Help, im stuck with no sound, the weirdest thing ever! - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So let's start cuz it's a big story. So i have a Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505, rooted, TRWP Custom Recovery, i had plenty ROM's on him, everytime the ROMS worked perfectly except the bugs they already had....
The last ROM i had was Optimized CM12.1 JDCTeam. ( it worked fine....
One day, they made an update of the ROM. Everything worked fine, until a morning 2-3 days after i made the update.... my alarm clock started ringing (as it was meant to be ) but the screen wasn't turning on.
I restarted the phone...but the alarm was still ringing when the phone restarted then it restarted itself. After this self restart....the phone booted with those optimizations (like the cache was deleted.) After it booted...surprise. No sound. At all. No sound in media player, no sound from calls, no sound when recieveing calls, no sound from my mic too.Then i noticed that movies from Youtube and from my gallery were playing in slowmotion, or not playing at all.
I though it was the ROM i installed other success....all the ROMs i've installed had the same problem. No sounds at all.
Then i found a ROM, that played the Boot animation sound but all the other sounds were still not working. So of course this means it can't be a hardware problem anymore.
So back from the start.
Then i found this ROM, an S6 port :
This ROM specifies that i must install the latest lollipop bootloaders and modems for it to work. So i've installed the modems and the bootloader given in the ROM topic....then the ROM and surprize....the sounds were working again. But the new problem was that the SIM reading stopped working and the rom was unstable. I've tried other modems to no success for the SIM.
Other Lollipop and KK roms, thinking that the bootloader or the modem was the one that fixed the sounds, didn't work so i concluded is not the bootloader. And then i've installed this : which at start it didn't played sounds. Then i've installed the bootloader from Albe95 S6 port post...and surprisingly sounds started to work on this ROM too. But from time to time the sounds dissapear..and i have to wait like some seconds to minutes for them to come back + the SIM still not working on this ROM . So somehow is the bootloader....but i dont get why it's working only on S6 ports..not even on MM ROM's is not working...
Can anyone help me ?
Edit : I forgot to mention that my partitions are F2FS....if this matters....

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Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
Posting a wall of text as you did here is a certain way to ensure your post gets ignored. You want to edit it and break your post up into discrete paragraphs so it is both readable and understandable.
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Thanks for the tip I've edited the is better now ? or should i cut some paragraphs?

No, that's fine. I probably should have PMed that to you rather than post it, but it's a bit too late for that. Sorry.
Anyway, your symptoms, where it occurs erratically, could still be a hardware issue. However, I think it more likely that your internal storage "glitched", and that is causing your problems. Make sure you have a backup of your IMEI and EFS by using Wanam's EFS Backup tool. Then grab an I9505 PIT file, a stock ROM, and Odin. Use them to partition the internal storage (which will format it), and install the stock ROM. See if your sound issues are fixed throughout the ROM. If so, then replace the recovery with TWRP and install the ROM you prefer.
If it still happens even after going through this, then it's almost certainly a hardware issue.

Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
No, that's fine. I probably should have PMed that to you rather than post it, but it's a bit too late for that. Sorry.
Anyway, your symptoms, where it occurs erratically, could still be a hardware issue. However, I think it more likely that your internal storage "glitched", and that is causing your problems. Make sure you have a backup of your IMEI and EFS by using Wanam's EFS Backup tool. Then grab an I9505 PIT file, a stock ROM, and Odin. Use them to partition the internal storage (which will format it), and install the stock ROM. See if your sound issues are fixed throughout the ROM. If so, then replace the recovery with TWRP and install the ROM you prefer.
If it still happens even after going through this, then it's almost certainly a hardware issue.
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Thanks a lot sir, i'll try this as soon as i reach home. I let you know if it's working.

verdut said:
Thanks a lot sir, i'll try this as soon as i reach home. I let you know if it's working.
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it seems that the problem wasn;t solved...i noticed something else, some roms , especially stock roms when i use the volume buttoms to change the volume....the rom restarts itself ....



Well, here is my story...
My cell phone is a Samsung Galaxy S3 mod. GT-I9300. Locked for Digitel (Venezuela mobile carrier). Android Stock Rom version: 4.1.2.
