problem with zenfone 5 boot - Zenfone 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hi guys
i am facing a weird problem
when i reboot my phone,the phone goes off normally but after switching off it doesnt boot back(which it should do in 4-5 sec coz i rebooted)..the phone would remain switched off and would also not switch on by pressing power switches on when i press power button along with volume +/- key.. the problem was every time i rebooted
the problem was first noticed when randomly rebooted after that i changed boot animation and since then the problem started.
seeing the problem i changed bootanimation to stock and unrooted, reflashed stock firmware via sideload and did a factory reset.
this procedure reduced the frequency of this problem..but then i went to service centre and they changed my motherboard...THEN ALSO FEW DAYS BACK I AM FACING SAME PROBLEM.
PLS HELP ME GUYS........................

[email protected] said:
hi guys
i am facing a weird problem
when i reboot my phone,the phone goes off normally but after switching off it doesnt boot back(which it should do in 4-5 sec coz i rebooted)..the phone would remain switched off and would also not switch on by pressing power switches on when i press power button along with volume +/- key.. the problem was every time i rebooted
the problem was first noticed when randomly rebooted after that i changed boot animation and since then the problem started.
seeing the problem i changed bootanimation to stock and unrooted, reflashed stock firmware via sideload and did a factory reset.
this procedure reduced the frequency of this problem..but then i went to service centre and they changed my motherboard...THEN ALSO FEW DAYS BACK I AM FACING SAME PROBLEM.
PLS HELP ME GUYS........................
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yes it can be motherboad problem ,but i dont think, what obout your bootloader ? locked/unlocked? have you got right firmware for your phone? or can try erase system in fastboot and sideload firmware again, or use youtube

kihope12 said:
yes it can be motherboad problem ,but i dont think, what obout your bootloader ? locked/unlocked? have you got right firmware for your phone? or can try erase system in fastboot and sideload firmware again, or use youtube
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bro u forgot to read that my motherboard has been replaced with a new one when i went to service centre regarding this issue.but even with the new motherboard the issue is still there.obviously asus wont be unlocking the bootloader and giving it like a brand new phone

[email protected] said:
bro u forgot to read that my motherboard has been replaced with a new one when i went to service centre regarding this issue.but even with the new motherboard the issue is still there.obviously asus wont be unlocking the bootloader and giving it like a brand new phone
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oh, sory my fault :/ try downgrade to JB

kihope12 said:
oh, sory my fault :/ try downgrade to JB
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so you think its a bug in firware.btw i am also thinking that


[Q] Phone unresponsive randomly

Hi guys, something strange happened, got my nexus 3 weeks ago and i right away unlocked bootloader, flashed custom recovery and rooted it, installed a few apps and everything was fine, day before yesterday while sending an email my phone got stuck and rebooted, took awhile and when it did i noticed the cell network being empty, i would press anything on the screen and it would do the same. So i downloaded the stock images and flashed everything according to section D of the topic and boot took awhile finally it started and i got the welcome screen, clicked on English USA and again the cell network is empty and phone frooze in the first screen only, it rebooted and it boots up with a black screen and i get the message "process system isn't responding, OK or wait" and press ok or wait whichever and phone reboot or even if i try to press any of the options, its stuck. But bootloader works since i can do fastboot devices or fastboot reboot-bootloader, i can also boot into recovery which is CMW. This is getting frustrating and im confused, can anyone help me out here? Thanks
RMA time. Relock the bootloader and ship her off. If reloading the stock images doesn't fix it, it's likely hardware.
estallings15 said:
RMA time. Relock the bootloader and ship her off. If reloading the stock images doesn't fix it, it's likely hardware.
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Isn't there anything else i can try before shipping it back or give up?
I pushed CM zip file via adb and it got pushed successfully and i even flashed it via CMW recovery and it even said complete and when i reboot the device its stuck on the Google screen and nothing else happens..
masantula said:
Isn't there anything else i can try before shipping it back or give up?
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Gong back to all stock software with fresh flashes is the most extreme attempt at a fix, software wise. What else would you do?
Hmmm, true...this sucks, no other option...thanks

GT-I9505 HELP! Samsung Galaxy S4 Vibrates but doesnt turn on!

