help me ! how to Root zenfone 3 ? - Asus ZenFone 3 Questions & Answers

Zenfone 3 , first phone using chip SD 625
How to root it?

Root and Xposed please. Anyone?

aelzki said:
Root and Xposed please. Anyone?
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Have you unlocked the bootloader? If so, how did you do it?
Don't we need TWRP before Xposed?

Even without twrp we can install xposed. But we need bootloader unlock in order to root.


Root Note 3 N9005

Hi guys I would like to make the root on my samsung Note 3 SM-N9005 with lollipop version 5.0 official. Can I use CF-AutoRoot to do precisely the root ??
luigi97777 said:
Hi guys I would like to make the root on my samsung Note 3 SM-N9005 with lollipop version 5.0 official. Can I use CF-AutoRoot to do precisely the root ??
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You can take a look this video for avoid problems and to root it perfectly.
* The last TWRP update for your device is this ONE. Replace this to the video one.
but I can do it with CF-AutoRoot?
As far as I know CF Auto root works. But that's not how I recommend to root. Flash a custom recovery, TWRP for example, then flash the SuperSU zip from there, done. Google about both stuffs.
Can I install the recovery even without the root?
luigi97777 said:
Can I install the recovery even without the root?
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First the recovery, root then.

[Q]Root using kingrot

Hi. Can i root storm with kingroot app on phone? Is root possble on locked bootloader?
Press on download for amdroid. Can you help me rooting this device withouth need to unlock bootloader?
aciupapa said:
Hi. Can i root storm with kingroot app on phone? Is root possble on locked bootloader?
Press on download for amdroid. Can you help me rooting this device withouth need to unlock bootloader?
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On my phone it did not Kr did not work

How can I root my Note 4 6.0.1 without PC?

Guys, is there a root apk that compatible with 6.0.1 marshmallow? I tried Kingroot and Kingoroot but they couldnt root my device. How can I root my device without PC?
MehmetAliCan said:
Guys, is there a root apk that compatible with 6.0.1 marshmallow? I tried Kingroot and Kingoroot but they couldnt root my device. How can I root my device without PC?
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TW lollipop 5.1.1 den itibaren custom Boot.img gerekiyor cihaza root atabilmek icin, ve boot imageleri PCsiz yükliyemiyorsun maalesef bildigim karadiyla.
In order to root TW 5.1.1+ you need a kernel which is allowing root r permissive SElinux Mode as i know.
so since i do not know any way to flash a custom boot.img without a pc it does not seem that you can do this
Has anyone ever had any luck rooting a Note 4 6.0.1 without PC ?
ane76 said:
Has anyone ever had any luck rooting a Note 4 6.0.1 without PC ?
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No way to root 6.0.1/5.1.1 without pc.
Only kitkat 4.4.4 is possible with king root app.
Trex888 said:
No way to root 6.0.1/5.1.1 without pc.
Only kitkat 4.4.4 is possible with king root app.
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which method is the best to root note 4 910c model??
m a noob n m afraid i might get it bricked

Is there a working root for ZE551kl marshmallow?

Is there a working root for ZOOT 6.0.1? All I'm seeing is root for lollipop version can someone please help
I too need this.
I too need this! Bad! I have rooted all my phone all of my life. This one I can't. Bummer.
Yes there is. With TWRP.and a flashable zip.of superuser.
Help me before you instal twrp please! Do a backup of your recovery! I need the stock recovery of ze551kl marshmallow because i need it to install a published by ASUS and i didnt realize a backup of it before i installed TWRP ! Please can you bring me the stock recovery.img in the case that you still have it! After that you can instal TWRP.and root your phone !
Sent from my ASUS_Z00TD using XDA-Developers mobile app

HELP with rooting

Hello. I'm new to Android and all of this rooting and stuff but I want to try out flashing a custom ROM but I don't know how. Do you need to be rooted? I know about custom recoveries and stuff but I need to know exactly how.
EDIT: My model number is WAS-LO3T
My build number is WAS-LO3TC654B198
EDIT 2: I watched the One Click Root video. Is it safe? Is kingroot safe?
ianorna said:
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For rooting phone need unlock bootloader and flash TWRP. Then yet flash root.
And forgot about king root. Only SU.
rambik33 said:
For rooting phone need unlock bootloader and flash TWRP. Then yet flash root.
And forgot about king root. Only SU.
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How do I unlocked my bootloadrr
ianorna said:
How do I unlocked my bootloadrr
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How to root link below (includes unlocking the bootloader). Follow the steps very carefully as this is your first time rooting. I am not to blame nor anyone here on xda if you end up with a bricked phone. If you use android pay this will no longer work, some bank apps will not work either FYI due to root.
At present there is only one custom rom available however this is not specifically made for our device but for the p8 lite. When I flashed it about a month ago there are some bugs still like camera not working. Hopefully some talented people will buy our device and develope a custom rom for us.
