Bluetooth issues! - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

Does anyone have issues when your headphones are turned on and only call audio connects and you have to manually connect media audio. I have not clue if it's the AT&T crap firmware or something else!.


Bluetooth profile and sound quality issues

I only want to use my bluetooth for phone audio, but when it connects to my car it rechecks media. Also, the audio through the car for music is filled with static. Any ideas on either issue?

[Q] bluetooth headphone don't work with Netflix app

Motorola bluetooth headphones work perfectly while listening to music but not while trying to play a movie in Netflix app. The audio is heard through the external speaker. any ideas?
same issue problem here with external bluetooth speakers
not working here too....
I guess it's an app problem. May be Netflix needs to send the output to the default audio output device instead of the (hardcoded) speakers?
I use a mac and had the same problem. So I used the Line In app for mac and Sound Flower.
Once Soundflower is installed, go into the mac sound settings, and change output to Soundflower (2ch) or (16ch). Whichever you want
Turn on the Line In app, and divert the Soundflower channel to the Bluetooth headset.
The sound quality is crap, but it's a work around if you need it. Also, my headset turned off a few times after about 15 mins of use. Guessing the mac or headset is recognizing a signal since it's kinda sent sneakily. So it probably registers as idle.
What does a MAC's BT issue have anything to do with Windwos phone's problem?
BTW, I did some testing. Even with NoDo update, using the built in Zune Video player, I can't send the audio via A2DP to a BT headset. So, it seems the limitation is inside WP7 OS. There is NO A2DP support for any video players.

[Q] i9100 no Bluetooth audio

Phone Samsung Galaxy S II
I am having a problem with no audio being routed to my Bluetooth in vehicle. This is a critical bug for me due to where I live having one of the strictest distracted driving laws.
After turning on the device no audio is working during calls. Mic and speaker since neither person hears anything.
Media audio doesn't work either. But I have found a non permanent fix for that.
If I connect to Bluetooth and start music it is silent but if I go into the Bluetooth settings and choose the preferences for that specific device and toggle the "media audio profile" off then on and restart the music it will work fine until I lose the connection. I have to repeat every power on.
The same type of fix doesn't work for call audio though.
Edit: Just noticed if I leave the phone audio profile turned off that media audio works fine all the time.
I too second what shadowofdarkness has mentioned in the post before. I have an "HBS 700" headset. When both profiles phone/media are on, and you hit the volume rocker the bluetooth audio is disabled. You disable both and enable media audio alone and it works fine sometimes. Else unpairing and pairing back and enabling only media audio makes it work without a hitch. Enabling phone audio at anytime brings us back to this issue.

Bluetooth will not auto connect if phone audio unselected

So, kind of a strange question.
The mic in my car sucks, so i dont use it. I keep the phone audio option turned off, but leave the media audio turned on. When I do this I have to manually tell bluetooth to connect to the stereo. Whenever phone audio and media audio are on, it pairs just fine. Is there any workaround for this? Im using the latest PureNexus build.

Bluetooth headphones issues!

When connecting to anything via Bluetooth grinds my gears. Headphones and external speakers connect fine but LITERALLY have to manually connect media audio. Call audio works fine when Bluetooth is on. Any one have similar issues.
I have no issues using my headphones (Bose OE Soundlink). I think it is your headset or maybe a software bug. I do get crackling soinds sometimes tho.
Had the same thing. I went ahead and went to the TMOBILE firmware. I'm done with At&t crap.
