[logo][k3n][all roms] inverted black logo - K3 Note General

Hello guys I present to you a
Inverted_Black Logo for K3 Note!
I currently extracted the beautiful logo from Androium 6 rom and made a flashable zip suitable for standalone installation. It replaces the stock VibeUI logo which is a green text on a white background.
Installation steps for Inverted_Black_Logo_K3N.zip
1)Just flash it via custom recovery like TWRP or CWM
2)Wait for the phone to automatically reboot
Installation steps for logo.zip
1)Firstly unzip the file, you'll only need the logo.bin file
2)Reboot to custom recovery like TWRP or CWM
3)Tap the small arrow located to "Install ZIP" and select "Install Image" instead
4)Choose our new logo.bin file and select the "Logo" option in the next window.
5)Flash it and wait for the phone to automatically reboot
All credits to MaTx for his great Androium project.

Thank you. I really have wanted this

kongha said:
Thank you. I really have wanted this
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Welcome. The stock white logo is burning eyes at night.

I made this https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_FvGqUZPknjWmphbVRtQUxUaVk/view?usp=sharing works with MM 3.1
My sign is the boot logo.

robterza said:
I made this https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_FvGqUZPknjU2hKZ20tYWhUbVE/view?usp=sharing
My sign is the boot logo.
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Can you share a preview? I want to be able to see want I'm going to flash.

911-Future_Maker said:
Can you share a preview? I want to be able to see want I'm going to flash.
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here you are

@robterza,nice work ?
Sent from my Lenovo K50-t5 using Tapatalk

@911-Future_Maker, @robterza
Thanks, I love them, does somebody have a bootanimation to match?

autorage said:
@911-Future_Maker, @robterza
Thanks, I love them, does somebody have a bootanimation to match?
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Here bootanimation to match https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_FvGqUZPknjUkVvZThBUzVIZlk/view?usp=sharing

:good::good: Tried so many logos in my k3 note . This only works for me.. Thank you so much

How to make my own
911-Future_Maker said:
Hello guys I present to you a
Inverted_Black Logo for K3 Note!
I currently extracted the beautiful logo from Androium 6 rom and made a flashable zip suitable for standalone installation. It replaces the stock VibeUI logo which is a green text on a white background..
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Any tips on how to make my own?
EDIT: found it ... sites.google.com/site/kadanutilities/home/logobuilder-en

Thanx Very Much
Very good Logo

i flash it and now the pgone starts first with your logo and continius with the original (lenovo k3 note) how is that happend?

strofakias said:
i flash it and now the pgone starts first with your logo and continius with the original (lenovo k3 note) how is that happend?
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You flashed bootlogo! Now you need bootanimation logo! they are 2 different

ok! how can i delete those two?and put another?

strofakias said:
ok! how can i delete those two?and put another?
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Flash the new ones, and the old ones will be overwrited.

