[i9506] Question regarding GPS - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi everyone,
I have a question regarding the GPS functionality in the Galaxy S4 (i9506). First of all, what is installed:
- CM13 Remix by @temasek
- Kernel from @arter97
- i9506 Patch by @arter97
- Navigation App: Google Maps
- GPS mode: High Accuraty
When I open Google Maps, select a destination and then start the navigation, it takes up to 15 minutes, before it shows my current location. This also means that the navigation does not really work. After this phase, the app works without any problems.
My question is, why it takes so long, before the app can locate the phone correctly and show the navigation correctly.
I just found another thread, but it does not describe my problem completly:

Ok, I'll try real quick... Download app GPS status -> DISABLE GPS -> open the APP -> then click on the "wrench" -> A-GPS -> reset/cold start, something like that.... -> restart phone -> go there again -> again the cold start thing -> then again A-GPS, but click download.... after that fire up the GPS and open the GPS status app once again and let the phone sit in some open space (windows at least) and look at the display, if it catches the GPS signal. For the first time it can take up to 5 minutes, but then it should be fast as hell.

Ereniemis said:
Ok, I'll try real quick... Download app GPS status -> DISABLE GPS -> open the APP -> then click on the "wrench" -> A-GPS -> reset/cold start, something like that.... -> restart phone -> go there again -> again the cold start thing -> then again A-GPS, but click download.... after that fire up the GPS and open the GPS status app once again and let the phone sit in some open space (windows at least) and look at the display, if it catches the GPS signal. For the first time it can take up to 5 minutes, but then it should be fast as hell.
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Hi Ereniemis,
thanks! I will try it in one of the upcoming days!


GPS on Alltel Vouge

I got the official Alltel 6.1 ROM, and when I go to Google Maps to the "Use GPS" option, I get a "No GPS receiver detected." Please help, as I don't want to have to use Allel Navigator.
In your phone settings is your location set to ON and the com port set to 4??
Let me clarify...in your GPS settings is your GPS program port set to 4? and make sure that in GOOGLE MAPS that your GPS settings are set to COM4 and 57600. It works for me on a fresh install of alltel ROM.
if i do this i still need external gps hardware for it to work.. is that right?
I have all the settings too like you said up above. still doesn't work.
go to:
Start > Settings > Click on your "Phone" icon > click "Services" tab > Make sure "Location Setting" is highlighted, then click the "Get Settings" button.
Make sure it is checked on, then click "ok" in the top right.
Then go to google maps, click menu and make sure use gps has a check mark next to it, if not click it. (its something along the lines of use gps).
that should take care of your problem.
if you ever have to hard reset your phone you will have to do this again.
Check out my old thread here, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=478910. It was a pain, nut I finally got it working in the end. After the shadow tech fix I consistently get lock in less than 30 seconds outdoors, indoors does`nt work as well, but its still better. This is the only way the get the gps to work correctly on your phone and not pay Alltel 10 bucks a month for their Alltel Nav.
codybear said:
go to:
Start > Settings > Click on your "Phone" icon > click "Services" tab > Make sure "Location Setting" is highlighted, then click the "Get Settings" button.
Make sure it is checked on, then click "ok" in the top right.
Then go to google maps, click menu and make sure use gps has a check mark next to it, if not click it. (its something along the lines of use gps).
that should take care of your problem.
if you ever have to hard reset your phone you will have to do this again.
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There is more, somewhere. I've tried almost everything out there with no luck. The GPS "Debug Info" in FieldTrial shows N/A on all of the settings. I gave up, but would like to get it working after other ideas show up.
I do have 6.1, Alltel ROM 3.10.671.1, Radio 3.42.30 ...
Make sure location settings is on. if your on Alltel then definitaly do Shadow-tech's GPS fix found here--->
Then install the attached GoogleMaps.cab
After install go to menu in google maps then options then GPS settings and make sure "managed by windows" is checked. exit out then go back into google maps menu and click use GPS and it should work.
yearn said:
Make sure location settings is on. if your on Alltel then definitaly do Shadow-tech's GPS fix found here--->
Then install the attached GoogleMaps.cab
After install go to menu in google maps then options then GPS settings and make sure "managed by windows" is checked. exit out then go back into google maps menu and click use GPS and it should work.
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Many tries, many combinations, no joy ... I suspect I have a hardware issue. ##DEBUG shows N/A for everything under GPS no matter what. Thanks!

How do I prevent the software OTA update notice?

I downgraded to 4.1.2 because my Nexus was getting crazy lag, and now it's smooth and lovely again. Anyway, everything is fine except for the constant popups to upgrade to 4.2. What's the easiest way to disable that?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
If you have installed System Tuner, you can make this go away.
On System Tuner -> select System (the one with the red android icon) -> scroll down and select Google Services Framework -> tap Details button (the one with the magnifying glass icon) -> scroll down to Services subsection -> uncheck update.SystemUpdateService -> close System Tuner -> restart.
Hope this helps
Well that totally worked and wasn't too hard. So far the thing I only miss about 4.2 is that new clock app with world time, stopwatch, timer. I wonder if I could find that somewhere
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
You can fix the lag on 4.2.1 as well, pretty easy: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2012756
jaysonnesparkz said:
If you have installed System Tuner, you can make this go away.
On System Tuner -> select System (the one with the red android icon) -> scroll down and select Google Services Framework -> tap Details button (the one with the magnifying glass icon) -> scroll down to Services subsection -> uncheck update.SystemUpdateService -> close System Tuner -> restart.
Hope this helps
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Thanks for the information. I've been looking for something to do the exact thing for me.

