RTSP library for streaming over UDP, for Android - IDEs, Libraries, & Programming Tools

My video camera streams UDP via WiFi to my Android phone.
I'd like to re-stream from Android, so I need a library for the application layer RTSP, for UDP.
My question is: is there such a library anywhere out there (free or not) already available?
If not, about how much difficult would be to write one? (I understand that for .NET there is such a library so the logic could be borrowed for writing code in JAVA or NDK)


RTSP reading

I'm currently developing an application that browses a server to get a list of rtsp streams (webradios), using C# and the .Net CompactFramework.
What would be the easiest way to read those rtsp streams ?
My first guess would be to launch a third party player, pushing the stream url as a command line parameter, but I couldn't find any free rtsp player that accept arguments on the command line.
The other way I'm thinking of would be to play the stream directly from within my program. But the audio APIs from the .NetCF seem pretty limitted.
Thanks in advance.
Anyone has an idea ?
I am not sure if this would work but try it
HTC Real Player

Live video streaming from pocketpc to pocketpc

Has anyone got an idea how to use one pocketpc to act as an webcam and stream the video to another pocketpc (Both wm5) over a wifi or gprs connection?
Been searching for a solution several weeks now.
Webcamplus (ateksoft) almost does the job. It can stream from a pocketpc to any computer connected on the web, but can't seem to stream it to another pocketpc directly.
Server there makes streaming possible
The comvu streamer encoder is nice, but the service is bloated and too expensive. The typical american/canadian $$$ ****. I'm trying to get things working with a current build of VLC for WinCE.
Actually the Ateksoft solution looks nice. If it is a standard streaming protocol it should be possible to play the stream with coreplayer or VLC for WinCE.
I had a closer look to both apps. Ateksoft WebcameraPlus sends full jpeg images to PC via TCP to port 2047. Framerate is around 1.5-2.5 fps. Not impressive.
The pocketvu executable includes all DLLs it needs and the core is made of VCTMID_CODEC.dll made by HTC. I think it is possible to reroute traffic directly to PC or Mobile device instead of to the Comvu server. I think it'll be possible to stream directly from the mobile to VLC or Coreplayer. Must do some sniffing to see if that's really feasible.
Nice work!
Will you keep me posted here?
We've been experimenting with comvu here, but connections are really unstable.
With sniffing you should try to find out whether it uses DNS to find the comvu host to send the stream to. If that is the case one can use DNS spoofing to reroute the traffic to your own host. Next thing to do is to find out what streaming protocol and which container is used. The easiest way to do that is to open the rerouted stream in VLC and try all stream formats (http, rtp, udp, ..). VLC will recognize the codecs automatically. If your lucky they don't use a proprietary protocol. Once you can open their stream it is easy to redistribute it to your clients. If you can sniff the traffic, it is also possible to find out what protocol and codecs they use by analyzing the packets. I don't have much time lately so if you don't wonna wait for me then hook up your wlan router and PC to a hub and install Wireshark on the PC and start sniffing. There are also sniffers running on your mobile device, might be a bit easier.

10$ for helping me.