I bought this cellular a year ago, and it worked flawlessly almost for 12 months straight. I haven't experienced any single freezing or rebooting problem. I downloaded KIES and the program detected that a new version of Android was available for downloading for my phone. Bump! Error. I should have backed up my EFS first before doing the upgrading. BACKUP YOURS, IMPORTANT!)
NOTE: Backup your personal data as well since any ROM installation will remove for sure your personal data and info.
After upgrading and a few days later, my cellphone started to act somewhat funny. I started to got some freezing. To be specifically, my phone started to freeze, the screen just froze and nothing happened when I touched the screen, pressed any button. The only thing worked was to restart the cell (by pressing and holding the POWER button or by removing the batteries). Anyway, the freaking freezing problems continue occurring.
By the way, the warranty expired just a few days ago...
Since I couldn't do anything to stop the freezing problems, I decided to root the cell and install a new version of Android not official for Samsung and test its performance. But before that, I factory reset my cellphone, but it didn't work at all.
I tested several Android version I could find on internet:, specifically, the SNAPSHOT, STABLE, NIGHTLY version. None of that worked, I also tested the cm-10-20... without luck. In fact, the freezing problems with those versions got worse and worse.
Taking the above in consideration, I decided to re-install the stock rom version (ver. 4.1.0) the one that was shipped with my phone when I bought it. You can find these version for any carrier in the world at: sammobile
I flashed and I used it for almost a day or so. During that period of time, I could feel that the freezing issues were gone, not even a freezing event. But unfortunately, I couldn't connect to any Mobile Network!!, so I had just bricked my cell phone !!! I took it to the cell carrier company (DIGITEL) and they could not do anything since my warranty already expired. WTF ! I was alone with my own problem now to sort it out.
By no means I mean this is a cure but I have just stopped getting the hellish freezing and rebooting problems, and I just wanna share my experience with you so maybe I could help you to get rid of this annoying issues for the time being.
Picking up where I was left off, all I had was my bricked phone and a working ROM: ver. 4.1.2, So I decided to to reinstall this version back on my phone and see if it connected to the mobile carrier.
I reinstalled it and of course, after erasing cache partitions and making a factory reset. The procedures to install any ROM on your cellphone you can find it on internet (for instance, youtube may help a lot).
After I installed the version 4.1.2. my cellphone could connect to the mobile carrier once again... phewww!! But the freezing problems continued to appear in the fuc# phone. Well, now the only option I had to test thoroughly my cell was to install any application one after another but testing if the application was the culprit for the freezing issue.
But right after installing the stock Rom, I got a error message when my phone run to the first screen (Home Screen): TOUCHWIZ stopped responding... it lit my LIGHT BULB! I searched the web for the TOUCHWIZ and found out reports regarding many problems with Touchwiz.
Holy craps! The TOUCHWIZ is a BUGGY APPLICATION that comes with the STOCK ROM developed by SAMSUNG.
My friends there is no way to UNINSTALL that application but to use another LAUNCHER. I fired up and decided to download KIT KAT Launcher. Well, I downloaded the launcher and when you first run this application a windows pops up so you can decide what launcher the cellphone may use and the time to use it. I select ALWAYS I press the HOME button, the launcher to use is KIT KAT.
In addition to that I disable various stuffs, follows (you have to go through the setting app):
Disable Touch wiz (delete CACHE, and FORCE STOP)
Disable GPS
Disable Multi Windows
Disable Swipe Lock ( I found my cellphone freezes a lot while this is on)
I don't use a lot of widgets... but only one: The Clock and Alarm widget.
So far (it has passed 5 days straight without freezing). My phone froze on me while I was downloading something (maybe the phone was updating an app) and at the same time I was texting someone. I am suspicious that there is something to do with the downloading system too and the phone that could trigger a freeze.
Anyway, if you have experienced the freezing issue on your Galaxy S3 just like me, then try what I just outlined and give it a test. But do not download a bunch of program at the same time, just pick one by one, and allow some time to test your application and check if your phone is stable before continue with the next app to download and so forth. I have downloaded so far: whatsapp, BBM, sudoku and other games.
