Control Hardware Keys Timeout? - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions & Answer

I tried to search here as well as the settings app but came up short. I wonder if we have that option with our phones? I just want to turn off the hardware backlight for the recents and back completely. I just want the cleaner look.
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BowLow said:
I tried to search here as well as the settings app but came up short. I wonder if we have that option with our phones? I just want to turn off the hardware backlight for the recents and back completely. I just want the cleaner look.
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Use Galaxy Button Lights from the playstore
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And there it is OMG BEAST!!!!! Thank you good sir!
Sent from my SM-G935T using XDA-Developers mobile app

No problem I was used to that setting coming from a Note 4!
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk

Same here man lol
Sent from my SM-G935T using XDA-Developers mobile app

This works perfect. Thanks. S7 Edge always off!

Has anyone have this issue of the back and recent capacitive touch lights not lighting with certain cases?
I have a specific "creit card case" with a flap on the back that closes pretty securely by connecting to a small magnet in the case and I LOVE the case because the "flap" also acts like a tri-fold kickstand similar to some tablet cases in how they fold to pro the device up and it's a really grippy and padded case BUT....when the S7 Edge (in my case) is in the case the lights on the buttons don't light up. The minute I even start pulling the phone out of the case at about 2 inches out near the bottom the ligts come on...nothing in the front of the case is covered by the case itself so I can only assume that it's the magnet in the flap on the back which IS in the lower section of the case.
Thoughts? Would/could this cause permanent damage? What other issues if any have you had with your S7 S7 Edge case?
Thanks all
I've tried this app which works when S7 Edge isn't in case and I also use magnets on backs of other cases for my magnetic car mount but the ones in this case are right at the bottom behind where the capacitive lights would be (just on the back of course) and they don't work. the minute I pull the Edge out of the case from either the bottom or the top, the lights come on at aboit 1.5" out of the case (I don't even have to remove it all the way) so I'm more concerned if this will damage anything or if it'll just make the lights not work and all is ok otherwise...because I really like the case. the brand is called a Vena and it's an off market case but one of the better ones for card etc too so I'm curious....what's everyone think?


[Q] Blobs on screen that only show when screen is dark?

Hi All,
I think I may have to return my Nexus under warranty, I am delighted with it as a tablet but have noticed I am getting blobs appear whenever the background is dark and especially on black backgrounds, I have taken a photo of them with the tablet turned off.
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Anyone else experienced this?
I thought only amoled screens did this
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It's probably the oleophobic coating coming off.
I will post a photo to show you what I mean as soon as I am permitted to.
I am surprised many people ever get past 10 posts on this forum having to type the image verification code every time and having to wait 5 minutes between posts and not allowed to post images or links!

Anyone got any ideas now photo is up?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Maybe from your case? My case gets little dust marks on my screen.
No, not dust, I have circled the 4 blobs in orange.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Like I said before, it looks like the oleophobic coating coming off. It's really strange that it would be coming off on a pattern like that... Is there a part of the case that has those 4 dots that could be rubbing on it?
I have something similar with my screen. It looks like a smudge fingerprint on the left side of the screen. I can wipe it off but it always comes back. I've tried soap, lens paper, water but it keeps reappearing after a few hours.
Toast95135 said:
Like I said before, it looks like the oleophobic coating coming off. It's really strange that it would be coming off on a pattern like that... Is there a part of the case that has those 4 dots that could be rubbing on it?
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Checked and definitely no pattern like that on the case + when its closed it doesn't touch the screen anyway.
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Just thought I would update on this, the problem didn't really get any worse but also didn't resolve so I have recently sent it back to Asus as it was nearing end of warranty period and they have put a brand new screen on now so a good outcome.

Strange stains appeared in my N4's screen

What is this? I can't clear it.
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Fingerprint and face grease? Just wipe it off is all
Looks like fingerprint smudges.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Looks like face imprint, wash face, use a face lotion for oily skin, and wipe screen....
damp cloth with some dish detergent should take that off in a few seconds. Warm for best results.
I believe aliens are sending you messages. I can roughly translate it:
"Wash your hands"
Is it Jesus?
I think it's the Virgin Mary. :good:
I literally looks like a face smudge just wipe it off
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
It looks like they are under the screen. When I push it down, they get more dark but always remain there.
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I have the same problem !
No seriously, I have the same problem ...
I just got the nexus and right out of the box (after peeling the plastic) I noticed the same thing... At first I thought it was the "peeling glue" but I couldn't get rid of it (I tried a fiber cloth).
The next day I took it to a local phone shop and they were surprised too, they tried different things and couldn't get rid of it....
I Googled it and found this post, I tried the detergent method (and yes it remove all my finger marks but those weird stains remained, I looked closely and it looks like it's bellow the screen itself, any one having the same issue and new suggestions?
Make as much fun as you want. I came across the exact same problem. I can't clean it off. I think they may have used a coating when making the screens and it is wearing off. That's why this happens.
OK so I called Google and they sent me a replacement device. You might want to look into that option.
somebody else found a solution i cant find the solution to this problem can u @ least tell me what to replace cause i dont have guarantee...?I can post a video about that stain btw...
millkid20 said:
I literally looks like a face smudge just wipe it off
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I guess they are oil stains...yeah seriously... I have seen one phone before having the same case..
Or maybe it could be a face smudge>..