My SGS4 ealier started to lose signal so i cannot send messages
So i restarted it then now it wont boot
trevourlance27 said:
My SGS4 ealier started to lose signal so i cannot send messages
So i restarted it then now it wont boot
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What did u do last did u flash and rom or any recovery root etc ?
I did not flash anything. ....
im using stock firmware from samsung i9505xxuamdm. . . even recovery is stock android recovery. . i dont even have rpot permissions
i managed to turn on my phone but i see the problem when i rurn it off or when i restart. . .
now its still not booting. . .
its like when i turn it on. . . the phone responds via vibrating but doesnt boot even the i9505 logo doesnt show up (the white samsung galaxy s4 logo before the bootanimation)
trevourlance27 said:
I did not flash anything. ....
im using stock firmware from samsung i9505xxuamdm. . . even recovery is stock android recovery
i managed to turn on my phone but i see the problem when i rurn it off or when i restart. . .
now its still not booting. . .
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Any recent application installs which might have caused this?
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app
if i remember correctly the last thing i installed is quadrant benchmark
is it possible that something on the root/data/app got missing or uninstalled?
this is the first time i encountered this problem. , havent seen it before in devices that ive handled
It sounds a little like the cache is corrupted (can happen if it doesnt shut down cleanly).
I had similar behaviour on my galaxy note.
The first time I did a factory reset and that fixed it (remember this wipes all data).
The second time I tried formatting the cache partition first and that fixed it.
When I did those I was using CWM recovery. I cant recall the stock recovery options.
If all is the same between phone versions, to enter recovery you hold down home-power-volume_up til it boots.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
from other posts from orher devices i have read they say its cache but the problem is when i turn it on it doesnt even boot the iniitial logo (samsung galaxy s4 gt-i9505)
it doesnt show up anything. . . screen doesnt lit up so also a problem how do i go now to recovery if the screen doesnt even turn on (the phone vibrates as a respond but the LED and the Screen doesnt lit up)
i know how to enter recovery mode. . . thats the only problem (softbricked)? this phone was bought on the official day of release
I'm having the same problem... Did you find a solution?
Anyone Solve this?
Getting quite anxious about not being power it on
Was anyone able to solve this? I'm experiencing the same problem. I can switch it on after removing the battery for a long time, but I can't seem to be able to get to recovery, or reboot proprely. Please help... thanks!
Do we have a fix?
Did anyone fix this? Same problem here
jamhot said:
Did anyone fix this? Same problem here
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Can you get to download mode?
daraj said:
Can you get to download mode?
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I'm having the same problem here, Cant go to download or recovery mode just vibrates when press power button but no imagem at all...
but the led turns RED when I plug the charger and now its green because its full charged I guess but still no reboot
Gh0s7_Hun73r said:
I'm having the same problem here, Cant go to download or recovery mode just vibrates when press power button but no imagem at all...
but the led turns RED when I plug the charger and now its green because its full charged I guess but still no reboot
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having the same problem too
1. you still CAN go to the download mode even if screen is off (I flashed full stock but this did not resolve a problem)
2. I was able to turn on my phone after many attempts: (press power, after vibration release) - I did it about 30-50(maybe more) times and my phone boots up. But after rebooting it again doesnt turn on (again many attempts helps me).
3. I have observed - in my phone vibration turns on after 6s after power button is pressed, in a correctly working one - after 4s.
(sorry for my english)
Was anyone able to resolve this?
same problem here too !! but seem to have found a solution
My galaxy s4 was acting all weird one day, randomly it switched off and wont turn on but keeps on vibrating it was only 3months old I thought it had some serious hardware issues because I tried all the means to resetthe phone but nothing gave me a solution even tried another battery no effect it wont turn on even if it did turn on it would randomly shut itself up within notmorethan 15min I stay in india where i9505 is not sold so Samsung officials would not take my phone for service as they feel its different from i9500 in all means I got fed up and brought myself a new phone a 5s .
A few days before I badly wanted my galaxy so sat whole day searching the internet for fixes couldnt find one . I got angry and smashed the phone hard on the table .to my surprise it gurned on (was connected to the charger ) turns out some phones have a problem with there power button and mine was one of them
I didnt get my button fixed yet but after turning on not using the power button helps . Have been working for 4 days in a row now no problem what so ever . But if I lock my phone using the power button then it tends to get the same problem again ! So guys get your power button checked
Try to fix the button with WD40, worked for me.
trevourlance27 said:
if i remember correctly the last thing i installed is quadrant benchmark
is it possible that something on the root/data/app got missing or uninstalled?
this is the first time i encountered this problem. , havent seen it before in devices that ive handled
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this is a hard bricked .its mean JTAG with a repairing shop keeper...i have also same problem and solved in JTAG