Hope you can get rid of the freezing problems just the way I did, any question feel free to ask.
I will continue posting any advance with my phone.
PS: excuse my standard English.
Flashing a custom rom would help with the freezing issues too!
Try temasek's 4.4 rom its a lot more smooth than ur stock ull feel u have a new phone
You also lost ur carrier signal because ur efs partition was read only or something so backup ur efs before flashing the rom
kariiim said:
Flashing a custom rom would help with the freezing issues too!
Try temasek's 4.4 rom its a lot more smooth than ur stock ull feel u have a new phone
You also lost ur carrier signal because ur efs partition was read only or something so backup ur efs before flashing the rom
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Nope,, it didn't work with my cellphone. I already tested it. As a matter of fact, I can name you all the ROM I flashed to my cellphone:
None of the above rom I used stopped the freezing issue, that's why I needed to return to stock rom, and since then I am using it without experiencing any laggy or freezing.
Thanks anyway. :good:
Isnt it possible to create a rom with all of Samsungs bloat ripped off (TouchWiz included) and replaced with stock apps?
The problem is that non stock kernel roms use up a lot more battery than the stock one...
i havent got this
Dude, you seem like a total beginner at this. You might want to start by trying a proper wipe, install a rom like Temasek and install a kernel like Boeffla.
Touchwiz is not the problem for your freezing. Get a custom kernel on there and try undervolting to lower the temp your phone. It may be too hot and may lock up.
You don't have to stick to roms available from your carrier either. You might just want to try any recent 4.3 rom from Sammy.
jinosong said:
Dude, you seem like a total beginner at this. You might want to start by trying a proper wipe, install a rom like Temasek and install a kernel like Boeffla.
Touchwiz is not the problem for your freezing. Get a custom kernel on there and try undervolting to lower the temp your phone. It may be too hot and may lock up.
You don't have to stick to roms available from your carrier either. You might just want to try any recent 4.3 rom from Sammy.
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Yeah,,, you may be right I am a newbie... but since I stopped using TOUCHWIZ, I have experienced fewer a fewer lock-ups. I dunno what it is happening with my phone, but that is a fact. I am using KITKAT launcher.
The current stock ROM I am using is: 4.1.2 .... (I9300UBEMH2)
I am not familiar with undervolting to lower my phone's temp... maybe you can guide me about using it, or I could search the web for it.
UPDATE: I installed TWITTER Apps yesterday and each time I used it, it froze my phone for 12 min approx. Any suggestion?
Read the freezing thread sticky .
Delete this non working fix as well .
JJEgan said:
Read the freezing thread sticky .
Delete this non working fix as well .
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Why should I? Are you a moderator of this forum?
Well I just want to update my post.
Yesterday I just wanted to continue figuring this freezing problem out. Since I published my experiences about freezing until yesterday the problem appears to have reduced significantly. I was using stock ROM ver. 4.1.2 flashed with KIES.
But I wanted to continue testing other ROM's. I tried to install a ROM named SAMMY'S ROM developed by guy named JustArchi (that I found in this forum). However I could not install it on my phone (SGS3 - GT-I9300) since it gave me some errors when I tried to install: ERROR STATUS 7
A margin note: This techie or nerdie called JustArchi gave me the boot from his thread for trying to seek help on this error.. so I trashed this SAMMY'S ROM and move on with another solution.
Whatever, I downloaded another official stock Rom ver. 4.3, released by SAMSUNG, intended for IRELAND - I am not from Ireland, but Venezuela (I founded it at SAMMOBILE under the top 10 latest firmware just released). By using ODIN, I flashed my phone, and to tell the truth, my phone feels differently. I haven't experimented any sluggish or lagging, not even a freezing so far (knocking on wood).
For precaution, I am installing one app at the time, and giving it time to see if everything is stable.
Conclusion: to any guys who is getting the annoying freezing, I think you must stick with it until your mobile carrier makes ROM ver. 4.3 available. Otherwise, if you are like me, wanting to work things out for yourself, download any ROM (ver. 4.3 compatible with your phone model) and test it on your phone. Before doing that, you just have to search the Internet for directions to do so, I am not responsible for what you do with your phone. I'll keep updating if another problem arises.
