I am obviously behind since I just got this phone. I am also rusty when it comes to all things root, being on Verizon/Samsung phones for a while now so I didn't have the options.
I am just curious, I have read through a lot of threads but I can't seem to find anything about one click root.
Has anyone used this? more importantly, has anyone used it on build MMB29Q?
Rippley05 said:
I am obviously behind since I just got this phone. I am also rusty when it comes to all things root, being on Verizon/Samsung phones for a while now so I didn't have the options.
I am just curious, I have read through a lot of threads but I can't seem to find anything about one click root.
Has anyone used this? more importantly, has anyone used it on build MMB29Q?
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Would not trust it.
There's a lot of simple tuts here on XDA for rooting.
Rippley05 said:
I am obviously behind since I just got this phone. I am also rusty when it comes to all things root, being on Verizon/Samsung phones for a while now so I didn't have the options.
I am just curious, I have read through a lot of threads but I can't seem to find anything about one click root.
Has anyone used this? more importantly, has anyone used it on build MMB29Q?
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Yea, those have always been garbage and hasn't really been one since pre-kitkat. I mean, you might find one on some bootleg phone..but yea.
Checkout @Heisenberg's root guide. Point's you to all the files you need. Takes like 10 minutes at most, when you have all the files.
Rippley05 said:
I am obviously behind since I just got this phone. I am also rusty when it comes to all things root, being on Verizon/Samsung phones for a while now so I didn't have the options.
I am just curious, I have read through a lot of threads but I can't seem to find anything about one click root.
Has anyone used this? more importantly, has anyone used it on build MMB29Q?
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No need for that, those things almost always cause problems. I have a guide that contains everything you need:
I'm in a similar "boat" as the OP. However, I have never rooted before. How much difficulty will I encounter using the aforementioned tutorial on a Macbook?
Heisenberg said:
No need for that, those things almost always cause problems. I have a guide that contains everything you need:
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l_stevens said:
I'm in a similar "boat" as the OP. However, I have never rooted before. How much difficulty will I encounter using the aforementioned tutorial on a Macbook?
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It's essentially the same. The commands are the same but I believe you need to prefix them with something extra. Just look up a tutorial on how to install the Android SDK on a Mac, and if you search "Mac" in the thread you'll see instructions on how to prefix the commands.
Thanks for the replies guys. I'm excited about being able to root and flash custom roms's been a long time.
l_stevens said:
I'm in a similar "boat" as the OP. However, I have never rooted before. How much difficulty will I encounter using the aforementioned tutorial on a Macbook?
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Here's a thread we kinda have going for OSX users. Couple other alternatives are suggested in there.
I outlined what I did earlier in Heisenberg's thread, all with OSX 10.10.5.
Apologies in advance if I've posted this in the wrong section of the forum.
I saw RyanZa's OCLF app in the Android Market last night and was stoked because I didn't realize it could be done that way. (Maybe this is actually THE way it's supposed to be done? Shows what I know.)
I just have a few questions and I'm asking them here because all the other threads have outdated info and made me confused.
1 - Just to be clear, running this app roots your Vibrant and applies a lag fix correct? Does it do anything else? It also gives you an easy way to undo the rooting and undo the lag fix?
2 - From the comments in the app market, it sounds like the majority are very happy about their results using this. Is the general consensus that running this app is a no-brainer?
3 - Finally, I read an older thread in the development section and in the "updates" it said that someone else had created a better lagfix that "owns" RyanZa's fix. So, now I'm not sure what "lag fix" is the "right" one to apply.
Thoughts? Comments? And, thank you for any assistance. My phone is still stock and it still just keeps getting better. Getting closer and closer to rooting.
trunkstar1 said:
Apologies in advance if I've posted this in the wrong section of the forum.
I saw RyanZa's OCLF app in the Android Market last night and was stoked because I didn't realize it could be done that way. (Maybe this is actually THE way it's supposed to be done? Shows what I know.)