S7 Edge "Bootloader Exception" bug

Hi all,
I've received my S7 Edge today(Exynos), yay.
All was working flawlessly until few moments ago, I was running 3Dmark, and before I even start to bench, while i was downloading the first scene The screen goes all black, then after 10 seconds, there's a message on top (in the same way a rooted phone would display "kernel is not seandroid enforced..."):
Bootloader Exception
[RST_START = 0x100000000 ]
Exception: do_handler_serror: SERROR(esr: 0xbf00000000)
I didn't install any rom, root or else, it's pure stock untouched. I tried to reboot phone using volume down+power, it reboots I think (screen goes all black) but quickly the same message appears...
I'm surely going to call phone operator to tell them that phone is KO, but if one of you guys has any idea that would avoid me to send back phone to warranty, it would be nice
Thanks !
@mods : Sorry for posting in wrong section
Try this...
I'd suggest a factory reset if the above fails.
Hold Power + Volume Up + Menu
Then use the volume keys to scroll to factory reset and select using menu or power buttons.
Hi guys,
Thanks very much for you answers,
Unfortunately any key combination is not working can't get into recovery nor download mode ...
I don't want to try Odin, scared about potential warranty issues ... but it kills me to have to send the phone back to sammy and wait ..
Mr_PoPoP said:
Hi guys,
Thanks very much for you answers,
Unfortunately any key combination is not working can't get into recovery nor download mode ...
I don't want to try Odin, scared about potential warranty issues ... but it kills me to have to send the phone back to sammy and wait ..
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The phone must be off for the Volume Up + Power + Home button combination to work. Keep those pressed for like 10 seconds, even after the phone powers on. I just tried it on my S7 Edge (which drops every call) and could restore to factory settings (but didn't solve the issue).
Cst79 said:
The phone must be off for the Volume Up + Power + Home button combination to work. Keep those pressed for like 10 seconds, even after the phone powers on. I just tried it on my S7 Edge (which drops every call) and could restore to factory settings (but didn't solve the issue).
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Thanks for your advices !
Unfortunately, even with this combination and a lot of patience I cannot manage to "bypass" this Bootloader error ...
I'm mad because it will take one month to get a new phone from my operator(just called them ...)
So maybe i'm going to try Odin ... but if I cannot put my phone into download mode, i'm f*ckued, right ?
Here's a photo of the error message :
Mr_PoPoP said:
Thanks for your advices !
Unfortunately, even with this combination and a lot of patience I cannot manage to "bypass" this Bootloader error ...
I'm mad because it will take one month to get a new phone from my operator(just called them ...)
So maybe i'm going to try Odin ... but if I cannot put my phone into download mode, i'm f*ckued, right ?
Here's a photo of the error message :
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I'm stumped. I've never seen that before
From where did you order your phone?
thunderroid said:
From where did you order your phone?
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A french mobile operator , Bouygues Telecom.
Can you do a factory reset from the Settings menu?
thunderroid said:
Can you do a factory reset from the Settings menu?
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Nope, the phone doesn't boot anymore... it only displays the bootloader error message...
And no possibility to access reboot or recovery...
Maybe I can try to check with ADB, but my problem is that i would need to active USB debugging in settings ... but i can't do that
Return it. Nand flash died.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Yap, I think you have to return it.
hiepgia said:
Return it. Nand flash died.
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Yep, I wanted to avoid it, but I don't see other reasonnable option. The phone didn't last more than 24h ... ok, it happens, I know ...
My previous (Still actual (sic)) Phone was a Note 3 and I installed so much roms, soft bricked the device so many times, but I could always restore it ... But not the S7 EDGE ... And I didn't spot any other user with same bootloader issue...
I've just sent back the phone for replacement, Thanks for all who replied to me in this thread
Oh and by the way : don't download 3DMark from play store , it will Hard brick your phone !!! (haha just kidding , i know it's not what caused my phone to die, I'm sure of it , however I won't try to install it anymore i think^^ )
Cheers XDA crew !!
Mine has done just the same. went to bed, woke up this morning and the same message as yourself.
Borgella said:
Mine has done just the same. went to bed, woke up this morning and the same message as yourself.
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Sorry to hear that bro
Try things to troubleshoot if you wanna, but my advice : don't lose one day of trying to fix it, send it back directly to warranty...
I tried lot of things, key combination to reboot phone in recovery or download, I tried Kies, Odin, ADB....
I believe it's a real samsung bug that will happen to many people, So send it now before sammy is drowned under hard bricked S7 phones and start to have issues to provide replacement devices....
the S7 edge is getting a "urgent" update on approx 3mb..maybe this is a fix of some sort.
johanbiff said:
the S7 edge is getting a "urgent" update on approx 3mb..maybe this is a fix of some sort.
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That is to correct the Screen Edge sensitivity
For anyone else who runs into this issue, I managed to fix my phone.
Holding the power and VOL down buttons for about 5-10 seconds will reboot the phone; if you hold home at the same time you can get into download mode (might take a couple tries).
From there, you can flash a new bootloader (BL option in odin) and then get back into recovery to do whatever you need to do.
Went from soft-brick to full restore in about ten minutes--not even a factory reset necessary.
Hope this helps!

screen flickering issue plzzzz

guys i was using miui 8 rom with phantom kernel
while using it my screen started flickering and just got black
when turning on my phone screen starts for sometime and then same story
also when i turn on my phone in recovery same thing happens
can anyone plz tell me what the problem is
it first shows boot logo and then goes black
If it is happening in recovery too,then it might be a hardware issue.
But try flashing stock ROM.See if that solves the problem.
gauthamkithu said:
If it is happening in recovery too,then it might be a hardware issue.
But try flashing stock ROM.See if that solves the problem.
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yes bro it is happening in recovery also
is it a display problem
if not what probably it could
Junaid Shafi said:
yes bro it is happening in recovery also
is it a display problem
if not what probably it could
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Phantom kernal over clocks your GPU.This might also be the cause of flickering.So try flashing the stock rom and see what happens.
gauthamkithu said:
Phantom kernal over clocks your GPU.This might also be the cause of flickering.So try flashing the stock rom and see what happens.
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bro device is not booting and not booting into recovery so i cant flash
Junaid Shafi said:
bro device is not booting and not booting into recovery so i cant flash
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is there any way to flash using bootloader
Is bootloader booting fine?
Sent from my Lenovo A6000 Plus
My phone is lenovo a6000plus ,last 3days bacj its upgraded to lollipop 5.2 but from yesterday the screen is flickering continuously how to fix this
Junaid Shafi said:
guys i was using miui 8 rom with phantom kernel
while using it my screen started flickering and just got black
when turning on my phone screen starts for sometime and then same story
also when i turn on my phone in recovery same thing happens
can anyone plz tell me what the problem is
it first shows boot logo and then goes black
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u can use qfil method to install stock rom but before that checkout is it motherboard problem or the display problem.. if its motherboard problem u should go to service center
varun4495 said:
u can use qfil method to install stock rom but before that checkout is it motherboard problem or the display problem.. If its motherboard problem u should go to service center
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thanks for your response
but somehow i restarted my phone after 3 days and it started working as usual
i just thought that i had lost it
but by allah's sake it is back to life
ksteja said:
my phone is lenovo a6000plus ,last 3days bacj its upgraded to lollipop 5.2 but from yesterday the screen is flickering continuously how to fix this
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do u got an update to stock 5.2
and by the way is volte working in that
Screen Flickering is common issue the main cause is because the synaptic driver is not quite compatible to ft5x06 which results in flicker around some interval there is no solution for it lenovo did sh!t with the driver the way out is only rewriting and adapting the driver for our phone accordingly

