Unusual GPS issues and troubleshooting help - Verizon Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Alright, got a used n900v off eBay. Rooted, bricked, flashed back to factory, Rooted, bootloader unlocked, two installed, dirty unicorns installed, Xposed framework installed, backed up. Went to play Pokemon GO and the GPS acted strangely, switched to "device" mode lost GPS completely. GPS test app shows 0 satellites while outside, GPS status and toolbox shows a check to GPS under sensor test. I've tried various fixes including MANY GPS.conf fixes and tightening the screws behind the battery cover. I see a lot of fixes for the att note 3 and a lot of people saying the same issue is shared by the Verizon version, but no fixes for Verizon models. Any help would be greatly appreciated, including just further methods of troubleshooting.

Did you test it before switching from a stock ROM? (In other words - because the handset is used - whether the hardware is good as a starting point?)
I'm not convinced that there are any custom ROMs that exhibit rock-solid GPS behavior as rooted-stock or stock-derived (e.g. Jasmine).
I suspect that a lot of the breathless "I got GPS to work!" reports are from folks that went from no lock ever to occasionally locking sometimes... not rock solid service. (You'll note that in exactly zero of those reports do folks indicate what they used as test criteria to declare "working")
I'd be back on CM13 in a hot minute if GPS was like 3 nines reliable (99.9% availability) as it is on rooted stock.
On my phone my experience is that GPS will lock in both cases (stock/non-stock) in about the same amount of time from a cold-start+airplane mode configuration (outdoors, can take 6 or 7 minutes due to no use of aGPS) - the difference seems to be that when aGPS is in use, the non-stock ROMs will suddenly lose lock spontaneously and remain in that no-lock state for tens of minutes at a time.
It's almost as if aGPS service *interferes* with prior lock acquisition on the custom ROMs. I fooled with gps.conf too, but to no avail. I tried a variety of things including reverting to the gpsone servers instead of google, altering the lock threshold, etc but drew a blank.
There are kernel tracing methods but they require a debug kernel to be built. I started down that route but things got busy IRL and I haven't had time to pursue it.
It seems like the process of identifying a candidate fault mechanism might have to use comparisons of trace logs from both a working configuration and non working configuration... imo it's not going to be a trivial effort to resolve.

I did not test it when I first got it, however after a backup and wipe, I flashed this modded stock ROM:
and after updating all the apps GPS/Pokemon GO work perfectly. I'm going to read up on the GPS system in android and see if I can pin this down.

Nerdreaper said:
I'm going to read up on the GPS system in android and see if I can pin this down.
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Thank you. \oo/

@mightysween reported that Temasek CM13 formerly was quite stable when it came to GPS functionality, but it fell apart sometime in April. Specifically he mentions a Temasek CM13 ROM (v6.1-20160407) built for hltespr that he made small mods (e.g. build.prop) to to get services running on VZW carrier phones.
I tried it on two ~40mi road trips today and indeed it seems quite solid. So I guess it can't be said that (Temasek) CM13 GPS was always broken - something happened sometime in April which broke GPS on that ROM.


[BUG, WORKAROUND 10/24/2011] Issue with GPS drivers in AOSP ROMs

I have noticed that there has been an ongoing issue with GPS in a number of stock ROMs deriving their driver code from the main Google branch (rather than HTC's stock drivers); I'll summarise the issue I've found in particular, and hopefully folks can come to a resolution of sorts.
Firstly, a bit of backgrounder--Android actually uses two different methods of reading GPS data and passing it along from satellites to applications. Some apps (notably, Google Navigation) can have "raw" data passed along via an API introduced in Gingerbread; others (including a lot of third-party GPS tools) read via "NMEA sentences", an open standard for GPS-enabled devices to receive and pass along data. (If a third-party GPS tool has been ported to multiple operating systems, it's almost a guarantee it uses NMEA sentences for its GPS data.)
An NMEA sentence starts with the time (in UTC), the satellite number, and then a string beginning with $GP<foo>, a mess of comma-delimited numbers and letters after, and then ending with a number or letter, an asterisk, and another number. This gobbeldygook basycally states "Hey, here's the sat, here's the ephemerides tables so we know where other sats are, here's where I am in the sky" and some other technical data. (If people want the gory details, including what NMEA sentences should look like, http://www.gpsinformation.org/dale/nmea.htm has info and examples.)
Normal stock ROMs (including rooted and de-odexed stock ROMs) WILL show these NMEA sentences with an appropriately intelligent GPS tool; there are two good and free apps on the Android Market that show this (Turbo GPS, ad-supported but free: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.turboirc.tgps.v2 and u-center GPS which is completely free: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.ublox.ucenter); the latter is explicitly designed as a GPS testing tool.
