"Failed to connect to network" - Nexus 6P Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Lately I've been having serious trouble connecting to Wifi networks. This occurs both on my workplace network and home network. I have tried resetting my Network Config, but this didn't fix anything. The only thing I've found that will allow me to connect to Wifi is to restart the device - but I have to do this every time I want to connect to a different Wifi network than I was connected to previously.
One strange thing that happens with this is that when I disable Wifi - whether it be via quick settings or in settings - it doesn't actually disable Wifi. The toggle switches to off, but I'm still able to see nearby Wifi networks. The only way to fully disable Wifi is to enable Airplane Mode.
This has been happening recently since I performed a Factory Reset, flashed the latest factory image, and rooted.
Anyway, any help with this would be greatly appreciated!
UPDATE: Looks like switching from Automatic Wi-F- frequency band to 2.4 GHz fixes the issue, but that's not really ideal, as I prefer my 5 GHz network at home.


[Q] Nook Color Wifi keeps disconnecting Cm 7.1

So yesterday I tried to update my nook color rooted cm7 (not sure which version, but was used when nightly 177 was highest) to CM7.1.0-11162011-nightly-encore, but the thing is, my wifi would connect for maybe 5 minutes before it disconnects.
Then I would have to go to wifi settings to reconnect or sometimes it reconnects by itself. On my old version of CM7, the wifi was flawless. It would never disconnect like it does now, so I am sure it is not router problem.
Now it just says "out of range" when disconnecting. I tried the method where I forget all my networks and then connect again, but it didnt work. I also checked my adhoc = 0 thing from the root.
Anyone know why it is like that? I rooted my sd card with http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1000957 website.
since my wifi didnt work, i reformatted my sdhc card and set it up again, following the rules on the website including setting up wifi before installing gapps. Wifi still disconnects.
I have also tried using the update-cm-7.1.0-encore signed, which still doesnt solve the wifi problem.
Is this because the wifi goes into sleep mode even if the screen is on? Im pretty much on the wifi setting screen, and seeing the wifi go from connected -> disconnected -> scanning "loop". My wifi is set to sleep when screen is off, but it should still stay connected if my screen is on right? It just disconnects and reconnects constantly while I look at the wifi settings
Thank you for reading! please help..
Same issue. Wifi keeps disconnecting after about 5 minutes.
Have you tried deleting all of your old wifi spots?
Ok I fixed my problem by limiting my router to 802.11 g. Suddenly no more drops.
Yea I did the "forget" all wifi networks and it still disconnects.
Would it still be my router problem if the wifi stayed connected on my earlier version? The one before I upgraded to cm7.1.0.
Hmm. I had that issue until going into advanced wifi settings and changing the Wi-Fi sleep policy to never. Will keep monitoring.
Where did you find the advanced wi-fi settings? I go to Settings -> Wireless & networks -> Wi-Fi- Settings, but my choices are: turn on Wi-Fi, Network notification, and add Wi-Fi Network.
Also, I'm using [CM7.2-RC0] MiRaGe - KANG build of CyanogenMod...I don't know if that would make a difference?
I assume you already figured out since you posted on the other thread.

[Q] Wifi to 3G hand-off problem and vice versa

I'm running Cyanogen 7.2 stable on my Droid 2
It seems I cannot successfully transition from wifi to 3g, or from 3G to wifi without hard resetting my phone. If I turn wifi on, then hard reset the phone, it will connect to my chosen access point, I'll get an IP address, and be able to use internet. But when I go into wifi settings and disable the WiFi, it will claim to connect the 3G but I will not be able to connect to any internet site. The notification area will show 3G icon in white, but never turn cyan to indicate a successful data connection. Trying to turn on airline mode does nothing, and the phone will not go into airline mode until I also, turn it off and turn it back off. Then it will reboot into airline mode. A simple soft reset doesn't seem to solve this problem, I have to preform a power off, and then turn it back on.
Conversely if I set it to use 3G and hard reset it will successfully connect to 3g and work fine, but turning on wifi will result in a connection to the access point but no actual data tansfer. Just as before it will show the connection option's icon on the notification bar will show the WiFi icon but it will say white, and never successfully connect. Alternately wifi will connect and the drop the connection repeatedly.
I've looked all over here, and Google for any working solution but I haven't seen any. Mostly just people having trouble connecting to a specific router, which I DO NOT have. Specially the hand-off to 3G and back seems broken and I have to do a hard reset 100% of the time to change from wifi to 3G and back.
Could somebody point me in the right direction for a solution that hopefully won't involve wiping my phone?

WIFI Issues

I've had my Nexus for about a week now and noticed two strange issues with the WIFI connection.
1. I can connect to WIFI successfully at home but as soon as I go out and it switches to the 2G network and then later go back inside the WIFI doesn't auto connect it will stay on 2G, I have to disable and enable WIFI to connect to my home WIFI, is there a way round this or is it a bug?
2. Whenever I'm out an about and the phone detects a WIFI network even if its not configured to connect to the WIFI network the phone seems to disable 2G Data connection and continually notifies me of a WIFI network being in range and wanting to configure it, is there anyway of disabling this behavior and allowing the 2G Data connection to be active when no configured WIFI network are in range?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Really can't help you much on the settings as I don't quite have my N4 but you should always turn wifi off when you're not using it. You will get much better battery and you wont have problem with #2. Sorry I couldn't really help much.
Sent from my epic touch, waiting for my Nexus 4
jonchill said:
I've had my Nexus for about a week now and noticed two strange issues with the WIFI connection.
1. I can connect to WIFI successfully at home but as soon as I go out and it switches to the 2G network and then later go back inside the WIFI doesn't auto connect it will stay on 2G, I have to disable and enable WIFI to connect to my home WIFI, is there a way round this or is it a bug?
2. Whenever I'm out an about and the phone detects a WIFI network even if its not configured to connect to the WIFI network the phone seems to disable 2G Data connection and continually notifies me of a WIFI network being in range and wanting to configure it, is there anyway of disabling this behavior and allowing the 2G Data connection to be active when no configured WIFI network are in range?
Any help would be much appreciated.
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I have the same issue number 1. I find the battery is getting used quickly and the wifi will not connect. if i disable then enable, it quickly connects to the known wifi signal. I can see a different battery decay slope if I let this problem persist for a few hours, it then reverts to its usual slope once wifi is restarted. This problem usually only occurs once a day on average. I hope someone knows how to solve this issue.

