RIL disapperaring sometimes - X Play Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys, I have to clear my mind on a problem:
I have a XT1562 european mono-SIM Moto X Play, and I've upgraded it to Marshmallow (the indian dual-SIM firmware) after unlocking the bootloader and flashed Squid kernel some weeks ago (and then updated to the last build, of course).
Sometimes I'm experiencing an annoying thing: after a reboot RIL dies, and on the best, on the next reboot it reappears; on the worst, after multiple reboots with no luck, I have to do a wipe cache to see it again.
I have root and Xposed (and so, also busybox).
Is anyone experiencing something similar?
There's a way to fix it that maybe I didn't find here on XDA?


have u tried flashing the modem for ur rom?

anks095 said:
have u tried flashing the modem for ur rom?
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But it's strange, because I see it's not modem fault or similar. I see it's something software related because sometimes when I reboot, I also have the stock wallpaper (the green material one).
Now I flashed Marshmallux rom with the exact configuration (apps, modules, etc) and for now all is ok.
But, I still wanna follow this thread because it's too strange and I want to see if someone will expose a pearl.

nplezka said:
But it's strange, because I see it's not modem fault or similar. I see it's something software related because sometimes when I reboot, I also have the stock wallpaper (the green material one).
Now I flashed Marshmallux rom with the exact configuration (apps, modules, etc) and for now all is ok.
But, I still wanna follow this thread because it's too strange and I want to see if someone will expose a pearl.
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Ok..good...but may be u can do a full wipe and then flash factory image and then check it out if the problem sill exist..if not then that should something with software with ur last OS.

anks095 said:
Ok..good...but may be u can do a full wipe and then flash factory image and then check it out if the problem sill exist..if not then that should something with software with ur last OS.
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Hi guys, I'm back to inform you that I'm on Marshmallux and the problem is still the same. I get randomly "emergency calls only" until reboot (maybe).
I don't understand...

nplezka said:
Hi guys, I'm back to inform you that I'm on Marshmallux and the problem is still the same. I get randomly "emergency calls only" until reboot (maybe).
I don't understand...
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I don't know if this is the same thing as you but I had "Emergency Calls Only" sporadically as well but it would come back either after a short period of time or after a reboot. I also had random reboots too (didn't matter which ROM I was on at the time).
I lived with this for a bit but then upgraded my SD card (it was old) and I haven't had either problem since.
My guess is that my SIM card might not've been seated properly in the little carrier and/or the SD card I had was mucking things up somehow. I wasn't using it as internal storage either.
Anyways, if you haven't tried this already, might be worth taking out your SIM card and re-seating it (and maybe give the contact part a careful wipe). If you still have the problem and you have an SD card remove it and see what happens. Good luck!

Hi guys! I'm here with news:
after several tests in these days, I discovered the problem was every module that can modify the systemUI.
I tried activating and disabling those modules one by one (I'm talking about GravityBox first, then little modules like Advanced Power Menu or a newer one called NeoPowerMenu), and I saw that without them, I had network at every reboot. The only exception in systemUI is SignalIconsAOSP (I really hate that big "4G" icon next to the signal indicator) and it works at every reboot I did. The other modules (like Xposed GEL Settings, Lolistat, YouTube AdAway) don't annoy the system.
So, I don't know, Moto seems dislike too much modifications on the UI or it's a strange bug. Maybe a bug.