What I discovered with a number of third-party ROMs (that either have issues with some programs picking up a GPS sync at all, or which have issues with wildly varying GPS locks in the range of 10-50m) is that these particular third-party ROMs are NOT passing along NMEA sentences. The one issue these ROMs do have in common is that they are Gingerbread v2.3.5 ROMs apparently using Google's stock driver code.
These cause a number of symptoms including slow lock or failure to lock (occasionally Google Maps fails to lock or locks very slowly, CoPilot Live v8 typically never gets a lock or only does so very slowly, other apps may not get a solid lock and have wildly varying GPS fixes). Troubleshooting with u-center GPS shows no NMEA data is being passed; typically EFS wipe does NOT fix the issue, nor does download of AGPS data (with the Chartcross GPS Test or GPS Status tools).
Another tool (Aspara) along with some weirdness in Turbo GPS (lots and lots of blank NMEA messages) and logcat.txt with CyanogenMod ROMs indicate what's really going on--it is passing along NMEA sentences, but with all the important bits (all the stuff from $GP<foo> onward) redacted--so all GPS programs on Android have to work with is the UTC date and the GPS's own numerical identification. Sometimes they can work with this...sometimes, not so much.
At any rate, something's broken.
I have investigated the issue in the following ROMs (with the use of SuperWipe between ROMs, which wipes system/data/EFS) with the latest radio known to behave reliably on T-Mobile US (Vision_Radio_12.56.60.25_26.10.04.03). Here's what's known to have the issue and what's behaving right...unfortunately, from what I can tell, all v2.3.5 ROMs at the moment are hosed save possibly for Sense-based ROMs...
CyanogenMod nightlies since at least v.118 and possibly since v.43
XBoarderMod v3.0.0 (AOSP/CyanogenMod hybrid, apparently uses the problematic driver)
ILWT CM7, all known versions (CyanogenMod base with a few customisations, uses the problematic driver)
MeXDroid GhostChili (all versions)
CyanogenMod v7.1.0-RC1 (ROM has known GPS issues in general; as similar issues have been reported this has been reported to the CyanogenMod bug tracker)
Very likely all ROMs based on a release-candidate or nightly build of Cyanogenmod
MIUI Bulletproof v1.9.9 (v.2.3.5, apparently uses the problematic driver)
Possibly all versions of MIUI if they use the same driver
Stock T-Mobile G2 ROMs, de-odexed and rooted (all ROMs explicitly "stock" known to work, including G2-Bliss)
Virtuous G-Lite (v2.3.3 ROM, does receive NMEA sentences normally)
Stock HTC-WWE Sense-based ROMs (v.2.3.3 and up, do receive NMEA sentences normally--it's largely the Sense-based ROMs that are the basis for the gps.vision.so swap fix)
Sense-based ROMs in general that have been customised, unless they use substantial bits of AOSP radio drivers (most are pretty much Sense tweaked for HTC Desire Z; would appreciate reports from people using custom Sense ROMs based on Sense 3.0 or 3.5).
This appears to be a general GPS driver bug with ALL Gingerbread AOSP roms at this point that extends all the way back to the earliest Gingerbread-based builds of CyanogenMod and MIUI; PLEASE star up issue 15500 on the main Android tracker (http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=15500) and issue 3346 on the CyanogenMod tracker (http://code.google.com/p/cyanogenmod/issues/detail?id=3346) so that the bug fix is prioritised.
People may also wish to lobby HTC to share their fix with the community (which they're technically SUPPOSED to be doing under GPL; it's fairly obvious they patched the bug with NMEA sentences in their Gingerbread versions).
At least one person on the Cyanogenmod forums has reported the issue is fixed with a replacement of /system/lib/hw/gps.vision.so with the stock library file (available at http://www.multiupload.com/O6ZFH4YR5F and attached below) from the T-Mobile G2 OTA update (http://forum.cyanogenmod.com/topic/...obscure-gps-driver-bug-in-at-least-nightlies/) which STRONGLY indicates a bug in gps.vision.so.
Recommended radios to use this fix with are as follows:
KNOWN WORKING COMBOS: (latest international ROM, is known to work, use 10.04.03 gps.vision.so) (Latest available radio for the Vision from Bell Mobility Canada, this DOES work with 10.04.03 gps.vision.so) (Latest available radio for T-Mobile G2, is known to work, use either 10.04.03 gps.vision.so or (upcoming) 13.04.19 gps.vision.so (already available with ILWT CM7 nightlies))
POSSIBLY WORKING (mostly older radios):
Very likely most HTC-WWE ROMs with internal version 2.42.xx (Sense ROMs) with 10.04.03 gps.vision.so (Multiple reports now this is working; if this fails, try radio which is newer.)