it works..thank you very much


LG G3s,Beat,D722,D724,F470 / TWRP, SonyBRAVIA3, Firmware

Hi guys,
I have a full working TWRP for the G3 mini, G3 Beat, G3s, D722, D744, F470
install with an simple apk.
Only problem i cant bind in the sdcard, only normal storage.
If someone could help to activate the sdcard also, this were nice.
Bravia uninstaller: https://mega.co.nz/#F!cosCFALZ!-TxAUzHi9Aq-jJp2fj4OjQ
D722 V10D Firmware: http://www.mediafire.com/download/28a06j2d30wa9uh/D72210d_00.kdz
TWRP Recovery: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9bz3qq38z31zz4h/recovery.img
HTC Beats:
Great, now we need bypass for the bootloader.
Thank you for your work, i'm not a develloppers but i'm really insterested by TWRP recovery Lg G3s
hoping that you will find assistance
Good luck
Okay so we now have root and a custom recovery which hopefully works. Now to the next steps for our G3 S (Mini, Beat.)
xGMERZ said:
Okay so we now have root and a custom recovery which hopefully works. Now to the next steps for our G3 S (Mini, Beat.)
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I found in the samsung forum a flashable Sony Bravia Engine 3. I tested on our LG and it works.
The colors a more .....colored - and a little sharper.
I have also a Bravia away flashable zip that remove the Bravia3 if someone dont like the colorfull display.
btw i load up the V10D Firmware to download. A user from here want to reflash his phone
Hi, I've already installed TWRP but when you say zip file, there's an img file, so can't flash it this way, also tried to flash via flashify but I'm on LB and I guess that's the problem.
That's ok for me with flashify and recovery Sony Bravia.
Now I will test the D722 V10D Firmware with twrp or flashify.
I shared my reviews later ^^
Edit :
Except a little problem with my account office 365,
everything is fine even my sd card is mount correctly
Have you flash the TWRP recovery with FLASHIFY ?
click flash recovery.
click choose file and pick the recovery.
thats it. in recovery you can flash zip files.
oh sry. i see the link for sony zip was wrong.
i correct it and put a link for the HTC Beats Update in the first post.
I tried to flash, halts on error, downloaded beats and when I open it also some sort of error occurs, besides, apk its like 1.7 mb, and zip is 200 kb, is that right?
thanks for the effort! going to try new beats mod with my drums!
tried home flash program Run ADB(comp.) and using FLASHIFY(phone). The same result, the phone boot in Fastboot!!!
where is the APK file ?
please write a detailed instruction ?
Which one are you trying to flash? With flashify I could not flash any but a twrp version that's not here, beats just used the apk and that was enough. Bravia could not flash, I guess there's something wrong with the upload..?
konsolen said:
click flash recovery.
click choose file and pick the recovery.
thats it. in recovery you can flash zip files.
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OK i did it ! and it's work fine
Only a problem...TWRP DON'T READ MY SD CARD...! any help ?:crying:
konsolen said:
Hi guys,
I have a full working TWRP for the G3 mini, G3 Beat, G3s, D722, D744, F470
install with an simple apk.
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And so. About recovery.
I found it through a program Flashify (with Play Market). wrote all ok. Prompted to restart in recovery - OK.
Next on the splash screen LG written on top of the text, something like fastboot command waits ... and so on. in recovery not entered.
Try to boot via adb - the same thing.
Write detailed instructions !!!
hi, sorry to step in, but I couldn't flash this twrp, I have d855, found a "signed" version and finally got it working, if this works for you I can uploade it
Nigel_Spur said:
hi, sorry to step in, but I couldn't flash this twrp, I have d855, found a "signed" version and finally got it working, if this works for you I can uploade it
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Hi, please be careful. This device isn't similar to the LG G3 which is the device you have. Its a lower model. So it wouldn't have worked with your device. Thanks for the info though This is the LG G3 Mini or S or Beat.
xGMERZ said:
Hi, please be careful. This device isn't similar to the LG G3 which is the device you have. Its a lower model. So it wouldn't have worked with your device. Thanks for the info though This is the LG G3 Mini or S or Beat.
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Ooops! as I get here from the lg g3 general didn't realize, though now I read it's all over.. (d'oh) well, the apk works for d855 too.. haha, would be awesome to see some bravia working too. cheers!
Konsolen....!!!! did you solved the sd problem ?!?!?!?!
pleaseee !

plz help for redmi 2 prime lolipop 5.1.1

plz help
whenever i am going to flash any zip file in twrp it showing error
This package is for "HM2014811" devices; this is a "wt88047
i have flashed file wt88047_stock_recovry.img
how to change device name in twrp..
plz reply.....
Viraj007 said:
plz help
whenever i am going to flash any zip file in twrp it showing error
This package is for "HM2014811" devices; this is a "wt88047
i have flashed file wt88047_stock_recovry.img
how to change device name in twrp..
plz reply.....
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dont change in recovery...
only edit your build.prop and change device name...
saurabh1234 said:
dont change in recovery...
only edit your build.prop and change device name...
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it not worked for me. Device is stucked on MI logo after reboot. I have flashed again rom to recover.
however i have flashed yesterday wsmtool.zip(xposed) file.after that flashed twrp
after that i think the device name changed. It was for redmi 1s i think.
so hw to unistall that file.
Viraj007 said:
it not worked for me. Device is stucked on MI logo after reboot. I have flashed again rom to recover.
however i have flashed yesterday wsmtool.zip(xposed) file.after that flashed twrp
after that i think the device name changed. It was for redmi 1s i think.
so hw to unistall that file.
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which file?? xposed??
flash xposed uninstaller
plz anybody provide xposed unistaller file
Viraj007 said:
plz anybody provide xposed unistaller file
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Just search for Redmi 2 XPosed Uninstaller
On google, of course
The easiest solution I can provide is, use philz recovery. I've used twrp too but when it comes to flashing MIUI, it throws that error of "Unsupported device", philz never did that. Been using philz for more than 6 months now and never had any problem flashing MIUI or any other custom ROM
saurabh1234 said:
dont change in recovery...
only edit your build.prop and change device name...
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Thanks for the information, it worked for me (despite I had to change all appearances of HM2014811 to wt88047, found in 4 different files, and zip it again before flashing through twrp)
I used the above to install a xiaomi.eu rom in my Redmi 2 in order to have my own language (spanish) :good:


Hello, guys. Today i'm compiling the latest twrp.img using official omnirom 8.0 & Lineage 14.1 source code.
Seems all works as it should. Enjoy.
* unlocked bootloader
* latest official firmware .291
* download recovery.img
* turn off your phone and flash recovery
fastboot flash recovery name_of_recovery.img
* press vol-down + power, when phone vibrate, unpress only power button. See logo 'Sony' unpress vol-down button.
* @nailyk for decryption
* new version 3.1.0-0
* new version 3.1.1-0
* new version 3.2.0-0
* new version 3.2.1-0
* added omni's version
Download Lineage 14.1 recovery:
Download Omni 8.0 recovery
Well done... Did you test also *.img flash?
I had some issues with for aries. This gave me error messages (sorry cannot remember which in particular)
But works as usual.
* press vol-down + power, when phone vibrate, unpress only power button. See logo 'Sony' unpress vol-down button.
For me its just enough to release them both quite quickly after it vibrates...
Is it work only for android n? Or including android M? And is it fota recovery?
fluffi444 said:
Well done... Did you test also *.img flash?
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What img files are you mean?
Recovery can flash only boot and recovery imgs
dddestiny said:
Is it work only for android n? Or including android M? And is it fota recovery?
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It's work on Android M and yes, this is fota recovery
russel5 said:
What img files are you mean?
Recovery can flash only boot and recovery imgs
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boot.img made problems. But I am going to test it for myself. No problem.
fluffi444 said:
boot.img made problems. But I am going to test it for myself. No problem.
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OK - Looks like that it works!
But still one question left: In Backup CACHE is showing only with (0MB)
I know that backing up cache seams to be useless but sometimes its still usefull. In old TWRP is shows mostly (4MB).
If I backup CACHE with its give me the output 0MB saved.
Has it some thing to do with the arguments of CACHE in recovery.fstab?
noatime,nosuid,nodev,barrier=1,data=ordered,nomblk_io_submit,noauto_da_alloc,errors=panic wait,check,formattable
This is the old from (not yet tried to change that in
nosuid,nodev wait
And finally USB-OTG is working! Cool!!!
@fluffi444 bro, twrp not using recovery.fstab, it's using twrp.fstab
and what size of your cache folder when your phone is booting up? my is only 40kb that's all.
russel5 said:
@fluffi444 bro, twrp not using recovery.fstab, it's using twrp.fstab
and what size of your cache folder when your phone is booting up? my is only 40kb that's all.
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OK - feel a bit dumb now ...
I have 4,08 MB (an 192,53 MB free) - that is what Solid Explorer gives me...
I put now an 4,5 MB file to CACHE folder - An now it shows me (5 MB) in recovery
I check again single folders and files in CACHE folder - They have only 22,47 KB in total...(without my manual copied file)
I guess we can close this discussion Thanks again for your work and your help!
I guess they changed the way of correct recognition of the free space.
I installed this recovery in my Z3C running the AOSP 7.1.1 ROM, but, as soon as I turned my phone on afterwards, my SD card was accused to be corrupted. As soon as I went back to TWRP v3.0.2-0, everything went back to normal. It's a 512 GB card, if it matters.
Sent from my Sony D5833 using XDA Labs
casouzaj said:
I installed this recovery
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Can you post the recovery log to see what happend?
russel5 said:
Can you post the recovery log to see what happend?
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Nevermind! I flashed it again in order to grab the log, but the issue simply didn't happen. Don't know what caused it the first time I flashed it. I'm keeping it this way. Thanks, anyway!
Sent from my Sony D5833 using XDA Labs
@russel5 Im guessing this is not official, but im a little bit confused? What is that build.prop you have attached in the OP?
EDIT: Btw great work man!
How to flash the recovery on concept 3657? when I flash the recovery, it hints "partition table doesn't exist"
panzerox123 said:
@russel5 Im guessing this is not official, but im a little bit confused? What is that build.prop you have attached in the OP?
EDIT: Btw great work man!
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What do you mean, not official? Build.prop generated when you compiled something from sources.
Sent from my Sony D5803 using XDA Labs
russel5 said:
What do you mean, not official? Build.prop generated when you compiled something from sources.
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By not official, I meant it's not on the twrp page yet ...
I was confused because build.prop says omni_aries
panzerox123 said:
By not official, I meant it's not on the twrp page yet ...
I was confused because build.prop says omni_aries
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It's not on twrp page because i need to write email and send this to omniteam, don't want.
And aries mean z3c, like sirius z2 and other. Omni used aosp names in devices tree, like this https://github.com/sonyxperiadev/device-sony-aries
russel5 said:
It's not on twrp page because i need to write email and send this to omniteam, don't want.
And aries mean z3c, like sirius z2 and other. Omni used aosp names in devices tree, like this https://github.com/sonyxperiadev/device-sony-aries
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I understand. So is this more stable than 3.0.2-1?
There are so many peoples on my home forum had problems with this version 2-1.
This thread created for you, guys. You can tell me - stable this new version or not
For me all works like it should. Tested on unlocked bootloader and locked.
russel5 said:
There are so many peoples on my home forum had problems with this version 2-1.
This thread created for you, guys. You can tell me - stable this new version or not
For me all works like it should. Tested on unlocked bootloader and locked.
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Full stable for me. Thanks again for your work.
anyone tried flashing this on carbon rom?