Note: since I am getting some rude comments from senior members who think they are too techie to read newbie's comments, queries, etc. I am not interested in their replies since they are not helping at all, thus I just ignore your lame comments from now on. Just scram.
Dude, you're really not helping anybody here with your information here. I don't know what you think you're sharing. The error 7 pertains to recover error which can be eliminated by installing an alternate recovery version.
I don't care if you're a newbie or not but you are spreading false info.
I'll scram now.

No sound at all on my galaxy s4

All sounds on my galaxy s4 (gt-i9505) suddenly stopped. I dont hear any sound (buttons, mp3s,....).. The only sound I hear is sometimes within boot animation, when a booting reaches system, audio is gone. I tried many roms, many basebands, many experiments even stock roms, but nothing helped, but I noticed that audio works IN SAFE MODE!!!! So if there is BASEBAND UNKNOWN = AUDIO WORKS!!! But why? I tried many basebands/modems, but it wasn't helpful.
I flashed with Odin 3.10.6, CWM (I cant get into another recovery after VolumeUP, so I MUST use this recovery.. I dont know why...), then I tried Omega ROM v40, v41; Phoenix ROM; GPE; some stock roms for my and other countries, but nothing helped.. Sound only in SAFE MODE, so I guess its not HW issue.
Last working configuration was on Omega ROM v40, but there have started troubles with sound..
PS: Yes, I tried a trick with headphones, that says you have to insert and pull out a jack many times and clear the hole .... didnt worked in my case.
I read many topics, but to most people helped returning to stock rom, however not in my case again...
Please help me..
I am also in the same boat as you. At the moment, I am using the S4 i9505 with Slim Rom and Open Gapps.
A while ago, I flashed TWRP and some how that fixed it for a while! But then the problem came back which is quite unfortunate. Since the phone is now mine (it was my sisters) I really want to fix this bad boy and use it (I use Xperia SP if you haven't noticed )
One question, you talked about SAFE MODE? Where can we find that? Remember, I have the same problem as you.
If I find a solution, I will PM and post here on what I did

RIL disapperaring sometimes

Hi guys, I have to clear my mind on a problem:
I have a XT1562 european mono-SIM Moto X Play, and I've upgraded it to Marshmallow (the indian dual-SIM firmware) after unlocking the bootloader and flashed Squid kernel some weeks ago (and then updated to the last build, of course).
Sometimes I'm experiencing an annoying thing: after a reboot RIL dies, and on the best, on the next reboot it reappears; on the worst, after multiple reboots with no luck, I have to do a wipe cache to see it again.
I have root and Xposed (and so, also busybox).
Is anyone experiencing something similar?
There's a way to fix it that maybe I didn't find here on XDA?
have u tried flashing the modem for ur rom?
anks095 said:
have u tried flashing the modem for ur rom?
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But it's strange, because I see it's not modem fault or similar. I see it's something software related because sometimes when I reboot, I also have the stock wallpaper (the green material one).
Now I flashed Marshmallux rom with the exact configuration (apps, modules, etc) and for now all is ok.
But, I still wanna follow this thread because it's too strange and I want to see if someone will expose a pearl.
nplezka said:
But it's strange, because I see it's not modem fault or similar. I see it's something software related because sometimes when I reboot, I also have the stock wallpaper (the green material one).
Now I flashed Marshmallux rom with the exact configuration (apps, modules, etc) and for now all is ok.
But, I still wanna follow this thread because it's too strange and I want to see if someone will expose a pearl.
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Ok..good...but may be u can do a full wipe and then flash factory image and then check it out if the problem sill exist..if not then that should something with software with ur last OS.
anks095 said:
Ok..good...but may be u can do a full wipe and then flash factory image and then check it out if the problem sill exist..if not then that should something with software with ur last OS.
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Hi guys, I'm back to inform you that I'm on Marshmallux and the problem is still the same. I get randomly "emergency calls only" until reboot (maybe).
