3D on Diamond2, etc :s. I hope someone can make this - they would definately get a donation from me for it
Upping this to see if there are any developments.
I wonder if the email tab on TF3D can be "tweaked" to receive RSS headlines instead of sending and receiving from an email account?
I'm going to try and found out how that tabs is put together it might offer some ideas.
I'd love to be able to flick through the headlines/stories from my favourite feeds like you do with text messages or even better have a "ticker" running across the screen with the latest news..... that would be cool