VARIED REPORTS (not recommended at this time): with its own gps.vision.so (some reports this works, others report this breaks GPS particularly if matched with its gps.vision.so; this is an older radio and may not be so compatible with v2.3.5; due to release of a new radio from T-Mobile users of this radio are recommended to use the new radio if this gives issues)
KNOWN NOT WORKING/NOT RECOMMENDED: (this is the old Froyo G2 radio, but is used by quite a lot of folks using the G2 in T-Mobile US territory with CyanogenMod and stock GPS; does not work with either Gingerbread gps.vision.so in CM7 builds and is likely an incompatible radio for modern gps.vision.so/AOSP ROM combos)
There have been some reports from posters that the newest T-Mobile radio ( combined with stock CM7 nightlies may have fully functional GPS. I haven't yet tried this, but if folks are willing to do so before applying the "GPS libraries patch" and who are or will be using the new T-Mobile radio--if you could report the following:
a) Which particular CM7 nightly you are using.
b) Results on whether NMEA is being passed with Turbo GPS or u-center Evaluation (both available for free in the Android Market)
If it turns out the latest nightlies + new radio don't need the fix, this would be awesome and win, but again, this is an area where volunteers are needed.
Special note to ILWT CM7 ROM users: If you are using a version of ILWT CM7 v212b and up, you can now select the option to use the appropriate gps.vision.so instead of stock CM7 gps.vision.so by adding/uncommenting the option "gpslib=htc" in ILWT.txt (the install script will automatch the appropriate gps.vision.so to each radio). If you are changing radios or libs, be sure to EFS wipe first. Thanks to tsubus for being the first to implement this in a third-party ROM.
Support for the new T-Mobile radio ( begins with ILWT CM7 only from version v238 and up, but (personal verification) works flawlessly. If you're using an older version of ILWT CM7, you'll want to follow the procedure below if you use the new T-Mobile radio or upgrade ILWT CM7.
For non-ILWT CM7 ROM users, the procedure is now less painful.
Of note, following these instructions will be much easier with the new 4EXT recovery but can be done with CWM recovery--it's just easier to do the necessary steps without repetitively rebooting.
a) If you have not done so already, flash a known working radio to your phone using the usual instructions for flashing a new radio. (I recommend one of the three above radios UNLESS you are experimenting with a new radio/gps.vision.so combo and reporting the results.)
b) Reboot, rename pc10img.zip, copy one of the update files below AND the Vision EFS Wipe tool (and optionally, the latest RIL automatcher zip) to the root of your SD card, then reboot into recovery.
c) Select "Install from zip", select the Vision EFS Wipe tool, let it run.
d) Do the same thing, only with the updater file you selected.
e) (OPTIONAL) Mount /system if you're running CM7, then select "install from zip", select the RIL automatcher, let it run. (RIL matching is NOT essential with this; I've run with and without, and wouldn't recommend matching JUST to install an alternate gps.vision.so--only if you're having general radio performance issues.)
f) Select "Install from zip", select the Vision EFS Wipe Tool, let it run (probably only REALLY necessary if you're matching RILs at the same time).
g) Reboot. Use your favourite GPS tool (I personally like the free Chartcross GPS Test tool on the Market) to get an initial fix. This will take approximately 45-60 seconds indoors, faster if you're outside and it's sunny.
a) Don't panic.
b) Copy the gps.vision.CM7-fallback.zip to your SD card root. Follow the steps from b)-g) in that first section, and that should restore GPS functionality.
c) So we can know which ROM/gps.vision.so/kernel/radio combos are no-go, please submit to this thread the following info:
1) The fact it went sideways.
2) The particular third-party ROM you are using (CM7 nightlies, MIUI.us, etc.).
3) The particular radio you are using (08.04.30, 12.04.03, etc.)
4) If you are NOT using the stock kernel, which kernel you're using (Pershoot, ILWT/Umaro/etc.).
(Yes, kernels CAN cause differences in performance in drivers. For example, most third-party kernels in pure stock ROMs tend to break WIFI because there's JUST enough difference in how the drivers talk to the kernel that things hiccup. There's a non-negligible chance that different radio/gps.vision.so combos may work better for particular third-party kernels.)
Also, if you're using a radio/gps.vision.so combo I've NOT listed here (particularly if you are using a radio from a pre-Gingerbread ROM), let folks know what works and what doesn't.
I have been meaning to make a post on this. I am currently running CM nightly 8/29 with Tmobile's latest radio. I have no issues getting an immidiate lock but about 10 to 15 min into my drive I will suddenly lose the GPS signal with a clear sky and no obstructions. I never had this problem with the original rom and was hoping someone on here had a fix for this or reason. This has one of the major problems I have had with CM7 so far everything else is minor.
kusuriurikun said:
...Android actually uses two different methods of reading GPS data and passing it along to satellites.