I don't understand...
nplezka said:
Hi guys, I'm back to inform you that I'm on Marshmallux and the problem is still the same. I get randomly "emergency calls only" until reboot (maybe).
I don't understand...
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I don't know if this is the same thing as you but I had "Emergency Calls Only" sporadically as well but it would come back either after a short period of time or after a reboot. I also had random reboots too (didn't matter which ROM I was on at the time).
I lived with this for a bit but then upgraded my SD card (it was old) and I haven't had either problem since.
My guess is that my SIM card might not've been seated properly in the little carrier and/or the SD card I had was mucking things up somehow. I wasn't using it as internal storage either.
Anyways, if you haven't tried this already, might be worth taking out your SIM card and re-seating it (and maybe give the contact part a careful wipe). If you still have the problem and you have an SD card remove it and see what happens. Good luck!
Hi guys! I'm here with news:
after several tests in these days, I discovered the problem was every module that can modify the systemUI.
I tried activating and disabling those modules one by one (I'm talking about GravityBox first, then little modules like Advanced Power Menu or a newer one called NeoPowerMenu), and I saw that without them, I had network at every reboot. The only exception in systemUI is SignalIconsAOSP (I really hate that big "4G" icon next to the signal indicator) and it works at every reboot I did. The other modules (like Xposed GEL Settings, Lolistat, YouTube AdAway) don't annoy the system.
So, I don't know, Moto seems dislike too much modifications on the UI or it's a strange bug. Maybe a bug.

Speaker, WiFi and Bluetooth not working

Please I need your help guys.
My OnePlus2 recently started behaving weird. The Bluetooth, WiFi and External speaker just stopped working for no apparent reason. Every other thing is working. 3G works just fine. I am able to make calls through the normal speaker (i.e. by putting the phone to the ear), but if I decide to switch the calls to the loudspeaker, I can't hear anything. Also, if I play music to the external speaker I can't hear anything unless I connect a wired earphone through the jack. When I try to turn ON the Bluetooth and Wifi, they just turn themselves back OFF, so they have become useless.
Please has anyone experienced anything like these before; if yes, please how did you solve it.
isadeiza said:
Please I need your help guys.
My OnePlus2 recently started behaving weird. The Bluetooth, WiFi and External speaker just stopped working for no apparent reason. Every other thing is working. 3G works just fine. I am able to make calls through the normal speaker (i.e. by putting the phone to the ear), but if I decide to switch the calls to the loudspeaker, I can't hear anything. Also, if I play music to the external speaker I can't hear anything unless I connect a wired earphone through the jack. When I try to turn ON the Bluetooth and Wifi, they just turn themselves back OFF, so they have become useless.
Please has anyone experienced anything like these before; if yes, please how did you solve it.
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Not too sure about the External Speaker issue, but generally whenever I get Bluetooth and WiFi issues exactly like yours in the past - a reset solved the problem.
But I only ever had issues like that if I'm using a Custom ROM.....
Is your 1+2 using OxygenOS by any chance?
LogicalJunkie549 said:
Not too sure about the External Speaker issue, but generally whenever I get Bluetooth and WiFi issues exactly like yours in the past - a reset solved the problem.
But I only ever had issues like that if I'm using a Custom ROM.....
Is your 1+2 using OxygenOS by any chance?
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Thank you for your help.
What I mean by the External Speaker is the speaker at the bottom of the phone next to the charging port that enable you listen to the audio, either call or music, without putting the phone to your ear.
Yes, I am on the stock Oxygen 2.1.0. I have also restarted and wipe data and cache more than five times but nothing different has happened so far.
Ahh so the loudspeaker is faulty? The loudspeaker and the wireless module are quite separate hardware, so we've got to hope that it's a software fault - rather than both multiple prices of hardware being faulty.
At this stage do a nandroid backup, then Clean Install OxygenOS 2.2.0. If that doesn't solve the issue, just let us know. (If you need specific instructions on how to do the nandroid backup & clean install, just let us know as well).
LogicalJunkie549 said:
Ahh so the loudspeaker is faulty? The loudspeaker and the wireless module are quite separate hardware, so we've got to hope that it's a software fault - rather than both multiple prices of hardware being faulty.