Calling all Onyx Black owners. Could u pls check around your speaker grill?

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I was checking my phone today and saw something white like on the left side of the speaker grill.
Can u guys check ur phone and see if this actually happened around ur speaker grill?
Not yet.... What happened is it scrapped off to the metel?
Are you sure it is not just a light reflection?
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
Nothing on mine, could be dirt ?
Nothing alike here, maybe the grill just isn't perfectly fitted and you got a small piece of dirt/paper/whatever there.
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
I hope its not a crack or anything.
Nothing happened actually but i was fiddling around my phone today when i saw this.
Going to the 60 minute service center later.
otacon888 said:
Are you sure it is not just a light reflection?
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Nope not a reflection
If this does happen i would say the qc is rather bad
Mine doesn't. But it's the glass not cut nicely. I see it kinda like that on various parts around where the glass meets the frame.
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
Did you soaked it on water?
kenzhin said:
Did you soaked it on water?
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I believe I have the same thing around my speaker grill. I think it is dirt because if I remember correctly, it didn't have it before. Was going to take compressed air to it, but forget about it every time
It's just dust. You will notice that this will also happen with your home bottom. No worries
It's dust from the pocket lint. A microfiber cloth will get rid of it I get the same issue if I use a flip case with a earpiece cutout
I have an issue with the glass around the speaker grill. It appears to be with a slightly darker black colour. Looks more like a smudge but cannot be cleaned. Do you know what that might be from or should I be concerned about it?
Yes. I see multiple black holes. Not sure if this is normal
Sent from my Star-Tac
possibly screen misaligned... vid shows different symptom, but problem perhaps the same?
Nothing here all good
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk

Light leaking on top of the home button?

Do you see it too? When the display is on of course.
I'm worried it's a gap and will compromise the water resistance of the phone.
Glad to hear if you can see it too.
Sent from my SM-G935F using XDA-Developers mobile app
Yes, I've had a few devices and they all had it. Light bleed is also visible where the aluminum bezel meets the front glass....and the above the notification LED...aaaaaand below the earpiece. All completely normal, happened in every device I've tested. I have major OCD with this kind of stuff, but it really doesn't bother me anymore.
ETA - Here's an picture I took a while back with my old s6 edge, you can clearly see the side light bleed and above the home. Times haven't changed. That said hopefully Samsung will address this in the S8.
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Thank you for your detailed answer I really appreciate it I'm sorry to hear that you struggle with this topic as well just to make sure I attached a picture the exact location can you confirm that this is the spot where you see it as well
Sent from my SM-G935F using XDA-Developers mobile app
Yes happens right there, above the home button. But again, that's not the only place where you'll find the light. It's annoying sure.
I have not noticed any light bleeding like you've described.
Although at night, as shown above, brighter sides of the screen will cause where the glass/aluminum meet to "glow" since the display light is reflecting/traveling down the curved edges. Looks weird, and not a fan of it... but not a deal breaker either.
My onyx edge has a gap between the metal frame and front glass, more or less around the volume buttons region. I read it's not uncommon, but it worries me because it could mean water leaking in.
Every device has a gap between the the aluminum bezel and the glass. Not sure why Samsung designed it this way, but it's literarily in every device. Along with very minor light bleed by the notification led, home button, and earpeice speaker. I don't think it'd have any impact on the water resistance, otherwise every device would be broken that took a dip in water.
You're right but I still don't trust the water resistance. Also what I've noticed is that the screen is a bit nervous when on full brightness. Almost seems like an ultra fast flickering when I look at the screen
Sent from my SM-G935F using XDA-Developers mobile app

Screen bond

Hi everyone
Had my Nexus 6p since launch and just noticed today that in two places, the bond between the frame and the glass screen has come away. Anybody else had this issue? My phone is always in a case and has never been dropped to my knowledge. There is no other damage, it appears to look like it has just fallen off. Weird. Any suggestions apart from rma to fix it? Maybe so kind of filler?
Thanks for any help [emoji2]
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA-Developers mobile app
Any pictures? I can't really understand what you mean.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
I don't have another device to hand at the moment but there is a very thin strip of plastic all the way around the screen. It's between the screen and the body
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA-Developers mobile app
What case do you use just out of interest? Is it quite tight and do you put it on and off quite often?
I have seen people post similar issues in the forum so you are not on your own with this.
Reason I ask about the case is I had a UAG case on my Galaxy Note 3 and it was that tight, it caused hairline cracks on the phone frame at every thin point (volume + power button, headphone jack etc) just through taking it on and off.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
I have a spigen case on. Comes off now and then. Could be a problem I guess?
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Fwosh said:
I have a spigen case on. Comes off now and then. Could be a problem I guess?
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA-Developers mobile app
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Not necessarily, just perhaps something to consider. I have a Spigen rugged Armour case and I have that off every other day I bet to just give the phone a wipe and make sure there is no build up of crap in the case.
I'm not sure the plastic bit we are talking about even sits proud enough on my phone to actually split/break and come off?
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Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA-Developers mobile app
Is your case a rigid snap on type by any chance?
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
It's just a clear gel case
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA-Developers mobile app
Did you buy the phone direct from Google? If so I'd pursue trying to get an RMA.
It is obvious this hasn't been caused through damage or foul play as the metal frame on the phone is unmarked from what I can see on the photos.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Exactly, thanks for the reply
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