Shield+Linux+bluray+PVR=Media Centre? - Shield Android TV Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi, is it possible to easily install Linux and run PVR and bluray player software (ISO or drive), with Linux USB drivers for bluray drives and USB tuners, like you can on the PC?
Another issue is, if it will be possible to buy linux UltraHD Bluray player software and get it to work. I believe there is currently none, but is there any on the horizon?
On linux, is it possible to do this as a bluray PVR with a Linux that works as a layer on Android, or with dual boot, as Ubuntu on Android was to work?
I was attracted to the Shield when I first saw it, but it does not do what I wanted. I have a bluray drive and multiple USB tuners laying around that I could use instead of buying a deficient Windows 10 atom ultra small media PC.
I would just like to say, if only Nvidia would support a windowed Linux player, or dual boot, on shield Android TV both in separate sandboxes, with Linux driver support for all USB devices, it would solve a lot of issues with Shield functionality, and protect Android apps digital rights and the OS. It would greatly expanded the shields user base. However, they could make available apps for playing bluray/bluray 4k, and pvr recording, supporting generic USB tuners and bluray drives, as Linux already does through MythTV and Kodi but not the Shield.

Stevio2 said:
Hi, is it possible to easily install Linux and run PVR and bluray player software (ISO or drive), with Linux USB drivers for bluray drives and USB tuners, like you can on the PC?
Another issue is, if it will be possible to buy linux UltraHD Bluray player software and get it to work. I believe there is currently none, but is there any on the horizon?
On linux, is it possible to do this as a bluray PVR with a Linux that works as a layer on Android, or with dual boot, as Ubuntu on Android was to work?
I was attracted to the Shield when I first saw it, but it does not do what I wanted. I have a bluray drive and multiple USB tuners laying around that I could use instead of buying a deficient Windows 10 atom ultra small media PC.
I would just like to say, if only Nvidia would support a windowed Linux player, or dual boot, on shield Android TV both in separate sandboxes, with Linux driver support for all USB devices, it would solve a lot of issues with Shield functionality, and protect Android apps digital rights and the OS. It would greatly expanded the shields user base. However, they could make available apps for playing bluray/bluray 4k, and pvr recording, supporting generic USB tuners and bluray drives, as Linux already does through MythTV and Kodi but not the Shield.
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I think It's possible to make shield to support PVR, you can design your AP to do it. beacuse shiled is android system, it have common android interface.

Thanks for that, I'm here about developing something else. I'm just asking for advice (or feature request, what ever suites people). When I am up to 10 posts I can post a thread on that in the appropriate forum.

Stevio2 said:
Thanks for that, I'm here about developing something else. I'm just asking for advice (or feature request, what ever suites people). When I am up to 10 posts I can post a thread on that in the appropriate forum.
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interesting this.

Yeah, I'm a newbie to all this, from back in the days that C++ was new and untaught I'll n my college. I'm interested in doing a video compression codec on Android for camera and very video. Shield seems like a good development target. So I'm waiting to ask over at developers rather than in n the wrong forum. Should be able to compress 4k even 8k, with small file and reduced processing overheads.

Stevio2 said:
Yeah, I'm a newbie to all this, from back in the days that C++ was new and untaught I'll n my college. I'm interested in doing a video compression codec on Android for camera and very video. Shield seems like a good development target. So I'm waiting to ask over at developers rather than in n the wrong forum. Should be able to compress 4k even 8k, with small file and reduced processing overheads.
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Im with the other guy..........very interesting idea

Stevio2 said:
Yeah, I'm a newbie to all this, from back in the days that C++ was new and untaught I'll n my college. I'm interested in doing a video compression codec on Android for camera and very video. Shield seems like a good development target. So I'm waiting to ask over at developers rather than in n the wrong forum. Should be able to compress 4k even 8k, with small file and reduced processing overheads.
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sure,shield tv codec performance is very good,4k maybe no problem.
But before this, I think you need to get frames from usb camera firstly. this need UVC knowledge.