At this stage do a nandroid backup, then Clean Install OxygenOS 2.2.0. If that doesn't solve the issue, just let us know. (If you need specific instructions on how to do the nandroid backup & clean install, just let us know as well).
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Thanks for your support.
I did a nandroid backup as advised and I downloaded and clean install the Oxygen 2.2.0.
The situation didn't change. Its as if the modules are just not present.
For example, when I try to activate the WiFi or Bluetooth, they are animate as if to turn ON; but after a couple of minutes it simply turn back OFF and grey-out.
I even installed the unofficial CM 13 hoping this might solve the problem, but it remains the same.
Do you think this may in any way be connected with the kernel?
isadeiza said:
Thanks for your support.
I did a nandroid backup as advised and I downloaded and clean install the Oxygen 2.2.0.
The situation didn't change. Its as if the modules are just not present.
For example, when I try to activate the WiFi or Bluetooth, they are animate as if to turn ON; but after a couple of minutes it simply turn back OFF and grey-out.
I even installed the unofficial CM 13 hoping this might solve the problem, but it remains the same.
Do you think this may in any way be connected with the kernel?
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Hmm no it shouldn't since you clean installed OOS (that should have flashed the stock kernel too).
Give it a try anyway, try flashing @Lord Boeffla kernel for OOS
Just make sure you download the .md5 as well (ensure the download isn't corrupted).
If that fails, try the stock kernel as well
If the above doesn't happen, can you do this check for me?
Shake the phone, tap the phone on a desk (aim around the sim card area), be gentle though, all we need is to ascertain if the signal flex cable is loose.....
Once you shaked and tapped the phone, check if the wifi/bluetooth is working? (if not, give it a reset and try again).....
LogicalJunkie549 said:
Hmm no it shouldn't since you clean installed OOS (that should have flashed the stock kernel too).
Give it a try anyway, try flashing @Lord Boeffla kernel for OOS
Just make sure you download the .md5 as well (ensure the download isn't corrupted).
If that fails, try the stock kernel as well
If the above doesn't happen, can you do this check for me?
Shake the phone, tap the phone on a desk (aim around the sim card area), be gentle though, all we need is to ascertain if the signal flex cable is loose.....
Once you shaked and tapped the phone, check if the wifi/bluetooth is working? (if not, give it a reset and try again).....
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Thank you very much for your time @LogicalJunkie549.
I will download the kernel as advised and install it.
I will come with the update after the installation.
LogicalJunkie549 said:
Hmm no it shouldn't since you clean installed OOS (that should have flashed the stock kernel too).
Give it a try anyway, try flashing @Lord Boeffla kernel for OOS
Just make sure you download the .md5 as well (ensure the download isn't corrupted).
If that fails, try the stock kernel as well
If the above doesn't happen, can you do this check for me?
Shake the phone, tap the phone on a desk (aim around the sim card area), be gentle though, all we need is to ascertain if the signal flex cable is loose.....
Once you shaked and tapped the phone, check if the wifi/bluetooth is working? (if not, give it a reset and try again).....
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I have done the suggested steps.
The phone remains the same.
Please see attached the screen shots.
It looks as if these modules/chips just went dead
Flash Oxygen OS Zip via Stock Recovery & Wipe Cache & Data
isadeiza said:
I have done the suggested steps.
The phone remains the same.
Please see attached the screen shots.
It looks as if these modules/chips just went dead
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For your speakerphone issue, I can bet it is related to the modem/ radio.
Please update to the latest modem/ radio (via fastboot) for your device.
Then test calling again and report back.
Note that this issue and solution is not specific to Oneplus. It is applicable to CM 13 on all devices across manufacturers.
Hit the 'Thanks' button if this solution works for you.
Where can I get the OnePlus 2 Modem/Radio File
s_u_n said:
For your speakerphone issue, I can bet it is related to the modem/ radio.
Please update to the latest modem/ radio (via fastboot) for your device.
Then test calling again and report back.
Note that this issue and solution is not specific to Oneplus. It is applicable to CM 13 on all devices across manufacturers.
