Proximity sensor issue S7 Edge G935F - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

This is my first time posting a thread on XDA. I have a problem with my proximity sensor on my galaxy s7 edge phone. It stays always on and i am worring about my battery life and other things that are conected with it. I have a rooted device. Tired with turning off AOD service but nothing.
With *#0*# ADC value is too high and it changes very fast from 290 to 400. Attach you will find informations. Anyone has the same problem or it is only me?

Hmmm...strange. I'd guess there's some app that's holding it on.
Do you have Skype, Viber or one of those type of apps installed? If so, try uninstalling them or clear cache/data (after backing up).
or try clearing Phone cache/data.

I can not see with eyes it is normal. But good camera can detect infrared rays so this is how i know. I have tested on other device with my camera and proximity is not always on. When u try to make a call it activates and deactivates after ending the call. It does not seem to be normal if it stays active all over the time.

Uninstalled skype. Forced closed viber and nothing. I had using this types of apps on s6 g920f and had no issues with proximity sensor.


Screen locks immediately during calls - proximity sensor not working?

I have two SGS4's. On one, when I place a call, the call screen stays on and it turns off when I raise it to my ear. It then turns on when I pull it away.
On the other, as soon as I place I call the screen goes dark. The only way to get it back is to push the power button and unlock the phone.
The "Turn screen off during a call" setting is set on both phones.
Anyone have any idea what is causing this? Next step is to do a wipe, but that just sucks.
I'm on stock and not rooted.
Sadly I have the same issue on mine but not my wifes.... hope somebody knows something or maybe the rumored update thats going to be coming out will have a fix?? I dunno...
jprocket45 said:
Sadly I have the same issue on mine but not my wifes.... hope somebody knows something or maybe the rumored update thats going to be coming out will have a fix?? I dunno...
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Have you tried doing a reset yet? I'm hesitant since it's a pain to restore everything the way I like it. Definitely a weekend task.
Sirchuk said:
Have you tried doing a reset yet? I'm hesitant since it's a pain to restore everything the way I like it. Definitely a weekend task.
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I have done a reset it solved it a little I guess but still having issues once in a great while all works well id blame it on the otterbox case but my wife has one so dunno if that could be the issue you have a case on urs never really played with the phone outside of the case lol
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda app-developers app
jprocket45 said:
I have done a reset it solved it a little I guess but still having issues once in a great while all works well id blame it on the otterbox case but my wife has one so dunno if that could be the issue you have a case on urs never really played with the phone outside of the case lol
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda app-developers app
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Nope, mine is naked for now. I'll have to do a reset today/tomorrow and see if that solves my issue. If not, I'm taking back to the store for an exchange. It's only been a couple of weeks.
To late for me to take it back but suppose to be a update coming soon that does alot of fixes so we will see Good luck like I said reset I did notice fixed it a bit let me know how it goes I'm threw sprint just curious if you have them only reason I ask if it's just a carrier issue with software or something I doubt it but just figured to see who you had lol
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda app-developers app
Dial *#7353# and make a test
sent from my Galaxy
samersh72 said:
Dial *#7353# and make a test
sent from my Galaxy
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That's what I was looking for!
Sure enough,the proximity sensor was always on and wouldn't go off.
I'm with T-Mobile and they have a 30 return/exchange policy if you buy it outright, which I had, so it only took about 10 minutes for them to exchange it!
Thanks for the testing code! XDA comes through once again!
Same problem when I'm making a call, the screen goes blank when I put it to my head and when I remove it nothing happens.
I tried *#7353# and the proximity sensor goes of but will not stop..
I'm currently rooted, could it solve the problem to go back to stock?
Possible Fix
jprocket45 said:
Sadly I have the same issue on mine but not my wifes.... hope somebody knows something or maybe the rumored update thats going to be coming out will have a fix?? I dunno...
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I have had the same problem over the last 3 weeks and decided to take a gamble. I tightened up all the screws on the device and squeezed real hard on the area where the prox sensor is and poof... it works. I have no idea what was up but I feel like the sensor is loose and the pressure resolved the issue. Many other post have talked about cleaning the area over the prox real good and it works but I think its the pressure that is actually fixing the issue. Anyone else have any ideas? Sorry if this was posted incorrectly, I have never posted before but I felt this issue is a PITA.
I have i9500. Unrooted with latest OTA update installed (Build XXUBMG1).
I've been having the same problem with proximity sensor. When proximity sensor is enabled during phone calls (both regular calls and Viber calls), the screen is disabled. Also, my screen sometimes remains on during the call until I place it to my ear and sometimes it turns off immediately during the call. It wasn't always like this, but I can't remember when it started happening, but I suspect it was since the last OTA update.
I've searched around online and have noticed several comments.
Apparently this is an issue with several Galaxy models over the years (sorry, I lost the reference) and this thread: mentions Galaxy Note 2 and SGS3 having the issue where there is something wrong with the threshold setting in the calibration settings. Mine appears to have the same issue where it always reads 0cm (i.e. always covered). However this thread also suggests a fix to input some code to adjust the calibration if your phone is rooted.
One suggestion is there is a misalignment of the sensor and so it might be partially covered by the phone's front fascia, causing the sensor to always read as covered or "1" or 0cm. But looking carefully at mine, it looks centred dead-on.
This thread indicates that the sensor is always on as can be seen through a digital camera LCD (but not with your naked eye). I've tried this with my DSLR and confirmed this also happens with mine, even when the option is set to turn it off during calls, and also even when air gesture (which uses the prox sensor) is turned off. Not sure if this affects the problem or not though.