I just have a few questions and I'm asking them here because all the other threads have outdated info and made me confused.
1 - Just to be clear, running this app roots your Vibrant and applies a lag fix correct? Does it do anything else? It also gives you an easy way to undo the rooting and undo the lag fix?
2 - From the comments in the app market, it sounds like the majority are very happy about their results using this. Is the general consensus that running this app is a no-brainer?
3 - Finally, I read an older thread in the development section and in the "updates" it said that someone else had created a better lagfix that "owns" RyanZa's fix. So, now I'm not sure what "lag fix" is the "right" one to apply.
Thoughts? Comments? And, thank you for any assistance. My phone is still stock and it still just keeps getting better. Getting closer and closer to rooting.
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1. Yes, no, yes.
2. I am 120% happy with it. I noticed a BIG difference.
3. Download and run RyanZa lag fix. You will be very happy.
It works really well!
You can root, unroot, apply lag fix, and remove it. The options are great!
Just do it, and be happy!
Thanks for the comments guys.
Are there any tricky parts to the procedure you want to warn me about? I'm assuming that once I download the app and run it there will be an easy to follow step-by-step wizard, but I just know I'll run into something I don't understand. The fear of screwing up my one and only phone is nerve-wracking. <--- newb
trunkstar1 said:
Thanks for the comments guys.
Are there any tricky parts to the procedure you want to warn me about? I'm assuming that once I download the app and run it there will be an easy to follow step-by-step wizard, but I just know I'll run into something I don't understand. The fear of screwing up my one and only phone is nerve-wracking. <--- newb
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I just did this to my phone and the one thing I noticed is that there is no wizard. The need to know the keystrokes for the first step to boot into recovery.
With phone off after first step, hold phone horizontal, press power, volume up and down keys at same time release power key when you see Samsung logo. The remaining steps are straight forward. You do install the features in stages. You'll see when you start doing it. I just did this sitting in a restaurant. Good luck!
trunkstar1 said:
Thanks for the comments guys.
Are there any tricky parts to the procedure you want to warn me about? I'm assuming that once I download the app and run it there will be an easy to follow step-by-step wizard, but I just know I'll run into something I don't understand. The fear of screwing up my one and only phone is nerve-wracking. <--- newb
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It's very easy, and trust me you can't fail at it. Like above said, it's listed in stages. Read what you wish to apply or remove, click on it, reboot, and you're good to go. It's that simple!
It's easy. I just installed it. All you have to do is download EXT2 tools (included with the app) then install the lag fix.
The lag fix is faster and noticeable.
I recommend downloading it
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Does anyone know if the font issue has been corrected? Just curious before I do it, I bought a couple cool fonts from the market...
I ran his lagfix, not the market app, I have no trouble applying fonts.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Here's an informative post (Vibrant specific) for Ryanza's app:
So, I was rooting (using the OCLF) and I kinda got myself lost between steps and I'm not sure if I'm rooted or not. Is there an easy way to tell whether your phone is rooted or not?
Edit: Nevermind, I went through the process again and I'm pretty sure I successfully rooted since the option to "Root Device 2.1" is now unavailable. Next question, what exactly are these "EXT2 Tools" I'm installing?
Open up the app again. See if "unroot" is an option/enabled, if it is, you're rooted. Another way is to see if there is a new app installed named "superuser permissions" on your phone.
Sent from my Vibrant
vgz01 said:
Another way is to see if there is a new app installed named "superuser permissions" on your phone.
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Ah, thank you. Good to know. I assume this is just an app which let you manage what apps/progs have superuser permission... something I should probably never mess with.
Btw, I may not actually understand everything I just did, but I have root on my Vibrant and RyanZa's Lag Fix has been applied.
Quadrant score went from 907 to 2231 in about 20 cautious minutes. Wow, are you kidding?