Too many issues so few roms

3rd thread, about 4th rom flashed
constant issues with builds. have gone from stock to:
cm 6.1.3 -apps crashing, random crash notices i.e "phone book has crashed force close" - "the process has stopped unexpectedly"
cm 7 - random reboots, opening browser caused power cycle, wifi issues, lag (thread posted, no solutions at the forefront)
currently on tripnraver pre release. now another issue. no signal what so ever.
original baseband on this xperia x10a is .55. it is suggested to use with bands 52 or 49.
loading either of these basebands. which ive done. doesn't seem to fix the no signal problem. the description states should be backwards compatible even if appropriate bb is not installed on device. yet no luck.
attempting to flash either baseband fails to resolve this problem. currently trying to flash back to stock and try another full reinstall and baseband flash in flashtool.
any ideas would be a great help. having to flash x number of times between roms is getting quite time consuming
thanks everyone.
if you want to stay on the miui rom, you can flash the baseband patch located here and stay on whatever baseband works best for you (I'm on .55 and find it fantastic), then when you load the rom, go to dev tools>bad behaviour>crash the system server.
Otherwise, I would recommend wolfbreaks cm 6.1.3, as it is the most stable. You must have done something wrong during installation as I never had an issue with his roms.
The only issue I have ever had with any rom is MiUi and thats because I used the wrong baseband. You must be doing something wrong for you to be having problems
if you want, try this flash, it's trips miui pre-final with the baseband patch implemented.
worked with my .54 baseband
thanks so much for the links to the baseband patches. i remember coming across a thread that posted it but unfortunately forgot to book mark. so im definitely going to go ahead and try with the patch installed. hopefully all works well
each rom ive flashed has been done properly according to instructions. cache wiped, dalvik, and full reset as per menu options in xrecovery.
one way or another i experienced lag for the most part, and as mentioned some random crashes. never had reset on wolfs rom just error messages at times. trips rom worked excellent, smooth and quick. hopefully with the patch implemented everything will work flawlessly
thanks you guys
Flashed over rom with baseband patch. signal working. everything running smooth.
except for when using camera zoom. zoom default displays 0x. as soon as the option is selected it spawns an immediate force close
any patches? or similar outcome for anyone else?
i will outline my steps below so everyones up to speed on how i performed this flash.
- flashed back stock in SEUS
- root with one click (success)
- installed busy box (market)
- installed xrecovery apk
- booted into xrec
1. full factory reset
2. wipe cache
3. wipe dalvik cache
4. wipe battery stats
5. install custom zip from sd card
6. selected trips rom with bb patch implemented
5. reboot
Camera zoom doesn't work in most ROMs yet and the lag you were experiencing was likely just the FW "settling" it can take a little bit and a couple reboots sometimes for the phone to calibrate itself properly.
Sent from my X10i using XDA Premium App
thanks cmoney. maybe ill try my luck with cm7. give it a few reboots and hope for the best. great rom. im really loving trips iphonesque style
clean smooth and quick. everythings working great. hoping the zoom may get fixed soon enough. only other inquiry i have with regards to this rom is the apps2sd.
this feature is essential to myself personally. and it is not working as ive noticed on this rom. ive read a thread with regards to a fix for the last release. i checked the settings for an enable option in case the feature requires being manually set as active but nothing listed. within sd settings state reads as unavailable. if anyone has an answer as to whether this fix will function with the current pre release. ill be going ahead with completeling the flash and reporting what i find back on this thread.
thanks again everyone
Try Wolfbreaks rom. It's very very stable for me. It has cam and everything upto date.
im going to flash back to wolfbreaks updated 6.1.3 unless anyone can point me in the direction of a fix for trips rom.
the smooth and fluid feel of trips rom was brilliant. i am hopeful someone has directions for an apps2sd fix as i have flashed the build twice and the same issue has occured.
thesoundofsilence said:
im going to flash back to wolfbreaks updated 6.1.3 unless anyone can point me in the direction of a fix for trips rom.
the smooth and fluid feel of trips rom was brilliant. i am hopeful someone has directions for an apps2sd fix as i have flashed the build twice and the same issue has occured.
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works for me on trips newest....
i just downloaded the new version 1.0
this is ridiculous. without the baseband patch. crash system server. no signal
now apps to sd is saying "apps2sd is not supported on this device"
this is an xperia x10, so obviously there must be something wrong here.
can anyone elaborate on exactly what to do about this because im going to attempt to flash back the rom, flash the bb patch right after, reboot. i assume this will only solve my signal issue. but this apps to sd is getting extremely frustrating and i can not figure out why it is not showing an enabled status.
- Flashed 1.0 with baseband patch - network signal resolved.
- apps to sd is STILL not working. and i really dont know what to do about this. everything else on this rom is perfect. is there something im missing? i came across a patch for apps2sd fix but this was for a previous version. would it be needed here? is there a setting that must be enabled first in order to start apps to sd as a service.