[Request] Anyone can provide me the stock Motorola Stitch boot animation for MXPE?

Hi guys, I recently flashed tesla roms (thanks Ground Zero team) and I miss the stock Stitch boot animation. I couldnt find the 1440p version of it. Can anyone provide me the file or flashable zip. Thanks
felixtaf said:
Hi guys, I recently flashed tesla roms (thanks Ground Zero team) and I miss the stock Stitch boot animation. I couldnt find the 1440p version of it. Can anyone provide me the file or flashable zip. Thanks
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This is the stitch boot logo. This is I repeat this is not a flashable zip.
Unzip and fastboot the logo.bin through fastboot.
fastboot flash logo logo.bin
fastboot reboot
Thanks. But I need the whole stitich boot animation
This is the one am talking about.
I found some but they are for low res screens.
felixtaf said:
Thanks. But I need the whole stitich boot animation
This is the one am talking about.
I found some but they are for low res screens.
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There it go :good:
Stitch Animation
don't forget to set the right permissions to it
After setting the right permissions its not showing up. I set 0644, am i right? Shows moto logo and 5 sec pause and straight to main screen.
Deletion of original due to corruption
EDIT ----- Caution this upload may have been corrupted, use the one two posts on (#8)
This is the one I was looking for. But it fails in twrp wile flashing.
felixtaf said:
This is the one I was looking for. But it fails in twrp wile flashing.
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@felixtaf ... Can't understand that because I installed it on my A2017U before posting. Which leads me to say that when I uploaded it to XDA it came up with a strange comment in red in the post (you've probably seen it -- Attachment 4136033) which I have never seen before. I can only suggest that the upload was corrupted so I have added another to this post.
Without wishing to teach you how to suck eggs can I just state the following ..... After downloading, transfer it to your ext sd card, in TWRP go to "Install" and chose the file, let TWRP do it's thing. I don't suggest you don't know what you are doing it's just so strange that it doesn't work.
Yes, this works fine. Thanks
Jus flashed it via twrp and all fine ...
The one I posted before was not a TWRP flashable file, you need to place it in system/media and replace the bootanimation.zip file there (and set the 0644 permission)

Any tester to try Flyme os ?