Im currently searching for this application:
Its a program that lets you recive Dreambox restreams from a computer, i think its name is Mobile Grab Client but i can't find it anywhere. And iam not searching for TCPMP.
I will give 10$ to the person that first writes me a working link or something where i can find THIS application and its server. Payment will be done with Paypal.
The reason for posting this in this forum is because i have a smal memmory of reading about it here first.
hope this helps : http://translate.google.com/transla...cket+pc&hl=en&client=opera&rls=en&hs=XaU&sa=G
Well i already know how to stream, i need the application that changes channel and also to start streaming in one application.
Is this the one : MobileGrab
(Its in french)
Thats a negative! Keep on searching folks!
Mautana said:
Well i already know how to stream, i need the application that changes channel and also to start streaming in one application.
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The Mobile Grab client in the youtube video is launching TCPMP in full screen.
TheMostToys said:
The Mobile Grab client in the youtube video is launching TCPMP in full screen.
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I already know that, as said iam not searching for TCPMP. The app iam searching for is The Mobile Grab client!
so it's an application which selects the correct url and opens it up on TCPMP.
where do we find it ?
anyone interesed ?
i know this post will be deleted & i will most likely be called an idiot but it your trying to broadcast your television from home and tune it on on your mobile device....then you can use www.slingbox.com
nobody will call you idiot, but it is not a good way to do it.
if we have capability of directly connecting and streaming why put another node ?
so nobody has this little piece of software ?
Why buy a slingbox when the Dreambox seems to be capable of doing it itself? Any way, long time has passed and my quesion still is, does any one know how to get this software?
yep. still waiting...
Closest thing i could find...
From what i've seen with this app, it does what you want it to do.
Since it's opensource and written in PHP, i think it can be modified to contain pre-selected settings just for PDA viewing.
Btw, i think you can forget about just a single program without a middleman doing the transcoding, since the Dreambox is incapable of transcoding its stream.
What the Youtube video could be is a website showing links to all the channels, and by clicking on them it launches TCPMP with the stream.
you are wrong. why ? because Dreambox uses mpeg2 streaming which is the easisest codec to decode for any client type. That's why a middleman is not required.
And if we had the VLC player for ppc, we could watch directly Dreambox channels.
Here is the VLC player for PPC
unfortunately it does not run on Hermes (as far as I remember)
that's why I tried to compile it from source a while ago but I couldn't succeed.
if it runs well on anyone's wm6 device , please let us know.
mrmrmrmr said:
you are wrong. why ? because Dreambox uses mpeg2 streaming which is the easisest codec to decode for any client type. That's why a middleman is not required.
And if we had the VLC player for ppc, we could watch directly Dreambox channels.
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What do you want VLC to do that TCPMP or CorePlayer cannot?
Well that restreamer seems to be okay, but its not as simple as that application that he uses. Maby i should try it... The problem for me isnt that it need to be compressed true another computer but that i need the simplicity from the application, cklick and play!

[Q] How can I access the decoded text from my Android app?

I'm beginner in Android programming and I'm working on an Android app, that connects to a .crl file on the Internet and gets some data from it. I need to be able to decode this file (like an ASN.1 JavaScript decoder) and then use the decoded data.
My question is, how can I access the decoded data from my Android app? Is there some way to reference the decoded text online? Or is there a way, to include a decoder in my Android app?
Thanks for helping.

Shield+Linux+bluray+PVR=Media Centre?