Well, I'm interested in high end camera acquisition using Android, and Shield is a leading device. I don't need to acquire from a camera myself, but practice on uncompressed footage, and develop a streamlined codec for it and register it on the device as an available codec so any camera, editing and player can use it, then charge a fee per device to download it from playstore. I am going to be just fishing for information to see what I need to address. I actually want to develop it within JavaScript primarily for web and Firefox is use, so will have to find out the best way to transfer it to Android for compilation. As I know next to nothing about these new languages, it will be an uphill learning curve. I'd rather create my own language than spend so long learning another full of dross. As I can understand JavaScript syntax is separate from Java, and not a even a logical subset, which makes life hard.
So, with Android, previous high level camera projects have failed due to the underlying restrictions of the android camera interface and customisations from phone to phone, but also Androids slow nature. L and M address this somewhat, but for the codec I would probably have to write a backend to acquire the frames from the hardware to the codecs quick enough, which I don't want to do, but if I can't get frame data delivery fast enough I will have to look at it. I want to use gpu or other processing unit instead of the processor mainly, for power efficiency and speed, but realise nothing is simple. All that sort of stuff that you have to do because it was not done right in the first place. So, avoiding going through slower high end camera interfaces as much as possible. I understand it is all based on a standard Linux camera api. If the camera software does not have to rewritten and it can deliver frame data at streamlined timely speeds to a codec, then I can avoid much of this. Now, on the other side we have storage Hopefully the data rate can be small enough to avoid issues, but that is unlikely on a 4k-8k frame. Hmm, maybe I should just give up the codec was supposed to be a side project to test out what I want to do in JavaScript.
Anyway, it is a shame we don't have a kick starter like funding scheeme, to pay a good programmer to do most of the background stuff, and upgrade the Linux code and drivers, so anybody can use the new code with any codec and camera app combination. My main interest is my own codec, not all the other stuff, that is really fixing Android and linux camera code, which would help everybody.

Actually, I know a company that might be able to get interested in doing such open source back end work with under funding, but I don't know if they are skilled in that sort of thing. Vizzygig. I'll look at asking on the thread.

Anyway, back onto the Linux on Android bluray/pvr home theatre questions?

I have just set up a advice request thread for the camera codec project here:



[Q] Media Streaming

Hi All,
I'm wondering if anyone has had any success streaming media to their A7. I currently have a NAS drive on my network and stream media to all my other devices (Archos 70, Archos 5 Android, EVO, etc.) but for some reason I cannot get the A7 to actually play anything from this network location.
I have been able to navigate to the files themselves, but playing them has not worked out so well. I've tried a variety of Apps and different file formats, but none seem to work. I can attempt to open files, and even get prompted to use various Apps, but nothing seems to work after that, it just fails. Anyone have any ideas or success with this effort please let me know as this is a biggie for me.
Sorry if this is a dup question, as I could not find anything about this for this device in particular.
And many thanks to Dexter, you've made this device surpass it's otherwise limited capabilities. Seems silly such a quality product is being left behind by the Stream, but this seems to be the model of all tablet makers these days. Pump them out as fast as possible regardless of full functionality and forget about them a month later!
The only way I've gotten streaming to work is by using PlayOn.
hi I can access all my movies on my hard drives and play on my a7 this way
download TVersity media server from I just use the free version. It will change your home page when you install it so you will need to change it back. Install that on your pc and then add your movie files to the library.
On your a7 download a app called skifta from the market and install that. when you run this choose a media source choose TVeristy media server. Under player choose your a7.
then choose browse and play media you will see your library files you added in tversity and some other stuff. You will need a video player installed on your a7. I have act 1 video player and also rockplayer. It will let you choose which to use when you select movie.
select one and your movie should start. Your movies have to be in a compatable format.
it also will let you play music and view photos
I also have a wd live movie box on my tv. With this same setup I can redirect the movie to wdlive box by choosing it as player and the it will playback the movie on my tv.
Thanks for the advice (both of you). I was really hoping for a more direct approach though. I've used apps like Orb that require you to run a host computer, and my NAS drive (Buffalo Linkstation) has a web app built in, but both these methods have proven very slow and often frustrating when trying to access via mobile networks. It just seems odd to me that the A7 doesn't do this while most other Android hardware does. Granted I'm more familiar with Archos products and they specialize in media players. Will keep trying though, Thanks!
DANOinSD said:
Granted I'm more familiar with Archos products and they specialize in media players. Will keep trying though, Thanks!
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the platform you refer to is different from Tegra2/Nvidia, and you can blame Nvidia for the stock codecs they support.. they partly added mkv's now in latest update.. but 1080p mkv's still stutter on a7 and other tegra2 devices..
LG with their Optimus 2X added their own custom player, and since its incorporated into the framework, its hard to make it run on other devices for now.. but nvidia is primary source for what we can use it for now..
archos is a different story and they havent got what tegra2 can offer for the future, so it might play alot of media's but not perfect for android at all.
Thanks for the info Dex!
Think I'm gonna get a XOOM (been drooling over some honey), then I can officially make my A7 a tinker toy!
by the way, the new 1.41 rom kicks ass, the motoblur keyboard is soo much better!