Hit the 'Thanks' button if this solution works for you.
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Thank you for your support.
Please any idea where I can get Modem/Radio file to download.
A link will help, because I have been searching for it but no luck so far.
isadeiza said:
Thank you for your support.
Please any idea where I can get Modem/Radio file to download.
A link will help, because I have been searching for it but no luck so far.
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Hi Isadeiza, try this modem first (its the 'modem' for MM which might solve the issue finally).
Also try dirty flashing it first, if that doesn't work... Take nandroid then Clean flashing it.
What OxygenOS are you in now btw? As of right now we're up to 2.2.1....
LogicalJunkie549 said:
Hi Isadeiza, try this modem first (its the 'modem' for MM which might solve the issue finally).
Also try dirty flashing it first, if that doesn't work... Take nandroid then Clean flashing it.
What OxygenOS are you in now btw? As of right now we're up to 2.2.1....
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Thank you. I am currently on OxygenOS 2.2.1
I will try your suggestions and revert back asap.
LogicalJunkie549 said:
Hi Isadeiza, try this modem first (its the 'modem' for MM which might solve the issue finally).
Also try dirty flashing it first, if that doesn't work... Take nandroid then Clean flashing it.
What OxygenOS are you in now btw? As of right now we're up to 2.2.1....
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Thank you @localjunkie549.
I have tried installing the modem and bluetooth files in the downloaded file in the link.
I am afraid the phone response remains the same.
I even tried installing the new OxygenOS 3.0, still the same.
Speaker working Now. But BT and WiFi still down.
LogicalJunkie549 said:
Hi Isadeiza, try this modem first (its the 'modem' for MM which might solve the issue finally).
Also try dirty flashing it first, if that doesn't work... Take nandroid then Clean flashing it.
What OxygenOS are you in now btw? As of right now we're up to 2.2.1....
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Hi guys, thank you all for your support.
After a long time, my experience are as below.
After upgrading to OxygenOS 3.0, the behavior of the phone did not change. No sound from loudspeaker, no Bluetooth and no WiFi.
Well I stopped using it until my other phone started heating up so I came back to the OnePlus Two again. One day, I was surprised when the phone started ringing loudly as someone called my line. It worked for about 3 - 4 hours and stopped again. After about 5 days, it came up again for some 4 hours and stopped working again. It does this for over 6 cycles and about 3 days ago it kept working without stopping since.
So I am still observing it for the past three days and it seems to have repented, holding my hopes up high that it will continue to work without hitches again; though I cannot say now what happened, why it stopped working and why it started working now.
The problem of the Bluetooth and WiFi still persist and I still can't use the BT and WiFi. It just behave as if the modules are not present. My fingers crossed expecting them to "miraculously" come back to functional state just as the loudspeaker did on its own.
Thank you all guys for your support.

Media playback issue with Galaxy note 3 N9005 - Audio & Video

Hi there,
I've had my Galaxy note 3 over a year now, its been a brilliant phone which has been well looked after. Yesterday all of a sudden whilst sat at the desk in work I went onto YouTube and tried to watch a video. It said playback error I thought it was just poor wi-fi connection so I tried to play some music off the phone (via mp3s i've had on there for a long time). I then got a Music playback error - Couldn't play the track that you requested. I thought ah its probably just a reboot thing so restarted the phone & still got the issue. I tried all of the media on the phone, videos, music in different formats...nothing works. I decided to boot the handset in Safe mode to see if that would help. Same problem. I had a look online for known issues & a few mentioned SD card problems. I had no SD card in my phone.
I decided to backup all of my stuff via my laptop & give it a factory reset. I really didn't want to do this but had no real choice. Anyway the problem still persists.
I am completely confused to how half an hour earlier on the desk in my office it was absolutely fine, then shortly later it stops working. I've never had a problem with it. I've tried numerous reboots since & still no luck.
The camera still works, its just no audio what so ever via headphones or through the speaker.
I also tried a few different media players too. MX player lets you pay the video....where as the standard android player freezer the handset when you try to watch a video.
At first I kept getting a SoundAlive is not working, close error.
Each time I try to make a phone call too it says "Call not sent" and the handset locks up and freezes really bad.