Tasker GPS-MAPS profile causing false positive battery info

I'm currently on CM10.1 and Franco Kernel.
I started playing with Tasker. The first profile I created is the GPS - Maps profile, that enables GPS when Maps is launched
New Context > "Navi" > Application > Maps
New Task [+] > Tasker > If: %GPS~off
+ > App > Go Home
+ > Misc. > GPS: Set: ON
+ > Task > Wait > 50ms
+ > App > Load App > Maps
+ > Task > End If
Everything works as expected, when maps is started, GPS is turned on, it takes couple of second for gps to get a fix meanwhile maps display a warning message that gps needs to be on , but once skipped and GPS fix is available, maps can locate my location fine.
Exiting Maps, disables GPS correctly.
After couple of hours, checking battery for application usage. I noticed that Maps was first on the list, clicking for more information, CPU time was a minute or so but GPS was X hours/minutes/Seconds (X the amount of time since maps was first launched) . GPS is still disabled, maps is not running, but GPS timer in MAPS battery info keeps increasing.
In order to stop the timer from increasing, I need to either reboot or disable tasker, manually enable GPS , start Maps, close maps and disable GPS.
Have you guys seen this before? I believe it's cosmetic as I didn't notice battery drain, but the battery statistic is all messed up.
Any suggestion?

