My OnePlus2 seems to break more and more in software :/ - OnePlus 2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Before some weeks ive been asking here what ROM I should use. Ive done this cause my power drains to fast.
So I switched back to OxygenOS3.0 and everything worked fine until today.
Today my phone got always authentification problems with my WiFi at Home.
So ive thought to fully unroot my device and go back on the first stock ROM.
But it fixed nothing and I also restart my router so thats not the fault.
Also the Fingerprint Sensor including the Touch Function doesnt work anymore ive also got this problem before a half year but fixed it very fast after installing CM13.
Now ive wanted to know if someone got the same problems or one of them and could help or give some advices the phone is only 1 year old and I didnt want to swap to another one until a year.

What I would do is flash some other roms and make sure that you're using the hybrid twrp

Or probably start over again after flashing stock ROM.
Before that try clearing cache and Dalvik which solves issues on most deodexed ROMs.


Gingerbread 2.3 problems.

Sorry if this has been cleared up in another thread, but I cannot find the answer to this problem.
I am running Gingerbread 2.3 (Cynogen) on my phone via the file manager method. Everything was fine until one day after I booted back into Android after a normal soft reset - The keyboard would keep hitting "Q" no matter what I pressed. I could not open The browser as I would get an error message.
I thought maybe it was the extended battery I was using, so I reformatted my sd card, re booted gingerbread and everything was back to normal.
Then last week it happened again. I dont remember installing anything new. It is also not the build Im sure, because this did happen a while ago on another Cynogen mod I used.
I am pulling my hair out wondering what to do. There is no point in reinstalling it because it will happen at a seemingly random time again.
Does anyone have any clue or suggestions on how to fix this??
Frosty1148 said:
Sorry if this has been cleared up in another thread, but I cannot find the answer to this problem.
I am running Gingerbread 2.3 (Cynogen) on my phone via the file manager method. Everything was fine until one day after I booted back into Android after a normal soft reset - The keyboard would keep hitting "Q" no matter what I pressed. I could not open The browser as I would get an error message.
I thought maybe it was the extended battery I was using, so I reformatted my sd card, re booted gingerbread and everything was back to normal.
Then last week it happened again. I dont remember installing anything new. It is also not the build Im sure, because this did happen a while ago on another Cynogen mod I used.
I am pulling my hair out wondering what to do. There is no point in reinstalling it because it will happen at a seemingly random time again.
Does anyone have any clue or suggestions on how to fix this??
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Maybe it's a bug in the ROM
Try different rom and see if this problem still persists, if yes, maybe a hardware problem related issue
There are a few roms with 100% support for the official extended batteries(s). Your best bet is to go with one of them.
Sent from my HD2 using XDA App

Real Problem after Updating to the latest nightly

Hello together,
after ive updated yesterday to the nightly 204 ive got a serious problem.
Every time i use the mobile data connection....the phone is rebooting.
The really wired thing is that after ive restored my backup which was totally stable, the problem is still there. Even when i try my really old recovery of the stock sense...the phone is rebooting something like 20 seconds after using
a mobile data connection (which is working in that amount of time)
I have really no idead what to do now.....any help is welcome.
Thx in advance!
Try reflashing the radio. (All 3 versions, if one of them doesn't solve the issue) I believe pyroblazer was having a similar issue on the RemPuzzleROM and a radio reflash fixed it.
at first i want to thank 3xeno for his quick help (as he always does). Really thanks..the community lives because people like you.
Ive solvend the problem....after 2 times wiping all... the only backup which is working flawless is my old stock sense, all other cm7 backups reboot after using mobile data connection. When i wipe all and install a clean cm7 nightly 204 ...its working too, but at moment ive no time to install everything, so i will keep the stock sense for some days.
The wired thing is...that this bug appears after i updated from the 202nightly to 204 and especially wired is that all my cm7 backups are now affected by this problem that never happend in the past.

[Q] Why does my Wifi & Bluetooth not working even with stock rom?

Hey guys,
I have a Galaxy S4 (i9500). I installed Omega ROM v22 on it and everything went smoothly, Wifi & BT working perfectly.
After a few hours of using the device (nothing special at all, texts and stuff like that) - I noticed my wifi isn't working and by not working I mean that I click the wi-fi button and it changes from gray to the mid-state between gray to green for around 20 seconds before it goes back to green ago.
If I open the menu to see my networks it just says "Enabling" without any networks there.
I had to drive somewhere so I went to my car and tried to enable Bluetooth, and same thing happens there - Bluetooth will not turn on and will stay stuck on mid-state between gray and green for a while and go back to green.
I flashed omega rom v22 again and the problem was gone, or so I thought. I went back to the car for another drive and realized the bluetooth issue is back - and when I got home I realized the wifi issue is back as well.
I figured I need to reset everything so I tried the following:
Full wipe (including dalvik and even including "internal SD card") and then flashing stock rom (from the official website, stock rom of my country).
The issue was back after a few hours. I do not have BT or Wifi access. Yesterday Wifi suddenly started working for a few hours but then it stopped working again.
I really need help! I have no idea what to do with this issue!
Well rule number one when you have problems after flashing without wipe.
1. perform a full wipe and see if the problem persists.
Lennyz1988 said:
Well rule number one when you have problems after flashing without wipe.
1. perform a full wipe and see if the problem persists.
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Tried that, no luck.
What else would you try?
In some places when people had problems with Wi-Fi they said to flash a different kernel but I don't see why I would have this specific issue with Omega Rom and why the default kernel with it wont work well?
Maybe this could be a root issue? My root works fine but I have this weird gut feeling like this is some permissions thing that's going on.
I'm trying to think why it would work right after the wipe but then stop working shortly after.
Another symptom: It randomly started working for a few minutes and then stopped again (around three hours ago).
Any idea what's going on?
Well, if you fully wiped and didn't restore any apps and settings then it can be two other things.
Or it's a bug in the rom or a hardware failure in your phone.
I would suggest trying a different rom first. Do not restore anything, not even your google account.
wi-fi fix?
Do you actually have an i9505? or is it a canadian or att version? if its the latter sometimes the devs offer some wifi-fixes, also try a different kernel. otherwise it could be that your radio/modem are not compatible with the version of the ROM you are flashing.
Tried arrow ROM and this issue doesn't seem to happen in this rom. Hope it stays like that...
morhsn said:
Tried arrow ROM and this issue doesn't seem to happen in this rom. Hope it stays like that...
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Sadly, it did happen with this rom, after just a few hours.
I'm now using stock rom and still suffering from the issue.
Does anyone have ANY idea what I can do to fix this?
Thanks in advance!