Media capabilities?

It would be nice to use this for Netflix and Youtube. I also want to stream video files from my PC to the Ouya via PS3 Media Server or something similar. I imagine Netflix and Youtube will be easy, but what about streaming from the PC?
I'm interested too, though more of what kind of media it's able to play. My camera takes 'AVCHD 2.0' video, which is 1080p/60, which is 1080p video at 60 frames per second at a bitrate of about 28mbps.
I'm wondering if the OUYA would be capable of playing this. The PS3 apparently isn't, since it stutters when I tried to play the video's in it. It would be nice if the OUYA could, but I have my doubts.
Wouldn't worry about media playback or streaming.
XBMC is the #1 reason I got the OUYA
The Tegra 3 devices I have used have all been able to play 1080p video wirelessly, though not through SMB.
I use serviio on the host PCs and bubble upnp on the devices. With bubble upnp you won't even have to touch the OUYA controls. You can browse videos through your phone and will push the video to the OUYA.
Using the OUYA as a dedicated media player is the number one reason I want one.
RE 1080p/60: I would probably say no, but have not tested it.
xFaultx said:
XBMC is the #1 reason I got the OUYA
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ouya will be perfect for this
The main issue with OUYA is that all existing android apps will have to be reworked to support controller/remote input
I dont think the Touch pad on the controller is going to cut it. The creator of the Mupen64 emulator sent me this:
"While originally this was planned as a separate port, having looked at the ODK more closely I've discovered that it can be pipelined inside a single APK. So the Google Play version will in fact include the OUYA port (it is now technically an expansion of the project rather than a port).
That said, there are quite a unique requirements when developing for the OUYA compared to vanilla Android. The most immediate are the lack of a touch screen for menu interfaces such as button mapping (touchpad workaround being awkward and slow), lack of Home and Back buttons on the controllers (OUYA simulating Back with a non-standard keycode), lack of a standard Android action bar and menu overflow button, and serious graphics overscan to name the big ones). Had I not purchased a devkit and actually looked into optimizing the app for the OUYA at all, the Google Play version would certainly not have worked well on the OUYA because of these problems. The most serious concerns would have been no way to access the in-game menu options for things like save-state or load-state, extremely tedious mapping the controllers, and borders of the screen being cut off."
I go with the above. You can extract an APK and install on Ouya and will more than likely run. The issue is more, will Ouya input controllers allow one to move around the system or within the apps. Maybe trying something like Sixaxias Controller app and controller may give some indication.
As for the rest, it'll be about the apps. I don't thin PS3Server will work since that is DNLA, and I don't believe Ouya is going to have DNLA. But something like XBMC or Plex should work for media distribution. For direct media playback, If you can find a way to navigate, something like Mobo Player, BS Player, or VLC Android should work.
---------- Post added at 01:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 AM ----------
DrROBschiz said:
The main issue with OUYA is that all existing android apps will have to be reworked to support controller/remote input
I dont think the Touch pad on the controller is going to cut it. The creator of the Mupen64 emulator sent me this:
"While originally this was planned as a separate port, having looked at the ODK more closely I've discovered that it can be pipelined inside a single APK. So the Google Play version will in fact include the OUYA port (it is now technically an expansion of the project rather than a port).
That said, there are quite a unique requirements when developing for the OUYA compared to vanilla Android. The most immediate are the lack of a touch screen for menu interfaces such as button mapping (touchpad workaround being awkward and slow), lack of Home and Back buttons on the controllers (OUYA simulating Back with a non-standard keycode), lack of a standard Android action bar and menu overflow button, and serious graphics overscan to name the big ones). Had I not purchased a devkit and actually looked into optimizing the app for the OUYA at all, the Google Play version would certainly not have worked well on the OUYA because of these problems. The most serious concerns would have been no way to access the in-game menu options for things like save-state or load-state, extremely tedious mapping the controllers, and borders of the screen being cut off."
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lovekeiiy said:
I go with the above. You can extract an APK and install on Ouya and will more than likely run. The issue is more, will Ouya input controllers allow one to move around the system or within the apps. Maybe trying something like Sixaxias Controller app and controller may give some indication.
As for the rest, it'll be about the apps. I don't thin PS3Server will work since that is DNLA, and I don't believe Ouya is going to have DNLA. But something like XBMC or Plex should work for media distribution. For direct media playback, If you can find a way to navigate, something like Mobo Player, BS Player, or VLC Android should work.
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My bro has an xperia play, and he can use the controls to select and move around. I think that's how its going to work. When you connect a controller to your droid you can still move around using the controls some apps don't work but allot do with the controller or you can you use certain apps to "force" it to work. Plus it has a usb 2.0 port so you can use a mouse to operate it and if you want to connect more i have good feeling a usb modular hub like this one will do the job:
Give it a launcher and it lives
Many other software can read any media file ( MxPlayer, Vplayer ... )
Envoyé depuis mon Transformer TF101 avec Tapatalk
DrROBschiz said:
The main issue with OUYA is that all existing android apps will have to be reworked to support controller/remote input
I dont think the Touch pad on the controller is going to cut it. The creator of the Mupen64 emulator sent me this:
"While originally this was planned as a separate port, having looked at the ODK more closely I've discovered that it can be pipelined inside a single APK. So the Google Play version will in fact include the OUYA port (it is now technically an expansion of the project rather than a port).
That said, there are quite a unique requirements when developing for the OUYA compared to vanilla Android. The most immediate are the lack of a touch screen for menu interfaces such as button mapping (touchpad workaround being awkward and slow), lack of Home and Back buttons on the controllers (OUYA simulating Back with a non-standard keycode), lack of a standard Android action bar and menu overflow button, and serious graphics overscan to name the big ones). Had I not purchased a devkit and actually looked into optimizing the app for the OUYA at all, the Google Play version would certainly not have worked well on the OUYA because of these problems. The most serious concerns would have been no way to access the in-game menu options for things like save-state or load-state, extremely tedious mapping the controllers, and borders of the screen being cut off."
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I would rather a few specialised apps that are developed specifically for this device over a lot of android apps "retooled" to make them work. That's why I bought this over an android initial pc.
Seems like the best thread to ask in.
Have had a look around, but can't find a definitive answer so apologise if it has been asked.
What is the story with up-scaling the android games? People now have 50-60 inch TVs, so will games just look sad on these big panels? What resolutions can we expect? 4k?
Darknessborn said:
What is the story with up-scaling the android games? People now have 50-60 inch TVs, so will games just look sad on these big panels? What resolutions can we expect? 4k?
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The games will all run at 1920x1080, native resolution for any HDTV. 50" or 60" doesn't change that.
4K is 2+ years away from being affordable and even longer away from being mainstream.
mancur said:
The games will all run at 1920x1080, native resolution for any HDTV. 50" or 60" doesn't change that.
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Agreed, but expect to notice more minor details/flaws in the big screen.
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
I am getting an OUYA specifically for the XBMC capability. I am currently using a soft modded original XBOX to do this for my kids tv but would like something with an HDMI output and this fits the bill. The gaming and other apps are just an added bonus.
they haven't really said anything on the upscaling.
But I don't think it's going to be as bad as you think. Some of the games are designed for newer mobiles devices which has higher resolution screens them selves; they're just only a couple inches big. New mobiles phones have 720p displays, and tablets have 1080p. So, games may already be designed for those displays. They're just not going to super detailed because developers were making games on the screens for ten inches or smaller.
The games designed for Ouya I expect to look better since they're designed for significantly larger displays.
Just don't expect a game designed for low resolution desplays such as 4080x320 to look that great, even if they're is upscaling.
xFaultx said:
XBMC is the #1 reason I got the OUYA
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A port of Ubuntu TV to OUYA could be a nice catch.
I got my Ouya yesterday. Like many of you, I backed the kickstarter to have a game console where I can play old NES SNES roms and watch and stream movies. As of this date I don't think the console is ready for prime time. In my two days of using it here are my pros and cons:
Able to play old games
Ability to stream music and videos
Small and quiet
Great value
Excellent customer support. Every time I write them an email they reply within 24hr or less
Unable to power unit on/off via the controller like the PS3/XBOX360
Limited launch apps and games
(currently) Does not support USB storage/expansion. EDIT 5/14/13: figured out how to access usb stick by installing ES File Explorer or Total Commander
Choppy frame rate while watching MP4 videos (via XBMC). Unbearable streaming of MKV files
Cumbersome method of sideloading apps (if you're not familiar with adb). EDIT 5/14/13: load apps/files by connecting the Ouya directly to my mac and installing Android File Transfer on my mac. I then loaded ES File Explorer and Total commander and I am able to create an FTP or LAN network with those apps to transfer files wirelessly.
Controller sticks and it feels really cheap. EDIT 5/14/13: I connected my PS3 controller so I no longer have to use the Ouya's cheap remote. It even works wirelessly.
Like all new technology I believe it will get better with time but I don't think it would ever handle MKV files smoothly
oreste191 said:
Choppy frame rate while watching MP4 videos (via XBMC). Unbearable streaming of MKV files
Like all new technology I believe it will get better with time but I don't think it would ever handle MKV files smoothly
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Oreste, are you using the libstagefright Android version of XBMC? Because from your description it doesn't sound like it.
XBMC has an alpha build that enables hardware acceleration on Android.
Try the Gotham Alpha 2 build from April 3rd.
It should decode 1080p mkv files smoothly. It works very well on my Nexus 7, which is running a slower version of the Tegra 3 chip that powers the Ouya.
Let us know your results.
mancur said:
Oreste, are you using the libstagefright Android version of XBMC? Because from your description it doesn't sound like it.
XBMC has an alpha build that enables hardware acceleration on Android.
Try the Gotham Alpha 2 build from April 3rd.
It should decode 1080p mkv files smoothly. It works very well on my Nexus 7, which is running a slower version of the Tegra 3 chip that powers the Ouya.
Let us know your results.
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I am just using the stable build listed on I just clicked on the Android download link. The file name is xbmc-12.2-Frodo-armeabi-v7a.apk but I will give that a try now. Should I uninstall the current apk or just override?
On a side note, I am using a PS3 controller wirelessly with the Ouya, so I am slowly liking the system more and more. I'll report back in a few after I update xbmc.