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I think you mean passing data FROM satellites
burtcom said:
I think you mean passing data FROM satellites
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I did, and I'll correct this. (This is what happens when one is typing when semiconscious. )
Excellent bit of detective-work I hope its not too long till the various ROMs can fix this.
burtcom said:
Excellent bit of detective-work I hope its not too long till the various ROMs can fix this.
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OK, so my original complaint on this (http://code.google.com/p/cyanogenmod/issues/detail?id=4282) has now been merged into the "mothership" thread (http://code.google.com/p/cyanogenmod/issues/detail?id=3346)--even the creator of GPS Status and Toolbox has apparently reported this.
There is a related issue 15500 (http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=15500) that indicates this is a general AOSP bug; issue 7321 is similar (http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=7321)
(Of note, this has been a very longstanding issue--since the very first release candidates of CM7, and probably affecting ANY Gingerbread build that isn't using drivers from an OEM manufacturer like HTC. HTC has OBVIOUSLY done their own tweaks, but isn't sharing (isn't that technically a GPL violation?)...so a fix is known, just not being shared )
I strongly encourage people to "star" the issue at 3346 AND at 15500 and 7321 to get this moved up in priority so that the folks behind CyanogenMod and the main Google AOSP code know this is an issue.
(And yes, that even goes for you MIUI users--the issue affects you as well, and the fix could be incorporated into MIUI builds.)
I just hope the info dump I gave 'em helps narrow down the issue...
Just starred them. Everybody get on this!
Sent from my T-mobile G2 using Tapatalk
Good post! I'm running XBoarderMod and noticed this a lot, I always wondered exactly what it was, though I get ranges far worse than 50m. I'll have days where it identifies me as being 5-6 blocks away, closer to 250m.
Thanks for this, starring complete
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using Tapatalk
Don't know if it may help or not, but you may check this thread.
Thanks for explaining that, it was very informative. Ive been running Virtuous G-Lite v2.3.3 ROM, and have been more or less satisfied. About 25-120m off in buildings but great when on the road.(also the fact the country of residence only has edge, i'm sure that's a factor)
Just starred issues as well.
Well this makes perfect sense. I love CM7's features and stock look/feel with extra goodies, but GPS is garbage therefore I can't run CM7. I've noticed zero GPS issues running both G-Lite and ROMS based off the official OTA Gingerbread update. I recently switched to MIUI Bulletproof and REALLY like it... but just yesterday discovered GPS has the exact same problems as I does with CM7-based ROMS. It's just getting really really frustrating that all I can run on my G2 is no-frills stock ROMS if I want GPS to function at all. Seems like the only advantage I have over unrooted users is the ability to get rid of bloatware and a little overclocking on G-Lite ROMS. Its something, I know, but I wish a fix would surface so we can all enjoy the ultra-fast flashy ROMS and still have fully functioning phones.
My stats are in my signature and I have never had issues with GPS. I get an immediate lock and have taken 100 mile trips with no loss of GPS signal. I'm currently locked on with a 10 meter error, but I am stationary, it gets more accurate once I start moving.
---------- Post added at 06:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:06 PM ----------
Though, I will add that I did have GPS issues with my old G2. It did have CM on it at some point. I got an Asurion replacement and loaded MIUI on to it right out of the gate, no GPS issues.
Well I believe you. Some people are just lucky like that. I've tried all the known fixes from wiping the efs to clearing caches to uninstalling/reinstalling Google maps, etc. These fixes work great for some G2 owners while some others yet never even have any GPS problems with any ROM. And some G2 users could care less about GPS. I can get a lock with not much problems. My issue with any CM7 or MIUI based ROM is the GPS will lose signal during the trip. This does not happen at all with stock based ROMs. Funny how ambiguous these problems can be....
killswitch11 said:
Well I believe you. Some people are just lucky like that. I've tried all the known fixes from wiping the efs to clearing caches to uninstalling/reinstalling Google maps, etc. These fixes work great for some G2 owners while some others yet never even have any GPS problems with any ROM. And some G2 users could care less about GPS. I can get a lock with not much problems. My issue with any CM7 or MIUI based ROM is the GPS will lose signal during the trip. This does not happen at all with stock based ROMs. Funny how ambiguous these problems can be....
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Try my set up?
Download MIUI.us 1.9.16, Umaro 1.06, rmk's RIL matcher, and flash radio 10.04.03. When you go to update the ROM, reboot in to recovery. Go to the mounts and storage menu. format cache/data/system/dalvik cache. Flash the MIUI ROM, then Umaro kernel. go back to the mounts and storage menu, and mount /system, and then flash the RIL matcher zip.
luppolone said:
Don't know if it may help or not, but you may check this thread.
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That may be interesting to try, actually--if I'm reading the thread right, it's a corrected version of the libraries that are closer to HTC stock but which may be compatible with AOSP.
I will likely experiment with this and report back....
EDIT: Tried, nope, still not sending NMEA data. Still sends blank NMEA messages, which indicates the issue is deeper than libgps.so. (It does help to narrow down what may be going unwell, though--I'm now suspecting a bug in where AOSP ROMs may be getting info from the driver itself.)
OK, bumping my post again:
I've had secondhand confirmation on the Cyanogenmod forums that the bug lies in gps.vision.so (which is the specific hardware driver library for the HTC Vision); reportedly a user has replaced this (by hand) with the stock gps.vision.so from the T-Mobile G2 Gingerbread update and gotten fully functional GPS.
I will be experimenting with this, and if this does work, we're far closer to knowing what needs fixed
OK -- just tried the fix, My regular GPS progs are working fine. Will find something to see what the actual strings I'm getting look like.
burtcom said:
OK -- just tried the fix, My regular GPS progs are working fine. Will find something to see what the actual strings I'm getting look like.
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The two apps I've been primarily using to test NMEA functionality are Turbo GPS and "u-center", both of which are free apps on the Android Market (just do searches for each); u-center's NMEA stuff is the easiest to find (just swipe AFTER the Google Maps window showing the fix--five swipes left from the opening window gets you there) whilst Turbo GPS's is in a submenu (open Turbo GPS, press "Menu", select "Views", select "NMEA Strings"--if it works right, it'll show a mess of stuff starting with "$GP").
ive never had an issue with gps but this thread convinced me to double check. i downloaded turbo gps, i get a lock within 5 seconds, error of 3m within my house, and the nmea strings show a bunch of envelopes..is that right?
seems to look ok to me i guess, running cm7 nightly 204, latest bell radio with htc 098HM rils. is this an issue pertaining to G2's and not DZ's??
cheers for the great effort!
edit: forgot to add im on a DZ
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium

[Q] Lenov Thinkpad Tablet GPS issue?

Anyone out there who has issues with the gps on the TPT?
I'm getting a fix quite slowly and losing it every few seconds.
This happens within Navigon Mobile Navigator, GPS Essentials and GPS Test.
The whole Tablet also feels quite laggy and doesn't perform well.
When writing this post with the Browser app, i have to wait about 1-2 seconds until the text i've just typed appears.
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A
TPT Definitely has a GPS issue...
Check out the "GPS TPT Acquiring Satellites Bug" thread on the Lenovo Thinkpad Slate forums... Sorry, this forum won't let me post a link yet...
Lenovo is finally "looking" into it but hasn't officially acknowledged a problem.
One major issue is that the GPS.conf file is using a Asia NTP_Server, if you're anywhere but Asia this will hobble your GPS fix times (or TTFF - Time To First Fix). This file requires root to edit which we don't have.
Second issue is whether the TPT uses AGPS when wirelessly connected to the internet, since a majority of TPT's don't have 3G/4G we don't know if AGPS is only enabled for 3G/4G or if it's available at all.
I've tried replacing the gps.conf file, syincing NTP clocks and updating the agps data via a wifi tether to my phone. I'm still having the same problems as you are, and as I was before.
I've resorted to negative user reviews based on the camera and the gps, with tag-ons about how bright the black is on the screen and the lag. I don't know how better to pressure a corporation than to go as public about issues as I can. Complaints to Lenovo don't seem to help much, at least not in the first year, which in gadget-schedule-terms is pretty much the lifetime of the gadget.
I'm also seriously considering living without the camera entirely and going with the CyanogenMod ROM. The stock firmware etiher way isn't up to snufff, but I'm fed up with the wierd keyboard lag that CM doesn't have.
EDIT: Sent it in for a new system board, primarily for GPS. 13 days ago. I got an email yesterday saying they're waiting for parts. The N-trig, keyboard and usb port are real tools, but the incredibly slow repair, having putzed with software fixes for the GPS for months (I'm a real sucker for intermittent reinforcement), the lag, and the lack of popularity (development and accessories) really have me second guessing the greatness of this product. I'd be thinking differently if I'd have gotten one made in 2012, or any "good" one. I hear they're out there. The bright side? I'll have fun doing hardware mods on it.
More: I sent it in. They replaced the system board. It took 14 days. The GPS worked a dream before I rooted. I'm looking for a solution now.

GPS doesn't work on Kitkat

So I installed a few different stock Kitkat roms on my note 3 (Australian version). At some stage I realised that the gps wasnt working by not getting a singal. I've gone and done many fresh installs with odin of different stock roms and still can't get it to work.
I've used gps status and after fixing a-gps data it will sometimes show many satellites on the horizon but with a very weak signals. If it does finally get a signal after a reboot it won't work again.
I've manually replaced the gps config file and it doesn't help. Also when I use an AOSP rom the gps works perfectly, locks fast and accuracy good.
Any ideas/suggestions on how to get the gps working again will be appreciated!
Not sure to be honest but I have two Notes here with different antennas (our whatever it is that sits on top of the GPS chip), running different Roms but they both seem to get into a state where they suddenly lose the signal, from 10 Satellites or so down to none, then reset GPS and eventually get it going again......could take quite some time or require reboots.
I find that X-Note (non stock kernel!) is much better but did not completely eliminate the issue.
I've rooted one of the phones so I can't return that for warranty and knowing Samsung Australia they would do nothing to help me anyway.
I'm pretty sure that ALL Notes have the issue but it seems to be random and only triggered after some time off operation.....so if you're not running GPS all the time you may not notice.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Lousy gps
matust said:
So I installed a few different stock Kitkat roms on my note 3 (Australian version). At some stage I realised that the gps wasnt working by not getting a singal. I've gone and done many fresh installs with odin of different stock roms and still can't get it to work.
I've used gps status and after fixing a-gps data it will sometimes show many satellites on the horizon but with a very weak signals. If it does finally get a signal after a reboot it won't work again.
I've manually replaced the gps config file and it doesn't help. Also when I use an AOSP rom the gps works perfectly, locks fast and accuracy good.
Any ideas/suggestions on how to get the gps working again will be appreciated!
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Someone has posted a gps fix zip. Which is supposed to work. I was afraid I might break something so didn't try it. I installed bob cat rom hoping that would fix it. but it didn't. Mine is international lte. So it isn't supposed to have the gps problem. Knox has tripped over so I am out of warranty. As the aosp rom works go back to that. Or just go from rom to rom till you have what you want which has gps working. I think x rom has working gps but not sure yet. Will know once installed. And i will find that gpsfix zip and install that.
mikekcl said:
Someone has posted a gps fix zip. Which is supposed to work. I was afraid I might break something so didn't try it. I installed bob cat rom hoping that would fix it. but it didn't. Mine is international lte. So it isn't supposed to have the gps problem. Knox has tripped over so I am out of warranty. As the aosp rom works go back to that. Or just go from rom to rom till you have what you want which has gps working. I think x rom has working gps but not sure yet. Will know once installed. And i will find that gpsfix zip and install that.
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That GPS fix zip is for 4.3 ONLY and will create a boot loop on 4.4.2.
ewok666 said:
That GPS fix zip is for 4.3 ONLY and will create a boot loop on 4.4.2.
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Thanks, wouldn't happen to have a list of n9005 4.4.2 roms with gps fix installed would you? I think thousands of people would happily void their warranty to get it. That is the only reason I installed another rom and voided mine.
But it didn't fix the gps neither do the gps status etcetera.
mikekcl said:
Thanks, wouldn't happen to have a list of n9005 4.4.2 roms with gps fix installed would you? I think thousands of people would happily void their warranty to get it. That is the only reason I installed another rom and voided mine.
But it didn't fix the gps neither do the gps status etcetera.
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Sorry but I don't. I think ALL 4.4.2 have that bug, at least all the ones I looked at. I don't know whether this is an Australian thing but it's very strange.
When it gets 'confused' the map that usually shows the satellites in view (or that should be in view) has ALL of them in one spot at the top end of the circle. A clear AGPS data usually fixes this but it sure looks like a software bug. I assume Samsung will eventually fix this. It ONLY happens certain times of the day. yesterday it did not happen before 14:30 but when it did, it did so on both Note 3 I have access to.
my note 3 lte gps woes
ewok666 said:
Sorry but I don't. I think ALL 4.4.2 have that bug, at least all the ones I looked at. I don't know whether this is an Australian thing but it's very strange.
When it gets 'confused' the map that usually shows the satellites in view (or that should be in view) has ALL of them in one spot at the top end of the circle. A clear AGPS data usually fixes this but it sure looks like a software bug. I assume Samsung will eventually fix this. It ONLY happens certain times of the day. yesterday it did not happen before 14:30 but when it did, it did so on both Note 3 I have access to.
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For me in australia with lte version it is a case of never getting enough satelites to get a fix and losing soon after. While my i9305 and my wife's n7100 both work fine all the time. So I cannot see it as just an at and t or verizon usa problem. My phone is with optus who updated the firmware as soon as I turned it on. But as I wrote no go so tried sweet, x, omega, bobcat stuck with bobcat 8 more success with gps on 8 than 9. Hopefully 10 will be more like 8. Perhaps 4.4.3 has a fix..
Curious, there seems to be a multitude of Australians with this issue..
You're going to have trouble aquiring a GPS lock these few days everywhere though. There has been a CME on 04/06/2014 (international dating) that hit Earth at 07/06/2014 and sparked a G2 geomagnetic storm. It plays havoc on all radiosignals, including GPS. It'll be bothersome for another week or two, most likely.
Gps experience with stock rom
Here is my experience in Without rooted complete stock ROM GPS Locking Time.:good:
Bought SM-N 9005 in December(U.A.E)- Jelly Bean- GPS Lock within 4 to 5 Seconds without any Help of Internet.
January Flashed Kitkat Poland (XEO) GPS Lock within 60 seconds without Internet, with Internet 30 to 40 Seconds,:crying:
April Flashed UK (BTU) GPS Lock timing same as Poland.:crying:
May Flashed U.A.E version again GPS LOCK WITHIN 4 to 5 Seconds without any Help of Internet.:good:
I am from U.A.E my question is GPS has anything to do with region? I mean GPS software is inside CSC or ROM or Kernel????
Try entering root folder and open up etc>gps.conf using text editor and change LPP_PROFILE to 3 instead of 0.
sama with me. i alteady try many rom include stock ne4 firmware. cannot lock the gps signal. felling sad.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Inaccuarte/not working location/GPS features

EDIT- Issue has been solved with the official stock OTA sprint/G900P release (currently on OT6 deoxed)! Happy to have working GPS again!
Ever since upgrading to 5.0 (Cyanogenmod 5.0 clean flash, and then upgrade to teamub latest build 1/11) my location has not been functional. I have the sprint version galaxy S5. With the latest teamub builds, my gps has finally been 'working' when I press the location button in maps, but it thinks that im located 50 miles away from where I am. The position has changed several times to very different area's. At first it would not find the location at all, regardless of data/LTE enabled and GPS set to on with high accuracy mode enabled on MAPS settings.
I would like to clarify that this issue persisted before the dirty flash to teamub, so I do not think its a question of a clean flash. Also, I have tried clearing the data for the maps app in settings and restarting it, which did not resolve the issue.
This is a frustrating one, as I absolutely love these rom's and LP, but the GPS is one of those deal breakers for me, it must be functional.
Any advice on troubleshooting is very welcome and thank you.
Iriez said:
Ever since upgrading to 5.0 (Cyanogenmod 5.0 clean flash, and then upgrade to teamub latest build 1/11) my location has not been functional. I have the sprint version galaxy S5. With the latest teamub builds, my gps has finally been 'working' when I press the location button in maps, but it thinks that im located 50 miles away from where I am. The position has changed several times to very different area's. At first it would not find the location at all, regardless of data/LTE enabled and GPS set to on with high accuracy mode enabled on MAPS settings.
I would like to clarify that this issue persisted before the dirty flash to teamub, so I do not think its a question of a clean flash. Also, I have tried clearing the data for the maps app in settings and restarting it, which did not resolve the issue.
This is a frustrating one, as I absolutely love these rom's and LP, but the GPS is one of those deal breakers for me, it must be functional.
Any advice on troubleshooting is very welcome and thank you.
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I experience this exact same issue with the latest CM12 build.
If switching the setting to Device-only location (GPS) it doesn't work at all. Waze says No GPS.
On Google Maps High Accuracy location mode seem to use only Wifi and Mobile Network calculations to determine locations. GPS is broken.
Someone told me to try TopNTP to fix it, but it didn't solve the problem.
I also tried searching and found someone on OS 4.4 saying to enter the service menu with *#0011# but that doesn't work either.
Edit for clarity: I have clean flashed new CM12 builds as they become available and have had this problem with every ROM since I switched from factory TW (6 or so diff ROM's)
*build is cm-12-20150120-UNOFFICIAL-klteusc
aktiv8d said:
I experience this exact same issue with the latest CM12 build.
If switching the setting to Device-only location (GPS) it doesn't work at all. Waze says No GPS.
On Google Maps High Accuracy location mode seem to use only Wifi and Mobile Network calculations to determine locations. GPS is broken.
Someone told me to try TopNTP to fix it, but it didn't solve the problem.
I also tried searching and found someone on OS 4.4 saying to enter the service menu with *#0011# but that doesn't work either.
Edit for clarity: I have clean flashed new CM12 builds as they become available and have had this problem with every ROM since I switched from factory TW (6 or so diff ROM's)
*build is cm-12-20150120-UNOFFICIAL-klteusc
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I concur that GPS is indeed broken in CM12 as well. Even though I get the GPS icon in the corner, it appears that no applications communicate with the GPS hardware to determine location. I also have found that only high accuracy mode using WIFI + Data works.
However, since you are the only person to respond with this issue, I must assume it is working for many others.
Thanks for the info and hopefully there is a solution in the near future.
For reference, what is your hardware model # ?
Iriez said:
I concur that GPS is indeed broken in CM12 as well. Even though I get the GPS icon in the corner, it appears that no applications communicate with the GPS hardware to determine location. I also have found that only high accuracy mode using WIFI + Data works.