Hi, is it possible to easily install Linux and run PVR and bluray player software (ISO or drive), with Linux USB drivers for bluray drives and USB tuners, like you can on the PC?
Another issue is, if it will be possible to buy linux UltraHD Bluray player software and get it to work. I believe there is currently none, but is there any on the horizon?
On linux, is it possible to do this as a bluray PVR with a Linux that works as a layer on Android, or with dual boot, as Ubuntu on Android was to work?
I was attracted to the Shield when I first saw it, but it does not do what I wanted. I have a bluray drive and multiple USB tuners laying around that I could use instead of buying a deficient Windows 10 atom ultra small media PC.
I would just like to say, if only Nvidia would support a windowed Linux player, or dual boot, on shield Android TV both in separate sandboxes, with Linux driver support for all USB devices, it would solve a lot of issues with Shield functionality, and protect Android apps digital rights and the OS. It would greatly expanded the shields user base. However, they could make available apps for playing bluray/bluray 4k, and pvr recording, supporting generic USB tuners and bluray drives, as Linux already does through MythTV and Kodi but not the Shield.
Stevio2 said:
Hi, is it possible to easily install Linux and run PVR and bluray player software (ISO or drive), with Linux USB drivers for bluray drives and USB tuners, like you can on the PC?
Another issue is, if it will be possible to buy linux UltraHD Bluray player software and get it to work. I believe there is currently none, but is there any on the horizon?
On linux, is it possible to do this as a bluray PVR with a Linux that works as a layer on Android, or with dual boot, as Ubuntu on Android was to work?
I was attracted to the Shield when I first saw it, but it does not do what I wanted. I have a bluray drive and multiple USB tuners laying around that I could use instead of buying a deficient Windows 10 atom ultra small media PC.
I would just like to say, if only Nvidia would support a windowed Linux player, or dual boot, on shield Android TV both in separate sandboxes, with Linux driver support for all USB devices, it would solve a lot of issues with Shield functionality, and protect Android apps digital rights and the OS. It would greatly expanded the shields user base. However, they could make available apps for playing bluray/bluray 4k, and pvr recording, supporting generic USB tuners and bluray drives, as Linux already does through MythTV and Kodi but not the Shield.
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I think It's possible to make shield to support PVR, you can design your AP to do it. beacuse shiled is android system, it have common android interface.
Thanks for that, I'm here about developing something else. I'm just asking for advice (or feature request, what ever suites people). When I am up to 10 posts I can post a thread on that in the appropriate forum.
Stevio2 said:
Thanks for that, I'm here about developing something else. I'm just asking for advice (or feature request, what ever suites people). When I am up to 10 posts I can post a thread on that in the appropriate forum.
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interesting this.
Yeah, I'm a newbie to all this, from back in the days that C++ was new and untaught I'll n my college. I'm interested in doing a video compression codec on Android for camera and very video. Shield seems like a good development target. So I'm waiting to ask over at developers rather than in n the wrong forum. Should be able to compress 4k even 8k, with small file and reduced processing overheads.
Stevio2 said:
Yeah, I'm a newbie to all this, from back in the days that C++ was new and untaught I'll n my college. I'm interested in doing a video compression codec on Android for camera and very video. Shield seems like a good development target. So I'm waiting to ask over at developers rather than in n the wrong forum. Should be able to compress 4k even 8k, with small file and reduced processing overheads.
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Im with the other guy..........very interesting idea
Stevio2 said:
Yeah, I'm a newbie to all this, from back in the days that C++ was new and untaught I'll n my college. I'm interested in doing a video compression codec on Android for camera and very video. Shield seems like a good development target. So I'm waiting to ask over at developers rather than in n the wrong forum. Should be able to compress 4k even 8k, with small file and reduced processing overheads.
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sure,shield tv codec performance is very good,4k maybe no problem.
But before this, I think you need to get frames from usb camera firstly. this need UVC knowledge.
Well, I'm interested in high end camera acquisition using Android, and Shield is a leading device. I don't need to acquire from a camera myself, but practice on uncompressed footage, and develop a streamlined codec for it and register it on the device as an available codec so any camera, editing and player can use it, then charge a fee per device to download it from playstore. I am going to be just fishing for information to see what I need to address. I actually want to develop it within JavaScript primarily for web and Firefox is use, so will have to find out the best way to transfer it to Android for compilation. As I know next to nothing about these new languages, it will be an uphill learning curve. I'd rather create my own language than spend so long learning another full of dross. As I can understand JavaScript syntax is separate from Java, and not a even a logical subset, which makes life hard.
So, with Android, previous high level camera projects have failed due to the underlying restrictions of the android camera interface and customisations from phone to phone, but also Androids slow nature. L and M address this somewhat, but for the codec I would probably have to write a backend to acquire the frames from the hardware to the codecs quick enough, which I don't want to do, but if I can't get frame data delivery fast enough I will have to look at it. I want to use gpu or other processing unit instead of the processor mainly, for power efficiency and speed, but realise nothing is simple. All that sort of stuff that you have to do because it was not done right in the first place. So, avoiding going through slower high end camera interfaces as much as possible. I understand it is all based on a standard Linux camera api. If the camera software does not have to rewritten and it can deliver frame data at streamlined timely speeds to a codec, then I can avoid much of this. Now, on the other side we have storage Hopefully the data rate can be small enough to avoid issues, but that is unlikely on a 4k-8k frame. Hmm, maybe I should just give up the codec was supposed to be a side project to test out what I want to do in JavaScript.
Anyway, it is a shame we don't have a kick starter like funding scheeme, to pay a good programmer to do most of the background stuff, and upgrade the Linux code and drivers, so anybody can use the new code with any codec and camera app combination. My main interest is my own codec, not all the other stuff, that is really fixing Android and linux camera code, which would help everybody.
Actually, I know a company that might be able to get interested in doing such open source back end work with under funding, but I don't know if they are skilled in that sort of thing. Vizzygig. I'll look at asking on the thread.
Anyway, back onto the Linux on Android bluray/pvr home theatre questions?
I have just set up a advice request thread for the camera codec project here:

