Weird Battery drain while being at the different timezone in US - Nexus 6P Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Well, I live in the central time zone in US. I enjoy this Nexus6P's battery life.
Last sunday, I went to LA/SF for 4 days... and two things, I noticed.
1. I cannot touch and open Google now from the widget. ( nothing happens, but if I restart the phone, it works for a while but soon, no response)
I had to use Google app icon to see details of Google now info.
I re-installed Nova launcher and Google app but nothing changed. so I gave up
2. Extreme battery drain. All of sudden the phone start to eat up battery! like in 1 hour, not using the phone and staying in the hotel room and the battery drains like 6% if I move around the city and use the phone, it drains battery faster.. for the first time after I get this phone, I had to charge the phone in the middle of day.. since like 1pm, the phone battery was like 40%left ( start using it from 8am with very basic usage with email&txt and using browser. not doing any game or you tubing.. )
I checked which APP is taking so much battery and I saw Google APP always No1 or No2 in the usage rank..
my guess, while I am in the different time zone, Google App somehow, it try to keep update something or get some info ( not sure what it is..)
I don't get it since I never had this issue with Android 5.1.1 or prior..
All thing got fixed when I came back to home yesterday!, at the airport, when the plane landed, I turned off Airplane mode and I noticed I can open Google now from the widget.
Also battery life. back to normal. I checked the battery status and now, Google App is located very bottom and only 1% of use in 12 hours run..


Signal Strenth and Battery Life

I just got my droid x a few days ago and I'm having problems with battery life. I work 12 hour days at a state penitentiary which cell phones are not allowed to enter the building. My phone is rooted and I have about 8 bloatware apps removed like blockbuster, skype, ect in case that matters at all. My typical day is waking up at 4 AM unplugging my phone fully charged. I get to work at 5 AM and between 4-5AM I prolly send one text and sometimes visit one website. So at 5AM my phone is in standby mode until I take a lunch and come out to my car between 12-2. So the phone is on around 9 hours so far but not used much at all. Today I took my lunch at 1PM and when I pulled my phone out my battery was at 15%. The battery ussage is like 72% cell standby, 14% screen, and like 14% Phone idle. I checked my signal strength at work and it was like 99-102 dBm which I beleive sucks. Also today was very hot 100+F so that might also play a factor but I came from a iphone 4 last week that went through the same daily routine and never had battery problem (of course att may have had better reception at work which used less battery). So what do yall think? Is it because of the poor signal strength that runs the battery down within that time even though its in standby? Is there a problem with my phone?
I know this isn't really a fix per se, but any reason not to put it in airplane mode?
gefahr said:
I know this isn't really a fix per se, but any reason not to put it in airplane mode?
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yeh thats what Im going to try tomarrow. Just weird my wife has the same phone and in a full day of her using her phone it still has 70% battery life when Mine is in standby all day and it dies. But I do work at a prison out in the middle of nowhere and im sure the reception it very bad but i didnt think that would cause a phone in standby to go from 100% to almost dead without using it. Guess ill figure it out tomarrow when I try airplane mode.
Try juice defender
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Try turning off GPS. That made my standby mode last 10x longer.
Just a thought are you using handcent? I was until 2 days ago after do some tracking it appears that it was not acting well with something and my battery died very quickly. Since my wife has it on her phone as well I am guessing it is with something else I have DLed but since my wife has not gotten many apps I have a hard time finding out what it might be. But changed to chomp yesterday and at the end of a 16 hour day while taking 130+ pics along with texting browsing ect was at 60%.
Are you using an exchange account to sync email? I found that when I leave the exchange email sync set to "push" or "as arrive" (or whatever that setting is) it totally drained my battery. However, when I set it to sync every 15 min my battery life improved probably 2x.
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battery usage all depends how the user phone is setup, if you have email clients with push activate, that will drain battery, having gps location on will drain battery, screen brightness will drain battery, widget that update though internet(3g, edge) will drain battery and etc; take all that into account and try out the battery manager on the phone that turns off data connection after 30mins of inactivity.

I dont get it........BATTERY DOESNT LAST FOR ****!

So i noticed on my stock battery i get about 10 hours of battery life, when im really not even using it at all besides checking it on my breaks or lunch. For instance i had a full charge at 4:07 pm , disconnected and now have a 70percent charge at 5:44..? really WTF is going on with this phone..? I havent done **** on it but browse. I even bought the verizon extended battery and that thing doesnt last as long as i thought, it dies down in about 8-10 hours tops as well.. Is there something im missing here?
I dont run gps often and neither wifi or bluetooth. Just texting and getting online every now and then....
i do have advanced task manager and do notice almost every program running all the time although i kill it when the programs when i jump on my this normal? wtf is going on with this thing?
Ghxoxst said:
So i noticed on my stock battery i get about 10 hours of battery life, when im really not even using it at all besides checking it on my breaks or lunch. For instance i had a full charge at 4:07 pm , disconnected and now have a 70percent charge at 5:44..? really WTF is going on with this phone..? I havent done **** on it but browse. I even bought the verizon extended battery and that thing doesnt last as long as i thought, it dies down in about 8-10 hours tops as well.. Is there something im missing here?
I dont run gps often and neither wifi or bluetooth. Just texting and getting online every now and then....
i do have advanced task manager and do notice almost every program running all the time although i kill it when the programs when i jump on my this normal? wtf is going on with this thing?
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Check for things updating frequently like twitter. Also don't kill them apps they will restart using battery to start it. Just let them run, they actually hibernate till needed.. don't close them.. that's probably killing your battery.
There is a lot of bloat ware that runs in back ground unless you root and uninstall. That is the one think I hate about these phones. I wish I could uninstall the bloat ware with out rooting. Anyway download advanced task killer and set it to kill programs whenever screen is blank. It will save some battery life. I get a day out of mine easy and I talk for at least an hour text at least 20+ a day, have it auto check every 5 min for 2 emails and have quite a few widgets running and surf at least 10 minutes...
I was really hating the battery at first. So much that I bought two non oem batteries from ebay. However, since I rooted AND loaded leaked froyo AND loaded deodexed, re rooted froyo leak through koush's recovery, I am getting through the day with 30% or more when I plug back in at night. The only extra charge is in the car dock for 30 minutes on my ride home from work. Try those steps, and rename bloat. Get rid of atk. I get much better battery life without it.
Just my experience, hopefully you figure it out. I'm a fairly heavy user and love this device.
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Is your non oem batts not draining to 10% and lasting like its 50% still??? I have those ones from hong kong!
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I have had battery issues in the past. Now I am making it through the day comfortably. I am at 12 hours and 45 minutes and have 40% battery left. That is with wifi on all day. I am not using any task killers. All I did was calibrate the battery. Here is the link I used and it works great. DO NOT DO THE VARIATION. IT DIDN'T WORK FOR ME. Do the long version.
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Also those china batts go to 10 percent in about 5 hrs but last for another 5...its odd but they are my backups anyway.
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Look. The real issues are simple, the display is quite large and pulls more backlight than it needs. Not only that, but the CPU pulls more power than it needs too. I turned off automatic backlight and set it to the lowest setting. I rooted my phone and use setCPU in order to scale back the processor when it's not needed.
Also, web browsing on a 3G network is much more energy consuming. It's just a fact.
As for the apps, they activate because you have widgets on your home screen. If you want to reduce the running programs, replace unneeded widgets with shortcuts. The less programs running, the less power needed for RAM and CPU function.
What do I get in return for all of my modifications? I can use my phone for about 2 days without having to charge.
I can easily go 48 hours on my extended battery with the right settings... YEs this is with 3G on all of the time.
SetCPU is underclocking or "ON DEMAND", I have deleted most apps that come with the phone that one would never use, backlight is on low usually...
If you are sure that you have all of these settings set and still aren't seeing improvement, go to verizon and have them replace your batt.....