- as mentioned previously within the main menu, under sd card settings. message states "apps2sd is not supported on device" and on previous build would display "apps2sd unavailable". its simply impossible that the phone doesn't support it. as with every other rom the feature has worked. froyo would support it. the question is how do i go about enabling said feature?
thesoundofsilence said:
i just downloaded the new version 1.0
this is ridiculous. without the baseband patch. crash system server. no signal
now apps to sd is saying "apps2sd is not supported on this device"
this is an xperia x10, so obviously there must be something wrong here.
can anyone elaborate on exactly what to do about this because im going to attempt to flash back the rom, flash the bb patch right after, reboot. i assume this will only solve my signal issue. but this apps to sd is getting extremely frustrating and i can not figure out why it is not showing an enabled status.
- Flashed 1.0 with baseband patch - network signal resolved.
- apps to sd is STILL not working. and i really dont know what to do about this. everything else on this rom is perfect. is there something im missing? i came across a patch for apps2sd fix but this was for a previous version. would it be needed here? is there a setting that must be enabled first in order to start apps to sd as a service.
- as mentioned previously within the main menu, under sd card settings. message states "apps2sd is not supported on device" and on previous build would display "apps2sd unavailable". its simply impossible that the phone doesn't support it. as with every other rom the feature has worked. froyo would support it. the question is how do i go about enabling said feature?
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I dunno man, it works fine for me, but I copied data from my 0.3.2 xrecovery image, so that might be why. try flashing that apps2sd fix for 0.3.2, should work fine
damn it. i just found that thread. found the links to the fixes. so far ive tried and flashed that over with xrec prior to reboot. which did nothing.
there are two more links so im going to try those two flashes as well and hope that one of them will do the trick. if its working when utilizing .32 patches then ideally the bloody thing would have to work here. thanks for the input though dtox. much appreciated
I don't know what else to suggest man
From the feedback I see in the miui thread, everyone else is reporting it working!
Did you factory wipe, wipe cache partition, and wipe dalvik cache before install? then flash the miui, and flash immediately the baseband patch then reboot into the rom.
Remember not all apps allow apps2sd so use something like android system info, go into the applications tab click on one, click manage and then see if the option "move to sd" is highlighted. Like I said check a few though, not all apps can be moved
i just replied in the dev section lol but yes i have gone ahead and checked the applications menu. specifically downloaded a file i have moved to sd on a previous occasion from the market.
the "apps to sd" selection is completely greyed out. no matter what application i click on or download. i did a full wipe, full install, and selected the apps2sd fix immediately after rom and bbpatch flash, prior to rebooting. issue still remains.
we'll see i guess. thanks again dtox
thesoundofsilence said:
i just replied in the dev section lol but yes i have gone ahead and checked the applications menu. specifically downloaded a file i have moved to sd on a previous occasion from the market.
the "apps to sd" selection is completely greyed out. no matter what application i click on or download. i did a full wipe, full install, and selected the apps2sd fix immediately after rom and bbpatch flash, prior to rebooting. issue still remains.
we'll see i guess. thanks again dtox
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Try it again but without the fix...
i did that to it doesnt work i get the same message displayed
i tried with fix and without. another thing to note is that the rom itself says it should work with a different baseband as it has elements of unified. (which it doesn't) i had to flash the bb patch to get signal.
im not sure whats up with this but until i figure it out for a certainty ive flashed back over to wolf breaks rom. hopefully something will surface and i can give trips rom another go.
thesoundofsilence said:
i did that to it doesnt work i get the same message displayed
i tried with fix and without. another thing to note is that the rom itself says it should work with a different baseband as it has elements of unified. (which it doesn't) i had to flash the bb patch to get signal.
im not sure whats up with this but until i figure it out for a certainty ive flashed back over to wolf breaks rom. hopefully something will surface and i can give trips rom another go.
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No idea man, like I said it is fine for everyone else so I'm so no big development will arise that will make it function with your phone....
maybe it has something to do with 10a. i dont know. but the point is it shouldn't even be doing this regardless. hypothetically if its froyo and it has apps2sd built in. it should work. its not the way ive flashed. the phone supports it. so my only conclusion the rom must not be as compatible as stated. and from reading different posts about the prev builds sometimes the patches worked at other times they didnt. and also the fact that the rom is claimed to work without the need for a bbpatch. yet without the patch instaled phone caught no single. i guess certain unexplainable glitches can be bound to happen at times but any how ill give it one last go.
if nothing comes out of that then im giving up on that build because it seems relatively hopeless.
lol I'm using an x10a...
Still man you're the only person reporting this. Don't you find that strange? What baseband are you using anyhow?