[Fix/Tips] Battery drain and performance problems fix

Hello guys, I want to try to help everyone who has problems with battery life and performance.
First of all, I want to say that you shouldnt have any problems if you use your device in a normal way(calling ,social networking apps, playing light games etc)
A SOT of around 6-7h on mobile network or a SOT of 7-8h on WiFi is really good and in my opinion normal and you shouldnt need to worry about. Over night while you are sleeping (8h for example) your battery shouldnt drain more than 3-5%.
If you have much less SOT or much more battery drain over night, you should read the following steps and try them.
(I can tell you that my OP3/3t never drains more than 3-4% over night and I have no problem getting 6h SOT on mobile network or 6-7h or even more on WiFi use only. I have to say I dont use Facebook or twitter for example, but I have my Bluetooth always turned on because i use a mi band )
Please try the following steps and tell me if it did help you. (Please choose one option in the pool)
1. Activate doze mode and aggressive doze mode in developer options and change the animation scale
- Go into settings -> developer options -> Doze mode -> activate it
- Go into Settings ->Battery ->3 Dots Menu ->Agressive doze & app hibernation ->Tap the slider and activate for apps
- Go into settings -> developer Options -> Window Animation scale/Transitions Animation scale/Animator duration scale -> set them to .5x or even off
2. Install Greenify from Google Play Store and activate it
Activate it for every app you can, except for apps with a little blue cloud as they need to work in background to sync data. (WhatsApp for example)
3. Wipe cache after every update and from time to time (I recommend once a week)
Turn off your phone -> hold power button and volume down button -> release the power when your phone turns on -> select english by pressing the volume down button and then the power button -> go to wipe cache and data -> select cache (and nothing else!) and press the power button -> reboot now
4. Turn off potential power hogs you dont necessarily need
- For example turn off Bluetooth, GPS Location and Location history, Mobile Data if not in use, WiFi if not in use and NFC -> you can find them in settings under their name
- Also turn off things like gestures in settings: Go into settings -> Gestures -> turn them off
5. Use pocket mode
Settings -> Advanced -> Pocket Mode
6. Turn off Android Device Manager and Google Now Cards
- Settings -> Security & Fingerprint -> Device Administrators -> Android Device-Manager -> turn it off
- Open your Google App -> Settings -> Your Feed -> Turn off Feed
7. Configure your WiFi
- Settings -> Wifi -> tap the gear symbol -> turn off "Scanning always available"
- You can also turn off "Keep wifi on during sleep" but i dont recommend it as apps like WhatsApp will only receive messages when you turn your screen back on!
8. Use adaptive brightness
Use the little "A" in the dropdown settings menu next to your screen brigthness bar
9. Use a Browser that is developed for Snapdragon devices
I recommend using Gello Mod or TugaBrowser as they are developed especaily for using with a device with a snapdragon CPU to save battery -> just search for them in Google
10. Disable permissions of apps
Try disabling permissions of apps if possible. This should prevent apps from using your internet connection and staying in background keeping your CPU awake. Please be aware that some specific apps need some specific rights to work properly. Use the try and error method here.
11. If u have custom recovery installed you can use custom kernels such as ex kernel , blu spark etc for better battery and performance.
Link to ex kernel
Link to blu spark kernel
12.AKT are is another way to save battery and performance tweaks.(requires root)
Link to thread of AKT
13.Have a look at this thread too
If you follow these 10(Normal everyone can do)+3(require twrp/root) simple steps you should not have any problems with battery life or performance.
If you need any further help please ask and please share your suggestions and results!
Source one plus forums , XDA and me
This is a big guide and it's worth reading
Hit the thanks button if this helps:good:
ATK for op3 works for op3t?
Nishidh said:
Hello guys, I want to try to help everyone who has problems with battery life and performance.
First of all, I want to say that you shouldnt have any problems if you use your device in a normal way(calling ,social networking apps, playing light games etc)
A SOT of around 6-7h on mobile network or a SOT of 7-8h on WiFi is really good and in my opinion normal and you shouldnt need to worry about. Over night while you are sleeping (8h for example) your battery shouldnt drain more than 3-5%.
If you have much less SOT or much more battery drain over night, you should read the following steps and try them.
(I can tell you that my OP3/3t never drains more than 3-4% over night and I have no problem getting 6h SOT on mobile network or 6-7h or even more on WiFi use only. I have to say I dont use Facebook or twitter for example, but I have my Bluetooth always turned on because i use a mi band )
Please try the following steps and tell me if it did help you. (Please choose one option in the pool)
1. Activate doze mode and aggressive doze mode in developer options and change the animation scale
- Go into settings -> developer options -> Doze mode -> activate it
- Go into Settings ->Battery ->3 Dots Menu ->Agressive doze & app hibernation ->Tap the slider and activate for apps
- Go into settings -> developer Options -> Window Animation scale/Transitions Animation scale/Animator duration scale -> set them to .5x or even off
2. Install Greenify from Google Play Store and activate it
Activate it for every app you can, except for apps with a little blue cloud as they need to work in background to sync data. (WhatsApp for example)
3. Wipe cache after every update and from time to time (I recommend once a week)
Turn off your phone -> hold power button and volume down button -> release the power when your phone turns on -> select english by pressing the volume down button and then the power button -> go to wipe cache and data -> select cache (and nothing else!) and press the power button -> reboot now
4. Turn off potential power hogs you dont necessarily need
- For example turn off Bluetooth, GPS Location and Location history, Mobile Data if not in use, WiFi if not in use and NFC -> you can find them in settings under their name
- Also turn off things like gestures in settings: Go into settings -> Gestures -> turn them off
5. Use pocket mode
Settings -> Advanced -> Pocket Mode
6. Turn off Android Device Manager and Google Now Cards
- Settings -> Security & Fingerprint -> Device Administrators -> Android Device-Manager -> turn it off
- Open your Google App -> Settings -> Your Feed -> Turn off Feed
7. Configure your WiFi
- Settings -> Wifi -> tap the gear symbol -> turn off "Scanning always available"
- You can also turn off "Keep wifi on during sleep" but i dont recommend it as apps like WhatsApp will only receive messages when you turn your screen back on!
8. Use adaptive brightness
Use the little "A" in the dropdown settings menu next to your screen brigthness bar
9. Use a Browser that is developed for Snapdragon devices
I recommend using Gello Mod or TugaBrowser as they are developed especaily for using with a device with a snapdragon CPU to save battery -> just search for them in Google
10. Disable permissions of apps
Try disabling permissions of apps if possible. This should prevent apps from using your internet connection and staying in background keeping your CPU awake. Please be aware that some specific apps need some specific rights to work properly. Use the try and error method here.
11. If u have custom recovery installed you can use custom kernels such as ex kernel , blu spark etc for better battery and performance.
Link to ex kernel
Link to blu spark kernel
12.AKT are is another way to save battery and performance tweaks.(requires root)
Link to thread of AKT
13.Have a look at this thread too
If you follow these 10(Normal everyone can do)+3(require twrp/root) simple steps you should not have any problems with battery life or performance.
If you need any further help please ask and please share your suggestions and results!
Source one plus forums , XDA and me
This is a big guide and it's worth reading
Hit the thanks button if this helps:good:
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Agressive doze spend more battery in my case
darkren said:
ATK for op3 works for op3t?
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Im using it, obviously isn't optimized exactly for the 3T but they are quite similar devices and it's better than stock imo.
ftuc said:
Agressive doze spend more battery in my case
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Then disable for apps you constantly use.

Android auto and redmi note 7

I have the latest mini installed and it's running Android 9
Sometimes it will connect to my car and crash after ten minutes and most of the time it won't connect to the car at all .is there any way to get android auto to work in this phone with my car
any updates?
box12 said:
any updates?
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I had the same problem
I'm not entirely sure that is all fixed but seems to be
Go to Settings -> Installed Apps -> Find Waze and Android Auto -> Enable Autostart -> Battery Saver -> Set to "No restrictions"
edublind said:
I had the same problem
I'm not entirely sure that is all fixed but seems to be
Go to Settings -> Installed Apps -> Find Waze and Android Auto -> Enable Autostart -> Battery Saver -> Set to "No restrictions"
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Did not help getting "usb device not supported"
