discontinued new kernel thread* - Moto G 2015 General

check out the new thread here this will get my support from now on. the kernels on this thread are discontinued
Hey guys,
Recently i've been building some kernels from source and slightly editing them.
Since some people liked my custom optimus kernel i got the idea to do this!
You can make requests for things you want to see in a kernel(base kernel/features from other kernels/toolchains)
if possible provide the commit so i dont have to search for it on github
optimus communitybuild is my "flagship" the other kernels are side projects
Android Marshmallow:
-Optimus kernel r14 with OC + intelliplug [status: done] V1
-Optimus kernel r14 with OC + intelli/thunder plug + ARCH_POWER [status: done] V2
-Optimus kernel r15 community build see post for features [status: done] V3 *recommended for Marshmallow*
-SquidKernelX, kernel with lots of added features, download with UberTC 6.x or UberTC 4.9 [Status: done]
-Kalinethunter port for osprey [status: beta 2] if you you have no wifi reflash patched kernel Do not clean flash! [WIP]
Android Nougat:
-Optimus kernel r15 community build see post for features [status: done] V4 *recommended for nougat*
-Cyanogenmod 14 modified kernel with lots of stuff download R2
-Optimus r15 unofficial for nougat: ubertc4.9 ubertc6

Thanks for this, great idea
If you are interested, you can check out about modifying a kernel to include kali nethunter here- https://github.com/offensive-security/kali-nethunter/wiki/Porting-Nethunter
Maybe squid or firekernel with this?
Thanks again.
Broadcasted from Zeta Reticuli

Gravemind2015 said:
Thanks for this, great idea
If you are interested, you can check out about modifying a kernel to include kali nethunter here- https://github.com/offensive-security/kali-nethunter/wiki/Porting-Nethunter
Maybe squid or firekernel with this?
Thanks again.
Broadcasted from Zeta Reticuli
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will try to patch the squidkernel for Kali-nethunter

new release in op

awesome, what about adding KSM
will this be beneficial on the osprey?
bumping the kernel version 3.10.102
or just adding Firekernel Oc into the new
squidkernel r17
(like explosion kernel but using firekernels oc)

Acidfire.TM said:
awesome, what about adding KSM
will this be beneficial on the osprey?
bumping the kernel version 3.10.102
or just adding Firekernel Oc into the new
squidkernel r17
(like explosion kernel but using firekernels oc)
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KSM will use cpu power so not really good for battery, but ill try
oc on squidkernel is easy so expect that

Good job mate, i think you will be swallowed by all of requests hehe, so let me help with that
could you do this with squid kernel https://github.com/sultanqasim/android_kernel_motorola_msm8916
-merge it with latest cm comits (from aug 18 to aug 24 https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_kernel_motorola_msm8916/commits/cm-13.0 )
-add USB Fast Charge
-add westwood tcp congestion algorithm
-Underclock GPU, so it can idle at 19mhz
-add ARCH_Power
-Disable CRC-Check

HelpMeruth said:
KSM will use cpu power so not really good for battery, but ill try
oc on squidkernel is easy so expect that
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nevermind, i have lived without ksm this long lol.
but i would would still like to see an oc'ed squid

Acidfire.TM said:
nevermind, i have lived without ksm this long lol.
but i would would still like to see an oc'ed squid
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deleted the caf thing ?


HelpMeruth said:
will try to patch the squidkernel for Kali-nethunter
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As @Acidfire.TM said, you can make the squid-kali one oc'ed too. Or personally, i would like the firekernel for this (It's already overclocked so may save you some work, and I think we could use overclocked CPU and GPU for various kali tools). But I know its gonna take time and various trials, so please feel free, no hurry at all.[emoji2]
Broadcasted from Zeta Reticuli

deleted by myself.
thanks for the thanks

Acidfire.TM said:
i don't want the kali thing, so
I'f your planning on making an oc squid kern.
could you release it before you merge in
the kali. i would like the simpler version
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I was not talking about your one LOL. I was saying that it was a good idea to integrate oc to my suggested build. Or making it with firekernel (I found it really really good,and customizable). Anyways, OC with squid is a nice idea, thanks.
Broadcasted from Zeta Reticuli

lol, wow I'm an idiot.