The fix is great so far, as is this Android development community. Both are highly recommended. Donations are forthcoming. Thanks for having patience with newbs.
One thing I did notice though... I checked the free space and it went from around 1700 of 1900 before the lag fix to about 650 of 850 after. Not sure what to make of that.
Good job on not bricking your phone. I've heard doing this process CAN brick your phone, which makes me scurred poopless!
"Could not copy over data: cp: read error: input output error" Grr. Where are a list of troubleshooting ideas? Nothing happen bad, just didn't stick.
Veetus said:
Good job on not bricking your phone. I've heard doing this process CAN brick your phone, which makes me scurred poopless!
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I just did this, it's as easy as clicking the icons and follow the simple instruction. The hardest part is the rebooting step (pushing both the Power & up/down buttons at the same time ). If you can't perform these simple procedures, then your phone deserved to be bricked.
On the serious note, thanks OP for the posting!
trunkstar1 said:
Thanks for the comments guys.
Are there any tricky parts to the procedure you want to warn me about? I'm assuming that once I download the app and run it there will be an easy to follow step-by-step wizard, but I just know I'll run into something I don't understand. The fear of screwing up my one and only phone is nerve-wracking.
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Alex530 said:
Are there any tricky parts to the procedure you want to warn me about? I'm assuming that once I download the app and run it there will be an easy to follow step-by-step wizard, but I just know I'll run into something I don't understand. The fear of screwing up my one and only phone is nerve-wracking.
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Does it bug anyone that one click rooting takes way more than 1 click? (Not that I use one click programs for my Xoom)
No. It bothers me that people are so stupid that they want and use the so called one click methods period. Even more so on a device with a unlocked bootloader.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
albundy2010 said:
No. It bothers me that people are so stupid that they want and use the so called one click methods period. Even more so on a device with a unlocked bootloader.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
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What's wrong with that method? I haven't rooted yet partly due to lack of knowledge.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
haha. me too. its asking for a bricked device if u ask me
That's the point. Acquire the knowledge.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
RadDudeTommy said:
What's wrong with that method? I haven't rooted yet partly due to lack of knowledge.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
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You dont need alot of knowledge and the guids are ez to follow. The problem with one click's are they dont expose you to ADB so when something goes wrong with the one click you wont know what to do. ADB is something that I avoided but with an unlocked bootloader its a good place to learn. just my opinoin
sgtagem said:
You dont need alot of knowledge and the guids are ez to follow. The problem with one click's are they dont expose you to ADB so when something goes wrong with the one click you wont know what to do. ADB is something that I avoided but with an unlocked bootloader its a good place to learn. just my opinoin
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Very well said. I have rooted two android devices previously, but the Xoom gave me my first experience using adb. It came in very handy when I got into a soft brick and was able to negotiate my way out of it. I still experience some anxiety whenever I'm about to mod my Xoom, but it helps to have some basic knowledge (and know what you don't know). Also, read and follow the directions and get everything prepared in advance.
okantomi said:
Very well said. I have rooted two android devices previously, but the Xoom gave me my first experience using adb. It came in very handy when I got into a soft brick and was able to negotiate my way out of it. I still experience some anxiety whenever I'm about to mod my Xoom, but it helps to have some basic knowledge (and know what you don't know). Also, read and follow the directions and get everything prepared in advance.
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so true. i hate soft bricks. I still worry about messing it up but knowing commands help.
Can anyone please help me? Today I got my 6P and decided to try and root it. Now it wont get out of the boot animation and ADB devices no longer lists my phone. Is there a chat room or walk through for fixing this? I'm in a pretty large amount of mental agony over this. I just want stock back and will never fiddle again. Promise.
Hawkison said:
Can anyone please help me? Today I got my 6P and decided to try and root it. Now it wont get out of the boot animation and ADB devices no longer lists my phone. Is there a chat room or walk through for fixing this? I'm in a pretty large amount of mental agony over this. I just want stock back and will never fiddle again. Promise.
