Which rom has the best battery backup? - Zenfone 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Android version doesn't matter, which stock/custom has the best battery backup ?

Recreated remix black leopard:
rom: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8e62vKMKobRZXR6TkZhU1Rpd0k/view?usp=sharing
xposed (need to flash after the rom): http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=3580243&d=1450386545
its based on stock lollipop

Are You Sure ?

RR 6.8
Shell rom v5

The stock KitKat and the RR 6.8 are the best for me. In KitKat i make 6 hours of screen-on-time, in RR i got 4-4:30 hours.

Hi dude, i've installed Leopard when you'd say, battery backup is actually good but it consumes a lot in stand-by , Is there any solution ?

Can anyone please give me the download link for shell rom v5.

How are you getting 6 hrs SOT? I get 4 hrs SOT on kitkat .540 with greenify, rooted, xposed installed. Governor = on demand...

This was 1 year ago, when released with Lollipop.
Actually it's hard to got even 3:30h
I think it's time to replace my battery...


[Q] 5.1.1 - Mobile Radio Active = 100% awake

I have stock 5.1.1 rom with hellscore kernel.
The phone never goes into deep sleep. No matter if Wifi is on or off. It is essentially issue #165558 on code.google.com/.
I'd like to either find some kind of a temporary fix or downgrade to the last version without too many bugs. (Never installed a custom rom but that's also an option.)
On Kitkat 4.4.4 I used to get 4.5 SOT and more than 30 hours on average. Now I get 12-14 hours of idle time!!!
Any suggestions?

Note 4 N910G Indian Battery Life

Hi Guys,
In pure STOCK Rom 5.0.1 I'm getting more than 5 hrs screen on time easily and phone never get hot (Battery)
But when I root it or when I use custom ROM like DR.ketan's ROM, I'm hardly getting 3 hrs screen on time and phone is getting hot.
I tried Australian Stock Rom 5.1, same 3 hrs screen on time and heating.
Is this same for every1 or only Im facing this?
I'm forced to stay in pure stock ROM because of this. ( Missing Viper badly )
Please suggest guys

Hydrogen OS v/s Oxygen OS

Which is more battery efficient?
Is HOS more battery efficient or OOS?
I've even heard that xposed installer consume more battery on OOS.. I'm rooted with stock OOS 2.1.2 with xposed installer installed.. I get a SOT of 4.5 to 5 hrs.. Until my battery is 10 % ( i.e. 100 to 10%).. People get more than this without using xposed.. So is xposed the reason for this??

Insane battery drain

hi guys, i had this battery drain that made me go around with a 20k mah powerbank everyday for a while and i bought a new battery thinking it was a hardware issue but at least in the past day(i tried it only for a day) the new battery isn't any better, i also use greenify and naptime but still comes from 100 to 40 in 1 hour or less, is there a fix to that?
I'm currently running rr official nougat 5.8.3 with franco 3.10 kernel i don't know anymore what to do
i tried battery configurator but didn't help.
i also changed the type c connector but i don't think it has anything to do, i swapped it when i changed the battery.
I'm not sure how much my answer is going to help but please try to upgrade the OP2 firmware to the latest one and then clean install the custom OS on it. It happened to me too but not to an extent of yours and it got fixed by clean flashing the custom ROM. P.S I was already on the latest OP2 firmware.