Does anyone have any idea what might of caused this? Literally the only thing I can think of is the fact I purchased a new battery for it 3 months back which is a none Samsung battery but would the phone really act this bizarrely all of a sudden?
I really don't wanna have to go and purchase a new phone when this was working fine yesterday & nothings happened to it.
Any help would be appreciated.
Try a factory reset first.
as mentioned above I already have done. No luck. I really cant get my head around why playing back audio and video would cause the phone to come up with errors. Its as if its a pc amd the soundcard has dust in it or drivers arnt installed.
Ive just downloaded the phone info Samsung app. I dont understand why id need to flash my phone though when it was working fine one minute then not working the next but ill still try it. No apps or updates were installed and ive never flashed any roms, firmware updates or rooted the device ever. Ill give it a flash and see what happens though
Zkingtut said:
Go to play store and install 'Phone info *samsung*.apk' to know all your phone info
Factory reset your phone
Go to Sammobile & Download and flash the latest firmware via Odin ( Download the right firmware )
Search YouTube to see how to use odin
Good Luck
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Ive just tried to register on Sammobile but the registration page is not working.
If anyone has access to it would you be able to download this for me & upload it to somewhere?
Id really appreciate it & pray it fixes my phone.
Thank you
No apps or updates were installed and ive never flashed any roms, firmware updates or rooted the device ever
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- Im feeling pretty angry.
Ive just paid for a hostgator premium account which is meant to have rapid speeds & the download keeps failing.
I have also tried to register on the sammobile webpage to download the same firmware & it will not let me register as there's a problem with signup
nolimit966 said:
Ive just downloaded the phone info Samsung app. I dont understand why id need to flash my phone though when it was working fine one minute then not working the next but ill still try it. No apps or updates were installed and ive never flashed any roms, firmware updates or rooted the device ever. Ill give it a flash and see what happens though
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JJEgan said:
Try a factory reset first.
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I finally managed to download the original firmware and reflash via ODIN but unfortunatley still no luck
Its such as shame as the phone works brilliant still, the camera, charging, internet, sms, 4g works perfectly fine as usual. Its just this strange media playback problem.
Does anyone have any final suggestions?
If the mainboard was damaged, could this fault just happen to media?
Thanks for your help
Test a known file on a PC or Laptop to make sure it works .
Make sure its a format that your phone can play .
Copy to phone .
Test if fails try another media player .
Does the phone ring or play system sound check settings volume .
If fails then it looks like a hardware connection problem .
Sorry for reviving this old topic but the same error occurred on my device too. Not sure what caused it.
I updated my rom and replaced battery at the same time. Tried to install stock via odin, edit audio config files, install custom audio engines but nothing helped. My every action gave the same result - no media playback and audio proccessing app crashes. Samsung phone info shows empty space under "Sound Card".
I hope this is not a hardware failure but if it is any idea how I can check that?
What model ???
Sugest factory reset then flash a new stock rom via Odin .Install nothing else and test .
JJEgan said:
What model ???
Sugest factory reset then flash a new stock rom via Odin .Install nothing else and test .
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As the thread title suggest my model is N9005. I reset and flashed stock via Odin already and it didn't work. I can try and do that again tho.
Sir_Druggist said:
As the thread title suggest my model is N9005. I reset and flashed stock via Odin already and it didn't work. I can try and do that again tho.
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I was messing around trying to make my phone surround sound and flashed the wrong mixer path and mine started to do the same thing as you guys described. Restored my stock mixer path and all was good, what I'm getting at is maybe do a search do a sound mod, one that is louder then stock and try that, maybe it will change something for the good for you. I've seen ones u can flash in recovery and they also have a uninstaller zip so u can revert back to stock if it don't work.
---------- Post added at 04:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:25 PM ----------
Sir_Druggist said:
As the thread title suggest my model is N9005. I reset and flashed stock via Odin already and it didn't work. I can try and do that again tho.
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Try one of these if u haven't already. It's worth a shot.
Thanks for the help. Issue was fixed after flashing stock rom for the third time and then flashing separately bootloader and modem.