[Q] Problem with WIFI, freeze and reboot after time of sleep (Also in secure mode)

Hi, I never root my phone or flash a custom ROM.
The problems was started when I flashed a new ROM from sammobile of another country, my phone comes with 4.2 and I flashed a 4.3.
I flashed newer ROM from only Vodafone-Spain (only those really are my official supplier), and then I update ever with Samsung KIES, (no Knox counter)
So, with Andorid 4.3 I had more problems than now with 4.4, now the only problem is with WIFI
I can use normally, with screen ON, the problem is when sleep for a long time (more than 1 hour) when I touch a button I see the unlock screen, but does not seem to work the touch screen, and screen go off after a seconds, if I touch other button the screen don't go on. And then, after aprox 30s it reboot itself, and show a window telling that the Process System is not responding, do you want to close?, and two buttons, close or wait.
I tried to start my phone in Secure Mode and I have the same problem, so it is not an app, it is the ROM.
I do at least 2 Factory Reset, but the problem is still there.
I think it is a software problem and not a hardware problem, because the problem start when I update to Android 4.3
I tried the trick WIFI Power save Mode OFF (on dialer, *#0011# -> WIFI -> Power save mode OFF) and never reboot automatically, so the problem I think it is with this power save mode. But if I turn off, when WIFI is ON, the battery drain fast.
In the samsung shop they tell me that first will format my phone to see if the problem solve and try for a time, if not solve, then I have to send by mail... and I will not send it because I know the time it will take to repair it is about 1-2 months and I need the phone for my work.
So is there another solution or something to try?
Napalm Candy said:
So is there another solution or something to try?
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Try reflashing the Firmware once again mate and Here you can follow the tutorial from here
Repulsa said:
Try reflashing the Firmware once again mate and Here you can follow the tutorial from here
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Since the first ROM (4.2) I flashed 3 or 4 ROMs from SamMobile, so I am not very optimistic. But I don't lost nothing, I will try it
I flash again the ROM, and after 2 days testing, the problem is still there.
Any other thing to try before send to samsung?
Please, give me another idea to try. I really have a problem with WIFI
This is how Wifi (some times) drain my battery when are not connected to a network. But the problem is worst when is connected, because it freeze and reboot.
Hello! You could fix the problem? I took suffering the same problem as your months, and I have not been solved, I'm for kicking the **** mobile! As may give so many problems with the wifi?
manguila said:
Hello! You could fix the problem? I took suffering the same problem as your months, and I have not been solved, I'm for kicking the **** mobile! As may give so many problems with the wifi?
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Yes I solve. So.. I don't solve it, it solve it self. One day I saw that I don't had wifi connection, then I saw that I don't any WIFI names stored, all was erased automatically, I don't know how.
But the result it, I don't have anymore a freeze or a reboot because wifi. ALL, absolute ALL run fine now. I had a lot of WIFI names stored, about 30-50, maybe this was the problem, a conflict with some of these names, but I'm not sure
No one update, reflash, factory reset, or start in safe mode was solve any problem, the problem solve it self... very strange.
If you try a factory reset, then don't restore all your mobile config. Try to install all apps manually, one by one. I ever restored my backuped config, and I think this was the problem.
Hope you can solve it
Napalm Candy said:
Yes I solve. So.. I don't solve it, it solve it self. One day I saw that I don't had wifi connection, then I saw that I don't any WIFI names stored, all was erased automatically, I don't know how.
But the result it, I don't have anymore a freeze or a reboot because wifi. ALL, absolute ALL run fine now. I had a lot of WIFI names stored, about 30-50, maybe this was the problem, a conflict with some of these names, but I'm not sure
No one update, reflash, factory reset, or start in safe mode was solve any problem, the problem solve it self... very strange.
If you try a factory reset, then don't restore all your mobile config. Try to install all apps manually, one by one. I ever restored my backuped config, and I think this was the problem.
Hope you can solve it
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Thank you very much for answering so quickly.
Happens to me exactly what you do, but seems to have no solution.
I have tried more than 8 roms, stock or mods, and always fails.
At first I thought it would issue the modem or kernel, but after many tests, I do not ****ing know what is causing the problem.
I'm running out of solutions, anyway thanks for telling your case...
I'm glad that in the end one way or another, you have it fixed.
manguila said:
Thank you very much for answering so quickly.
Happens to me exactly what you do, but seems to have no solution.
I have tried more than 8 roms, stock or mods, and always fails.
At first I thought it would issue the modem or kernel, but after many tests, I do not ****ing know what is causing the problem.
I'm running out of solutions, anyway thanks for telling your case...
I'm glad that in the end one way or another, you have it fixed.
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What happens when you fully wipe, flash a 4.4.2 rom, don't restore anything, not even your google account and don't install any apps.
Lennyz1988 said:
What happens when you fully wipe, flash a 4.4.2 rom, don't restore anything, not even your google account and don't install any apps.
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Thanks for your interest! The truth is that it is very strange ...
If I remember correctly, already try what you mention me, but I kept going ... It's like at some point something had happened which change roms not seem to solve..
I'm considering installing a rom with 4 files and pit file, but do not know if this will help in something
Let's see if I can come up with the bug because it is becoming a pain in the ass
I would try what say Lenny1988. So the only change before solution and after solution, was a big crash on WIFi drivers/app/modem (don't sure) it self, and was deleted all my stored wifi access points that I had. It was a problem related to Wifi power save, if I disabled it then I had no reboots/freezes.
So, I would try a factory wipe and DON'T restore anything, and try for a couple days. If work, then you know a way to solve it.
Tell us if it works.
Hello there! I will update with the latest news!
I tried the recommended advice, but no luck...Not seem to affect him leave without restoring.
The only thing that seems to work and keep it running, is to disable wifi power saving system
you know....
1. Go to your phone dialer
2. Dial *#0011#
3. When you see the "ServiceMode" screen, press the left menu button
4. Select "WiFi"
5. See that "Wifi Power Save Mode" button that is "ON" - well turn it "OFF"
But this way drain your battery much faster,so it does not seem a good solution to the problem.
Curiously, the same phone, some people suffer this problem and others do not....
It may be hardware? or software?
If I find something, I'll note here.

Help, im stuck with no sound, the weirdest thing ever!

So let's start cuz it's a big story. So i have a Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505, rooted, TRWP Custom Recovery, i had plenty ROM's on him, everytime the ROMS worked perfectly except the bugs they already had....
The last ROM i had was Optimized CM12.1 JDCTeam. ( it worked fine....
One day, they made an update of the ROM. Everything worked fine, until a morning 2-3 days after i made the update.... my alarm clock started ringing (as it was meant to be ) but the screen wasn't turning on.
I restarted the phone...but the alarm was still ringing when the phone restarted then it restarted itself. After this self restart....the phone booted with those optimizations (like the cache was deleted.) After it booted...surprise. No sound. At all. No sound in media player, no sound from calls, no sound when recieveing calls, no sound from my mic too.Then i noticed that movies from Youtube and from my gallery were playing in slowmotion, or not playing at all.
I though it was the ROM i installed other success....all the ROMs i've installed had the same problem. No sounds at all.
Then i found a ROM, that played the Boot animation sound but all the other sounds were still not working. So of course this means it can't be a hardware problem anymore.
So back from the start.
Then i found this ROM, an S6 port :
This ROM specifies that i must install the latest lollipop bootloaders and modems for it to work. So i've installed the modems and the bootloader given in the ROM topic....then the ROM and surprize....the sounds were working again. But the new problem was that the SIM reading stopped working and the rom was unstable. I've tried other modems to no success for the SIM.
Other Lollipop and KK roms, thinking that the bootloader or the modem was the one that fixed the sounds, didn't work so i concluded is not the bootloader. And then i've installed this : which at start it didn't played sounds. Then i've installed the bootloader from Albe95 S6 port post...and surprisingly sounds started to work on this ROM too. But from time to time the sounds dissapear..and i have to wait like some seconds to minutes for them to come back + the SIM still not working on this ROM . So somehow is the bootloader....but i dont get why it's working only on S6 ports..not even on MM ROM's is not working...
Can anyone help me ?
Edit : I forgot to mention that my partitions are F2FS....if this matters....
Posting a wall of text as you did here is a certain way to ensure your post gets ignored. You want to edit it and break your post up into discrete paragraphs so it is both readable and understandable.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
Posting a wall of text as you did here is a certain way to ensure your post gets ignored. You want to edit it and break your post up into discrete paragraphs so it is both readable and understandable.
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Thanks for the tip I've edited the is better now ? or should i cut some paragraphs?
No, that's fine. I probably should have PMed that to you rather than post it, but it's a bit too late for that. Sorry.
Anyway, your symptoms, where it occurs erratically, could still be a hardware issue. However, I think it more likely that your internal storage "glitched", and that is causing your problems. Make sure you have a backup of your IMEI and EFS by using Wanam's EFS Backup tool. Then grab an I9505 PIT file, a stock ROM, and Odin. Use them to partition the internal storage (which will format it), and install the stock ROM. See if your sound issues are fixed throughout the ROM. If so, then replace the recovery with TWRP and install the ROM you prefer.
If it still happens even after going through this, then it's almost certainly a hardware issue.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
No, that's fine. I probably should have PMed that to you rather than post it, but it's a bit too late for that. Sorry.
Anyway, your symptoms, where it occurs erratically, could still be a hardware issue. However, I think it more likely that your internal storage "glitched", and that is causing your problems. Make sure you have a backup of your IMEI and EFS by using Wanam's EFS Backup tool. Then grab an I9505 PIT file, a stock ROM, and Odin. Use them to partition the internal storage (which will format it), and install the stock ROM. See if your sound issues are fixed throughout the ROM. If so, then replace the recovery with TWRP and install the ROM you prefer.
If it still happens even after going through this, then it's almost certainly a hardware issue.
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Thanks a lot sir, i'll try this as soon as i reach home. I let you know if it's working.
verdut said:
Thanks a lot sir, i'll try this as soon as i reach home. I let you know if it's working.
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it seems that the problem wasn;t solved...i noticed something else, some roms , especially stock roms when i use the volume buttoms to change the volume....the rom restarts itself ....