However, since you are the only person to respond with this issue, I must assume it is working for many others.
Thanks for the info and hopefully there is a solution in the near future.
For reference, what is your hardware model # ?
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Yes, hopefully we get someone with the same problem that found a fix or a dev that can look into the problem. Anyone else, please speak up.
Model: SM-G900R4
Baseband: G900R4VXU1ANG3
Just bumping this thread because no resolution has been found.
Can anyone confirm GPS device only mode works on their S5? This is a frustrating problem because sometimes I really need GPS only accuracy. If I go on a hike and there's no service/data around sometimes GPS is the only difference between me wandering in the dark at night and actually finding my camp site.
OTA stock released for my G900P!!! Fixed my gps issue
Iriez said:
OTA stock released for my G900P!!! Fixed my gps issue
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Thanks for the update. Are you saying that you Odin'd back to stock Touchwiz and then did an OTA update?
aktiv8d said:
Thanks for the update. Are you saying that you Odin'd back to stock Touchwiz and then did an OTA update?
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I grabbed the full stock .tar released 2 days ago (from OTA) and odin'd the phone (after wipe) to full stock. That solved the problem (running stock official) and then flashed to deoxeded to make things snappy.

How to fix the GPS?

Hi there,
I have a D801 I bought this summer in the US and recently I'm having problems with the GPS. I got it with stock LP, and I think back then it was working fine. Then, I started testing different roms, and at some point it broke. I guess it is a software problem, but I don't know how to fix it (I search in each rom's thread but it should be working ok).
I'm currently using this ROM http://forum.xda-developers.com/tmobile-g2/development/rom-tmo-lp-extreme-v1-0-4-16-15-t3084681
Software details: http://imgur.com/GhqDN9D
I have tried fasterGPS (to set it for Spain) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.fastergps&hl=en and GPS Status https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eclipsim.gpsstatus2&hl=en but it takes forever to lock into a satellite (1/26), and even then it is not able to get the correct location in Google Maps (tried outdoors in several places already).
Any help? Any additional info you may need?
Thanks in advance!
i think most people who have had problems with the GPS on this phone have given up. the GPS is just flaky to non functional. There is a mod out there where you raise the antennae pins to contact the case using something to shim them. that might or might not help. I did it on my LS-980. I also did it on my Samsung Note i717 and it solved it.
I think part of the equation is software related. I updated my rom to Dirty Unicorns and my GPS was working most of the time. but when it refused to lock, nothing could make it. on stock, I had a weird condition where the GPS would work only if my phone was in 3g mode, not LTE. However, when my phone got stuck in 3g mode, would never switch back to LTE without turning off and on mobile data. I am currently back to stock but my GPS doesn;t work.
tekweezle said:
i think most people who have had problems with the GPS on this phone have given up. the GPS is just flaky to non functional. There is a mod out there where you raise the antennae pins to contact the case using something to shim them. that might or might not help. I did it on my LS-980. I also did it on my Samsung Note i717 and it solved it.
I think part of the equation is software related. I updated my rom to Dirty Unicorns and my GPS was working most of the time. but when it refused to lock, nothing could make it. on stock, I had a weird condition where the GPS would work only if my phone was in 3g mode, not LTE. However, when my phone got stuck in 3g mode, would never switch back to LTE without turning off and on mobile data. I am currently back to stock but my GPS doesn;t work.
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Nice... Then I'll give a look at that tutorial. I was hoping to fix it by flashing some radios/basebands or the likes, but we seem to be on the same boat. It is not that I use GPS that much, but I didn't expect such problems in a previous flagship phone. Anyways, thanks for your help :good:
cheveoner said:
Nice... Then I'll give a look at that tutorial. I was hoping to fix it by flashing some radios/basebands or the likes, but we seem to be on the same boat. It is not that I use GPS that much, but I didn't expect such problems in a previous flagship phone. Anyways, thanks for your help :good:
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Don't get your hopes up on that tutorial. GPS is notoriously bad on G2. So many people have problems. Mine doesn't work at all and I gave up like the previous poster said. Not a big deal for me except when I'm trying to use Uber!
waingro808 said:
Don't get your hopes up on that tutorial. GPS is notoriously bad on G2. So many people have problems. Mine doesn't work at all and I gave up like the previous poster said. Not a big deal for me except when I'm trying to use Uber!
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Well, I finally had the time to try the antenna hack (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfS4LpfcLfg) and it went from locking to none to locking to 12 out of 20 sats. Finally I can be happy this phone (also running CloudyG2 btw). We'll see how long does it last though...
Thank you all!
Here's a weird situation, just recently used the TOT method to restore my phone back to stock, and after installing the updates to bring me to zvh, my gps is working again. Still a little flaky but mostly working.
Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