Wifi not working randomly

I have a problem that my WiFi network disconnects and disappear from the list. Even if I search for network it will not show up.
It looks like a lot of the other WiFi networks around me is also missing when this is happening.
It will suddenly come back again and work as it should for several hours.
I have i locked to 2,4GHz, WiFi always on, scanning is on.
Had the same problem when I used Auto 2,4GHz/5GHz.
All other devices is working as they should. Have also reset the wireless router. (Netgear X4 R7500)
I have the same problem. When I turn the wifi off, and the back on again it discovers my router and connects.
Does anybody have a fix for this?
Same problem here. My 2,4ghz network sometimes just vanishes and shows up after a couple of minutes. And it just won't connect at all with my 5ghz network. My router is a D-link dir 868l. I'm on the latest firmware. My other devices all connect just fine, except for my 6p.
Updated to 6.0.1 and I have still problems. When I come back home, I need to turn off and on WiFi to reconnect. Wifi have not dropped since i updated to 6.0.1 yesterday.
Just curious
Who is your service provider? My girls 5x is connected to Sprint and she has no problems on my network. I have Tmobile on my 6p and it keeps dropping the wifi. Maybe its a Tmobile thing?
reset network config
I had the same problem and try to go to airplane mode on and off then even forget network and add back on. Work for a second and disconnected. So far this way work. Try this.
Got to Setting > Backup & reset > Network Settings reset
Hopefully this will work for you guys too.
Good luck! :good:
My brother has a Nexus 6p and the WiFi doesn't switch on at all after he updated to 6.0.1. I reflashed factory image of 6.0.1 again and it didn't work. I then flashed 6.0 but it still doesn't switch on. Any help?
Anyone have a solution to this problem? I still have this big active, and have been using mobile data since.

Wifi on Lolipop 5.0 G870A will not connect

For the last week or two I have been unable to connect my phone to wifi networks.
At first the problem would be that I was getting disconnected from any wifi network I joined, now I can't connect at all.
The wifi networks page sometimes (not always) does not detect a strong network even if I am standing a few feet away and the phone has previously connected and other APs are connected and working like my pc
If I try to connect then I get the "Connecting" status followed by "Saved,secured"
I have searched the internet looking for a fix to this and tried wiping the cache partition, forgetting the network, airplane mode toggling on and off, apps that wipe the known network list and some others including lastly a factory reset on the phone but nothing seems to remedy the issue.
From the wifi router I have tried using an unencrypted (open) connection
Now I think I may also be having problems with the bluetooth connecting in the car but I haven't had a chance to really investigate that one yet and it may or may not be related to the last factory reset.
My phone is not rooted.
Build no. LRX21T.G870AUCU2B0F3
[email protected]#1
Can anyone offer any assistance to my current issue ?
I have just confirmed that the Bluetooth in my car is not detecting my phone when it scans (the phone bt is switch on and the visible box being checked) so that's both radios with similar issues.
afcal72 said:
For the last week or two I have been unable to connect my phone to wifi networks.
At first the problem would be that I was getting disconnected from any wifi network I joined, now I can't connect at all.
The wifi networks page sometimes (not always) does not detect a strong network even if I am standing a few feet away and the phone has previously connected and other APs are connected and working like my pc
If I try to connect then I get the "Connecting" status followed by "Saved,secured"
I have searched the internet looking for a fix to this and tried wiping the cache partition, forgetting the network, airplane mode toggling on and off, apps that wipe the known network list and some others including lastly a factory reset on the phone but nothing seems to remedy the issue.
From the wifi router I have tried using an unencrypted (open) connection
Now I think I may also be having problems with the bluetooth connecting in the car but I haven't had a chance to really investigate that one yet and it may or may not be related to the last factory reset.
My phone is not rooted.
Build no. LRX21T.G870AUCU2B0F3
[email protected]#1
Can anyone offer any assistance to my current issue ?
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Im having same issue with wifi... sm-g900r4
I just stumbled on a clue, while using an app called 'wifi cleaner' there is a feature allowing you connect to wifi networks within the app. I type in the password, authenticating is shown on the screen followed by "incorrect password".
I know the password to be correct..
stephenl80 said:
Im having same issue with wifi... sm-g900r4
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I was wondering if you ever got this issue fixed?
I thought I had but the problem comes back in a different way.
Sometimes wifi connects but only connects at 5 mbps.
Now wifi will not turn on at all. ( radio button is greyed in settings)
I did find a thread on xda where some Motorola users were having the wifi off issue and it was due to a missing system file which could be replaced on a rooted device. However I don't have root on my s5 g870a and it's not likely I can get it.