Bluray for shield TV

I like the nVidia shield TV.
But now it has happened, my visit had brought a BluRay.
Since asked myself the question whether it is possible to connect a BD drive to the shield TV and play movies?
That would be very awesome, if that were possible. Can you help me there possibly more?
Yes and no. You will probably need to find or write your own drivers, and compile your own software low level, possibly down to kernel depending on what the shield supports. On top of that, it's going to be a dificult process getting it to play once you simply have it mounted. Here is an example of someone getting a TVT drive to work on a transformer, then an update removed this ability even, and that's just a DVD player. (Check the rest of the thread)
These are streaming devices, and optical media is dying as much as the stores try to tell you it's not. I highly suggest ripping your own media assuming the legality in your country and setting up a media streaming box or use your home PC if it'll handle it. Google, nor other box companies, are likely to try to add support as it's extra bloat to many, and on top of that, many that own movies will buy a digital copy if they want it and can't/won't rip their own media. If you can get a gathering of people who want it, and some good programmers who see a need, you may get support via custom software, but I would'nt hold your breath. If I can answer any more questions, or you would like something more clear, please let me know. Hope you enjoy your shield!
TLDR: Not now, and not likely. Sorry.
I gotta ask, why bother? BR owners generally fall into two categories - people with BR players and the tiny minority like me that rip movies to a server and stream the movies. Which ever method you were using before you got a nSATV will still work now. Most likely that means leaving your BR player (stand alone, PS3, whatever) hooked up to a different HDMI port. Moving forward, I agree with kdb424 - rip your movies and stream them. This could be a full Plex server setup, or something as simple as a network share + Kodi.
I have a hard time saying "just buy all your new movies from a streaming source" because I personally will not do that until Amazon Instant video is officially supported on Android TV, including the nSATV. The reasons are simple, I'm already a Prime member just for the shipping deals so many of the movies I would otherwise possibly buy are free, it's supported by every device I use other than nSATV, and I want all my purchased shows/movies to be from a single source.
I can understand that it really is not worth the effort.
However, with my friends, it is still generally the rule that they have and bring DVDs or Blurays.
You can rent them also for very little money, in video stores.
It would be easy to offer only to have a single device, with which I can play everything.
I have connected to the test a BD drive to the "shield TV" and can choose to be mounted the disc. The drive will be recognized as a memory.
Not more. [emoji4]
bega said:
I can understand that it really is not worth the effort.
However, with my friends, it is still generally the rule that they have and bring DVDs or Blurays.
You can rent them also for very little money, in video stores.
It would be easy to offer only to have a single device, with which I can play everything.
I have connected to the test a BD drive to the "shield TV" and can choose to be mounted the disc. The drive will be recognized as a memory.
Not more. [emoji4]
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So you are saying that you could get it to mount? If so you should be able to play it with Kodi or VLC (I recommend kodi) as it has disk support, but I haven't heard of anyone getting optical mediums of any sort working with android well. Hoping you have solved it.
I can see under Storage in the settings the drive but can not mount.
Gesendet von meinem Nexus 5 mit Tapatalk
I think no player can read br format yet. Only licenced ones like power DVD and stuff like that can. You better download a mkv bd rip under 4gb (or rip yourself) and put it on a fat 32 micro sd or USB hdd or thumb drive. Then read it with vlc,kodi or the mkv/mp4 player of your choice.I guess it is the only way.
Or directly download from the shield itself if you can.
bega said:
I can understand that it really is not worth the effort.