I found this rom on offical flymeos site
flyme.cn/ firmwarelist-56.html
Flyme 6.1
Yes I'm on ..
Its really good rom
Good battery life
so stable
2 bugs (File manager not working+lock screen password not working)
btw the rom updated yesterday but not yet on the official site the dev said lock screen is working now !
It my daily driver rom now ( Stabler than any aosp or los rom)
And I like that there is no over heat like aosp roms
And yes today I'm today on The new version
Lock screen password works !
Anyone care to share the download links, please? Looks really good!
Thanks in advance
binary_boy01 said:
Anyone care to share the download links, please? Looks really good!
Thanks in advance
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Yes Sure, here is the official site http://www.flyme.cn/firmwarelist-56.html
Flyme beta http://openrom-dl.flyme.cn/16309793...36/flyme_GT-N7100_SiFooYee_6.7.5.19R-beta.zip
Note: there is a new version Flyme beta but I receive it via the OTA updater!!!
1- download it
2- boot into recovery
3- flash it
4- boot up system
5- complete the setup
6- back to recovery
7- flash MM Micro gapps from here http://opengapps.org/
8- boot up
9- sign in your google account
10- Enjoy =)
Firmware is suitable for daily use?
Any bugs?
Message application force closed how fix it?
daffefwegfsdf just greate.tried to install latest version did not work.just said error 7 or something like that.than I tried second time finished installing but it did not boot got stuck on boot screen of flyme OS bla bla...then I wiped everything and tried older previous version and now its stuck on "patching system unconditionally" what do i do?
JamesTSK said:
daffefwegfsdf just greate.tried to install latest version did not work.just said error 7 or something like that.than I tried second time finished installing but it did not boot got stuck on boot screen of flyme OS bla bla...then I wiped everything and tried older previous version and now its stuck on "patching system unconditionally" what do i do?
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yea I got that error too. any ideas on how I could fix that? @alhaitha2020
Valkyrie146 said:
yea I got that error too. any ideas on how I could fix that? @alhaitha2020
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You have to put the rom in internal storage after a full wipe by using file manager in twrp revovery after boot rom wait and wait the process take time
Test this and tell me if its ok
Sorry bad english
patching system image unconditionally
Valkyrie146 said:
yea I got that error too. any ideas on how I could fix that? @alhaitha2020
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was not able to fix this problem.gave up and installed stock rom using odin.thas then only solution I could find!
zortadot said:
You have to put the rom in internal storage after a full wipe by using file manager in twrp revovery after boot rom wait and wait the process take time
Test this and tell me if its ok
Sorry bad english
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thanks! this fixed it for me.
JamesTSK said:
was not able to fix this problem.gave up and installed stock rom using odin.thas then only solution I could find!
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try @zortadot 's method it seems to work
tested flyme os 6
slymndkc said:
I found this rom on offical flymeos site
flyme.cn/ firmwarelist-56.html
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This rom quit nice i already download most version from flyme 5 and flyme 6 and flashed succesfully . From my view for ur n7100 better use flyme os 5 that fit and all working in good order.:good:
here the link i download
What about chinese apps that are every where??. Are they now translated to english?
zortadot said:
You have to put the rom in internal storage after a full wipe by using file manager in twrp revovery after boot rom wait and wait the process take time
Test this and tell me if its ok
Sorry bad english
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Which files i will delete in twrp file manager ?
DarkMountain said:
Which files i will delete in twrp file manager ?
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No no no... no files are to be deleted..
He said that after you made a full wipe of your phone , open twrp file manager and place the rom zip into your internal storage
Gurkanwal Chauhan said:
No no no... no files are to be deleted..
He said that after you made a full wipe of your phone , open twrp file manager and place the rom zip into your internal storage
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Thanks A lot of i succesffully flashed but i have another problem.
I come from linage os and i put to external_sd the flyme os ok.
i full wipe icluding internal storage ok
i put flyme os to internal storage by twrp file managar ok.
i flashed flyme now.
but when i press reboot button after succes flash twrp said NO OS installed do you want contiune.
i clicked yes but i stuck on samsung note 2 logo
i just google and a people said need flash from stock rom and unlocked bootlader is this true ?
I did, lost IMEI and Baseband
And to much lag
i tried it on n7105 it booted but ril not working at all. i tried to change ril file, edit build.prop but no lucky. someone can help me :x
Valkyrie146 said:
yea I got that error too. any ideas on how I could fix that? @alhaitha2020
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Redownload the package
It happened to me too
And here is a fix for SMS messages app and File manager + Added Aosp keyboard
Enjoy =)
---------- Post added at 12:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 AM ----------
mahmoud.omar said:
I did, lost IMEI and Baseband
And to much lag
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Old bootloader
