Is there a working root for ZE551kl marshmallow? - Zenfone 2 Laser Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Is there a working root for ZOOT 6.0.1? All I'm seeing is root for lollipop version can someone please help

I too need this.
I too need this! Bad! I have rooted all my phone all of my life. This one I can't. Bummer.

Yes there is. With TWRP.and a flashable zip.of superuser.
Help me before you instal twrp please! Do a backup of your recovery! I need the stock recovery of ze551kl marshmallow because i need it to install a published by ASUS and i didnt realize a backup of it before i installed TWRP ! Please can you bring me the stock recovery.img in the case that you still have it! After that you can instal TWRP.and root your phone !
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Root for D80220a-VDF-XX ?

Hi all
Is there root for D80220a-VDF-XX ?
After upgrading I lost twrp and root, any help would be appreciated.
No u have to go back to 4.2.2 then root and install custom recovery.
Than flash a modefied 4.4.2 then root then flash a custom kernel.
Did u even read?
maydayind said:
No u have to go back to 4.2.2 then root and install custom recovery.
Than flash a modefied 4.4.2 then root then flash a custom kernel.
Did u even read?
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No I didn't read at all, I was hoping for someone to answer my question, thanks.
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
I have flashed this ROM and also SU so I'm rooted. but I fail to flash TWRP in 4.4.2 since loki is saying that my aboot does not match.
is there any solution?
kobibn said:
I have flashed this ROM and also SU so I'm rooted. but I fail to flash TWRP in 4.4.2 since loki is saying that my aboot does not match.
is there any solution?
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Yes a wick search will give u a solution.
Root without back to 4.2.2
Yesterday, autoprime published it's last IORoot25
With this, you can root D82020A, but you can't write TWRP or CWN Recovery, because the loki patch is not working today for D802+D80220a Rom
I rooted my rom this morning without back to 4.2.2
I'am waiting for the last loki patch for flashing custom recovery.
yeah me too i have d80220a rom 4.4.2 kk rooted but i cant install TWRP or CWM and i was wondering about the problem so now i know from you gus its all about the loki flash thanks god i was looking for an answer; so any idea about latest release of the loki flash that can help us?
only possible fix is via linux... fixing the partitions. too complex.
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
The solution is here:

[Q] Root files for n910f 4.4.4

I want to root my n910f with Chainfire and keep stock bootloader.
The problem is that on Chainfire's website, the root file to download is for 5.0.1 and I want to keep 4.4.4 version I have the U1ANK4 version.
Do you know how to proceed now? (I briked one n910f in November).
Thank you
Install cwm and flash the supersu zip
Sent from my VZW LG G2
Thank you.
Can I do it with Chainfire 4.4.4 root version with Odin? Any place where I can find this Chainfire's 4.4.4 version?
mrao said:
Install cwm and flash the supersu zip
Sent from my VZW LG G2
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ineed the cwm and super su plz or can you tell me where ican find this

does this phone has a custom recovery?

hi guys i was able to root this device, now i want a custome recovery like CWM or twrp, so anyidewa how i get that?
btw has anyone installed xposed framwork on it? is it working fine?
just in case if i screw up is there a stock rom somewhere? and any guide to flash the stock rom?
Care to tell how did you root?
sirpurnikhil said:
hi guys i was able to root this device, now i want a custome recovery like CWM or twrp, so anyidewa how i get that?
btw has anyone installed xposed framwork on it? is it working fine?
just in case if i screw up is there a stock rom somewhere? and any guide to flash the stock rom?
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Don't know about the custom recovery, but I can confirm that xposed framework works fine. I am using gravitybox and youtube adblocks and some other minor fixes. I am running KitKat 4.4.3, so the firmware is Not sure about the Lollipop version (which is already out in Russia)
sirpurnikhil said:
hi guys i was able to root this device, now i want a custome recovery like CWM or twrp, so anyidewa how i get that?
btw has anyone installed xposed framwork on it? is it working fine?
just in case if i screw up is there a stock rom somewhere? and any guide to flash the stock rom?
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Yotaphone 1 or 2? if it's Yota 1, there is no way to reinstall the firmware. They provide a rar file which cannot even be used to sideload via adb. I had to swap a newly bought phone citing all the wrong reasons since I f*cked up the stock firmware. Still due in receiving the replaced phone.
Temp. rooting with gandalf exploit is possible using framaroot.

[Q] Some questions about root and 5.1.