However, with my friends, it is still generally the rule that they have and bring DVDs or Blurays.
You can rent them also for very little money, in video stores.
It would be easy to offer only to have a single device, with which I can play everything.
I have connected to the test a BD drive to the "shield TV" and can choose to be mounted the disc. The drive will be recognized as a memory.
Not more. [emoji4]
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Bega, can you try to play a dvd or music cd through kodi on the shield?
No. If i click to mount the "USB Storage", it goes back to the screen before and show that the " USB storage is unmounted and can safely removed"
At kodi i can´t the the storage.
Yes it can be done only by mount the Bluray drive on the network instead of the USB route,
Then use Xbmc search for mounted d drive connect and play away, I use the vidonxbmc version with the beast version loaded onto of vidonxbmc so I can play back Bluray menu support so far it works flawlessly u can mount a bunch of virtual drives if u have ISO as well
This is on my shield TV.
This person seems to have a player/drive that works.
bradleyw801 said:
This person seems to have a player/drive that works.
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Well yes it works for DVDs and MP4 but blueray codecs are licensed and not supported yet from open source players (vlc,kodi,plex...)
Yes but maybe no.
I know there is an (As seen on TV) Digiland tablet with a built-in DVD player, and there is an app on the tablet which plays the DVDs. So it's differently possible to watch DVD on an android device, and since Android TV is based on Regular Android, so it's possible to use any android app, but I tried searching "digiland dvd app "apk"", it just took me to the apks for FRP Bypass. If you happen to come across an apk, try using an external DVD player, you said Blu-Ray though. I mean, I did not look for a way to get Blu-rays working yet,
but I know that Blu-ray discs come with a DVD version, but 4K UHD Blu-ray discs don't come with DVDs. Yes, I get how nobody likes the 480p DVD video, but I am still searching for something that will work with Blu-ray and UHD Blu-ray.
Link to the Digiland DVD Tablet combo on Amazon:

Run Leanback stuff on a pc?

I can't for the absolute life of me get netfix or any other streaming service run on my htpc!!!!! I tried android x86 but netflix and sky go crash (Haven't tried Amazon Prime). I tried kodi, can't get netflix or amazon prime on it, and it buffers... So. Mutch! I tried WMC but the netflix plugin was scrapped in the uk. So please, is it possible to run Nexus Players Software on a pc. Idc what it takes, just please help me.
Android OS is not like your typical Windows OS install. Google simply put out source code and factory image for Nexus hardware. Other hardware makers need to put together correct hardware drivers (from chip manufactures) to product a ROM image.
If all you want is just Netflix, get a dedicated stream box or upgrade to Windows 10 to use Netflix app.
foxbat121 said:
Android OS is not like your typical Windows OS install. Google simply put out source code and factory image for Nexus hardware. Other hardware makers need to put together correct hardware drivers (from chip manufactures) to product a ROM image.
If all you want is just Netflix, get a dedicated stream box or upgrade to Windows 10 to use Netflix app.
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Okay. I wanted Amazon Prime and stuff, but windows should do
PC is the last place you want to have these stuff. A smart TV, a BD player, game console or any stream box will have all the stream apps much better quality and easier to use than PC.

possibility of Android ROM on Jetson nano 4gb

I've just purchased myself a Jetson Dev board, primarily to see how well it'll function for encoding analogue CCTV cameras into rtsp streams.
Once that's been researched though, I'll have quite a powerful little device that I'd like to play with.
I'd like it to do more than just play emulated games, or be yet another Kodi box, but see that there's next to no Android development.
How difficult would it be to port a ROM from the shield tv? Does anyone know if this has been tried already? I see work done the other way, porting l4t to the shield and the switch