I can go 48 hours on the extended battery and I'm not using SetCPU and I typically leave the screen on auto brightness (though I guess I occasionally turn it down).
Yesterday's usage:
Unplugged the phone around 7:30am. Read emails for about 20 minutes in the morning, checked the weather. Listened to some music on my bluetooth headphones on the way to work, maybe 30 minutes. Started up Appbrain on the phone and downloaded/installed the apps over 3G. At lunch, I listened to more music on the way home, browsed the internet for maybe another 30 minutes while I ate, and listened to music on the way back (all bluetooth).
Showed a few coworkers some of my apps, so another 20 minutes or so with the screen on. Occasional email/text throughout the rest of the day.
At home, I sporadically pick up the phone and browse the internet/read emails/send texts. Easily a solid hour+ of browsing. Played a couple games and downloaded a couple more apps.
When I went to bed and plugged the phone in, around 11pm, my battery was at 50%.
More information about my phone:
- The only radio I toggle on and off is Wifi. Everything else stays on all the time. Wifi goes on when I get home.
- Widgets that update themselves are: a calendar widget, a Google Tasks widget, a sports score widget and a weather widget. All widgets with configurable timers are set to update in 30 minute intervals.
- I have ATK installed but only to let me manually kill processes, it has no auto killing intervals set.
- I am running Launcher Pro Plus. Before I installed LPP, I cleared off my entire Blur desktop - there is nothing on it.
- I am rooted and have removed most of the common bloatware - nothing crazy, just the things like CityID, Amazon apps, Blockbuster, etc.
Hope that information helps someone.
Speaking of extended battery and long life, I just got 34 hours out of mine and it was only down to 30%.
I'm using Juice Defender, toggling data for 2m every 15m AND completely shutting off data when I sleep, 1a-7a.
I don't have a lot of background updating apps either, that seems to be a big thing. After figuring out what works and what doesn't regarding battery life, I can use my phone as I please and not worry about batt life.
This thread is crazy my battery last all day and im on the internet atleast 4 hours a day and receive and make multiple phone calls, and text and stuff [email protected] 12.5 hours with 60% of battery left. I did condition the battery when i first got the phone i let it fully discharge 5 times
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Wow 34!
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he said "****"
Bought the 1750mah extended battery. First 6 days the battery didn't last that long but the instructions did say do 8 full charges which last about 7-8 hours. I did that and over the weekend I saw awesome battery life.
Unplugged at 8am. At 10 pm I was at 40% life. That was with some light web browsing, book reading.
One thing that makes a HUGE difference. Are you in a constant 3g area? If your phone drops to 2g/1g and it can't find a signal, it will burn through your battery like crazy.
My work building is a verizon void and I get virtually no signal. I get in at 7am. By the time I leave at 4 pm, I'm down to 15% battery. I do not use a task killer. I keep my screens to a minimum. The only thing that updates are facebook posts and beautiful widget which updates every 3 hours. I use the smart battery profile.
Don't you a task killer they kill your battery faster. This is not a windows phone, its based off of linix. applications don't stay running in the background, they hibernate so there not using a lot of resources. when you kill them there just going to restart all at the same time, which slows your phone down, and kills your battery. I was getting about 11 hours on one charge using a task killer, now using it more im getting at-least 14-15 hours. plus if you have your task killer set to high it will randomly reboot your phone, even when your using it....
I dropped my task killer and my battery life is now better. I've had my X off the charger for 6 hours and only recently got to 80%.
My battery life is amazing. I left for work around 6 am yesterday with 100%. Through out the day I talk for about 2 hours, used the internet for about 3 hours straight, listed to music for 1 hour, pandora for 1 hour, and navigation for almost an hour. My battery was at 20% at 11 pm.
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I have noticed a huge improvement in battery after installing leaked froyo. No task killer here but I do have watchdog installed. Haven't had it activate yet though. No widgets on blur screens and running launcherpro. Love this phone with froyo. Would have returned it otherwise.
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I get 38 hrs out of my oem and 48 hrs out of my extended battery. I do have Tranquilty rom on the phone with no blur at all.I keep my sync off and just manually sync for my emails and i have no widgets besides the wheather genie set to refresh every 6 hrs.Im on the cell alot too.So i am very pleased with my battery life .