Can't remember where I read this, but someone mentioned that when shining a bright light over the phone, it works. So I downloaded two sensor apps from Google Play: Android Sensor Box, and Proximity Sensor Finder. And also used the inbuilt *#7353* feature. All three report that my proximity sensor is always reading that something is constantly covering it..... EXCEPT when a bright light (the sun works) is shining on the light sensor - not the proximity sensor. I tested this by using a torch on both sensors. When blocking light from the light sensor, the problem persists, but not when I allow the light to shine on the sensor. So it appears that they both act in unison.
Similar issue with air gestures, which used to work when my phone was new, even in relatively ambient light (but obviously not in a dark room), but now doesn't under similar conditions, and again... EXCEPT when a bright light is shining on the light sensor, or when I'm out in the sun.
Anyway, I'm not willing to root my phone at this point, just to try the fix suggested in (my phone was bought overseas and returning it wouldn't be convenient for me). And since this wasn't always a problem with my phone, I suspect it is a software problem related to one of the recent OTA updates.
Edit: After further testing, it seems that air gestures use the front camera as well as the light and proximity sensors.
My proximity sensor works - when I go into diagnostic, it goes green when I bring a hand near the sensor - my issue is that it doesn't seem to notice when I remove my hand and there no longer is anything proximal - until I hit the back button to exit the test. Other than blowing out the earphone jack, does anyone have a suggestion?
divche said:
I have i9500. Unrooted with latest OTA update installed (Build XXUBMG1).
I've been having the same problem with proximity sensor. When proximity sensor is enabled during phone calls (both regular calls and Viber calls), the screen is disabled. Also, my screen sometimes remains on during the call until I place it to my ear and sometimes it turns off immediately during the call. It wasn't always like this, but I can't remember when it started happening, but I suspect it was since the last OTA update.
I've searched around online and have noticed several comments.
Apparently this is an issue with several Galaxy models over the years (sorry, I lost the reference) and this thread: mentions Galaxy Note 2 and SGS3 having the issue where there is something wrong with the threshold setting in the calibration settings. Mine appears to have the same issue where it always reads 0cm (i.e. always covered). However this thread also suggests a fix to input some code to adjust the calibration if your phone is rooted.
One suggestion is there is a misalignment of the sensor and so it might be partially covered by the phone's front fascia, causing the sensor to always read as covered or "1" or 0cm. But looking carefully at mine, it looks centred dead-on.
This thread indicates that the sensor is always on as can be seen through a digital camera LCD (but not with your naked eye). I've tried this with my DSLR and confirmed this also happens with mine, even when the option is set to turn it off during calls, and also even when air gesture (which uses the prox sensor) is turned off. Not sure if this affects the problem or not though.
Can't remember where I read this, but someone mentioned that when shining a bright light over the phone, it works. So I downloaded two sensor apps from Google Play: Android Sensor Box, and Proximity Sensor Finder. And also used the inbuilt *#7353* feature. All three report that my proximity sensor is always reading that something is constantly covering it..... EXCEPT when a bright light (the sun works) is shining on the light sensor - not the proximity sensor. I tested this by using a torch on both sensors. When blocking light from the light sensor, the problem persists, but not when I allow the light to shine on the sensor. So it appears that they both act in unison.
Similar issue with air gestures, which used to work when my phone was new, even in relatively ambient light (but obviously not in a dark room), but now doesn't under similar conditions, and again... EXCEPT when a bright light is shining on the light sensor, or when I'm out in the sun.
Anyway, I'm not willing to root my phone at this point, just to try the fix suggested in (my phone was bought overseas and returning it wouldn't be convenient for me). And since this wasn't always a problem with my phone, I suspect it is a software problem related to one of the recent OTA updates.
Edit: After further testing, it seems that air gestures use the front camera as well as the light and proximity sensors.
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Proximity sensor
I had problem with proximity sensor in my galaxy s3 mini but my rear camera had error and fc also.I tried everything and nothing work.Finaly I open device and disconect camera and connect it again and camera started to work.But for my suprise proximity sensor now works perfect and I did not touch it.I can't explain what happend but I am happy.
I guess what it comes down to is.....for some you can reset the sensor, for some they can blow it out with compressed air, but others actually have to take apart their phone to fix this issue.
marduj5 said:
I had problem with proximity sensor in my galaxy s3 mini but my rear camera had error and fc also.I tried everything and nothing work.Finaly I open device and disconect camera and connect it again and camera started to work.But for my suprise proximity sensor now works perfect and I did not touch it.I can't explain what happend but I am happy.
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i have the same problem. any solution guys ?
( BTW - im on NB3 INS firmware )
I think I summarized the available solutions just before your post. There is no single thing which always works, you'll need to go through and see which fixes yours. This happens primarily because of hardware, with the sensor getting dirty - so it comes down to how invasive the procedure to clean it.
Shohat said:
i have the same problem. any solution guys ?
( BTW - im on NB3 INS firmware )
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Hubris2 said:
I think I summarized the available solutions just before your post. There is no single thing which always works, you'll need to go through and see which fixes yours. This happens primarily because of hardware, with the sensor getting dirty - so it comes down to how invasive the procedure to clean it.
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i'm sorry. i already tried your first solution and it worked like charm ! thank you ! :good:
HOw to solve, none of this works. How cann i clean proximity?