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How did you root it? If you follow my guide you'll have no problems.
You'll need to start from scratch though so follow the directions in section 9 first, that'll take your phone back to stock.
I used the Nexus Root Toolkit I found because I figured I'm a novice, this will do it for me. Hah! Nope. Also tried to restore it that way. No go, surprising no one at this point.
Ok. So i had the wrong file, because again, I'm a moron and it has been proven. Looks like things are going back to stock ok now. <3 :crying: so happy
Hawkison said:
I used the Nexus Root Toolkit I found because I figured I'm a novice, this will do it for me. Hah! Nope. Also tried to restore it that way. No go, surprising no one at this point.
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Hawkison said:
Ok. So i had the wrong file, because again, I'm a moron and it has been proven. Looks like things are going back to stock ok now. <3 :crying: so happy
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A word of advice: don't use toolkits. While they may seem helpful for a novice like yourself, they'll keep you at a novice level because they allow you to do things to your device without actually knowing what's going on. This prevents you from doing any learning and advancing. Take the time to learn how to use fastboot and you'll see it isn't as daunting as you may think, plus you'll get great satisfaction from doing these things yourself. Have a look at my guide, and if you have any questions myself and others are there to help.
Received the update to Android 7.0 NRD90M (from Preview 5) last night.
Wifi or LTE?
---------- Post added at 08:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 AM ----------
I enrolled my Nexus 9 LTE in the Beta program and got DP5 yesterday. Today I got the update to full Android 7.0.
I did the same (beta program) 2 hours ago for my N9 WiFi, received the full Android 7 and installed; then removed from beta with no need to reinstall all (I agreed to receive the OTA for a official Android version but nothing is arrived...).
Nexus 9 (WIFI) factory image :
Nexus 9 (WIFI) OTA image :
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Premium HD app
glockman4519 said:
Has any of you awesome followers with more android skill than I, made a TWRP flashable zip with this update?
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Premium HD app
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not that i've come across but why would you need one? stock img is available from google
edit: you could even take the extremely lazy route (as long as you're on fully stock) and sign into the beta program for N, it updates almost immediately
My device is not recognised for the beta program. Any ideas why. I flashed the full version any way but just curious. Nexus 9 wi-fi.
Gold Ribbed said:
My device is not recognised for the beta program. Any ideas why. I flashed the full version any way but just curious. Nexus 9 wi-fi.
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Nexus 9 wifi latest factory image already available on Google developer site.
Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk
damngood98 said:
not that i've come across but why would you need one? stock img is available from google
edit: you could even take the extremely lazy route (as long as you're on fully stock) and sign into the beta program for N, it updates almost immediately
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glockman4519 said:
It has nothing to do with being lazy... Lol..... It has to do with ADB. I know that I can use ADB and side load this from my PC using TWRP. But usually there is a rooted version out hours after Google releases a new OS. I was just checking to see of anyone made one yet. That's all. I see now that there isn't one so I will wait until one is made and shared. Thank you though for replying to my post.
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Actually .. if you're waiting for someone to post a zip flashable version that's already rooted, instead of just flashing the files with fastboot, then flashing superSu, I'd call that pretty lazy too. Lol
dictionary said:
Actually .. if you're waiting for someone to post a zip flashable version that's already rooted, instead of just flashing the files with fastboot, then flashing superSu, I'd call that pretty lazy too. Lol
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glockman4519 said:
Call it what you will. I am not going to argue with you. I already have it on and rooted, so I'm not lazy. I do video reviews and a large portion of my subs are new to android. I just wanted to try and find an easy to flash, one step process for them to follow but you cant even ask for something like that here without someone doing exactly this. Its a shame really and its no wonder that some people find it hard to enjoy this side of Android. Thank you again for you response.
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Going to have to disagree with you on this one. If you are doing any of this stuff to your device, it's best you know how to fix it if it doesn't work out. IMHO, if you are on the Nexus line, you should be adb/fastboot proficient.