[Q] How to know which application keeps the phone awake

Hello everyone, new poster here.
Just got an arc last week and have been enjoying it. Big gripe was with battery life but it seemed to have improved slightly after killing the battery completely and charging back to 100%. My phone was at 100% when I went to sleep last night, woke up 8 hours later with around 90% battery life ( not sure if thats descent or not, can I get a base for comparison).
However, I used the phone a bit this morning and then put it back in my pocket. Checking it 2 hours later, I see in the battery monitor that the phone has been awake the full time even though the screen is off. There must then be a service or app keeping it awake? How long does it take before the phone goes to sleep?
I am not using green power or juice defender, no apps are open besides email, baconreader (reddit app) and normal google stuff.
I am also using the following widgets: beautiful widgets big and weather forecast widget, google search, youtube and baconreader.
How long does you guy's battery last?

Crazy battery drain in just a few hours

I've been searching various forums for a fortnight now to try and diagnose an SII issue I've been having and Google inevitably brings me here. Unfortunately, the numerous threads on battery drain don't match the problem I've had and the solutions haven't helped.
Around two weeks ago I noticed the battery life on my handset was really terrible, draining in hours. I had been using it quite a bit at the time so assumed this was the cause. However, lately it has been draining within around 6-10 hours even when idle, usually dying completely overnight despite a full charge just before then. I don't have a huge number of apps installed - maybe 20, fairly standard ones like Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, no games and no 'battery defender' style apps. It's not rooted (it's 4.0.3) and I can't root it for other reasons.
The battery drain was a nightmare, basically going from power point to power point just to keep it topped up enough to use and it was draining during idle time and deep sleep. I very rarely ever have 3G, GPS or Bluetooth switched on. Wireless is on most of the time and it generally does have a signal in the two places I spend most time (home and work). It also has a strong Vodafone signal since I'm living in a major city centre.
I tried a few things:
1. Uninstalled all but the most-used apps I had. No change.
2. Uninstalled everything it was possible to uninstall. No change.
3. Installed BetterBatteryStats and CPU Spy. BBS plus many hours of searching kernel/partial wakelocks and so on showed nothing that looked odd at all, certainly nothing taking up a lot of time or regularly stirring the phone. CPU Spy showed it did deep sleep when idle.
4. Factory reset. This included no app installations except BBS, disabling the likes of Social Hub, Gaming Hub and all other stock apps I could. No tethering or wifi sharing, no wifi, no 3G, no GPS, no Bluetooth, nothing running. It was basically a handset sitting there doing nothing. BBS showed nothing odd that I could see but the battery still drains in hours. No partial wakelocks and a tiny number of kernel wakelocks taking up next to no time and occurring a handful of times. No change.
5. I charged it before bed, took the battery out and left it until morning. In the morning it was down at 79%. This seemed weird so I bought a brand new genuine Samsung battery and gave that a try. No change in the 6-10 hour drain but taking the battery out overnight showed no drain now.
6. The weirdest of all. I charged it fully before bed, switched it off over night and it was drained completely by morning. That seems crazy to me. I can fully understand poor software or bugs draining a battery but not when a handset is switched off.
I am lucky enough to be able to get a new handset through work but this issue really annoys me. I took very good care of the phone, never installed anything crazy, didn't over charge it, the handset never got warm at any time, I'm careful with Wifi/GPS/Bluetooth/3G and location services, yet I ended up with an effectively useless "mobile" phone.
Is there anything that comes to mind that could have caused this? Point 5 above made me think it was simply a battery issue and maybe it partly was (with two batteries, how unlucky) but point 6 is just crazy. What could cause a handset to drain a battery under these circumstances?
Thanks for any advice!
Take the phone to Samsung Service Centre. No phone should drain that quick when un-rooted and a full wipe has been done
Sounds like tha battery is shot.
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same thing happened to me yesterday, heres what i have tried to do so far:
Um...widgets? Some widgets on stock Samsung ROMs kills your battery - I remember AP mobile news is a huge drainer. Try limiting the number of widgets you put on your homescreens maybe?
01 - Full Wipe
02 - Install a clean ROM
03 - Disable Fast Dormancy ( *#9900*# )
04 - I use the GreenBatterySaver
After post your result !
I sugges too full reflash the stock rom and after count the batter time. If it does not help, it cold be HW error too - maybe it isn't.