Hello all, last night 5.1 factory image was released. Right now am at 5.0.1, stock and rooted with few mods.
I didn't want to sideload OTA, because its pain in the ass when you're rooted and I don't like OTA.
I'm gonna do fresh install, I find it better and easier.
So my questions are:
How do I root it on 5.1, the same way as I rooted on 5.0.1?
I used Nexus Root Toolkit, but I know how to do a lot of stuff using the adb commands so that's not a problem for me.
I don't want to use NRT this time.
Can I obtain root this way:
I flash 5.1, then TWRP then just flash flashable SuperSU zip?
Will I be able to flash TWRP onto 5.1, and same goes for SuperSU,
can I flash TWRP/SuperSU regarding which android version I have?
The main reason for using TWRP now, is so when Xposed becomes beta/stable I can flash it.
Yes to all your questions. You have the process down..
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
jd1639 said:
Yes to all your questions. You have the process down..
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
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Thank you for fast reply and help

InnJoo ONE 3G HD 5.1 (Lollipop) root/custom recovery

I had rooted my InnJoo ONE 3G HD device running 4.4 (KitKat) using KingoRoot android app.
A few days ago I updated my device to official 5.1 (Lollipop) ROM.
After that I tried rooting using KingoRoot android app, but it doesn't work anymore.
I understand that with 5.0/5.1 (Lollipop) Google introduced an extra layer of security that essentially disallows all exploit based rooting methods.
The only way around, so far has been modding the kernel or using a custom recovery.
I can't seem to find any custom recovery for InnJoo ONE 3G HD 5.1 (Lollipop).
Also, there are no modded kernels for InnJoo ONE 3G HD at all.
I was wondering if pushing any custom recovery with MTK Droid Tool would work or not.
The only problem I see is losing IMEI info.
So, the question is, does anyone know about a method for rooting InnJoo ONE 3G HD 5.1 (Lollipop).
Or, does anyone have a custom recovery for InnJoo ONE 3G HD 5.1 (Lollipop).
Hope all InnJoo ONE fans find a solution for this soon
i am trying to root it as we speak but all tried failed miserably XD
this update seems unrootable for the time being
Root & recovery for innjoo one lollipop update will be released soon... Recovery needs some final touch, stay tuned
Sent from my Qmobile-A900 using Tapatalk
InnJoo-ONE-3G - Lollipop Root & Recovery
Sent from my Qmobile-A900 using Tapatalk
Confirmed Working on lolipop 5.1 !
My innjoo now is rooted and has twrp latest recovery
busybox , Super SU , titanium backup , root explorer , xposed v75 flashed via recovery and wanam kit all working on Innjoo One 3G HD version
thank you EnerJon
EnerJon said:
InnJoo-ONE-3G - Lollipop Root & Recovery
Sent from my Qmobile-A900 using Tapatalk
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Great Job
Many thnx for sharing
Thanks to all of you for liking my work... Enjoy!
Sent from my Qmobile-A900 using Tapatalk
sniper9911 said:
Confirmed Working on lolipop 5.1 !
My innjoo now is rooted and has twrp latest recovery
busybox , Super SU , titanium backup , root explorer , xposed v75 flashed via recovery and wanam kit all working on Innjoo One 3G HD version
thank you EnerJon
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Could you show me how to put xposed on the phone? would likes very much
Just flash official xposed zip file v75 from xda in recovery and then install xposed v3 alpha
sniper9911 said:
Just flash official xposed zip file v75 from xda in recovery and then install xposed v3 alpha
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How did you do it ?
i tried that but i get stuck in bootloop so i had to install xposed uninstaller to leave the bootloop
Flash latest innjoo one 3g hd 5.1 rom and boot
Flash enerjon twrp recovery for lolipop and root your phone with super su update zip
Install xposed alpha v3 build 4
Flash xposed v75 from twrp recovery and boot
Thats all
sniper9911 said:
Flash latest innjoo one 3g hd 5.1 rom and boot
Flash enerjon twrp recovery for lolipop and root your phone with super su update zip
Install xposed alpha v3 build 4
Flash xposed v75 from twrp recovery and boot
Thats all
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All zip roms I have downloaded from InnJoo website for InnJoo One 3G HD has all errors while extracting. Is anyone else having the same issues?
None of the roms i downloaded from innjo gave me errors while extracting
Using 7z or winrar latest version to exract them
If you continue to get errors then its coming from your pc ... Try another pc for a change and use 7z to extract
sniper9911 said:
None of the roms i downloaded from innjo gave me errors while extracting
Using 7z or winrar latest version to exract them
If you continue to get errors then its coming from your pc ... Try another pc for a change and use 7z to extract
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Thanks, I have managed to download and unzip. Now my phone has Lollipop 5.1, rooted and has Twrp recovery.
Glad to help
guys ,, help me here
i just bought the phone ,, its on 4.4-innjoo-20150427-v1
can i root it ?
im worried of a soft brick
Hi, i bought the device and it has android 4.4 (07/09/2015), and i would flash android 5.1, can anyone tell me how its work?
is Android 5.1 better than android 4.4?? how does the battery behave?reactivity?
Can you give me your opinion about it? or can do a video?
Gerry90 said:
Hi, i bought the device and it has android 4.4 (07/09/2015), and i would flash android 5.1, can anyone tell me how its work?
is Android 5.1 better than android 4.4?? how does the battery behave?reactivity?
Can you give me your opinion about it? or can do a video?
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Kitkat 4.4 is good for Innjoo One in terms of battery, otherwise Lollipop is also good but battery problem is there. However, you can install a CM 12.1 custom rom by @EnerJon which is very good in battery timing. I am using it.
Can some one please reupload the recovery since the OP link doesn't work any more..
Here it is
Sent from my ONE 3G HD using Tapatalk