Speaker, WiFi and Bluetooth not working

Please I need your help guys.
My OnePlus2 recently started behaving weird. The Bluetooth, WiFi and External speaker just stopped working for no apparent reason. Every other thing is working. 3G works just fine. I am able to make calls through the normal speaker (i.e. by putting the phone to the ear), but if I decide to switch the calls to the loudspeaker, I can't hear anything. Also, if I play music to the external speaker I can't hear anything unless I connect a wired earphone through the jack. When I try to turn ON the Bluetooth and Wifi, they just turn themselves back OFF, so they have become useless.
Please has anyone experienced anything like these before; if yes, please how did you solve it.
isadeiza said:
Please I need your help guys.
My OnePlus2 recently started behaving weird. The Bluetooth, WiFi and External speaker just stopped working for no apparent reason. Every other thing is working. 3G works just fine. I am able to make calls through the normal speaker (i.e. by putting the phone to the ear), but if I decide to switch the calls to the loudspeaker, I can't hear anything. Also, if I play music to the external speaker I can't hear anything unless I connect a wired earphone through the jack. When I try to turn ON the Bluetooth and Wifi, they just turn themselves back OFF, so they have become useless.
Please has anyone experienced anything like these before; if yes, please how did you solve it.
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Not too sure about the External Speaker issue, but generally whenever I get Bluetooth and WiFi issues exactly like yours in the past - a reset solved the problem.
But I only ever had issues like that if I'm using a Custom ROM.....
Is your 1+2 using OxygenOS by any chance?
LogicalJunkie549 said:
Not too sure about the External Speaker issue, but generally whenever I get Bluetooth and WiFi issues exactly like yours in the past - a reset solved the problem.
But I only ever had issues like that if I'm using a Custom ROM.....
Is your 1+2 using OxygenOS by any chance?
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Thank you for your help.
What I mean by the External Speaker is the speaker at the bottom of the phone next to the charging port that enable you listen to the audio, either call or music, without putting the phone to your ear.
Yes, I am on the stock Oxygen 2.1.0. I have also restarted and wipe data and cache more than five times but nothing different has happened so far.
Ahh so the loudspeaker is faulty? The loudspeaker and the wireless module are quite separate hardware, so we've got to hope that it's a software fault - rather than both multiple prices of hardware being faulty.
At this stage do a nandroid backup, then Clean Install OxygenOS 2.2.0. If that doesn't solve the issue, just let us know. (If you need specific instructions on how to do the nandroid backup & clean install, just let us know as well).
LogicalJunkie549 said:
Ahh so the loudspeaker is faulty? The loudspeaker and the wireless module are quite separate hardware, so we've got to hope that it's a software fault - rather than both multiple prices of hardware being faulty.
At this stage do a nandroid backup, then Clean Install OxygenOS 2.2.0. If that doesn't solve the issue, just let us know. (If you need specific instructions on how to do the nandroid backup & clean install, just let us know as well).
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Thanks for your support.
I did a nandroid backup as advised and I downloaded and clean install the Oxygen 2.2.0.
The situation didn't change. Its as if the modules are just not present.
For example, when I try to activate the WiFi or Bluetooth, they are animate as if to turn ON; but after a couple of minutes it simply turn back OFF and grey-out.
I even installed the unofficial CM 13 hoping this might solve the problem, but it remains the same.
Do you think this may in any way be connected with the kernel?
isadeiza said:
Thanks for your support.
I did a nandroid backup as advised and I downloaded and clean install the Oxygen 2.2.0.
The situation didn't change. Its as if the modules are just not present.
For example, when I try to activate the WiFi or Bluetooth, they are animate as if to turn ON; but after a couple of minutes it simply turn back OFF and grey-out.
I even installed the unofficial CM 13 hoping this might solve the problem, but it remains the same.
Do you think this may in any way be connected with the kernel?
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Hmm no it shouldn't since you clean installed OOS (that should have flashed the stock kernel too).
Give it a try anyway, try flashing @Lord Boeffla kernel for OOS
Just make sure you download the .md5 as well (ensure the download isn't corrupted).
If that fails, try the stock kernel as well
If the above doesn't happen, can you do this check for me?
Shake the phone, tap the phone on a desk (aim around the sim card area), be gentle though, all we need is to ascertain if the signal flex cable is loose.....
Once you shaked and tapped the phone, check if the wifi/bluetooth is working? (if not, give it a reset and try again).....
LogicalJunkie549 said:
Hmm no it shouldn't since you clean installed OOS (that should have flashed the stock kernel too).
Give it a try anyway, try flashing @Lord Boeffla kernel for OOS
Just make sure you download the .md5 as well (ensure the download isn't corrupted).
If that fails, try the stock kernel as well
If the above doesn't happen, can you do this check for me?