I can understand why people don't like responses like ours, but honestly the world has become way too coddled. People want everything NOW. Answer my question, I don't want to search. For the people who have been around for a while, that gets old. I have no qualms helping people out, but people are overly sensitive to everything. I'm not trying to argue either. Wasn't trying to come off negative, was just being playful. If that gets misconstrued as something that would make people not want to visit this site, then I say they seriously need a dose of reality.
dictionary said:
Going to have to disagree with you on this one. If you are doing any of this stuff to your device, it's best you know how to fix it if it doesn't work out. IMHO, if you are on the Nexus line, you should be adb/fastboot proficient.
I can understand why people don't like responses like ours, but honestly the world has become way too coddled. People want everything NOW. Answer my question, I don't want to search. For the people who have been around for a a while, that gets old. I have no qualms helping people out, but people are overly sensitive to everything. I'm not trying to argue either. Wasn't trying to come off negative either, was just being playful. If that gets misconstrued as something that would make people not want to visit this site, then I say they seriously need a dose of reality.
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Just don't bother saying anything at all then this thread won't get filled up with your disagreements... Or at least just private message them:good:
glockman4519 said:
Agreed to disagree. I wasn't asking for anything right away or demanding of anything of the sort. I simply asked a question. I searched and did what was required on my part. And I didn't ask you personally for you're help. It was a simple question asked in general. Either there is a yes response or no response at all.
I have also been around for a while and am not new to this forum or android. I know the rules and before I posted I checked. All I'm saying is if there is no help or answer to my question, and there isn't, I go my mary way with no response and I keep searching on my own. I get it. Look at my posts, I don't treaty people like idiots. If I don't have an answer for a post, I Just don't reply. I am not going to waist my day in argument over something this trivial. I am sorry to have disturbed you or anyone one else for that matter in this thread and I sincerely apologize, it's just a shame that it's needed, but I'll respect that since I wasn't the one to start this thread. Again thank you for your reply.
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Was referring to the people you were trying to instruct in your video, not you.
matthewgwilt said:
Just don't bother saying anything at all then this thread won't get filled up with your disagreements... Or at least just private message them:good:
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Not replying has also had people come back to threads mad that nobody replied, lol. It's a dammed if you do, dammed if you don't type situation. *shrug* oh well I guess.
glockman4519 said:
Call it what you will. I am not going to argue with you. I already have it on and rooted, so I'm not lazy. I do video reviews and a large portion of my subs are new to android. I just wanted to try and find an easy to flash, one step process for them to follow but you cant even ask for something like that here without someone doing exactly this. Its a shame really and its no wonder that some people find it hard to enjoy this side of Android. Thank you again for you response.
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Just thinking out loud, but maybe you are not best placed to pass on your "knowledge" to beginners if you yourself don't know much/enough about the subject?
Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
Got my update yesterday via OTA . I must say I am slightly underwhelmed by the performance now. Especially Chrome feels much more laggy and sluggish. Scrolling was smoother before.
Anyone else with the same experience?
yahooooo said:
Got my update yesterday via OTA . I must say I am slightly underwhelmed by the performance now. Especially Chrome feels much more laggy and sluggish. Scrolling was smoother before.
Anyone else with the same experience?
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I haven't updated yet, so I don't know if the following applies to N, and, since you took the OTA you're probably not interested in a custom kernel, and, I don't even know what kernels are available, but, what the hell, just in case: Chrome was extremely slow for me, too, until I installed ElementalX and set Readahead to 128.
PhilipTD said:
I haven't updated yet, so I don't know if the following applies to N, and, since you took the OTA you're probably not interested in a custom kernel, and, I don't even know what kernels are available, but, what the hell, just in case: Chrome was extremely slow for me, too, until I installed ElementalX and set Readahead to 128.
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Something went wrong !!
Try factory reset !