Kali nethunter gonna be seperate because its not yet ported to our Device so it's gonna take time, Ill update the thread that's was confusing
+ Have to merge some ideas because my PC can't compile a kernel in 5 sec haha
+ Gonna work the list from the op so what's on top has priority

A feature that I think lacks, in all Osprey's kernels is voltage control. If you can add this feature in squid kernel or firekernel, will be very great!
I've searched some github pages, but I don't know how github goes, so hope these links may help:
A big thanks,
Stefano 99
Inviato dal mio MotoG3 utilizzando Tapatalk

Stefano 99 said:
A feature that I think lacks, in all Osprey's kernels is voltage control. If you can add this feature in squid kernel or firekernel, will be very great!
I've searched some github pages, but I don't know how github goes, so hope these links may help:
A big thanks,
Stefano 99
Inviato dal mio MotoG3 utilizzando Tapatalk
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i dont think i can do that, as stated in op i just started doing this stuff but from what i know if an other device with sanpdragon 410 has volt control its easier to port. these commits are from different soc's

testing your arch_power, OC'ed Optimus kernel.
and it's working very nice.
i will benchmark it against fire kernel 5.6
and check back in with the results.

HelpMeruth said:
i dont think i can do that, as stated in op i just started doing this stuff [emoji14] but from what i know if an other device with sanpdragon 410 has volt control its easier to port. these commits are from different soc's
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First is a patch for snapdragon 801
Second and third are kernels of two lg smartphones that have snapdragon 410 msm8916. But seems to be the full kernel, not only the voltage control, so probably it can't be inplemented in an osprey's kernel.
I've found only these kernels.
Anyway, thanks for your reply[emoji6]
Stefano 99
Inviato dal mio MotoG3 utilizzando Tapatalk

i just benchmarked firekernel 5.6 against
the Oc'ed+arch_power Optimus r14 kernel
and with identical settings in KA.
they benchmarked with almost identical score
they both averaged about 1660 on Geekbench.
i ran multiple tests and it was pretty consistent.
the main noticeable the amount of free ram i get with firekernel , over 50% on idle. and it reclaims used RAM insanely fast upon exiting an app.
(1 GB US varient)
unfortunately with optimus r14 official and unofficial versions.
i get much less free ram around 40% in the same conditions (on idle) aswell as slow used memory reclaiming.


[Kernel]Infinitus Kernel[GCC Linaro 4.10][F2FS Supported]

I am pleased to release my kernel that I have been working for a while now it is based on Faux's kernel with some added tweaks and features.
Toolchain used is Linaro's 4.9.1-2014.06.20140614.CR83 with the A15 optimized patches.
This kernel has been tested with the following Roms based on Android 4.4.4:
Paranoid Android
Carbon Asylum
It will most likely work with CM11 as well.
Features including ones from Faux:
The CPU has been overclocked to 1.8Ghz and the GPU is overclocked to 487Mhz
There has also been tweaks added to speed up the waking of the phone etc.
Since this is a pre-release kernel your feedback is very important to me so I can fix bugs etc. I will also take feature requests so I can make the most stable kernel as i can.
If you wish to donate to me for the work I am doing for the Find 5 click the image below
If you have donated all i can say is thank you very much for the support.​
Great stuff mate! I will build a new liquid today, maybe you can test it with your kernel. I'll test it too.
Sent from my OnePlus One using XDA Free mobile app
jejecule said:
Great stuff mate! I will build a new liquid today, maybe you can test it with your kernel. I'll test it too.
Sent from my OnePlus One using XDA Free mobile app
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Thanks mate the current release I find is very stable for me and its only going to get better so if you want to add it to your roms now you can
Source code link added I just need to update the find 5 defconfig with all my settings enabled etc...
Just too let you all no there will be a major update to my lollipop based kernel sometime next week once I modify TWRP for f2fs support. For more information please look here

[Kernel] decepticon kernel falcon [AOSP/cm12]

Deception kernel for cm based roms
Check this out
http://www.darksideteam.com/forums/98-Rom-s-y-Desarrollo-del-Moto-G-3G-(Falcon)(if u want to report bugs or talk to developer refer here)
http://www.htcmania.com/showthread.php?t=880869(download it from here from google drive link)
Recommended app-synapse (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.af.synapse)
That's the best kernel I've found until now.
Hope they get Asop version n I'll try
just tried with my xt1033...
seems not function normally....the process.phone keep forced closing...
xt1033 might not be supported at this moment?(i can't read Spanish)
ivanlau said:
just tried with my xt1033...
seems not function normally....the process.phone keep forced closing...
xt1033 might not be supported at this moment?(i can't read Spanish)
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Do a clean install
English description is there in the link scroll down a little
This works with MultiRom?
Decepticon kernel for cm11 based rom released
where is the download link ?
Tracy James said:
where is the download link ?
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Go in htcmania link u will see there Google drive link click on that link
flash this kernel decepticon_kernel_rev.1.v.0.29f_aosp-signed.zip on Spirit 1.5 result is wifi can't get IP Address.
flash this kernel decepticon kernel rev1.v.0.28f(1).zip on Spirit 1.5 result is wifi can not work/ON.
krupuk said:
flash this kernel decepticon_kernel_rev.1.v.0.29f_aosp-signed.zip on Spirit 1.5 result is wifi can't get IP Address.
flash this kernel decepticon kernel rev1.v.0.28f(1).zip on Spirit 1.5 result is wifi can not work/ON.
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U need to manually write ip address
Go to static ip and change the ip address and then press connect
what is the correct version for 4.4.3. stock?
does it feature deep sleep s2w and dt2w with pocket mode?
I see that there is a bug in gpu overclock. After 450mhz there is 50mhz in fauxapp. Maybe it have to be 500mhz
anyone have some reccommended settings? it's bettere faux123 or synapse to set it?
fer2503 said:
anyone have some reccommended settings? it's bettere faux123 or synapse to set it?
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I think faux 123 app is the best for kernel tweaking!
But u can try trickster too!
Since I can't post yet in development discussions I will ask here.
I'm using faux kernel with his app and sometimes I'm having camera problem. I'm using his recommended settings with 384 diskcache, by increasing this like to 512 will I resolve my problem?
Inviato dal mio XT1032
Hi, Im Angua, Elitemovil´s beta and the creator of his jobs threads. Elitemovil is the developer of decepticon kernel for peregrine and falcon. We recommend to use Synapse for kernel configuration. Is importan take a look to the changelog to see the options that kernel has because there are a lot and continually changing. If you need suport we are at Darksideteam forum, thanks all that use this kernel
Angua 666 said:
Hi, Im Angua, Elitemovil´s beta and the creator of his jobs threads. Elitemovil is the developer of decepticon kernel for peregrine and falcon. We recommend to use Synapse for kernel configuration. Is importan take a look to the changelog to see the options that kernel has because there are a lot and continually changing. If you need suport we are at Darksideteam forum, thanks all that use this kernel
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Hi, i have random reboot since rev2 0.9 (now i'm on 1.1) i set 96mhz-1400mhz intelliactive, hotplug, intellitermal for cpu and 450mhz for gpu with msm-adreno-tz. Any idea about?
fer2503 said:
Hi, i have random reboot since rev2 0.9 (now i'm on 1.1) i set 96mhz-1400mhz intelliactive, hotplug, intellitermal for cpu and 450mhz for gpu with msm-adreno-tz. Any idea about?
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I respond you in darkside, you posted there too. I see faster your questions in darkside forum because tapatalk notice to me [emoji6]

[KERNEL] Izer Kernel [23 FEB][CANCRO]

Izer Kernel​
Based on LAOS 14.1 Kernel Source.
CPU Governors: smartmax_eps, zzmoove, alucard, elementalx, interactive, conservative, ondemand, performance, lionheart, smartmax, intelliactive, intellidemand, wheatley, pegasusq, ondemandplus, yankactive, impulse, nightmare
CPU Hotplug: MPDecision, IntelliPlug, Alucard Hotplug, MSM, bricked
I/O Scheduler: noop, deadline, row, cfq, fiops, bfq, zen, sio, sioplus, vr
TCP congestion algorithms: westwood, reno, bic, cubic, highspeed, hybla, htcp, vegas, veno, scalable, lp,
Adreno Idler
Intelli Thermal
Faux Sound
USB fast charge
Vibration Control
CRC control
ARCH power
Simple GPU Algorithm
Wakelock controls
Enabled ZRAM & Zcache
SeLinux: Enforcing
And some patches.
Big thanks to every author of the commits used.
XDA:DevDB Information
[KERNEL][CANCRO] Izer Kernel , Kernel for the Xiaomi Mi 3/4
Shivam Kumar Jha, linuxxx
Source Code: https://github.com/ShivamKumarJha/android_kernel_xiaomi_cancro/commits/n
Version Information
Status: Stable
Created 2016-01-30
Last Updated 2017-02-08
Known Issues:
CM kernel source bugs (if any)
Great was waiting for this since I tried your ROM RR....!
I have one request that if possible please add KCAL controls also..
Thanks! Giving it a shot!
palgaurav00196 said:
Great was waiting for this since I tried your ROM RR....!
I have one request that if possible please add KCAL controls also..
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will do
Thank you for this kernel!
After switching to custom kernel, I just now re installed on your Temasek ROM.
And I still can't change the maximum CPU frequency.
I like to keep my frequency at 1.5 GHz max to decrease heating problems.
Me_Ashish_ said:
After switching to custom kernel, I just now re installed on your Temasek ROM.
And I still can't change the maximum CPU frequency.
I like to keep my frequency at 1.5 GHz max to decrease heating problems.
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yes because no changes in source.., it's a bug., hopefully it'l be fixed in future update(s)
Wifi broke after flashing on Beanstalk.
Any quick workaround for the time being?
Suggest me a Gov and I/O Sched for balanced performance and battery. Thanks
Shivam Kumar Jha said:
yes because no changes in source.., it's a bug., hopefully it'l be fixed in future update(s)
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OK. Plus the Vainglory game performance is laggy at maximum frequency too.
Issue is mostly with stock CM kernels, doesn't happen with almost any custom kernel in general. I can play the game smoothly at 1.5 GHz frequency.
The frequency and gaming lag issue keeps me away from using CM ROMs unless there is a good custom kernel to fix issues.
Will be looking forward to a improved build :good:
Slow charging!
it's a great job you have done. currently using your kernel. everything working fine except the very Slow Charging problem.
Please add support to the MIUI 7.0 marshmallow rom also thank you
I got random freeze with the kernel. I had plan to upload kmsg before but I installed custom kernel and left it. Although the custom kernel I installed itself already has freeze issues. And reinstalling this kernel again there is a freeze.
I have attached kmsg before installing custom kernel. Had to rename extension to docx to upload here.
BTW in temasek ROM. FM Radio on every boot asks root permission. And it doesn't remembers whether I said yes or no despite checking the check box of CM root permission. And whether I choose Yes or No. I get toast message afterwards that selinux set to permissive.
Support to the MIUI 7.0 marshmallow rom please
Very nice kernel! Excellent job! Please add miui support
Does it support MIUI KK?
Any plan to add oc ?
any update soon ? Thanks
bhaskar_j_borah said:
it's a great job you have done. currently using your kernel. everything working fine except the very Slow Charging problem.
Please add support to the MIUI 7.0 marshmallow rom also thank you
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did you enable fast charging via kernel adiutor?
harris123424 said:
Support to the MIUI 7.0 marshmallow rom please
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will do, but it will take time..
BIOLorenz said:
Very nice kernel! Excellent job! Please add miui support
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thanks, i will
Prince Chandela said:
Does it support MIUI KK?
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no i guess, based on cm13 kernel source
eroneko said:
Any plan to add oc ?
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yupp, I will both CPU & GPU
marko94 said:
any update soon ? Thanks
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Best kernel ! Using your kernel on CM13, everything works fine except pocket wake-ups, hope you add support s2w.
is possible to use with last MM Ivan Rom?

[Kernel] VisionZ / fast - smooth - battery-friendly

--> Moved
Does it work with camera mod and does it allow fast picture taking with moto camera app like stock kernel does? (This is something the TurboZ kernel failed at)
Does this kernel work with 7.1.1 nougat stock?
xamindar said:
Does it work with camera mod and does it allow fast picture taking with moto camera app like stock kernel does? (This is something the TurboZ kernel failed at)
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dchitolie said:
Does this kernel work with 7.1.1 nougat stock?
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you can only try it. it is an beta atm. i have to do more patches and test before i release it as stable.
Where is the download link ?, thanks
AuxXxilium said:
CPU up to 1.6 & 2.2 GHz (only works on Patched roms)
GPU up to 624 MHz
ElementalX,Ondemand, Interactive, Performance, Conservative, dancedance, nightmare, powersave CPU Governors
Adreno Idler
Adreno Boost
Anykernel Installer
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This sounds interesting,
does this kernel have also voltage & undervolting support ?
Mennpiko said:
Where is the download link ?, thanks
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Haha, you're right. I didn't even realize that there is only the source linked ...
Either it's a skill test, and one needs at least to be able to compile kernel to use this one
or maybe AuxXxilium wants to test it a bit more, before releasing it into the wild^^
Please close this thread.

[KERNEL][MI5SPLUS][LOS14.1]CrazyAquaKernel v2 [4-9-17]

FOR DEVS AND USERS BEFORE FIGHT ME CLICK HERE!: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=70362424&postcount=3
I am not responsible in any way for anything that can be happen to your device when you flashing my kernels.You do so at your own risk!
- Anykernel2 zip for maximum compatibility with all ROMs, CrazyAquaKernel uses your existing ramdisk (Do NOT flash this over other custom kernels!You should only flash CrazyAquaKernel over the kernel that came with your ROM!!)
UBERTC 4.9 Toolchain
- governors:
- input boost
IO schedulers:
- msm thermal
- Adrenoboost
- init.d support
- insecure kernel (adb has root privileges)
- frandom
- PVS level info
- frandom
- notification led control
- kcal v2
- CRC Check Disabled
- Dynamic filesystem read-ahead
- A lot improvments
- A lot fixes
Download Link CrazyAquaKernel[AnyKernel]:https://www.androidfilehost.com/?w=files&flid=209535
Installation guide
Do NOT flash this over other custom kernels!
You should only flash CrazyAquaKernel over the kernel that came with your ROM!!
- Download Kernel from this thread
- Flash it with Recovery
[Wipe cache and Dalvik cache recommended]
- Then Reboot
Enjoy the CrazyAquaKernel !!!!
thx Eliminater74
thx Faux123
thx Savoca
thx RenderBroken
thx flar2
thx osm0sis
thx ShinyShide
thx bhb27
thx Lord Boeffla
thx the devs where made the cm14 bootable and working
thx CrazyGamerGR yeh me
XDA:DevDB Information
CrazyAquaKernel, Kernel for the Xiaomi Mi 5s Plus
Source Code: https://github.com/CrazyGamerGR/CrazyAquaKernel-xiaomi-sd820-sd821-los
Kernel Special Features:
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2017-08-24
Last Updated 2017-08-24
Recommended app : Kernel Adiutor
- initial release
- input boost
- frandom
- msm thermal
- many improvments under the hood
Is this works with Magisk?
After flashed kernel, Magisk Manager does not working..
wolfwork said:
Is this works with Magisk?
After flashed kernel, Magisk Manager does not working..
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Flash again Magisk if doesn't work, because i didn't changed something where can brake the root.My kernels are include a few features and i try add only usefull commits
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
CrazyGamerGR said:
Flash again Magisk if doesn't work, because i didn't changed something where can brake the root.My kernels are include a few features and i try add only usefull commits
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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My mistake. The problem is installing an old magisk module.
Now all fine! Thanks your reply.
Thanks for your work, can you implement EAS for our device?
can i flash it over latest miui 9 dev rom? or just los and aosp?
khanjui said:
Thanks for your work, can you implement EAS for our device?
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With my experience about eas i didn't saw any battery difference thats why i didn't like much eas and i focus to more usefull features
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
didicola said:
can i flash it over latest miui 9 dev rom? or just los and aosp?
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Just for los based roms m8
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
CrazyGamerGR said:
Just for los based roms m8
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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eyxaristw file moy!
didicola said:
eyxaristw file moy!
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Tpt file
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
yeees custom kernel for mi5s plus
Phone felt a bit sluggish at the start, but that went away fast.
Some GPU Governors freeze my phone forcing a full reset.
Can't really tell the difference aside from that. Thanks!
UsernameNotRecognized said:
Phone felt a bit sluggish at the start, but that went away fast.
Some GPU Governors freeze my phone forcing a full reset.
Can't really tell the difference aside from that. Thanks!
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Thx for feedback m8
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Funny, but this kinda fixes my weird lagging problem on LineageOS. So the default gov. is sucks for my device, lol.
Well thanks a ton for the work! wish if you could add impulse, wheatley and lagfree on the kernel tho!
pote2639 said:
Funny, but this kinda fixes my weird lagging problem on LineageOS. So the default gov. is sucks for my device, lol.
Well thanks a ton for the work! wish if you could add impulse, wheatley and lagfree on the kernel tho!
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I had impulse in my kernels ,i will add it again soon m8
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