SM-G901F WiFi Pemanently Switch Off

Hi All
I have an issue with my S5 Plus (G901F) a few days ago I rooted, TWRP and installed the stable MM ROM from Tkkg1994 and have been happily using my phone. This morning while I was opening the Gmail app the device rebooted and when it came back up I noticed WiFi was not on. Pressing the quick menu WiFi button turns it green for a second before going back to disabled. Likewise going to into settings - WFi and using the slider does not work either, it just goes back to off.
So far, I have wiped ART/Dalvik, reflashed BL and Modem, factory reset. Wiped the whole device and redid everything including diffrerent ROM's on the same BL/Modem (CPE1) and have the same result.
Everything else works, just not WiFi, I should also add I have tried with and without the SD card and disabling/enabling other radios (GPS/BT) in different combos has not worked either.
Has anyone come across this and can they suggest next steps?
I'm currently downloading the stock ROM that came with my phone to see if that helps.
Stock ROM did not help.
Did you find solution? I have recently started to have same issue with same device.
jaakla said:
Did you find solution? I have recently started to have same issue with same device.
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Probably not. The S5 seems to suffer a lot by such issues. I bought mine 3 months ago in a shop. It worked for about 2 months very well. Then all of the sudden it became hot in my pocket so i had to quickly remove the battery. After this the device suffered by ocessional reboots. Nothing helped. Even trying to reflash the stock firmware by trying several Pit´s.
Finally got a replacement as obviously either the RAM or the CPU got defective. The other phone lasted for one week as the wifi module got defective there. Nothing helped either. Now it´s my 3th S5. This weekend my flashlight and camera stopped working. Fortunally got this fixed by reflashing the stock firmware.
Honestly I like the phone but it seems to be quite buggy. Never got such problems with my old S4 and am thinking about going back to the older device.
dude try flashing 4 files flash through odin

G4 Plus XT1642 always crashing on first boot @ "checking connection" screen

So i just got a new moto g4 plus XT1642 (UK amazon version) and so of course the first thing i had to do was install a custom rom, so i followed a guide here to unlock it and install TWRP which went fine until i flashed a new firmware, I dont know if i somehow installed the wrong one but now it wont go past the "checking connection" screen on setup without crashing (sometimes it doesnt even get past the welcome language screen) I have tried flashing the stock firmware but it just does the same thing no matter which one i try ( is the right one i think?)
If anyone could help me get back to marshmellow it started with then i promise i wont mess around with it again :3
Thanks for any help you can give.
Edit: Okay so I finally just went to do the thing i started out to do which was to install the Resurrection Remix rom ( so I just thought that maybe if i got it installed it might fix what problems i was having and yeah sure enough i followed what i was supposed to flash first which was (Moto_G4_Plus_XT1643_ATHENE_MPJ24.139-63_Stock_Img) btw and then flashed Resurrection Remix and it just started working again, everything seems fine but I'm worried I might have broken something with all my puttering around with its inside ya know?
But the main thing is phone calls work, texts work, it rooted itself magically, can install unsigned apks and such, wifi works and so does the fingerprint sensor which i heard people were having issues with. So should i just not look for problems and enjoy it maybe? I'm glad i got it sorted im some fashion at least
So I HAVE now noticed that some apps seem to hang/crash sometimes, epecially games, not sure if it has to do with my puttering around though Is there anything I can do to check that everything is working ok? any programs that scan for errors or something?
Happy its working don't get me wrong but no issues would be best ^^
I've got your same model and I use this to get back to stock: XT1621-XT1622-XT1642_ATHENE_MPJ24.139-23.4_cid50_subsidy-DEFAULT_CFC.xml
If you're running rr and everything works you don't need to do anything just stick with it.
gabriwinter said:
I've got your same model and I use this to get back to stock: XT1621-XT1622-XT1642_ATHENE_MPJ24.139-23.4_cid50_subsidy-DEFAULT_CFC.xml
If you're running rr and everything works you don't need to do anything just stick with it.
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Hey, thanks for the input, I did use that when i was having issues but it still caused that crashing at the connection screen issue sso i dont know why it would work for you and not me, perhaps i needed to get it to a working state before i could downgrade again? I dont really want to try it out now and see, the crashing issue seems to be infrequent so its possible its a different issue (software conflicts or ram overusage maybe?). I'll keep using it and see what issues develop