[Q] Battery drain issue

I got my second android phone (LG G2 obviously) this christmas, and I haven't had time to properly use it (I don't have a micro SIM yet). I noticed that my battery is going empty pretty fast, although I heard this phone has a amazing battery. My friend got this phone too and he told he's been on one charge for about 36 hours with constant wi-fi connection, app downloading, playing games etc. so I figured something's off. I charged the device before going to bed and when I woke up (10 hrs later) battery was on 85% (only 2 MINUTES of screen time!!!!) and I had no apps running on the backround, no nothing. So now I'm thinking is there some easy fix for this or should I return it and get a replacement? Also something weird I noticed yesterday was that even though I don't have a SIM card yet, but 16% of the battery was used by the phone application. I did some screenshots of battery usage today and yesterday too if anyone's interested.
There are literally dozens of similar threads... suggest you start searching.
And I literally have gone through 90% of them so I decided to start a new thead. Do you (or someone) think that a factory reset could help? And the next question might sound stupid, but if I do a factory reset then does the warranty remain? Better safe than sorry I guess
I just played 4 minuts of hill climb racing and lost 3% of my battery, this is not normal. Does anyone even have a solution for this? All I see on other threads is questions and questions, but I don't see anyone saying "That worked and my battery life is normal now"
It's normal if screen is bright. Especially if carrier bloat is still there. Post screens, all you have, and what carrier. The phone could have been sick in a search state.
I don't think my phone is tied to any carrier, it was bought from just a regular electronics shop, but frankly I did a facory reset and didn't realize that all my screenshots will be gone too. Do you really think it's normal that 10 hrs of idling causes 15% battery loss? And it has the stock LG apps (safety care, life square, cell broadcast etc.). What do you mean by "The phone could have been sick in a search state."? My screen brightness is on 70%.
It's normal with bloat in it. They all have bloat stock. 70 is high and can eat at the battery pretty good. I mean it could have software glitched and was struck searching for activation behind the scenes. Use Wake Lock Detector and see what is keeping it awake.
This, almost 20% drop was caused by downloading 3 apps (facebook, facebook messenger and twitter), updating ~10 apps (all done via wi-fi) and rearranging my home screen.
Steamer86, are you sure? My friend told me that he has been 36 hrs on one charge without changing any settings and just downloading apps, playing games and testing the phone.
Your idle is great at that point in time. Facebook is a battery killer. That's a lot of activity with 70% brightness all the time. It's 17% and medium higher side usage and an hour+ of screen time. What are you expecting? At this rate with 70% constant screen and Wi-Fi pushing pretty good you would get almost 6 hours OST. That isn't bad bud.
Steamer86 said:
Your idle is great at that point in time. Facebook is a battery killer. That's a lot of activity with 70% brightness all the time. It's 17% and medium higher side usage and an hour+ of screen time. What are you expecting? At this rate with 70% constant screen and Wi-Fi pushing pretty good you would get almost 6 hours OST. That isn't bad bud.
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I hope you are right, but for helping and giving advice I'm going to hit that 'thanks' button
This night i lost 18% of my battery and my phone was almost all the time on deep sleep.
But i did notice something weird, battery usage shows that Android OS is using up most of my battery and when I press on it and then hit the back button then the Android OS changes to something called surfaceflinger for a millisecond (check the screenshots)
xyrrrrr said:
This night i lost 18% of my battery and my phone was almost all the time on deep sleep.
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Can you try putting your phone in airplane mode and then turn on Wi-Fi? If you aren't using a cell carrier than there's no need to keep that on.
See how this works in increasing battery life for you.
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