Shake the phone, tap the phone on a desk (aim around the sim card area), be gentle though, all we need is to ascertain if the signal flex cable is loose.....
Once you shaked and tapped the phone, check if the wifi/bluetooth is working? (if not, give it a reset and try again).....
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Thank you very much for your time @LogicalJunkie549.
I will download the kernel as advised and install it.
I will come with the update after the installation.
LogicalJunkie549 said:
Hmm no it shouldn't since you clean installed OOS (that should have flashed the stock kernel too).
Give it a try anyway, try flashing @Lord Boeffla kernel for OOS
Just make sure you download the .md5 as well (ensure the download isn't corrupted).
If that fails, try the stock kernel as well
If the above doesn't happen, can you do this check for me?
Shake the phone, tap the phone on a desk (aim around the sim card area), be gentle though, all we need is to ascertain if the signal flex cable is loose.....
Once you shaked and tapped the phone, check if the wifi/bluetooth is working? (if not, give it a reset and try again).....
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I have done the suggested steps.
The phone remains the same.
Please see attached the screen shots.
It looks as if these modules/chips just went dead
Flash Oxygen OS Zip via Stock Recovery & Wipe Cache & Data
isadeiza said:
I have done the suggested steps.
The phone remains the same.
Please see attached the screen shots.
It looks as if these modules/chips just went dead
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For your speakerphone issue, I can bet it is related to the modem/ radio.
Please update to the latest modem/ radio (via fastboot) for your device.
Then test calling again and report back.
Note that this issue and solution is not specific to Oneplus. It is applicable to CM 13 on all devices across manufacturers.
Hit the 'Thanks' button if this solution works for you.
Where can I get the OnePlus 2 Modem/Radio File
s_u_n said:
For your speakerphone issue, I can bet it is related to the modem/ radio.
Please update to the latest modem/ radio (via fastboot) for your device.
Then test calling again and report back.
Note that this issue and solution is not specific to Oneplus. It is applicable to CM 13 on all devices across manufacturers.
Hit the 'Thanks' button if this solution works for you.
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Thank you for your support.
Please any idea where I can get Modem/Radio file to download.
A link will help, because I have been searching for it but no luck so far.
isadeiza said:
Thank you for your support.
Please any idea where I can get Modem/Radio file to download.
A link will help, because I have been searching for it but no luck so far.
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Hi Isadeiza, try this modem first (its the 'modem' for MM which might solve the issue finally).
Also try dirty flashing it first, if that doesn't work... Take nandroid then Clean flashing it.
What OxygenOS are you in now btw? As of right now we're up to 2.2.1....
LogicalJunkie549 said:
Hi Isadeiza, try this modem first (its the 'modem' for MM which might solve the issue finally).
Also try dirty flashing it first, if that doesn't work... Take nandroid then Clean flashing it.
What OxygenOS are you in now btw? As of right now we're up to 2.2.1....
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Thank you. I am currently on OxygenOS 2.2.1
I will try your suggestions and revert back asap.
LogicalJunkie549 said:
Hi Isadeiza, try this modem first (its the 'modem' for MM which might solve the issue finally).
Also try dirty flashing it first, if that doesn't work... Take nandroid then Clean flashing it.
What OxygenOS are you in now btw? As of right now we're up to 2.2.1....
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Thank you @localjunkie549.
I have tried installing the modem and bluetooth files in the downloaded file in the link.
I am afraid the phone response remains the same.
I even tried installing the new OxygenOS 3.0, still the same.
Speaker working Now. But BT and WiFi still down.
LogicalJunkie549 said:
Hi Isadeiza, try this modem first (its the 'modem' for MM which might solve the issue finally).
Also try dirty flashing it first, if that doesn't work... Take nandroid then Clean flashing it.
What OxygenOS are you in now btw? As of right now we're up to 2.2.1....
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Hi guys, thank you all for your support.
After a long time, my experience are as below.
After upgrading to OxygenOS 3.0, the behavior of the phone did not change. No sound from loudspeaker, no Bluetooth and no WiFi.
Well I stopped using it until my other phone started heating up so I came back to the OnePlus Two again. One day, I was surprised when the phone started ringing loudly as someone called my line. It worked for about 3 - 4 hours and stopped again. After about 5 days, it came up again for some 4 hours and stopped working again. It does this for over 6 cycles and about 3 days ago it kept working without stopping since.
So I am still observing it for the past three days and it seems to have repented, holding my hopes up high that it will continue to work without hitches again; though I cannot say now what happened, why it stopped working and why it started working now.
The problem of the Bluetooth and WiFi still persist and I still can't use the BT and WiFi. It just behave as if the modules are not present. My fingers crossed expecting them to "miraculously" come back to functional state just as the loudspeaker did on its own.
Thank you all guys for your support.

