Export to SD card is not working - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

Hello. I just found out that export apps to SD card is not working or not as I was expecting. After exporting many apps, I just figured out that on SD card I have almost nothing. For example, I exported hearthstone which has 2gb and even though the apps manager says it is on External storage, the SD card has the same size as before. When I explored the SD card, I found that there are no files in Android folder. Is there something that I'm missing?

Nobody else encountered this problem?
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge using XDA Labs

I formated the sdcard but I still have the same problem. I will try with another sd card and then I'll take the phone to service.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge using XDA Labs

Im having problems with the camera and file explorer apps not being able to write to the SD, havent found the solution yet.


[Q] Issue with 64GB SD card in Samsung Galaxy S4 I9500

I own Samsung Galaxy S4 I9500 and it is rooted. I recently purchased a class 10 Sandisk Micro SD card with 64 GB capacity. I was very happy that I did but my happiness did not last long when I have come to know that 3rd party apps do not have write permission in Kitkat. After some research I was successful to make the SD card writable to 3rd party apps by modifying the permissions.xml file.
Everything seems to be fine at this time but it was not actually. The SD card when seen under storage in settings would show me that it is mounted with 62.5 GB capacity and 60 GB free. But when I try to browse the files in SD card, there are nothing. Apps saved in SD card do not open and I am also unable to capture images from camera to SD card storage.
I thought may be unmounting the SD card and mounting it back would work and it worked but after a while the same problem. My device shows that it has mounted an SD card but cannot access anything saved in it. So, I have to unmount and mount SD card every time and this is very much annoying.
Any help regarding this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks you for your time.
uzair007 said:
I own Samsung Galaxy S4 I9500 and it is rooted. I recently purchased a class 10 Sandisk Micro SD card with 64 GB capacity. I was very happy that I did but my happiness did not last long when I have come to know that 3rd party apps do not have write permission in Kitkat. After some research I was successful to make the SD card writable to 3rd party apps by modifying the permissions.xml file.
Everything seems to be fine at this time but it was not actually. The SD card when seen under storage in settings would show me that it is mounted with 62.5 GB capacity and 60 GB free. But when I try to browse the files in SD card, there are nothing. Apps saved in SD card do not open and I am also unable to capture images from camera to SD card storage.
I thought may be unmounting the SD card and mounting it back would work and it worked but after a while the same problem. My device shows that it has mounted an SD card but cannot access anything saved in it. So, I have to unmount and mount SD card every time and this is very much annoying.
Any help regarding this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks you for your time.
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Is thd s.d exfat format ? Try to format from win p.c. and see if it's works.if yes ,try in the phone.if not
try folder mount from play store.not all the app works on external s.d.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Free mobile app
Thank you for your reply.
Yes. It is Ex FAT format. Which format should I format it to? Ex FAT or just the FAT format.
It is not about applications. The card just gets undetected after some time and nothing can be accessed including music and images. I have to unmount it and mount again for the device to detect the SD card.
Format your SD Card on your phone its self. Go to settings, storage and than SD Card and format it.
gio_b said:
Is thd s.d exfat format ? Try to format from win p.c. and see if it's works.if yes ,try in the phone.if not
try folder mount from play store.not all the app works on external s.d.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Free mobile app
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Thanks mate.. Followed your instructions... Working fine as of now.

Micro SD Card issues

I have a Samsung Galaxy S4 which I recently upgraded to the official Lollipop 5.0.1 update. I also added a new Samsung 64 GB (Class 10) Micro SD Card. When I use the Micro SD Card in a card reader in Windows 8, I can easily add / delete files without any problems. When I use the Micro SD Card in the Samsung Galaxy S4, it works fine for a while, then suddenly files and folder automatically disappear or files become corrupt; photos clicked with the camera disappear instantly. I am not sure if the problem lies with the Micro SD Card, the phone, the OS or some app.
Please could someone help!
I would suggest to format the card in your phone (if not already done). And then try it again.
Sent from my black pearl using Tapatalk
in reply to micro sd post
I found that you cannot even use the sd card as storage for apps with the 5.0.1 rom this is a issue for me as far as the sd card corrupting files im not sure i am using a 16 gig and i had to set everything manually to save to sd card or move it over myself such as the camera and downloads, but for apps not a chance
aaron kid69 said:
I found that you cannot even use the sd card as storage for apps with the 5.0.1 rom this is a issue for me as far as the sd card corrupting files im not sure i am using a 16 gig and i had to set everything manually to save to sd card or move it over myself such as the camera and downloads, but for apps not a chance
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This is also the case on KitKat.
aaron kid69 said:
I found that you cannot even use the sd card as storage for apps with the 5.0.1 rom this is a issue for me as far as the sd card corrupting files im not sure i am using a 16 gig and i had to set everything manually to save to sd card or move it over myself such as the camera and downloads, but for apps not a chance
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CM12 has the Move apps to sd feature.

Changing SD Card

Within the last week I moved to my 7 Edge from my Note7. I have all of my apps installed and I did not move any to the SD card when I installed them. As I set my phone up, Android created 3 folders on my SD card: they are "Android" "Knox" and "Lost". The Android folder has a lot of stuff under a sub folder named "Data." I just received my new 256GB data card in the mail and I might change over to it. Will this create issues with my apps since they created all of this data on my SD card? "Lost" and "Knox" appear empty so that doesn't seem to pose a problem. Just worried about that "Android" folder.
Most apps doesn't create data on sdcard unless you tell them to do it, for example Spotify music is usually stored on internal storage, but you can change the storage location to the sdcard. So, if you didn't tell any app to create its data on sdcard you won't have any problem.
You can use an app like FX File Explorer to check how much space that folder is using, not only that, but if you really are worried about some app breaking because of the data in sdcard, just copy the current sdcard content to the new one, shouldn't take much from your 256GB card
All the best,
Sent from my Galaxy S7 Edge (SM-935F) using Tapatalk Beta
I've swapped SD cards multiple times just by copying everything from the old on onto the new one, using a PC. Never had any problems at all.

Unable to move to SD Card

Hi there,
I recently inherited my mum's Galaxy S7 Edge, and I have an SD card filled with music and photos. For some reason, I'm not able to move files to my SD card. I can access files from SD card fine, like my music player picks it up, and the photos show up, but when I go into file manager to try and move music from the phone's internal storage to my SD card, it says that it's failed. I've tried copying instead of moving but the same thing happens.
Is this a feature of the S7 Edge that I just have to get used to? Or is something else wrong?
Is the card write protected? There could be a switch there.
Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

(SOLVED) Cannot See Internal Storage When Connected To Linux

I have installed Lineage 18.1 on my Galaxy S10+ SM-G975F (Exynos). I have a 128GB SD card that I can save files and apps to but when I connect the phone to my linux desktop I can see the SD card but no internal storage. The label on the SD card is "android" not "SD Card"
I have the Brave browser app that I have given storage permission to the SD card but when I download an app it appears to have been downloaded but it wont install.
I also have music files on the SD card but the music app cannot find them
I can download an app on my computer and then transfer it to the phone and install it but I cannot do it via the phone.
I suspect it has something to do with permissions but I am at a loss to how to fix it.
Any help would be most appreciated.
Other issues (may be related?). The music and camera app that come with Lineage do not load and the phone app cannot find my contacts .vcf card that is on the SD card.
The issue is solved as I reinstalled Lineage and now both the internal and SD storage is available!
Thanks, still a nice basic lesson.