[HELP] Stuck In Factory Mode - Loop

Hey Guys,
I have a dead phone(kind of). All it displays is
"Have been in Factory Mode. long press power button and Normal boot"
And in very tiny font, there is a line saying
"=>Tool DL Image Load Fail!"
This stays for a few seconds then it turns off, and repeat, again the same this comes up on the screen.
What I have tried:
1) Flash the stock ROM using SP Flash Tools several times
2) Cleaned the power button from the inside a bit, because some thread said there might be a sticky button.
Flashing with SP Flash Tools shows that the flash is successful, but it didn't help.
EDIT: Now it displays something as "eFuse blow: Success". Damn!
PraneethMv said:
Hey Guys,
I have a dead phone(kind of). All it displays is
"Have been in Factory Mode. long press power button and Normal boot"
And in very tiny font, there is a line saying
"=>Tool DL Image Load Fail!"
This stays for a few seconds then it turns off, and repeat, again the same this comes up on the screen.
What I have tried:
1) Flash the stock ROM using SP Flash Tools several times
2) Cleaned the power button from the inside a bit, because some thread said there might be a sticky button.
Flashing with SP Flash Tools shows that the flash is successful, but it didn't help.
EDIT: Now it displays something as "eFuse blow: Success". Damn!
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Have you set it to format all in sp?
Try it maybe it will work
If didnt i think its hardware issue
crazylife said:
Have you set it to format all in sp?
Try it maybe it will work
If didnt i think its hardware issue
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Hey, Thank you for replying.
Have tried that method, its just the same thing, but now it is not displaying that tiny line.
Now it goes into the factory mode and shows some options in Chinese. And it stays there till i select something.
The last option, i know is "Reboot To Phone" (Via Google Translate).
When i select that option it goes back into the Factory mode again.
Can you flash twrp and boot in to recovery...May be..And then do something from there?:
sandeep101 said:
Can you flash twrp and boot in to recovery...May be..And then do something from there?:
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Tried to flash TWRP through SP, it returns an error:
Make sure volume + button is not pressed.
During boot can you boot in to stock recovery,
press POWER BUTTON + VOLUME UP + VOLUME DOWN until Lenovo logo appear, then continue press VOLUME UP + VOLUME DOWN
Thanks all. I somehow got it to work... and now my phone is all good.
As crazylife told, there was some hardware issue. Apparently, there was a tini-tiny bit of a circuit which, due to water allegedly, got short. I had it cleaned by some local phone shop.( He also claimed that the phone work anyway ,though). After that i flashed the stock rom, and it worked.
And btw, how do i mark the thread solved?
Hi, even I'm stuck with the same problem.
PraneethMv said:
Thanks all. I somehow got it to work... and now my phone is all good.
As crazylife told, there was some hardware issue. Apparently, there was a tini-tiny bit of a circuit which, due to water allegedly, got short. I had it cleaned by some local phone shop.( He also claimed that the phone work anyway ,though). After that i flashed the stock rom, and it worked.
And btw, how do i mark the thread solved?
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Hi, even I'm stuck with the same problem.
Even the lenovo service center guys raised their hands saying it's an hardware problem and I've to replace the entire PCB to slove the issue. Could you be more specific on how to resolve this issue? if possible could you please let me know at which place you got your mobile fixed? Thanks
Jagan ([email protected])
Jaganathan.S said:
Hi, even I'm stuck with the same problem.
Even the lenovo service center guys raised their hands saying it's an hardware problem and I've to replace the entire PCB to slove the issue. Could you be more specific on how to resolve this issue? if possible could you please let me know at which place you got your mobile fixed? Thanks
Jagan ([email protected])
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I had a problem with the Motherboard due to water getting in, and apparently it caused a short-circuit near the power button module. Actually speaking, I was really dissatisfied with the kind of service the Lenovo guys give to its customers, because first they told me that they will clean, and claimed that the board must be changed. The only thing which needed to be done in my phone was to clean that part of the board with White Petrol(you can ask the local mobile shop guys, they will have it, but just be careful). That solved my problem. And thanks to few threads, i got it working.
P.S: I am from Hyderabad, so had it solved here in a local shop.
Hi, Thanks for your reply. Was able to come out of that situation after 3 days, but had left my mobile with the local service center for 2 days (At the time, when i took my mobile from service center, my mobile was not working, was informed that the mobile is dead) I thought of giving a last try and plugged in the charger on 3rd day it started working . My mobile had a new problem display was broken (from inside) and speakers were not working, when i asked that guy his reply was " how can i know, your mobile was dead, when u brought in hear, my job was to fix it, why will i break it?" though my mobile was back to normal I had to pay a huge price of display and speakers. Hope everyone got to know the take away from my story. Crazy world; lesson learnt.
The same is happening to me!
And my phone keeps vibrating, also I don't know how to select one of those Chinese options, can you please help me sir?
Pok25dhw said:
The same is happening to me!
And my phone keeps vibrating, also I don't know how to select one of those Chinese options, can you please help me sir?
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My phone had some water damage issue, hence the loop. Opened the phone and cleaned it a bit. Yours might be different problem, try flashing stock firmware, or going into fastboot mode and flashing recovery. Currently don't have this phone so can't help that much.
PraneethMv said:
My phone had some water damage issue, hence the loop. Opened the phone and cleaned it a bit. Yours might be different problem, try flashing stock firmware, or going into fastboot mode and flashing recovery. Currently don't have this phone so can't help that much.
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Oh. Yes my phone too got wet in rain. I went to some shop and they helped me out. But thanks to you I realize that it was repairable and that too without loosing any data. Thanks so much for saving my thousands of ruppees that'd have been wasted to get a new phone. Also yes this model in general is pretty old so I can understand that most of the people don't use it anymore. Again thank you very much for saving all the stuff I had on this phone and the money. ??