No mobile data after changing kernel

Hey Guys,
the last weeks my OP6T crashed nearly every day with a modem error.
I didnt find the reason so i changed from stock kernel to elementalx.
Since then my phone dont crash anymore, but now i have a bigger problem.
I dont get a mobile internet connection anymore.
Next problem: the signal icons in statusbar dont show any mobile data icon, only signal stength. There is waning or exclamation mark icon too.
I have two Sim-Cards from different providers in the phone, problem consists on both.
I've tried to reinstall the stock kernel (Full Rom) and another custom kernel but the problem still appears.
My APN Settings are right.
Wiping System didnt help.
Tried different connection Types in the INFO-Menu didnt help too. (Data-Service: not connected)
Maybe some of you guys have an idea or the solution for my problem.
I'm praying for avoiding a full wipe ?
Thank you in advance
OxygenOS 9.0.17
Your baseband might have been wiped/ removed accidently
Thanks for your answer.
If thats the problem, how do i fix it?
Shouldnt the baseband be installed from the full rom Installation?
killabees said:
Thanks for your answer.
If thats the problem, how do i fix it?
Shouldnt the baseband be installed from the full rom Installation?
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Nowdays I'm not too sure, I haven't messed much with stuff since ics days. But back then it was quite a common problem. I remember being able to just pull the baseband file from a stock rom and put it into the right folder in the modded rom. Don't know if that still applies or can be done nowdays