(NX531J)(CN) NUBIA UI6 @V2.86 for NUBIA Z11

NUBIA UI 6 (not very different from ui 5 at all )
Whats NEW:
1. A much better ui experience (almost no lag while scrolling)
2. nubia's mavrick voice assistant in CHINESE ONLY
3. wallpapers from the new nubia z18
4. while using face unlock the phone wont unlock when eyes are closed.
5. stable gaming experience (50 - 60 fps on pubg mobile on HDR)
1. download all the files given below
2. using a working TWRP recovery wipe data,Dalvik/ART Cache, cache, System
3. flash in the exact same order as given below
i. flash nubia v2.84.zip
ii. flash the v2.86 OTA update file
iii Flash Gapps for 6.0 PICO
iv. Flash magisk of your choice
4. Boot up and ENJOY
V2.86 OTA file
v2.84 ROM file
Gapps file
after using it for around 2 days the battery life is mediocre it will last you about 8hrs with around 2-3hrs of screen on time . i havent expierienced any major heating issues apart from when i was playing games like PUBG . when battery drops below 30 you will experience major fps drops while gaming. nubia's multiwindow mode is one of the best i have tried compared to oneplus,MIUI,AOSP.
Sir can you please tell me the link for 7.1.2 noughat rom that you used in youtube for fast charge proof nx531j indian version
Aroneswart said:
Sir can you please tell me the link for 7.1.2 noughat rom that you used in youtube for fast charge proof nx531j indian version
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Mokee unofficial by tintin
For fast charge flash QC 3.0 fix from miui 10 patches
Enable AEGIS after boot to get the amazing standby battery backup....
After install this i try again 3 time still stuck on Be yourself screen. How to fix : (
fangkampanat said:
After install this i try again 3 time still stuck on Be yourself screen. How to fix : (
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try flashing only 2.84 from nubia downloads and see if it boots up then flash 2.86 OTA with gapps.
download the new 2.86 full rom from here
Miui 10 vs Nubia UI 6.0 comparison regarding battery life, signal strenth and performance please.
And anything else u might suggest/wana mention
Vi7eta said:
Miui 10 vs Nubia UI 6.0 comparison regarding battery life, signal strenth and performance please.
And anything else u might suggest/wana mention
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For a better battery life I'd suggest you flash ui 5 en 3.05 and then clean flash miui 10..... I don't know why but I've always experienced a better battery backup after using stock en ROM about 4-5 hr sot , but this is only applicable for 7.x ROMs. Switching to 6.0 will update the modem.... Probably why we experience 2-3 hr sot.
Rover1312 said:
For a better battery life I'd suggest you flash ui 5 en 3.05 and then clean flash miui 10..... I don't know why but I've always experienced a better battery backup after using stock en ROM about 4-5 hr sot , but this is only applicable for 7.x ROMs. Switching to 6.0 will update the modem.... Probably why we experience 2-3 hr sot.
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had the same experience with stock modem(better battery life and no heating) so made a backup of it and restored it after flashing miui 10.
another thing to mention that i have tried crdroid, lineage, resurruction remix but they all had battery drain bcuz of google play services.. so i am using miui 10 now without google services installed, performance, smoothness and battery life is way better now.
hope our dear developer @warlock9000nt gives a brief thought to miui 11/ oreo
Vi7eta said:
had the same experience with stock modem(better battery life and no heating) so made a backup of it and restored it after flashing miui 10.
another thing to mention that i have tried crdroid, lineage, resurruction remix but they all had battery drain bcuz of google play services.. so i am using miui 10 now without google services installed, performance, smoothness and battery life is way better now.
hope our dear developer @warlock9000nt gives a brief thought to miui 11/ oreo
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I'm getting a better battery life for Oreo compared to 7.1 Roms so I have taken Oreo h2os as primary rom and oxygen is 7.1 in data slot 1 using dual boot patcher.so whenever I need to listen to music or use the camera i just reboot to 7.1 ??.
Rover1312 said:
I'm getting a better battery life for Oreo compared to 7.1 Roms so I have taken Oreo h2os as primary rom and oxygen is 7.1 in data slot 1 using dual boot patcher.so whenever I need to listen to music or use the camera i just reboot to 7.1 ??.
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great, tried downloading the rom from 4pda but its kinda tricky
would you please share the rom here on xda or an straight link for rom download
or you could start a new thread of H2os development.. just saying :fingers-crossed:
Rover1312 said:
NUBIA UI 6 (not very different from ui 5 at all )
Whats NEW:
1. A much better ui experience (almost no lag while scrolling)
2. nubia's mavrick voice assistant in CHINESE ONLY
3. wallpapers from the new nubia z18
4. while using face unlock the phone wont unlock when eyes are closed.
5. stable gaming experience (50 - 60 fps on pubg mobile on HDR)
1. download all the files given below
2. using a working TWRP recovery wipe data,Dalvik/ART Cache, cache, System
3. flash in the exact same order as given below
i. flash nubia v2.84.zip
ii. flash the v2.86 OTA update file
iii Flash Gapps for 6.0 PICO
iv. Flash magisk of your choice
4. Boot up and ENJOY
V2.86 OTA file
v2.84 ROM file
Gapps file
after using it for around 2 days the battery life is mediocre it will last you about 8hrs with around 2-3hrs of screen on time . i havent expierienced any major heating issues apart from when i was playing games like PUBG . when battery drops below 30 you will experience major fps drops while gaming. nubia's multiwindow mode is one of the best i have tried compared to oneplus,MIUI,AOSP.
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Currently on CrDroid 7.1.1
Want to try chinese stock rom v2.86
Could i directly flash v2.86 or should i install v2.85 beforhand??
---------- Post added at 01:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:10 PM ----------
Rover1312 said:
I'm getting a better battery life for Oreo compared to 7.1 Roms so I have taken Oreo h2os as primary rom and oxygen is 7.1 in data slot 1 using dual boot patcher.so whenever I need to listen to music or use the camera i just reboot to 7.1 .
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Please share Exact steps and needed files for dualboot/ install multirom for Nubia Z11.
Vi7eta said:
Currently on CrDroid 7.1.1
Want to try chinese stock rom v2.86
Could i directly flash v2.86 or should i install v2.85 beforhand??
---------- Post added at 01:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:10 PM ----------
Please share Exact steps and needed files for dualboot/ install multirom for Nubia Z11.
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Due to kernel difference there are some issues with dual booting like switching between roms causes bootloop........ (I might have messed up while flashing something )
For steps on how to dual boot just follow this
Use the APK i have put on previous reply
While patching scroll to the bottom and select Z11
The bootloop/ stuck on bootloader is due to clicking on "update ramdisk" in the dualboot app.
No network after flashing china v2.86, what is the fix if there is any?
Vi7eta said:
No network after flashing china v2.86, what is the fix if there is any?
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I haven't faced that one before.... Try rebooting,
Or try removing and replacing the simcard.
If that doesn't work fall back to EN3.05 frimware and flash 2.86 again.
Rover1312 said:
I haven't faced that one before.... Try rebooting,
Or try removing and replacing the simcard.
If that doesn't work fall back to EN3.05 frimware and flash 2.86 again.
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tried them all but didnt work..
Luckily i had backup of En3.05's modem
i restored the modem and efs partition from En3.05 after flashing china v2.86 and it worked.
Thanks for the reply
Worked fine for me.
Thanks very much for sharing this!
I was struggling in the last 3 weeks to install gapps and have them working...but with no succes!
freemanrw said:
Worked fine for me.
Thanks very much for sharing this!
I was struggling in the last 3 weeks to install gapps and have them working...but with no succes!
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download gapps 6.0 pico and flash after you have booted the rom once.
if you want to flash nano gapps you will have to find a way to disable google startup service. preferably keep titanium backup open in background before rebooting to twrp.
error 7 while flashing the update?
Does Volte Jio sim works on it or not
Does Volte Jio sim works on it or not