Reflash everything via fastboot
Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk
sheenswizner said:
Something when wrong !!
Try factory reset !
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I'm afraid that I don't understand your comment.
Good day. I'm a recent convert to OnePlus from LG. Learned the ins and outs of rooting and flashing on that device primarily through reading, and asking for help in the forums. Would anyone be willing to help by pointing me in the direction of info that would help me get started. Obviously I want to root and possible flash custom on this device at some point. Thanks.
Ballroomblitz said:
Good day. I'm a recent convert to OnePlus from LG. Learned the ins and outs of rooting and flashing on that device primarily through reading, and asking for help in the forums. Would anyone be willing to help by pointing me in the direction of info that would help me get started. Obviously I want to root and possible flash custom on this device at some point. Thanks.
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Welcome to the dark side
Here's my guide on the bootloader and root for Android 10
If you're already on 11 then just use the bootloader guide and skip to the next guide below.
Here's also my guide on how to obtain a boot img, the software needed, how to extract it, how to upgrade whilst retaining root or how to root 11 directly, 2 methods..
If you have any questions, just ask away.
The OnePlus uses a two slot if you're booted and you flash a boot img it'll go to the other slot.
There also no TWRP for Android 11 yet, but truth be told you simply don't need it..
My advice would be (if you want to unlock etc) is to get updated and rooted, then grab xXx NoLimits which is a magisk ROM.
Really appreciate your response! I'll do my best to not be a complete bother. I am pretty good at studying up before making attempts, but have been known to sound a bit frantic when I get into a perceived mess. Always appreciated the supportive ones in these forums. Peace!
Ballroomblitz said:
Really appreciate your response! I'll do my best to not be a complete bother. I am pretty good at studying up before making attempts, but have been known to sound a bit frantic when I get into a perceived mess. Always appreciated the supportive ones in these forums. Peace!
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No worries pal.
Read and create a structure in your head of what's going on.
If you're not sure then ask or eliminate the possibilities.
dladz said:
No worries pal.
Read and create a structure in your head of what's going on.
If you're not sure then ask or eliminate the possibilities.
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I just came from the Pixel line....took me a bit to get Verizon to properly activate my device but this thing is sweet. I am currently on the xXx NoLimits. The one thing I miss about Android 10 is being able to force fullscreen on certain apps of mine. I've done it for years for certain situations using a root app. Now it no longer works since they did away with the ability in A11. I did notice a "Apps to Display in Fullscreen" under Advanced in Display settings.....nothing there though. What's that all about?
djcrystals said:
I just came from the Pixel line....took me a bit to get Verizon to properly activate my device but this thing is sweet. I am currently on the xXx NoLimits. The one thing I miss about Android 10 is being able to force fullscreen on certain apps of mine. I've done it for years for certain situations using a root app. Now it no longer works since they did away with the ability in A11. I did notice a "Apps to Display in Fullscreen" under Advanced in Display settings.....nothing there though. What's that all about?
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Lol no idea mate, there is a thread about it but not sure if it'll gain any traction.
The emulators I use all go full screen including the cutout.
Check out my centre clock mod in themes and apps..
Plus the energy ring for battery round the camera cutout..
Just looks better
Welcome aboard, dlads posted some good information there , cheers.
I don't have much to add , except for
Limeybastard said:
Welcome aboard, dlads posted some good information there , cheers.
I don't have much to add , except for
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Hahhaaa nice.
I'd have a bit of this.
Or maybe this.
Absolute bangers them mate. DJ ratty from back in the day
dladz said:
Hahhaaa nice.
I'd have a bit of this.
Or maybe this.
Absolute bangers them mate. DJ ratty from back in the day
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Nice one ???
Although mine was in relation to the No Limit module. For some strange reason that "toon" cameto mind.
Limeybastard said:
Nice one ???
Although mine was in relation to the No Limit module. For some strange reason that "toon" cameto mind.
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Same era ish