[Q] i9505 Proximity Sensor problem

Hi everyone,
since a few weeks i got problems with the proximity sensor on my i9505
First i thought that it is software related but after clean installing a new ROM yesterday i see that the problem still exists...
It happens when the proximity sensor should react, when i am close to it, it reacts and activates but the problem is that it wont turn off again...
i dialed the test menu and went to sensor test, as i see the sensor sees the distance normaly, when i bring it close and when i move it away i see that the numbers react how they should, however after the sensor is once trigerred with a close object it starts to vibrate and the screen turns green (how it should), but after moving away it registers the distance but it won´t stop to vibrate and turn off :/
Anyone who knows what could be wrong?
I have to mention that the display was changed once (because of the glass broke) but it was working normal for months...
EDIT: after testing again i see that the sensor sees the distance just as it should the only problem is that once that the sensor action is triggered to 1.0 from 0.0 it stays at 1.0 no matter if i remove my hand...

[Q] What mod allows you to disable the in-call proximity sensor?

Hi everyone,
Long story short, I got a used Nexus 4 off someone, everything works perfectly except the proximity sensor. During a call the screen blacks out and doesn't come back unless I hard reset the phone to hang up. I figured out it was a problem with the proximity sensor. Upon reading these forums and many other articles on Google about taking off the screen protector (which I don't have) and swapping the rubber "sensor" holder holes, I decided to open the phone up and take a look.
It appears that my phone is missing the rubber piece to hold the proximity and light sensors in place, making the sensor unusable and causing many issues with making calls. I've tried playing around with it using other peoples' suggestions and nothing has worked. I've decided to just find a way to disable the proximity sensor instead during a call, as I'll be quite satisfied with just a simple software fix.
Right now I am using Proximity Screen OFF to keep the screen on, but it drains my battery pretty hard. I was thinking to just flash my phone with a mod that allows me to turn the proximity sensor off during a call.
Any suggestions as to which mod contains this feature?
Thank you.

Disable Proximity Sensor (for Skype)?

since the skype app exists I have the problem that if I'm having a call within Skype an I'm using my headset the proximity sensor is still on.
So if I put my hand over it, and that happens way more often than you think, the screen turns off.
Is there any way to turn of the proximity sensor on our loved S7 edge?
Actually my S7 edge isn't rootet but I'm willing to root it if that would solve my problem.

Proximity sensor issue when in call

I have problem with my s10+ exynos.
When calling and the phone is on my ear, the screen turns off.
However when moving my phone away from my ear the screen stays off during the call.
I have to push the power button to wake the screen up.
With my s7 edge the screen used to turn on when I moved my phone away from my ear when in a call.
When dialing *#0*# for the test menu's, clicking the sensors button doesn't show any proximity sensor at all?
I removed the screenprotector and the issue happends with both case on and off.
When recording sensor activity with the app Androsensor, the generated csv clearly shows that the proximity sensor goed from 2 to 0 and back to 2, so I don't think it's a hardware issue.
Also booting in safe mode and factory reset doesn't resolve the issue.
Am I missing somthing in the settings?
Is anyone else running into this issue?
I contacted the shop where I bought the phone and they told me that it's very likely to be a defective phone.
So I will send the phone back and once they have confirmed the issue, they will send a new device.
same thing happens to me
Update - it stopped happening on my phone all of the sudden. Now it is working fine.
